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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76765029 No.76765029 [Reply] [Original]

Fuwa-nee Edition
Previous Thread >>76748080

>Upcoming Stream

>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.76765051
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>> No.76765080


>> No.76765087


>> No.76765109

To summarize that guy, they ARE basically FuwaMoco, but they do like to lean into it and play it up a little bit on purpose on stream because they are also entertainers and idols and show business people and they understand everyone enjoys that.
Which is perfectly fine.

>> No.76765115


>> No.76765127

Shork is gonna overlap the offcollab with some 10y old game. I can feel it in my cartilage.

>> No.76765170

Yeah, even if he picked an example that wasn't terrible, doing some kayfabe doesn't mean everything they say is a lie. The things they talk about in their real life are clearly real.

>> No.76765190
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fuwamoco are demon guard puppies outside of streams

>> No.76765249
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>but they do like to lean into it
Yes which is exactly what literally every single streamer known to man does, though it varies in intensity. It's a worthless thing to even talk about. They're sisters, they love each other, and they banter back&forth whenever they play vidya together(like all siblings do).

>> No.76765268


>> No.76765315


>> No.76765337

Fuwawa please control yourself

>> No.76765341

Fuwawa doesn't say "Sex with Wuffians!!" offstream

>> No.76765349

I want to have sex with Fuwamoco. Nerissa can watch if she really wants to.

>> No.76765378

I think lining your dick with hotate is more likely to work than peanut butter

>> No.76765392

Do they even like peanut butter?

>> No.76765456

Yes, thank you.

>> No.76765519

What if they are like this off stream...

Fuwawa and Mococo sing for us and bau bau and go "wuffiiiiians we love you, thank you ehehe!~" and the moment the stream ends they fall down in a chair and light up a cigarette before coughing

>> No.76765520

I know it's almost guaranteed that the announcement will be 3D, but with their tweet about "music being magic" the other day I'm starting to think it could be an advent original song.

>> No.76765536
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Stop saying that I'm Fuwawa! This is the 9th time you do it this week...

>> No.76765593

When's the Puro arc?

>> No.76765611
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noted, i'll be sure to test that theory out with fuwamoco

>> No.76765616

They're going to get 2 orisongs when Promise/Council just got their first...

>> No.76765636

we aren't getting another song til Lifetime Showtime hits a mil

>> No.76765638
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Same here.

>> No.76765667

I keep getting called Nerissa, it's scary. I am not a midwestern hag!!

>> No.76765679

More important question, is the off-collab at Cover's studio or FWMC's place?

>> No.76765691

>it's actually just Lifetime Showtime acapella version with the other 3 advent girls as background singers

>> No.76765720

Could be both. Or maybe they just performed Rebellion in 3D all together for the first time.

>> No.76765724

Yes, but that retard also said "just because I'm saying theyre fake doesn't mean I'm disparaging them," so he wasn't saying they're exaggerating, which every single streamer does, he was explicitly trying to imply everything about them is "fake," including their relationship as siblings.

>> No.76765754

Takoyaki has been done at the studio before. They probably don't even have utensils yet.

>> No.76765766
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>I am not a midwestern hag!!
Aw that's too bad

>> No.76765770

It's a takoyaki party so they're probably all at the doghouse

>> No.76765821

you guys ARE still listening to Lifetime Showtime every day, right?

>> No.76765840

lifetime showtime fucking sucks

>> No.76765905

stop calling women in their 20s hags you zoomers

>> No.76765908

Sorry, I've only been listening to the Siivagunner Say My Name mashup

>> No.76765934

I wondered about that because the homos announcement just dropped on twitter, right? There was no BIG ANNOUNCEMENT stream for that.
Although their fanbase is notorious for not watching the people they defend on twitter, so it makes sense to want to reach them that way instead.

>> No.76765958
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Over 25 is hag.

>> No.76765973

I listen to Ruffian sings LTSM every night

>> No.76766004

Over 25 is a cake.
Over 30 is a hag.

>> No.76766020

All canine holos are hags... what a coincidence...

>> No.76766031
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>> No.76766037

where are all the women girls who love older men where i'm at?

>> No.76766039

Why must it be either option? People have rented places for this sort of stuff before.

>> No.76766050

They were borderline crying asking us to keep watching it when it underperformed. Are you a monster?

>> No.76766081

You're the newfag.
Over 25 is cake in Japanese. Hag in English

>> No.76766093

What waste of time, money, and resources.
All the money that went into the homo 3Ds should have been put into Advent. There's no excuse whatsoever.

>> No.76766116

why not a jong party instead of takoyaki?

>> No.76766122

That's what I was thinking too. I know they're currently practicing/recording 3D stuff. But I feel like they're still in that process and it'd be a bit early to announce set dates yet. But whatever the announcement is I'll be happy, shame I can't watch it live.

>> No.76766130

jong is shit

>> No.76766150

Nope. Over 25 is a cake. Over 30 is a hag. It's always been like this /here/.
Please lurk 5 years before posting.

>> No.76766189

They were going to but Fuwawa kept eating the tiles and had to go to the dogtor

>> No.76766187

Completely disagree. The fact that Cover doesn't leave their underperformers behind is intrinsically connected to the fact that they're not a shitty black company, and, as many mistakes as they make, they are still worthy of my trust and support.
They shouldn't even have debuted, but since they did, they deserve full support. Simple as.

>> No.76766205
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>in their 20s
Someone lacks critical info

>> No.76766219

If the Homos met Advent, who's the most likely to accidently leak it? Shiori? Nerissa? I know none of the homos would.

>> No.76766228

I have actually never heard the term cake used for vtubers despite hearing it applied to anime and meat women regularly

>> No.76766259
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you don't need to concern yourself with other women, ruffian

>> No.76766264

First of all this board isn't even 5 years old nigger. And secondly on /a/ and /jp/ when Cinderella girls first came out in 2011, Kaede and all the rest of the girls 25+ were called the hagswarm, I know I was there. Eat shit and die faggot.

>> No.76766295

Fuwawa slips up and moans it during ASMR

>> No.76766307

EN or JP homos? If JP, Ougaman would mention it. If EN, then Shiori.

>> No.76766317

>They shouldn't even have debuted, but since they did, they deserve full support. Simple as.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I can still be bitter about resources being allocated to them, especially when EN3 was delayed due to them.
I guess it was a blessing in disguise cause we probably wouldn't have FuwaMoco if EN3 weren't delayed at all...

>> No.76766359

Is takoyaki really something to be eating at 10am in the morning?

>> No.76766360

When? Every takopa I remember has been at the studio or someone's place. Since this one has a gen announcement and they didn't have plates last week I'm leaning towards the studio.

>> No.76766389

>I guess it was a blessing in disguise cause we probably wouldn't have FuwaMoco if EN3 weren't delayed at all...
Very true. They do believe things happen for a reason. Trust the plan.

>> No.76766422

Anon, your fucking reps. That anon is referring to people calling Nerissa a hag. Fuwawa and Mococo are only 31 years old. They’re still fresh hags but they’re nonetheless the oldest in Advent. Nerissa is the youngest in Advent. How old do you think Nerissa is?

>> No.76766455

they'd just eat donuts otherwise

>> No.76766459

Shiori accidently leaks shit all the time, so probably her? For the homos, I feel like Flayon(or the other red homo, who's a MASSIVE retard) would accidently say something.

>> No.76766471

as opposed to 10am in the evening?

>> No.76766486

Times change. We also use CGDCT differently from how we used it on /a/ now.

>> No.76766504

>That anon is referring to people calling Nerissa a hag.
Ah gotcha yea Newissa isn't that old(yet)

>> No.76766534

>they’re nonetheless the oldest in Advent.
I feel like Shiori HAS to be up there right next to them, but I don't care enough to look into it.

>> No.76766563

Shiori literally outright exposes Nerissa as having no tits right on stream. She has no filter and will say anything.

>> No.76766582

I clearly remember people calling Yukari and Nyamo hags and neither of them were 30 so things haven't changed at all.

>> No.76766607

>I feel like Shiori HAS to be up there right next to them
Try Biboo.

>> No.76766624

Even if they were to kill the homos they wouldnt allocate those now-free resources to existing talents. The 3d studio is the only exception.

>> No.76766636
File: 483 KB, 1920x1080, IT'S MORNING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful morning

>> No.76766667

wait what? i always thought they were older than that
>mfw 4 years older than them
feels fucking good

>> No.76766695

I'm 31 and I don't know anything Shiori references or sings in her karaoke, so I'm thinking she's probably an older zoomer, but still zoomer.

>> No.76766727

She is literally autistic (good)

>> No.76766730

If you remember the Majikoi threads people always called Umeko a hag and she's 28. That guy who insists hag has always been 30+ is a fucking retarded newfag LARPing hard to try and fit in.

>> No.76766750

sure why not
it's just a snack food

>> No.76766752

Are you not American? I'm 30 and grew up with that shit

>> No.76766773

Yeah, I'll agree with this. Im 29 and remember every single song she sings in Karaokes from my teenage years.
She's probably roughly between 28-30.

>> No.76766782

>I'm 31 and I don't know anything Shiori references or sings in her karaoke
really? shiori references a lot of early 2000s western shows and songs

>> No.76766860

i'm 32 and i know most of it

>> No.76766907

Nope. You're wrong. Lurk more, newnigger, and stop pretending like you've used this place for any length of time.

>> No.76766934

I am 33 and I also know all her songs. She has great taste, I just wish she could actually sing any of them

>> No.76766940
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>fresh hags
so in other words there's still time

>> No.76766947

Keep trying faggot.

>> No.76766958

Im older than you and more or less get the references. I've listened to women in the 23-29yo range talking about the same stuff though so it isnt very helpful.

>> No.76766970

She does her best

>> No.76767051

Look at these losers acting like it's cool to have spent their lives on 4chan

>> No.76767078

Ok, decided to check. Her Birthday unarchived karaoke:
Only know Smooth Criminal.

>> No.76767127

Everyone who doesn't sing a lot of 70s and 80s and soft rock and yacht rock and synthpop has bad taste

>> No.76767155

From here I know In The End and maybe Savior if it happens to be the theme song of the game Astral Chain, which I doubt.

>> No.76767160
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A very small window of time for a healthy baby, but yes.

>> No.76767176

i've been here since 2006 and i don't know or care when people started calling girls hags, but someone in their 20s is young as hell
kys zoomers

>> No.76767220

Nendovella my beloved

>> No.76767228

Hag never had a negative connotation in this board. It's always been hag (SEX). It's a badge of honor.

>> No.76767279



This is just for the hagswarm, go and search hags and you'll see it applied to anyone over 25+. (Anyone over 14 in loli threads kek)

>> No.76767313
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For example this is peak Hag Sex right here.

>> No.76767347

i'm 28. so does this mean i'm an ojisan?

>> No.76767355

Many lolicons are so baused, I think Fuwawa and Mococo should have been cunnies.

>> No.76767385

This. Hag has been repurposed from it's negative connotation to "older woman I want to have sex with".

>> No.76767441

go back to roblox zoomer

>> No.76767459

this board is new as shit though

>> No.76767486

It's literally just "milf" but idols have to be virgins

>> No.76767529

It never had negative connotations on /a/ or /jp/ either.

>> No.76767570

The way this artist draws them always looks so official. He should sell lewds.

>> No.76767650

Mococo with the fingerblasting hand pose

>> No.76767665

/baubau/ should have a zomboid server

>> No.76767704
File: 2.03 MB, 1596x1669, 1707484525078370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that would be smut worth my money

>> No.76767714

Hags will do anything in bed because they can't waste many more chances
So they'll willingly roleplay lolis for you and give you footjobs and whatnot just to make you happy

>> No.76767715
File: 7 KB, 676x228, 1705018974191167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am their ideal man.

>> No.76767738

They'll be in hololive until they're 40. They'll never have puppies

>> No.76767765

I'm listening to this right now

>> No.76767822

It used to have some negative connotation, inherited from the word cake (leftover woman). Basically someone who'd never find a partner and get married, which prompted the "I'm gonna save this hag" posting

>> No.76767851
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She wants it subconsciously

>> No.76767855


>> No.76767869

>It used to have some negative connotation
only japan itself had qualms with christmas cakes

>> No.76767879

I will save them all. I have enough cum in me to save all of Japan, leave it to me bros.

>> No.76767905

Tell us a joke, mr funnyman

>> No.76767912

Leave Advent to me.

>> No.76767925

i'm more than "pudgy", i'm close to being morbidly obese

>> No.76767960

The very first post on /a/ using the word "hag" according to the archives was someone who clearly misspelled "hug" in reference to Korbo. The very first post on /a/ that does not have "hag" as a misspelling is referring to Nagi from Hayate no Gotoku because she is 14. So basically 30+ hagschizo was always a lying nigger.

>> No.76767979
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>i'm more than "pudgy", i'm close to being morbidly obese

>> No.76768016

>They'll be in hololive until they're 40
Does anyone honestly believe they'll still be active in 9 years? Since they seem like theyre trying to speedrun everything, I feel like their plans is to retire by 35.

>> No.76768067
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>> No.76768077
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She'd do it too

>> No.76768085

The "I'm gonna save this hag" never had negative connotations, rather it was a positive thing, she's been kept pure for this long. It's the same as calling a girl dorky or autistic or retarded. She's so X, I'm going to save her, etc. No negative connotation at all, you're just saying she's perfect for you.

>> No.76768091

Would they really call it "many many years" if that was their plan? They refuse to use the word "forever" and Mococo usually doomposts on stream about the world maybe ending tomorrow.

>> No.76768121

in the entertainment industry you dont really retire until you're +50

>> No.76768127

So then Nerissa is a hag then?

>> No.76768137

Why would they retire from the ideal job?

>> No.76768164

Yes. A younger hag but still a hag.

>> No.76768173

I just want to know what their pubic hair looks like...

>> No.76768191

We established that no she is not.
Shiori might be close but we don't know for sure.

>> No.76768192

I unironically feel like they'll go insane if they don't have kids someday

>> No.76768228

no the fuck she isn't
if she's a hag then the zoomers here are fucking ojisans and we all know they aren't

>> No.76768240

>Does anyone honestly believe they'll still be active in 9 years?
Yes. They'll be in hololive for 10 years at least.

>> No.76768265

Yeah, that was back when the definition this thread used was "30+." She's older than 25, so yes, she is a hag. All of Advent are hags.

>> No.76768295

Retire to what? This is their passion. They might leave hololive but they certainly aren't going to just sit on their money and retire early.

>> No.76768302

I already told you

VERY neatly trimmed porn star tier. Paw print shape above her pussy, looks neat.
A rough fuzzy bush.

>> No.76768318

Can someone do the math on how many hours they would need to stream to hit their 1 million goal?

>> No.76768326


>> No.76768337

25+ means hag, anon, which means, yes, 25+ is also the new definition of ojisan now.

>> No.76768351

>He's still trying
You fucking lost, you were exposed, you're a lying fucking nigger. You haven't established shit. Kaede and the Hagswarm beat you the fuck out. Hag has always been 25+ you fucking faggot.
Umeko from Majikoi? Hag
Yukari and Nyamo from Azumanga Daioh? Hags
Maya sensei from Amagami? Hag
Hag love. Eat shit and die faggot.

>> No.76768360

Who died and made you king? Hag is still 30+. It's the definition/hag/ uses and it's the definition I use.

>> No.76768394

>25+ is also the new definition of ojisan now
ZoomerGODs? We are fucking in.
Let's fucking go.

>> No.76768418
File: 125 KB, 1080x920, 1701783132681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just turned 21

>> No.76768420

I need to hear from them.

>> No.76768422

It's not gonna happen.
Streams will not get them there in time.

At this point they would need to drop a huge orisong or cover that blows up big time or they'd need a really unthinkable collab like say appearing on hikakintv or something like that.

>> No.76768462

>Hag has always been 25+ you fucking faggot.
so you believe 25+ applies to ojisans too retard? stupid piece of shit

>> No.76768485

Your own evidence shows it's not always 25+ retard. It depends on what you're talking about. 25 is not a hag for vtubers.

>> No.76768489
File: 179 KB, 605x561, 1700700575807646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Fuwawa.

>> No.76768498

>The "I'm gonna save this hag" never had negative connotations
Im not implying that sentence is negative though. But rather, calling someone a hag was basically saying she's doomed and in a race against time to find someone. Then posters posed as the ones willing to save them from their childless future
Hag has never implied they were virgins, by the way

>> No.76768501

Retire to get married and have kids? Sure they can still stream and voice act every now and then, but I can't see them dancing and singing well into their 40s.

>> No.76768503
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>fwmc kinda bussin no cap

>> No.76768524

>A rough fuzzy bush.

>> No.76768550
File: 91 KB, 795x878, 1714121710633029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning 26 next week
>suddenly an ojisan now
Fuwawa is mine.

>> No.76768572

You should be grateful that I'm not lowering hag to 14+ if you want to play it that way. Some standards have to be had. Go ahead search the archives. I see 14, 19, basically anything not loli but it stabilizes later on to 25+. Which was all before this board even existed.

>> No.76768594

are you even potty trained yet kid

>> No.76768621

answer >>76768462

>> No.76768638
File: 60 KB, 720x1024, 1716818093011572m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all of my short drive home from work today thinking about Moco-chan's butt.
The way it would feel to get a handful while kissing her, the feel of her small squeak reverberating through your mouth.
The way it would look as she happily bounces through your home, going about whatever task she's got her mind set to.
What it would be like to have it pressed with her weight over it on your lap, your back, your face.
The jiggle it would get if she teasingly shook it as she walked away from you

>> No.76768641

We need a new name for 35+ ojisans then
These zoomer 25+ ojisans are fucking greenhorns, they don't know how to properly molest a girl

>> No.76768651

Keep seething, you were wrong, you've been proved wrong, you have been irrevocably BLOWN THE FUCK OUT. Fucking posts in 2008 calling Marina a hag because she's 29

>> No.76768652
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>> No.76768658
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fww is built for me frfr on god

>> No.76768689

that's what i thought you stupid faggot, shut up

>> No.76768703

There is literally no reason for the term "Christmas cake" to exist if there was already a term that applied to them you stupid retard. 25+ is cake. 30+ is hag. Deal with it faggot you're not gonna convince anyone.

>> No.76768704

>25+ is also the new definition of ojisan now
Just 2 more years and I'll be a ojisan...

>> No.76768730

My tongue piercing through Moco-chan's jungle!

>> No.76768739

>I can't see them dancing and singing well into their 40s
this is literally what haruko momoi is doing, i can 1000% see them doing that

>> No.76768773
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two schizo threads in a row, sweet

>> No.76768781

They don't consider her to be an idol, though.

>> No.76768815

It's not going to be 3D yet. Advent only got there like 2 weeks ago and they only announce 3D when the streams are done and ready. Especially with homo gen 2 having their 3D throughout the entire month of June it makes no sense for their 3D announcement to be made over a month away.
I saw a comment that said it might be the friends with u plushies and that makes sense to me.

>> No.76768828

have they said they've given up?

>> No.76768838

Keep samefagging. Christmas Cake is a Japanese term, hag is the English term. You can use both and people do. You can have more than one name for things. Like you're a faggot, a nigger, a retard, and a bitch. Also nobody is talking about ojisan's here, stop thinking about men you gaywad. Keep trying to strawman your way out of being wrong.

>> No.76768845
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>> No.76768871

>more deflection instead of answers
retard wwww

>> No.76768889 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.76768904

>t. Some jap who has never actually owned a dog
Peanut butter is like crack for them. The second you put a spoon with it in their face they'll lick it non stop until it's clean. There's really nothing better than it for this sort of thing.

>> No.76768910

They for sure know it's not happening. They would need a miracle now or something like Ui's loli kami.

>> No.76768920

Ojisan is over 30. Hag is over 25. Simple.

>> No.76768937


>> No.76768959


>> No.76768960

What's the longest they've gone without bathing? I think we know they at least went almost 24 hours without taking a bath due to their flight(it's why they didn't want to hug suzu-chan).

>> No.76768962

Holy retard!

>> No.76768964

>resorting to "muh english" at this point
its ok, you'll get him next time

>> No.76768995

It was probably part of their arguments when they BAU BAUd at management over the schedule changes.
>But you fucking retarded niggers we've been saying since debut that we want to try for 1 million in 1 year, how the fuck can we do that if we don't stream? Holy fuck kill yourselves
>roru rumao noto andastan

>> No.76769027

>Ojisan is over 30
>Hag is over 25
rumao fucking dumbass

>> No.76769031
File: 112 KB, 1024x724, 1713538566507408m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty, slightly stinky cuties.

>> No.76769084

>schedule changes.
They talked about their schedule changes being "outside of their paws" so it's safe to assume that their sick break was 100% management intervention. What about now? Is it because they have a backlog of HW + health?

>> No.76769088


>> No.76769097

Not true.
Ojisan is over 17.

>> No.76769126
File: 26 KB, 310x294, 1716787005353642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76769168

All I know is that they're older than me, which makes me want to have sex with them. Unfortunately, I'm cursed by being an attractive zoomer who exclusively watches Shonen anime.

>> No.76769192

I remember i almost called them hags in the chat recently

>> No.76769207
File: 224 KB, 352x240, leekspin[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fid0d1m.webm].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76769246 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 1701072432694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76769261

It's on them for not releasing a banger ear worm orisong in that year. They needed to do that but didn't.
If you dream big you gotta do that.

>> No.76769298

Keep samefagging, you're wrong. Nerissa is a hag. Be grateful we don't apply the standards of lolicons and make Shion and Haachama hags too.

>> No.76769329
File: 2.59 MB, 640x372, 1702341757781791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76769347

so /hag/ has to include almost every vtuber in hololive because of an /a/ post 15 years ago?

>> No.76769352

Orisongs aren't cheap and take a long ass time to finish, they didn't have either for a long time and now they're lacking in time more than ever

>> No.76769351
File: 240 KB, 500x569, 1716265304258199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76769353

Suisei didn't have her first big hit till 3 years in.

>> No.76769385

retard lmao

>> No.76769423

Yup. Time to start posting Gura in /hag/ cause she's 25 now

>> No.76769431

>backlog of HW + health?
Yeah it's probably that.
>They took too much homework
>they got sick
>they didn't have any wiggle room for all the homework they took and were forced to rest
>now they can only do 1 stream per week until they finish the homework they took

>> No.76769435
File: 630 KB, 800x523, 1715893377516112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, my queen

>> No.76769438

FWMC aren't hags they're my precious princesses

>> No.76769441

Hags are any women old enough to be my mother

>> No.76769464

Suisei also didn't insist on hitting 1m within her first year, what's your point

>> No.76769469
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, 1676320941858991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think it's funny to call women younger than me hags

>> No.76769484

The hagswarm posts are considerably more recent. And yes youth is fleeting, old age is common.
Kaede is 25 too.
This too.

>> No.76769507

imagine believing this announcement isn't related to my marriage with them

>> No.76769542

Hololive wasn't nearly as big, hitting 1 million within a year wasn't possible until Myth debuted.

>> No.76769552

But they're already married to me

>> No.76769605

Next he will say that hag is any girl older than 10yo because that's what /a/ said one time

>> No.76769611
File: 1.20 MB, 2398x4096, GOXcRcTXYAElziT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76769612

I am aware of that, I still don't see your point.
For FuwaMoco, they absolutely would have needed such a banger song now to still make it.

>> No.76769678
File: 193 KB, 850x950, sample_5c6ffbe2736e8517f40219ff66380764af3bd559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know a hag can be a princess too, right? Hags still want to be treated sweetly and pampered.

>> No.76769698
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1686881557563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76769738

Try a couple hundred thousand times faggot. But no we're keeping hag to 25+. In any case it's not 30+ which was the stupid hill you chose to die on.

>> No.76769772
File: 104 KB, 353x347, 1716780060047028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oshit no ko

>> No.76769822

I unironically want to know how they feel about the term "hag." I know nerissa likes it, but how do ACTUAL hags like them feel about it?
For me and everyone who uses it, it's a term of endearment... but I also understand that they're women who are pretty insecure.

>> No.76769826

I want to kiss Mococo's ears...

>> No.76769834

I like this hagschizo

>> No.76769838

Cake is the safest and most well-know term for 25+
Hag is vague and can cover a wider range

>> No.76769859

If 25+ is hag then we need some other word for 35+
Cause there's hags and there is "jesus she really only has a few eggs left"

>> No.76769907

i like how he's arguing with every single person in the thread and convinced they're all the same person

>> No.76769908

>we need some other word for 35+

>> No.76769952

You don't need to divy up every age group. 25+ is just hag.

>> No.76769954


>> No.76770005

They havent reacted favorably when people make them feel old. That term does exactly that so it isnt hard to guess.

>> No.76770016

I mean people call them "dorky" "retarded" "autistic" and we all mean those endearingly but I don't think they'd take those terms well either.

>> No.76770097

Nerissa will bring them around. Jailbirds already put "HAG LOVE" in chat whenever she's bemoaning her age, it cheers her up. She's also said "We love hags here" and similar things. Plus she's younger than them so if she can feel good about it, they can feel good about it too. Fuwawa teasing Nerissa about getting old that one time was hilarious.

>> No.76770138

Fuwawa didn't mind being called dorky in a superchat.

>> No.76770194

time to call her "dorkyphant"

>> No.76770220

>Plus she's younger than them so if she can feel good about it, they can feel good about it too.
She feels good about it because she isn't actually that old.

>> No.76770226

Wrong I need to. I'm not horny for youthful 25+ I'm horny for desperate 35+ who will do anything for a chance

>> No.76770235

got a family thing wednesday so looks I'll have to miss Fuwamoco's stream with Advent
hopefully I can get back before it ends, this looks like a rough one to miss!

reject family, return to FuwaMoco

probably the better option desu

>> No.76770238

Well maybe she's come around to that one. In any case, I feel safe that I can say "Hag love!" in Nerissa's chat and it will make her feel loved, I don't feel that way about Fuwamoco yet so I'll hold off on it. Maybe if they eventually start saying they love hags like Nerissa does, that will change. But they have to be the ones to say it first, I don't want to risk hurting their feelings accidentally.

>> No.76770263

she's come to accept it, which is different

>> No.76770288

fuwawa should accept being called an elepahnt because thats precisely what she is

>> No.76770357

She’s not an elephant, she’s Fuwawa!

>> No.76770364

I mean then you're not even horny for Fuwamoco, Mio, Fubuki or Marine, you're more a Korone, Botan, and Luna type of guy.
Me I just love hags and that instantly includes all of them.

>> No.76770370

both fuwawa and mococo already accept being called my wives because they are

>> No.76770456

>Feeling good about her age
She's an unmarried white woman in the midwest and her mother and both sisters all married their high school sweethearts. By traditional values, she's fucking dust.

>> No.76770514

Fuwawa called herself dorky and fluffy. I think she absolutely likes that term. Hag is different though.

>> No.76770522


>> No.76770568
File: 1.16 MB, 1275x1800, GGjcTUFaoAAIKQK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love lolis and hags and i wish there were another set of fuwamoco but as lolis so i could fuck all four of them

>> No.76770636 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1000x750, 1711023807381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being too young for this goddess

>> No.76770643

based and same

>> No.76770705

This doxxtranny should stop breathing.

>> No.76770724

>old ladies pretending to be little girls
Is there an example of the reverse? Like an actual young zoomer girl pretending to be an old hag? I feel like that's a niche that has potential

>> No.76770741

I would imagine she's come to enjoy it though, the first time anyone is called a dork, it's not really a compliment. She probably lurked enough to know dorky is a compliment. As for fluffy, when people call her fluffy, they are either referring to her head or her floofies. She's used it for her weight a few times like she got fluffier, but I don't think Ruffians should use it that way.

>> No.76770768

I want to cum on the fluffy tummy...

>> No.76770799

Whenever I call her fluffy, I'm referring specifically to her bush.

>> No.76770817


>> No.76770824

serious lack of fluffy tail fanart

>> No.76770822

>I would imagine she's come to enjoy it though
In order for that to happen ruffians would need to start referring to them as hags regularly but that has yet to happen.

>> No.76770888

I'll wait for Nerissa to do that first, you don't want to call them hags and make them feel bad because they don't know you actually fucking love hags.

>> No.76770889
File: 388 KB, 867x668, 1716263487513909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm missing them again

>> No.76770919 [DELETED] 
File: 3.92 MB, 540x960, fuwazuri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76770969

naizuri is better

>> No.76770975
File: 223 KB, 1308x1038, 1713807186680514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saving up money for our next stream, right
wuffians? You haven't spent with our senpais right?

>> No.76771056

yes fuwawa of course!!

>> No.76771072

I have $3
How would I even spend it?

>> No.76771075

Sort of like gorillas, we should coin a term that means something absolutely filthy but remains innocuous in every possible way and you wouldn't know unless you were /here/.

Like if we used the term "flowers" to mean "marathon sweaty creampie impregnation sex" and then everyone sent SCs and comments saying they wished they could give Fuwamoco their flowers or something. Then either they don't know what it means and just think we're being silly, or they DO know what it means and have to stifle blushes as they know we're talking about doing incredible things to them.

>> No.76771090

I doubt they'll truly ever come around. The idol industry celebrates youth, not age. Well I'd say the entertainment industry in general celebrates youth and beauty. For women, wrinkles, gray hair, etc, isnt seen as attractive, and those things get harder and harder to hide with makeup the older they get.
If these girls are insecure about being seen as physically unappealing, then yeah, I'd say being reminded of their age probably isn't what they want.
At some point women stop caring about that, but it usually happens after they get married and have kids. I know my mom used to be insecure about going gray and having wrinkles and stuff, but eventually did the female equivalent of the "Chad embrace" and said "fuck it I'm old, who cares?"

>> No.76771158

they're definitely insecure about their age. in hitman and i'm sure even before then fuwawa complained about her shit eyesight and the chat immediately erupted in comments about her age to which she disregarded

>> No.76771188

I mean, that was the whole reason Hololive exists in the first place, YAGOO explicitly said he wanted to give entertainers a chance that might be overlooked by traditional mediums, like old and ugly ones. Also if you bring up that angle, then the doxxniggers emerge en masse and talk about how devoted they are for fapping to their RMs.

>> No.76771239

I was gonna send you a nice sc on saturday but I had plans. So I guess I should spend some money on you two.

>> No.76771245

>>76771158 (me)
it might have been either hitman or touhou. i would need to go back to verify

>> No.76771279

Pretty sure it was touhou when she mentioned to wait a bit for her to make the window bigger

>> No.76771297

whenever i see the thumbnail i think he's just snorted coke

>> No.76771300

women are celebrated for youth, ability to have children, and motherhood

>> No.76771386

Hell, a simple but sincere "I love older women" comment from a ruffian would undoubtedly make them go, "haeh?! what are you trying to say, ruffian?! we are demon guard dog puppies!".

>> No.76771426

>Also if you bring up that angle, then the d
Yes I know, but those are picture they felt good about. They see themselves in the morning without makeup and good lighting, so comments like that wont help or alleviate any insecurities they might have.
The unironic only thing that would is having a supportive husband who loves them at their worst which will obviously be me.

>> No.76771469

What about, "I love 2000 year old puppies"

>> No.76771497

That could work, maybe.

>> No.76771570

Then they'll tease you and wonder who are you talking about since they're 2001 years old now, not 2000

>> No.76771609

I just think that line of reductive reasoning is stupid and also usually used by insecure women. Which explains why it's probably used by doxxniggers because half of them are just sisters pretending to be fans and the other half are deluded fans convinced they can "outlove" other fans

>I love Fuwamoco
>Yeah well I love Fuwamoco without Fuwamoco
>Yeah well I love Fuwamoco without Fuwamoco without makeup and filters and lighting
>Yeah well I would love them if they had no skin
>Yeah well I would love them if they were quadruple amputee burn victims
>Yeah well I would love them if they were both medically brain dead and had none of the qualities or personality that others love them for, I would dedicate my life to a technically alive husk, I love them the most.

>> No.76771657

It's hard for me because I want them to know I love older women but also younger women because they are older women but younger than me.

>> No.76771663
File: 153 KB, 1448x2048, GNryqoTbUAAJVLm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fuwamoco
Yeah well I love Fuwamoco without Fuwamoco
Yeah well I love Fuwamoco without Fuwamoco without makeup and filters and lighting
Yeah well I would love them if they had no skin
Yeah well I would love them if they were quadruple amputee burn victims
Yeah well I would love them if they were both medically brain dead and had none of the qualities or personality that others love them for, I would dedicate my life to a technically alive husk, I love them the most.

>> No.76771791

Yes, and? People can say whatever they want but reality/relationships are always different from how you imagine them to be. It's like brapfags/smellfags. You can fantasize about whatever you want, but reality is never going to be like your fantasy.
My final sentence was obviously in jest, but there is SOME truth to it. Insecurities will always exist no matter what, though.

>> No.76771813

Gorillas are the only way. They will never fully believe your love unless you hold them down and engrave your love and lust into them physically for hours at a time. Their insecurities will brush you off as being nice or polite or just saying stuff but if you creampie them from dawn till dusk, they will have to admit that you want them.

>> No.76771838

morning scissoring with fuwawa!

>> No.76771852

I previously did the math ~2 weeks ago here:
Updated numberfagging:
Not necessarily accurate, half eyeballed from last time, they gained 2 to max 3k subs a day during Golden Week. Fluffy week was 0-3k subs. The 3k sub gains happened with vertical streams. Their rate when not streaming is roughly 500 subs a day. That 500 may be slowing down now slightly to 300-400 a day the longer they don't stream. FuwaMoco anniversary is July 31.
>Currently at 839K. 161K to reach 1 mil.
>65 days left. 2.47K a day on average needed.
If they did nothing but vertical streams every day from now on and managed to somehow gain 3K subs per vertical stream, they would reach their goal on July 20th, 11 days before their intended goal date.
If they streamed as much as Golden Week and got an average of 2.5k subs a day, they would reach their goal on exactly July 31st.
If they don't stream and momentum goes to 500 subs a day, they would reach their goal April 14th, 2025.
To reach their goal by end of the year, they need 161K subs in 218 days. That is roughly 739 subs a day.

>Can they reach 1 mil by anniversary?
Theoretically barely possible. In all practicality, it's impossible apart from unknown factors being introduced such as a Loli Kami level of support.
>Can they reach 1 mil by year end?
Highly expected yes. If they did no streams, they wouldn't make it. But, if they do a casual stream schedule to keep them relevant, it's highly expected they would be able to reach by end of year.

>> No.76771878

I love Fuwamoco even if they are old women who missed out on motherhood and as a result substitute their love for children with a love for cats and missed out on marriage so they substitute their love for any potential husband they could've had for a love for the collective that is the their fans otherwise known as the ruffians.

>> No.76771894

>personality is #1
>gorillas have no personality
you're just as fucked

>> No.76771948
File: 330 KB, 645x699, 1712311666827242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76772011


>> No.76772092

Gorillas have tons of personality.

>> No.76772164
File: 284 KB, 1734x1244, 1689963639787112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For how many grands are they willing to prostitute themselves cosplaying as their avatars

>> No.76772174
File: 67 KB, 470x348, 1712617031896643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still have time..slowly dwindling time.

>> No.76772264

They wouldn't whore themselves out.

>> No.76772285

This also describes Newissa.

>> No.76772313

I just farted

>> No.76772333

That's why they love each other so much.

>> No.76772389

They can still be mothers

>> No.76772427

They should do what Moom did and just rebroadcast karaoke vertically. No effort or vocal damage, they can do it every day

>> No.76772464

Honestly every fucking Holo should do that, especially when they have dead weeks. I don't know why they don't.

>> No.76772531

They already rebroadcasted their EN karaokes. They could easily do it a few times during this down period

>> No.76772544

only for unarchived ones

>> No.76772600
File: 1.02 MB, 1483x808, 1697571651293836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they drive me feral

>> No.76772625

they drive me to fart

>> No.76772674

Someone should tweet it, sounds like a good idea

>> No.76772690
File: 439 KB, 2048x2048, GNsqBY5aIAA6LJS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76772842

You forget that with FuwaMoco, they like to see what the ruffians are saying. So it would distract them from their work
I don't get how people forget about that so often. It's the reason they don't want a free chat, and the reason they only open pre chat an hour before when they're preping the stream

>> No.76772847

>missed out
There's still a chance

>> No.76772947
File: 1.02 MB, 2641x4096, amaterasu_chan_ 1795203622302581158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eyes are leaving her head

>> No.76772963

If they wanted to see what the Ruffians were saying, they'd be here 24/7.

>> No.76772964
File: 726 KB, 900x706, 1706658856268636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels weird to be a femruffian in the middle of so many guys. I love my wives and I'm glad so many different people can agree those puppies are the most precious girls ever.

>> No.76773016

>implying there are ruffians here 24/7

>> No.76773035

Oh no not again

>> No.76773037

Tits or GTFO attentionwhore.

>> No.76773055
File: 107 KB, 1189x741, over [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyz4rzd.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me demon guard dog wives and just want to make them happy.
Cute mocopan! Hope the artist preps up a takoyaki outfit for her.

>> No.76773067

Will you be my date for the next Holofes?

>> No.76773127

Hi cuteandfunny

>> No.76773136

This is so fucking hilarious I just have to tell you guys about it
In that Silent Hill reality game or whatever it was, you need to get gangbanged to save your kid.

>> No.76773147

Mococo is still waiting for her name carving, get to it

>> No.76773162

Fuck off tranny, our local femruffian posts from an Iphone

>> No.76773339

would you let cultists run a train on you to save fuwamoco?

>> No.76773379

so progressive and multiculti

>> No.76773385

if it's to save FuwaMoco

>> No.76773393
File: 69 KB, 1536x315, 1700305497151572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares

>> No.76773468

i care. i asked

>> No.76773515

text does not have a gender or sex, its the real merit based civ

>> No.76773550

They aren't dykes, fuck off attention whore.

>> No.76773561
File: 201 KB, 923x633, vaginas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I was looking for this exact image because I forgot what I called it and I don't organize my images. Have this one in return.

>> No.76773568

Oh wtf the collab isn't today, i called out of work

>> No.76773684

Fuwawa is. Mococo is not.

>> No.76773702

You can watch Gura instead

>> No.76773703

youtube shows the start time for people like you

>> No.76773751

I should specify that Fuwawa is sexually and romantically interested in MOCOCO, but Mococo resists because she's still holding out for her perfect ideal man.

>> No.76773753


>> No.76773782
File: 108 KB, 1024x1014, 1693344152098127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idfc lol

>> No.76773796
File: 572 KB, 2048x1464, 1710266169203777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mococo is not.
Perfect, sex with Moco-chan for procreative purposes! After marriage of course.

>> No.76773830

where the FUCK are the nipples?
where the FUCK is your timestamp?

>> No.76773840

my tits are bigger

>> No.76773841

I feel like this image doesn't apply to Ruffians whatsoever since we love them despite the fact that they are chaste puppies.

>> No.76773843

>no timestamp
you still dont know how this is done

>> No.76773848

That's not tits. You fail.

>> No.76773889

>I should specify that Fuwawa is sexually and romantically interested in MOCOCO
that's not being a dyke, that's purest form of love

>> No.76773892

>no timestamp
shitty attempt

>> No.76773908

If Fuwamoco announced today that they had BFs or were married, you'd see a fucking steep drop off in the fanbase.

>> No.76773943

Stop pretending to be a girl

>> No.76773961
File: 3.52 MB, 490x476, 1643917606420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No nipples
Come on man atleast post the nips too.

>> No.76773973

it's not like I'm in love with them

>> No.76773979

You know a lot of people would abandon them if they had a bf. That said they passed the personality test, they're pretty interesting.

>> No.76773993

It saddens me that there are people so new they think tits with no nipples or timestamp are tits.

>> No.76773998

the kayfabe is that important
this is why flesh streamers fail

>> No.76774027

If they announced they have multiple children in good health, I'd be at peace.

>> No.76774053

Why are you even here then?

>> No.76774115

I'm not supporting someone else's children what kind of cuck shit is that?

>> No.76774124

to be entertained

>> No.76774151

>If Fuwamoco announced today that they had BFs or were married,
uh yeah anon every single ruffian knows i'm already their boyfriend

>> No.76774223

Fuck off

>> No.76774282

That's cool bro, I'm their manfriend.

>> No.76774312

>Yab comes out. They say they each were married and now divorced
>Extreme gachikoi smile bitterly and say they're happy for them publicly
>The extreme gachikoi fanbase ultimately leave
>It is a rough week from their meltys on all social media platforms
>Suddenly peace
>Shitposting disappears.
>No more likeschizos.
>/baubau/ returns to the golden ages
>We rise from the ashes with a better future

>> No.76774336

Oh you're referring to them having BFs? I took that image to mean if they're romantically unavailable in any way, men lose interest. Right now, they are single AND 100% unavailable to pretty much everyone as far as I know.
I would leave them if they have BFs, not because it would make them unavailable, but because it would mean they no longer care for the Ruffians the way they say they do. It would make them, at minimum, manipulative and potentially liars.
A counter example is AZKi. I like her a lot, and she's literally married.

>> No.76774375

based brown sis

>> No.76774378

Sex with Femwuffians

>> No.76774425

One way or another, you are. It's just that you're basically investing in their future husbands/children.

>> No.76774519

Good evening I hate women

>> No.76774538

So true!

>> No.76774559

What happened in their past does not matter to me all that much. What happens while their idols does.
Trust me, if they had a current bf yab, if there is even a WHIFF of a bf yab, I would never leave. I would simply become FuwaMoco's orcschizo, but worse. I am mentally ill and hanging on by a thread.

>> No.76774593

The fantasy is important. Every Ruffian has some magical dream scenario where they meet them and marry them. If they aren't single, that fantasy doesn't exist. Living in Japan isn't nearly the obstacle that being in a relationship is.

>> No.76774670

If they lied to that extent, I wouldn't leave, I would make it my mission to destroy them. There would be no peace, only war.

>> No.76774714
File: 579 KB, 1399x2126, F24GXXCXkAAJJKN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Fuwawa and Mococo's weight on me while I snuggle them both in bed

>> No.76774712

>I took that image to mean if they're romantically unavailable in any way, men lose interest
It doesnt work quite that way. The issue is simply being in a relationship, many have gotten into relationships despite being single and "romantically unavailable". Logic doesnt matter that much, the brain is kinda wired that way.

>> No.76774741

I want to get better at digital art and draw FuwaMoco but drawing two characters at once seems too intimidating for me. Is it weird to only draw one at a time?

>> No.76774768

wow, sisters, youre so dedicated

>> No.76774787

Basically this, I care about them a lot but If there's a BF yab well a lot of the things they've implied and said are null and void. I don't mind it once they leave though.

>> No.76774796

>"""femruffian""" tries to attentionwhore
>immediately told to fuck off
/baubau/... is healing?

>> No.76774809

>I am mentally ill
We know sister

>> No.76774819

Except fuwamoco

>> No.76774844


>> No.76774856

>/baubau/... is healing
woah there. let's not get ahead of ourselves

>> No.76774865

I disagree. The VAST majority of their fans are casuals(not gachikoi) who simply think they're silly dogs. That's it. Having boyfriends would not affect that whatsoever.
Having boyfriends would only be a problem because it would make them liars, manipulators, and explicitly fake. That is specifically why I would have an issue with it.
AZKi and a few others are in public marriages/relationships, and no one cares. Hell, plenty of idols are, and no one minds. I like the content those girls put out, as do many others. The difference is that THOSE girls don't pander at all or do GFE. If they do while being in, or planning to be in relationships, that would make them genuienly bad people. The reason I hate rushia is precisely for this reason.

>> No.76774883

mama puppy...

>> No.76774921

gotta poach them all

>> No.76774943

/baubau/ is too busy fantasizing about situations where they can anti fuwamoco

>> No.76774947

Yes well the vast majority of their fans are also not paying fans. Compare the number of members they have compared to the number of subs they have. Then paypigs and people who buy merch.

>> No.76774979

Ok nice discussion but I'm just saying if FuwaMoco sold ring merch, I would buy it

>> No.76774997

Essentially feel the same, If you're in a relationship you should not do GFE, my problem isn't the relationship its the lies and the double dipping for basically gachi money. And Its just wrong in general to lead people on and make them think there's more than what there is.

>> No.76775016

This, except FuwaMoco, Advent, Mamapuppy, my mother, my sister, mother marry, mother theresa, joan of arc, and my granny. Fuck my my cousin and aunt though, those two are bitches.

>> No.76775021

feels like its a cursed item at this point

>> No.76775066

Hi I'm also a femruffian

>> No.76775076

I have Lamys

>> No.76775138

That's something sisters and beggars never get. I expect different things from different Holos.
>X collabs with Homos!
Yeah well I don't watch GFE from those Holos and they usually don't do that anyways. I have different standards for different people.

>> No.76775163 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 2433x590, 1716703271719726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already know they fucked Oniichan and you can’t prove otherwise.
>he’s not involved with them anymo-
Still fucked them.
>he’s dea-
Still fucked them.

Mococo explicitly said she wanted a family with him.

>> No.76775183

what about collars?

>> No.76775197

didn’t a holomem recently put out ring merch I forgot who it was

>> No.76775249

Kari-chan did, I believe. She explicitly said to NOT look at it like a wedding ring though.

>> No.76775260
File: 11 KB, 220x229, 1716807216085124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there it is.

>> No.76775312

Like clockwork

>> No.76775324 [DELETED] 

Where is this from

>> No.76775335 [DELETED] 

I cant hold it, im gonna bauuuuu

>> No.76775337 [DELETED] 

They ACTUALLY lost their virginities to Hiromoot, but none of you are ready for that conversation...

>> No.76775405

Only true blue unicorns actually care about hymen integrity. Actual unicorns not the /vt/ definition. Most people are CGDCTfags so as long as a Holo isn't currently in a relationship, it's fine.

>> No.76775408 [DELETED] 

Yeah and? Even if that was true they were young, and then he fucking abandoned them for someone else. This doesn't phase me in the slightest, and that's even assuming he did fuck them, nobody can know for certain.

>> No.76775468

The closest thing I'll ever get to a collar is a twitter notification that they posted something in freecat

>> No.76775478

whatever you do, do not post floofies

>> No.76775496

the hymen acts as a second voicebox, so it affects their singing voices

>> No.76775514

Fuwamoco should wear the collars, not the Ruffians.

>> No.76775537

I care about hymen integrity, and thankfully they still have theirs. Even if they didn't, I'd be fine with it as long as they remain single for as long as they are idols.

>> No.76775546
File: 308 KB, 1444x2048, GEH8h3FaoAA7Gia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again we are reminded that fuwamoco are flawless as far as having any skeletons in their closet is concerned so sisters need to make shit up against them

>> No.76775556

my princess daughters dont need to be chained down

>> No.76775570
File: 366 KB, 2048x1152, 1715257411600246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco have found their true love (Me) in the ruffians (all me) And I can't be convinced otherwise

>> No.76775672

What if they married Nerissa?

>> No.76775696

Has there been a change int he janny leadership as of late? I noticed they've actually been doing there job, which is nice

>> No.76775746

ew no, they must be adopted by lamy or peko

>> No.76775765

I'd only accept that if it's for the purpose of helping her move to Japan. Otherwise, noeh. I love Newissa, but I don't want a third wife. Two is difficult enough as is.

>> No.76775776

every time I think I'm making a post that's a farfetched joke no one would take seriously, someone takes it seriously and I accidentally shitposted and spiral the thread. apologies /baubau/. I send shit without realizing it

>> No.76775808

FWMC marries each other
Nerissa marries Shiori
Biboo marries Kaela

>> No.76775864

What was your farfetched shitpost joke? The femruffian thing?

>> No.76775873

maybe but not that it matters since these trannies just ban evade anyways

>> No.76775893

then i'll wear her skin

>> No.76775921

>Nerissa marries Shiori
That's fanartist and clipwatcher shit. Shioraven is shipped occasionally but Nerissa talks about Fuwamoco far more than she does Shiori, or anyone else for that matter, including her own family members.

>> No.76775988

She's the luckiest ruffian

>> No.76776014

This. Plus Shiori is one of the straightest girls in HoloEN, unironically. Newissa flirts with every single vagina in a five mile radius

>> No.76776045

Fuwawa would've done that for free

>> No.76776059

She can't have men, so might as well try women while she's in HL

>> No.76776109

What if they were black

>> No.76776166

I have a question.

>> No.76776213

no you don't

>> No.76776227

The answer is no

>> No.76776254


>> No.76776265

Simple inconveniences become enough of a deterrent after a while. The site wide traffic slowed down a lot back when people couldnt solve the captchas purely with the keyboard a couple of years ago, during the captcha v2 adoption

>> No.76776281 [DELETED] 

Was that deleted post real?

>> No.76776358
File: 738 KB, 1000x1556, bg_Fuwawa-Abyssgard_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. How does this png make you feel?

>> No.76776359

they're not into black dudes

>> No.76776396


>> No.76776403

It makes me feel happy

>> No.76776416

Women don't have sexual orientations, they are objects. Only men are capable of being gay, or straight for that matter. Female "homosexuality" is a defence mechanism.

>> No.76776467

pngschizo don't look

>> No.76776550

25 is cake
30 is hag
and you clearly dont know why and are too autistic to understand why sometimes /a/ and /jp/ call younger than 30 as hags
41% yourself, sister

>> No.76776560

It makes my heart go doki doki

>> No.76776577
File: 715 KB, 1000x1556, bg_Mococo-Abyssgard_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. And this one?

>> No.76776588

that's the stuff

>> No.76776614

pngschizo don't look!

>> No.76776654
File: 928 KB, 1276x663, 1707981795279087 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully their thighs get fixed for their 3Ds, cause having stick legs is a CRIME and also not canon

>> No.76776675

ESL bait post do not respond. Brown skin detected. Do not respond.

>> No.76776708

Same effect, but it feels a little fuzzier than normal

>> No.76776721

Hey we love our brownskinned Brazilian brothers here.

>> No.76776803 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 800x1200, 20240515_115846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for floofies

>> No.76776805

Mococo showed me her ass. All this time has passed and I still gotta remind myself that this isn't fanart.

>> No.76776839
File: 506 KB, 1024x576, 1714122888732391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76776870

better than being a nigger spreading misinfo

>> No.76776882
File: 1.54 MB, 1422x944, Fuwawa Mocochan, can I check your lips[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpyacgs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76776923
File: 315 KB, 1400x1800, 1714751221275050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them both

>> No.76776958

God I wanna stimulate those tasty nipples so bad

>> No.76776965
File: 203 KB, 900x1200, GJHSiQuaUAAIZk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76776997

Yes, they do. There are levels to it though. Some women are only willing to kiss other girls, and others are willing to have sex with them. Some even go as far as to desire romantic relationships with other women.
I'm pretty sure Newissa lands right on the "willing to kiss them, but thats it" part of the dial.
For someone like Kiara, it's 100% a result of trauma and stuff. For FuwaMoco, it's because they want to BE cute girls.
>they are objects
My FuwaMoco are not objects...

>> No.76777055

I need to hear those pleasured Fuwawa noises, If her giggles drive me this crazy I cannot imagine her soft moaning
