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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76747674 No.76747674 [Reply] [Original]

Sayu bros...

>> No.76747749

Pomu, Selen and Nina might be snakes but I take solace in knowing that Sayu will never, ever redeem herself for what she did

>> No.76747753
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that image was edited by sisters hands

>> No.76747796

You going for 30 threads, sayuschizo?

>> No.76747795

Sisters keep losing lmao

>> No.76747853

elira kys

>> No.76747900

Can I get a qrd on why everyone is avoiding Sayu? Apparently she had a fight with Matara so her appearance guaranteed Sayu wouldn't be there? Indie drama is so hard to keep up with.

>> No.76747957

Sayu uses everything others tell her in private just to prop herself up and leak it to dramatubers. So anyone that isn't a drama hungry shitstain has been completely avoiding her.

>> No.76747974

>hangs out with dramatubers
>has a meltdown twice a month
>leaks sensitive private conversations
>jokes about being a literal pedophile rapist
>difficult to work with, zero professionalism

>> No.76747999

Tldr the Niji smear campaign worked to keep indies from associating with Sayu, and even after she was vindicated by the Selen termination nobody really supported her.

>> No.76748055

Did anyone even hang out with her when they were in Niji? She was barely there long enough for friendships to form

>> No.76748085

>literal pedophile rapist
um based?

>> No.76748089

>Did anyone even hang out with her when they were in Niji?
Kotoka and Finana lol

>> No.76748101

>Leaks one thing because she was having a mental breakdown
Spinning narratives is all you got now sister, it's pathetic

>> No.76748105


>> No.76748120


>> No.76748132

Doppio, Maria, Finana, Kotoka and to a much lesser extent, Hex. Doppio and Maria are still on good terms with her and everyone knows about the other three scumfucks already.

>> No.76748133
File: 224 KB, 1024x576, Live Riku Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the better pick nijisis here I'll help you

>> No.76748138

Sayu truly is the one thing more hated than Nijisanji in Vtubing. It is kinda impressive in a way how much she sucks

>> No.76748140

get off 4chan sayu, it's not healthy for you

>> No.76748178

That's fine sayuschizos are all cucks they'll love this

>> No.76748187

no she used mata confiding in her about niji being abusive to her to try and get clout and when mata rightfully avoided her for trying to drag her into the drama she had a meltdown and blames her for not being able to join vshojo

>> No.76748189

>Sayu truly is the one thing more hated than Nijisanji
You are not fooling anyone lmao

>> No.76748205

But that's how people are, since she spilled the beans one time, she'll do it again. Matara definitely will not give her another chance or the time of day ever again, even with the apology she tried.

>> No.76748216

I feel like the collective iq of this board is dropping every week

>> No.76748221

Nope everyone hate you nijisisters more.

>> No.76748237

And has she leaked anything else regarding people who didn't fuck her over since then?

>> No.76748251
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add sayu to this updated one

>> No.76748278

dont forget to mention said apology was done during a dramafag's livestream to try and get her attention instead of privately dming her like a normal person

>> No.76748310

nothing more to leak when no one trusts her anymore

>> No.76748363

You absolute retard, she did that precisely because she tried dming and couldn't

>> No.76748403

So does killing one person make you a serial killer?

>> No.76748449


>> No.76748508

People in the comments in that vid were mostly 'I guess she's finally accepted that she fucked up and trying to grow' and 'Matara isn't obliged to forgive her, she can fuck off'.

>> No.76748535

you little chinky women really are just unoriginal copycats, only able to shittily emulate whatever we post huh? must run in your disgusting blood

>> No.76748556

I'm glad that the one thing we can all come together on this site to do is hate on sayu

>> No.76748584

If that is true we wouldn't be constantly arguing

>> No.76748613


>> No.76748622
File: 253 KB, 1235x612, Live Riku Reaction Night 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we add riku instead 95 of the board would agree sister.

>> No.76748645

That's just you and your fellow Nijishitters.

>> No.76748651

Would you trust someone who has murdered 1 baby with a babysitting job?

>> No.76748685

>extremely low effort edit
sayucucks aren't sending their best...

>> No.76748711

Nijisisters mindbroken

>> No.76748735

Didn't answer my question

>> No.76748774

Okay fine.
>So does killing one person make you a serial killer?

Now answer my question.

>> No.76748793

No, all of us agree, its just you whinnig. Wisps and Dragoons no longer going to put up with this bullshit, Sayu sucks

>> No.76748829

Remind yourself that you will never be chinese
Your country is based on a lie, and so your whole culture is based around deception, scamming anyone for anything. The chinese have long abandoned any concept of honor. They would sooner betray their family for a social credit score then reward any act of loyalty. Remember this when you are dying in a ditch for refusing a fat ugly corrupt politicans invitation

>> No.76748843

>least obvious false flagger
Post memberships nijicuck

>> No.76748875

nc try sisters, but sayu,doki and mint unity is coming and you can spam any deflection you like it doesnt matter KEK

>> No.76748876
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>> No.76748921


>> No.76748954

The answer is no but that wasn't the original point of debate was it?

>> No.76748963

Sayu could have been invited if she didn't shit talk Vshojo and farm all those stupid drama so sad...

>> No.76748979


>> No.76749003

gen alphafag spotted. liking shotas in fucking genshin doesnt make you a pedo rapist.

>> No.76749032

It is, because it's the same thing. People aren't giving Sayu a chance because she's shown that she's dangerous to their careers.

>> No.76749035

Do these people even have a life? How can they shit this board 24/7 with the same old shit how terminally online are they. Is like they hooked on IVs and looking at a monitor with ensure being pour down a feeding tube or something while they shit post here.

>> No.76749103

I think she generally wallows in her own misery and still hasn't gotten over being fired. Mint is just getting over her trauma from escaping that shithole and is trying to move forward with her life. I don't want Sayu anywhere within a 1000 mile radius of Mint.

>> No.76749145

You aren't a real wisp then, fuck off

>> No.76749179

Don't worry Sayu will never be allowd anywhere enar Mint, Doki and Mata, thank god

>> No.76749216

Lol, collabing with someone doesn't make you automatically confide your deepest darkest secrets in them

>> No.76749244

>sincrocucks clinging onto other vtubers whereas sayu wishes she could cling onto those very same vtubers

>> No.76749332

Thread so brown

>> No.76749363

You know a lot goes on behind the scenes to organize a collab right? There are lots of potential things people wouldn't want to risk Sayu blabbing on about in public, not necessarily just personal secrets. At the end of the day, I'm just telling you how it is, go seethe at the people avoiding her instead of me if you don't like it.

>> No.76749463

Yup you can smell the smell of spoiled jolibee chicken in the air.

>> No.76749969

Would you really want to associate with someone who collabs with DN and Parrot4chan?

>> No.76750055

>the only collab they did was more than half a year ago
If you want to be convincing at all you should start by not spreading misinformation

>> No.76750229
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Except she is an ACTIVE SUPPORTER of doxxsagi.

>> No.76750350

>I believe in second chances
Please explain the logic that got you from point A to point B

>> No.76750408

>recently supporting someone is not considered actively supporting them
Retardbro? That's not a 5 year old tweet or something, pretty sure it's from the recent kenji drama.

>> No.76750425

Mint and Doki have nothing to do with Sayu. Let it go.

>> No.76750588

And where is this support you speak of? She didn't say she supported dn, she just said he apologized for his mistakes

>> No.76750675

That's odd. Recently you were saying that you're not a real wisp if you are sympathizing with Doki. At this point you're gonna materialize a Doki-Sayu collab into existence just with your seething. Please do it, I beg of you.

>> No.76750726

>she didn't support him, she just defended him
Are you brown?

>> No.76750752

>Saying he apologized = defending him
Are you retarded?

>> No.76750833

This Sayu person appears in every thread, she must have a very large avg CCV and fandom

>> No.76750834

Many things Sayu did and said could've been forgiven and she's been given more than one chance. But no, she just couldn't shut up and do her own thing. Her last pity party rant closed so many doors for her forever, you can't even imagine. Being wronged doesn't automatically make you a likable person people want to have around if you keep your shitty behavior. I hope that one day she learns, her core fanbase is dedicated but she's not doing stellar job at keeping new people who only want to have a good time and not be stressed out by the streamer's woes.

>> No.76750846

That's literally what it is you imbecile. Someone was shitting on doxxsagi and then she replied with "b-b-but he replied and is a good boi now".

>> No.76750897


>> No.76750929


>> No.76750938

Who the fuck said that? Everyone knows Doki and Mint are like best friends. Sayuschizo really is the fucking worst

>> No.76751051

How many more days will the event last? It'd be funny if she made an appearance. (and hopefully she won't go on another tangent about how isolated and hated she is afterwards)

>> No.76751132

She won’t lol. They don’t want to invite a ticking bomb.

>> No.76751141

She's constantly covering drama and talks shit about other people's corpos or friends right after they collab with her.

>> No.76751191

I don't understand how stupid someone has to be to think there is a chance in hell that Mint, Doki or Mata would ever let Sayu be in a stream with them

>> No.76751244
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>> No.76751259

>retard doesn't even watch streams

>> No.76751295


>> No.76751306

It already ended lmfao sayu ain't appearing anywhere

>> No.76751430

Oh, I didn't finish watching the 2nd part, welp.

>> No.76751935


>> No.76753001

You do know that Sayu is literally the only person who can't be /here/ as she banned herself from accessing any form of social media that isn't literally required for work in order to preserve her mental health? Get your facts straight before you expose yourself as a total retard.

>> No.76753079 [DELETED] 

Whores deserve what they get

>> No.76753417

And there's Sayuschizo being as predictable as ever.

>> No.76758084

Sayu a slut.
Boycott the prostitute.
