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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76747719 No.76747719 [Reply] [Original]

How come JP girls don't suffer from burnout like EN holos?

>> No.76747811

They do.
They just can't show it because of Karoshi culture.

>> No.76747845

yes ignore the multiple jp chuubas who are also not streaming

>> No.76747856

hmm, do like me some bait threads

>> No.76747863

Autism, folded over 9000 times

>> No.76747992

They do, Aqua just got out of her 2-year long burnout and is streaming regularly again
The difference is that EN gets burntout in less than one year

>> No.76748227

Reminder that HoloJP vs HoloEN is still Holo vs Holo

>> No.76748444

Because the ens are forced to attend virtual meetings frequently at jp times so they don’t get enough sleep.

>> No.76748473

They do, but there's a massive difference in proportion
It feels like half of EN is in burnout

>> No.76748497
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>> No.76748804

Koyori streams so god damn much and she is still constantly bouncing back and forth with so much energy

ENs could never

>> No.76748985

More like her money run dry and her merch sold less because her presence was almost non-existent.

>> No.76749051

They need 1-2 more gens to lessen the streaming burden on the other girls and build a legit box because non-JP girls lack the mental endurance to stream 5x a week and when they try, they tend to burn out.

>> No.76749166

Most of them enjoy streaming.
Western women still find geek culture cringe, so they can't stand it for long periods of time and need to take breaks often.

>> No.76749388

Gura will always be Queen

>> No.76749485

She can't keep getting aways with streaming once a month. One day the fans will lose interest. She couldn't even break 30k ccv last night

>> No.76749499

Imagine thinking this, lmao

>> No.76749567
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>> No.76749584
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It's easy to lose motivation when you are doing something you don't really want to

>> No.76749614

She's most certainly not in burnout, given how much she's streaming.

>> No.76749716

How hard is it to find at least one Western woman who isn't just in it for the money and actually enjoys vtubing and its culture?

>> No.76749726

>fans will lose interest
Only in your dreams. Chumbuds are the strongest, most Chad fanbase.

>> No.76749827

Most of them enjoy streaming. EN vtubers are only in it for the money.

>> No.76750547

No Western whore entitlement.

>> No.76750652

There are no real gamers in EN

>> No.76751630

Koyori is an outlier even in JP. You really shouldn't compare anyone to her. Just enjoy that she exists.

>> No.76753511

burnout is a contrived white person disease

>> No.76753526

Unironically, meetings. JP and ID Holos get to have meetings at relatively normal times. EN Holos have meetings scheduled for the middle of the night. It fucks up their ability to sleep.

>> No.76754936

Embarrassing cumshart.

>> No.76755084
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>> No.76755151

Life revolves around money. Good luck. If it didn't then we'd all be happy living in a van down by the river

>> No.76755422
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bf or money went missing, so back to grinding.

It's really amazing how managers have gaslit the talents into thinking they are some sort of super-celebs after X subscribers

that is until uncle Google stops sending money

>> No.76755891

They don't have to regularly travel huge distances and engage in multiple languages and cultures.

>> No.76756096

Even Yodayo streams more than Gerb Gwompus. Grim.

>> No.76756353

She couldnt stream because of surgeries and is finally returning today.
Also Bijou but she has secwet work stuff in Japan which is totally not 3Ds right now

>> No.76756392

In Japan, 90% of the people who'd get burnout are already weeded out during school and go on to become hikkikomori. That alone reduces the chance a japanese vtuber gets burnout immensely. People like Koyori are the other extreme, also fairly common over there because some people do well under pressure. They just die from a heart attack at 40 as a result (probably not the holos since they generally seem to care about their health to some degree, and the issue is worse in other countries in that area, especially South Korea)

>> No.76756550

Social and economic factors, certainly.

>> No.76756603

I like Koyori. She is pink and fluffy.

>> No.76756614

>JP girls don't suffer from burnout like EN holos?
Except they do.
It's just less obvious because they have more than enough members to cover when someone is away. Ayame, Shion, Aqua, Marine, Nene, Aki - to name a few whose name pop'd up in my mind - and more have gone through or have been going through burntout period.
Why do HoloEN members stream more than HoloJP members *on average*, then?

>> No.76756618

You know you can just take a nap, right? When your job is 'freeform' or you set your own schedule you can just move the stream back like 2-3 hours and rest up.

Koyori would ride your dick all night it's no wonder she is single like the other hags, hapanese men cannot CUMpete with her vigour.

>> No.76756826

They are super celebs in the world of vtubing. But even Johnny Depp would become a hazbin if he decided to go 5 years without making a movie. It's like people telling you "bob dylan (real name Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham) is finally making a new album" and I'm like 'so?'. He's a boomer celeb but no one under 50 cares about him.

>> No.76756843

Having the workplace social group around you does a lot I imagine being a vtuber in western country feels pretty isolating

>> No.76756945

But they can't just freely set their schedule. Most of them have already firmly established their streaming timeslot and moving their streams by hours will kill their audiences.
There are some clear difference between starting your stream at, for example, 5-6PM or 11PM-0AM instead of 8PM

>> No.76757071

because they do more then spew pointless dumb and overused meme phrases like EN streamers do.

>> No.76757562
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>famous in particular circles in particular country
doesn't quite have the same ring to it than world-wide know actor

>but you're idols now
somehow I doubt those girls could live off from album sales alone
(ok Sui might, but even she needs an outlet to shill her shit)

>> No.76757639

JPs get to go to the studio and interact with people face to face
EN are stuck streaming in their rooms all day every day

>> No.76758225

Nerissa got burned out the moment she realised her sisters were more popular than her.

>> No.76758551


Shut your WHORE mouth.

>> No.76759222

if you haven't paid attention, even JPs record most of their VA stuff at home

>> No.76759335

Pit koyori and kaela together into competing to launch a rocket in factorio, dead hours MURDERED

>> No.76759365

Because you just ignore them. Shiori is doing pretty well and has some real old ties.
Kiara streams non-stop and decently long hours.
Biboo other than this stint in Japan also streams a ton.
Mori works hard on her personal projects and busts ass for the company while never really giving up much streaming.

>> No.76759813

It's way easier for JPs to hang out with each other due to many of them living fairly close, and even then Japan's trains don't suck so travel is easy. ENs have none of that, it's why a bunch of them moved to Japan.

>> No.76759933

Hot take: first gens are allowed to take long breaks between streams, because they have "created" this company. Later gens came to an already blooming garden, zero excuses, they haven't done SHIT.

>> No.76760067

That's a stupid excuse. Any of Myth and probably all of Promise could simply set "office hours" that overlap with part of JP business hours and refuse to take any meetings outside of that. Cover wouldn't fire them for that. And any competent manager would have already done that.

>> No.76760471

Glorious Nippon work ethic folded over 1000 times

>> No.76761358

>even JPs record most of their VA stuff at home
No they don't. They're always going out for recordings.

>> No.76761623

Japs literally go to the hospital all the fucking time cus of sickness and stress
>post Koyo
Literally an anomaly, does streaming and holowork without stopping either. Even pekora stops or slows down and she doesn’t really do as much random holowork as Koyo . She doesn’t even stop her RM activity, idk where the hag gets her energy.

>> No.76763458

whats a real gamer to you? Genuine question

>> No.76763584

>idk where the hag gets her energy.
My semen

>> No.76763918

Redpill me on ayame

>> No.76764552

>Work real hard
>Make friends in coworkers
>Stop working hard
>Fans stay or forget to unmember.
>Fans still buy merch
>Show up even less
>Do more projects on back end to make a better excuse for not streaming
>Those who care about streams move on, those who don't or are too chickenshit to leave from sunk cost falacy stay

>> No.76764617

She probably makes a schedule and abides by it.
Something must people can't do.

>> No.76764873

>where the hag gets her energy
Well you see, hags are usually busy with children and family, so when you aren't occupied with those two...

>> No.76765040

Add in that they've already failed/given up/been demoralized, and they realize that this job even with some of its hardships is leagues better than anything else they could hope to get.

>> No.76765082

Of course a Brat posts this kind of stuff.

>> No.76766033

wtf, how they would get directions from direction and sound director while doing this at home? yeah, there were cases (like underage seiyuus, famously ami and mami futami seiyuu, shimoda asami was underage when first arcade imas was under production, and she recorded her lines in her house, but then agian, games are different)

no, mose seiyuus still work in the studios

>> No.76766074

anon I know autism makes it really difficult to read people/between lines, so you have trust others on this matter

>> No.76766157

because live voice chat over internet is so new thing

yea they can record the raws at home just fine, or do you really think holos are buying 5grand mics just to stream?

>> No.76766346

like holoidols are on seiyuu level, lmao, no, you still have to act out with other actors, which also requires body acting, and no recording studio would ever allow to work with audios recorded in different rooms, with different microphones, audio interfaces and with no fuckin on-site mixing

wanna know how shit like this sound? listen to myth cover of hikaru nara

>> No.76766397

Yeah they're actually lying and not going out to record.

>> No.76766453

pathetic chumcope.

>> No.76766479

Shion is on indefinite giatus for 5+ months from burnout.

>> No.76766556


>> No.76766701

They're used to being worked to the bone

>> No.76766914

because jp chubbas are greatful for their fans unlike ungrateful ones in en

>> No.76767754

You know that VA stuff isn't just talking into a microphone, right?

>> No.76768323

Mostly because of this >>76756843
Also the work ethic established early on by the older and/or most influential members set a positive feedback loop that keeps going.
If that was the actual reason she'd just need to pop out every once in a while to cash in like Ayame does. She wouldn't need to become one of the most active members as she is now.

>> No.76772507


>> No.76774574

>Source: Trust me, bro

>> No.76775297

because western games suck and causes a generation gap. if western vtubers play old or minor jp games nobody watches it, and western vtubers suck at games or get disinterested in them. today miko started to play a minor game, a captain tsubasa game, and it still can entertain miko herself and her viewers including zoomers and people who dont know about it and football but things like this never happen with western vtubers.

>> No.76775452

Japanese iron will folded over 1000 times by vertical society

>> No.76776015

Koyori is a freak of nature

>> No.76776199

Most ENs are completely spoiled and ungrateful for their success and how easy their job is for what they get paid. If they had actual shitty jobs in their lives you can bet they would be far more appreciative. A lot of the older JP girls realize this from experience.

>> No.76781366

too based

>> No.76781526

Asians are hardworking, unlike white trash that wants free money only

>> No.76782144
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Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.

What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all.
>lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months
>streamed literally once October and none at all in June
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging from
I'm sick
My head hurts
Tummy hort
I have no internet
I'm moving
Kiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city
>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers
>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu
>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay
>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
>never collabs with other holos
>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos"
>caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed
>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times
>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her
>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes
>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar
>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members
>only popular because of old clips and hologra
>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice
>wasn't paying attention during sports festival

>> No.76782350

Cocoredditors are still mindbroken by Chadyame

>> No.76783842

isn't that really fucking quick once you know what you're doing? if anything they should compete to launch more rockets per minute

>> No.76783923

Drugs and casual sex.
