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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76743332 No.76743332 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.76743362

Just kissed her feet

>> No.76743762

We're getting married

>> No.76743874

Sayu crashing and burning

>> No.76743994

Ghost Pussy.

>> No.76744079

>Tongue kissing the freaky ghost maid
What's not to be happy about?

>> No.76744081
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They finished what they started during the intermission.

>> No.76744101
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>> No.76744120

Say gex with Mint

>> No.76744306

doki and mint playing footsies under the table

>> No.76744334

As was inevitable. She got lucky that Doki's messy termination meant that people gave her the benefit of the doubt. Now everyone is seeing the truth again and ostracizing her.

>> No.76744354

She's doing what she wants and she's getting acknowledgement / success from it

>> No.76744404

Hi Finana, stop being a jealous whore and stop having Sayu living on your head rent free.

>> No.76744453

Nothing to be jealous of. Sayu's an emotional trainwreck who will never be acknowledged by the people she loves

>> No.76744491

The ones who ostracized her are still ostracizing her. Nothing has changed
Also being more popular doesn't make you more right, Sayu was still 100% correct when she said that Niji is dogshit

>> No.76744531

>emotional trainwreck who will never be acknowledged by the people she loves
Enough about Finana

>> No.76744544

The dook

>> No.76744618

Nothing has changed, there we go, agreed. Might not make you more or less right but it does make Sayu completely alone

>> No.76744657

Dude Finana is still friends with the people she is close too. Everyone sayu wants to be friends with hates her

>> No.76744676
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You tell me

>> No.76744719

Surely this thread has only unique posters and there isn't an obvious samefag on the loose.

>> No.76744720
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She cucked Elira

>> No.76744731

>implying a random schizo in a basket weaving forum knows that
Lmao, meanwhile you're here derailing every thread just to shit on Sayu like she owes you money kek

>> No.76744775

You tell me, sayu cocksuckers are trash just like their oshi

>> No.76744797

Sayucucks like you are so pathetic always trying to act as if people care about Sayu

>> No.76744834

Not derailing, it true, Doki is definitely gonna be glad about Sayu's suffering, like Mint, Mata and Quinn are. They're all friends, except Sayu, no friendship for Sayu lmao

>> No.76744854

Is she? Last time she posted here she was all choked up about how her "friends" got chased away.

>> No.76744881

>thread about Doki's happiness
>Sayu out of nowhere
>"durr not derailing Doki definitely hates Sayu based on my schizo headcanon"
You're funny dude

>> No.76745086

>On cooldown

>> No.76745107


>> No.76745131


>> No.76745176

You can say that as much as you want, won't change that Sayu is hated and she knows it, hence why she is literally crying over the fact that nobody will talk to her

>> No.76745214

If only you'd spend your energy on supporting your livers instead of spamming sayu hate messages

>> No.76745221

>no argument
Stop derailing threads schizo no one cares about your beef with Sayu

>> No.76745262

It is 7:14pm in Jakarta. Just thought I'd let you know.

>> No.76745288
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Sure, sister. I'm the one derailing a doki thread by seething about sayu.

>> No.76745362

Because she won

>> No.76745400

> I'm the one derailing a doki thread by seething about sayu
>Calling other sisters as a deflection

>> No.76745420

Nijisanji EN's Downfall

>> No.76745426

No beef, just truth

>> No.76745461
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>> No.76745499

Right, whatever dude, keep on making +20 sayu threads daily, I'm sure she'll notice you soon enough, just fuck off from unrelated threads.

>> No.76745580

Why would I want Sayu to notice me? She kills everything she touches. That's like hoping Mikeneko notices you

>> No.76745583

She is happy that her toxic clique still hurts nijisanji even after they got pushed out, but time will put her and her pack of pests back in their place.

>> No.76745642

She's pregnant (I'm the father)

>> No.76745656

Perfect for each other then :)

>> No.76745661

You are the most obsessed faggot in the whole internet about a 1k view indie that no one outside her community cares about. You are the nº1 attention seeker.

>> No.76745686

The guy you're replying to was talking about Finana you illiterate retard.

>> No.76745703

1k is way to generous, that's with bots, Sayu is def sub-1k. Is this piprup? Are you piprup?

>> No.76745722

You guys literally make derailing other threads with sayu your personality, why complain now

>> No.76745736

Sayu and Mike kind are actually

>> No.76745802

Hey dumbfuck.

>> No.76745829

It's one obsessed faggot (ME)ing all day

>> No.76745885

Then how come I'm constantly seeing matara and mint slander from sincroknights in unrelated threads

>> No.76745890

She didn't know the emotion of happiness when it Kurosanji

>> No.76745895

Matara and Mint? What are you talking about, Sayu's the one who fucking sucks

>> No.76745938

The fuck does Mint have to do with Sayu?
She's barely a 4view. There's like maybe 10 actual sayu watchers on the fucking board. You're falling for falseflags.
Unless you think sincroknights are the ones making all of these threads from the past 3 days.


>> No.76745946

Holy shit Sayu sucks

>> No.76745995

What the fuck are you talking about? You swallowed too much sister baits anon. Synchronights WANT sayu and Matara to be friends again even a blind faggot would see that.

>> No.76746034

>implying it comes from Sayufags
We've had Nyfconiggers shitting up the board for months and it only got worse when their shithole got nuked. The cunts in question are known to falseflag to try and cause fanbases they don't like to fight each other. Use your brain, Anon.

>> No.76746038

Never going to happen. Everyone hates Sayu, better Matara collab with Nijisanji than even accidentally acknowledge that grifter

>> No.76746053

That anon is going to eventually be on the news, holy fuck, that obsession is at crime show levels.

>> No.76746081

Sayu incites more hatred than Nijisanji even

>> No.76746105

Classic obsessed cuck, he makes all the sayu hate to try to isolate her to try and have a chance with her. Typical delusions of an internet virgin.

>> No.76746106

Yeah, my cock
But seriously, how? It's literally sisters making those bait threads. Anon was showing how obsessed you are with Sayu by linking the threads you schizos made and your response is "Sayu sucks. What kind of logic is that?

>> No.76746134

Only in you, pitiful little cuck.

>> No.76746135

Sayu sucking is the most logical thing on here, its why everyone agrees on it

>> No.76746171

Nah, she literally breaks down crying because she's hated so much in the community

>> No.76746176

Nope, this is me. Although I agree. Sayu is breaking the 1k mark while 90% of Niji EN whores can't even get close. Sucks to suck ig. Keep having a hate boner for both me and Sayu. I'm honored, really

>> No.76746181
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She's happy with how well the cuck cam turned out

>> No.76746184

It's sisters aided by a desperately lonely cuck.

>> No.76746197

By everyone you mean the voices in your head right

>> No.76746216

Sayu the runt of the ex-organs. Whilst they're the hottest things in the entire EN Vtubing sphere, rubbing shoulders with Ironmouse, organizing massive crossover veents, getting multiple thousands of viewers, several times larger than Sayu. You really chose the worst of the whole bunch to support, huh?

>> No.76746219

> Everyone
Take your meds sister. The fact you make all those threads doesn't mean you are multiple people. Literally no one except you cares

>> No.76746247

Matara, Mint, Cy Yu, Kenji, Ironmouse, Melody, Shylily, Unnamed, Kuro, Quinn, Froot, Geega, Henya, Michi and a BUNCH more I do not feel like typing out

>> No.76746249
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Made me realize all the 11/10 futa porn will be restarting.

>> No.76746254

>obsessed schizo is literally replying off cooldown

>> No.76746280

So yeah, the voices in your head

>> No.76746336

>Retarded tourist
>Connor's cocksleeve
>Remembered only because of Doki
>Remembered only because of Matara
>Doxxer pulling off only 1 Finana
>Doesn't know Sayu exists
>Doesn't know Sayu exists

Wonderful cast you got there

>> No.76746337

All I'm saying is whenenever I see a mint or matara thread there's always anons saying they betrayed sayu and are evil or something to that effect.

>> No.76746363

Are you crying yet? are you tying the noose? Come on anon!! Sayu would notice you if you get on the news

>> No.76746417

Mint and Doki are 100000 times the streamer sayu could ever be, get real sayufag

>> No.76746430

Those are sisters too you retard.

Or maybe it's you trying to pit Mint and Matara fans against Sayu.

>> No.76746445

So this is what Sincroknights think of other vtubers? I think it's wise that the big vtubers avoid inviting these kinds of people into their fanbase by collabing with Sayu.

>> No.76746446

Sayu betrayed them, she fucking sucks

>> No.76746454

What are the chances she's gonna get her lawyer to contact 4chan for this guys IPs.
wouldnt be the first time an anon got sued for harassment

>> No.76746460

You don't even watch them, post membership with timestamp you faggot

>> No.76746479

No, but don't worry sayufag, Sayu is totally depressed and now that she knows Matara, Mint and Doki are excluding her she's going to get even more depressed

>> No.76746504

100000 times bigger cunts that is. While all phantomos and Dragoons aren't noticed even if they donate Sayu actually reads chat all the time. That is a double edged sword but still, if you don't care about interaction with the streamer might as well watch YouTube vids

>> No.76746512

Why I see Sayu crying literally everyday on her twatter about what Niji did to her.

Like bitch gtfo over it, even if it sucks stop talking about it. Everyone else also went through the same shit or worse, yet you don't see them crying every 5 minutes about it.

>> No.76746518

Read nigga, read!

>> No.76746529

She can finally go full unity in her own events and everyone loves it. (except tribalfags)

>> No.76746569

This is what one anon said, and you are using it to speak for over 1k people. Sure, your argument is solid.

>> No.76746588

> Everyone else went through the same shit or worse
No one else got doxxed. No one else was harassed. No one else received death threats. Go through half of what she went through and you'll kill yourself. But y'know what, fuck. Kill yourself right now

>> No.76746601

At the very least for her own security, this anon looks like a bar schizo

>> No.76746607

Reminder this same guy has made 30+ threads just these past 3 days

>> No.76746635

Sayu can't help herself, she's the worst

>> No.76746641

Sayuschizo stop evading, answer this >>76746460

>> No.76746655

Not about other VTubers. Just about the whores creating cliques to push down other creators

>> No.76746667

Full unity, as long as Sayu isn't anywhere nearby

>> No.76746685

He's more obsessed with her than Quinn is. It's ridiculous.

>> No.76746705
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newfag, lurk more before posting

>> No.76746707

Is she now? Is she friends with Mint and Doki? Because i recall Finana being pretty close to Pomu before the trip shitshow and trying her damnedest to push oceanlaw when Selen was weirded tf out by that.
I bet even Elira barely tolerates her at this point.

>> No.76746720

> Nice message about Doki's project
> Twists it into Sayu hate comment

My god, you are so fucking pathetic. Actually kill yourself in from of your mother

>> No.76746758

C'os you want her only for you, we know that little cuck, you don't have to remind everyone all the time, this is not the place for your shaming kink

>> No.76746844

this isn't japan and hiromoot is evading taxes in baguetteland, you can't contact 4chan for IPs. this isn't 5ch. you think the site where celeb nudes were leaked on would give more legal leeway to some random woman being shitposted against

>> No.76746861

you should go back to nyfco instead of shitting up the board with sayu threads nijinigger

>> No.76746873

They interact at least. Sayu literally cries like a baby over the fact that Mata, Doki and Mint won't even answer her when she talks to them

>> No.76746911

It's wisps, sistertard. Don't you fucking dare associate us with that nonce cunt Reimu.

>> No.76746917

Piprup, good to see you again

>> No.76746953

Oh no anon, if you go to far, a judge can, and as forced 4chan to help find the anon, actions always have consequences when you go to far.

>> No.76746978

Everyone was harassed. They were all in Niji lol

>> No.76747009

I'm amazed the meidos haven't banned this fucking loon yet. Or maybe they have and he keeps ban evading.

>> No.76747012

You guys tried twice and you missed twice. It's funny seeing you seethe over me so badly your only argument is "hehe, Piprup is it you". I'm getting kinda horny seeing how many desperate sisters are on my cock

>> No.76747019

>Finana interacting with Doki of all people
Do you realize how dumb you sound?

>> No.76747031

I don't know what pirup means little cuck, but you have to hurry and try to kys while screaming sayuuuuuuuuu so she can read the news and finally notice you.

>> No.76747107

Just ask the retard who was fedbaiting on /pol/ a while back saying he was going to kill some sheriff or police commissioner (don't remember which). As far as I know he's currently in federal prison.

>> No.76747118

Oh, so you're just some other sayuschizo then?

>> No.76747160

To be fair hating Sayu is rational and right. It would be like banning people for hating Nijisanji or Michael Cat

>> No.76747162

Holy fuck sayuschizo is going to derail every thread with Sayu hate, even I as an outsider am tired of your shit please unironically kill yourself. I am actually going to anti Niji because of you

>> No.76747259

Piprup stop arguing with random schizos and Nyfco retards and go look at Sayu's thighs ASAP.

>> No.76747277

The two problems with Sayu is she thinks she's entitled to be in with the rest of the ex-Nijis, because they either got fired or were disenchanted with Niji, and has made the fact she's an ex-Niji the centerpiece for who she is, while only attacking parasitic dramatubers and grifters.
Compare that to Doki who has totally washed her hands of the Nijis even after Elria's clique ran a very public character assassination campaign against her and has already established herself as a major player in both indies and multiple corpos.

Sayu just needs to let the past go because being enslaved to it will destroy her.

>> No.76747303

Why weren't you anit-ing niji before?

>> No.76747322

Better late than never, Anon.

>> No.76747344

I can't tell anymore if you're an anti or a sayufag at this point, Sayu got plenty of opportunities through recent collabs to clean up her act but she keeps talking shit about others during her constant tangents even if they invited her before, if she's gonna stay abrasive like that and potentially ruin the mood then she's not gonna get invited. (and it might also be that Doki invited her too but she refused, we don't know)

What she needs is to fucking pause vtubing and get counselling, plus on her twitter she posted about stuff she did with her irl friends so she needs to stop acting like she's completely isolated and alone.


>> No.76747346

Oh no, this is Nijisanji we're talking about. Everyone who walks out gets doxxed, harassed, and sent death threats. Sayu recieved a lot of horrible shit but please don't minimize what others went through too.

>> No.76747373

Actually no, but you have been keeping me company in the board for a few days now, and I look forward to shit on you, I'm going through some shit lately and watching someone in a far worse place than me and deserves it, actually helps, so no, not a synchronight, but hey, thak you anon for this entertainment, and I hope to see you soon in the news, I would join sayu's discord then to share your attempt and make sure she sees it.

>> No.76747376

This is ridiculous. Sayu has made clear that she can't get opportunities because she is still, to this day, ghosted by most major players and vtubers because of Nijisanji. She couldn't have established herself as a major player no matter what, it isn't some lack of trying that she didn't immediately become beloved by all. People actively avoided her and still do, she is blocked from events as well. Turning this into a 'Sayu just doesn't try hard enough, if she had tried harder she'd already be Doki,' is just insane

>> No.76747387

Because I mainly watched Holo and gave a shit about nothing else until wrestletuber

>> No.76747392
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I welcome back ricegnat art, it has always been kino

>> No.76747425

Joining Sayu's Discord? So, you ARE a sayufag. Get fucked then

>> No.76747451

>The two problems with Sayu is she thinks she's entitled to be in with the rest of the ex-Nijis
No, she thinks that she deserves the chance to, you are very disingenuous saying "she should do like doki did" when doki had the backing of the whole fucking internet, when sayu han NO ONE.

>> No.76747462

Sayu has already explicitly said that she has been ghosted by all the former members and they don't respond to her and that she would love to collab with Doki if she was asked too. So, no, she definitely wasn't invited, thankfully.

>> No.76747491
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>> No.76747518

She didn't get opportunities what the fuck are you talking about? The most I can think is one impromptu collab with Zen and other friends of hers in Helldivers. Other than that she's plainly said she purposefully isn't invited to most events because most big Vtubers still avoid her like they have done since Zaion's termination

>> No.76747533
File: 279 KB, 375x368, correct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayu was still 100% correct
All actions have consequences, it just so happened that her actions had shitty consequences for her personally. You can yell at the world, but ultimately you can't change how the world works, only how you interact with it.

>> No.76747559

Holy fuck, you have the reading comprehension of an esl third grader with a brain tumor. I think we found the problem guys!

>> No.76747731

Sayu, you're entitled to jackshit. Doki shows how you should have gone forward, but you choose to play the victim.
This is why everyone avoids you like the plague.

>> No.76747754

Didnt that guy get let go completely cause he said "in minecraft" and his legal team was able to argue that the term was commonly used as a joke? I think I read about that.

>> No.76747769

This guy gets it

>> No.76747775

Ok tranny cuck, keep jumping through threads, we are watching you.

>> No.76747827

I'm pretty sure Quinn is more of a runt than Sayu, right? Sayu might be a bullied leper, but she's not as utterly irrelevant as the average NijiEN organ.

>> No.76747898

WAIT! He is fucked up in the head!! now he thinks he is talking to sayu!!! hahahahahahaha this fucking shit head is a blast,

>> No.76747980

Nah, Quinn just has lower CCV. He has more followers and WAY more friends. He's universally beloved in Vtubing whilst Sayu's basically hitler

>> No.76747984

I don't think a single person has ever taken that faggot seriously. Omegle troll zoomers arent vtubers so obviously nobody here ever considered him a part of this industry.

It's like comparing Sayu to that one time Pokimane did a vtuber stream.

>> No.76748096

Stop samefagging Sayu

>> No.76748123

>universally beloved

>> No.76748142

He really thinks he is at last talking with Sayu, he is too far gone

>> No.76748190

>ctrl+f "sayu"
>90 mentions

>> No.76748228

Yeah that is a fact, not by vtuber fans of course, but he is friends irl with a lot of mainstream streamers and a lot of vtubers. Still a shit streamer him self, but it seems like a good guy behind the scenes

>> No.76748264

Sorry to break it to you but he is, way more than fucking Sayu ever will be

>> No.76748266
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She just gave me a rimjob

>> No.76748280

Yeah, unlike most of the others, Sayu is her drama. That's all there is to her. Most of it isn't even her fault, but the few bits that are have pretty much damned her. Doki and Mint were helped by the timing of their respective circumstances, but the very help in question was built up and fostered over time by who they are in the first place. Not only does Sayu have too much to work on in terms of personal growth and generally getting out of her own head, but she's also made so many mistakes already that even other victims are wary of having much to do with her. It's sad to see.

>> No.76748312

>What about Sayu
Holy shit, sisters are doing overtime these past few days

>> No.76748391

>Sayu has made clear that she can't get opportunities because she is still, to this day, ghosted by most major players and vtubers because of Nijisanji.


>> No.76748462

I don't think making a victory lap with dramasharks and sharing private documents would help you building connections with other vtubers. What happened to her is horrible, and I hope she gets over it, but her actions do not help achieving her goals.

>> No.76748555

He's an annoying unfunny cunt but yeah for some reason a lot of vtubers seem to like him (more than sayu at least), which is frustrating because we as watchers can't see why since he's very obnoxious during collabs. I hope he stays a 3view forever.

>> No.76748609

She mad

>> No.76748670

No-one even tries to help Sayu.

>> No.76748689

All she had to do was shut the fuck up and focus on streaming and THEN start opening her mouth once she's more established and made connections.
Half of the time she's talking about Niji.

>> No.76748715

Yeah, 'major players'. Her only systemic collabs are with small groups. And, as she's said, she can't go to a lot of big events, functions or collabs because the people there will block her. Acting as if Sayu isn't to a large degree blacklisted by the EN Vtuber scene is just stupid

>> No.76748750

That's just not true. Most of her streams don't even mention them.

>> No.76748795

>once she's more established and made connections
And how exactly is she going to do that when 95% of all liggers are avoiding her in the first place?

>> No.76748811

Her goal is saviourfagging organs that refuse to save themselves. Total Nijinigger death is literally the only path to achieving her fucking insane goal that she really should give up on. Why save people who if they had half a brain could just contact their local government to rescue them from foreign slave contracts? Government bureaucrats fucking love this shit.

>> No.76748835

She couldn't establish herself. C'mon, you know this. This is retarded levels, like saying 'just do better' as if she exists in a vacuum and anything she wants can be hers' if she just wants it hard enough

>> No.76748855

We don't know what's happening behind the scenes, like when everyone assumed that Doki and Mint completely avoided each other because they didn't publicly interact until now, she had a few collabs with corpos and indie vtubers so she definitely had to talk to them on discord or through twitter DMs.

>> No.76748928

I didn't follow the Zaion shitshow, what exactly was she accused of for having everyone supposedly ghost or block her?

>> No.76748935

Go take your meds, Sayu is doing better than ever, the level of cope from niji sisters is amazing.

>> No.76748947

Trolling is truly a talent. I could never do it with such finesse

>> No.76748989


>> No.76749020

Fine: as far as we know no-one even tries to help Sayu. Per her own words none of them respond to her. Meanwhile we have seen all the others talking to each other. Better?

>> No.76749033

Not mint. Only matara. Everytime sayu has a melty they would seethe about matara and cyyu. Of course outside they would pretend it's all sisters falseflagging. It could partially be true. But only partially.

>> No.76749094

You're delusional, please seek help. It's blatant derailing.
Also Doki, Mata and Mint are actually decent people not a blackened husk of a human like you, so no they wont be "happy" about someones suffering. Normal people don't derive happiness from the suffering of others, something you'll never understand because you're a horrible cunt.

>> No.76749095

They've been getting beaten particularly hard these last few days and the only thing they can do is violently take it out on others as usual

>> No.76749107

She mentions it enough to make it a big part of her identity. Doki/Mint/Matara didn't go to dramastreams to talk about niji. Doki/Mint/Matara did not do watchalongs of videos about their drama. Doki/Mint/Matara do not have drama outbursts on twitter/streams every other month. She needs to stop, reflect and get a therapist

>> No.76749168

Ok you're actually just fucking nuts. You cannot believe the shit you're saying? like it's demonstrably not true... are you living in your own schizo fantasy anon?

>> No.76749222

Ah! But you do concede that Sayu isn't a decent person, excellent, that's progress at least. But, no, being happy that an awful person is suffering isn't a problem and Doki, Mata and Mint definitley enjoy sayu's suffering

>> No.76749241

Those raid graphs that get posted around of him and Sayu tell the whole story

>> No.76749259

I mean you can find multipl clips on youtub about Mint and Matara talking about their time before, so that's just blatantly untrue. Look, just because you only folow Sayu's drama doesn't mean other ex-Nijis don't also talk about it. They just have a support network and friends

>> No.76749261

What do you mean 'major players'? You think she should be allowed to have daily collabs with Holos or something? Filian is big enough to be mentioned in cover corp documents, sorry if that's not good enough for you.

>> No.76749289

That is not a sister my good man. This is a whole different thing. I think we just found the next thing after big foot. It's the sayuschizo.

>> No.76749295

If you honestly think Quinn is less liked than Sayu you are just an idiot

>> No.76749312

>A, B, and C are decent people
>So you said that D is bad
Nijinigger logic

>> No.76749333

I accept your concession

>> No.76749346
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pls respond

>> No.76749360

she gets to organize very successful events without having a braindead retarded clique-led japanese management yelling "NO ! YOU NO DO THAT !" at every idea she proposes

>> No.76749395

Nothing. People who support Doki don't support Sayu because they avoided the latter and by supporting her afterwards they would be admitting they fucked up

>> No.76749568

This. Sayu really needs to get her mind out of the gutter and see the big picture. There have never been greater opportunities for her to connect with the community than now

>> No.76749598

Well, if she doesn't have friends in the circle then she should get a good therapist. Trauma dumping in public space is never good, unless you're trying to farm pity points.
And there's a difference between small comments about your previous job here and there, and doing a drama watchalong.

>> No.76749686

Oh, and here I hoped we'd made some progress

>> No.76749722

i finally let her see my cock (it's quite big)

>> No.76749731

Pedo rapist

>> No.76749748

And by spamming "everyone hates Sayu" in 50 different threads you are reversing that progress

>> No.76749763

i thought this ship made pomu die of cringe, what happened?

>> No.76749784

What concession? I wasn't arguing with you.

>> No.76749790

Shut the fuck up Sayucuck. Honestly you are the most annoying fucking fans

>> No.76749791
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You called?

>> No.76749803
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Nijisanji dug up everything they could throw at her. It could be any number of these but the first thing that started the harassment campaign was an unfinished rape joke

>> No.76749847
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>> No.76749865

>The pot calls everything in the kitchen black

>> No.76749931

You see, the thing is, I don't really need to come up with smart comebacks. Your Oshi is the most hated person in all of vtubing, you're already the laughing stock of /vt/ so you can't really get any worse than you already are

>> No.76750008

>The pot continues to call everything in the kitchen black

>> No.76750247

Nah see my Oshi, Mint, is universally beloved. Sucks to be you sayuschizo

>> No.76750340

>The pot, brags that its oven is universally beloved, while calling everything else in the kitchen black

>> No.76750365

>you're already the laughing stock of /vt/
This title belongs to aloucucks.

>> No.76750528

The pot owns an oven?!

>> No.76750583

This metaphor is just getting weird now

>> No.76750743

>you're already the laughing stock of /vt/
But enough about elira

>> No.76750807

>you're already the laughing stock of /vt/
Wait, why are we talking about Finana?

>> No.76750985

the competition is tough, lmao
I nominate lucucks

>> No.76751012

Mint liked an unity picture with Sayu and Doki tho? Or are you gonna memoryhole that.

>> No.76751117

>What is Doki happy about?
Wrestling event was successful. I would not be surprised if she started a RUST server event next and bring in the Hololive EN and ID girls along with a bunch others along.

>> No.76751153

She liked it because she saw cute art of her and Doki. She hasn't followed Sayu or ever interacted with her

>> No.76751215

Now that's cope LMAO

>> No.76751277

Why haven't they collabed then? Sayu's busy crying and you're insisting that actually they geet along fine? You're the one coping

>> No.76751351

All the schizos thought Mint hated Doki because she didn't interact with her or followed her until she appeared out of nowhere at Wrestletuber, what will be your cope when Mint and Sayu get together kek?

>> No.76751431
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>ctrl+f "sayu"
>118 results

>> No.76751459
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pic rel

>> No.76751467

If you think that Mint would ever even give Sayu the time of day if her life depended on it then you're an idiot.

>> No.76751480

NTA. Okay, let's be realistic. Doki i can see, but Mint? No way, Matara's not gonna allow it.

>> No.76751559

Doki's even less likely. She's blatantly ghosted sayu twice

>> No.76751590

Sayu isn't owed a fucking collab just for existing.

>> No.76751595

People said worse things about Mint-Doki and look at where that got us. At this point I just want it to happen to see ensuing schizo meltdown.

>> No.76751632

Bullshit. Sayu said that the ball of initiating interaction is in Doki's court. She herself didn't even try to reach out to Doki.

>> No.76751638

And nobody is arguing that

>> No.76751641

>seething on cooldown

>> No.76751764

Matara doesn't have a veto on what Mint does and doesn't want one. Mint is actually more likely, she even retweeted fanart of herself with Sayu.

>> No.76751794

She literally tweeted to her, first person to do so after termination, and got totally blown off like a loser lol

>> No.76751834

She obviously initiated interaction with Doki in some way, even indirectly, to get into Wrestletuber, only to get turned down. That's why she had the whole onstream menhera shitfit.

>> No.76751840

Who says about vetoing? Mint would probably just heed Matara's advice, if anything. No reason why she wouldn't.

>> No.76751932
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>> No.76752139
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So how many people are ACTUALLY for a Sayu/Doki interaction at this point?

>> No.76752186

I don't mind it, more unity is always good
Easy PR win for Doki as well

>> No.76752227
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I mean, if it happens, nice. If it doesn't, no skin off my teeth.

>> No.76752242

Sayu is done for, why bother?

>> No.76752308

>thread about Doki
>90% of posts is about Sayu
as organic as Subway sandwiches

>> No.76752394

Hey it worked with Finana
Well at least until Claude showed up.

>> No.76752503

Sayu inserted herself into the narrative masterfully by complaining every week over being "left out". It's genius.

>> No.76752537

I think it would be an incredible gesture of kindness, and I think it would be fun, and I believe it would break a lot of narratives, but I don't think Sayu should rely on her former coworkers as a means of healing her trauma

>> No.76752557

>i'm shaking right now
>the best year of my life
would be kino if doki tweets something like this KEK

>> No.76752595

I'd like to think she's not idly waiting for someone to save her. Otherwise she wouldn't be doing things like sponsoring offkai

>> No.76752801

You fell for an editing clip with an obvious cut in the middle

>> No.76752914

If she doesn't start slandering Doki or other people after the collab then sure.

>> No.76753402

As someone that's been very critical of Sayu, I would still support it, if for no other reason than that it might make Sayu feel like she has some closure and thereby stop constantly dramabaiting and having menhera attacks on stream.

>> No.76753455

Whatever makes sayukeks stop bitching about matara.

>> No.76754235

Such a shame these psychos alienated Vivi. She actually knows how to successfully astroturf opinion /here/. They could've pressured her for strategic advice.

>> No.76754329

Does it matter? She's happy. Maybe this is part of her therapy. Maybe her shrink told her to acknowledge her happiness more. I dunno I'm not a dr.

>> No.76754480

Shrinks are all a bunch of ball washing bastards. But if it helps her then it helps her, I guess.

>> No.76754491

Blame anyone but herself

>> No.76754619

Is it too late for Rosemi?

>> No.76754793

>/lig/gers too

>> No.76754872

If she's doing so well, why she keep being menhera.

>> No.76754915

Maybe because you faggots keep on coming into her chat to bait her

>> No.76755003

She just took a fat shit, like you wouldn't believe the size.

>> No.76755067

>brown grammar
every fucking time

>> No.76755074

The people baiting her aren't even antis, they're dramafag "fans".

>> No.76755082

Don't act like you've never pushed one out and thought "wow I can take a big dick"

>> No.76755095


>> No.76755292

It’ll never happen so who cares?

>> No.76755343

surrounded by cocks

>> No.76755602

yeah, mine

>> No.76756369

Why do you think Mata is giving out advice to avoid Sayu? She doesn't care. She didn't even block her on twitter.

>> No.76758142

Nah, people supporting Doki more because they have more of a base to go on:
>obvious unfair treatments multiple times
>an entire month of deafening silence
>doki didn't throw out a whole long-winded document in respond, just one very fucking mental tweet that says everything that needed to be said
>played her cards very smart when dealing with the aftermaths to make herself looks good (and was possibly baiting out the Nijidumbs to yabs)
Meanwhile, the only thing i remember about Sayu is the document, where there is a lot of out-of-nowhere information that is hard to digest for a casualfag, plus the situation doesn't seem nearly as grave as Doki's, so less people care about/take it as serious.

>> No.76761092

Collab with Pharrell soon?????

>> No.76761582

unacceptable. everyone should be miserable like me.

>> No.76761633

Killing nijiniggerstaind

>> No.76761859

I kinda want this to happen just so sisters won't be able to use it as ammo anymore. It's fucking annoying.

>> No.76762849

We already know how it works after Mint
>"they were pressured to collab!"
>just what I expected from dookieshart!"
>"Doki's just pitying poor menhera, it's the first and the last time they interact!"
And other schizo narratives

>> No.76762949

shut up sayu

>> No.76763389

Her favorite icecream was on sale.

>> No.76763546
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>> No.76763554

Enna is that you?

>> No.76763808
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>Thick Mint

>> No.76763928

The "truth" is only in your head then.

>> No.76764032
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Why you guys are so obsessed with her?

>> No.76764217

She beat Gura in CCV

>> No.76764718
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>Thick Mint

>> No.76765500

It's still crazy how people think they can get away with anything just because they don't have a username attached to their post. You'd think they'd know better by now.
