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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 66 KB, 356x348, IMG_1216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76736288 No.76736288 [Reply] [Original]

I love this cute menhera retard

>> No.76736749

she seems unfairly hated on. I hope your cute retard gets less menhera in the future

>> No.76736784


go to sleep, Finana.

>> No.76736873

I’m not a hater anti this time

>> No.76736880
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>> No.76736901

Just let her fall off the catalog for once and stop giving the schizos ammo then.

>> No.76736949

>filian poster calling other people faggots
your oshi is a 35 year old woman who acts like a 14 year old boy

>> No.76737113

Good for you, anon. Just watch out for the schizos and pray that Sayu herself learns to do the same.

>> No.76737114
File: 141 KB, 112x112, sayuwu3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on one hand, agreed. on the other hand, SAYU LOVE!

>> No.76737957

Maybe she needs a better manager or an agency to handle her shit.

>> No.76738071
File: 623 KB, 641x678, GOM64zYWUAAsh-V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take full responsibility I promise!
her manager wasn't hired to leash her like a dog.

>> No.76738662

her manager has to do exactly that and drag her into therapist's office

>> No.76738699

>35 year old woman who acts like a 14 year old boy
damn that's hot

>> No.76738878
File: 3.91 MB, 1280x720, filian_itching_pussy_wowww_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you say so

>> No.76738981

God, I want to fuck Filian so much

>> No.76739028

I wish I were the one scratching it post stream when it's at its most sweatiest

>> No.76739040

the more I watch this webm the more insane and hilarious it becomes to me holy kek

>> No.76739047

no, and she was bugged about it during Sayu's spiral that she had to release a statement in discord. and before you ask, she also hates corpocvcks and their "managers" enslaving talents.

>> No.76739447

>complains about parasocial fans whenever it suits her
>lovebombs her fans whenever it suits her
>tries to guilt trip former acquaintances into interacting with her and including her in collabs
>prostitutionbaits (lol)
etc etc etc. she's a manipulative bitch. the fact that niji treated her like shit doesn't change that

>> No.76739515

Doing porn with Sayu! I hope you will all enjoy

>> No.76739528

>complains about parasocial fans whenever it suits her
stopped reading there, literally never happened.

>> No.76739534

>wild mood swings
>wants all your money
so you’re saying she’s GFE?

>> No.76739562

>Verification not required.

>> No.76739620

she literally had a meltdown about it on stream which resulted in a thread here that she responded to on her twitter. why even reply if you're this clueless?

>> No.76739661

those were drama tourists, not fans.

>> No.76739708

Go to sleep, Finana. You have more gacha slop to play
>Verification not required

>> No.76739719

So, she is a normal female?

>> No.76739746

>Doki and Mint make out during intermission
>Also play footsies under the table
>Meanwhile Sayu masturbates alone to cum tribute videos of herself

>> No.76739998

no true scotsman lol

>> No.76740042
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>> No.76740050


>> No.76740357

except you dramaniggers aren't even Europeans let alone Scots.

>> No.76740377

You can love her in real life. For a price.

>> No.76740426

I already do. get on my level, faggot.
>Verification not required.

>> No.76740568

>aren't even Europeans
leck mich am arsch

>> No.76740604

did I fucking stutter?

>> No.76740765

Burgerchama... Your languages reps..

>> No.76740870

fick dich du hurrensohn

>> No.76740994

>closes her legs
>oh good she noticed what she was doing and stopped

>> No.76741009

ew no lol a kurva anyádat

>> No.76741707

>likes an old ugly divorced Wonton
>thinks he's not a gigacuck

>> No.76741832
File: 419 KB, 469x704, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's scratching her leg dingus.
Her legs are thicker than they are on the model.
You think a twig can do flips for days?

>> No.76741856

she's young compared to me, you stupid child.

>> No.76742045

get the fuck out of here with your logic. she is clearly rubbing her pussy.

>> No.76742071

I do think she needs to learn when to cut the stream.

>> No.76742188

Me too. Stop with the fucking threads tho.

>> No.76742236

She should stop doing stream longer than the effect of her Xanie imho.

>> No.76742331

are you the one pimping her out? how much for an hour

>> No.76742506

Prostitute. You love that cute menhera prostitute.

>> No.76742548
File: 199 KB, 425x419, 1518000509534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's... that's fake right...? She was digging for gold down there.

>> No.76742589

i can fix her

>> No.76742619

I wrote this

>> No.76742668

And at the end, she is going to turn out the only ex-niji that I could respect, the only one not joining in the clique of sluts and griffters.

>> No.76742681

Sure but where's the Sayu general? Seems like those cowards ran the moment things got tough.

>> No.76742741

You would do a complete 180 on that stance the second one of them paid attention to her. Seems like sour grapes to me.

>> No.76742751

If one person hates you - you're not the problem.
If everyone hates you - maybe it's time to realize YOU ARE the problem.

>but they don't know her
They worked for half a year together. Not a single person from her gen liked her. Most of them very actively disliked her in fact.
When are we going to admit she's just not a good person?

>> No.76742753

>those cowards ran the moment things got tough
fans reflect oshi

>> No.76743001

>oh shit everyone can see me..

>> No.76743030

its on pause cause sisters keep raiding it.

>> No.76743062

Filian doesn't wipe after she pees so this happens a lot. Gets pretty itchy down there.

>> No.76743160

Were is the general of the rest of vtubers that aren't streaming on the board anon? that is the most retarded comment of the day, (YOU) ARE A WINNER!!

>> No.76743258

same. just wish she'd get some jannies who have balls to just perma shitters at the first sign of mental retardation

>> No.76743352

They only post the general when she's actually streaming, sister. Not that it matters because the endless bait threads force it off the catalog anyway.

>> No.76743360

>half a year

>not a single person from her gen liked her
MEGA retard

>> No.76743421

Unwashed SEA femcel hands typed this post.

>> No.76743486

Fine then but that has happened to other generals.

The Sayu general is a thing though like /ggg/ always being there. Honestly it's needed now more than ever.

>> No.76743507

Her tomboy level is so high...

>> No.76743522


>> No.76743565


>> No.76743615

Her general couldn’t even hit bump limit without dying, that’s why it’s not made anymore.

>> No.76743843

This. There's like 20 Sincroknights /here/ at most, myself included. Don't know why we keep making a general thread.

>> No.76743948

Wtf no, that shit will be filled with sisters schizoposting and nobody needs that. It's fine the way it is right now, only appearing when she streams

>> No.76743989

No-one else does. In fact Mint, Matara and Doki hate her.

>> No.76744009

I'm not even a Sincoroknight or whatever but I would like to have proper discussions about Sayu outside of a catalog bait thread. I can't tell if half those people are answering sincerely or are just trying to keep their thread going.

>> No.76744030

We really shouldn't. Sayu is despised almost everywhere.

>> No.76744071

But enough about Elira.

>> No.76744167

I'm sorry to break it to you dude but Elira has a higher chance of graduating and then being a member of VShojo and hanging out with Doki and Mint than Sayu does.
Sayu was literally the very first person to reach out to Doki, has explicitly said positive things about Doki, Mint and Matara on a range of platforms even in public and they still treat her as if she doesn't exist. Face it, Sayu is the single most hated Vtuber in the EN space. Nijisanji organs, formeer Nijisanji organs, Indies, Holo, VShojo all hate her.

>> No.76744220

There's nothing to discuss.Everyone hates her. Discussions about her are just the exact same four things being said over and over. The matter is finished. It is closed. If there was anything even remotely likeable about her Doki wouldn't be avoiding her like the plague.

>> No.76744391

Why are we using Doki as the sole determinant of who is liked or hated?
Just means that Niji's slander was effective, which we've already known for ages

>> No.76744439

>If there was anything even remotely likeable about her Doki wouldn't be avoiding her like the plague.

Just like how Mint/Matara avoided Doki, right sister? Fuck sayu! Nobody likes her! Cut4Hex!

>> No.76744487

I mean I can use Unnamed, Mint, Matara, Quinn, Michi too. Sayu is the only one nobody is willing to interact with. It probably isn't slander if even everybody who left Nijisanji and hates it still hate Sayu more

>> No.76744489

The Nyfconiggers are absolutely just posting worthless garbage just to keep their bait threads alive as long as possible, it's the same tactic they've been using against Doki since February. Saging the thread doesn't even work either because they bump it whenever it's about to fall off the board.

>> No.76744537

Mint and Matara just collabed with Doki, what are you talking about?

>> No.76744606

>everybody who left Nijisanji and hates it still hate Sayu more
And you know this how?

>> No.76744696

I don't believe it has to do with hate. She's just off her freaking rocker so they just downright avoid her.

>> No.76744741

The difference is people like and care about Doki

>> No.76744832
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>> No.76744857

I want to become a popular vtuber just so I can collab with Sayu ...

>> No.76744892

>I love this cute menhera retard
Does she love herself though?

>> No.76744941

Cause they avoid her like the plague even as she explicitly struggles with suicidal impulses over feeling as if everyone isolates her whilst they organize big events to reunite with each other. You don't do that to someone struggling with depression and suicide unless you don't care

>> No.76744989

Won't happen. To become a popular Vtuber you would need to engage in spaces where Sayu is not allowed. If you did that first THEN collabed with Sayu you would just instantly stop being a popular vtuber.

>> No.76745030

She has said herself she thinks she's worthless

>> No.76745048

Can the Sincroknights please tell her to just take a break and end the looping

>> No.76745063

>tell her to chill
>she says 'You really shouldn't tell people to chill, #nickname'

>> No.76745145

don't care =/= hate

>> No.76745194

I be you think Mint hates Kiara now too because she's hanging with Matara lately.

>> No.76745269

That won't change anything. This is just a deluded cope. Nobody is staying away from her because she sometimes rants about how sad she is. Mint wouldn't have magically collabed with her if she didn't whine about her depression. Thinking this is the solution to her problems is just idiotic

>> No.76745295

Because when she streams, where are you gonna talk about her?. If you went to /lig/ which is where she belongs, people would hate on her and try to throw the sinchroknights out. I doubt even /freak/ would accept you. You guys had good conversations there, but as the situation is going, who knows how next thread will end up. Specially with that schizo anti that you guys are calling Finana going around spamming that out of context clip.

>> No.76745308

If you know your apathy actively makes that person depressed and suicidal it is

>> No.76745392

Sayu's collabed with filian, Zentreya, Silvervale, and Kson.

>> No.76745398

Nothing is going to actually solve that problem, but taking time away from streaming and the internet to breathe without hearing news about people she wants to collab with would do her some good.
And really, avoiding the route of self-destruction beats the alternatives

>> No.76745444

Realistically, she's going to have to quiet down and hopefully be stricter with moderation. She was doing really well for several months by focusing on her own streams rather than everyone, and the Doki shit just kind of threw a wrench into everything. If she wants to avoid becoming a lolcow like michael cat, she's going to have to at least take steps to stop the bad actors in their tracks.

>> No.76745506

Filian collabs with anyone. Zentreya did once, before she shittalked VShojo, Silvervale is almost as big a lolcow as she is and also universally hated and Kson, yeah, Kson did seem to have been close to her before, but they've not interacted in like a year now. Very tellingly no former Nijis ever interact with her. Also, this means she can't ever join any space where they are because they won't take the risk of even accidentally bumping into her. That's gonna kill career growth particularly with Doki now around as almost all the biggest Indie EN Vtubing events will involve them

>> No.76745537

Nothing is gonna solve it. There we go. That's the right answer. She's screwed. She'll spend her life watching the other organs retire, be showered with love, network and hanging out together and know she'll never have anything

>> No.76745665

And she also livewatched that armchairs video.

>> No.76745701

The funny thing is...
If Sayu DOES get backed far enough into a corner, she's going to air EVERYTHING.
Like fuck, you thought her old document had some fun stuff? I'm pretty sure the stuff she could reveal would get people flat out jailed. She said that her little document was originally more than twice as long as it ended up being. I shudder to think what she'd have if she wasn't bound by NDA or legal repercussions, especially with her being so anal about receipts.

>> No.76745749
File: 174 KB, 1332x1170, bob saget addict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero self respect
>unironic prostitution
>guilt tripper
no wonder she's fucking divorced and treated like a leper. I don't really watch her but jesus christ this all probably stems from a horrific, longtime gambling addiction

>> No.76745771

Holy cope

>> No.76745815

Sure, sis. Just like how firing Selen would be negligible.

>> No.76745817

She's the worst. There is a reason why hating her is the one thing everyone agrees on, even Nijis and Niji-antis

>> No.76746232
File: 702 KB, 899x849, Screenshot (808).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keeps crying about not having a group of her own to support her
>Literally has her own group
What did she mean by this?

>> No.76746273

>Everyone agrees on.
Everyone agrees on that you are a faggoty cuck selffaggin all over the board.
Anons we are witnessing a man on his wits end, crying for the attention of sayu, what a time to be alive.

>> No.76746275

That she really likes the people she knew at Nijisanji and wishes they would like her back

>> No.76746305

Piprup! Is that you again?

>> No.76746334

My guess would be she wishes that people didn't still ghost her and avoid her when she reaches out to them

>> No.76746392

Therapy and a good record of positive and drama-free vtuber relationships would solve it because realistically they don't hate Sayu but they're afraid of getting closer to her and only Sayu showing resolve and consistency will change that.

>> No.76746394

>sayu thread
Alright I'll ask.
Do any of you guys have an archive of her thighcam from her subathon? She never uploaded it to YT and I can't find it anywhere else.

>> No.76746544

Nah c'mon this is cope. Doki, Mint, Mata, all of them, they're never gonna collab with Sayu, you know this. If you think the only thing stopping them from collabing from Sayu is they think she's too unbalanced or soemthing then you're just dumb. They aren't afraid of getting closer toher, they just don't like the bitch. Anyone who seriously thinks they will ever collab with her is deluded. Sayu was the first person to reach out to Doki and basically just said 'welcome back' and Doki still blew her off completely. There is no way they are ever collabing.

>> No.76746596

As someone who's met a woman before, she sounds like a woman

>> No.76746603

It doesn't matter if you're a hater or not, making catalog threads focused on a single non-holo vtuber that has lots of antis is always bad.

>> No.76746618

To be fair, it took months before Doki interacted with any former Nijis outside of U-san

>> No.76746664

I find her attitude more annoying than sad but making constant threads about her isn't going to improve her situation.

>> No.76746683

Commenting in their chat doesn't count.

>> No.76746718

What did she say?

>> No.76746719

Yeah, she's the worst

>> No.76746766

And she will never interact with Sayu, yeah

>> No.76746829

>Mint will never appear in WWE

>> No.76746906

I spoke to a woman once, worst mistake of my life.

>> No.76746960

Nah, Mint and Doki are friends, all the former nijis but Sayu are, nothing weird about them appearing together.

>> No.76747087
File: 225 KB, 1454x657, discord message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what she said btw

>> No.76747098

>cute menhera retard
That literally describes 80% of all VTubers.

>> No.76747125

Can someone lend me some binoculars? The goalpost was moved so far away I can't see it anymore sisters!

>> No.76747170

Sayu is seething Doki's breath is now minty fresh, as well as her asshole

>> No.76747213

>before she shittalked VShojo
This is kind of her problem. Even when big vtubers give her a chance, she'll always find a way to self sabatoge and make them distance themselves from her.

>> No.76747218

No movement, same they've always been: they all hate Sayu.

>> No.76747233

she measures her "friends" worth by popularity

>> No.76747386

It's really selfish of Sayu to overshadow the big collab with her own bullshit about how she's not included. It's the first time those four have been together since Niji but instead of positive vibes for everyone, she had to make it about herself and bring everybody down.

>> No.76747432

She was scratching her sweaty hot legs
However it's a lot more fun to imagine she was fingering herself live on stream.

>> No.76747499

>Zero online activity during wrestletuber
Sis it literally just happened you can at least wait a day before trying to rewrite history in the dumbest way possible

>> No.76747500

Sayu will never be happy befriending vtubers with less clout than her. She'll only be truly content when ironmouse is fanning her with a giant palm leaf while Gwar Gura feeds her some grapes on a hot summers day.

>> No.76747502

imagine the smell

>> No.76747563

She is the worst like that, everything she does just makes everything worse, and people wonder why everyone avoids her

>> No.76747572

Yeah, let the destructive menhera woman do what she wants, her outright saying that she considered whoring herself out is very good sign of improvement and i'm sure her next streams won't have her getting mindbroken by random assholes in her chat that she could've simply banned on the spot.

>> No.76747579

They're technically a group but they very rarely do things together. I'm pretty sure Sayu wants a group that collabs more frequently
t. Someone who watches a couple of the other ones

>> No.76747590

How about instead of watching Doki or Fauna or Pippa, you actually take the time to watch and support Sayu? No more empty platitudes, get yourself and your fans to actively support her.

>> No.76747603

She does always specify that who she is talking about are the indies who were friends with her before Nijisanji and then ghosted her after her termination. Most of these then reached out to everyone since her whose left Nijisanji, but still ghost her

>> No.76747639

ah, so your name is all?

>> No.76747643

>She is the worst
I disagree, it seems like everything she does makes subhuman sisters like you seethe uncontrollably so I think in that aspect she's the best :)

>> No.76747648

Nobody likes Sayu. we're just seein this shit because Dragoons and Wisps are suffering cognitive dissonance from supporting ex-Nijis but also their oshis hate Sayu, so they make stupid stuff like this

>> No.76747660

Sister, do you have no other cope left?

>> No.76747684

No, all the ex-organs + most indies

>> No.76747700

Nigga you can spam "nobody likes Sayu" a billion different ways but that doesn't make it true

>> No.76747713

So, your name is All, second name Nobody, and your pronouns are they. Ok tranny, thanks for the clarification.

>> No.76747793

Sayu came close to saying that herself. Specifically she claimed "none of them think I'm a good person".

>> No.76747809

Don't have to, it's a fact, she knows it, that's why she's depressed. Cope harder

>> No.76747854

Sayu has literally said it explicitly herself. What, is she also a Nijisister?

>> No.76747923

Sayu look I know you’re here you’re terminally online. I went through the same shit you went though with my close friend circle of over 10 years, developed bipolar disorder and let it go undiagnosed for 2 years and ended up having a meltdown one night and causing my friends to ask me to get therapy and help because I needed it, long story short I didn’t get help because I felt it was a waste of time and they all cut ties with me and unperson’d me from our circle, it’s been over two years now and I’m still trying to reach out but it’s like talking to a wall and it’s making me depressed now that I did get help and am doing better yet they won’t let me repair the bridge, Spend your energy on people who care about you, because my friends obviously don’t care about me despite over a decade of good times and friendship, don’t waste your time with people you barely even knew because of some clout

>> No.76747952


good jod with the (ME)'s very seamless

>> No.76747959

So... the new plan is make Sayu do something drastic and then blame it on Doki because "she didn't save her"?

>> No.76748015
File: 1.62 MB, 494x650, 1716397545060677.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76748021

Nah, Sayu's just the worst

>> No.76748036
File: 74 KB, 646x498, Screenshot (807).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been man, that's why i've been so frustrated, I watched like 90% of her streams since the termination, I've subbed to her, membered, donated a ton of money during the subathon, bought some merch, defended her both /here/ and on twitter when shit like the Kenji thing happened.

And yet despite my best efforts she just seems to have just gotten worse over time, like I thought she was getting better, she took that Zaion vid well enough, clearly got broken up a little over the gyaru bitch but seemed to largely hold it together compared to her subathon breakdown where she couldn't mention Finana or the others without sounding like she was on the verge of tears, and yet suddenly she's completely losing it and having to cancel stream over some dumb comments made by a random grayname?

Either she's way more fragile than she's letting on and needs some serious mental help or she's just acting out for attention at this point, i don't know.

>> No.76748063

I'm pretty sure Dragoons and Wisps are indifferent to Sayu, and want people to stop mentioning her whenever Doki or Mint are brought up or accomplish something.

>> No.76748074

I don’t know, my plan is to impregnate Sayu

>> No.76748110

A worthy goal
But hurry up and do it before her eggs expire

>> No.76748287

Nah we hate that bitch syu, fuck her

>> No.76748333

Dn't really think there's a conspiracy. Sayu's just a bitch adn she'd probably gonna pop pills over getting ghosted. I'm gonna be honest wth you too, I think sayu could literally die and nobody would care. I don't think Doki would even acknowledge it and I don't think anyone would be pestering her. There are like 4 sayu fans tops.

>> No.76748429

I like her but I don't usually bring her up because it riles up the schizos and derails the thread

>> No.76748455

I appreciate you

>> No.76748493

Back to Twitter you go sis

>> No.76748517

Well, I can distinguish coordinated psyop and a couple of retards randomly being retards, thank you
And this is not just a couple of random retards

>> No.76748723

>suddenly she completely loses it
I mean Sayu has been reminded of shit every week now since Black Screen be it NDF, Kenji fans, her own fans, news-tubers, video essays, behind the scenes communication efforts, newfags and Doki actions. Kind of a long time coming.

>> No.76748732

shes not beating the male accusations.
she is beating her meat

>> No.76749070

>Sayu is going about sad and depressing thoughts
>some Tangia twitch shit pops up to mock it

>> No.76749087

This. She's a major self sabotager. It feels like if she just chilled out and focused on the positive friendships that she has with smaller vtubers, and her fans, she'd start to fix her image. But instead she's having a slow menhera meltdown, which is turning off even some people who were sympathetic towards her.

>> No.76749235

Sayu need to cut ties with all the problematic fans especially that Piprup who picks fight with other indie vtubers and corpo on X when she is sleeping. If you don't amputate the cancerous part it will get worst just saying.

>> No.76749525
File: 939 KB, 498x333, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I would play with her girlballs

>> No.76749621
File: 3.22 MB, 896x500, jojo-bizarre-adventure-tongue-out-3ukth6ewh173g42k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I would eat her taco if she is actually a woman

>> No.76749640

As she deserves, fuck her

>> No.76749657

>a bunch of literal whos
There's the problem, she only cares about being friends with popular people because numbers are what makes her happy.

>> No.76749761

Man you simps act like battered women, I guess that's what low test does to you.

>> No.76749992

And you sisters act like you haven't been able to spread your legs for Chad in years. What's your point?

>> No.76750181

It quite literally is impossible to have a thread on Sayu without it just becoming a place where everyone dumps on her. I don't even know her that well but she really is so hated.

>> No.76750195

Did she kick your dog or something?

>> No.76750262

Sayuschizo is talking to herself now, it's impressive how her intelligence degraded so quickly

>> No.76750343


>> No.76750355

She's thrown shade at multiple vtubers/fandoms at this point, intentionally and unintentionally, directly and indirectly. Her latest melty had her make an 'ambiguous' statement that could be considered shitting on Mint or Doki.

>> No.76750486

Really? What did she say?

>> No.76750621

She was wronged, and then made it her whole personality. She's the depressing loner who gave up. People don't like being around her because at best all she does is bring the mood down and whine about how she'll never recover from how bad things used to be. At worst, she tries to indirectly shame anyone who's slightly uncomfortable around her, which is basically everyone considering how she's been acting.
I guess being a living sob story is the easy way out. Now the moment she tries to move past it, she has to find a face beyond just "betrayed ex-Niji."

>> No.76750630

New Niji wave JUST came out. Sayu still gets all the board space

>> No.76750643

She said that there are vtubers who are more successful than she is and who her fans probably like who are actually not nice people like they think, according to her experience with them. So that excludes every 3view and anyone who has been her public enemy, and leaves only a small amount of people to choose from - when you think of "successful and likeable", and in the context of an ex-niji saying all this, the most obvious that comes to mind are Mint or Doki. Of course it's too ambiguous to really make any concrete guesses, but that's still enough to stir drama.

>> No.76750702

The obsessed Nijisister who's posted like 30 Sayu bait threads in the last 3 days

>> No.76750722

Oh, nah, I'd think Mata straight away.

>> No.76750758

Why does no-one help her? Sounds like she's depressed

>> No.76750792

I don't think Sayu fans like Matara anymore after she ignored Sayu's pleas. The key part of her statement is that it's people who her fans like.

>> No.76750809

Close, she made their precious black company look bad

>> No.76750808

Why does it exclude 3views? My gut on hearing this would be Quinn and Cy Yu.

>> No.76750852

Because it would require them to admit they were wrong for ostracizing her during the termination

>> No.76750883


>> No.76750889

Because Sayu is a 4view, hence anyone more successful than her does not include 3views. She very explicitly referred to success as having "higher numbers" than her.

>> No.76751013

Is she crying? Why does it keep cutting out?

>> No.76751058

Isn't Cy Yu a 4view though?

>> No.76751125

Yeah I remember her crying a lot

>> No.76751154

Oh I guess he is. But she said people as a plural, so it could be him but she's still thinking of others.

>> No.76751187

Okay, it took me a bit to work out the sister game plan here since Sayu obviously is already seeing a therapist, and given she semi-regularly bans herself from twitter there's no way she hasn't completely blocked her devices from accessing this site with her tech background.
So why schizo post targeted harassment /here/? Think about who *is* /here/ very regularly. Think about what yab all these bait threads are deflecting from right now.
That's right, this is all just a coordinated personal threat of what they're going to do to Vivi real soon if she doesn't fall in line and stop fucking over her NijiFamily TM.

>> No.76751193

that's a man mtf
also how does vshojo do it, every time I see latinx post about them, their models get worse each time

>> No.76751222

you need a therapist as much as sayu does

>> No.76751235

What a fucking loser haha

>> No.76751271
File: 212 KB, 1044x249, jjyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a hardcore Sayu fan, I admit, but I still will be her supporter until the very end. And I still listen to Mata's chill yaps at work sometimes (won't go out of my way to sub to her though), I recognize her right to interact/not interact with whomever she wants.

>> No.76751304

I fully believe this rrat, it's exactly what psychotic Nijiniggers would do.

>> No.76751329

Sayu and Rennie? Fucking losers. Rennie is like the one persn on the planet who likes Sayu. Shit taste

>> No.76751346

That's just you personally though. Do you think Sayu herself, who perceives Matara as excluding her, would want to believe that most of her fans support Matara in spite of that?

>> No.76751421

I think she long ago accepted that most of her fans like other people more than her. She knows the big influx she got are Wisps, Momos and Dragoons, she knows they like their oshis more. Probably part of her depression.

I think one of the funniest things of the whole Niji blowout has been this weird overlap in Sayu, Mata, Mint and Doki's fanbases considering how much Mata, Mint and Doki avoid Sayu. Fans deluding themselves

>> No.76751510

And that's why her statement could be perceived as shitting on them, since she said it's more than just 1 person.

>> No.76751520

>that's a man mtf
So I don't have to worry about contraception

>> No.76751598

Crying like a little bitch lmao

>> No.76751604

People like Zen tried but then she shit talked her corpo a few days later. Collabing with her is just not worth it when all the big vtubers have other more professional people they can collab with instead. Why would Zen take another chance on someone like Sayu, when she can collab with a ray of sunshine like Henya who constantly mentions how grateful she is for everything Zen's done for her instead?

>> No.76751673

>It sucks that a lot of the people you guys probably like... that other people really like...
>Other creators are... not nice...
>And I'm like the only person who knows
>And even back then I was like the only one who knew
>But those people now are happier than I am and doing better than I am. Does that make sense?
If she knew how bad these supposed creators were back then... then wouldn't that exclude any of the nijis she praised at any point between her termination and now? I remember she explicitly said Pomu was one of the good ones, and Matara, even though their relationship is rough now, deserved better. I haven't heard much of her thoughts on Doki though, but there doesn't seem to be any ill intent directed towards her either. Quinn is the only one who fits the bill really

>> No.76751687

Zen collabed with her like a year after termination, that is way too long. This just makes it sound like you should only help people who kiss your ass. I mean she sounds legitimately depressed and suicidal over being ghosted. But Zen isn't someone who ghosted her anyway, right? So that's fine then actually, I don't really mean Zen then

>> No.76751733
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>> No.76751745

She's said she thinks Doki is amazing and that she doesn't want people comparing her and Doki's situation because she thinks it belittles Doki.

>> No.76751783

>Hating on Rennie
That's it, it's time to turn off your VPN.

>> No.76751826

This picture gets me every time

>> No.76751878
File: 74 KB, 399x382, 1697498369809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we finally got our EN Rushia, only took 2 years sheesh. Looking forward to more developments from this new lolcow.

>> No.76752201

Anyone telling Sayu she has to move on should also apply the same logic to Matara etc. They should move on too from whatever mistakes Sayu made while she was being mentally ravaged by an employer and show some forgiveness nothing bad will come out of it.

>> No.76752321

I think that will happen once Sayu moves on, because as long as she doesn't she is prone to making the same mistakes. I cannot see how Matara can trust Sayu again, until Sayu is in a healthy mental state and makes more rational decisions.

>> No.76752486

>Zen collabed with her like a year after termination, that is way too long.
Probably because Niji's contract was still active. But I guess nobody is good enough now since it's too late in your eyes.

>> No.76752856

No no, that's not how this works Anon. Sayu is the only one that has to shut up about her trauma and ruined life, everyone else can do as they please. Aren't double standards great?

>> No.76752953

I'm still confused on what's the drama with her mama is.

>> No.76753016

There is no drama, it's just another case of Nijisister misinfo
They raided each other and hung out on each other's chats regularly until her mama graduated

>> No.76753049

>Anyone telling Sayu she has to move on should also apply the same logic to Matara etc

making an allusion to being employed over there every few months is nowhere near the equivalent of what Sayu does

>> No.76753168

>how do I know they're happy? Because their numbers are higher and because they're getting better opportunities
Slapping the numberfag label on yourself isn't going to help your case, at all.
Don't complain that people don't want to collab with you when you consider them below you for having smaller numbers, she should consider herself lucky to be a 4view when she has almost 2k hours of fucking genshin streamed.

>> No.76753177

It was funny seeing anons try to prop her up alongside doki for a while.

>> No.76753631

Even hotter. Imagine sniffing her sweaty pantsu

>> No.76753673

Filian is based

>> No.76753720

I will unironically jerking off to her porn

>> No.76753748

Same. She's a true prophet/martyr. I hope that she pushes on and her success is the best revenge

>> No.76753776

If there's any Sincroknight mods here, for the love of god just mute and delete posts by greynames or gifted members that try to start shit tonight.

>This just makes it sound like you should only help people who kiss your ass. I mean she sounds legitimately depressed and suicidal over being ghosted
Its not that they need to kiss your ass constantly, but them throwing shade at your group is going to put you in an awkward position. Why go out of your way to help someone that doesn't seem appreciative or is throwing your group under the bus in front of hundreds of viewers? Its also more worrying on Sayu's mindset that she's suicidal over being ghosted online, even though time and time again there have been many new friends that stuck by Sayu through and thin.

>> No.76753815

No agency will take her. Phase already turned her down. Vshojo have her blacklisted.

>> No.76753849

I'll watch her OF

>> No.76753923

basically painted her in a bad light for refusing to work with her

sayucucks really need to stop literally lying

>> No.76754023

The two anons that replied to you are talking about her current, and former mama respectively

>> No.76754270

>Literally any Sayu thread
>B...but what about Matara
Holy rent free. No wonder why no one wants to touch sayu even with ten footpole.

>> No.76754354

Shut up Nijinigger, you're the one who brought her up.

>> No.76754437

>Anyone i don't like is Nijinigger
Keep coping i guess

>> No.76754534

That just sounds like what Elira and Vox said about Selen.

>> No.76754589

Yeah but Sayu’s explicitly said she’s depressed over the people who were her friends before the termination ghosting her. She’s not just upset over being ghosted, but that people ghosted her because of Niji but now join in on acting as if everyone who leaves Niji is a victim

>> No.76754649

>bringing up a private dispute with her former artist on stream
>aka the easiest possible way to get blacklisted by artists online
How could someone who worked at google be this fucking stupid? She' in her 30's and this is something you see teenagers who never had a job before would pull.

>> No.76754705

She's already blacklisted so whatever.

>> No.76754749

based, she should just accelerate and go full drama at this point instead of this whiny shit

>> No.76754751

Nah, bringing up that an old artist won’t work with you anymore is nothing particularly special. There’s been no fallout from it at all, compared to the other stuff she says this is no big deal

>> No.76754794

That’d probably end with her dead

>> No.76754811

lol you are retarded and if she's taking advice from fans like you then she's doomed

>> No.76754897


>> No.76754926

Yeah dude, sure, whatever. I’m sure she’s blacklisted and no artist will ever work with her, that’s why nobody is bringing this up or mentioning it anywhere, it’s such a big deal, whatever floats your boats

>> No.76754996

>nobody is bringing this up or mentioning it anywhere
>except just now when it was brought up

>> No.76755028

I've said this multiple times for the past year
Sayu NEEDS a husband, she NEEDS to bear children, and she NEEDS to become a housewife. Then she will truly be happy.

Of course the husband also needs to not be a cheating peace of shit like her last one.

>> No.76755037

Yeah because one thread in vt where we’ve spoken about it for two posts is a big deal. Just such a fucking retard.

>> No.76755103

It is special when said artist starts talking and suddenly other people who didnt give a shit about nijisanji's bullshit are now less willing to work with Sayu. Also if she really didnt care like >>76754705 says then she wouldn't be constantly having doomer tantrums almost every stream.

>> No.76755121

>it won't hurt her prospects because it's not spammed across /vt/
is this bait? the only way that makes sense is if not being spammed means nobody hears about it and therefore artists won't blacklist her

>> No.76755196

Yeah dude, look, believe want you want. If you think this is huge and she’s now blacklisted by all artists or whatever then believe that. You’re objectively wrong but you do you

>> No.76755247

I don’t even know what you’re trying to say man

>> No.76755269

This is from the newest stream, but I'm pretty sure there was an older drama with her mama, which she apologized for

>> No.76755718

I never said she was blacklisted by every artist known to man,just saying artists tend to be close friends and talk same as any other field. Who the fuck knows if Sayu's mama even cares, but going off the fact that Sayu brought it up as recently as a few days ago I'm gonna take a guess and say she also got denied commissions by the artists peers and she's salty.

>> No.76755829

She'll never get a new model again!

>> No.76755845

That's not consistent with what she said really, she was just very upset that her mama wouldn't work with her, whereas even mikeneko's mama made her a new model. She's upset because she feels like she's the only person this stuff happened to.
That said, yeah a bunch of artists hate her, it's just not related to her mama.

>> No.76756107

Ok that makes more sense in context. Still though she has a new model that is constantly praised as one of the best in the indie scene, seems like an insult to her new artists to dwell on her niji mama not giving her the time of day.

>> No.76756528

I'm glad Matara gatekept her from the rest of the EN Vtuber scene. Imagine if she were actually let in and still pulled stupid stunts like this.

>> No.76756693

Okay every anons here is confused between the Nijimama and the current mama.
What she said on the latest stream was about her Nijimama who made the Zaion model, hence the comment related to mikeneko. Allegedly they refused to work with her since JP-related stuffs and all that. Don't know what type of client or contract they have but the end result is the same, she couldn't get that mama to work for her current model
The drama with the current mama happened during last year subathon. It was about someone cutting in line or sth. Dont know the details and doesn't matter since they already sorted that out.
Typing this out for anons to do their rep and tourists since they love this stuffs

>> No.76756903

She didn't gatekeep her though. All she did was not acknowledge her in the midst of her menhera breakdowns. We don't even know what on earth Sayu is like with Matara, Doki, or Mint behind the scenes.

>> No.76757205


>> No.76757352

flips wins the wrestling match

>> No.76757384

>t. tourist

>> No.76757414

This desu. Don't know whatever the fuck they were doing back then. Well obviously not moddingg YT
You have two schizos arguing with each other and somehow none got any reprimands. Thanks a lot

>> No.76757891

You mean the Yuniiho drama?

>> No.76758024

Heterochromia is cringe.

>> No.76758167


>> No.76758524

flipping the bean
