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[ERROR] No.7671508 [Reply] [Original]

Terumi going Nuclear Edition
No you don't get links this time.

>> No.7671532

burn it all dooooooooooooown

>> No.7671541
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>> No.7671550

Really a make or break it stream.

>> No.7671575

Funny thing is that the stream itself wasn't the problem, but everything that happened bellow the surface and before the stream even started.

>> No.7671594
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>terumi right now

>> No.7671608

How much of a massive faggot i am for having being inspired by her into starting to look up how to become a chuuba...?

>> No.7671618

And here I was thinking it went pretty well, too.

>> No.7671640

Nothing wrong with that, just don't be a faggot, be kind like nina

>> No.7671644

poor Terumi.. i wanna just unplug her ethernet cable, hug her and tell her to stop literally being fucking stupid piece of shit and maybe tie her to the bed so that she doesn't do anything bad

>> No.7671654

You are not, she is quite inspiring.

>> No.7671672

Ah yes, once again emotionally manipulated by an older woman who probably hates me. I really do have a type huh

>> No.7671673
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Hi I'm fippe and there seems to be some sort of dumbness about this lmao.
it was a requested topic and she did it as a service, duh. We specifically avoided saying anything that could hurt anyone.
Spinning a story about things that should've been behind closed doors is only hurting people still in Amber Glow and elsewhere. Why do that? Are you that desperate for clout from anons, friend?


Funny, because you really don't know how to analyse Terumi, then. She's really dependent on her viewers, that's why she's distraught about this.

Being envious is natural when you've grown up competing for Ateneo etc. etc. We reassure her out of it most of the time, but she still will rant. It's natural.

Cool. I'm not sure why you'd do that, but I hope your friends reconsider your relationship afterwards, because you're probably bragging about this in your own circle. Ironic.

This won't do anything to the contract lmao (who would care about buncha anons on 4chan knowing Nunki might've been scouted?), but we still chose not to mention it. Why? Because Terumi cares about her genmates. That's why all the girls in AG were invited to the server.

Do you think this violation of trust isn't malicious?

Yes, of course. Why not? I know who you are and you have little reason to be mad, you know. If you'd calm down you'd realize this isn't going to harm the remaining Amber Glow talents.

Sometimes I do too.

Pic related, its the cake I'm baking. Also, what's up with the captcha? It used to be just Google's last I was on 4ch.

>> No.7671687

now browse /asp/ threads that she started

>> No.7671741
File: 475 KB, 700x893, 1614896801635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terumi is abusive, exaggerates her stories, and gets "betrayed" because she's the shitty person. If you can't understand this, you need to do your self-confidence reps because you're exactly the type of person she preys upon. You're vulnerable to being exploited by shitty people.

>> No.7671760

I'd just like to say that I don't think badly of her in any way, but here's something I'd like to say as a 32 year old who's been through a few rough patches in life: she needs to make things right not because of what other people think of her, but because of what she will think of herself.

>> No.7671761

What I'm mad about is how she treated her gemmates when she knew that, even though it was necessary,this would hurt them. Instead of being understanding we get the Seethe shit

>> No.7671781

Hey fippe, what kind of cake is that?

>> No.7671788


Look at the Mal messages

>> No.7671796

I guess she was just colder and drier than I thought at first, but that kind of dismissive attitude is one that has never sat down well with me.

>> No.7671803

Damn, did she not answer marshmallows?

>> No.7671820

So she's dependent on her viewers, but didn't think about how this shit comes across? For someone who's spoken multiple times about being "genuine," she sure is different with her little clique. On top of that, knowing she thinks I'm a loser for coming from here and supporting her really turns me off. Go back to the cake, buddy. Maybe you'll get the investment back after she can build a new fanbase.

>> No.7671826

The only reason I'm still apprehensive is because someone like teru should know that discord is the worst possible platform to keep something secret on. Having a server almost guarantees leaks. Whether it's real or not though I'm probably still gonna watch her, I'm old and jaded enough to be numb to stuff like this

>> No.7671851

it really wasn't necessary to literally block your old coworkers. small vtubers already make up a relatively small community, and you kinda wanna take what you can get especially if you're socially not that good.
if you can't be friends with someone, then you can't be friends, but blocking them? antagonizing them? what for? was it a fucking breakup where one of them cheated?

>> No.7671854

This, I said this last thread but she doesn't care about her fans and never will. It's really as simple as that. I'm done with her, hope people that stay enjoy her but personally I'm done

>> No.7671862

Do you actually believes she thinks you’re a loser? There was no proof of this.

>> No.7671870

who the fuck is this bitch and why should i care

>> No.7671872
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Portion of her genmates (plural) asked for this zatsudan topic specifically.

Mal went off on her based on assumptions, so her reaction was understandable even though it was a bit of an overshot, in my opinion. Basically everyone was freaking out before the stream on the Amber Glow fan discord for no reason before the stream, and when she didn't make a big yabai video people resorted to posting leaks to generate drama?

Ok, buddy.

Ok, buddy.

Buttermilk, it's very tasty. Nostalgic, even.

Ask yourselves. Do you think Amber Glow was painted in bad light during the stream?

>> No.7671873

not only that but be as rude to him as she was unnecessary

>> No.7671879

well, dude I was in the super double secret discord server and terumi says she's going to marry me

>> No.7671888

>Funny, because you really don't know how to analyse Terumi, then. She's really dependent on her viewers, that's why she's distraught about this
Then why did she say that every fan from here is a creep. While it can be true, I also read posts from anons genuinely wanting the best for her, but I guess that wasn't enough

>> No.7671902

if you guys are going to claim how bad cyber is for damage controlling here stop doing it yourselves and do something better

>> No.7671905

did you have to pay 500bux for that

>> No.7671906


>> No.7671911

Hey man, this new info really shows her true colors when combined with the stories she herself has told. Always the victim, never the instigator.

>> No.7671926

>I'm old and jaded enough to be numb to stuff like this
I'll continue watching her too, at least I'll try, but I'm not that jaded, and this has definitely shaped the way I look at her looking forward.
I'm no angel, I'm a cunt too, and I've also being a dick to people that don't deserve it, but if she wants to paint herself as someone honest and yet has this kind of attitude in closed doors then I can't ever see her as completely honest, and whereas i would believe what she said no problem before, now everything she says will comes with doubts that she might not be truthful.

>> No.7671928

Anyone who's ever been with someone manipulative and abusive can smell the same scent off Terumi.

>> No.7671931

>Started watching Terumi 1 month ago
>She goes nuclear
>Drama, drama, drama?!?!?!

Guys please, anyone, tell her to calm the fuck down and go back to regular content she is the only small vtuber I watch because all the other ones feel absolutely fucking weird to me, I don't want to watch only the hololesbians and nijisluts help me please Terumi I know you are reading this stop it love you bye

>> No.7671943

no, terumi doesn't work for cyberlive

>> No.7671960

he didn't even mention cyberlive what's wrong with you?

>> No.7671966

seems legit

>> No.7671967

this, terumi is 100% like every abuser i've seen in previous relationships or just day to day

>> No.7671969

Last thread, "b-but it's not real" yeah yeah, I chose to believe it is

>> No.7671975

>A bit of an overshot
Come the fuck on.
She. Fucked. Up.
Don't sugarcoat it.

>> No.7671976

BPD to the letter, anon. Should have seen it coming, my friend's ex-girlfriend was like this too

>> No.7671987

the only person who said that we're all creeps was some random anon and are they really wrong about that?

>> No.7671997
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BPD is exactly what I was thinking.

>> No.7672010

I mean I get it, I hate some of my former coworkers. we don't talk. at all. but i didn't block them and they didn't block me.
the few times that we've had some interactions were not that positive but we can handle it in the sense that we just didn't really need to talk and we both knew that we don't really have anything to say to each other.

there's just no real reason to outright antagonize someone who you've faked profusely on stream as being your friend.

if this Mal person was in the wrong for assuming, her being rude and not trying to placate him didn't make it right

now we get it, people aren't perfect, maybe she was too irritable that day, maybe Mal was too pushy, but you're a vtuber now. any interaction at all is important.

>> No.7672013

Tbh I think it's fair to call us creeps as a collective but when it comes down to individuals there's some wiggle room

>> No.7672014

This is what's going to haunt threads for weeks to come btw, some sperg leaked a few screenshots and then made massive claims about other stuff and refused to show it off. Anything that wasn't screenshotted is a larp that people like >>7671969 will just tell you to go look up. And then when you do spend your time doing it and nothing is there, they'll either start a fight with you or ghost you, ignoring their original lie entirely.

>> No.7672026

I said in the post that yeah, this place can absolutely be full of creeps

>> No.7672047

Anon, I...

>> No.7672060

Anyway, she just made a tweet so I guess she is reading the thread. Teru please stop this shit, you were doing fine, the vtube world doesn't need a hero

>> No.7672066

If this didn't alter your perception of I'd be concerned. I can also no longer take her stories at face value anymore. For the most part I think she was fucking retarded for the server i don't think it was that bad, her treatment of Mal irks me though

>> No.7672070

Right, like I kept it cool in there, I genuinely wanted what's best for her. But if she's tarring me with the same brush she can eat shit. Sorry you >HERE baited and hated the results.

>> No.7672081

you guys see this damage control right?

we all aren't buying it right?

even "flippe" didn't deny the server/screenshots

>> No.7672094

Oh no did your feefees get hurt because you treated a youtuber as a friend? Well maybe don’t do that.

>> No.7672098
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I'll let you know I'm still hot shit

>> No.7672101
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>> No.7672102

Yeah I've seen it all before, BPD woman who goes from "woe is me everyone is against me" to "seethe harder copelets, I'm the mastermind in control of everything" instantly, just saying literally anything to get an argument out of someone.

>> No.7672111

you can tell these people are tourists
who actually calls 4chan "4ch"? even 4channel would have been more forgivable lmao

>> No.7672119

how do i become a vtuber producer? I just wanna live the dream of being an idol manager and vtubers is the only way ive got a chance

>> No.7672125

It doesn't even track with the concerns people had. She could have had a hard life but that doesn't excuse the way she treated her old genmates on the way out after getting a golden parachute.

>> No.7672128

Ogey nostradamus

>> No.7672130

>BPD woman who goes from "woe is me everyone is against me" to "seethe harder copelets, I'm the mastermind in control of everything" instantly, just saying literally anything to get an argument out of someone.
kek. this is word per word what happened to her past persona in this site.

>> No.7672137


>> No.7672148
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Fippe is the biggest cuck here. How dumb do you have to be to actually believe all these made up stories Terumi says to pity bait? She's borderline and manipulative. I ain't even talking about today's stream. This has been her song and dance since day 1.

>> No.7672150

even she only is denying that part. not the rest.

>> No.7672154

Um no, I just feel bad for those that did

>> No.7672155
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Don't worry, we told her to go to bed, this is literally just standard 4chan shitposting, lul.

Nah, she's kind of bad at manipulation, even if she wants to be S.

She blew it on Mal, yeah? Mal blew it on her too, so I don't really blame either of them. Mal assumed too much and Teru got pissed.

There were a lot of inflammatory leaks but not one about this.

Yeah, I'm postin' about Terumi for damage control. I'm not about to start leaking more from the private servers just because you're jealous.

Hey, it's not like I can turn her internet off from Finland.

I was literally linked this thread, of course I'm a tourist?

Idk we just funded her to indie.

>> No.7672165

4ch's super oldfag slang from like, OG moot being a weeaboo and trying to make his own version of 2ch I believe. Kind of the opposite if anything

>> No.7672183

If she was bigger or more well connected with other indies instead of sequestered off with the youtube retards, this could've been something big for the virtue signalers to blow out of proportion. instead we'll talk about it for a week or two and it'll just be irrelevant and referenced once in a while

the spirit of the message (black company bad, heres what to look for) could've at least taken off even if terumi is a snake

>> No.7672189

I used to be active here about 10+ years ago, to be honest, so yeah...

>> No.7672202

>not even a vtuber

>leaking more from the private servers
so they are real thanks for confirming to everyone even more

>> No.7672206

Looks like you are also here reading Teru, we understand, just stop for a bit and get some rest we all want to go back to the normal content, keep working on this behind the scenes or something please
we love terumi <3

>> No.7672211

Personal Jesus was an overrated song desu. Enjoy the Silence is far superior

>> No.7672218

how do you make money off her? or was the point just to help someone in a shitty situation

>> No.7672224

If she hadn't named AG by name it would have been like that.

>> No.7672227

>just because you're jealous
Jealous of what exactly? Of your sikrit club? Kek

>> No.7672233

Yeah, and you are going to be the righteous saviour of the wronged anons. Why don’t you tell us your name and Twitter handle, so we could all thank you personally

>> No.7672238

Don't respond to Xeno and friends. Every (you) you give them staves off their inevitable demise.

>> No.7672245

yikes then i'm the newfag
I've never called this place 4ch even though i've been here since 2008

>> No.7672251

And all that shit about Teru being jealous of Nunki Shura and Xiulan? Was that fake? Or did she do exactly what people hate about Kiara?

>> No.7672261

Can Teru see when you unmember her?

>> No.7672264

last time I watched Terumi was her monetization stream
what the fuck happened I'm so confused

>> No.7672267

We didn't think that far ahead, honestly.

>> No.7672270

that person isn't me hi hello.

ill make a twitter when I post the master post so nobody can fake anything on my behalf

>> No.7672290

>hurr this was because she went to Ateneo
stupid school, sorry.
never held it in high regard. it just mostly breeds socially stunted menhera socialites, you know it's true.

>> No.7672296

>Literal discordfags running open damage control
I didn't expect things to spiral all the way to this so fast. Terumi is going to go from her most viewed stream ever to all-time lows in a whiplash.

>> No.7672303

7671931 here, thanks, actually appreciate it a lot

>> No.7672304
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Holy shit I get it, you hate saviourfags, I don't care

>> No.7672317
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Dedicated community of anti's pissed off that Teru ditched their 10view oshi's company and doomed them to irelevancy so they're leaking private information. Most likely led by Xeno, Discord ringleader and peak Teru anti.

>> No.7672320

Sorta. You remember those 2ch wannabe text boards? Might jog a neuron or two.

>> No.7672331

It's a small loan of (1 million), we really didn't think about making money off of her lol

This will be irrelevant in like a month, watch it.

Of course she's partially jealous, she's got the competitive asian mindset drilled into her. She's not the only one, and being jealous of someone doesn't mean you can't also be happy for them.

Idk why there's a massive mob of people tilting from the Amber Glow Fan Discord when they should be supporting their talents instead of stirring a fight.

>> No.7672334

I didn't particularly go out of my way to watch her streams to begin with, and I'm not starting now
I've been having trouble doing anything for myself at all, the last thing on my mind is watching streams lmao

>> No.7672338

And yet you reply

>> No.7672340

it's a good thing she's a seanigger so she can live off the 5 bucks a month her cut of revenue is going to be after this

>> No.7672347

based. burn it all down anon.

>> No.7672350

Got bought out by the simp running damage control and his discord buttbuddies, did a "BLACK COMPANIES EXPOSED" stream that talked trash about Amber Glow management, then it turns out she shit on the AG people she left behind on the way out.

>> No.7672356
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Can you like, shut up? uh huh huh huh

>> No.7672370

You see it a lot among people who used to/still occasionally use 4chan but don't see it as their primary website anymore. I use 4ch elsewhere because it gets the point across; saying "I was browsing 4chan" or "Here's this 4chan thread" when talking to people sounds like you're from reddit or you're a teenager trying to act cool. Using /vt/ or whatever board works but it can confuse people out of context.

>> No.7672380

No, YouTube doesn't show you unmebering or unsubs. I have a feeling she's about to lose a good portion of her members anyway so it doesn't matter that much

>> No.7672390

y'all are idiots for thinking I am amberglow talent/someone you know

what do i gotta do to prove it man what do i gotta do

I hate amberglow as much as everyone else, their stuff is shit. I am only upset at how Terumi told people their stuff would remain anonymous but leaked a bunch as well as made a private shit show server to post it all

>> No.7672393

Now's a good time to bring up a theory I have that Terumi was Orcschizo from the Kiara threads.

>> No.7672397

If your life's in disarray you'll probably want to get that sorted instead of hanging out on 4chan and dealing with such joys as the shit captcha my man

>> No.7672398

Masterpost anon i know you're hard at work, but please Finnish while fippe is still around. That'll be funny as fuck.

>> No.7672399

cant wait for masterpost.

>> No.7672403

Had to let you know

>> No.7672422

I do. but I've never gone to them seeing as they're all unreadable.

then you must be rolling in bitcoin or something.
of course it won't be relevant. it's not even gonna be relevant in a week.
all of these small vtubers pull such low numbers this would not be even worth talking about if there was anything better to do with our time.

>> No.7672460

yeah I'm gonna go take a 1 hour shower now while staying grounded and staying hopeful

>> No.7672482

Maybe post proof of the other members on the discord (Censor talent's names if necessary)

>> No.7672491

I'd like to see it! My cake is about 20 minutes to being done, and I'm going to go to bed when it's up to cool, I've got work to do tomorrow.

I mean we're just adults with actual money and savings, 3k is big for SEA but not for the rest of the world.

>> No.7672495

>what do i gotta do to prove it man what do i gotta do

just fucking post instead of blueballing my popcorn munching dumbass? jesus christ, how hard can it be to just paste everything into paint you numbskull, i've been sitting here for like an hour plus

>> No.7672496

That's a spicy one

>> No.7672517

>kept delaying MUH MASTERPOST
>and video
>and the whole log
suuuure I am buying this niggas and his real partial screencaps

>> No.7672519

I trying my best there is just a lot to go through. I got everything and more.

I am not blurring most names so it can all be verified by reaching out once it is up.

>> No.7672533

This pic makes BPD people seem miserable to be around. It completely glosses over the intoxicatingly affectionate behavior they'll show towards you. It's what makes them so difficult to kick out of your life. They don't even necessarily do it on purpose, but the constant fluctuation between idolizing you and treating you like shit is a harsh cycle that often leaves their partners feeling like their diagnosis is just a roadblock that needs to be navigated, and once it is, you'll have a happy and loving relationship on your hands. Problem is, it rarely is navigated, and misery ensues.

t. climbed out of an abusive relationship with someone who was diagnosed with BPD

disclaimer: i am not psychoanallyzing terumi, that's weird, just commenting on my experiences with someone who had this disorder

>> No.7672537

>her recent tweets are no replies allowed
>essentially "I love you guys I love you please don't read anything else about me"
yes, yes, yes

>> No.7672549

I have some savings too but I wouldn't bankroll a vtuber for nothing just like that.

>> No.7672557

He already proved himself with the Nunki nuke, so i beleeb in them.

>> No.7672573
File: 48 KB, 500x500, D_S_8FbXUAEMmgS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic, every time

>> No.7672575

of course anon, the purpose of the image is to educate people on the downsides of untreated BPD, why would they include anything good on it?

>> No.7672578

fiptaide literally confirmed it read above. they saying well it isn't that bad type shit.

masterpost is like 100 screenshots and videos and private messages. i kept sending within minutes screenshots and info going as fast as I could.

I don't expect everyone to believe me but I got you as much proof as I possibly could. I hope some people here can use their brain.

>> No.7672586

Because all these people are really going to enjoy schizos spamming their inbox and streamchats for weeks bugging them about this. If you care about them to any degree, you wouldn't post their names (albeit if you cared in the first place you wouldn't be starting drama, so I guess it's irrelevant).

>> No.7672592
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>just fucking post instead of blueballing my popcorn munching dumbass
My sides

>> No.7672600

Timeline sorta lines up, she would have had a lot of time to lurk these and gather information. Plus, Orc's reasoning was echoed by Teru in other places (she was jealous that another girl got in when she didn't) and it ended right around when Teru started at AG, and Orc posted that they had a big opportunity.

The only negative is that the writing styles don't match up. But it ain't a court of law here.

>> No.7672603

Glad you did

>> No.7672636

BASED Any timeframe on the masterlist? I honestly want to sleep already

>> No.7672637

>masterpost is like 100 screenshots and videos and private messages. i kept sending within minutes screenshots and info going as fast as I could.
I thought you weren't going to post anything before you were done?

>> No.7672642

Ahhh, like when Teru says she loves us and thinks about us all the time?

>> No.7672674

TL note: Taide means art, I'm just fippe.

It's unfortunate that this kind of shit stirring is done on threads because some schizos here will definitely spam the talents in AG about this.

>> No.7672680

Terufags, is the menopause scented uterus worth being a faggot?

>> No.7672693

Eh, I wouldn't classify obsessive attachment as a "good" thing. It's still unhealthy, just a different type of unhealthy than impulsive behavior or stinging paranoia/insecurity. There's really nothing "good" about being diagnosed with BPD, some of the characteristics of it just feel more positive than others.

>> No.7672699

I'm still not over my own case of abusive BPD ex-girlfriend despite her deciding to never talk to me again twice.

it's really so bad and it makes you feel very inadequate on the receiving end.

>> No.7672702

idk about you but i'm getting that teruPUSSY if you know what I mean
tho it's kind of annoying to have to be cleaning it before every use because other people have used it :/

>> No.7672707

>The only negative is that the writing styles don't match up
Plus if I remember correctly isn't orcschizo living in austria?

>> No.7672711

I mean what do I do.

If I blur nobody buys it, if I don't people cry why didn't you.

The reality is they said this on a server with a bunch of people. The reality is Terumi leaked this all to a bunch of people already.

I'll go off anon opinion though. Just tell me what you guys want. I'm peacing out o7

Also again
Fiptaide didn't deny it, and is talking like it is real
Terumi didn't deny it either

So make your own opinion. Mal is also right there.

>> No.7672714

/wvt/ tourist here

I never liked Terumi but this shitty general wouldn't exist without her. Show some respect.

>> No.7672716

It's not about being jealous, but about how she decides to go "Woe it me" instead of talking personally to the talents and solve things like a mature adult.
That attitude is one i have actually seen personally, and it's a horrible attitude to have as an adult close to your fucking 30s

>> No.7672722
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I guess we all learned something here today. Don't be born in or follow someone from the Philippines

>> No.7672725

Absolutely. I wonder how much of bitch she can be in bed now

>> No.7672726

I do enjoy the irony that is "i'll show everyone that leaking is bad by leaking". Seems a bit, I dunno, room temperature IQ but that's partially why I'm actually hopeful he'll spill the beans

>> No.7672740

I wasn't but seeing people here actually be retarded and not notice fippe admitting it is real is quite frustrating but whatever I got so many receipts it won't matter.

I'll see you all later. o7

>> No.7672742

Why do you assume she hasn't talked with the other talents? Sounds like you forgot half the screencaps.

>> No.7672748

Unironically, go back

>> No.7672755

Just play a game of DOTA2 with any of them and you'll have learnt that ages ago

>> No.7672759

You mean showing how she's two-faced? C'mon, man.

>> No.7672761

someone post the schizo chart

>> No.7672780

Never heard of Terumi or Amber Glow before but now I know to avoid them like the plague if open discordfaggotry is what their content spawns.

>> No.7672781

go back nigger

>> No.7672784

I think the biggest lesson here is, don't be a cunt to your kids and try to give them love once in a while. Or they may end up in a larping thread on 4chan

>> No.7672788

Alright, thread died, now we are getting usual 4chan shit, see you later lads
I hope there is spicy stuff when I get back

>> No.7672793

Normal person
>I didn't agree with management policies despite bringing them up. I liked my coworkers but I wanted to do things my own way. Good luck to Amberglow!

Manipulative person
>This is a BLACK company, which I just explained was a sweatshop.

>> No.7672811

masterpost is coming

>> No.7672820

Dads see? This is what discord does to a vtuber

>> No.7672821

This anon gets it.

>> No.7672828


>> No.7672838

More manipulative folks would've saved Blizzard a world of trouble in that case. Damn shame everyone was just a normie.

>> No.7672847

Sure hope there aren't any Teru fans remaining here, since her streams this week are gonna be absolute wrecks. We're talking Omori breakdown times 100.

>> No.7672857

AG Did have some dumb policies. I don't blame one of the talents doing this, and Teru was the most likely too anyways. I just want AG to get things right and set up. I want Teru to get back to streaming with Zatsudans. I want Teru to be happy. I want things to go back to normal :(

>> No.7672863

maybe that's why we're here

>> No.7672865

There's a big difference between a company not being helpful and Blizzard putting cameras in the women's bathroom and driving someone to suicide. I hope you'll be able to see the difference in magnitude.

>> No.7672876

Yeah even when I didn't knew anything about this that part didn't sit very well with me. I thought it was just because in my experience having a company do nothing is 10 times better than being actively malicious, bit looking back she did paint Amber Glow way more antagonistic than i think was necessary to get her "Do better" point across.

>> No.7672885

A crybaby bootlicker whose mad over literally nothing. Complaining that talking about the flaws of AG is going to make people stop watching them for some reason, even though people only care about the talents and would support them even more if they're being dicked around by corporate pigs (just look at how much support Teru got from the black company rrat).

Given how much of a cringy Nunkisimp he is, wouldn't be surprised if he's working with Xeno/Discordfags. And, big rrat incoming, wouldn't be surprised if the person leaking all this shit is Nunki herself. She's always stricken me as that kind of attention-seeking dramawhore.

>> No.7672906

The stream was only an hour. She didn't even milk it properly.

>> No.7672907

If you think i didn't became a TeruNEET BECAUSE of the breakdown then you don't know anons here.

>> No.7672917

someone post the vod

>> No.7672925

>big rrat incoming, wouldn't be surprised if the person leaking all this shit is Nunki herself
holy shit
this is an amazing counter-rrat

>> No.7672930

Do you watch the breakdowns because you feel bad for her or just for entertainment, because she obviously greatly exaggerates.

>> No.7672942

Now that's a huge OGEY

>> No.7672946

Is it me or is this all a nothingburger?

>> No.7672956

Did you even read the lawsuit? Everyone's focusing on the abuse shit when it's just some trumped up bullshit thrown in sloppily like a postscript to force a settlement from the sheer public outrage.

The cameras and suicide stuff is criminal case tier, why is it being thrown in a civil lawsuit if it really happened and they have proof? Gee I wonder.

Entire lawsuit was pretty much "company is not being helpful (to women)". Guess you lot only turn your heads when they use such manipulative methods as mentioning this kind of inflammatory nonsense instead of focusing on the real shit at hand.

>> No.7672959

It is, it's just someone seething terumi said something about the company she left.

>> No.7672963

It was a nothingburger until fippe confirmed the screencaps validity now its a slightly spicy burger

>> No.7672966

its nothingburger in the scale of things, but for teru, amberglow and adjacent chuubas its a big thing

>> No.7672967


>> No.7672988

It could be a nothingburger, or it could have stupidly huge ramifications for the careers of 8 vtubers, managers and an entire agency. I'm still sifting through this refuse pile of two threads since the video dropped to try and gain some semblance of the truth of the matter. But otherwise, we'll just have to wait and find out together.

>> No.7672991

Why would she self sabotage her chances getting into Tsunderia? We know they monitor here probably, they would see this and probably cut her off just to avoid future drama or attention whoring.

>> No.7673003

Now that I think about it...

>> No.7673007

Barely 1k views, I wonder if she expected more for burning that bridge

>> No.7673012

what if it's nunkimods attempting to damage Nunki so they can keep their precious oshi away from Tsunderia

>> No.7673014

Discordfags are doing their best to make this seem like its not a big deal and its super obvious if you've ever seen a coordinated gay op before.

>> No.7673017

Nigga these vtubers get like 30 viewers, of course it's a nothingburger.

>> No.7673040

Wouldn't Nunki joining Tsunderia actually be a good thing?

>> No.7673045

TLDR of the situation: https://vocaroo.com/1f8Whn1ySnQ9

>> No.7673049

not for the mods, they'd lose their positions

>> No.7673054

this, it's very obviously fippe and friends trying to play this all down. they learn the right lingo for the situation and pretend to be in the know when they sit in voice chats all day away from it all.

>> No.7673058

Aaah, a classic.

>> No.7673074

Is this a big deal?
How so?

>> No.7673081

The only reason anyone cares about the Blizzard shit is because they've been actively shitting on their fans ever since they released SCII. Since then, it's been nothing but shit after shit and actively insulting fans who want better. People have been wanting Blizzard to burn. The lawsuit just gave people the opportunity they wanted. Riot got the same thing but everyone forgot.

BTW, driving someone to suicide and putting cameras in private places can easily be put into a civil case. Not sure why you downplayed it by saying it's criminal. The family of the unalived girl can easily sue Blizzard. It also creates a track record of a hostile work environment which is important for a civil case like this.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what your point is here. I'm very confused. These cases are so unalike that I'm unsure of why you bothered posting.

>> No.7673091
File: 2.26 MB, 709x835, 128584838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story, bro
why is your talent such a bitch?

>> No.7673095
File: 290 KB, 1284x1999, 1626443686097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm hmmm

>> No.7673097

its actually me i did all of this

>> No.7673100
File: 463 KB, 686x531, 1618065982231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terumi, her discord buddies, and the Teru stans
>Versus Nunkeks, AG Discordfags, and Teru anti's
The battle for the ages. Who will come out on top?

>> No.7673110

Wait, what? Why?

I would assume the mods would just transfer over as well cos they aren't AG staff, are they now? Or does Tsunderia have policies against them just hopping over to join her?

>> No.7673112

me, anon.
because I get entertainment out of it :)

>> No.7673121
File: 160 KB, 1024x576, 1609703669432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones that don't take sides and simply want to see some flip have a meltdown

>> No.7673128

No, me.

>> No.7673138
File: 40 KB, 640x360, 1627193292064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd probably boot nobodies because why take the baggage

>> No.7673139

>downplayed it by saying it's criminal
>could be put in a civil case
what retarded country are you from where a criminal case is not a hundred times more serious and severe than a civil case?

>> No.7673142

I'm just here for the ride

>> No.7673145

Some might make it, but I'm sure they have their own volunteers as well

>> No.7673149

They might be able to maintain their position solely as a chat moderator, and perhaps a discord one, but these guys get off on abusing the fact that Nunki is lonely and had no friends to worm themselves into a position of power over her. So they might still be against it (although who knows).

>> No.7673153


>> No.7673154
File: 305 KB, 454x467, 128447373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673161

Why do you think civil and criminal are mutually exclusive?

>> No.7673167

me because I am glad we rejected her based on her nationality

- Kevin

>> No.7673173

no, ME

>> No.7673183

It just shows that teru is a two faced bitch that doesn't actually care about her former genmates despite her whole song and dance, possibly meaning she doesn't care about a lot of things she's pretended to care about. Other than that it's not really much

>> No.7673184

RQ'ing this onage but with Teru instead of Emet

>> No.7673185

What the fuck is going on here

>> No.7673194

She's lost subs according to SocialBlade. 1.62K on YT vs 1.57K there.

>> No.7673211

Wait Terumi is that one femanon who would stream roblox or fornite, i cant remember, with a png and keep asking for criticism. Damn she's come super far from those days, insane.

>> No.7673212
File: 74 KB, 1200x630, 1619435760311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrats all over the shop, you'll be one of them, sooner or later

>> No.7673213

If anything, that looks like SB didn't catch up to the recent subscriptions

>> No.7673227

How pathetic must you be. Jesus I hope nunki can come out of the grasp of these faggots

>> No.7673231

She sure is, as the logs show.

>> No.7673232

Even if people don't care or believe the backroom stuff, most don't watch vtubers for drama, which is what that stream was. It was a horrible idea no matter how you look at it

>> No.7673238

50 people huh

>> No.7673240

no that was me

>> No.7673242

Whatever happens, 4chan dwellers have no power in the outcome.
Remember the Amegeddon? These faggots couldn't even dent her.
>Inb4 don't compare hololive with small companies
Doesn't matter, I'm right, you're a faggot, cope.

>> No.7673256

No, it's me. I made it all up. Terumi and her genmates aren't real, neither is Racoon Boss.
It's just me behind all of their messages and screenshots. I personally voice acted and sockpuppeted all of Amber Glow. Everything's prerecorded.

>> No.7673259

We dont have the power to change the outcome but we do have the power to give her a schizo meltdown

>> No.7673270

Teru go to sleep already, no need to drag Ame onto this.

>> No.7673273

I apologize if I was being a bit unclear

You said, in no uncertain terms, that people should act like normal people and not resort to manipulative tactics when calling out company practices.

I respond with, I admit, the case of Blizz to attempt to bait the response I wanted: a case where people are primarily looking at and focusing on the parts of the lawsuit where it's essentially using the same manipulative tactics - claiming that Blizz is a company that is plagued by 'a sexist and abusive hostile work environment' instead of simply being rather bad at compensating their female workers properly.

Hell, I think a number of male employees also came forward with similar stories, so...

The Blizz example shows, and you've pretty much agreed that the only reason why people give a damn is because the lawsuit is using similarly manipulative tactics in order to force a response.

Additionally, the Riot example you brought up just cements it even further that without such manipulative strong-arming, nobody cares and everyone just forgets.

I hope you can see what I'm trying to get at here. Fairly certain we're on the same page here, so apologies for getting a bit heated and baity responses.

>> No.7673279

The only people who watch Terumi are the people that are vulnerable to abuse and manipulation and are too retarded to pick up on this. That and people who enjoy menhera breakdowns.

>> No.7673289

like 80% of her viewers come from here unlike Ame. So yeah. it will hurt.

>> No.7673296

And she didn't want to become the menhera chuuba. Too late!

>> No.7673300

>You can feel the damage control with the blizzard derailing

>> No.7673303

>implying she wouldn't reach that state by herself.
A little pretentious, are we, anon?

>> No.7673305

Seethe Terumi

>> No.7673312
File: 103 KB, 258x219, E6mi8z-WYAEsr4p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaking started right after Nunki's stream ended
>leaker types in the same way that Nunki does when she tweets
>all the nunkeks ITT unanimously hating on Teru even more than usual
>one of the only people who would both have a reason to be in the Terucord and enough arbitrary reasons to hate her enough to leak
Nunkibros... it can't be true...

>> No.7673313

bro I doubt all the newfags that came with /vt/ know about that, especially in an indie thread

>> No.7673320

Actually it was me, i leaked the dms, created the dms, AND also initiated damage control on Terumi's twitter.

>> No.7673327

Considering fippe and others apparently told her to stop looking at the thread to sleep yeah i imagine >we can do it easy

>> No.7673330

I'm sure most of her members do, too.

>> No.7673343

Does it really?
Going off the screencaps we saw. She had a disagreement with someone, based on false assumptions. She knew these assumptions were false, but instead of bothering to correct that person (likely because she knew it was pointless) she decided to act like a shitposter. Was it a bad move? Sure.
Does it prove she's a two-faced bitch, because she doesn't like being called out on false assumptions? Not really.
Does sharing the conversation with people she trusts make her a bad person? No, why would it?

So without more context I really don't see what the issue is, other than someone breaching her trust.

>> No.7673350

The one time I remember orcshizo writing german it was literal google translate and then she went to bad at ~7pm european time

>> No.7673353

Damn, good for her. She seems to he growing at a steady pace, wish her the best on her chuuba journey. Just always fun to see a /here/ chuuba grow from a random anom to a whole channel with a fanbase, pretty cool.

>> No.7673356
File: 305 KB, 442x418, 128585838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these faggots couldn't even dent her
except they did, she ended up changing her roommate’s twitter banner to a collage of her ugly mug before deleting the account some weeks later
it’s about leaving a lasting effect, not just a socio-economic one

>> No.7673362

Holy damage control, go back to your private discord.

>> No.7673366

Fake shit, I'm anti and i haven't, nor will I EVER watch soft fow!

>> No.7673369
File: 10 KB, 300x300, Here&#039;s your shoes bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you forgot your shoes!

>> No.7673370

You sound like you have a real bone to pick with all the accusations of this vtuber being abusive that you've made desu

>> No.7673372

I'm dropping Nunki after all this bullshit, raiding a thread to slander your friend is taking it too far

>> No.7673376
File: 114 KB, 960x720, IMG_20210809_000923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I managed to bake an entire cake while this guy is still in progress of making his excellent post...

>> No.7673377

Let's wait, masterpost is on the way. If you're right you're right, if I'm right I'm right

>> No.7673394

ure right it isnt true. its teru

>> No.7673401

i cant believe the imposter is among us

>> No.7673407

Hahahaha, this has to be a bit, right?

>> No.7673409

also nunki and terumi stopped following each other on twitter. But that's an ogey an ogey rrat

>> No.7673412

Where's the damage control?
Can you explain why this is a big deal?
Based on what was shown, there was nothing. Terumi reacted a bit childishly, but not in a way that is particularly out of character.

I genuinely don't get it, maybe I am just too old for internet drama.

>> No.7673415


>> No.7673418
File: 70 KB, 260x126, 128585838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I have some?

>> No.7673419

>first time losing my shit over an amongus joke

>> No.7673421

Holy shit... Nunkeks, explain this!

>> No.7673428

these posts are SUS

>> No.7673436

it was me

>> No.7673441

easy. terumi is a cunt.
Nunki doesn't like cunts
end of the story.

>> No.7673452

It's you!!!

>> No.7673455

Explains why she hates herself then, lmao. Checks out.

>> No.7673456

based ranaposter

>> No.7673461

No, i don't watch her, i just remember some of her early streams. I know there is some drama, but when isn't there drama in the chuuba scene, so i don't really pay attention to it. I mostly watch Risu, really.

>> No.7673463

>all the Amber Glow girls are in the server according to the leaker
oh no no nunkeks we got too cocky

>> No.7673471

it IS me

>> No.7673481

Kek, alright, even if I'm nunkek, I gotta admit, that one's pretty good.

>> No.7673493

Remember how peaceful was the terumi and nunki collab, what happened

>> No.7673501

terumi was the tripfag idol hopeful and she would stream apex with a free to use L2D model

>> No.7673512

If it is Nunki that's the spiciest rrat of all.

>> No.7673517

If I had Nunki's talent and was getting scouted, I'd distance myself from an obvious ticking time bomb.

>> No.7673529

Everyone is surprised about terumi being menhera. I mean just check her past persona here. This event already happened word for word

>> No.7673531

What's the rrat here? I missed the stream

>> No.7673534

I just want to see Terumi's legs before her career is over.

>> No.7673541

Tourist here give me the tldr about nunki. Worth watching?

>> No.7673545

Peace times are over.
Once the Masterpost drops i don't even think we'll be able to have this threads, as they'll split into a Teru and an AG general

>> No.7673548
File: 56 KB, 756x566, E449vnSVoAEVYjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leakposter has been awfully quiet since this dropped.

>> No.7673552

Terumi is:
>a flip
>someone that has BPD
>constantly lying about their life
Why WOULDN'T nunki try and get away from that shit

>> No.7673557

much soft, very floofy, 10/10

>> No.7673570

nah we won't have any threads whatsoever. Move onto better corpos/indies you fucks

>> No.7673574

>Hating on an indie that speaks up against corpo bullshit
This board is worse than literal trash, glad I stopped using it.

>> No.7673575

10/10 sideboobs

>> No.7673576

did you even watch her omori streams, this is why we like her

>> No.7673578
File: 110 KB, 876x562, cr=t_6.47%,l_57.6%,w_34.25%,h_34.25%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xiulan Chads becasuse the dragon is cute, and too autistic to even get tangled in this stuff.

>> No.7673583

Teru is a menhera nutcase who treated her ex-genmates like shit on the way out, and posted leaks of DMs on her secret simp discord. Also she probably hates us.

>> No.7673584
File: 24 KB, 364x319, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still find it funny that after all that teru's done, Xeno and co. are the evil ones, but what do I know, I'm just a rat

>> No.7673589


>> No.7673594

is that lemoncake?
could i have some?

>> No.7673598

teru deserves it for being filipino

>> No.7673604

Ogey discord raider

>> No.7673610

>Also she probably hates us.
Everyone in the vtubing scene hates this place. Nothing new there.

>> No.7673612

I'm gonna feel really hurt if Teru bad-mouthed Xiu (given how often their streams overlapped)

>> No.7673622

why would you want her legs when her tits are out there

>> No.7673628

Xiulan is team Teru, though. I think it's unlikely she splinters off.

>> No.7673635

Yeah, Xiu is such a sweetheart.

>> No.7673640

no I AM the president of AG

>> No.7673642

sounds sussy john, now get back in your dumpster

>> No.7673647

I don’t think anyone criticizes her for speaking out. They are criticizing her for doing this shit literally a day after her graduation and mistaking incompetence with malice.

>> No.7673648

You know the drill, and so do I, post proof or get out faggot

>> No.7673649

There's no hope for saviorfags who get this invested in a literal who company

>> No.7673650

The real schizophrenic indie experience, I see.

>> No.7673651

They look like HRT tits so no thanks the legs look better

>> No.7673661

not even a day 6 fucking hours

>> No.7673665

>They look like HRT tits

>> No.7673670
File: 1.22 MB, 1300x1200, 1621722627185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the random dude who keeps bring up Kiara, get my oshis name out of your fucking mouth. I'm sorry Teru wasn't who she thought she was, but you cant just keep saying oh SHE LIKE KIARA when all the shit Teru actually did, Kiara has done none of, and gone out of her way to fucking kill the RRats your still spouting on public streams. Hate you! bye!

>> No.7673672

look at these absolute fucking niggers defending a 28 year old menopussy

>> No.7673673

Ah, so that was the underaged CEO

>> No.7673688

How many IPs does this thread normally get?

>> No.7673690

She was very straighforward about AG being bad because of incompetence and unwillingness to invest into their talents, though.

>> No.7673693

I'm glad I dropped her early, I already knew something was up

>> No.7673698

30 on good days

>> No.7673699

nice rage there anon

>> No.7673701

Where the FUCK is the masterpost, Nunki?

>> No.7673705

no proof

>> No.7673708

It's always funny to see indie groomers try kicking up shit about a bunch of literally whos. No one cares about your sub 100 view nobodies.

>> No.7673709

she wasn't THIS parasocial sociopath previously.

>> No.7673710


>> No.7673721

Way less, as per usual there's a combination of tourists and samefags bloating the numbers because there's some spicy drama going down

>> No.7673731

Whats this about

>> No.7673733

Here's my biggest rrats folks!

I think Terumi is a giant cunt

>> No.7673736

Also kiara is infinitely better than all your fucking indies you fucks, that's why she got into hololive

>> No.7673754

Its the discord raid trying to damage control the massive fuckup, they cant let their $3k investment for pussy pics go to waste!

>> No.7673757

Thanks I made it for (you)

>> No.7673761

are you that new? guy got bonked so you can see every post he made in here

>> No.7673762
File: 112 KB, 768x1024, 20210809_004739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want teru to doxx me

>> No.7673777

>the massive fuckup
where is it?

>> No.7673783

Mail bomb chama....

>> No.7673785

>nunki actually deleted her posts kek

>> No.7673786

no i made it back off

>> No.7673802

I jacked off to that strawberry spread. Your oshi is pretty if nothing else

>> No.7673806

Ok, I'll give a quick rundown of the factions. Not as big as Civil War, but close:

Team Teru
>Teru, obviously
>Xiulan - only interaction with Nunki was the cringiest, most forced collab I've ever seen from a small chooba; strong bond with Teru that probably won't break over dumb drama
>Ash - gay, so immune to the charms and flirtations of the Nunkeks. Can look at the situation objectively and come to the right conclusion
>Teru discord
>Teru stans

Team Nunki
>Nunki, obviously
>Mal - leaked posts show him irrationally simping for Nunki, pretty obvious
>AG discord
>Teru antis
>leakposter (who could be a random Terufriend/chooba, but is highly likely to be Nunki herself)

Team Confused Children
>Shura - would probably, if forced, side with Teru given that they're actually friends and Shura has never really interacted or had a strong bond with Nunki. Shura is innocent country bumpkin too so she probably wouldn't fall for Nunki's b&. She's an innocent coleg student though so probably will stay out of it
>Misaki - literal high school girl just streaming for fun, doesn't deserve any of this drama

>> No.7673812

>mistaking incompetence with malice.
She made a clear distinction though, at least in the stream.

>> No.7673816

Yeah but what was bonkable there
The strawberry thread isn't even the best one.

>> No.7673817

Holy fucking ogey, Terumi's gonna get raped next week!

>> No.7673822

rrat but I think saya-p is someone she met on /trash/,/soc/ or /erp/

>> No.7673831

Holy shit it WAS Nunki!

Don't leave us hanging!

>> No.7673853

Oh shit, what got deleted?

>> No.7673855

This feels like a lot of fighting over nothing. The chubbas people like, they will continue to support. Teru maybe hurt her chances to get picked up by a bigger company.
Seems like a lot of ruminating on stuff that probably wont matter in a week.

>> No.7673857

Hi, discordfag here, most of the AG discord are Xiu simps. get your shit straight faggot.

>> No.7673858


>> No.7673876
File: 79 KB, 1200x861, paint huffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent and totally unbiased post, good work

>> No.7673882

>5 years ago
timeline doesn't add up

>> No.7673884

>" I now have a really good reason to get mad at her and that's when she talked to john about having the schedules changed because everyone else flocked over to the other talents. teru if you're reading this you should've spent that $3000 on buying a new home because you're gonna need it after what i have planned.

>"she wasn't THIS parasocial sociopath previously."

>" look at these absolute fucking niggers defending a 28 year old menopussy"

>"sounds sussy john, now get back in your dumpster"

>> No.7673886

Still hate Teru though, so in with the nunkeks you go.

>> No.7673909

yes, XiuSimps, come and join us, we are SOFT AS FUCK

>> No.7673917
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1617321441217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was right
holy fuck lmao, was just shitposting but guess I'm galaxy brain

>> No.7673933

Wow, very surprising that all the schizo hate for Terumi was coming from one person samefagging. I've never seen that before on 4chan.


>> No.7673934
File: 20 KB, 463x453, Ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did this Nunki verus Teru narrative start from?

>> No.7673958

Hey its me teru, and Anon is raping my ass rn

>> No.7673962

Why, out of Anon's asshole, of course!
