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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76594506 No.76594506 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.76594561
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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
-https://cover.lnk.to/SaikyoMegamiUsaPekora (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)
-https://pekora.streamlink.to/PEKORAMDOMBRAIN (on Spotify and others)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/AlibiBunny (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/ZenjinruiUsagikakeikaku (on Spotify and others)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
Renai Nou 「New song」

>>Collab songs
[LADYBABY] Easter Bunny (w/Mito) [NEW]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


PekoNoe ASMR
PekoMoona Offcollab
PekoMama April's Fool 2024

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template

>> No.76594639

Pekora's fat legs

>> No.76594720
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>> No.76594959


>> No.76594994
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>> No.76595462

I heard a Pekosnack

>> No.76595617

im surprised she still not feeling sleepy

>> No.76595980

I'm under her don't worry

>> No.76596295

Best partner きtら!

>> No.76597298


>> No.76597735

Oi stop stealing my posts

>> No.76597913
File: 731 KB, 1080x2038, Fat bun bun cha....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was doing it on purpose because it's the only time in the whole game where you're forced to lose a fight,and she played it a while ago already...

>> No.76597933

>not porkora
step it up nousagi

>> No.76597964

this is a debukora household

>> No.76598626
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>> No.76599538

I volunteer to be eaten

>> No.76599908

what is considered to be important upgrade in this game?

>> No.76600683

Badge points then flower points. The game is stupidly easy so upgrading your HP when your partner can tank for you is useless(HP badges exist too so you can still use these for the late game). Also the Goomba partner is overpowered as fuck with just one upgrade for the multibonk ability.

>> No.76601133

Jesas, Flurrie's move where she blows the foes out of combat is pretty busted. I've never tried the move as a kid since I was too dumb to figure out how to properly input it

>> No.76601479

That's because it scales on Mario's level+ ~65% of the enemies are weak to the ability

>> No.76601769

It's been a while since I finished the original, but at the last boss I was in a situation that the only way I could win was not fucking up Sweet Treat and use the special attack of the bomb while also not fucking up the Stylish Move part, so I could always tank the boss attack and keep repeating that loop until it died, one mistake and byebye.

>> No.76602266

wonder if she stops after this chap

>> No.76602359

Greedy bum...

>> No.76602643
File: 2.37 MB, 720x1280, 1711579258384922.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no stop we are beating this in two frame

>> No.76602686

What the fuck, that's new. The partner threatening the boss is refreshing, because in the original he GTFOs immediately after seeing you.

>> No.76603027

this dude is being kissed to death

>> No.76603553

I can't believe how much more chinese the Glitz Pit is in the Japanese version

>> No.76603868

Are we going 12 hours?

>> No.76604037


>> No.76604078

Most certainly yes.

>> No.76604098

she's having fun

>> No.76604187

I miss the static accessories, it was dumb but cute

>> No.76604841

It's over for now

>> No.76604845

It's over

>> No.76604856

Aieeeeeee, throat hurt won't make her stream more tonight....

>> No.76604909

otsupekodeshita bai baaiiii

>> No.76604966


>> No.76605518

i hope she will forget about the ojisans that need to work and will do another all nighter

>> No.76606979

RIP throat

>> No.76607254

it has been quite a while since the last horse racing stream, good that i didn't go to sleep yet or i would have slept through it

>> No.76607261

Oh, she was talking about horses after yesterday's stream.

>> No.76607465


>> No.76607586

i wonder how much she will bet this time, and who her new oshiuma will be

>> No.76609555

Peko English

>> No.76610356

I love Pekoenglish

>> No.76611933

It's the best!

>> No.76611970


>> No.76612528
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my PoV

>> No.76613433

why is she fighting a fidget spinner

>> No.76613571

Mario's strongest enemy

>> No.76617319
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>> No.76619189

Peko-chan... you forgot the dot before com in the link you tweeted...

>> No.76619973

Hang on I'll fix it

>> No.76620690

fixed actually

>> No.76624023
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>> No.76627084

Sooooo cute!!!

>> No.76628782
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>> No.76631722
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>> No.76632078

What is her sleep schedule? She streamed until 7am and then tweeted at 9am

>> No.76632238

just like mine, barely exists

>> No.76633156
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>> No.76635514


>> No.76639511
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>> No.76640136

Title Holder is already glue right?

>> No.76640296

The recent one was his last race before retiring

>> No.76640827
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>> No.76641463
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>> No.76641554
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>> No.76641644

Goro you fat fuck

>> No.76643471

Don't click https://litter.catbox.moe/5zjsug.jpg

>> No.76645094

I clicked

>> No.76645752
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>> No.76645993

no pubes gay

>> No.76646289
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-500k lezgo

>> No.76646424

will she play safe or lose BIG?

>> No.76646924
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lose big

>> No.76647139

Her oshi is glue now so I doubt she'll go big for anyone else

>> No.76648425


>> No.76648891


>> No.76650045

stop gibbering and give me useful information

>> No.76650405

I'm putting the stream on my phone in bed and I'll know if she wins because she will wake me up by screaming

>> No.76650510

She will wake you up before the race even starts

>> No.76650553

Tell me if a better one pops up

>> No.76650909

Mario frame

>> No.76650966

bum bum cha

>> No.76650978

When will she take the leap and buy her own racing horse? That or a become a part owner.

>> No.76651003

fuck me, I think she's screwing up my sleep schedule worse than hers

>> No.76651068

Dead bune

>> No.76651071


>> No.76651084

good morning Peko-chan!

>> No.76651112

just woke up peko is best peko.

>> No.76651136

Cover rejected buying a horse under her name already.

>> No.76651197

lol Koyo also streaming

>> No.76651228

what was that?

>> No.76651370

cover hate

>> No.76651454

i think it's one of those cases where cover love actually

>> No.76651601


>> No.76651631

Imagine the kino of a full race with holo owned horses. All the holos having a combined stream with both cheering and shit talking.

>> No.76651675

this is the first time I heard about it. the only related gambling that cover rejected was making pachinko machines.

>> No.76651716

did you wake up just now anon?

>> No.76651963

Based woman hater Usada thinks the female horse has no chance

>> No.76652161

imagine a full race of all holo racing horses, yeah cover is losing on this

>> No.76652347

She said she wanted to do it then we never heard of it again so either that or she just never bothered to ask.

>> No.76653217

well it probably will cost a lot of money to own a horse

>> No.76653590 [DELETED] 

>2024-04-28 - miko
>2024-05-12 - miko
2 streams withing 15 days, compared to 2 times a year. That might as well be spamming the content type.

>> No.76653857

sometime i dont know if she is dumb or genius with her comment about the horses.

>> No.76654035
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Pekora you can't survive one of the most famous curses in Japan

>> No.76654240

Down another 500k yen this year too then

>> No.76654293

who did she settle for?

>> No.76654326
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>> No.76654399


>> No.76654416

what number?

>> No.76654522


>> No.76654629

Too safe, no hope.

>> No.76654845

did she bet on top 3 again?

>> No.76654883

always love chats making her doubt her decision

>> No.76654953

LET'S GO JUSTI-wait a fucking minute...

>> No.76655136

you gotta win this justin or you will be glue

>> No.76655147

She's too chuuni. What's up with horse aura?

>> No.76655271

Daigo parried to the glue factory

>> No.76655356

where is she watching i'm so far behind

>> No.76655382

gotta pause a bit the stream so it matches with her reaction

>> No.76655487

he's eating SHIT

>> No.76655495

Hahahaha another 500k down the hole

>> No.76655568

2nd place?

>> No.76655606

gambling isn't fun if you're losing...

>> No.76655745

could be worse though.

>> No.76656016
File: 20 KB, 524x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is typing this while tears fall from her eyes

>> No.76656178
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>> No.76656571

I hope someone makes holo horse race fangame like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzzFOX_iDew

>> No.76657488

aqua really good at mario

>> No.76658075

can she clear the game today?

>> No.76658244

Nah but she can get 2/3 going by yesterday's progress

>> No.76658519

i was talking about this legend, not the poor thing

>> No.76659343

Can't believe 3rd gen live is the only flop so far

>> No.76659398
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>> No.76659472

I want her to do the glitz pitz once again to fight the new boss, and do the 100 pit trials to beat another new boss as well.

>> No.76660870
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>> No.76660945

Actually since she's streaming this early she might be planning to blaze through the entire thing tonight so we'll see

>> No.76660980

pekora doesnt have fond memories for this chapter

>> No.76661078

not many do

>> No.76661246

im also wondering why she chose gonzales, so its from her first playthrough

>> No.76661263

The forced Back and forth between the village and the forest just to go fetch the hidden letter with the birb is honestly the worst moment in any Paper Mario games, fortunately the rest of the game makes up for that part.

>> No.76661383

Great Gonzales is the name of Mario when he's wrestling, so calling its "child"(Mario did find the egg and kept him after all) Gonzales wasn't that difficult to understand.

>> No.76661872

I remember having lost 1h30 worth of gameplay to that golden fucker, it deals 20 damage to your two characters if you don't get lucky enough to have him flee the battle on the first turn.

>> No.76662036

She is really praising this game uh

>> No.76662177

a kamige you could say

>> No.76662218

Its a 12hrs game no?

>> No.76662300

That was one of the last Mario games where there were still some gruesome scenes like the dragon eating your audience or becoming a slave to the last boss, also the partners are all charismatic in their own way.

>> No.76662347

I always finish it within 55 hours during my playthroughs but that's because I do the 100pit trials+ the many side quests that require many back and forth between the levels.

>> No.76662479

She doesn't even know about the Atomic Boo secret boss fight? It's ogre...

>> No.76662652

>dragon eating your audience
yeah she is wondering if it is okay for Nintendo to make that scene

>> No.76662937
File: 680 KB, 648x567, 1602849771523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora got replaced...

>> No.76663361

she is not pekora...

>> No.76663494

please save your game pekora

>> No.76663886

I believe there is an autosave for every zone in this remake.

>> No.76664079

is the plot of the computer falling in love with peach that important?

>> No.76665245
File: 127 KB, 1378x1378, GART6htbQAAdO3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76665830

Not at all no, it's just that a 2004 game showing an advanced AI can express love to humans is kinda cute considering people nowadays can easily fall in love with AI e-thots

>> No.76666276

Usada "red knees" Pekora...

>> No.76666540

Fat fucks きtら!
I remember them doing much more damage though.

>> No.76666590

Remake nerfed a bunch of stuff

>> No.76667450

this boss really has cool design

>> No.76667547
File: 86 KB, 768x768, 1710146911226747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76667775

And also gave way too much money after specific battles, even though the original wasn't that Jewish regarding the amount of money gained after battles.
Nintendo truly knows their toddler audience and needs to hold their hands 24h/24.

>> No.76667840

if she can complete each chapter in 2 hours i think she can finish this game today

>> No.76667854

Aka Pekora

>> No.76667900

Chapter 6 is nearly twice as long as chapter 5 though... Also chapter 7 and 8 are quite lengthy as well(and I still want her to try the pit trials).

>> No.76668639 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 480x480, PekoSmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76668640

Pekora invisible exhibitionism...

>> No.76668710

* I took many, many attempts trying to make the invisible potion because the timer is hidden and you have to manually count in your head when its been 30 seconds.
* Pekora does it in one attempt.

I'm jealous of her.

>> No.76668736

pekora roleplaying naked exhibitionist peach is fun

>> No.76668764


>> No.76668934

pekora is just zooming straight through the game, she'll probably finish this waku

>> No.76669124

she is pretty excited for this chapter

>> No.76669209

Is she going to bother to get Ms Mowz? Sounds like she will

>> No.76669868
File: 547 KB, 1235x1924, 1692238768302707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76669933

She should recruit miss mouse now... she's useless as fuck

>> No.76669988

If they didn't nerf her damage so much she'd be as good as Watt from the first game

>> No.76670255

They gave many QoL to the game, but left that worthless scene untouched without any mean of skipping it, insane.

>> No.76670423

pekotyan really likes this game, I was never a fan of Mario RPGs but I'm happy she's having fun

>> No.76670736

This is the comfiest chapter but it's also basically just a lot of walking around

>> No.76671169

Physically maybe, but mentally you're playing detective and thinking through the mysteries

>> No.76672076


>> No.76672400
File: 681 KB, 1066x600, 1691949480812921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking..... pegor

>> No.76672520

Peko really thinks a lot, it's just the result of that thinking can be more than questionable sometimes

>> No.76672804

wtf I totally forgot it was doopliss

>> No.76673118

It makes her extra cute!

>> No.76673298

it certaily does

>> No.76675082
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>> No.76675353

so beautiful

>> No.76675867
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>> No.76676202
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I know pekotyan

>> No.76676325

Pierce got found out

>> No.76676348

Focus on your stream Pekora

>> No.76676429

oh yeah, did they do anything to the princess shower bit? or the implications that she is completely naked while invisible?

>> No.76676632

If they changed anything about the naked invisibility Peko didnt acknowledge it

>> No.76676896

1 more star

>> No.76676969

they didn't change anything.

>> No.76677847
File: 570 KB, 2048x1894, 1703608399995219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys just cannot get on her mental level

>> No.76677916

Me on the left

>> No.76678059
File: 79 KB, 363x363, 1686323831553001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIslop but good shit

>> No.76678381

this fucker knows how to do some stuff that no other AIfag i've seen around, you see that recent watame? the way her left breast changes shape according to the contact with the bed, flattening just the right amount, is peak care to detail, scary stuff

>> No.76678564

I think he does some manual correction there's no way the stuff he posts is just uploaded as the AI shits it out

>> No.76678924

some of his stuff has some of the obvious AI tells while other is very refined, I don't know how he does it but the good stuff is really good

>> No.76679194

she still need 1 star right?

>> No.76679296


>> No.76679534

I see you're a 12 year old enjoyer too

>> No.76679643
File: 650 KB, 724x936, 1687579667859167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's Peko I'll take any version, but also yes

>> No.76679674

Pekora is a 12 year old boy (mentally)

>> No.76680003

With her recent fascination of boobs I'd say she turned 13

>> No.76680077


>> No.76680333


>> No.76681821

surprised she just decided to grind it out in two short streams, she ran away from almost every enemy she could and just beelined for the finish line the whole way

It actually makes these battles a bit more tense though, since she's not particularly overleveled

>> No.76681912

she always plays RPGs like this, I'm actually surprised at the sheer amount of lucky metal slime spawns she gets playing DQ or she would be very underleveled

>> No.76682284
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, 1616164396588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Peko kneel to the Shadow Queen?

>> No.76682660


>> No.76682988

Now that she got all the stars there must not be much left right?

>> No.76683058


>> No.76683383

This is gonna clock in under 20 hours all up, put her on the speedrun leaderboards

>> No.76684374

she is going until clear kek

>> No.76684373

>Up to what time do you plan on going today?
>Pekora: until I clear it

>> No.76684410

I mean it's in the title

>> No.76684447


>> No.76684485

She wants to forget about losing the 500k

>> No.76684549

500k is nothing for her, realistically

she probably itemizes it as a business expense too, so she gets it off income tax

>> No.76684585

Well it gave her bad numbers so of course she wants to clear it as soon as possible.

>> No.76684618

it's not about the amount, it's about losing

>> No.76684704

Yeah, she'd probably feel more comfortable enjoying it and dragging it out if she was getting 40k ccv instead of 14k.

>> No.76684835

In my defense, she streams so much that I don't actually pay attention to stream titles. I just click them and watch

>> No.76684972

I do usually but today I just rushed to sleep what I could after the horses ended until mario started and didnt pay any attention to it

>> No.76685060

Anon is me

>> No.76685304

do you guys enjoy replaying the game you played back then?

>> No.76685632

It really depends on the game. There are games that are great on single playthrough but have frustrating to go through again for one reason or another. It's why I like watching people play a game I've played and enjoyed, it's nice to enjoy the good parts and see them suffer through the tedious bits

>> No.76685753

for some I do and have replayed them multiple times for others while I have fond memories I wouldnt want to replay them ever again

>> No.76686041
File: 249 KB, 1584x2048, GOhht35aoAAuZc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76686146

cute, love the bunny stick

>> No.76686574
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1713625175325936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't run away Pekora!

>> No.76687171

is she almost at the end?

>> No.76687208

Near the final battle

>> No.76687227

Yes but there's going to be a boss rush towards the end and she may run into problems without the SP recovery items

>> No.76687485

so she can finish within the frame?

>> No.76687740

The delivery shall continue either way

>> No.76687799

for sure, just curious

>> No.76690042
File: 99 KB, 560x801, F4bDPjWagAA6qbU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76690508

Pessan it's almost 5 am... release my soul...

>> No.76690633
File: 826 KB, 2953x3307, GObzMNwbYAA-GAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76690705

I wish Pekora would trap my soul eternally...

>> No.76691160

didn't know Mario is a wife beater, well I guess he is italian after all...

>> No.76691807

The Genkidama from AliExpress...

>> No.76691916

>otokonoko dakedona

>> No.76692128

this is it, right?

>> No.76692584

I have work in 2 hours so I'm really hoping it is

>> No.76692587

Yes, unfortunately. We won't get to see bonetail at the bottom of the 100 pit trials and Prince Mush's bossfights but whatever I guess, as long as she enjoyed that playthrough.

>> No.76693070

she did it!

>> No.76693091

My Melody...

>> No.76693169

in 20 hours too, which is really fast for this game, especially considering how much laggier the remake is

>> No.76693279

see you... Great Gonzales that's where GG comes from

>> No.76693673

chucchuriina completely missing from the epilogue....

>> No.76693803

Literally who? The only thing she's good at is stealing badge you can get yourself somewhere else...
also it's so tiresome climbing the whole castle just for that whore...

>> No.76693821

Did the original have the PM1 photo? I can't remember.

>> No.76693856

they added a new pipe in the castle in the remake to make it way quicker

>> No.76693869

every game you play is a kamige, Pekor...

>> No.76693941

I unironically want to have a similar mindset

>> No.76693964

That's because she is the one playing it so it instantly turns into a kamige

>> No.76693999

why would she play a non-kamige when there are kamige to play

>> No.76694109

>Lots of recording work soon
Probably wanted to do an endurance while she's got the chance for it I guess. Looking like she's got a busy june

>> No.76694130

Ah yeah the new platform thingy leading to a pipe to the sewers, that's a neat addition.

>> No.76694175

yes she was talking about it friday, she's getting a lot of work soon

>> No.76694294

Might be holosummer related then? It's about that time of the year

>> No.76694327


>> No.76694429
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>> No.76694434


might be, she's also preparing something for her hell plan with more people but it's still far away

>> No.76694485

I already miss Peko...
But I'm tired so I can just sleep

>> No.76694513

topping up on nousagium while she can

>> No.76694688

>Hell project
Ah, is this related to that hell project that was mentioned regarding Nene during HC Minecraft? Still haven't caught up to all that yet

>> No.76694861

yes but thats the only mention she made of it, that its still not completely planned out and that she wants a bunch of people to participate in it so it will take some time

>> No.76694885

all we know so far is that "many people" will be involved, it's not more minecraft, and that it's something she'd enjoy alone, but wants to do it as another big group thing. No confirmed joiners yet, but I'd guess Nene has a strong chance.

>> No.76695365

Aqua sounded curious about it, I think she might join too.

>> No.76695520
File: 612 KB, 750x1200, PekoSmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info nousagitachi, here's a smug peko for your troubles

>> No.76695578
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>> No.76695805

pretty sure aqua is inclueded there, when aqua died and held the trial about it, im pretty sure pekora said it would be her punishment

>> No.76697438

Today is Dragon Quest day, maybe we will get a XII announcement

>> No.76698863

Also 3rd gen anniversary is on July, so there is that too.

>> No.76700762

Did the latest DQMJ do well in sales?

>> No.76700873

Kinda, also that news was more fault of their high budget stuff like the FF games.

>> No.76700910

I dont know but to be fair DQ saga overall does way better than FF consistently and they keep releasing them almost yearly

>> No.76700997

Sisyphus didn't earn the title of kamige

>> No.76701414

I just realised there's a chance Pekora used to call Marine 'Maririn' as a reference to the fat shadow sister

>> No.76701947
File: 193 KB, 1074x888, ぺこ草もものふ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHAH! Knowing her that chance wouldn't be that "slim"

>> No.76702639

It sold well (in Japan) but I think thats the only region they really expected it to sell anyway

>> No.76705381
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>> No.76707205
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>> No.76707554

sun dress this summer, i belib

>> No.76707666

she has it in her room, she literally just refuses to wear it for some reason
this bratty bunny!

>> No.76708369

my favorite clothing on my favorite chuuba? yes please, with extra thin fabric

>> No.76708498

i don't care about ecchi stuff, just don't forget a straw hat, with holes for her ears
just imagine how cute it would look

>> No.76708537
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>> No.76709556
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>> No.76709895

yeah, this is simply too cute

>> No.76710031
File: 1.97 MB, 861x1216, 1702540624257468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good taste

>> No.76712106

It might be too cute, some nousagi may die from Peko overdose

>> No.76712217

If I could choose how I die that would be it

>> No.76713587
File: 302 KB, 688x582, Screenshot 2021-07-20 231521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but there are many ways Peko can kill us it's hard to choose

>> No.76713945
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>> No.76714019
File: 2.88 MB, 1900x2456, ae4954922238a26f16ec8fd0567fb6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, her ass is a weapon of mass destruction, it killed billions
and it's only my contribution

>> No.76717211
File: 1.13 MB, 1131x1600, 1657130232975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be crushed by it

>> No.76718673
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>> No.76721503
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>> No.76723404
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>> No.76725585
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and Im out of sundress Pekos

>> No.76725923
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>> No.76726006

Nice one

>> No.76726207
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>> No.76726272
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Such good piece of work

>> No.76726532
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>> No.76727816

I can hear this picture

>> No.76728106

How do you know how my plaps sound like?

>> No.76728371
File: 2.40 MB, 2422x3962, 1666946965242159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
