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76668687 No.76668687 [Reply] [Original]

Someone just save her already...

>> No.76668755

she can save herself by graduating and then spreading falsehoods about Nijisanji, it worked when doki did it.

>> No.76668974

what's this all about?

>> No.76669160

NBA x Niji collab. Claude is participating, but her and Kunai are not.

>> No.76669216


>> No.76669328

She decided to join niji. I don't have sympathy for someone tyat retarded

>> No.76669595

she'll go to JShojo

>> No.76669751

Can't she just work on the sidelines with DuelLogs again?

>> No.76669851

>Joins black company
>Black company does black company things
Why are women so retarded?

>> No.76670057

They joined before the Selen shit happened so they couldn't be faulted for it

However if any Denauth members start venting about their shit company then they got what they deserve

>> No.76670111

>They deliberately weren't told about it so that they couldn't just fucking ask


>> No.76670114
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Why do nijifags hate Vivi so much

>> No.76670126

As if Selena was the first time it was obvious Niji was a black company.

>> No.76670254


>> No.76670291

> Jap sisters defending the company
Not a surprising fact when they threw Gundou under the bus

I hate Niji, but this hate you are seeing right now is not the same as 8 months ago. There were still hate, but the majority was still supportive for the agency and the organs were still gaining subs. That's until the Selen nuke dropped that making fun of Niji is a common thing for everybody and all members' growth are killed

>> No.76670352

She wants out but she's 14th in the graduation queue.... It's gonna take years........

>> No.76670556

Here's a easy way out vivi use anything to give yourself some paper cuts get yourself internalize in a mental ward for a week blame your mental state on niji quit and profit. It worked for selen

>> No.76670558

kek holy shit just break contract and tell them to fuck off forever, it's not that hard

>> No.76670742

Lets not pretend people didnt realise niji was a black company since day 1. Niji faggots went after Aloe for merely hinting at this. WAYY WAYYYY before Zaion or Selen or any of the other meaningless EN faggotry happened.

>> No.76670792

And with the selen nuke came people being accused of being sisters for giving legit criticism to hololive. You are advent and tired of gura taking the spotlight from the girls guess what you're now a nijisister to your own holo fanbase for pointing out your dissatisfaction and grievances. And also open the door for sisters to false flag as "holofans" to shit on doki. All those gura vs doki threads are from nijisisters and chumkeks who call you sister.

>> No.76670908

She can't. I remember Cy Yu saying that he denied Nijisanji's application due to the fact that you have to leave your job and go full time vtuber under Nijisanji.

>> No.76670922

Doki never did spread falsehood. It's all been self confirmed by Nijisanji

>> No.76670968
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I'm pretty we are going to see plenty of graduations before the end of the year.

>> No.76671073

No, he had to stop his voice acting job. Since they want to own his voice.
Plenty of Niji talents have/are working normal jobs as well.

>> No.76671126

As long as she thinks Rikus cock is worth it, there's no saving her.

>> No.76671528

If he would've accepted then he would've lost the roles for Seofon in Granblue Relink and Akihiko in the Persona 3 remake and gotten 2% for his trouble.

>> No.76671529

the graduation queue is such a cope
There are no "good" niji's.
Look at all the other shitstains that people have tried to make out to be innocent victims
Outright dicksucked Riku on her 3D
MUH TEKKEN *chokes*
Went into hiding over accidentally liking an anti comment
defended Aster when the DM's got leaked where Aster acted completely psychotic towards her
Bent the knee when she got harassed by psycho commie trannies (aka 99% of AnyColor fans)

None of this would have happened if they were actually in a graduation queue and leaving soon

>> No.76671809

Scarle is happy in niji idk where ppl got that idea that she's unhappy lmao

>> No.76671911

After Zaion got terminated it was abundantly clear that Niji was a black company. All the red flags were there. You can excuse people like Selen for not knowing what they were getting into but Vivi joined what, half a year after Zaion? Yeah she gets no sympathy.

>> No.76672787

Yagoo please... save her...

>> No.76673369

read the room

>> No.76673618

Clara's first stream was in full japanese, I don't think she cares.

>> No.76674998

> *Sigh*

>> No.76676963

She already have a path but she must graduate first quickly.

>> No.76677051

>Scarle is happy in niji
Scarle historically does basically nothing with nobody else. Niji might as well not exist to her beyond giving her an avenue for a surprisingly rich fanbase. If she left tomorrow it'd make no difference to her for better OR worse.

>> No.76677096

>sisters still can't deal with the fact niji told on themselves

>> No.76677562

Nijisanji actually makes you pay back a LOT of expenses if you leave before the contract expires. So no, this is no viable. And no, suing is not reasonable either. They're stuck for now.

>> No.76677742

Scarle is at worst a complete pushover stuck in an impossible situation, the Aster sexpest leak already proved that on top of her liking the comm

She's at best in the graduation queue but I hold no form of contempt towards her as she seems to me more like a victim that can't do anything to save herself, as she doesn't have the opportunities nor the willpower to do it.

>> No.76677860

Makes? They're a japanese company they can't do shit to you these stupid streamers just don't understand their own rights.

>> No.76677972

>organ leaves without paying
>niji threatens and sues
>need to go to court or settle
Again, not viable.

>> No.76678595

>billion dollar company sues small tekken into the ground
great optics

>> No.76679464

Matey, I had a pretty good clue that niji was black even before zaion got terminated from the vtuber churn with constant debuts and graduations. After zaion it was irrefutable. Selen was just the nail on the coffin.

>> No.76679708


>> No.76679768

Doki didn't graduate dumbass...

>> No.76679914
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Yeah, the copious amount of rape sure helped her settle in.

>> No.76679940

>Claude is participating, but her and Kunai are not
Because unlike them, he fucking asked

>> No.76680054

>promotes black stream
>participates in the 'we love artists' bs
>claps back against Niji h8terz on twitter
>still gets shafted cuz she's not in Elira's clique

>> No.76681438

Why would anybody bully her? She seems so sweet.

>> No.76681513

Nijisisters have the company as their oshi. Any perceived slight against the company makes them go crazy.

>> No.76681775

Yeah, he asked Elira.

>> No.76682148

you know she could do something to get her contract void, sure she would face a financial penalty for it, but the community would rally behind her and help her if she denounces shittersanji, she might struggle to get her footing in the indie scene but keeping your dignity is better than having money from a shitty company like shittersanji, but that is not happening so she deserves to suffer staying.

>> No.76682783

>721k total views gained from january to april.
yeah, she can go.

>> No.76683092

Rosemi needs more saving her.

>> No.76683150

Vivi makes less in Nijisanji that someone on government benefits, anon...

>> No.76684191

Anon, If Niji management gave a shit about optics we wouldn't be having this conversation

>> No.76684268

interesting how they nailed such a simple design compared to the loaded chuuni stuff they pull
