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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76628733 No.76628733 [Reply] [Original]

making chocolate

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>76588870

>> No.76628871

Miss me wife, simple as.

>> No.76628997
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's make this an anti thread and make it even weirder this time shoggas (reverse psychology)

>> No.76629565

FallenShadow my favorite streamer.

>> No.76629891

I hate my wife, simple as

>> No.76630049

you have an extremely narrow view on what normality is

>> No.76630785

>smell my finger

>> No.76631515

I love her! I hope she sleeps well tonight! She is amazing!

>> No.76631906

My view is pretty emboldened but I'm still waiting for your list, anon.

>> No.76632310

>you need to be cured of schizophrenia to live any kind of normal life
i think we differ in opinion on this point and further discussion is fruitless

>> No.76632965

new art for my spankbank? poggers!

>> No.76632970

when was the last time shondo randomly licked the mic because she wanted to

>> No.76633259

when was the last time shondo slapped her flat chest to prove she had zero titties?

>> No.76633311

uhhh like a week ago? we were in vc playing fortnite together and she got a little horny after seeing me get a victory royale

>> No.76633452

she sent me a picture of her flat chest a few days ago

>> No.76633525

that's nise wyatt

>> No.76633893

anyone uh..wanna erp as shondo x husband >_< maybe?
im down for either role

>> No.76633970

*i put on my shrobe and shizzard hat*

>> No.76634091

uwu (you) have such a big staff, husband!
*disassociates for 3 hours*

>> No.76634169

weird ahh thread

>> No.76634292


>> No.76634764
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>> No.76635175

being a schizo is hell on the person and everyone around them which is why a lot of people with schizophrenia know for a fact the world would be better if they were dead

>> No.76636053

luckily for shondo the world would be much worse without her

>> No.76636336
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the symptoms of the brain she has will make it a challenge to partake in normal normie activites on a daily basis even if she was raised perfectly and had a perfect life, as of now you're looking at years of therapy and luck to even begin going in that direction and she will still have to make accommodations, if she can ever get to that point, if it's bad enough she might need specialized expert care to achieve that, but i won't say it's impossible or never worth pursuing

the thing is she can live a life that's pretty similar to what she has now and be very fulfilled and happy, she doesn't need to train and practice for years and manage all her uncurable symptoms perfectly for the vapid sake of excelling in a normie culture that is rigged against brains like hers. she can be very happy and healthy and fulfilled with something much more modest and humble, similar to what she has now.
i hate the idea that she would be happier if she could just be a stacy, happiness won't come from turning into someone she's not, it's fantasy escapism and cope because it's not even possible, it's an excuse to give up because brute forcing touching grass isn't the path towards that. and it's painful to see anyone feel like that because they try so much harder than most people and get nothing but failure, and then they reach the conclusion that they're weaker than the people who don't even have to think to live a normal life. it's so tragic
the reality is she needs to get her ass in therapy, though there's stuff she could do right now, it's stupid to waste time putting off professional help for that. there she can start to learn how to live with herself, and that's much more complicated than faking it til you make it. this goes for shoggas too, nothing will make you happy before then

>> No.76636654


>> No.76636732

>if you have schizophrenia the entire world benefits from your non existence
i dont agree :)

>> No.76636924

true, doctors make a ton of money off worthless eaters

>> No.76636926

yes :)

>> No.76637295

the world would be better if you wasn't alive to waste oxygen and resources, staying alive to post this dogshit all day while you leech neetbux yet here you are. rope yourself :)

>> No.76637351

>you wasn't

>> No.76637409

I know :)

>> No.76637424

neurotypicals are constantly coping with the fact that it takes an irregular mind to have a great impact on the world
shondo herself is proof. I hope she can get healthier and manage her symptoms better so that they don't impede on her goals, but even if she can't she's already had a broader impact than many of the losers /here/ who consider themselves normal

>> No.76637461

ive paid more taxes than your entire family :)

>> No.76637523

>bragging about paying taxes
cringe tbdesu

>> No.76637530

>ive cucked myself to pay the government half my paycheck
LOL nice come back

>> No.76637555
File: 3.94 MB, 410x342, goth headpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true

>> No.76637556

i mostly agree but feel i need to clarify that when i say normal i dont mean she has to be a stacy i just mean live a life that a reasonable person would consider to be normal

>> No.76637583

>waahh schizoprenia hort
>waahh taxes hort
just take an advil :)

>> No.76637599

I'm proud that a lot of my family has managed to get away with personal/business tax evasion

>> No.76637664

Why is everyone smiling

>> No.76637747

only because you're an idiot that hasn't dealt with violent schizophrenic episodes for decades. Best case scenario she will die in 20 years maybe in some institution where she can't hurt herself or anyone else

>> No.76637750

some people like to take cute emojis or phrases and stain them with passive aggression it's some real faggoty shit fr

>> No.76637795

its a glasgow smile

>> No.76637837

ESLchama you should learn how to construct your arguments better.

>> No.76637856

When was the last time shondo engaged in a focused training regimen designed to raise her VO2 max?

>> No.76637913

why would you assume i'm being insincere?

>> No.76637973

just ate a whole jar of pickles i think my insides are going to explode

>> No.76638006
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!

>> No.76638029

because I've noticed a lot of people /here/ are afraid to be honest with themselves about their feelings. it's sad that even anonymity doesn't prevent them/you from reeking of insecurity

>> No.76638045

thats digusting shogga

>> No.76638082

what do you contribute to the world that's so significant you feel you have a right to decide what makes people worthy of living or not?

>> No.76638143

it was yummy but now my tummy hurts :(

>> No.76638148
File: 324 KB, 1881x2160, 1692613564669464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.

>> No.76638197

sorry you think you're smart

>> No.76638217

I want to shine my light into shonshon's cracks

>> No.76638229

there's a point to be made that people with mental problems often reach the conclusion that they're a burden because they can't function well or provide as much as others
a lot of the time they're right, god forbid they live in a poorer nation
a lot of suicides are "logical" for people who have real problems that aren't self esteem related
though just because they're correct doesn't mean suicide is the solution and often times they're wrong too or it's a completely different issue than whether they're loved or not. it's complicated

>> No.76638302

Don't apologize to me, apologize to the language you're butchering.

>> No.76638353

>discord backseating her diet
she's never coming back

>> No.76638384

why would you fucking do that?

i am very honest with how i talk. i talk alot of love. i talk alot of shit.

>Blessed are the schizo, for they shall speakth in tongues.

>> No.76638414

if someone's life is mostly suffering that's completely outside of their control you think they should still force themselves to live?

>> No.76638455

>let me check it out
>oh its the newfag anti again
Colour me surprised

>> No.76638548

nta but ESLchama you should really learn how a debate works before you try to start one.

>> No.76638614

point them out please

>> No.76638670

Unironically name them. Mods are looking right now.

>> No.76638679

debate is an odd way to spell pants shitting contest

>> No.76638692

yes. there are ways to make that suffering manageable and there are always reasons to keep going. the fact you think people should just kill themselves because something bad is out of their control says a lot about how much of a sheltered faggot you are

>> No.76638711

we only made it 63 posts before the topic shifted away from shonshon to some male

>> No.76638762

I've be checking out other streamers a little in Shondo's absence, and it's so nice being in discords and chats where they aggressively ban annoying people.

>> No.76638802

but i come to this thread just for male time?

>> No.76638835

>she's never coming back
Why would she want to? What exactly is there to love other than the money at this point?

>> No.76638862
File: 174 KB, 960x802, 1690370820499551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm cracked with the deagle watch me get this dub

>> No.76638869

i don't want to debate anyone that pretends(?) to be a smug retard

>> No.76638926

>but i come to this thread just for male time?

>> No.76638960

the thread is about to get very bad

>> No.76638971

>secret otis
>bags under shadow's eyes
>lily's boner

>> No.76638981

you are genuinely fucked up if you think this

>> No.76638987

S is really having a tantrum because people aren't talking about what he wants to talk about?
Holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.76639033

Yet you start them, curious. Maybe take a logic class next semester in addition to Intermediate English.

>> No.76639089

I told you

>> No.76639122

give one valid reason to strive for being alive for its own sake.

>> No.76639132

every time i give an opinion i have to follow debate bro rules?

>> No.76639201

nta but you don't have to do anything, just don't expect people to think your opinion is worth shit

>> No.76639308

life is good because in death watching hearing loving shondo is a lot harder

>> No.76639341
File: 766 KB, 211x252, 1709924487323912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to talk about eugenics

>> No.76639373

yes life is meaningless and no god is going to stop you from killing yourself, probably, but the issue is usually people who think they're life is worth sewer sliding are wrong which is why the general consensus is to get serious help and give it a good try before you trust how you feel in ignorance

>> No.76639384

Fuck off Cory

>> No.76639391

you guys ruined the nise hours >:(

>> No.76639401

you're arguing in favour of suicide and *i'm* the fucked up one?
what kind of question is this? i need to make an argument for being alive? why are you alive?

>> No.76639442

A convo between Cory and Shondo would be hilarious.

>> No.76639493

>wanting males on stream

>> No.76639494

i don't, i'm saying it's weird for someone ackshually u r debate structure is lacking as well as u r British

>> No.76639514

Shondo doesn't care about Sonic so they would have very little to actually talk about.

>> No.76639570

cory from cory in the house? cory taylor?

>> No.76639580

Everyone should be free to kill themselves if they want, but usually that desire is based on faulty logic. For proof just look at how poorly the people arguing in favor of suicide generally being the best option for people with mental illnesses. Fucking Canadians I s2g.

>> No.76639593

who the fuck is cory? does it have something to do with this derek guy?

>> No.76639691

For proof just look at how poorly the people arguing in favor of suicide generally being the best option for people with mental illnesses are presenting their case*

>> No.76639716
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>> No.76639721

making that choice for people is fucked up, yeah

>> No.76639750

best post itt

>> No.76639782

please let me pick her up

>> No.76639785

But if your life is indeed miserable, what reason is there not to end it?
No, I am not asking for an argument for being alive, I am asking for an argument for believing that life has value in itself.

>> No.76639807


>> No.76640003

imagine being born in a universe where you are free to allocate as much or as little meaning as you want to anything and everything
now imagine seeing this total freedom as evidence that life not being worth living is the default stance
fucking pathetic

>> No.76640026
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I love her

>> No.76640058
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>> No.76640110

send coach greg the clip of her doing 10 squats

>> No.76640161

I just found a really long hair in my apartment that Ive never had a female in before

>> No.76640187


>> No.76640205

>you are free to allocate as much or as little meaning as you want to anything and everything

that would be a super power

>> No.76640206
File: 66 KB, 575x529, 1691910436805682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE fallenshadow!!!!

>> No.76640237

>that would be a super power
no, your mind is just weaker than average

>> No.76640281

>shondo saying that you should bonk her
>shondo and shoggers when you bonk

>> No.76640360

she's repeatedly said the things she doesn't want to be bonked about, do reps

>> No.76640397

you can't choose your genetics or environment and everything you care/don't care about comes from those two

>> No.76640454
File: 3.51 MB, 1389x2456, 6201f55b7fe04dcc98450be5010e7bbe resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shongo's illness gets transferred to you
>noone will ever know, if you say something it'll just be schizo ramblings
Will you press the button?

>> No.76640469

if you dont exist nothing can change
if you exist then things can get better or your perception of how things are can alter

>> No.76640467

>you can't choose your...environment
you literally can though?

>> No.76640488

why don't you choose to care about someone in person instead of a vtuber?

>> No.76640508

no???? are you fucking dumb of course not

>> No.76640530
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>> No.76640549
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>> No.76640557


>> No.76640565

unless someone has genuine reason to end their life early like due to terminal illness that's guaranteed to kill them anyway they wouln't be making the decision to die of sound mind so i don't give a fuck if you think it's fucked up.
life is inherently valuable. you're free to do whatever you want for the most part and you find your own reasons for living. anything is better than throwing away your one chance and wasting that value unless your situation is completely irredeemable because of having zero quality of life at all via illness or whatever. also no, schizophrenia doesn't fit into that category. shondo and people like her can very much have a good quality of life.

>> No.76640590

as an adult you can, if you're not in a shithole country

>> No.76640607

We don't live in a universe where you are free to attach as much or as little meaning to anything and everything as you wish. Humans are born with innate desires as a result of natural selection.

I didn't say that considering life unworthy of being lived is the default position, nor does it matter what the "default position" is (to think that it is relevant to what we are discussing is a naturalistic fallacy). Due to human instinct, considering life worth living is the default stance, my question is whether there is any valid reason to try to choose to consider life worth living.

>> No.76640648

>now imagine seeing this total freedom as evidence that life not being worth living is the default stance
there are physical states in the brain that make you feel this, it becomes reality. it's not something that can be explained you have to experience it. it's not about logic, your instincts have the ability to take away your choice

>> No.76640697

why would you ever be in a shithole country?
that's just stupid?

>> No.76640722

if there's no valid reason to consider life worth living just lead by example and end yourself or stfu. you're trying to sound intelligent but you look so fucking stupid i can't even describe how retarded this is

>> No.76640777

"Life has meaning" is the default because of evolution

>> No.76640780
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>> No.76640804

in a heartbeat
i'd do anything to see her smile

>> No.76640837

i wish i could do that i have trouble falling asleep

>> No.76640893
File: 17 KB, 418x166, 1694035082339803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why are you still in her community then?

>> No.76640920

yet shithole countries exist, curious

>> No.76640979

why do you choose to make this a false dichotomy? I reject your restrictions

>> No.76641029

how is that in any way related to what i said

>> No.76641086

I already have schizoaffective disorder. I'd be more than willing to just kill myself after absorbing everyone's health problems.

>> No.76641091

You don't have to go through this much fibbing effort to fool people here

>> No.76641092
File: 12 KB, 663x103, 1703326953528659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she would Smile if you were not in her community anymore...so why are you still in it?

>> No.76641168

is this a bot?

>> No.76641174

my point is you don't have much control about what you care about. Or are you saying if some random person spit in your face you could choose to not care?

>> No.76641203
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>> No.76641233

She is fine the way she is! but if she really wants me to press it I'll do it for her, I'm neurodivergent already

>> No.76641282
File: 12 KB, 379x139, 1715028377745789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot these were ai generated tweets from some site xdd

>> No.76641313

I understand about as well as someone with a far more manageable mental illness can. I think it's evident that Shondo still has this ability. She has chosen to find meaning in lots of things that her instincts tell her are scary

>> No.76641550
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>> No.76641599

big ahh head

>> No.76641706

you're optimistic that things won't become more scary, it's delusional but probably the best way to think about it

>> No.76641730

your point is wrong, you underestimate the mind to an embarrassing degree.
depending on context and consequence I could easily choose not to care or to lose my shit. without context I don't know what my immediate response would be, likely indignation. I don't have to be a slave to that feeling forever though. its fucked up that this isn't a common perspective

>> No.76641787
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this thread was ok

>> No.76641877

even if you can control your thinking/actions you can't control your emotions, people get traumatized by less

>> No.76641938
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>> No.76642032

nta, but the entire recorded history of humanity is full of techniques and ideologies dedicated to doing exactly that kind of thing.

>> No.76642050
File: 325 KB, 1189x1913, 1715691546445876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife and i hope she is enjoying reading Game of Thrones. i would like her to tell us what she thinks of it as shes reading. i want to know her thoughts on stuff.

>> No.76642120

"you underestimate the mind to an embarrassing degree." lol lmao

>> No.76642266

some control sure, but COMPLETE control?

>> No.76642418

The illusion of control is most likely just that, a convenient delusion. There is no evidence that "free will" exists in the first place.

>> No.76642422

it is not hard to control any emotion that isn't directly tied to love. get good.

>> No.76642461

adorable drunk hiccups

>> No.76642597
File: 710 KB, 800x1440, 1693977164999451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking advantage of her while she's tipsy by giving her smooches

>> No.76642685

dont care
will bonk anyway

>> No.76642826

>calling shondo out for having faulty logic
>being called out for having faulty logic

>> No.76642838

Hello. I would like to inform you that I will be masturbating to that image later.

That is all.

>> No.76642965

die newfag

>> No.76643053

if you ever want to hang out and just watch youtube videos on alt for a little bit shondo i'd like that. dont have to stick to a schedule or even turn your mic on if you dont want to

>> No.76643140
File: 131 KB, 405x317, 1712237597948019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many bitter angy shoggers

>> No.76643224

im happy today >w<

>> No.76643262
File: 1.23 MB, 1247x2514, 1712621748305700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont remember what picture i attached but i wanted to get some pickles stuff and couldnt in time sorry boys and girls

>> No.76643275

Stop pretending

>> No.76643342

Yeah you should bonk me but only do it when it doesn't matter and the subject is trivial and irrelevant. Btw don't turn every little thing into an argument either.

>> No.76643429

dewd needs to bonk her so she'll actually listen shadowClueless

>> No.76643437

I was unhappy for a bit when someone suggested that my wife would be better off unaliving herself in minecraft but then I chose to be ecstatic about us being alive at the same time despite the odds being so stacked against it

>> No.76643450

shut up shondo we know you better than you do

>> No.76643573

she thinks she'd be better unalive or else she'd be streaming (from the club)

>> No.76643628
File: 634 KB, 564x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHONDO buy one of these bomb defusal jackets for otis

>> No.76643776 [SPOILER] 
File: 483 KB, 710x1176, 1697770902580163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shonders i hope ur doing very well today and have a good eep and enjoyed game of thrones
i love you and miss you, but i will wait forever to see you again

>> No.76643824

she doesn't get to a say in this matter, her brain is fucked and sending her retarded signals that are wrong and she herself knows that to an extent which is why i tell her otherwise and it's why she better not do anything stupid
or else

>> No.76643835

proto shon my beloved

>> No.76643948

your brain is fucked too thoughever

>> No.76643990

becoming a necromancer for your dead wife is cute

>> No.76644015


>> No.76644156
File: 873 KB, 2508x3541, 1694507585207877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will study necromancy so I may keep her forever.

>> No.76645223
File: 3.54 MB, 3840x2160, 1687110662631925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that post wasn't me btw

>> No.76645369

Hello, me again. Just letting you know I will also have this image open when I am masturbating later along with the other one.

That is all.

>> No.76645424

Would last ten seconds max

>> No.76645427

she wont stream until the offline chat is only white ribbons and further advanced

>> No.76645484
File: 876 KB, 800x1440, 1688361270575805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you like my selection of images.

>> No.76645660

straight btw

>> No.76645738

>doesnt understand kissing

>> No.76645774
File: 1.92 MB, 1706x2156, 1706591504475757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is canonically bi and has admitted it multiple times.
also she was talking about french kissing specifically.

>captcha: RTX XK

>> No.76645845

doesnt like being sexualised btw

>> No.76645871

thats not her retard

>> No.76645935

yes it is

>> No.76645983


>> No.76646012

i dont remember her name but its some vtweeter she drew

>> No.76646064
File: 29 KB, 349x642, 1705694151318860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76646069

I really really love her!

>> No.76646073

yeah its fallenshadow the popular vtweeter

>> No.76646122

this accurately depicts shondo

>> No.76646125

its DTL theyve done an asmr collab before

>> No.76646128

so true oomfie

>> No.76646150

so after browsing through shondo's (real) twitter alt, why does she post there so much? I didn't even get it from here, twitter itself recommended it to me so it's not like it's hidden.
Why not just post on main?

>> No.76646162

also her ideal man

>> No.76646207

I'm about to accurately depict my foot up your ass in a few seconds, buster.

>> No.76646210

right dudetlewd thats the one

>> No.76646256

Can you delete your post now out of embarrassment?

>> No.76646270
File: 102 KB, 590x865, 1698237799491105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76646327 [DELETED] 

Does shondo know she's contributing to the statistic of jews having the highest rate of schizophrenia out of any race?

>> No.76646330

why are you replying to yourself trying to save face?

>> No.76646353
File: 453 KB, 780x720, 1691259878381571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76646411

Seethe retard just delete it

>> No.76646437

so she wants to kiss other girls and sexualize them but doesn't want to be kissed or sexualized
kinda presents an issue since it takes two to tango

>> No.76646477
File: 233 KB, 1736x2375, 1711764456893010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76646529

why dont you just delete it? you made it

>> No.76646577

You guys are retards >.<

>> No.76646597

Ill delete all my posts if you promise to delete yours

>> No.76646609

I will teach her all the stuff in that book by reading it to her until she falls asleep

>> No.76646638
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1707601949337617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't know that she is 4 different indie chuubas and ASMRtists

>> No.76646663
File: 117 KB, 590x865, 1693951251863659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76646711

she mostly tries to separate her tangible professional activities from her feelings and direct audience interaction (sort of).
I assume it's so her followers can decide what content they are interested in

>> No.76646744

nevermind ill just beat her over the head with it

>> No.76646752

tell her to stop it

>> No.76646786

but if you delete all your posts then they would be gone also

>> No.76646875
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.76646888

could do another twitter space from her phone

>> No.76646900

I do have a rather rotund head

>> No.76646979
File: 3.25 MB, 347x283, 1688670897116914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76647034

I did once and she told me to kill myself (real)

>> No.76647100

one time i made a joke in chat but she read my message backwards and thought i was saying something mean about her and yelled at me

>> No.76647271
File: 455 KB, 2000x3000, 1690099429025880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gawd that's so hot. i wish she would yell at me

>> No.76647441

Ni ni shiggie

>> No.76647728

Absolutely. One day you'll die anyway so why hurry to experience death? Live for the few moments of joy.

>> No.76647864

Life is mostly suffering but that's okay because without suffering the good moments would have no frame of reference for how good they are

>> No.76647872

you won't do shit

>> No.76647887


>> No.76647936
File: 931 KB, 717x646, 1710065006745730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76647987

tell that to my outgoing emails :D

>> No.76648018

bet you use an alt email pussy

>> No.76648073


>> No.76648078


>> No.76648114

It's ok to sexualize Shondo if you're a girl. P*nis havers should kill themselves though.

>> No.76648180

i have a penis
i will sexualise her
and she will like it :D

>> No.76648206

Too late Shondo I sexualize you every day. I even typed this with my cock.

>> No.76648254

One time I said something mean about her but she read my message and giggled because she thought I was joking.

>> No.76648256
File: 564 KB, 1646x2048, 1698580140800667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Pinis? He cute.

>> No.76648296

one time she made fun of me so i reincarnated

>> No.76648391

One time I emailed her a video of me cutting myself.

>> No.76648417


>> No.76648505

I did this when i was a newfag but I just changed my twitch name

>> No.76648526
File: 1.18 MB, 896x1328, 1689986711477467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you weren't cutting off your foreskin, you're ngmi

>> No.76648580


>> No.76648586

she wants an uncircumcised man so she can cut it off herself
sorry ameritards

>> No.76648636

no i dont think youd guess who i was or am now

>> No.76648665
File: 161 KB, 1230x1676, 1710719329904724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she called me an idiot as a newfag but i was being retarded on purpose so it was funny.
she laughs at my jokes enough to keep me coming back for more.

>> No.76648850

one time she called me "the worst" for liking ntr, I was just keeping it real unlike shondo

>> No.76649159

That's only the 4th worst fetish, don't worry Anon

>> No.76649213
File: 577 KB, 840x648, 1704343096357696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me nostalgic so i had to go back and watch it again
i love her so much

>> No.76649274

Congrats NTRanon, you made her feel something. She's indifferent towards 99% of her fanbase.

>> No.76649331

she likes me :)

>> No.76649416

me too

>> No.76649434


>> No.76649575

bee Nise =]

>> No.76649796

sad but true the only way to get attention from a popular streamer is by antiing or baiting, that's why shondo replied to that wyatt guy but not to any of us

>> No.76649809
File: 3.05 MB, 480x480, 1698659992326703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okey :^)

>> No.76649973


>> No.76650092

When I said that I love her in a sub message she said it back, but she must have forgotten about my existence during this hiatus. Do you think she'll reset the rat race once she's back so I can have a chance?

>> No.76650122

no you see the way i will get her attention and she will fall in love with me is by showering her with all the affection and attention that she could ever need just like every other one of her mentally ill fanbase does
it will really make me stand out as an interesting person and good prospect

>> No.76650170

There is no rat race, no one has a chance and nor do you want one

>> No.76650179

>trying to stand out due to delusions of getting with her irl
You're just as mentally ill as the ratracers.

>> No.76650210

the clip that ended the lives of straight rraters

>> No.76650275


>> No.76650298

>"and I say this as a gay myself"
b-but she's bi!!!!!! she said so 7 years ago so it must be true in 2024

>> No.76650365

If there's no rat race why does everyone treats it like a competition for her attention? And why does she incentivize it?

>> No.76650393

youre saying that replying to all her tweets instantly and giving her donations and a tier 3 sub and chatting in her stream and discord wont get me into her heart?
naur.. what will i do now...

>> No.76650399

don't care still gonna grape her

>> No.76650440

>why does everyone treats it like a competition for her attention?
Because her fanbase is mentally ill men.
>And why does she incentivize it?
Because Shondo's a gold digger, she needs to keep the paypiggies interested.

>> No.76650471

she is not gay or bi
shes damn straight
how else would she be married to more than 130000 men

>> No.76650590

has Gura streamed more than Shondo in 2024?

>> No.76650660

the actress who portrays fallenshadow also portrays Gura, Neppie and one other person.

>> No.76650665


>> No.76650739

i do think i'm going to try to seem less clingy/needy with my interactions. it goes against the kind of guy she actually seems to like.
responding to every tweet and going 'uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i miss u, u go gurl boss!' like a lot of shonciety does no doubt turns her off.

>> No.76650924

>it goes against the kind of guy she actually seems to like
She seems to like Dewd so copy what he's doing. She had a gay male friend before streaming and now Dewd took his place.

>> No.76650955

i will be nice to her because I want to be nice to her

>> No.76651035

if she gets with a man it will be because he is rich so you should just get rich while chatting a little
maybe work 3 jobs for a few years while she gets tired of the current crop of groomers and newfags

>> No.76651127

Yeah desperation turns women off. So does validation despite what they say.
All women want is to be told what to do in the right way by a confident man. That includes shondo

>> No.76651125

>maybe work 3 jobs
lol irl why do you think Shondo's worth the effort? I wouldn't even work extra hours for Shondo unless if she was pregnant with my child.

>> No.76651334

she picked the wrong career for that

>> No.76651362

Women are also not very smart

>> No.76651390

Actions speak louder than words. Even if deep down inside they want to be told what to do by a 6'4" BDSM Chad who runs a company, you're not a 6'4" BDSM Chad CEO. Why would any woman allow you to boss her around just cuz muh confidence? Shondo probably makes more money than you, you'd have to earn dozens of times more than her if you want any respect.

>> No.76651424

I actually can't fucking get over that she replied to him and only him. Usually she'll mix things up and actually give replies to whoever coat-tailed Magnetomaster fast enough but she actually just did not give a shit.
And there were descent and tame replies she could have bothered with. But nope, let's learn nothing after 2 months when we've been nothing but patient with her.

>> No.76651489

>Why would any woman allow you to boss her around just cuz muh confidence?
Because that is their ontology. They are born to submit to men.

>> No.76651510
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, 1698245082641835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have changed my spending habits to save a lot more in hopes that i can use it for my life with * one day. i do wish i had met her two years ago cause i would have a LOT more money saved up. got a little too spend happy recently.

i don't know what dewd is like except he apparently eats a lot and exercises little.

>> No.76651535

This shit doesnt work over text retard

>> No.76651555

>Usually she'll mix things up
nta She's forcing herself when she does that, it's literally a chore for her.
>let's learn nothing after 2 months
What do you mean? She learn to not walk on eggshells around people like you.

>> No.76651577

No shit, which is why no one here has a chance with shondo

>> No.76651587

/r9k/ groomers woke up

>> No.76651649

well shes worth enough effort for you to come here and anti her so people that like her would probably consider her to be worth the effort of making money to appeal to her

>> No.76651660

>he's not in the VC with shondo constantly berating her and making her feel things down there she's never felt before
i'm the only one that's gonna make it

>> No.76651692

>uuuuuuu why didn't she cuck me with Magnetomaster?
lmao the absolute state of /shon/

>> No.76651766

she is quite cute and she is funny and honest and likes romantic and happy things and cute aminals and i like that
she is worth the effort to me :)

>> No.76651770

You know when you use words like that they lose their meaning. Kinda like nazi

>> No.76651877

yes she is? I'm sitting down and having fun,
unless your job is to test expensive cars you're not having fun working and you wouldn't have fun working 3 jobs to ratrace for a schizo woman

get some self-esteem anon, I promise you that you're worth more than shondo

>> No.76651884

You should stop speaking like an incel that doesn't even care about vtubers and is just here because he caught wind of what seemed like a low effort mark

>> No.76651885

So it was a chore to reply to the one guy's reply on the Otis picture not once but twice?

>> No.76651924

in one of the march/april streams she did go out of her way to say that she likes men.

however she did follow that up with a "CALL ME A BIG OL HOMO" so i guess it's zero-sum outcome.

>> No.76651988

syadouSmug in chat

>> No.76652033

Your labels, along with your opinion, mean nothing to me.
Take the posts or leave them, I do not care. They're not for you.

>> No.76652081

You should also take your meds, I don't even read her replies to people that aren't me. I always assume that when she replies to a bunch of people those are pity replies and when she replies to 1-2 people those are her WANTING to reply.

>> No.76652108

you're such a sigma anon

>> No.76652141

I don't get it, I'm not even a sub anymore

>> No.76652172

She wants to reply to me all the time, but if she did then you guys would get really angry so she doesn't. When she has enough money she will reply though.

>> No.76652192

Yeah I'm pretty awesome and correct I know

>> No.76652268

Go for you retard.

>> No.76652285

so you arent subbed but you still come to her thread and argue with her fans about how she isnt worth any effort
why are you spending the effort?

>> No.76652324

followers are husbands, too.

>> No.76652349

>why are you spending the effort?
cuz its fun and I might do some good in the world, also who says I'm not a fan? I like her

>> No.76652376
File: 47 KB, 982x755, 1695844423309488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76652378


>> No.76652428

if you're a fan of her and like her then why do you say she isnt worth any effort

>> No.76652477

followers are just as much her husband as a subscriber
which is to say not at all

>> No.76652478
File: 221 KB, 1601x2048, 1688164857080370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the new 'cute doggie'/thread-reading shondo pic?

>> No.76652486

Insane people still get smug over their little sub badge. You are just as invisible as any other random in the chat and you will never meet her IRL. Your shitty little $2.50 a month means nothing.

>> No.76652531

excuse me its $24.99 a month

>> No.76652602

are you unironically low IQ? a broken woman isn't worth any effort, in fact no woman's worth it unless she's the mother of your children or sucking your dick every dya

shondo's a broken woman, I wouldn't work one extra hour to make her happy

>> No.76652619

She gets half so $12.50.
Regardless that is still nothing. You will not get a wife for the price of a McDonald's meal per month retard

>> No.76652639

higher tier subs get a better percentage

>> No.76652645

>you will never meet her IRL
i will

>> No.76652655
File: 96 KB, 320x293, 1687186105347486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76652678

>You will not get a wife
Im already married though

>> No.76652731


>> No.76652755

me squeezing the cute doggie!!!!

>> No.76652793

Ok toning down the shitposting for a moment, what does your wife think about you donating to a schizo loli every month? Ever argued about shondo with her?

>> No.76652796

should i do a cum edit of this one too?

>> No.76652867

yes please ^.^

>> No.76652940

She appreciates it and I only argue with her sometimes but not a lot because she gets upset easily

>> No.76652981

weird ahh post

>> No.76653017

Also she hasn't really talked to me in the past few months, but I'm sure she will come around soon

>> No.76653054

Youre not me but this is true so Ill let it slide

>> No.76653114

She appreciates your donations to shondo? Wat? Why?

>> No.76653165


>> No.76653207

that's how I escaped the simp life, the trick is to ask yourself "is that woman the mother of my children?" if the answer is no then you don't do anything nice for her, like I used to pick up coffee for a female coworker and she'd pay me the $2 afterwards. never again cuz she's not the mother of my children, she can go pick her own goddamn coffee

>> No.76653232
File: 637 KB, 800x800, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frld28b.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76653253

i asked the ai to remove soe of tue clothe and then make her pee

>> No.76653317
File: 139 KB, 1044x1046, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2qnj1u.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown nipple

>> No.76653352

the red cunny lips are very nice

>> No.76653368

go be failed pick up artists at a club

>> No.76653445

i'm the opposite of that, I try to live my life as if flesh women don't exist and I only acknowledge the existence of anime women

>> No.76653542

so you're male shondo? lmao

>> No.76653642


>> No.76653645
File: 9 KB, 461x708, shickle_shon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's such a cutie. Thread-reading shondo, if you have ever read a thread, please do silly voice stuff like this pretty please

>> No.76653649

>male shondo
Male Shondo would be locked up in an insane asylum.

>> No.76653755

I'll shickle her shon if you know what I mean

>> No.76653801

more likely prison

>> No.76653877

>on the mouth
oh so its okay for girls to be romantic and kiss each other on the mouth but not for husbands???????????

>> No.76653934

She was so delusional during that rant.
>if I was male I wouldn't let women walk over me grrr I'd hit them
Shondo... you'd do that ONCE before going to jail.
Shut up.

>> No.76654079

not only does shondo think it's ok for girls to kiss on the mouth, she doesn't even understand the concept of kissing a man on the lips. she doesn't get why that's romantic lmao

>> No.76654093

should we attack her (lovingly) over the kissing comments when she comes back?

>> No.76654119

women are for soft love, men are for tough love.

>> No.76654120

i just see a superposition of shondo, all her models and her rtx at once and simp for her alone

>> No.76654147

>bringing up Shondo's hypocrisy from months ago
No, you should've done it then.

>> No.76654192

we haven't really had the chance recently

>> No.76654292

Just bring it up every day in the thread she will keep reading it

>> No.76654339

>Very true wifey, preach!
rope yourself saali you faggot

>> No.76654349

that's just a matter of being able to overpower the police force.

>> No.76654478

Saali is such a cuckshit normie.

>> No.76654514

seethe, he means more to her than all of you

>> No.76654568


>> No.76654712

He was discarded after he served his purpose to make Shondo a 4view.

>> No.76654744


>> No.76654870

this accurately describes shonciety, except she doesn't feel sorry for us
