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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 52 KB, 460x509, indresding nod really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76565497 No.76565497 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

>Current Aggie & /i/ thread
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Champy Creative Corner
Champy Creations playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o7PpCUPwTKvj_4l7UBE8toP
Kiki’s World Tour: https://youtu.be/prMQWPfJpWs
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Music (Kikikore etc): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o5iNrFvZm8eMQGtj9xnacjM
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
Animations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o4TyrbqW87D2aygzbUMLMVs
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library: https://mega.nz/folder/JidiWaTS#PIVLCz1zvVcCJNytbUaWiw
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Kiki Doom 2 WAD: https://files.catbox.moe/pd9lr9.zip
/pyon/ Worms game: https://mega.nz/folder/46VjwSRS#DihAVX2GfbOvMiY0X_1nEA
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Related places
>>>/vt//freak/ >>>/vt//vrt/ >>>/vt//vrg/
>>>/vt//fvr/ >>>/vt//uoh/

>Last thread

>> No.76565510
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>> No.76565550
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>> No.76565638
File: 549 KB, 649x631, Rab to The Bone[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Finlj1u.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gigglez of grove street in bawston texas is the baddest biker in rabbaville

>> No.76565666

Kiki Love!

>> No.76565676

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.76566368

speaking of the next stream, how many of you bought the game previously?

>> No.76566402
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gigi glove

>> No.76566491
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>> No.76566616
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back from my cat walk. There was a little wallaby fellow a few metres away just shnazing around and saying "hai" to us. very humble. sadly I forgot to take a photo of him. but he was a fellow.

>> No.76566726
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>> No.76566800
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goose deterrent for future use

>> No.76566959

sounds like a humble little outing
i appreciate you catwalk poster

>> No.76567131
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Hey my dudes and dudettes!

>> No.76567138
File: 76 KB, 610x819, sayu reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, guys sayu said kiki and hexa are super sweet

>> No.76567208

sewer boy...

>> No.76567270
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nice of you to join us

>> No.76567498
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>> No.76567563
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im sorry kiki i will eat all the cat toast...

>> No.76567622
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im eating it, im eafing...

>> No.76567913
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fussy bully kiki got me acting up

>> No.76568079
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this bitch needs marriage and rough sweaty sex correction

>> No.76569006
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sawa called kiki stinky, how evil...

>> No.76569239

it is evil, but it also might be true…

>> No.76569484

Kiki smells like cunny

>> No.76569497

kiki smells like strawbs tho

>> No.76569762

Like strawbs up her cunny

>> No.76570308

she reverts back to her normal smell quickly

>> No.76570444

I find that the body tends to smell worse for the first few days after having a bath, before it falls back into a kind of equilibrium and still smells bad but less bad

>> No.76570496

I dont doubt your trips, however I say pheromones is a hell of a drug

>> No.76570501

that doesn't happen anon, you just get used to the smell

>> No.76570516

ye you open up your pores and release more sweat from the water you absorbed

>> No.76570754

the smell of aftersex kiki

>> No.76571312
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kiki love!

>> No.76571427
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kiki love

>> No.76571445


>> No.76572251

Does this mean she schnazzed after the stream?

>> No.76572282

She definitely schnazzed after stream

>> No.76572340

I definitely just schnazzed

>> No.76573552
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part way through something simple and i made a funny looking gighost

>> No.76573903

You defeated the Kiki Ghost!
dadadada da da da da-daaaa!

>> No.76574208

Let's settle this once and for all.


>> No.76574792
File: 46 KB, 737x707, humble princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't have it, but I think a city builder where you play as kiki making rabbitville with champy.

>> No.76574825

goo morning

>> No.76575052

Kikigotchi or something

>> No.76575303
File: 33 KB, 500x500, chocoboflight[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faaysqe.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight kiki n champs
i wanted this to have a sort of scrolling background of ff4 overworld map but me not smart enough for that to happen, even finding out how to get the stupid sounds player to show up again took me a while just so i could make it a soundpost
nini zuz

>> No.76575308
File: 26 KB, 259x224, nini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nunai frens
*camera shutter*

>> No.76575406


>> No.76575505

cute and nini

>> No.76575533

A metroidvania game could be cool

>> No.76576106


>> No.76576622
File: 1.49 MB, 922x1047, 1704874102433236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these rabbit hips they make me energized

>> No.76576633

hope kiki is eating well

>> No.76576636

VOD reps games kiki can play with pamu
killing floor
dead space 3
resident evil 5
mortal kombat (any)
The Forest

>> No.76576697

dead space 3 is a proper 2 player story coop

>> No.76576860

dead space 3 is also not good

>> No.76576875

it was a bit controversial at the time (2013) for the dlc and other EA fuckery. but it's an alright coop game, sold 7/10 and is gory as fuck (dead space obviously)

>> No.76576957

what is this?

>> No.76577130


>> No.76577136

more considerations
>how long is the story, how many stream sessions reasonably
>how heavy is the story, multiplayer and streaming are both big distractors from how much you're able to absorb and care
>how long till it 'gets good' and the general pacing

dl'd it earlier, looked like backups of the valheim stuff but dunno what he meant by it

>> No.76577321

well does that mean hes shut it down then?

>> No.76577484

How is it up today fellow pyonners

>> No.76577534

doing vod reps

>> No.76577891

that's how it can be read for sure

whatever his reasons, can only thank for having hosted as long as it was, great journeys and memories were had

>> No.76578173

May be the Champ that went menhera over the Kiki vocaroo

>> No.76578276

lmao I seriously doubt that

>> No.76578454

that was a speculation i'd had too since he's not giving any other reasoning

i did say you lot were being rude and dogpily... it's easy to be hoitless and do friendly fire to anons in da bread by assuming the worst...

>> No.76578665

the gay thing was retarded but good on him for not putting up with Kiki shitting on him like some oldchamps

>> No.76578675

I feel like it's got to be coincidental though, that guy never seemed the type to just impulsively shut everything down because of one bad experience like that.

>> No.76579292
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>> No.76579315

reading a vn

>> No.76579414

not falling for bait

>> No.76579610

also respect that he posted the goodbye here publicly rather than hiding in her maro even though that immediately got him attacked by faggy white knights

>> No.76579847

the bread always get active in nini hours
listening to the crickets and frogs yell over each other

be that as it is im assuming that a champy has revoked his marriage license for some reason

>> No.76579978
File: 1.11 MB, 3024x4032, 8545D434-1983-4EA6-915C-B940A69D74FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76580121

cronch cronch cronch

>> No.76580253

I wish I had hair like that

>> No.76580362

What's the best way to contact other champs in private if I need to? Do you guys DM each other on Twitter? I don't know his Twitter handle though if he even has one.

>> No.76580479

losing a lot recently

>> No.76580630
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>> No.76580671

never played valheim so dunno who youre talking about, but i have dmed some champs now and then on twitter to try and unrample them

>> No.76580879

>he thinks it's bait

>> No.76580927

a good question, breads appeal is being anon I find boards that do stuff outside will eventually go silent
haven't seen it myself just some deleted posts. but the aftermath is clear

>> No.76581132

Imagine still schizoing and carrying on about it here. Just go away if you're going to dude

>> No.76581254

definitely some opportunistic ill faith baiting going on

>> No.76581368

that aside dont take stuff seriously.

>> No.76581389

Sorry for talking about it again. I won't bring it up anymore, I know not everyone feels this way obviously but i'd like to properly apologise and hopefully we can move on from this. I will show you through my actions and not my words from this point as to how much I care and love you all, I'm sorry if my words upset you. I hope everyone has a good night / day. Im excited for the collab tomorrow and will keep working hard and doing my best to bring smiles to your faces, it's never my intention to make anyone sad so I'm genuinely very sorry. Champy love

>> No.76581730

I have no idea who menharas around here, but champs should stop behaving like weak sisters. You did not mess up, a silly bant like that should not have sent someone sane into making a fit about it.
honestly if thats all it takes to set that person off, you are weak sissy, learn how to take a joke and move on from it
or maybe there are actual sisters samefagging, in which case they should kys

>> No.76581784
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kiki cute, today she mentioned what's her appeal to some champys, personally I found her on Twitter when an orangi meme floated around. Tuned in a stream later and her comfiness and all around silliness kept me watching. genuinely shes very sweet and I enjoy her yapping. hoit her since.

>> No.76581789 [DELETED] 

here come the white kinghts

>> No.76581995

kys tranny

>> No.76582102

Thank the looord
bye woman

>> No.76582230

They're schizing out in here. I think it's not that guy but a schizo whos latching on and trying to upset her. Same guy doing it in stream today

>> No.76582283

did you know that if you leave your window rollers closed all the time and put blankets on top to block even more sun they get moldy due to condensation
yeah... took it off to clean and I got some of it but there are still dark spots
its a pain in the ass

>> No.76582306

I love the way she talks she's like a cartoon character in the way she phrases things desu

>> No.76582328

admirable apology. not that anon, but sounds like a misunderstanding. hope the champy understands.

>> No.76582380 [DELETED] 

wow anon you're such a big tough man for defending every retarded thing the internet girl does and putting up with all her stupid shit
sadly she doesn't really respect you at all and will throw you away like a used tissue when your time comes

>> No.76582395


>> No.76582398


>> No.76582429

that’s what im thinking. we’ve been too susceptible to bait recently so the schizos are out in force

>> No.76582481

i'm trying to not get involved but no i don't think this should've been such a big deal.

>> No.76582500

no cares what you think, I know you are seething that Kiki is a successful and loved and you aren't

>> No.76582524

Pls appreciate the song...

>> No.76582609

it's suspiciously sounds like an old vocaroo...

>> No.76582622

wow kiki you should be an opera singer

>> No.76582664
File: 82 KB, 850x884, 1000015207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her goofiness is top tier. I'm glad she has fun with it. her rants are cute and very informative she sounds so passionate.

>> No.76582716


>> No.76582764

now this is real music

>> No.76582771

well okey then, you sound extra humble

>> No.76582856


>> No.76582906

oh mah gaaaawd giggles i LOVE your songs!

>> No.76582922


>> No.76582964


>> No.76582966

thanks giggles I'm working hard on growing my long locks so humble <3
Christmas in May? but I don't have my special jamas

>> No.76583008

kiki I love you but you don't know why champs are angry with you? yesterday, you dogpiled me with a bunch of other faggots when I called out their non-champ porn with kiki. black skin, tan skin, whatever it definitely wasn't champy. I called it out as only champy rule and you sided with the cuck posters against me who btw were skin walking me to make me look worse. I was not self posting and all you retards fell for it. I am not the gay media champ but I understand what he feels when your oshi and the entire thread comes down on you like a hammer and you just have to give up and leave. I still love you and I still like it here and I still like the other champs. I just don't get your position. I thought it was only champy, like only kiki? right? so idk anymore.
also, go fuck yourself I know you were the faggot skin walking me, kys nigger

>> No.76583029

I haven't cut my hairs in 2 years, making some locks for Kiki to enjoy

>> No.76583088

Stop carrying on you faggot she apologized and is joking around desperately trying to move on. Shut up

>> No.76583118


>> No.76583133

but champ, you quickly went with blacked porn when it was not, we had skin colored porn before and no one sperged out, its a simply AI image and that made you go off your rocker like it's some sort of cuck fetish now
evaluate your own actions before you go blame others

>> No.76583162

I wrote and rewrote this since then. emotions were high and I didn't want to say something I would regret later

>> No.76583167

there definitely is some troublemakers who smelled blood. wish we could see the IP count and new posts.

NTA, but i see it as having your cake and eating it too kind of thing where normally on 4chan you have a certain attitude and defence mechanisms but when you let down your guard and love the thread, you make yourself more vulnerable so you can't go around calling people faggots and gaylords all willy nilly without hurting people. you want cozy /pyon/ or the smug, callous and shitposty old /pyon/?

another ironical thing is that you call the shot here that "let's just move on :)", how does saying that ever sit with you? of course you're the subject matter here and that comes with every conceivable special privilege but you know what i'm saying? do unto others or whadeva
i do think it was just a lapse and i hope he accepts your apology.
t. another sensitivechamp you lot wouldn't get it...

i was decently involved throughout the discussion so if that's latching onto it so be it, but i think i was being a fair mediator, argued against him that it's just a joke but also standing up for him that it was just his opinion and that you went too far.

>> No.76583252

Feels like im being dogpiled now a bit. Please lets just move on

>> No.76583255

>that made you go off your rocker like it's some sort of cuck fetish
that was the fucking skin walking tranny that's still he to make it look like I or other champs hate kiki or something

>> No.76583394

dont waste your time on people with ill intentions

>> No.76583410

ok, no worries champ
I've done worse things and I am still here
you don't need to take everything to heart, sometimes people need to be called a faggot

>> No.76583415


>> No.76583498

it’s maybe like 3 people at most kiki don’t feel like you’re being dogpiled. most of us just want to move on as well

>> No.76583517

Maybe 2 and thats pushing it

>> No.76583638
File: 159 KB, 407x477, Kiki makes a silly face(again).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it dragged on longer than it should have

>> No.76583680

Like days longer lol. It seems like either a mentally ill champy or a malicious schizo is dragging this out. Poor Kiki just wanted to sing songs and they're starting up again

>> No.76583701

not everyone thought you and that poster were the same or disagreed with you entirely. you're assuming the worst

>> No.76583771

I feel bad that Kiki has to deal with this shit. Funny how the attentionwhores come out when she posts more vocas and interacts with the thread more. This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.76583859
File: 65 KB, 850x600, D76E2490-2E29-4034-BFC3-AD644F1E1E57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76583873 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1082x618, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly tanned
do people seriously think this??? legitimately? Am I crazy for thinking this skin colour is at least brown?

>> No.76583878 [DELETED] 

wonder if she's chatting up any champs on discord these days
there's one guy I suspect
if so, make sure you get lots of screenshots and recordings for when it inevitably blows up

>> No.76583877


>> No.76583882


>> No.76583899


>> No.76583964 [DELETED] 

She wasnt even looking at it properly like she was streaming and has the thread in a tiny window kek. Either way she said she has a problem with it. please go be a schizo somewhere else

>> No.76584038
File: 167 KB, 850x1202, FC1B637E-E62F-4E63-8FDA-24D35AE56C1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76584058

I love her art style. Nice to see more cute drawings of Giggles

>> No.76584086 [DELETED] 

1. open up any danbooru or gelbooru
2. search for "hetero" and exclude "-dark_skin"
3. ???
4. profit
porcelain pale white complexion on FEMALES is a beauty standard and ideal and ONLY by that contrast do average japanese male depictions in hentai appear generally darker
you're the only one in the whole wide bread conjuring niggers up in here, stop driving yourself up the wall

i'm sorry for being crass but you're being dense and clueless about weeb aesthetics, which the AI model then picked up

>> No.76584129 [DELETED] 

dude just stop dragging it out. it’s an AI it’s not like the person deliberately generated it to make it look like kiki getting blacked. besides another champ went out of their way to edit it it to make the skin white like champy’s in one of the previous threads

>> No.76584144
File: 63 KB, 850x478, 1BC4EFDD-3A26-49F0-933D-8557D73D0AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76584202
File: 189 KB, 850x1063, 37CA424E-F445-468C-A99A-3619B43449C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76584241

We should do a project for giggles birthday

>> No.76584261

kiki love
champy unity

>> No.76584307
File: 81 KB, 850x1200, 6DB36092-7EFF-41E9-A940-61EB2E1C5FF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76584313


>> No.76584328

I want to draw more gigi but I'm on my art block phase...

>> No.76584338

Draw Kiki sitting on top of an art block

>> No.76584364


>> No.76584372

two shoulders, I feel spoiled

>> No.76584392

timeloop bros

>> No.76584439

I think Kiki is CUTE and I'm sick of pretending she's not!

>> No.76584471

I think she's THE CUTEST

>> No.76584488


>> No.76584496

why would you pretend anywaayz? led me kno

>> No.76584521

Humble reminder: https://files.catbox.moe/ayewwd.mp4

No matter what happens, there will always be a rabbit out there who loves and accepts you with all of her heart.

>> No.76584695
File: 191 KB, 1080x1233, 829EC421-7CBF-4291-BC2F-1DB785CFC891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just so you know there are champys out there who love you and will always be cheering you on. you are so loved kiki <3

>> No.76584718 [DELETED] 

man it is so fucking depressing that chair of all people was the champ she picked for special treatment
the biggest, most obvious schizo psycho in the whole thread
if you want a chance with Kiki you know how to act, she sees your kindness as weakness. it disgusts her.

>> No.76584978

kiki is the sweetest rabba in town and im tired of pretending she not.

>> No.76585236
File: 67 KB, 476x398, IMG_8156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is very tru

>> No.76585286

she LOVES peppers

>> No.76585537

appreciate you caring as much as you do, kiki. rabba love

>> No.76585600
File: 672 KB, 405x720, 1686797135660458.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76585718

man Kung fu movies look different these days

>> No.76585773 [DELETED] 

>ill intentions
>mentally ill
>weak sisters
>malicious schizo
real comfy, I feel the champ unity, this is what banting looks like

>> No.76585822


>> No.76585871

why did he do it

>> No.76585969

the greatest divegrass player in history

>> No.76586145

oh no bunny bros kiki is forgetting about us

>> No.76586167
File: 51 KB, 1024x700, 1411747946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get him on team nooooow

>> No.76586196

rabbitville artillery

>> No.76586452


>> No.76586677

this year's rookies looks promising

>> No.76586887


>> No.76587030
File: 271 KB, 564x564, 1688746225424254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76587031

nini, I'll make a sammich too

>> No.76587116

nini giggles

>> No.76587156

gunai rabba, have lovely shnazzy dreams

>> No.76587247

the wife sleep , I sleep. nini giggles

>> No.76587249

yesss please eat food, very nice
goodnight and sweet dreams

>> No.76587557

nini gigi

>> No.76587608

nini dear, see you at the collab

>> No.76587869


>> No.76587978
File: 2 KB, 96x96, 1714805568909988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nini kiki, nini pyon

>> No.76588395


>> No.76588537

I can’t take whoever it is getting upset seriously at all, it’s literally a nothingburger

>> No.76588651

Yeah it is but Kiki takes Champs feelings super seriously so its probably just hard for her to ignore if she's genuinely hurt someone she loves. The difficulty of having such a humble heart I guess

>> No.76588732

Probably best to not say anything. He'll think we're dogpiling and then Kiki will get the brunt of it in her mallow

>> No.76588786

i love the chillwdog

>> No.76588889

sending maros like this is pure psychological warfare
even if you think you're in the right here - what the fuck are you doing man

>> No.76588890

Who even is he? He's so smug. We need a Chillwchamp

>> No.76588900

i don't know what to say except i hope you feel better soon and rest well tonight

>> No.76588936

Yeah I mean it's fucked up to do that when you know she loves you and can't respond but he will just see us disagreeing as us dogpiling so best to leave it.

>> No.76589185

Chillwpoo lol

>> No.76589261

go to bed kiki.

>> No.76589341

Okay, yes I get this, but really what’s so special about this fiasco that Kiki needs to be apologizing multiple times and losing sleep at this point? any thick skinned person wouldn’t never even get mad in the first place

While I get that and I don’t really want to add to it (this is my first post regarding it) who cares, if he’s that much of a pussy that’s his problem. Really, who going to get that upset by Kiki using a nerd voice and talking about homosexual media, or also, who going to get mad at an ai image (not made by real hands) and then yell “ Cuck cuck cuck cuck wow guess we allow Kiki to fuck NIGGERS NOW!!1!” Like come on, is this really something to be taking seriously? I get taking champs feelings into account, but where is the scandal? at this point it’s just an excuse to harass Kiki about it. There’s no reason besides someone being a fag, someone being overly sensitive to the point where they are thinking emotionally rather than logically, or someone who just doesn’t care.

Try to get some sleep kiki.

>> No.76589434
File: 215 KB, 535x553, 1704632368670219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76589497

damn you're retarded

>> No.76589518

i get that a reaction like that is something that builds up over time and being dismissed like you were doesn't help. many champs won't care, but hopefully you can tell kiki cares and wants you to feel better

>> No.76589667

there is nothing to be sorry about, I love you, champs love you

>> No.76589758

No hes 100% correct a minority of people are just using it as an excuse to vent and shit on her

>> No.76589796

all that you said is correct
champ needs time to calm down

>> No.76589855

Yes its because Kiki cares and loves all her champs. Let's appreciate that instead of friendly firing each other. Kiki LOVE!!!

>> No.76589921
File: 304 KB, 1584x1326, 64910fd2666ffda9278f58a1a580abf6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's something I can agree on

>> No.76589976

Oh… Kiki love you said? Well maybe just a little..

>> No.76590047
File: 844 KB, 1024x1024, 1681023539720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76591059


>> No.76591057

her rosy cheeks make my heart beat

>> No.76591068
File: 925 KB, 1024x1024, 1700651092450072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smelling kiki's armpits while she sleeps

>> No.76591262

Is that Winnie the poos VA?

>> No.76591268

brushing my teeth with kikis armpit hair

>> No.76591346 [DELETED] 

champs you would still love Kiki if she was cucking you with a bunch of men on discord right... not asking for any reason just a hypothetical of course...

>> No.76591899

You're way too nice and have literally nothing to apologize for. The guy is thin-skinned and lashed out over literally nothing at all for no reason.
At this point, he is purposfully trying to make you feel bad for no reason at all.
No one actually cares about ancient silly memes or dumb ai images featuring men with slight tans.
My recommendation is to ignore it from now on and dont even reference it on stream or in the bread. Sometimes, getting direct responses to things is nice, but bad faith actors will always abuse it and at this point this guy is clearly a bad faith actor.

>> No.76591971
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1707426021895141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76592094

I do this sometimes

>> No.76592247

just imagine how soft Kiki’s ears would be

>> No.76592328
File: 267 KB, 472x518, 1687735093328076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neko Malice
meat is back on the menu boys

>> No.76592570

Is that the girl from my little monster?

>> No.76592662

I hope she draws some more cute Kiki art

>> No.76593659

nini, i hope i can wake up on time for the collab

>> No.76593724


>> No.76593784


>> No.76594819
File: 349 KB, 527x540, biki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pachi pachi

>> No.76596072
File: 28 KB, 392x417, 294a9a94f35b1831e3692960c86ecc23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76596130 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 714x629, 1710876516667786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you think they made up?
do you think they scisssored while ch*w watched? or maybe they brokered a peace deal with a jar of kiki's piss in the mail
I can actually visualize the awkward insincere apology dm in my head

anywho just stopping by, bullying mal will never not be fun for me, peace out faggots

>> No.76596537

Got me acting up ToT

>> No.76596946
File: 448 KB, 576x1024, no rrats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76597071
File: 1.62 MB, 1098x1600, 1699749582442856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how Kiki should welcome me every day

>> No.76597083

No but for real I thought we hated Malice?

>> No.76597132

the goat even has kiki's ears

>> No.76597155

its literally kiki but white

>> No.76597385

we got a new scapegoat now: other champs
perhaps even coni can become a fren now?

>> No.76597548


>> No.76597599

Have a snoozle kiki, sometimes people get it and sometimes they don't. I know I can't prove anything to anyone, but I know for sure that you and the champs are forgiving and kind. Even after I made some trouble a long time ago you were nice to me and we all got over it. It's just the normal bumps and bruises of people being around people.

I hope it's someone really having a tough time, and not a troll having fun. And I really hope they stick around and let the heat die down and stay forever like me too.

>> No.76597601

i didn't blog about it because you guys don't care about drugs, but i did lsd/acid (again) last weekend and it was great. really opens up one's perspective, you stop caring about trivial shit if u kno what i mean

>> No.76597644

that's gotta be my second favorite goat porn doujin

>> No.76597818
File: 89 KB, 540x540, 4d5ad7e642646c7ea48a9ba4f06995dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76597906

took lsd and shrroms multiple times but never felt the need to go back to them since. of course theres "once you get the message hang up the phone" but also i think they just really increase your feeling of novelty with mundane things. i remember for liek aweek after i did lsd i was looking at trees moving in the breeze and felt like there was some hidden meaning to it i perceived, but really it was just air moving tree branches and there was no meaning to it

>> No.76598218

i think its good to get a reminder every couple years or so

>> No.76598256

>but really it was just air moving tree branches and there was no meaning to it

Don't succumb to dead matter nonsense. That tree and that air are both made up of particles made up of particle made up of particles made up of waves that interact based on laws we can model but cannot in any way understand. There is more meaning than we can fit in our brain in there.

>> No.76598388
File: 45 KB, 781x665, 890eb7d3bf7c6828d3aebe4696aba92f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing drugs? more like... schmucks hahahhaha

>> No.76598500
File: 313 KB, 368x416, 1682614190427118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite thing is to listen to some good album with my eyes closed on the come up, watch music videos and play immersive video games (like an FPS or something) while peaking and go for nice walk in the park on the come down

didn't take any drugs in years now, but lsd, shroom and mdma trips are one of the fondest memories in my life

also funny that the more psychedelics i took the less spiritual and more materialistic i became. like in the kinda of cringy "it's all just chemistry in out heads" kind of sense maybe.

>> No.76598512
File: 104 KB, 525x525, weed rabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabs have been known to shlonk back fat ones from time to time

>> No.76598856

we totally screwed up the setting. oh i did it with a friend. firstly it was night so no beautiful nature to watch, but then it also started raining so we had to go inside. then his wifi acted up and buffered during songs (new laptop with no local music either)... and we had different goals. he does this shit and better/worse like dmt/ketamine far more often than me, so for him the trip was about us doing it together. i however wanted to use the rare opportunity for personal insights, so he was bothering me a bit with excess talking.

despite all that still infinitely better than not doing it at all.

>> No.76599698
File: 63 KB, 586x651, 1686419638182210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry! I have so many unfinished projects. It's really hard to have both the time and the energy simultaneously to work on stuff. It's been hard. I do still want to finish it (and everything else) someday.

>> No.76600166

I took molly for like 3 days straight when I was at an edm festival awhile back, definitely one of the best times of my life. The plane ride back was pretty rough though lol

>> No.76600462

>took molly for like 3 days straight
oh shit nigger what are you doing.jpg
i was always careful not to redose more than once, heard it can fuck up your long-term memory or something

glad you had fun though

>> No.76600464
File: 1.09 MB, 405x720, 1698013933031065.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76601384
File: 68 KB, 571x789, 1690266568340200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76601493

Bad news Kiki my blood blister feels way better today and I don’t need to pop it now. If it gets worse and I need to pop it I’ll still send you a vid though

>> No.76601676

make it worse right nooooooooow

>> No.76602349
File: 15 KB, 230x244, 3896f7d238f36fb2cc62ecbd01dd0bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humble shoutout to timestamp champy. A year+ of doing all the timestamps for kiki and us vodchamps is hard work, thank you

>> No.76602831

It’s getting bigger so hopefully Kiki will still get her video

>> No.76603244

yes but it’s a bit above me. I don’t think pondering about the mechanics of atmospheric particles interacting with the environment is necessarily good for my brain. Especially When I’m attaching meaning to it that isn’t there like “the tree branches are gently swaying… could it be the souls of the aether trying to tell me something?”

>> No.76604891
File: 1.00 MB, 1040x1040, 1698676120496653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76604920

that bra is really not necessary

>> No.76604957

yeah its nice seeing it in the comments, and i like the occasionaly funny timestamp name

>> No.76604962

aktchually those are ammo pouches

>> No.76605721

what happens to kiki's golden eggs

>> No.76605779

I fucked them

>> No.76606132

any suggestions/requests for kiki sketches? the worst part about practicing is coming up with ideas.

>> No.76606182

wedding consummation at the altar

>> No.76606258

Kiki hugging a slightly depressed, 32 year old office lady Kiki from an alternate dimension

>> No.76606584

kiki hugging little man or little lady!

>> No.76606676

Kiki in a figure skating pose

>> No.76606786

I sold them to pay for my crippling peanut m&m addiction

>> No.76606820


>> No.76606856

wish i could send you even more love

>> No.76607093

Both me

>> No.76607766

you need help..

>> No.76608260

Kiki in the ocean on a rabbit floaty raft

>> No.76608336

last i heard, he was buying individual m&m's off the streets from dealers..
the packs they sell are often laced with smarties too..

>> No.76608911
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1712316688163770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.76609926
File: 325 KB, 600x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76609984

eminemers... hate those guys

>> No.76610477

i like this one

>> No.76611783
File: 765 KB, 902x799, 27b84ea13de77f0a0d0e7b35f94368b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigian Rabs

>> No.76611817

did kiki make a frustration pee before she schnozzed off to bed?

>> No.76611984
File: 195 KB, 500x500, Kiki_Wave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rats AWAY

>> No.76612256
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1653231664041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime Twitter auto-refreshes, it changes urls to x and I have to keep changing it back, is there a script I can get to stop it from doing that?

>> No.76612456
File: 90 KB, 264x216, 1676743684667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries, take your time fren

>> No.76612782

I'm happy you're still with us, fren
No need to rush

>> No.76613144
File: 2.43 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot from 2024-05-25 19-04-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76613352
File: 39 KB, 422x551, 509-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76613373


>> No.76613453

Welcome back, fren

>> No.76613519
File: 76 KB, 609x400, 1677710416979242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries brother

>> No.76613779
File: 19 KB, 512x323, 1706569334438881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76613792
File: 72 KB, 462x584, 556f2d24f81536e365f98a994dac4b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76613853
File: 44 KB, 440x549, 596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76614202

we all bounce back, champy spring

>> No.76614361
File: 14 KB, 224x224, party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to have you back, bro

>> No.76614379

no matter how humble we try to be we will all lose our cool from time to time. as long as you keep trying to be humble everything will be alright or whadeva...awawamen
rabatians 6:9

>> No.76614761

I haven't said anything on the matter since it all went down when I wasn't present and I didn't want to dredge it back up after the fact, but I hope you understand everyone here is just human, Kiki included. Sometimes people don't put as much thought into the things they say as they could have, and sometimes people don't word things just right and it can be taken worse or differently than intended. Things get misinterpreted, blown out of proportion and so on. The effects are compounded by anonymity and everything said being in text.
I'm sure you know Kiki cares enough to have gone out of her way to respond many times by voice to address the issue. It didn't help that there seemed to be one or two shit-stirrers purposely inciting everyone and egging the whole thing on.
Anyway, I hope you stick around. There will always be a little bit of rampling here and there but it's always insignificant next to all the good times Kiki and Champs share.

>> No.76614926
File: 649 KB, 1004x1500, um-....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone here is just human, Kiki included

>> No.76615028

sorry, fucking autocorrect. clearly I typed rabbit.

>> No.76615649

i can’t read that

>> No.76616012

I'm sorry Kiki and Champy and /PYON/
I lost my cool and hurt Kiki
You can make fun of me now. It won't hurt me
I will lurk more and try to be humble
Also the game servers won't go down again

>> No.76616646

thanks. im ph*neposting so even when i zoom in it’s too compressed

>> No.76616822

are you on a fliphone or something

>> No.76616888
File: 41 KB, 559x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they call her princess bunbun sometimes

>> No.76617305
File: 415 KB, 418x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this too much to ask for

>> No.76617362

hes about that nokia brick life

>> No.76617410

yes you monster..

>> No.76617931

brings me comfort every time i see that barneyfag is still active

>> No.76618222
File: 290 KB, 732x439, md5-0e9ba83f0b9be0de9413c565c7301a52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76618316

working as intended then

>> No.76618416
File: 965 KB, 1284x723, Calhoun without his sidearm and uniform 2022 colorised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course
Someone has to remind Kiki about her sidearm and uniform

>> No.76618811

Ready for rab!

>> No.76618983
File: 3 KB, 400x400, aieeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76619204

the pisser...

>> No.76619254

seems like no one has started yet
classic collab issues

>> No.76619319
File: 1.57 MB, 1166x1024, Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 20.02.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tweet was tweeted

>> No.76619412

i hope the dingo dialup can cope with downloading the latest patch NAILS

>> No.76619493

I think Kiki is... uhh.. pretty cute

>> No.76619599

the pee was peed

>> No.76620100

biggest shit shes ever done, shes fighting for her life in there

>> No.76620311

she's just wont go down no matter how many times i flush.. must really want this collab

>> No.76620696

Kiki is a sweet little cumquat

>> No.76620918

oh i'll cum in her little quat alright

>> No.76620976


>> No.76621305
File: 308 KB, 732x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76621353

i do not associate with this man, please understand

>> No.76621367
File: 262 KB, 640x417, 1716435263221347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76621379
File: 96 KB, 870x1419, i was born bready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baker here and with bread in oven

>> No.76621438


>> No.76621515

>barneyfag is still active
No fucking way, it has to be an imitator...
How long has lee been doing it? A literal decade at this point?

>> No.76621566
File: 535 KB, 675x678, 1704565907999600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.76621643

shes shifting into maximum overrabb

>> No.76621747


>> No.76621775
File: 178 KB, 494x510, doodlehumble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im bready

>> No.76621786
File: 713 KB, 466x424, 1704735817253908.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76621809
File: 85 KB, 720x890, spot me bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76621854
File: 74 KB, 228x228, y7gv9ia8w6rg09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76621929
File: 40 KB, 164x171, 1699405272606672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76622030


>> No.76622069
File: 124 KB, 1500x1500, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76622077
File: 412 KB, 1038x857, 1712986588815032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76622124

`!Intro animation

>> No.76622155

her old rigging was funnay like that..

>> No.76622261

`!Kiki & friends on the telly!

>> No.76622356
File: 94 KB, 315x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki when you tell her shes mute

>> No.76622375

i still kind of love my mute wife

>> No.76622384


>> No.76622595

she can never say no..

>> No.76622664
File: 3 KB, 77x158, 1716473547172460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her voice

>> No.76622711
File: 890 KB, 2117x2078, champa champa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fh8ypzk.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76622806

i have fantasized about taking care of a mute kiki before

>> No.76622859

baker bake right NOOOOOWWW

>> No.76622862


>> No.76622918
File: 3 KB, 400x400, 1693915456861184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

champa dayo~!

>> No.76622998

incorrect apostrophe in title, restart the stream

>> No.76623258

im going to go brush my rabbit teeth (only the frontmost top and bottom pair) and snuggle up in my bed while things are getting sorted

>> No.76623356
File: 604 KB, 1390x285, 1712526210175969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76623528

I need to take a fat shiet hopefully things are good when I get back
Kiki's puerto rican harem

>> No.76623583

Someone should tell them she thought Puerto Rico was in Mexico

>> No.76623732

she is collecting her latinos

>> No.76623739

they're all islanders, but Kiki's got the biggest island of the bunch

>> No.76623746

it's not?

>> No.76623759

Kek she told nyana maika and nyaru that during the karaoke collab if I remember correctly

>> No.76623837

a bunch of Island goils

>> No.76623854

timestamp noooww!!!

>> No.76623964

her friends are talking about the snake incident dot dot dot
and they commented that Kiki is very tasty

>> No.76623996

Just in case Kiki's having the same mic issues again

>> No.76624045
File: 7 KB, 398x180, 1698882899053630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76624058

That was related to the clipping wasn't it? Not making her completely inaudible

>> No.76624148
File: 1.27 MB, 1686x465, 1713272022160933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is back

>> No.76624171
File: 1.18 MB, 1355x710, 1700238012852772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76624209

she wasnt completely, she was just at about 1% or something if you listened closely
i dont stream or anything, so i cant say how to fix it

>> No.76624236

I know, but if the mic has gone back to default settings or something then that's bound to come up next.
It's happened so often

>> No.76624372

they are /meat/ing it up over there holy heckity

>> No.76624385
File: 26 KB, 261x219, 1714833759557927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to say hi first but i really need to sleep. have a great stream everyone, nini

>> No.76624400

brb becoming a lamb vtuber

>> No.76624414

nini champ

>> No.76624440


>> No.76624516
File: 231 KB, 675x678, 1707205798890285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.76624671

is your audio levels ok on obs/windows?

>> No.76625049
File: 227 KB, 358x335, 1715291927677504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full concentration rab

>> No.76625159
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.76625276
File: 475 KB, 1114x1600, 1704219742408788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76625529


>> No.76625563
File: 190 KB, 413x275, 1692240087494378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
