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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76597400 No.76597400 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>76467470

Current stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlTXwputGgk
New Promise merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_promise_anhalfyear
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

>> No.76597470


>> No.76598245
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>> No.76598639

My wife is playing witcher again, I love her so much

>> No.76599711
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>> No.76600161
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>> No.76600706
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Lots of streams today

>> No.76601926

Was the cowkini arc even real?

>> No.76601949
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Fauna on the telly? splendid

>> No.76601990
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>> No.76603920
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We are so back

>> No.76606136

i downed some energy drink and im waiting like someone with adhd

>> No.76606247
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, 1716593292590304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faufau is the first chuuba that has made me consider her as a gf, which gives me complicated feelings because I will obviously never have that chance but at the same time im kinda happy because I know that she exists , im not at gosling levels yet and to be honest I dont want to reach that but I would be lying If I were to say that Ive never had thoughts or dreams of having fauna as my gf

>> No.76606716
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K well she's my wife so ground yourself

>> No.76607087
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>> No.76607587
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Man I Love Fauna

>> No.76607763

Wolves asqueeb'd beneath the trees
Saps all aswayin in the breeze

>> No.76608013
File: 20 KB, 305x446, jake the sapling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he hate Twilight ?

>> No.76608306

>literally just opened a beer
>open youtube
>fauna stream
we were meant to be

>> No.76608356

punctual kirinposter status?

>> No.76608378

Holy shit, she was almost late....

>> No.76608383

love this not-so-punctual kirin

>> No.76608388

love this punctual kirin

>> No.76608395


>> No.76608418

>I love when youtube logs me out

>> No.76608422


>> No.76608491
File: 8 KB, 305x74, 1703945844945429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube hate

>> No.76608512

>Holy shit, she was almost late....
I'll never forgive youtube for this

>> No.76608578


>> No.76608657

Oh its that boss theme

>> No.76608737
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>> No.76608749

Book nerd, loser

>> No.76608799

look at this college girl actin' so smart like

>> No.76608850
File: 911 KB, 780x1322, 1712193532282597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76608870

>her book
haven't caught her in a while. has she mentioned this before?

>> No.76608875

I didn't like American Gods
Good Omens was good tho

>> No.76608945

I'm gonna cry when Fauna Witcher 3 ends this has been good
Yes I already played that makes it better

>> No.76609053

i enjoyed american gods for the most part, but the ending is way too long

>> No.76609069

>looks at screen
It's been a long long road

>> No.76609156
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As far as I know, no.
What's funny is I'm very experienced in writing books and could help her but contacting a Cover talent is an ass and a half and any offer would get devoured in chat (and not taken seriously).
Writing books takes a long time, all I can do is wish her luck from the shadows.

>> No.76609196

I swear she's gonna sleep with Triss by being polite

>> No.76609280

Blue jerkouts

>> No.76609318

i can't wait because it'll ruin fauna's entire plan

>> No.76609342

Was just about to write 0% violence lol

>> No.76609343

You draw that?

>> No.76609448

Can we extract honey from this one?

>> No.76609459

the affliction is probably abortion btw

>> No.76609460

She did already write shorter texts, like ASMR scripts or that Halloween video series

>> No.76609527


>> No.76609592

>ends up sleeping with triss by accident
>still goes for yennefer
>gets the harem ending
I can see it.

>> No.76609668
File: 2.15 MB, 1361x745, Moriraidssqueebtemple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, just a collector of memes. I created this very niche shitpost using it.
You'd think I'd get used to transparent cropping at this point.
You'd probably need to find a Fauna (Oh)Beehive

>> No.76609667

Can't triss just hide her waist with her thot illusions anyhow

>> No.76609670

This is not the party where you gotta play Gwent is it ?

>> No.76609795

Yeah she's talked about wanting to write a book before. Been more serious about it recently

>> No.76609797

this is the part where you recover rare cards
you can play gwent for one iirc

>> No.76609916

I meant the Vegelbud party thing

>> No.76610014

I don't think you HAVE to play gwent there, but there's a small tournament there. I could be wrong.

>> No.76610143

Couldnt just do a Leshen contract uuuuu

>> No.76610147

I think fauna is cute today

>> No.76610351

I think fauna is cute tomorrow

>> No.76610412

my favorite medieval currency: dollars

>> No.76610430
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1080, eldinsqueeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76610449

I got dressed up but I did it for me, not Triss

>> No.76610475

Temerian or Redenian dollarinos ?

>> No.76610592

at least its better than her house in W1

>> No.76610654

it's certainly better than shani's house

>> No.76610690

Triss sexo

>> No.76610724

>It's beautiful here!

>> No.76610778

she doesn't even know it's Gwent music

>> No.76610810


>> No.76610830

Unviolence Fauna!

>> No.76610860

Noooo a dead squeeber

>> No.76610877

at this point she should NOT play gwent because she's missing all the good cards

>> No.76610935

Oh ok. So you don't know the source then?

>> No.76610952

I also like vtmb

>> No.76611036
File: 3.67 MB, 1080x1920, 1676942367826905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legend. (I can't find my Giant Dad memes atm, goth Fauna will have to suffice.)

>> No.76611130


>> No.76611249

Why is she playing the lamest way possible. It pisses me off so much. Why does she have this stupid fixation on not playing gwent?

>> No.76611250

Fauna it's impolite to stare in onsens

>> No.76611264
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1711312840040659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Gwe...

>> No.76611271

uhh akshully Triss would never wear a revealing dress like this due to her scars meaning her outfit is not canon and all CDPR employees should commit sudoku out of shame

>> No.76611295
File: 154 KB, 499x374, 1670640904090881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. I picked it up from a catalog thread around Halloween, but I don't know if it's fanart or something official. Sorry, truly and sincerely.

>> No.76611315

fuck you stop forcing this retarded grandpa shit

>> No.76611317

She glamored it duh

>> No.76611389

uhh akshully those scars are magical and she can't do that it's all in the books

>> No.76611418

gwent sucks

>> No.76611459

it doesnt though

>> No.76611472

ok so she had plastic surgery in fantasy Malibu

>> No.76611512


>> No.76611556

Yeah until you get uniques and spies

>> No.76611608


>> No.76611636

Fauna sure is sex today...

>> No.76611657

Nice tune

>> No.76611721

aigth take your bets is fauna going to fuck up her yennefer route or not

>> No.76611727
File: 1.40 MB, 939x704, 1703518269648753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a decent party minus the weird animal masks

>> No.76611731

yeah, with me

>> No.76611739
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>> No.76611796

all mages "know" each other

>> No.76611855

they've all been alive long enough to fuck once

>> No.76611898

Why is this red headed woman's tiddies hanging out? Is she trying to seduce men?

>> No.76611902

>drinks one cup of wine
>OMG I'm so drunk XD

>> No.76611907

wow this is like misunderstanding women simulator

>> No.76611930

is Triss really that much of a lightweight?

>> No.76611979

No, she just wants to fuck Geralt so bad she's willing to make a fool of herself. Girl is HORNY horny.

>> No.76611993

she exploited geralt for 2 whole games before
it's an act

>> No.76612013

Get rejected semen demon

>> No.76612084

totally forgot the anti hangover spell...

>> No.76612085

She's really going to go mask off when she meets Yen

>> No.76612117

yenneferbros... we did it...

>> No.76612151

good exploit him more

>> No.76612214

I want witch fauna to exploit me over the course of multiple hundred hour games

>> No.76612224

I'm enjoying how much seethe this no Gwent monogamist Gerald playthrough is creating

>> No.76612279

Fauna likes moms confirmed

>> No.76612357

Yeah, yours.

>> No.76612413

And I like Fauna, we have so much in common

>> No.76612417


>> No.76612435

uhh does fauna know that yennefer isn't the actual mother of ciri?

>> No.76612527

akshually Fauna, the open world is the only part where Skyrim is better

>> No.76612598

no... gerald is a pure one woman only man...

>> No.76612620

and by no she means yes

>> No.76612680

anon... he had sex with pretty much every sorceress in the world...

>> No.76612703

what about that one cute Succubus

>> No.76612735


>> No.76612774

I want Fauna to give me a happy ending..

>> No.76612793

This gets lampshaded later on btw

>> No.76612874

she pisses me off so much the way she plays this game, if this is what it's like to have a gf play videogames than i never want this shit ever

>> No.76612920

Wait I'm confused how much time passed between that party and this scene? Seems like they were moving pretty free earlier but now it feels like everything is falling apart.

>> No.76613037

I don't like the no alcohol rule, it's immersion ruining

>> No.76613071

They usually dont hang out in the open like this

>> No.76613158

Triss is not a good person

>> No.76613257

While more unbothered (and find it funny at times) I think I get it when it comes to other people playing games I'm actually invested in

>> No.76613306

Why would he help after Philippa

>> No.76613333

Djikstra my beloved

>> No.76613402

yea, I don't get what people complain about but I never played witcher 3. But, thinking back when Kiara playinged Granblue Fantasy Relink, it angered me so much when she turned off voices and her complaining about the "yapping", as she put it. So I kinda get that

>> No.76613475

This is a great series to break yourself out of that mindset

>> No.76613481

He's pragmatic

>> No.76613556

I didnt like Ina's (non) reaction to the ending of Bastion, but it's a case by case thing for me. Fauna's immersed in the game and I love it.

>> No.76613568

where's the no gwent violators will be prosecuted sign?

>> No.76613670

I think he doesn't want mages... messing with his stuff. Why not kill them then

>> No.76613780

I can understand not playing gwent, but not drinking would make you look super suspicious in this world.

>> No.76613842

>do i need books
Bookbros, we git too cocky

>> No.76613943

Thank you

>> No.76613978

Triss, slayer of rrats

>> No.76614395

Hmm, not very sparkly

>> No.76614446
File: 4 KB, 346x339, 1684994301308313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That vampire didn't sparkle

>> No.76614495

What bother you so much?
Genuinely don't see the problem with how she is playing this game in particular, can't say the same with others games, Outer Wilds for example

>> No.76614558

The true vampires are much more powerful
Stay tuned for when she reaches Blood & Wine in a few months.

>> No.76614642

Yeah that vampire wasn't hot at all

>> No.76614644

Too bad if you meet cool Ojisan it's the bad ending

>> No.76614677
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>> No.76614739

I hope she meets the sleeping one in the sewers

>> No.76614796

Haha I get it they're all triangles

>> No.76614847

>my puppet
Yeah, me

>> No.76614870
File: 90 KB, 631x615, TriangledSappo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76614912

This game is all about playing how geralt should be like in he books. Any other game I would not care or if it was just a create a character MC but this game begs you to play the right way

>> No.76614930

yea mine

>> No.76614946

Why no A gulls

>> No.76615042

how does it? I legit don't know never read nor played this game

>> No.76615059

It's an RPG. Play however you want

>> No.76615201

except Geralt is the role in Role Playing Game
it's not skyrim

>> No.76615244

Dijkstra you're a cartoon character in this quest but it's funny

>> No.76615245

When Fauna says triangles does she mean, um

>> No.76615249

"That would be horrible!" then why are you laughing about it Fauna?
because it would be funny

>> No.76615348
File: 1.09 MB, 888x1011, 1705485945212278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sunshine is triangles!

>> No.76615465

What are triangles?

>> No.76615483

In Witcher 1-2 you can side with multiple factions. You can feel one is canon, but theres multiple options.
W3 doesnt have that, but you always have at least 2 choices

>> No.76615534
File: 413 KB, 854x1673, 1708732911899664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally skyrim, we love Todd Howard here

>> No.76615597


>> No.76615680

Fauna getting political

>> No.76615748

Fauna 2: Assasin of Kings

>> No.76615769

in Witcher 1 and 2 Geralt has brain damage so anything goes
Witcher 3 Geralt is book Geralt.

>> No.76615992

what is 1 and 2 anyway? do they all follow the books?

>> No.76616028

the games are mostly a fanfiction anyway, might as well write your own.

>> No.76616227

1 replaces Ciri story with an OC donut kid
2 lays the groundwork for the events in 3

>> No.76616251

You walk a lot and fight giant bugs, a wizard dual wielding maces, and witchers

>> No.76616333

question about Dijkstra, pretty sure major story spoilers: it's been a long time since I did a playthrough of this game, but doesn't that Dijkstra questline lead to that one bit after the assassination where the writing turns him into an idiot?

>> No.76616405

roughly speaking, they're not really book adaptations
witcher 1 starts after the events of the last book where Geralt jobbed to a guy with a pitch fork
in witcher 2 Geralt gets framed into being a king slayer and recovers all his memories at the end

>> No.76616465


>> No.76616629

Fauna the TV show was crap. Whatshisface has the expressiveness of altered cardboard

>> No.76616750

W2 is shit but at least you can get the funny tattoo from playing it

>> No.76616837

Only the combat was shit.

>> No.76616894

100 "trap it with the Yrden" later...

>> No.76616997

the pacing was kinda shit. Oh were stuck in place X again...

>> No.76617206

I'm sweaty oh jeez

>> No.76617232

>tw3 episode 94
>Fauna learns how to do more than press X

>> No.76617345

>except Geralt is the role in Role Playing Game
I can't believe Fauna hacked the game to add extra choices to the game

>> No.76617377

She somehow forgets everything about how to play the game every time she ends the stream.

>> No.76617391


>> No.76617469


>> No.76617516

so what happens if that guy is spared?

>> No.76617524

Only if you lose!

>> No.76617539

>triangles you

>> No.76617573

Fighting nilfgardians while also being emhyrs... Good acquaintance? Seems conflicting

>> No.76617640

Fauna would do well in wartime she's a good soldier

>> No.76617688

Neutrality, my guy

>> No.76617735

remember, a good black one is a dead black one!

>> No.76617863
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>> No.76617898

One guy'd

>> No.76617959
File: 736 KB, 720x1068, moriass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76618015

>i'll save everyone
>Man gets torched

>> No.76618013


>> No.76618176

Ohhh it's a reference to Hattori Hanzo in Kill Bill because he also cooked

>> No.76618227

He was being a bit mouthy, to be fair.

>> No.76618293


>> No.76618402

didn't she already decide to kill radovid
why is she doing a quest for him

>> No.76618421

Faunas hot squeeb

>> No.76618555

It's worth doing
You can help Philippa out instead of following his orders

>> No.76618575
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Fauners helping the plants grow

>> No.76618698
File: 23 KB, 171x143, 1695397361487530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the plant

>> No.76618928

Dum cat literally can't decide on what it wants

>> No.76618977
File: 3 KB, 83x87, 1705263334282726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sit in Fauna's lap..

>> No.76619286

fauna wants to have sex

>> No.76619287

Fauna wants to kiss girls

>> No.76619758


>> No.76619904


>> No.76619963

Don't we all

>> No.76620041

>posted on the exact same second

>> No.76620119
File: 206 KB, 1115x1115, 1704600045096544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just like me

>> No.76620318

0% violence, 0% drinking, 0% gwent
100% slurs

>> No.76620515

i like this song that's playing

>> No.76620655
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 1656321924955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should sleep

>> No.76620778

Fauna does well at hiding her fujo side but it's there

>> No.76620799

Wish I knew how to write letters

>> No.76620912

I should too but Fauna is playing our national treasure...

>> No.76620915

Yeah, with me

>> No.76620949
File: 363 KB, 960x950, Fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak saplings get pruned

>> No.76621086

I am going to sleep
Captcha: A Hat

>> No.76621175

Chat is so stupidly American

>> No.76621189
File: 645 KB, 900x599, 1715295291164349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My computer is right next to my bed. It's the optimal setup. When I'm too tired to shitpost I can watch silently from under the covers.

>> No.76621365

Fauna is such a god gamer

>> No.76621389

Yeah, mutts here nekker and start sperging out. Faunas chat isn't the place for this shit

>> No.76621444

I want Fauna to sit on MY lap (so I can give her a hug from behind like in those romance scenes)

>> No.76621448
File: 227 KB, 467x416, 1653523691763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to miss the rest of the stream but I also don't have plans tomorrow so I can watch the vod...
That's home of sexual sapling, I am a man
I'm not built for staying up to 2am anymore..
Goodnight, which funny fauner hat is your favourite?
Mine is but the viewing angles suck, usually I watch streams on my ipad if I'm in bed

>> No.76621617
File: 600 KB, 2676x1949, 1712716827607290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American forest girl playin' vidya
>Americans having a good time
>Foreigner gets uppity about us

>> No.76621628

first the black ones, now the nekkers... idk man it's kinda sus

>> No.76621717

What happened? My Internet died and I'm not going to try and attempt to watch through mobile data on my phone.

>> No.76621860

Philippa joined holotori

>> No.76621864

what about Enhanced Black Blood

>> No.76621871

A few greys being dumb about nekkers

>> No.76621914

it's just americans thinking about black people again

>> No.76621994

Classic escalation

>> No.76622023
File: 392 KB, 940x697, 1714939255549267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"NEKKERS could be here" Geralt thought, "I have never been in these woods before, there could be NEKKERS anywhere." The cold wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE NEKKERS" he thought. "LE LE, LE LE LE LE! LELELE" reverberated from Roach, making the horse pulsate even as the 9 crown Alcohest circulated through Geralt's powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of monstrosities after dark. "With a horse, you can go anywhere you want." He said out loud.

>> No.76622078

Wasn't just greys this time, golden fucking apples doing it too.

>> No.76622177

Go eat some fried chicken and shut up you stupid nekker.

>> No.76622265

That's dumb, even for chat.

>> No.76622342

geralt would never do something like this

>> No.76622374

Mutts are glass cannons.
Not beating the accusations on your obsession...

>> No.76622476

Unfortunate. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, there's always a couple

>> No.76622589

Fake. Geralt did not comment about the wind.

>> No.76622630

she's noticing things!

>> No.76622697

Yeah, me

>> No.76622793


>> No.76622968

she thought there was an elevator lmao

>> No.76622987
File: 1.52 MB, 3669x3600, 1656103357439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb cute sapling, looking so sweet like a sugar plum

>> No.76623049

No youuuuuu

>> No.76623134

She's meeting Thaler soon he swears as much as Nerissa

>> No.76623165

oh cool she's about to meet Talar

>> No.76623352

He should be fine as long as he doesn't bring up the cuck tent

>> No.76623521

gwent bad okay

>> No.76623529

Why sweaty? Is standing a difficult task for beegans?

>> No.76623817

Keep hearing Roche's VA it's bothering me
Along with all the sameface on generic NPC's it bothers me

>> No.76623846

Does he still swear a lot in English? I imagine his flowery vocabulary would be constrained by the language.

>> No.76623856

thinking about the fauna kig i saw today

>> No.76624189

fauna just casually using her horse to stampede on people

>> No.76624428

>Zero percent swears on my stream
He says fuck a lot IIRC
I can speak Kurwa but I haven't played these in that dub besides half of the first game.

>> No.76624525


>> No.76624658

The friendly trolls are cool

>> No.76624667

Fauna just called me cute
Later virgins~

>> No.76624811


>> No.76624891

Fauna thinking about Geralt's meat again

>> No.76624937


>> No.76625065
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I mean same tbdesu

>> No.76625085

Fauna seems to have a soft spot for verbally challenged subhuman creatures

>> No.76625172
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>> No.76625231
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Faufau! Faufau!

>> No.76625237
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>> No.76625245

Gonna commission art of that

>> No.76625345
File: 140 KB, 328x476, 1645603862796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying I have a chance?

>> No.76625354

eh this just doesn't hit as hard
Polish swear words are actually really intricate

>> No.76625358

She's not into you bro

>> No.76625363

What if the seiso streamer is a really good act and she says "bugger" and "ploughin" all the time

>> No.76625443
File: 443 KB, 611x604, 1634438284265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized Fauna didn't cancel the stream to watch Gura for the first time in a while

>> No.76625534

They had a falling out. Long story.

>> No.76625560

a chance to be her pet, yes

>> No.76625635
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Hell yeah

>> No.76625664
File: 829 KB, 2480x3508, 1708911775258481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do i sign up

>> No.76625731

>Gura wants Fauna to play Gura in a musical about her.

>> No.76625755
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On one hand I do want to see shork since I haven't seen her in a long while but we're having fun and we don't know if Goobis will commit to Subnautica or if she'll just play the start...and the start is slow.
Gura will be alright without us for now I think.

>> No.76625833

We better get some art out of this
Specifically Fauna wearing Gura's hoodie and nothing else.

>> No.76625836

you have to send a red superchat in trollspeak

>> No.76625852

What a dialogue
>Who's the captain
>Me, a woman

>> No.76625868

[Fauna News] Fauna hates women

>> No.76625877


>> No.76626121
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>> No.76626204

just pay him fauna...

>> No.76626224


Like this but with the hoodie not sized up

>> No.76626279

Writings a little on the nose there

>> No.76626420

kek she's such a fucking dork

>> No.76626442

makes sense
you wouldn't trust a woman behind the wheel would you? well, ships have a steering wheel too

>> No.76626712

she watched rugrats

>> No.76626836

Jesus the BGM for Skellige is so cozy
Anyways why are they Irish

>> No.76626868
File: 240 KB, 480x480, 1653566192635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That track is my favourite one in the whole soundtrack
I love Skellige

>> No.76626991

>choosing pussy over money
she's ngmi

>> No.76627064


>> No.76627090

skellige's people and culture is like vikings and ancient celts mixed together

>> No.76627116

Hot goth sorceress pussy*

>> No.76627132


>> No.76627144

Because of location names. Kaer Trolde and such.

>> No.76627221

She was going to say something else

>> No.76627241

why does she love Yen so much she hasn't consumed any Witcher media aside from this game how much could she possibly know about her?

>> No.76627315

>she gets to light it?
yeah, fauna...

>> No.76627320

Is Fauna white enough to enjoy the Northman

>> No.76627342


>> No.76627416

someone needs to tell fauna to turn on Yen's DLC outfit it's 1000x better

also take off your stupid furry mask we can't see Geralt's fucking facial expressions it's so annoying it fucking ruined the Ciri scene

>> No.76627419

Fauna is being culturally insensitive

>> No.76627450

Oh god, she's 30 years old

>> No.76627481

Nice goth

>> No.76627544

Oh man I was waiting for this she's loving it
Unicorn soon

>> No.76627638

Fauna is down bad

>> No.76627639

elderflower and gooseberry...

>> No.76627729
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she just knows Yen is the canon pairing that Geralt loves (not Triss) so she's trusting the plan and playing it true to that

>> No.76627849

Fauna you are not allowed to cringe at the flirting when this has been everything you've been hyping up

>> No.76627892

Well would you look at that

>> No.76627928

Fauna, you’re allowed to flirt back now, this is your actual wife

>> No.76627943

hey, we just saw that!

>> No.76627992
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If someone tells you that you smell wonderful at a funeral you're obligated to marry them.

>> No.76628016

I swear if she doesn't sex her after all this I'm going to flip.

>> No.76628044

She's gonna get all the way to the final nod at the camera in the DLC and still be wearing that mask

>> No.76628082

or at least fuck them in the bathroom

>> No.76628145
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Someone please donate to her to enable the Yen alternate look DLC (I'm not a paypig).

>> No.76628159

hearts of stone adds glasses so maybe not all is lost

>> No.76628165

Now way she’ll save, pick another option and do it off stream
Everyone would know

>> No.76628272

Fuck triss

>> No.76628284
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Kind of off topic but made me think of fauna.

>> No.76628285

glasses are very versatile!

>> No.76628533

yeah they'll be very useful in removing that ugly mask from geralt's face
assuming Fauna doesn't lose the auction by being a cheapskate

>> No.76628774

So when can you fuck Yen?

>> No.76628864

like, right now iirc

>> No.76628990
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Yen's alt look and Geralt's bear armor = most aesthetic clothing.

This asian styled armor she got is fucking dogshit.

>> No.76629099

actually nevermind, I just remembered
it's the right quest but she needs to progress it a little bit to get to the scene

>> No.76629130
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>Just learned the crossbow auto aims
>I used aard my entire playthrough for flying things
Am I..

>> No.76629234

She picked up the crafting recipe earlier

>> No.76629271

Bet you didn't even know it one-shots things underwater

>> No.76629302

Is there a bdsm scene? I want to see Fauna's reaction to ropes and candlewax

>> No.76629452

nah they just have sex on a stuffed unicorn
it would be pretty funny though haha

>> No.76629560
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>> No.76629572
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Sorry anon the mask stays on

>> No.76629764


>> No.76629830

Fauna I’m begging you to take off the mask

>> No.76629898

nobody cared who Geralt was until he put on the mask

>> No.76629918

Would it hurt to take off his mask?

>> No.76630062


>> No.76630069


>> No.76630079

Holy shit that scream

>> No.76630109

my ears dude
i had the audio cranked up bc she was being quiet

>> No.76630119

the gamer of promise...

>> No.76630125

why is she using counters in a fucking fist fight and yet her actual fights are just mashing X

>> No.76630223

She got her ass beat in a fistfight when she was just pressing x until she (kinda) learned

>> No.76630228
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>button mash their defense until they stun you
>repeat until you're dead
Fauna dot dot dot

>> No.76630266
File: 3.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1701726573512834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checklist for things vtuber MUST DO to fix this fucking playthrough:
Full or partial beard
Ponytail with shaved sides (aka the Cintrian Pendulum)
Ursine armor
Alternate Yen DLC look

>> No.76630302

it would be extremely painful

>> No.76630362

huh, you werent kidding

>> No.76630393

I've heard about this scene

>> No.76630442

she also needs to drink alcohol when prompted to

>> No.76630484

I can finally see geralt's fucking face again

>> No.76630545


>> No.76630895

Why does Gerald so fucking weird without a beard?

>> No.76630921

>or grow beards
I knew she should have kept the beard

>> No.76630971

Yen actually likes beard Geralt.
Shaving was a mistake.

>> No.76631085

All bearded men do.

>> No.76631098


>> No.76631114

Is enemy upscaling going to ruin her?

>> No.76631307

time for the shittiest race ever made

>> No.76631461

I count three Skyrim mentions since she got here

>> No.76631509

Take a shot every time Fauna says "this is just like Skyrim"

>> No.76631571

My liver is too fucked for this

>> No.76631687

>alternate nilfgardian armor: on
oh no...

>> No.76631695

of course she fucking turns them all on, she has to ruin things one way or another, ciri will look fucking terrible

>> No.76631728

Shit how has it already been 4 hours. It's freaking 4 am

>> No.76631738
File: 40 KB, 128x128, 1693796131385904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you grow a beard you must never shave it.
Do not listen to women that tell you to shave your beard. They will have a panic attack when they see your bare chin.
I don't know why, or why they ask, but it always happens.

>> No.76631950

Damn don't look up the Dandelion & Nilfgaard alternate outfits they copied the shitty netflix costumes

>> No.76632026

yeah it's the ballsack armor

>> No.76632175

fauna... you need to drink if you want to fit in...

>> No.76632177

Ride or die no hesitation

>> No.76632260

I pay the 1.32 version, my game doesn't have that dogshit.

>> No.76632271

Can't be THAT bad, right?

>> No.76632439

they're turned off by default
but fauna actually turned it on so enjoy your ballsacks

>> No.76632560

we're getting closer and closer

>> No.76632609

Think she'll end stream before then?

>> No.76632705

probably not

>> No.76632794


>> No.76632866


>> No.76633058

we might need a new thread

>> No.76633176

