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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76594141 No.76594141 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making these threads to prove, all in a single place, that Civia didn't attack Coco during the Taiwan incident and that she's innocent. I've been doing my reps for the past 10 days, archiving and saving every bit of real proof and not use rrats or hearsay to support my findings.
>inb4 nobody cares zhang, it was forever ago, kys, bugspray.jpg
Not a zhang, an Armenian. And I do care. For some reason, Civia in particular is lumped together with the likes of Shartia and Doris for stuff she didn't do. Consider this a sort of vindication, done... 3/4 years too late.
But I wanted to do was to show as much proof as possible that she didn't get herself involved with the spam and the hate and I even have evidence that she was at odds with one of her moderators (who WAS part of the spam) and even ywwuyi at one point. It will all make sense soon.
History is written by the victors and yada yada yada but maybe if I do this... Ciyana will come back. Not really, but you know what they say: 1% chance, 99% faith.

Also, you can use the info gathered in this thread and share it on reddit or make a youtube video. I don't care about being credited, I care more about the message being spread.
I hope by doing this, her name is cleared a bit. We will never know 100% the truth of what happened, but we can piece the evidence together into a coherent storyline.
If there are any mistakes or information that I'm missing, feel free to tell me.
Now that you're here, enjoy some wet kisses for (you)!

>> No.76594352
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Before we start, I have to address this because for some reason people don't have eyes and 95% of youtubers that cover the Taiwan incident never bother to double check a document written by an ESL high school student.
This document:
Even though it is mentioned in the document, some people still think that Artia and Civia were the ones that watched the propaganda movie "Wolf Warrior" while the Taiwan incident was happening. A dog-whistle signaling that they supported the One-China policy.


She did not. She never did. The ones that did watch the movie were Artia and Doris. We even have the original link from when it happened, in glorious full HD.
live.bilibili.com/record/R1qx411c7fZ (there's an archive of this so you can take a look at it)
As a matter of fact, do you want to watch that same movie alongside Artia and Doris? Because there's an archive of that livestream on Youtube with less than 100 views.

I downloaded a copy just in case a dicksucker copyright-strikes the video. Also, some people claim that it was Doris the one that invited Artia to watch the movie, but I'm not interested in that now.
If you want to know more about Artia: some anon in 2021 made this.
archive (dot) ph/Iptym
And this
archive (dot) ph/Mikc3
archive (dot) ph/H7Gah
As I said, I spent my time doing my reps, looking everything from OPs to threads mentioning the word "Civia" trying to dig out the truth, from 2024 to February 1st, 2021 (the trail runs cold for obvious reasons), and I'd say it's 80% rrats 20% actual useful stuff. I want to change that.
There's some info about Civia in these documents that will be addressed as well, so don't worry.

>> No.76594488
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Trust me, archiving most of this shit and seeing this message felt like I was an European adventurer writing down stories from Aztecs or some shit in the 1500s

>> No.76594543

shit thread, all zhangs got what they deserved, even Spade Echo, there is nothing that will prove that any of them deserved mercy
OP is a faggot and you should kill himself

>> No.76594573

too much text, here's your yogurt! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lkOKEgaDg8

>> No.76594606

Okay, so the arguments against Civia being innocent are these:
>She leaked a song by Aqua and used the lyrics to signal antis to continue spamming Hololive members (leaked voicepack incident)
>She purposedly leaked stuff like the edited eyebags and unreleased models
>She purposedly misled her western fanbase by lying about keeping her models
>She backstabbed her friends for her own gain
>She used her mods to do her bidding
>She was friends with ywwuyi on twitter and did shit on purpose like unfollowing coco on twitter
Other HoloCN members will be mentioned briefly but they're not the focus today. Maybe another time.

So what did Civia do?

>> No.76594671
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For starters, a quick introduction into who she is.
Civia (now Ciyana) was a member from HoloCN that started streaming on November 1st, 2019, and graduated on November 18th, 2020, after HoloCN was closed. She was a happy, super upbeat streamer that played mostly single player games, and gave viewers a lot of kisses. She usually got kinda emotional as well: in an Undertale playthrough, she cried more than 13 times.
She had a few months of experiences as a content creator (though I couldn't find what her PL was, Ciyana was created after Civia graduated) and, according to her, was picked by Yagoo himself.
She spoke really good English, and her Oshi was Aqua, so much so she spent 9 minutes out of 10 talking about her in her interview with Cover. One of her dreams was to collab with her. This will be relevant later.
Also, do you wanna know something funny? She collabed with Haachama, not once
but twice
and even was flustered when Haachama told her her japanese was improving a lot, days before the Taiwan incident happened.
Here's the reaction from Civia:

So much for a JP/Western hater, aye?
Now let's go point by point.

>> No.76594768
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>She leaked a song by Aqua and used the lyrics to signal antis to continue spamming Hololive members (leaked voicepack incident)
There's no evidence suggesting that Civia was the one that leaked the Aqua stuff. As a matter of fact, all signs point to either the hackers or the HoloCN Bilibili management (or middlemen) purposely leaking it instead.
The only thing she did was posting some of the lyrics on her twitter account.
Why is this important? Well, I'll steal a comment that explains the situation.
>The logic is that they think that Aqua is actually angry with Coco but can't voice it because Cover is silencing her. And now they think that the sudden(?) release of her song, together with the title "Take over", was actually a hidden message from her to them that they should keep fighting to "free" her and the other oppressed hololive members.
Civia is a massive Aqua simp as explained earlier, though Chinese antis took it another way. The schizos that assumed that Aqua was against Coco took it that way rather than Civia.
Did she know about this? Sadly, this is where the rrats appear. Me personally, considering how much of an autist she was for Aqua (check her likes on her old twitter account), it would be really weird to imply that she:
>Joined Hololive
>Said that she loved Aqua as a dog-whistle for antis to rally... somehow
>Have the Aqua vs Coco narrative happen BEFORE the Taiwan incident happened
Bilibili users loved Fubuki more than Aqua, as a matter of fact. The Coco vs Aqua angle was something that was made out of thin air and when they realized that Aqua didn't actually hate Coco, well, a whole lot of Chinese Aqua simps disappeared.
Just for safekeeping, this is the post that started the "Aqua is Pro-China, silenced by Cover Corp from speaking against Coco" thread:
archive (dot) ph/Bt2ak

>> No.76594854
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>> No.76594856
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>She purposedly leaked stuff like the edited eyebags and unreleased models
On October 29th, there was a mass hacking incident in bilibili. I'll bring back a thread talking about it.
It was confirmed to be a HoloCN staff member.
...on that note, HoloCN was also affected by this hack a few days before, two days in fact. And wouldn't it be funny to know that a certain unicorn was affected as well?
She didn't leak anything. The hackers did, and after the account was taken back, it was quickly deleted. An archive of a re-upload exists, take note of the day it was uploaded.
archive (dot) ph/jKMYx
Chinese schizos are a different breed.

>> No.76594961
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>She purposedly threw her western fanbase away by lying about keeping her models
Another fumble by HoloCN management.
It was management that told her and Artia they got to keep their models. They didn't try to steal and run off with it, Hololive Bilibili fed them with information knowing they would create even more tension with Cover Corp.
Really, the biggest "controversy" up to that point was liking a picture for veteran's day in China, and that was back in April (2020), when literally nobody cared.

>She backstabbed her friends for her own gain
This is an easy one to disprove, because this one was a rrat purposely said by antis to turn western fans against HoloCN members. The same rrat that said that Spade Echo was a slut irl.
And the person who was responsible for backstabbing (and sabotaging anything that could save HoloCN like having Yogiri or Civia be transfered to HoloEN) is...
...Doris. Again. The rrats say that Artia was the whistleblower, but here's the evidence.
archive (dot) ph/VEUyC
Artia and Doris back at it again. They also tried dragging Civia and Spade Echo through the mud.

>> No.76595016
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Civia my love...

>> No.76595053

>She used her mods to do her bidding
Okay, out of all the allegations, this one can be considered the most reasonable, but not for the way you think.
Let me introduce you to two known mods that directly participated in the Hololive spam (using their own personal accounts) that were also mods for Civia both on Youtube and Bilibili:
archive (dot) ph/Ql48w
Sadly, because their names are too common on the internet, I couldn't find their Youtube accounts. Hopefully it's because they got banned and not because they chickened out and rebranded themselves.
Someone blocked those two accounts in particular because they were blocking spammers in chats (Coco, Haachama), and wouldn't you know it, this message appeared:
archive (dot) ph/Sylo1 (yes, I had to archive EVERYTHING. Chinese people suck at deleting their past)
Thankfully, while they don't appear on Youtube, they still have active Bilibili accounts. Great job, Baidu.
Proof is already above, so here's more proof of this person interacting with Civia:
archive (dot) ph/RP7r8
And an archive of this person participating in the spam:
archive (dot) ph/VXBQo
The biggest cuck award: first place goes to...
He used "雨天" on Youtube, meaning "Rainy Day", so let's call him "Rainjak".

>> No.76595221
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He used to live in Japan when the spam was happening. In other words, had this information leaked earlier, Cover could have been on his ass suing him for defamation and damages to death.
archive (dot) ph/8r73t
He used Aqua as a rallying cry. (October 21st)
archive (dot) ph/Twnmj
This person was the biggest Civia/Ciyana simp ever. He gave her gifts (like irl gifts, she did unboxings), donated stupid ammounts of money, and he constantly critized her for not living in China (she still doesn't to this day).
archive (dot) ph/TIn58
Evidence of him being the most involved in the spam:
archive (dot) ph/VMZhZ
He thought that Civia wasn't "patriotic enough", since she wasn't vocal as people like Artia or Doris; therefore she wasn't doing enough. She already was on some people's shitlist because she dared to stream on Youtube.
archive (dot) ph/sRqzP (October 22nd)
2D>3D (yes, this is what he says, that he prefers her 2Dself over her 3Dself)
He was so off the Kool-aid on that particular day he even posted this:
archive (dot) ph/uMvku
>"…Unicorn, you had to stab me in the back after your stream. I was planning to return to my home country next year, but I couldn't make it back, and now I've lost my home. If I get the chance to go back in the future, I will still do it to fulfill one of my wishes."
Why this guy was a mod is still a mystery.
archive (dot) ph/2wZ4C
>Women really are all untrustworthy. (The phrase "大猪蹄子" (literally "big pig's trotters") is a Chinese slang term used humorously or critically to describe someone, typically women, as being untrustworthy or fickle. Thank you, ChatGPT.)
This is the screenshot from above, archived (archive (dot) ph/Ql48w). Same one that NanakoMiku reposted.

>> No.76595366
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archive (dot) ph/Xq6ro (October 27th)
"Who can give me the latest unicycle? I'm going on a killing spree without discrimination."
As a reminder:
>独轮车, a.k.a unicycle or wheelbarrow, is the name of the script the Chinese antis use(d) to spam Hololive YouTube live streams
And people telling him not to get cocky as replies.
He sucked Civia/Ciyana off so much he changed his name to include hers in his username when she went from Civia to Ciyana:
archive (dot) ph/2owgZ
But it seems that this "love" didn't last long. Just barely a few weeks after she started streaming, he was already longing for the days of Civia.
archive (dot) ph/OIvHJ
He even made a whole website dedicated to Ciyana, but deleted it afterwards and tried passing it off like he was protecting her from "outside forces" or whatever he was schizoing about on that day.
archive (dot) ph/gzDV6
>Text:Anyway, it has already shut down, so it doesn't matter anymore.
>Actually, I had two choices: one was to escalate things and disgust her to death, and the other was to stop the operation.
>If people are not happy, there's nothing we can do about it. Let's just redirect all the traffic from CN to NET (https://ciyana.net/updates, last updated in 2022).
>I'm nobody special, I'm just here for the fun.
>Never get involved with any fan sites; you have no idea how miserable it can get.
>Love you, locust treasures.
>You will never know why Ciyanca CN shut down.
>It's best to just honestly have fun. Goodbye, I'm off to watch locust treasures.

>Response: Come on, come on, since you like exposing people so much, I'll help you spread the word. Don't think that just because you have some skills, you can talk recklessly.

This is more schizophrenic than saying Artia and Civia tweeting Taking Over lyrics during the League Championship in 2020 was them encouraging Wolf Warriors to attack Coco.
NakanoMiku and Rainjak have not made any interactions with Ciyana since at least 2022, and they've not been mods for her for even longer. Make that what you will.

>> No.76595554
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>She was friends with ywwuyi on twitter and did shit on purpose like unfollowing coco on twitter
This one deserves a longer explanation. The person in this picture, ywwuyi, is a mod of 2 vtuber subs on NGA, employee at QQ group (owned by Tencent) that supported Holo CN, leader of CN antis and also is the one behind the spambots script.
The TL;DR, and something that for some reason a lot of videos on Youtube miss, is that ywwuyi was the mastermind behind the spam and divide-and-conquer tactics when the Taiwan incident happened.
There's a lot of information about him, from his personal name to where he lives to the fact that he wants to be addressed as "lord" because in his mind he won against Cover Corp (whatever that means). Because of that, either him or another person bought a "piece of land and you become lord" scam title on the internet:
archive (dot) ph/JyNJ5
This is who was spamming Coco, btw. Look up "爽哥" and you'll find his face. The image that I posted? That's him.
archive (dot) ph/mlEFE
Let me pull the same link(s) again because, if you want to dig deeper into what role he played, then most of the answers are here.
archive (dot) ph/Iptym
The most important part of that document is that, allegedly, Civia "friendzoned" him (aka cucked him) live on stream. The VOD is lost sadly, so my next best bet was to confirm whether it was true he was seething after the stream.
I needed to find this phrase to confirm whether it was real or not, so I looked up this sentence:
>不对,女人全部,毫无例外都会骗人: That's not right. All women, without exception, lie.
So I just needed to find that phrase somewhere to confirm whether he was cucked by her/HoloCN or not.
And what can I say, sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.

>This is the man that was spamming your oshis
There's a video about it showing how the script worked, so if anyone else can find it, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.76595646

It's real. HoloCN, and Civia specifically, tried pushing back against him and his influence. I know it means shit in western societies considering that going against authority is encouraged compared to confucian societis like China, South Korea or Vietnam; and they still follow each other on Twitter if you look at her new account (doesn't mean much since Taffy also follows him and a lot of vtuber accounts as well), but the fact that she even dared to talk back to a person like him should be evidence enough that she wasn't with the antis.
I found it all this information here, and you can read more about him (use DeepL or ChatGPT):
https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/zh-hans/Ywwuyi (copypaste the chinese phrase from above to take you directly where I mentioned)
Moreover, look at this:
Check her likes. Unlike Artia
she didn't give any likes to ywwuyi, especially after August/September 2020. If she was such a dickrider for this loser, you'd think she would do something simple like that.
Does she have ties with him? Yeah, but on a superficial level. He hasn't talked or interacted in him in years.
And yes, she did unfollow Coco. Why she did will remain a mystery, but it's more than likely she did it to calm down the antis coming at her. She already pissed them off by streaming on Youtube, this was just another way to turn things off a notch considering that she had a gachikoi mod who didn't think she was patriotic enough.
Artia didn't unfollow Coco, and as a consequence, antis thought she wasn't "all in" in being pro-China and she paid the price. She wasn't the one commanding people (though she absolutely was doing that in her personal discord), she was the one being commanded.
archive (dot) ph/GjXQK

>> No.76595736
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If there's any piece of evidence that should tell she wasn't an anti is that one. I'll post it again.
archive (dot) ph/GjXQK
This is why I can't take seriously insults like she's a chink, a bugwoman, they have no souls, or whatever.
I can't even believe these insults because I proved that antis themselves used those same insults just so we would rile up against HoloCN.
If there's any big piece of evidence that proves that she wasn't with the antis, then it's this. Remember when I said that Artia not unfollowing Coco bit her in the ass? Ignore the Tia drama that happened afterwards (showing her face and the antis clowing on her for being ugly).
I don't know why more people DON'T mention this site, because I only saw it like twice in my research and it's the biggest revelation I got from all this ordeal.
Take a minute to at least see this... insanity. A whole website detailing how a group of antis were going to change public opinion against HoloCN, using Artia as their sacrificial lamb. It was done for two reasons:
1. To teach HoloCN members a lesson in that you're either with them (the antis/the CCP/insert BS reason) or against them.
2. By infiltrating as "normal fans" in places like /vt/ and reddit, they could turn western opinion against Civia, Spade Echo, Yogiri, Artia and the others, which in turns they could use as proof that they, overseas fans, don't want them ("hey look, the westeners don't like you, stay with us"). It's scary to think that, the closer I got to 2020, the more insults people like Civia had in random threads just mentioning her, most likely done by antis and not 4chan shitposters.
They tried spamming Civia's debut stream (alongside, ironically, Taiwanese and HK spammers) to teach her a lesson and it didn't work, thankfully.

>> No.76595745

Who fucking cares?

>> No.76595879
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don't care

>> No.76595905

Civia, nobody cares anymore let it go

>> No.76595912

Get fucked zhang

>> No.76596201
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I'm armoomian.

>> No.76596392
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So that's it for proof in regards to Civia. Hopefully if there's any doubt about Civia being with the antis, I presented enough information in a concise manner, and to exterminate any and all rrats out there.

This whole thread in a pastebin
Stuff I used as evidence

This wasn't done for people who hate HoloCN or zhangs, it was done for people who were on the fence on whether Civia was a good or a bad person. I don't care about shitposting, I'm in 4chan after all, I care about the truth.

>> No.76596670

Kys chink. She watched wolf warriors with that whore artia. She was 100% in on the harassment.

>> No.76596801

holy kek
imagine caring about anything to such an extent
Whether she was collateral damage or not, China was always the enemy and severing all ties was the right move

>> No.76596821

To the point, no use bring this here.
Go to cover and provide this rrat..

>> No.76596827

Look schizo, you can actually search all my posts calling this out since that retarded PDF dropped that civia, in the worst case scenario, was caught in the crossfire. But EVERYTHING she did after cover left china was of her own making. Just support her if you can or move on. You are only feeding retards like >>76596670 that think the 4chink dekinai headcannon is real

>> No.76596880

Good effort but its wasted on /vt/. Anons here will hate Civia just because she is chink

>> No.76597040

dude I 100% thought she was a civet. what the frick

>> No.76597111

>OP provides receipts that civia possibly wasn't part of the coco antis
>othere responses default to kys or don't care
You know, I found this thread quite informative. I knew fuck and all about civia other than what other threads have said over the years.

>> No.76597332

4 years anon, nobody cares anymore, and should be 17 by now so grow up

>> No.76597365

Anon... OP literally said it wasn't true

>> No.76597396

What did she do after?

>> No.76597675

As someone who was actually around back then (unlike the vast majority of this board) thank you for the clarification. I knew there were a lot of shenanigans going around at the time (especially with both chinks and taiwanese going after the holoCN girls) but I really didn't feel like researching myself and looking through so much chicken scratch

>> No.76597679

Honestly this. But I also appreciate the sight of such pure consolidated autism about pdf rrats from three and a half years ago that wasn't scrutinized enough to at least remove the obviously false parts.

>> No.76597790

so where do we watch her?

>> No.76597846

good shit anon. i discovered hololive thru civias acting interview video... ive always felt sad that such memory was tainted when i heard civia was complicit in the taiwan drama but now maybe that wont be the case anymore

>> No.76597904

I only care about Yogurt. She deserves nothing but the best.

>> No.76597953
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>> No.76598030

nobody cares zhang, its 2024

>> No.76598686

Is it a coincidence this post appeared soon as holo b2 got caught lying? Timing wise, you got some agendas, OP.

>> No.76598777

Based but nobody really cares at this point

>> No.76598843

I'm still her dumdum knight tho

>> No.76599120
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Yeah, anything that happens under Ciyana, unless related to what I was investigating, wasn't necessary, so the focus isn't on her but her past self.
Ciyana on bilibili, sadly she hasn't come back on Youtube even though she did an English stream in the past. Maybe some anon on bilibili can convince her?
If anything, I'm in the "Fuck HoloCN management" camp. They threw any attempts at rescuing their remembers under the bus (imagine Yogiri in HoloJP or HoloEN), they let hackers take control of HoloJP channels, they told Shartia and Civia they could keep their stuff after graduation when it wasn't true... And Cover is doing better than ever when they left China.
Civia isn't coming back. I don't want Hololive back in China. I merely cared to kill the rrats and present convincing evidence, that's all.

>> No.76599126

I ain't gonna read allat but fuck you coz my yogurt suffers under all you autistic monkeys.
>Verification not required

>> No.76599452

none of this matters because Civia stayed friends with Artia and Artia is a backstabber
so now your next schizo project is to exonerate Artia

>> No.76599598

anon backed up his claims >>76596392

>> No.76599710

>Not doing shit
I hope your mom falls in all fours with a horny dog behind her OP.

>> No.76600138

which ones of these roaches are taiwanese

>> No.76600245

Interesting thread.
Fuck /pol/-minded idiots.

>> No.76600315

What's she up to these days?

>> No.76600559

>Civia stayed friends with Artia
Do you wanna know something funny? After they reincarnated, Ciyana (Civia) and Tia (Artia) had a falling out as friends. Ciyana doesn't even follow her on twitter, bilibili or weibo and hasn't mentioned or interacted with her in years.
As a matter of fact, shortly after whatever happened that made them no longer friends, Tia had a meltdown on twitch saying that "I never really needed friends", "they don't understand me, I'm enjoying myself".
Judas is in the shitzone alongside Doris and Rosalyn, I don't care about her.

>> No.76600862
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Honestly, good job OP. I remain a little skeptical only because it is healthy to when bugs are involved, but reading through it does look like Civia may deserve my apology

>> No.76601775

Based, but too much effort for /vt/

>> No.76601790

Didn't read but I beleb you. No one that cute can be a bad person

>> No.76601923

when taiwan happened, civia rushed to twitter and stopped following coco (she followed all the holos even homos) being the only holoCN that did it and this is not even a rrat because i checked it myself at the time.
she couldn't do anything but she did it and that act alone shows how ultra nationalistic she was.

>> No.76602714
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The rrats say it's Spade Echo (now Ace Taffy, she even has a Youtube channels where she ocassionaly streams) and Yogiri, also two people that didn't do anything during the whole incident.
She's Ciyana on bilibili. She hasn't streamed in a month but last time she did a Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough.
Alright, I know you're shitposting I'll take the bait, because even when I spoonfed people here they don't like to read.
If that was all it took to show how ultranationalistic she was, then it was for nothing.
>Coco is featured on her Youtube channel in "Recommended channels"
And has been during the Taiwan incident as well. You may dismiss it as Cover Corp being in charge of her channel and displaying Coco, but her channel hasn't been updated to include HomoStars or any new Hololive member. It's stuck in time. Why unfollow her on Twitter but not stop featuring her on her channel? I already gave the answer, so read.
And if she was ultra nationalistic like people say she was, then bilibili users and even one of her mods (Rainjak) didn't believe that. Again, all information in this thread.

>> No.76603506

I honestly don't think Artia was that bad either

>> No.76603604

Old lunch lady doris?

>> No.76603676

>Alright, I know you're shitposting I'll take the bait
>does not refute the argument and moves the goalposts
>publish youtube account as a proof
>the account he barely used to upload 2 videos in his entire career
>does not refute the argument and moves the goalposts
>publish youtube account as a proof
>the account he barely used to upload 2 videos in his entire career
yeah you are full of shit just like you oshi

>> No.76603795

oh no, she unfollowed coco, the horror!!

>> No.76603937

Which one was that set up dates with viewers or something only to scam them

>> No.76603980
File: 3.57 MB, 498x441, 76b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the accounts *he* used in *his* career
>2 videos
>you oshi
*your oshi
Holy shit, I didn't expect zhangs to come to my thread. It's an honor.
Now kill yourself, Ciyana will never come back to China.

>> No.76604004

Civia seemed really sweet but what watching chuubas has taught me is that every single one of them is rotten to the core. Every single one

>> No.76604087

Based, I'm archiving this thread and will read it in the future.

>> No.76604110

I think most anons who were around back then have no problem with Civia or Yogurt.
The real insane ones were Doris and Artia.

>> No.76604175
File: 218 KB, 518x388, 1603614009185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Civia kisses.

>> No.76604191

I know for a fact Echo isn't from Taiwan, I think the three possible rrats about how she's able to have a youtube channel are shit like she married a rich white dude and moved to the US(unlikely but would be funny), she's the daughter of a government official and can get away with anything(also probably unlikely), and the most likely one being that some of her mods are college exchange students and those are who run the youtube channel the people managing her worked out a solution to let her stream there.

>> No.76604294
File: 64 KB, 690x1334, 122513827_4865148836858806_1788591188031290958_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If that was all it took to show how ultranationalistic she was

>> No.76604431

Brotha,op, it dosen't matter, she died years ago CN will never recover trust or vtubers maybe untill 2030, and by then WW3 is gonna kill aall of us

Let it go

>> No.76605035

as I said she could have done nothing and been neutral but she did so by making her position clear.

>> No.76605112

I'll be honest anon, I don't care at all, but I respect your dedication and love

>> No.76605418

No one back then had problems with Yogurt. Everyone wanted Artia and Civia to be innocent. Then Artia got hit with very damning evidence. I remember that during that same week, Civia also got implicated heavily. I recall heavy emphasis that she was part of the wolf warrior watchalong with Artia.

>> No.76605715
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I also miss her anon but she is already gone

>> No.76606740

Artia is still a whore

>> No.76607070

I also remember Civia being accused of watching wolf warrior. But I wonder where those accusations came from if, as OP pointed out, she wasn’t actually in that watch along?

>> No.76607263

I know you're the same anti that posted that incomprehensible answer, so I'll answer you one last time.
That bilibili post, a repost that also mentions Spade Echo and Artia, was deleted. You can't find it neither in an internet archive or her Civia account:

And as a fun fact, I took the time to take a look at her new account, Ciyana. It's strictly chinese only, dedicated to a chinese audience, she can as "nationalistic" as she wants. So I took screenshots of posts she made on the 4th of February of every single year since 2022, and all I could find was:
>2022: an Elden Ring clip compilation (with almost as many likes as that "ultra nationalistic" post)
>2023: another Elden Ring livestream alongside shitposts
>2024: an amogus shitpost
Jee, how nationalistic, right?
And also, in the end, I tried putting the same words that she posted in that screenshot on her Ciyana account (人民英雄永垂不朽!= The people's heroes will never die!), and I found 0 results. Almost like she doesn't care the CCP or antis like you.
You don't get to rewrite history based off a post from veteran's day, and until you can provide evidence and not shit that was deleted, then I hope those 50 cents that ywwuyi gave you were worth it. Neck yourself.

>> No.76607332
File: 1.08 MB, 1109x2049, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image here because I care about facts not rrats.

>> No.76607588
File: 391 KB, 300x300, 1000008461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good you did your reps anon, but we are talking about an event that's so old it predates this board existence, and by extention 90% of anons here knowing what a vtuber was.

Most either dont know who this is or stopped caring 3 years ago, this would have been better saved for /jp/ or something.

>> No.76607755

4th of April, my point still stands.
It's also for future-proofing. Once this thread is archived, then my work here is done.

>> No.76608869

thanks for the thread anon
it gave me hope

>> No.76609056

i also felt like she wasnt trying to be a traitor of saboteur still a bit soured by the wolf warrior part but it can slide.... for chinese propaganda.

>> No.76609452

Thank you for your hard work OP
Civia had such a cute bubbly personality when speaking in English, I was sad to see her go despite the rrats
Now that it seems the rrats aren't true it feels like even more of a waste

>> No.76609644

based. i'd love to share a drink with you, anon. you'd probably find some other random topic to schizopost about one of these days and i'd like to be there.

>> No.76609784

>That bilibili post, a repost that also mentions Spade Echo and Artia, was deleted
>therefore your image never existed>she can be as ultra-nationalistic as she wants to be.
the communists unfolding space/time to change history, a classic.
how do we go from ''she didn't do anything and is innocent'' to ''she can be all the ultranacinalist she wants''?
the good thing is that no one is buying your shit and she will always be a shit stain on the diaper (holoCN) that holo wore in her early days.

>> No.76613647

chink nationalism is cringe af. Did she ever apologize for that?

>> No.76617002

bumping because this thread looks interesting

>> No.76617142
File: 1010 KB, 1080x1206, 12a652992ff8de429ce9c384f91657c362192bcad9f032e843d9d0d395420d1a_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how to read because his Baidu translator is garbage
>doesn't know how to greentext
Get out of this thread.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.76621413

Artia didn't attack Coco either, she just tried to appel to both her western and Chinese fans at the same time. She explained this.

Also "dog-whistling" is retarded American conspiracy-theory thinking created to call people who aren't racist racists by pretending when they say X they really mean Y. See: the attacks on Reagan during the 1980s presidential campaigns over his criticism of welfare policies as "racist", the idea being that these were "dog whistles" against blacks.

>> No.76622747

Yeah but does she stream now or ran off with the money.

>> No.76623848


>> No.76625131

Did OP spend the last 4 years in a cave compiling all this? Who the fuck cares anymore

>> No.76626414

Honestly, props to the OP. Clearing up suspicion no matter how old rather than taking rrats for granted is based.

>> No.76626997

For the Chinese we call it Chinese whispers and it absolutely exists

>> No.76627620
File: 1.03 MB, 1263x758, 1643010135959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone ever said. Civia was always innocent in my eyes and I miss her kisses everyday

>> No.76629577

This man is/was a CCP member yes or yes? Remember, its a party with more than 10 million members.
