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76590524 No.76590524 [Reply] [Original]

There's no favoritism at nijisanji btw

>> No.76590612


>> No.76590630

The NDF will just try to Zaion here, you know? They don’t care and will actively attack her for casting even an iota of doubt upon kurosanji.

>> No.76590656

Vivi got unpersoned by the clique and is no longer invited to collabs.

>> No.76590668


>> No.76590680

So she really is done with this company, eh?

>> No.76590683

Vivi you deserve better than that shithole.

>> No.76590697

What fucking company did she think she was joining?

>> No.76590723

Why is she shitting on them instead of leaving? Where is vivi from if she's from the US then niji could kiss her ass because there's nothing they can do and if they dare to fuck her over the us will sue the living shit out of them because they're breaking their law when they abolished all non compete contracts.

>> No.76590742

I don't think I ever found out about her PL. Gonna have to do some reps.

>> No.76590753

Everyone deserves better than that shithole.

>> No.76590759

no seriously, give me a non-shitpost QRD

>> No.76590784

Why is she posting this in public? She's making her employer look bad.

>> No.76590796


>> No.76590799

>Why is she shitting on them instead of leaving?
Well you see theres this thing called contractual obligatio--
>lol just sue you can sue just sue you'll win its a bad contract a suit is a good idea just sue
Don't you have to be over 18 to post on this website?
NBA collab according to replies.

>> No.76590834

Yeah I'm sure there's so much favoritism for Vezalius Bandage

>> No.76590837

Since NBA sponsored niji, they have all the deciding power as to who shows up. She just didn't make the shortlist.
Complain to the NBA if you're going to complain

>> No.76590836

I thought it was about the Tekken tournament but I guess it's about the NBA collab?
If so I understand it sucks having no idea something is happening because it means they didn't even consider you, but at the same time she needs some self awareness there, isn't she the runt of the runt in the branch?

>> No.76590851

>Rosemi, the only niji to give a shit about NBA, not participating
>Vivi ain't either
Yeah they're leaving. Reminds of how Pomu wasn't allowed to participate in any sponsorships or merch collabs after she put in her graduation notice.

>> No.76590858

>She's making her employer look bad.
I think that's the point

>> No.76590861

>Everyone deserves better than that shithole.
No, some belong there.


>> No.76590924

>join cliquejisanji
>don't suck up to the clique
>surprised pikachu face when you're ghosted, excluded and sabotaged
No sympathy

>> No.76590940

No the runt branch is the new one

>> No.76590955


>> No.76590994

I could see the cunny doing better than her, just based on her appealing to that people.

>> No.76591025

from the context i am guessing that she wasn't invited to be involved with the NBA sponsorship thing

>> No.76591033

You want a real qrd here it is.
>vivi debuted
>vivi wants to do gfe and cdgct only content meaning no males because she wants to grow her channel and so something different.
>management start forcing collabs with men.
>Luca keeps pestering vivi
>vivi keeps ignoring him and focusing on her content
>management forces her to collab with him
>she goes out of her way to weasel her way out of collabing with him
>Luca seethe
>now vivi is receiving the sayu treatment where they isolated her and pretend she doesn't exist because she did not want to work with Luca.

>> No.76591041


>> No.76591056
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>they didn't inform the livers beforehand
What the fuck is Nijisanji doing?

>> No.76591072

Who didn't get in?

>> No.76591077

It's a display of disloyalty that wouldn't be tolerated in any Japanese business. She should be careful so she doesn't suffer the punishment that Sayu and Dookie got.

>> No.76591128
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About that anon...

>> No.76591135

I’m convinced they no longer care.

>> No.76591154

Pomu and Selen were her oshis

>> No.76591166

Having higher stocks than holoshit

>> No.76591196

Fuck those Japanese autists if they're mad someone ain't going to kiss their ass

>> No.76591217

she choose to join nijisanji, she knew what she was getting into

>> No.76591238

>publicly outing management
Well, Vivi. It was nice knowing you.

>> No.76591241

just as a reminder, fucking claude was in that same collab

>> No.76591243

>Can't play Palworld when everyone is having fun with it
>Can't play Tekken with new people because your company is allergic to one of the participants
>Has no idea your company is collabbing with NBA until the public announcement
Man that must feel awful, and sisters will yell you that Doki was lying when she said Hyte, Razer and maybe even Sanrio wanted to collab with her but she never heard anything about it because the clique decided who could receive sponsorships and brand collabs

>> No.76591278

Claude being the only TTT in the collab is the funniest shit considering he's part of the Elira clique

>> No.76591289

Paying no heed to your idiotic prattle, how might that help the organs?

>> No.76591313

Hololive does not invite every streamer to every single collab.

>> No.76591357

Claude is a personal friend of Elira, Enna and Millie. The man was OG clique before any of them joined Niji.

>> No.76591359

+15 social credit has been deposited fuuuyoooooh

>> No.76591366

Okay, and? This is about Vivi and Nijisanji.

>> No.76591388


>> No.76591404
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yeah, bet you regret not sucking my cock now huh?

>> No.76591416

This just makes Rosemi look bad because she made up an excuse to defend the company that hates her

>> No.76591423

Sisters hate loli

>> No.76591446

We know that in many cases when it comes to collabs/sponsorships with Hololive the companies either choose the members themselves (e g. Redbull going for the fps gamer talents Aqua and Botan) or Hololive asks who wants to be part of it

>> No.76591459

>"sorry guys, there was a a sudden family emergency, will be back in 2 weeks."

She should've just asked/*insert the milllie permission qoute*

>> No.76591494
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>> No.76591521

Poor Vivi, hope she gets out at some point

>> No.76591530

Even then none of these whores on vtubing watches the nba so idk why they seething over it. Lol

>> No.76591541
File: 15 KB, 743x119, ennacuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you nijinigs so quick to gaslight your own people?

>> No.76591582

>vague tweet
Pieces of shit.

>> No.76591586

Watching people suffer is part of the content.

>> No.76591614

>list of kamioshi
... it doesn't work like that

>> No.76591618



>> No.76591626

The Amogus collab, which similar to this was just Hololive producing Amogus branded merch, at least had every single member know the collab was happening and be able to opt into benefitting from it.

>> No.76591647

Vivi just reply lol to these cunts

>> No.76591658

If nijiniggers were intelligent they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.76591678

The single solitary soul in Kurosanji that would have been able to chime in on apehoop isn’t even in this “collab”, for some unknown reason.

>> No.76591695

Even Kotoka got in.

>> No.76591715

Vivi may actually be dumb enough to reply to this just how she kicked off a 13 year old from Twitter and said he is spineless.

>> No.76591714

I mean
>Kotoka gets the collab despite not streaming for months
>Petra gets the collab despite barely streaming
>Vox gets the collab despite streaming 9 times over the past 3 months
>You're not even considered
Yeah I'd be pretty pissed as well personally

>> No.76591767

I swear that they just Weekend at Bernie’s’d her to toss her in this shit

>> No.76591801

>these are literally the last fans that NijiEN has left
Beyond grim. I will never understand how they managed to convince more people to join, let alone any actual women who will get nothing but harassment over Starbucks cups and enjoying the wrong things and showing up in the wrong collabs.

>> No.76591805

>Twitter is from Puerto Rico

>> No.76591822

One could form a pattern here.
Hex is already essentially baiting everyone to his PL account.
Rosemi and Scarle are always in the talks of potentially leaving.
Kunai and Vivi are severe underachievers.
Meloco though. Oh well.

>> No.76591826

They can’t even claim it was done months in advance.

>> No.76591828

Okay let me get this straight, TTT doesn't get a group name, doesn't get to sing their own group song, and none of them are pseudo-jp. Denauth gets a real group name, gets to sing their own group song and are all somewhat capable of jp communication (don't know how many are actually JP). This is just blatant favoritism right? No Niji wave has gotten a shorter end of the stick than TTT.

>> No.76591859

>vivi wants to do gfe and cdgct only content meaning no males because she wants to grow her channel and so something different
>Trying to be a strict unicorn streamer in fucking Nijien in a mixed gender gen
Unironically her own fault

>> No.76591922
File: 18 KB, 751x184, PR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not a sister this time, but not much better either.

>> No.76591929

Hololive jp does invite jp girls but holoen need to ask. Also holojp have the passion for the business they're the ones making events and paying them out of their own pockets while holoen girls don't have any passion for the gig and just treats it as another quick atm for boyfriend gift and trips funds so they don't do events. Kiara is the only holoen chuuba that's passionate about her profession she is usually the ones who gets myth together and set up events but council were either busy or sick to show up to them so she stopped trying because there's no point in wasting so much energy in a branch full of money grubbing whores.

>> No.76591930

they are hoping to merge into nijiJP and are using this to sidestep the retarded VTA process

>> No.76591963

I recall Iluna and the entire HAJIMEMASHITE MY DEAR FRIEND SHIT when Kyo sang so bad they autotuned his part to the max.
So its not the lack of talent why didnt get to sing.

>> No.76591981


>> No.76591986

+Aia and Aster
I'm guessing JP's addition were last minute and they randomly picked EN members to leave out. Dumbasses could've avoided this by not having Claude and they could've used the excuse of TTT being "too new" (even though they're half a year old).

>> No.76591992

TTT might have been a masquerade solely to get Claude in. Thinking about it, if the organs were already conspiring against Selen and Pomu wanted to leave like over a year before she finally did, plus Kunai isn’t in great health, they kill four organs with one stone while Elira gets her worshipper.

>> No.76592007

I have too much self respect to watch corpos what's this about an NBA collab

>> No.76592030

Between this and the crying over spilt soup, I almost feel sorry for Vivi
But then I remember she picked sticking with nijisanji despite having the benefit of support from Nova and Duellogs in whatever she reincarnates into unlike most other members.

>> No.76592065

Lose Selen, Pomu and Kyo.
Get TTT.
What a tradeoff.

>> No.76592112

>despite having the benefit of support from Nova and Duellogs
>Ones corpo is literally about to implode, the other is a m*le
I dont blame her

>> No.76592114

no that's a sister alright

>> No.76592137

Same anon:
Wait were Niji actually that arrogant to think TTT can make up for the losses of those 3?
Oh, fuck.

>> No.76592138

But she thought of it though what count is that she tried to bring this concept to niji and bring them money but niji fucked her over because they're retarded. Vivi and rosemi would've been bringing money if niji hadn't force the male collabs down their throats.. and that is coming from a company who asks their talents about how would they plan to compete with gura and hololive. Like I said anon niji is run by retards.

>> No.76592140

What're they gunna do, fire her? That's a good thing for her dude.

>> No.76592176

I doubt the clique cares/cared about the bigger picture. Running on the fumes of false invulnerability is surely a hell of a drug, just ask Dagoth Ur.

>> No.76592178

>But she thought of it though what count is that she tried to bring this concept to niji
The concept is fundamentally incompatible with Niji

>> No.76592193

Imagine if Twisty was a holo? The catalog would be spammed with Gura killer posts

>> No.76592207

now this is a rrat i can get behind

>> No.76592245

Twisty is literally just worse biboo
The second she makes a joke on the level of pebble pile, she's getting crucified

>> No.76592263
File: 43 KB, 642x70, 1716607656199800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk nigga a holo with this nsfw art

>> No.76592290

>how she kicked off a 13 year old from Twitter
holy fucking based

>> No.76592310


>> No.76592367

Gura likes borderline fanart from loli artists on the daily

>> No.76592368

>include the only clique member in TTT
fucking retards

>> No.76592405

New NijiEN cunny, trying to do cunny baiting in a company who's remaining audience hates cunny

>> No.76592416

They just don’t care anymore.

>> No.76592430

No, Pomu told everyone about her graduating maybe like a week after TTT debuted. Kyo is probably similar, Selen situation was obviously not planned. Seeing how Selen was before the whole thing happened it looked like she was staying for a least another year.

>> No.76592452

But that's the only way they would be able to compete with hololive? What you think people who watches gura and most the holo girls like homo collabs? What I'm saying is niji sabotaged her growth because they don't even know what they want. They want to be able to compete with gura and hololive but want to do it their way which is fucking retarded and counter productive.

>> No.76592483

It wasnt Niji that forced Rosemi to off collab with Luca while lying to her fans kek

>> No.76592508

>looked like she was staying for a least another year.
I'm not sure about that, the MV that started this whole mess looked like a blatant graduation message

>> No.76592515

If Vivi wanted to join the collab she could have just fucking asked.

>> No.76592518

>higher stocks than holoshit
lol.lmao even

>> No.76592565

It also wasn’t Niji that forced Luca to have Raziel sign all his merch for him, but they sure did cover for him.

>> No.76592629

kek, I don’t want to laugh at her situation, but still

>> No.76592628

Anyway does vivi even watches the nba? Why the fuck does she cares. To me it seems like she's mad she couldn't leech from them even though she and the other clique members don't give a fuck about the nba.

>> No.76592641

i dont understand why she joined Nijisanji ...

>> No.76592652

She probably did ask but she didn't do the fucking part.

>> No.76592666

>pebble pile
Only watched Biboo a couple of times but I could both totally see her saying this and if she did actually say it, then I can say assuredly it's the funniest thing she's ever said.

>> No.76592672

in what way is she worse? so far her debut was miles more entertaining than bijous even despite the niji debuff

>> No.76592694

>didn't even know it existed
>"lol you should have asked about it"

>> No.76592706

With fans like these, who needs enemies?

>> No.76592710

She was literally going to name her fans "pebblephiles" before management stopped her...

>> No.76592723

Anon, I...

>> No.76592735

trying to bypass VTA and hoping that the merger happens sooner rather than later

>> No.76592747

Congrats on passing the "admit to being a newfag without saying you're a newfag" challenge! Would you prefer the door slammed in your face or my boot up your ass?

>> No.76592749

how have sisters latched to this retarded rrat that the NBA is paying a random Japanese company to make branded merch when every single other collab with the NBA is that merch company paying licensing fees? The NBA doesn't give two shits about anime girls.

>> No.76592764
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>> No.76592766

Why do they keep fucking over Scarle, don't they realize that she's basically the sole breadwinner for the whole company?

>> No.76592777


>> No.76592801

I read this as higher socks at first and got excited. Fuck you.

>> No.76592810

>so far her debut was miles more entertaining than bijou
we know you dont watch stream sister.

>> No.76592813

If biboo said this they would unironically love it. Considering /gem/ is nothing but cunny posters and her chat is one feet quote away from her from turning into full fledged neo chumcucks.

>> No.76592835

Kino. Pure kino.

>> No.76592858
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that's so weird, I think any one who gets an NBA acrylic stand have never encountered anything like this before did you received a confirmation/OK sign to Lebron before getting the collab?

>> No.76592863
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>8 missing NijiEN members
>7 included NijiJP members
Ok, which EN is the one graduating?

>> No.76592866

I'm not a niji fan I'm asking an honest question. None of those retards in niji watches the nba.

>> No.76592881
File: 331 KB, 1349x956, GOZyMjwbQAAlbcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claude is in
>he's from elira's pl clique

>> No.76592912

It’s just so fucking random
>yeah, just throw Chronoir in there for good measure, that’ll do it

>> No.76592927

Nice catch. Also hopefully all of them except the bullies.

>> No.76592961

faggot EN management are on the level of jannies.

>> No.76592972


>> No.76592983
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>> No.76592994

>Since NBA sponsored niji
since when? lmao

>> No.76593006

There is also the thing how many play FF14.
Scarle is not just the only who never had any collabs when Millie has invited like a dozen people but she made a guild in the game and Scarle is the only one who is not a part of it.
They also play on the same server.

>> No.76593011

Punishment for not retweeting the black screen stream

>> No.76593035

sisters have already begun crusading against her fag. maybe its better you dont watch streams, you'd realize how much of a fuckup holo made to not take her before niji did

>> No.76593036

Reminder that Elira has completely ignored Vivi since her debut. While she is joined at the hip to her nepo-hire Claude.
Elira is a shit senpai

>> No.76593047

why so few jp? it's not like any basketball fans know what vtubers are even

>> No.76593046

Since never, considering it’s Niji that’s paying the NBA for licensing.

>> No.76593065

>she picked sticking with nijisanji
I don't know why you retards keep accusing people of this when we've seen the contracts and we know it's not as simple as "leaving niji" vs "sticking with niji". We know it took months for Pomu to graduate.

>> No.76593074

No, she did NOT know what she was getting into. None of their shit apart from Zaion was public knowledge at the time TTT signed their contracts, and even the truth about Zaion wasn't fully known because far too many people believed Niji's lies about her.

The new wave of Whatshisname, Morningwood, and Omankozako - they might have known what they were getting into, especially if they signed their contracts after Feb 12. Even if they were physically in Japan at the time and have not left the country since then, they should at least have been able to read the English version of the white paper, and should reasonably have known that Niji's official policy to deal with internal harassment is to punish anyone who reports that harassment, even if the whistleblower is literally on their deathbed because of that harassment.
If the EN branch lasts long enough for an eleventh wave to debut, that wave will DEFINITELY know what they're getting into.

But TTT could not have reasonably known that the Hindenriku was making a beeline for the iceberg at the time they joined.

>> No.76593083

How petty do you have to be....

>> No.76593093

Uhm, anon.
Did you...uhm.
Check her last tweet?

>> No.76593121

No that's Kunai probably

>> No.76593129


>> No.76593141


>> No.76593146
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>> No.76593149

not getting forced to collab with a fucking sex pest is an understandable expectation, even if you consider purposeful sabotage by management somehow a normal thing lol
but the fujos in management will jump to the groomer's every wish, and he will enjoy every protection

>> No.76593164

>None of their shit apart from Zaion
and thus she knew exactly what kind of company Nijisanji is before she joined up

>> No.76593165

These are the same people who can't even be bothered to inform someone they have been terminated and they have to find out by opening Twitter.

>> No.76593176

>None of their shit apart from Zaion
and thus she knew exactly what kind of company Nijisanji is before she joined up

>> No.76593179


>> No.76593185

Oh fuck! Never mind, bye bye Vivi.

>> No.76593188

more like holo dodged another garbage,well holo are known for their "quality over quantity"

>> No.76593195

Chronoir is going to be at the AX concert, I guess they are trying (and doing a terrible job) to get them popular in the west

>> No.76593220

The actual money behind it is coming from Rakuten, they want to market to Japan but probably used EN primarily because the NBA is american

>> No.76593221

It's just as well, since Selen was her oshi, and management is gonna rub her nose in it the rest of her time in Niji.

>> No.76593228


>> No.76593244


>> No.76593249

>Mogu abandoned a successful indie career to join Niji

>> No.76593252
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Let's see...


Vivi wouldn't have said anything about this if she was the one graduating. Kunai is doing terrible, but I'm pretty sure that she can't get out until at least next year. Meloco seems pretty happy being an honorary JP member, and Aster and Hex aren't going anywhere.

So it should be between Rosemi, Scarle and Aia.

>> No.76593265

Hex is upset about it too on his PL

>> No.76593274

I'd agree with you but Vivi had a moment of "own the nijihaters" which definitely hurts her case of being "the good niji".

>> No.76593278

the gura question is not about them seriously trying to compete. it's the trap question to weed out any overly talented and ambitious candidate

>> No.76593286

Not only she was excluded from the NBA collab but wasn't even told about it by management

>> No.76593296

Their concert has sold more tickets than either of the EN groups despite being on Sunday when people are usually heading home

>> No.76593297

She thought it was cute. It was the collective name for her fans until management told her it had to change.

>> No.76593321
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And also this

>> No.76593324
File: 2.58 MB, 2112x1296, 20240522_111127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of petty

>> No.76593343

you want to see the example of the one who didnt sticking with nijisanji? look at scarle, all shes doing is just doing her job without pandering to these retards, vivi is like kotoka who licking and sucking to niji and nijisister for brownie point, you can see the clear difference when you look at scarle.

>> No.76593347

>Only Rosemi is missing from the first 5 waves (aka the golden 20)
She's leaving isn't she?

>> No.76593348

She's getting cancelled already, she'd be thriving in Holo any other company for that matter, just not in Niji as a loli

>> No.76593357
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vivi has some cute art so i like her, wish she was in better places

>> No.76593360

What the fuck are you talking about, Chinkjisanji being a black corp, the clique, most of the talents being absolute sociopaths, all of it was known here since long before the final yab, hell even before Zaion.

>> No.76593399

When Vivi graduates, I'm grudgeposting you

>> No.76593401

That tweet doesn't mean what you think it means btw, if anything it means she's staying in Niji, guess the money is too good for now

>> No.76593411

Wouldn't be surprised if the audience is full of JP fujos who flew over to LA

>> No.76593414

Hey, I've seen this astroturfing before!

>> No.76593417

Kek too bad she isnt Elira nor a faggot who can make cock sucking asmr for the chink sisters

>> No.76593424


>> No.76593425
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>> No.76593434

That's the funniest thing about this whole thing. Nijifamily.

>> No.76593481

Mafia are also family.

>> No.76593507
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Yup, she is fucking gone.

>> No.76593514

The angry brown women kind of petty.

>Verification not required.

>> No.76593519

>out here looking like Isshin Ashina

>> No.76593529


>> No.76593546


>> No.76593551
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, 1713165253812626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her own genmate got in but didn't tell her about it
Man this reminds me of when my friend group went on a trip to hawaii together but didn't invite or tell me and I only learned about it when we hung out together one day and they were gushing over their trip and I was like "wait what trip?" and they go "oh we didn't invite you cause we didn't think you'd want to travel" and I just sat there like "y-yea haha I hate traveling".

>> No.76593569

Its so funny how the brown latina niji is the less brown than the average clique member.

>> No.76593580
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My brother in Christ

>> No.76593583
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>> No.76593586

Nijisister in disguise alert

>> No.76593588


>> No.76593602

Anon we already know that Niji's management is full of hypocrites that love sucking up to the males

>> No.76593638

Either your friends dont know you at all or they are a bunch of assholes anon

>> No.76593654

>"oh we didn't invite you cause we didn't think you'd want to travel"
Wow fuck them anon, this is the most annoying excuse people give.

>> No.76593657

I didn't get invited to my oldest friend from elementary school's bachelor party because they thought I wouldn't be okay with strippers at the party.

>> No.76593676

Hopefully she goes free soon then.

>> No.76593684

and what? is that some kind of achievement? any member that is not MALE or the top clique member are graduate soon because the branch is dead,unless you are retarded like those sisters and couldnt see it, so when she graduate so what? lol
the thing is shes too retarded to realise what being professional to her job like scarle is and care about sucking to these retarde,she made her bed,now she has to lie on it.

>> No.76593689
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In my opinion it wasnt a form of left out

>> No.76593699

I love you anon

>> No.76593706
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Well, it didn't take long. Thanks Vivi.

>> No.76593711
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What happened on the 14th of may?

>> No.76593723
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Fauna would have worked much better for my Bucks
Or Haruka for that matter

>> No.76593737

what money?

>> No.76593744

Spilled soup

>> No.76593772


>> No.76593811

There's also 9/24 in her bio but I'm not sure if it means anything because it seems like her birthday is 9/22 from what I could find so that's not it

>> No.76593815

If she wanted to do GFE and CDGCT, then she should have joined Production kawaii for that.

>> No.76593816


>> No.76593852


>> No.76593862
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another one down

>> No.76593867

That, plus whatever else they make though other venues, still might be better than whatever she was getting as an indie, do you realize? Not everyone is as famous as Mint or Doki to the point they can be successful after Niji, just look at Kyo/Quinn

>> No.76593872


>> No.76593885

I sure hope so, get her outta there.

>> No.76593897

Something similar happened to me
Men I thought they liked me but no

>> No.76593911


>> No.76593922

Look at the pinned tweet, that was her graduation date

>> No.76593924

that was her last stream

>> No.76593927

She literally spilled her 1 day old soup and came crying to twitter about how much of a waste it is

>> No.76593978

Oh, I thought it was rrat language for something

>> No.76593987

Fucking retard, she doesn't even appear in cons, doesn't get valentine or whatever event merch, no concerts

>> No.76594024

What do vtubers even have to do with the NBA? Holo partnering with Baseball teams in Japan kinda makes sense cos the japanese are into anime girls anyway.

>> No.76594087

How the fuck does she survive? Does she do another job or do her parents support her?

>> No.76594097

Riku likes basketball and buying a basketball merch license is basically like buying another yacht or car

>> No.76594138

Claude is Elira's friend, Vivi is not. It's that simple.
Elira always hated Vivi for rejecting Luca

>> No.76594148

what money? they're not inviting her to collabs and she has no superchats

>> No.76594161

Chinese fujos love the NBA. Chinese fujos are the ones who spend most money on NijiEN. You can figure out the rest.

>> No.76594160

An anon was schizoposting how Vivi can barely eat from the money she makes off of Niji, then she made a fuss how she spilled her 1 day old soup.

>> No.76594187

She won't get Doki or Mint numbers but I'm sure she will do much better if she leaves

>> No.76594206


>> No.76594215

She also did I think a member stream talking about it and doing laundry.

>> No.76594223 [DELETED] 

lol no she's she will be taken by Mint and Matara

>> No.76594241

How much merch has Vivi been involved in yet?

>> No.76594249

>guess the money is too good
...What money?

>> No.76594256

>Chinese fujos love the NBA
The hell? Do they ship LeBron or something?

>> No.76594310

Stupid question on my part. 2%.
I guess its some money. If I remember right, Voice Packs make money but I believe she doesnt have those either.

>> No.76594320

There’s only one problem there, chief: They didn’t cram it to the brim with mostly the fags, plus Reimu’s in it.

>> No.76594322

They have zero connection to Vivi.

>> No.76594346

From what I see this happened the 2nd-3rd of may though vs the pl post being on the 14th

>> No.76594376
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>> No.76594402
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I'm sick of all these faggot spineless simps that damage control for this whore every fucking time she's mentioned.
Even in this very thread, it's the same shit.
>"She didn't deserve this :("
>"She's one of the good ones!!"
>"She's not like the others she didn't know!!"
Fuck outta here, every time I've seen this bitch she's kissing nijisanjis ass, she's kissing the ass of nijisanji members, she's constantly siding with the company over everybody else so how exactly is she 'innocent'? She isn't innocent, she's a cunt.
Even fucking Scarle has made more snide remarks against Niji than Vivi ffs.

Every single thing I've seen from Vivi tells me that she belongs in that shithole company. I see absolutely no difference between her and someone like Finana or Elira.
If she wants me to sympathize with her then she is free to show me that she dislikes the rest of the faggots in that company and dislikes Niji itself. Instead, all she does is support them even at the expense of the fans. She's showed where her allegiances lie.

>> No.76594403

Even Aia who does decently with SC has a day job to support herself, so Vivi definitely must have other sources.

>> No.76594400

Mint is Vivi's oshi

>> No.76594429

>zero connection
>Vivi collabed multiple times with Pomu and still mentions her from time to time
kek she won't join your garbage corpo

>> No.76594438

She's not earning any shit anyway so it is better to go back as an indie and for her mental health

>> No.76594487

The whole tweet is a Frieren reference
"The journey to Fries continues" is a reference to her PL's lore of being the ghost that steals your fries while you don't look
Frieren sounds very similar to Fries
Plus Vivi tweeted "stuck with me forever" the day before that tweet

>> No.76594521

Anon you need better friends

>> No.76594531

It's called polytheism

>> No.76594541

Either a partner, help from parents or a day job

>> No.76594564

>f she wants me to sympathize with her then she is free to show me that she dislikes the rest of the faggots in that company and dislikes Niji itself
She probably wants to keep her job and not be destitute without a massive internet crowd on your side of the corporate drama.

>> No.76594592

Jesus christ, you can feel that emotional damage. Dicksucking Riku and his managers seems like the only way you get anywhere in Niji, but even then not far
HoloID basically doesn't exist or they try to sweep it under the rug in collabs, pretty sad since i like pretty much all of them

>> No.76594650

Isn't that how Selen and Pomu were like till they left? The former not of her own volition

>> No.76594702

Selen was one of THE biggest bootlickers of Niji anon

>> No.76594714

Nice try, but management told her she will definitely earn more in nijisanji than she did as an indie, they wouldn't lie about that.

>> No.76594723

Selen was considered one of the biggest Niji bootlickers before her termination, yeah

>> No.76594787

She was professional 99% of time but once in a while her true feelings came out. Also there is the privated member stream.

>> No.76594802

-Be Vivi
-Stay and die from starvation cause no money is made in Niji
-Leave and probably face a hitlist how she kicked a puppy, burned down the crops and poisoned the waters with every Nijisister going to hunt her.

>> No.76594815

>Plus Vivi tweeted "stuck with me forever" the day before that tweet
I mean plenty of other people have said shit like that and then left just saying

>> No.76594855


>> No.76594878

Trolling or retarded? Are you forgetting how hard she was choking on Riku's asshole damage controlling when the AR was cancelled (which is also one of the reasons why she left)

>> No.76594889
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Yeah, that's going in the war crime list.

>> No.76594899
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>> No.76594936

>vivi wants to do gfe and cdgct only content meaning no males
>joins NijiEN
>debuts in mixed gender wave
If that's actually what she wanted to do, she's a fucking idiot

>> No.76594938

Every NijiEN who has no clique connections has done better after they left, even Sayu (who I honestly think needs to get some professional help help)

>> No.76594945

If it was on Twitter, probably a manager skin crawling.
If it was on stream, probably held at gun point.

>> No.76594966

Crying about collaboration when you are clearly in the newest wave and it's not even 1 year yet is stupid

>> No.76594977

she better get out before its too late, newest male ryoma is sitting at 600 viewers rn

>> No.76595030

Claude is there retard

>> No.76595113
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I need you to look at the very right.

>> No.76595137

And people still deny that there is a clique

>> No.76595154

No way kek

>> No.76595211

I think it's funny everybody thought he was this creepy ASMR tuber but ended up being another Elira nepo hire

>> No.76595246
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Its gone a bit up but still miserable.

>> No.76595248
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How come she doesn't leave? She has shit views and makes shit money.
This wouldn't even be a Selen/Pomu situation which felt risky because they already had a large following, she has barely anybody watching her.
If Selen and Pomu were her oshi and she likes them as much as she says and they were her reason for joiniing then why isn't she contacting them and getting help on leaving and redebuting and having those 2 give her a boost?
Seems like a cut and dry decision to me.

>> No.76595277

He's shitting on Aster lol

>> No.76595289

left the thread like a little bitch already?

>> No.76595294

One person getting in doesn't mean the whole group must be included. Check xsoleil, it missed 2 members

>> No.76595348

>sub 1k
>debut buff

>> No.76595361

this is small corpo numbers...
why arent sisters watching him?

>> No.76595393

>fucking Kotoka (who doesn’t stream) is in there

>> No.76595396

Didnt he just debut yesterday or something? What the FUCK

>> No.76595413
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>but ended up being another Elira nepo hire
Fuck off, you're lying, right? Tell me you're lying. There's no way he is ANOTHER Elira hire.
There's just no fucking way... is there?

Come on, say sike right now.

>> No.76595441

Nijisanji runs 2 year contracts. She literally cannot without paying the 50% graduation tax
Keep in mind that she had to pay for her own debut and other shit. Niji didn't give her a cent

>> No.76595506

Someone should inquire if they also have to carry the costs for the models.

>> No.76595509
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I don't even know how they manage to live ...

>> No.76595589

I don't think anyone knows who it is yet

>> No.76595604

>elira has this vast network of men that she and her female friends always hung out with
>she keeps getting them all in nijisanji
>we've already found out that many nijien members are dating each other from raziel

and yet there's still people paying these girls. if there's anybody that still thinks that elira and every single one of her female friends is getting cummed inside of daily, they're delusional. most of the men and women in nijien are all from elira's friend group and they're all fucking each other.

>> No.76595627

There's always the old classic self sabotaging

>> No.76595679

>female friends is getting

>> No.76595702

Sajam's torney
she wanted to be in, but couldn't because niji management blocked her

>> No.76595742

Its not even gfe, she just wanted to dodge luca because hes a fucking sexpest but he abused sempai privilege and used his pocket managers to insert himself into every collab she had already scheduled and she could only dodge so many times

>> No.76595759

I kind of feel bad for Kunai, she doesn't seem like a bad person...

>> No.76595780

"I'm whispering our lullaby for you to come back home"
Idk, sounds like she's calling her fans back to her PL account

>> No.76595784

Women in vtubing were a mistake. Never hire females in nijisanji ever again.

>> No.76595797

People were calling niji a black company back when moruru started vague posting about being harassed from someone internally at the company before she graduated

>> No.76595815

She has health issues that limits her streaming on top of the niji debuff

>> No.76595828

That's literally a quote from Frieren

>> No.76595926

Yeah, and? Doesn't change the fact that this is an obvious hint that she's coming back

>> No.76595948
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Niji was always a loathsome collective of ingrates. Nijisisters try to act as if there was ever an attempt to seem like they weren't and there was some "revelation" of their "true nature" when in reality the Zaion/Selen shit was just more links on the mile long Niji chain of yabs. Everyone in Niji is a terrible person and they joined to be or be with terrible people. They all deserve it

>> No.76595966

I don't follow Niji beyond skimming the occasional bait thread and I can't parse what NBA is supposed to be from this thread so I'm just going to assume she's really upset she didn't make starter on the basketball team

>> No.76595986

Much worst she doesn't have any idea there's a collab. Fucking shithole of a company. May they burn along with the damn clique

>> No.76596017
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>> No.76596050

It's just merch with the teams jerseys, but it probably hurts a lot because she's been 7 months in the company and still didn't get a single merch

>> No.76596082

You are close actually, Niji is doing a collab with NBA and she didn't get included and didn't even know the thing was happening until the public announcement

>> No.76596081

Poor girl, I hope she has enough treat herself well...

>> No.76596098

Is this the power of being the clique?

>> No.76596222

Meanwhile, Elira is in fucking everything, no exceptions

>> No.76596238

I hope she gets a good end where she can collab with Doki and Mint, she deserves it after having the rug so thoroughly pulled from under her.

>> No.76596257

Stop noticing things...

>> No.76596310

Birthday and debut merch only. Claude is the only one to get a voicepack outside of those. Clique is so real.

>> No.76596316

Cry about it

>> No.76596374

>she's constantly siding with the company over everybody else so how exactly is she 'innocent'?
It might shock you, but all corpotubers are inherently PR. If anything Vivi outright shitting on them makes her definitively one of the good ones even if we assume she's faking Selen and Pomu being her oshi's.

>> No.76596535

Vivi this kind of tweets was what got Selen into trouble. Nijisanji is a happy family and you know the right procedures. Why bring this to the public harming Nijisanji reputation?

>> No.76596542
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Looking back on it, maybe the reason she got mad at being called a bootlicker is because the company isn’t treating her fairly like the others who we know are actual bootlickers.

>> No.76596674

I’d be upset about that too, yeah.

>> No.76596676

Its not that she was mad over the artists, its that she disliked the idea of being a bootlicker.

>> No.76596708

He's also an Apex spammer as well I give it a week before it's low 3 view

>> No.76596770

I hope you've since then found better and real friends, anon.

>> No.76596783

I mean it's an interesting one to pick out of many

>> No.76596987

>Leave and probably face a hitlist how she kicked a puppy, burned down the crops and poisoned the waters
I mean, it's not like anyone would believe niij even if they tried it again

>> No.76597246

Everyone that left Niji is doing better (except Quinn/Kyo kek)
Vivi would be fine, and she has the connections for it

>> No.76597360
File: 137 KB, 1000x1000, vivi reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If her contract is for one year instead of two years, then she's definitely gonna leave this summer, around August or September. I can't imagine why someone whose Niji EN oshis were Pomu and Selen would want to stay in Niji EN for one second longer than absolutely necessary, especially when a condition of staying in Niji is to publicly pretend that Selen never existed in the first place.

>> No.76597649

>Groove Coaster has yet to add a single ID Song in DLC when they made an entire pack of Holosongs
>Valkyrie connect would rather have an entire wave of JPs than add an ID
>The only Holo games Collab that an ID member are World of Warships and Amogus
This is rough man. As I was typing this I had to look it up to find out Moona wasn't the only ID in the Amogus collab.

>> No.76597822

>Groove Coaster
Literally just EoS'd last month, shit's dead dead

>> No.76598278


>> No.76598291
File: 36 KB, 200x200, 1711507910020149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls don't shitpost with Gumi-chan

>> No.76598726

Her oshi could have been Luca and she'd still bail after the way Niji has treated her.

>> No.76598851


>> No.76598913

yea, same thing happened to me as well, fuckers

>> No.76599349

and her clique member PL friends

>> No.76599476

it doesn't matter
