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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 892 KB, 1076x2589, Screenshot_20240525_111232_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76585267 No.76585267 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this fucking retard

>> No.76585476

Imagine getting to lick Sayu's thighs in the back of a Shake Shack for 20 dollars.....

>> No.76585536

I want to be last in line for the Sayu gangbang party...

>> No.76585670

>op posting his own tweets

>> No.76585800

Containment breakers need the rope

>> No.76585830


>> No.76585876

Do you think she's desperate enough to eat ass?

>> No.76586022

>Posting his own Twitter to show an argument with a child

>> No.76586033

I would eat sayu Japanese pussy and have her cum all over my face so I can sniff her pussy scent from my beard at night and masturbate

>> No.76586067

We know its you Pipcuck

>> No.76586177

can someone humor him in twitter?
even i getting sad for this guy

>> No.76586225

Why are we posting Xitter /here/?
Fucking tourists...

>> No.76586296

Xitter screencaps are like half the board

>> No.76586344

Because this place unironically loves Twitter and reddit. The problem is they want to sound edgy and cool to everyone else. Is like people who trash talk wrestling telling their friends is fake and gay to fit in but when he's alone that's all he watches.

>> No.76586413

>Xitter screencaps are like half the board
And that's good how?

>> No.76586424

She'll do it for a "hi" from Dokibird.

>> No.76586466

Meh lolcow's going to lolcow, dumb kid might learn if he gets egg on his face enough times

>> No.76586493

So, /vt/ is a tsundere?

>> No.76586499

real tired of these sayu haters.

>> No.76586616

>xitter screenshot threads featuring a random sister
vtubers doko?

>> No.76586636

kek you say that like 80% of picrels posted /here/ to own the sisters arent from xitter or leddit.

>> No.76586662

They can't just quietly watch their own chubas cus their content sucks, pls understand Anon-chama~

>> No.76586686

A mentally ill tsundere

>> No.76586716


>> No.76586722

Make your oshi post /here/ then.

>> No.76586750

Yes what this anon

>> No.76586767

Believe it or not, you used to get banned for it

>> No.76586778

All tsunderes are mentally ill, Anon

>> No.76586873

Finana already posts /here/ though?

>> No.76587008
File: 267 KB, 2048x1378, 1716314972785856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddo Hoodo
Holy based

>> No.76587089

Its not good, just pointing out this has been going on for awhile now, so unless you are a newfag it shouldnt surprise you that dramaniggers are twatards and ledditors.

>> No.76587102

Who's this cum consumer?

>> No.76587319

Define "awhile"
Also not a single chuba in the post, just two retards! Catalog gets worse with each day...

>> No.76587323

Now even leddit is fair game

>> No.76587365

Are jannys just absolutely worthless on this board or what?

>> No.76587462


>> No.76587519

Unless your posting dox, yes

>> No.76587635

They literally gave up when the IP counter was removed.

>> No.76587803
File: 55 KB, 244x244, 1708064349021624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd rather bitch on twitter than attend their oshi's concert

>> No.76587858
File: 1016 B, 200x200, 1714987278088738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Red Hood from NIKKE. And she only consumes my cum (SKK).

>> No.76587981

Wanting to get pegged by Sayu is all fine and dandy, but please keep that shit /here/ and do not break containment. Breaking containment is why we can't have nice things from Nym any more.
The thought of doing horny content has crossed Sayu's mind, so let's not scare her away from that thought.

>> No.76588201

>sisters impersonating unicorns
Something that will never fail to be not funny

>> No.76588340
File: 223 KB, 912x897, faggoon detected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems unlikely

>> No.76588406

Holy based, good choice joining the winning team.

>> No.76588441

Isn't that Piprup also a Yuko fans from Idol corp?

He is a double cuck, kinda rare.

>> No.76588489

Yeah big jewcorp simp, gets into fights with Hamasfags all the time

>> No.76588513

It doesn't even have to be impersonating. Women can be fucking vicious towards each other especially when it comes to sexual matters

>> No.76588523

Yes. That's why we have 3-4 threads at any given time that are people posting literal screenshots of their accounts on the catalog so they can go
>l-look at this!!!!
this board is honestly easily one of the worst on the site, moderation only exists to get rid of dox and porn, even then they're slow to respond to anything.

>> No.76588553

Piprup why are you posting your own tweets

>> No.76588567

Is it rare? I feel like most of loud cucks are cucks for more than one whore.

>> No.76588570

So why is prostitution bad?

>> No.76588641

>Define "awhile"
Months if not years? It just doesnt come up as often before homoEN
>Catalog gets worse with each day...
With doxsite going down its has just gotta worst, this is the new normal now.

>> No.76588835

This has been the normal for forever, mods stopped caring years ago. I remember posting in 2022 that mods would literally allow for Twitter screenshots to flood the catalog so long as they didn't involve Kiara or Mori.

>> No.76588879
File: 608 KB, 2084x1833, 1712242591586954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave the aftercare to me
would love to just take her home and make sure she cleans herself up while i cook to music and then put on a movie she can fall asleep to. then probably set her alarm and make her a breakfast she can easily reheat before i clean the kitchen and go home. maybe feed her new pet and take out its litter if she has one.
i should fit in buying her a handful of pregnancy tests too just so she really has no worries.

>> No.76588965

Wow I'm famous

>> No.76589004
File: 104 KB, 283x270, 1716654774873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think you guys could be cool to talk to irl, but then I see stuff like this and continue wanting to stay away.

>> No.76589189

Kinda got a point.

>> No.76589265
File: 84 KB, 1080x312, 20240525_123650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake af goon.

>> No.76589615
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, 1704948204298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Containment Breakers are real fucking sad man. People like this need to stay far the fuck away from this hobby.
even if I think sayu is a shit chuuba myself

>> No.76589834

/vt/ really has a lot of tourists huh

>> No.76590616

This entire board has been a glorified tourist trap since day one. How many anons here do you honestly think visited 4chan prior to /vt/?
Not that many

>> No.76591535

>Another thread about /vt/'s favourite lolcow
Mods do your job

>> No.76591583

Sayu or her white knight?

>> No.76592695
File: 139 KB, 1048x972, GOZU19ibgAATqbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Sincrocucks like this?

>> No.76592999
File: 83 KB, 406x480, 1687180956001626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this place is a retirement home from other boards actually.

>> No.76593382

yes, unless you go after one of their oshis.

>> No.76593708
File: 103 KB, 492x600, 1659680536987839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, there are still a way more newfags.

>> No.76593970

We have archives you know

>> No.76594393

I feel like I've seen that piprup fag before. Is there a qrd on him? And why does he whiteknight for someone he can't even be bothered to watch a clip of, let alone streams of?

>> No.76594766

Nah, he's an autistic regular. He catches every stream.
t.also an autistic regular who catches every stream, but isn't nearly as vocal

>> No.76595129

He was part of the Yuko outrage on twitter over her disowning GFE, was very vocal too.

>> No.76596148

he watches every Sayu stream with the rest of us, faggot. also no, he's not /here/, considering he'd be banned on sight

>> No.76596367

Hi piprup

>> No.76596449

So there's a timestamp of her "literally" saying that she "considered it, not that she did it" or something similar?

>> No.76596487

if you weren't a subhuman sister I'd suggest you compare our writing styles, but you don't even know how you'd feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning...

>> No.76596647

learn proper English grammar so you can actually understand what she said, not just barely comprehend her words.

>> No.76596956

Piprup will have a mental breakdown this year, 99%. Guy is a brand risk for Sayu.

>> No.76597148

They only react if you mention PL of their oshi. Even if it's something completely inconsequential, just line of text which puts her in a good light. Hell, it can even be a speculation of what chuuba does irl that has no confirmation on any account. Instant vacation.
Meanwhile they don't give a shit if you post sensitive detail or photos of someone who isn't their oshi.

>> No.76597161

Okay let's take a look:
What was claimed
>She literally said she considered it, not that she did it.
What was actually said
>I thought that I was fine with selling my body for sex and other things like that because I didn't care about my body I cared about money.
I don't see anything as clear cut as "considered it," only an ambiguous statement.
As a side note, it's interesting that your kneejerk reaction was to state that the piplup guy wasn't /here/, despite that never being claimed or implied.

>> No.76597282

Check rest of what she said retard. She said she was ready forit. That means she considered but didn't do it. Learn English.

>> No.76597340

>As a side note, it's interesting that your kneejerk reaction was to state that the piplup guy wasn't /here/, despite that never being claimed or implied.
NTA but he's a punching bag whenever Sayu gets brought up due to him being incredibly vocal both in stream chats and on twitter, often getting into fights with randoms or saying super emotional shit. There aren't too many visible sincroknights who do that, so he's the go-to punching bag for her fanbase.

>> No.76597501

he's just a kid, he doesn't know how this shit works yet.

>> No.76597540

This is an incredibly insane post.

>> No.76597588

its just bait, i hope anyway

>> No.76597604

This was really wholesome until I realized what you were replying to.

>> No.76597786

>She said she was ready forit.
What was actually said
>I cared about making enough to survive and I didn't care what I had to do to do it as long as I didn't have to do something I didn't like, okay? That's how I felt and that's how I still feel. If things don't work out then great, yeah, I'm still down to do that because I don't want to, like, bother spending to on something that I don't want to do.
Once again, ambiguous statements with nothing clear cut like being "ready for it." Are you positive I need to learn English? This is the second time you've put words in her mouth.

>> No.76597886

if he let her into vshojo she would happily serve as gunrun's rimjob slave for the rest of her natural life

>> No.76598995

Regardless, it's still suspicious to go "H-HE'S TOTALLY NOT /HERE/ I SWEAR" to someone just asking why they recognize the guy.

>> No.76599118

Realistically a jew/israel supporter probably wouldn't come to 4chan often

>> No.76599160

y-yeah, definitely, am I right my fellow jewhaters?

>> No.76599405

I don't see why not. Women come here despite 4chan being notoriously misogynistic. Non-whites come here despite 4chan being notoriously racist. It seems reasonable enough that Jews would come here as well.

>> No.76599826

that's and edgy teenager isn't it?

>> No.76599982

They're paid to visit certain boards, actually.

>> No.76600482

>censoring whore and fag
so nijisisters not only mental gymnastics everything but also pussies huh

>> No.76602512

Looking at his tweets he either doesn't visit /here/ at all or is a dumb tourist who doesn't understand how the board works because he only checks it rarely. Either way he's a retard who gets triggered way too easily and I expect him to cause troubles for Sayu eventually despite being a fan of her.

>> No.76602556

Your tweets get auto hidden if you include offensive language.
