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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76578663 No.76578663 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that difficult?

>> No.76578705

Why would it matter, unless you're looking to use them as a surrogate girlfriend

>> No.76579320

Get some help, OP.

>> No.76579384

That is why a decent chunk of people watch vtubers apparently.

>> No.76579399

Unless you are retarded, you would know female vtubers/streamers use "i am single" as one of their appeal or even as their content. You don't have to be looking for a "surrogate girlfriend" to feel miffed by someone pretending to be single to get your money.
For "friend tuber", most people would just choose a male real face streamer instead of an anime girl.

>> No.76579452

what is the point of writing all that? you can just write "im taken" which communicates exactly all it needs to without sounding like a lecture

>> No.76579490

I agree, they should also inform us about their body count and if they do anal or not.

>> No.76579511
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>sounding like a lecture
Well parasocial fucks need to get educated after all.

>> No.76579704

This. There was only one vtuber I watched who was open about having a BF but she quit cause she is really easily upset and autistic. I just hope he's treating her well.
But she's the only girl I'm like that with. I only watch hololivers who don't have boyfriends.

>> No.76579710

Who wrote this so I know not to watch them?

>> No.76579746

Rightfully so, anyone who writes cringe like that as a vtuber should feel bad. The whole point of vtubing is to pretend to be someone you aren't.
If you have a boyfriend, don't do GFE and milk the most desperate simps. Keep your private life to yourself, I don't want to know about it.

>> No.76579770

Some retards see this as a challenge so she has to explain clearly that she's not interested in getting groomed and cheating on her boyfriend.

>> No.76579791
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nice 1 view

>> No.76579826

Because MONEY!

>> No.76579862

What's wrong with partnership?

>> No.76580030

I respect the decision but not the execution. She's explaining what having a boyfriend is like as if that's so hard to understand.

>> No.76580062

My oshi is a virgin, so I don't have such problems

>> No.76580116

what's the point of censoring the name here?

>> No.76580158

I think it's a very appropriately written explanation.

>> No.76580211

the last sentence literally shows that she doesn't understand after all

>> No.76580374

It's human nature to glorify "untaken" women. That's why ancient religions demanded virgin sacrifice, why Virgin Mary is, well, virgin until she finished her sacred duty, why the Moses told his men to kill all non-virgin in the bibble, why most "Miss X" pageants require its participants to be unmarried even in modern time, and why young girls who sleep around are considered bad.
Know what? "Looking to use them as a surrogate girlfriend" actually has little to do with that unless you think your average bibble thumpers are interested in humping Virgin Mary

>> No.76580397

Works on my machine

>> No.76580562

It's almost like people can value things for more than one reason

>> No.76580876

that's obviously not why virgin mary is like that.
anyway you're missing the point. men do use vtubers as surrogate gfs largely because they are assumed to be virgins. not even just virgins, never had a bf. if you're parasocializing a woman to be your girlfriend why would you want someone who's been with other guys before, even nonsexually?

I think gfe and idol content is a big appeal of vtubers because the girl is playing a character. Even if she's got a boyfriend IRL she can pretend she doesn't and that's fine. If vtubers aren't GFE-bait then there's literally no reason for them to exist other than so that women don't have to put on makeup or lose weight for the facecam.

There's seemingly two groups of people who watch vtubers: people who see it as an extension of asian idol culture (any hololiveJP fan), and people who see it as facestreaming but with cartoons (ironmouse fans). Both are correct but people will read into it what they want to see and if that isn't there then they will get upset.

>> No.76580887


>> No.76581062
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Vei said years ago before she ever dated Soda, that you should never admit to having a boyfriend because it will lose you a lot of money. She said she would only admit to having a boyfriend if she ended up dating a rich and famous streamer and no longer had to care about keeping it a secret.

>> No.76581070

>Virgin Mary
I would

>> No.76581081

>There's seemingly two groups of people who watch vtubers
You forgot (and most are unaware of) the third: anime watchers who want waifus they can interact with. The idol culture group is arguably an extension of this group as the ideal idol acts similarly to an anime waifu.

>> No.76581233

And she didn't lie.

>> No.76581257

>people who see it as an extension of asian idol culture
Anon, you are getting idols and GFE mixed up. While it's indeed true that some idolfags do see their oshis as some sorts of surrogate GFs, you might be surprised to find that most idolfags - including a lot of unicorns - don't. A lot of idolfags (especially nips) see idols as a form of escapism, the kind of ideal images for them to admire (rather than love) or live vicariously through.

>> No.76581459

If they're not a surrogate GF their relationship status doesn't matter.

>> No.76581636

So why would being single+virgin, or even female at all mean anything if idols are just that form of escapism?

The fact is simply that even if people aren't conscious of it, this person is a lot more attractive if they are a single, cute girl. If guys only wanted an ideal to admire or aspire to be they would just fanboy Rocky Balboa or something

>> No.76581818

Most men will date a non-virgin. Obsession with virginity is an insecurity. That's not to say that it's not justified, but the idea that a woman has to hide her prior relationships to be gf eligible is a vocal minority thing. Me personally, I'd rather date an honest slut than a manipulative slut.

>> No.76581919

>unless you're looking to use them as a surrogate girlfriend
Wait, but that's what I'm trying to do. Vtubers really need to do better on this front. It can't be up to me to obsessively stalk their tweets from three personas and 2 years ago to find out that they have a boyfriend. Just say it and spare us both the effort.

>> No.76581921

Because >>76580374, it's human nature to glorify virgins. IDK if something thousands years ago started that, but virgins are more often than not considered purer and better than similar non-virgins.

>> No.76582031

A lot of big vtubers are married or openly have bfs anyway

>> No.76582057

on twitch maybe

>> No.76582140

It's not human nature, it's a religious construct to keep women from getting whoopsied back when pregnancy was a big deal.

>> No.76582329

its crazy to me that people genuinely see no problem with dating someone whos fucked other people before, and they act like you're weird for thinking they're weird

Why can't I just wait for someone special I can commit to, and expect someone else like that to reciprocate?

>> No.76582583

holy roastie cope

>> No.76582880

No man would prefer to have another man break in his future partner for him. Except for maybe literal cuckolds/nijifans etc. Most men might turn a blind eye to it, but it is definitely a strict negative.

>its crazy to me that people genuinely see no problem with dating someone whos fucked other people before, and they act like you're weird for thinking they're weird
Well it's not like they can unsuck all the dicks they've slurped, their checkered history is permanent so now they have no choice but to gaslight themselves into being okay with it. They HAVE to become vocal advocates for promiscuity at that point, otherwise they'd be forced to admit to themselves they fucked up.

>> No.76582926

I don't think you're weird for being a virgin and wanting to date a virgin. I think you're weird if you want to date a virgin, but actually you don't care and you're okay with someone just lying about it.

Cavemen didn't give a shit. I'm not telling you it's good or bad, I'm telling you it has nothing to do with nature.

>> No.76582986

It's not religious construct, it's basic logic, why would you want to commit to a long term relationship with a woman who has already been cummed inside by hundreds of men? She has no self-respect for her own body, will probably dump you after a few weeks for the next dick, and is much more likely to have STDs compared to a woman with a body count in double or single digits.

>> No.76583075

Human nature doesn't care as long as she can pop out another kid for you. You are talking about social inventions.

>> No.76583078

>Cavemen didn't give a shit
According to who? Feminists and jewish historians?

>> No.76583079

>their checkered history is permanent so now they have no choice but to gaslight themselves into being okay with it
Well I'm not saying that if you sleep around that you can't eventually settle down, but the other person has to be ok with it. The only people who don't prefer virgins over sluts are the ones who pretend that sex from someone "experienced" is that much better.

>> No.76583122

It's due to a mixture of normalising sex and cope trying to justify committing sin. An appalling aspect I find about Japanese culture is the idea that sex experience is an important thing, such that women sometimes look for experienced sex partners to "practice" on first before they find a suitable partner.

>> No.76583126

Find me your correct history about primate hymen inspections.

>> No.76583238

I'm not sure how widespread that culture actually is over there in practice. I'd need to see some numbers to draw any conclusions. Though I will say their birth rates do indicate something is catastrophically wrong with their relationship culture.

>> No.76583260

>the kind of ideal images for them to admire (rather than love)
That's just pure copium though. The two groups are essentially the same, GFEfags are just more honest with themselves.

>> No.76583322
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Am I supposed to believe this is a good thing to write?
When is the last time she had 10k CCV?

>> No.76583364

Mumei and Fauna did what they could to be honest and they're doing fine.

>> No.76583382

>I think you're weird if you want to date a virgin, but actually you don't care and you're okay with someone just lying about it.
When did I say that? Are you referring to my first post where I said
>Even if she's got a boyfriend IRL she can pretend she doesn't and that's fine.
I was talking about vtuber characters. Just as a made-up example to explain what I meant: the 'voice actress' who plays gura may have a boyfriend but most fans are not in love with the 'voice actress' they are in love with gura. so as long as "Gura" is never talking about her boyfriend then there's no problem.
Of course there are schizos who will freak out anyway if there was some PL leak or something

>> No.76583398

>has boyfriend
>lies about having boyfriend for money
also dropped

sorry bitch but you lose no matter what

>> No.76583418

Yeah no man cares if he sees his wife who he already had 2 kids with getting frisky with the neighbor. Are you retarded or just an actual cuck?

>You are talking about social inventions.
Humans are still social creatures with rulesets even when they were nomadic tribes of hunters.

>> No.76583423

So, not at all the same? If it were to be written down, what they've said would be surmised as "I am single"

>> No.76583448

Not shown
>stream titles "will you keep me company"
>tweets saying how she is lonely

>> No.76583475

Go back to your quaker estate, you relic

>> No.76583491

Then who cares if your actual GF is a virgin just tell her to keep it to herself.

>> No.76583511

Why would they write that? They are in it to make money, not because they care about their fans or because vtubing is just a funny hobby.

>> No.76583516

Nah, it has biological roots. It is genetically advantageous for men to be conscious of whether it's their child or not, which is most easy to guarantee when the woman is a virgin. (The genes of those that who don't care about their kids' paternity are naturally filtered out with time.) Virginity is also associated with youth and thus beauty.
Religion merely piggybacked the original concept.

>> No.76583542

If you care about the wellbeing of that kid then yes it matters if she's a hoe or not. you're talking about the primal function of mating for reproducing your species but we are above that.

>> No.76583560

Even primates have their own different social norms when it comes to mating, they're not all like bonobos who fuck each other indiscriminately.

>> No.76583608

yes rushia did not hav bf

>> No.76583617

Where were all these dudes that care so much about women being virgins when the thread was just telling OP they should lie about it.

>> No.76583627

menhera alert

>> No.76583661

Thats what the last line is for

>> No.76583710

Turns out a decent chunk of fans truly are lonely and just want a woman to talk to. Vtubing is no different than a majority of the ewhores that people love to make fun of all the time and their followers are just like the simps that exist in those circles. The only difference is that if you're in deep, you can at least say that you're not watching for the model and that you really do just gravitate towards the womans personality.
When everything is said and done, I like to compare it to Hostess clubs vs strip clubs. With vtubing, the fun is sitting down with a cute face who will just talk to you about your/their day, make you feel warm, and generally just make you feel like there's actually a woman that wants to talk to you. A majority of woman cam streamers are there to show off their face and body to get your horny and everything else is secondary. There's some overlap and groups that do both on both sides of the isle, but this is the reason Hololive is completely dominant, they offer women who will be much closer to hostesses than they will be whores.

>> No.76583729

again, that's not what im saying. "Gura" and her voice actress are different, distinct yet connected entities. People are being "sold" Gura as an artificial product that streams, sings and makes cute voices. If "Gura" wasn't a single girl anymore then her attractiveness would decrease. The personal life of the voice actress isn't relevant

>> No.76583755

I mean you could post examples of known vtubers doing this exact same thing but they redebuted so it'd be against /vt/'s rules.

>> No.76583769

>choosing between sluts
thing is manipulative slut would not tell you she is slut and would be chosen more likely

>> No.76583787

People overthink it.
Love is normal and hololive girls are fun.
Of course you love the girls and enjoy watching.

>> No.76583813

Let's not set the bar too high, not having a body count in double digits shouldn't be too unreasonable.

>> No.76583827

Yeah Vshojo is ironically much closer to your strip club example. No personal connection, just tits on the screen. It's funny how they think it's more empowering than the Holo way.

>> No.76583890

The personal life of your girlfriend isn't relevant as long as you never find out.

>> No.76583892

There's a reason they didn't do the same in their reincarnation. You learn from your mistakes.

>> No.76583917

Yep, this word continues to be a red flag for me
Beyond mentioning anything about their personal life, this fucking word, this tells me this "vtuber" doesn't care about kayfabe
Observe the vtubers you watch and follow, see if they're calling their activities "vtubing" and you'll realize they don't give a shit about being a vtuber

>> No.76583923

The manipulative slut lies about it because she is (rightfully) ashamed of it and wants to keep the man she is lying to.

>> No.76583974

I love watching incels do mental gymnastics to justify their insanity

>> No.76583976

a "girlfriend" means you have created certain rules and she agreed to follow them

>> No.76584021
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>the Holo way

>> No.76584037

>what you dont know cant hurt you
this is just false. a woman with a history of breakups will statistically be a bad life partner whether you're aware of it or not.
and you're still not listening to what im saying.

>> No.76584040

Holy shit, kill yourself lmao. You will never touch a woman

>> No.76584077

Too late? Do you not understand what a relationship is? Is this your first time being told what a boyfriend and girlfriend are?

>> No.76584111

I can smell you through the screen

>> No.76584117

Again, expecting women to not have a body count in double digits isn't "insanity".

>> No.76584136
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>> No.76584163

You don't own your girlfriend, she's just playing a role. What she does with her inner world is her business.

>> No.76584165

Oh there's 100% some who really do play into it all the time.

>> No.76584217

You're probably just a midwit whose brainworms are too ingrained to break loose.
It's okay, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

>> No.76584255

What are you talking about?
If you ask them to go out with you, you're establishing rules on what is or isn't allowed.
You both state the rules or then it doesn't count.
Being exclusive to eachother is the main rule that doesn't need stated but there are many other rules to create. Living circumstances for example. How much to take part in eachothers extended family events etc.

>> No.76584259

But he's right, if she's just someone you just regularly fuck with no strings attached then it's not a girlfriend, it's just friends with benefits. Relationships are give and take.

>> No.76584284

>use them as a surrogate girlfriend
I don't think I would watch vtubers if they didn't have this appeal, I would just watch more cute girl doing cute things anime instead.

>> No.76584287

The anime character on the screen is not your girlfriend. It's important that you know that

>> No.76584322

So I take it you guys are fine with cheating as long as she successfully hides it from you, right?

>> No.76584340

That's just your opinion. No real enforceable rules in any first world country gives a shit. Sorry to break the news.

>> No.76584367

Thanks for proving that you have no idea what anyone is talking about.

>> No.76584378

Now you're just not communicating in English

>> No.76584384

Many vtubers realize they have no talent and want free money for being an anime girl.

>> No.76584429

They're obviously women trying to justify their cheating.

>> No.76584431

It's not at all surprising to me that the psychotic unicorns who want to control vtubers also want to control their girlfriends. The good thing is that no woman will ever entertain you for anything but superchats.

>> No.76584437

Why don't you get some help you retards, what kind of sympathetic and decent person writes "teehee without you feeding me attention, I would only have my boyfriend feeding me attention!". Defending whores like that is everything wrong with the modern world and the current internet.

>> No.76584456

No cheating isn't a fucking rule, it's basic human decency. You don't need to have it fucking spelled out like some kind of sperg. Setting "rules" for a relationship is the cringiest shit I've ever heard, and tells me you've never actually been in one

>> No.76584469

Are you too dumb to understand that social conventions exist outside of the bounds of the law? If I lend you money and you refuse to pay me back, I cannot call the cops on you without an actual contract in place, but that doesn't mean I have no right to be upset about it.

>> No.76584474

Find me an English speaking country with a stated rule that punishes your girlfriend for fucking another man.

>> No.76584493

Because then they get less money

>> No.76584505

i do not think it stems from shame but from knowing value of 'good girl'

>> No.76584507

The only difference between idolfags and gfefags is that one would call their oshi a whore if they masturbated on stream for them and the other actually wants them to and actively pushes for that end goal.

>> No.76584516

I didn't say law. A rule is simply a term that is agreed on with the involved people.

>> No.76584528

Women are only valued by men as potential fuck partners unless they are related.

>> No.76584543

You being an incel and pissing yourself over someone's relationship status is what we're talking about

>> No.76584545

LOL, thanks for conceding

>> No.76584564

>establishing boundaries? eat shit inkel

>> No.76584572

>the gfe is fake she isnt real

>> No.76584577

it is just lizard brains that understood things even before it was made into numbers, facts and stats

>> No.76584590

Please find a father figure that isn't Andrew Tate

>> No.76584593

Try again sweaty

>> No.76584596

You're wrong. The burden is on you to show that you're successful in relationships without establishing rules.

>> No.76584617

Dating a slut to get your dick sucked is completely different from being engaged to your virgin fiancé. No one is going to marry a slut unless they are really broken. But there's nothing wrong with a slut being there to give you a rimjob, that's what they were invented for.

>> No.76584623

You literally think the word "rule" means "law", huh. Back to school, SEAmonkey.

>> No.76584629

Now apply all this anger, look inward, and re-evaluate whether or not you should be telling people that it's okay for vtubers to lie to them.

>> No.76584630

>That's just your opinion.
No, that's literally how relationships work. Either you commit or you can keep having fun riding the cock carousel until you're too old and ugly to stay on.

>> No.76584633

Dempagumi's Mirin and MCZ's Momo are married and have kids. Their fans don't really care that much.

>> No.76584651

The burden is on you to not be a creepy incel

>> No.76584661

I don’t support whores or women in relationships, and a view would count as support

>> No.76584676

Or she can just not let you find out and you'll raise the children with a shit-eating grin and everybody's happy.

>> No.76584679

So, you are unsuccessful with women?

>> No.76584691

Misclick obviously, for >>76584456

>> No.76584719

No, that's what you were implying you absolute clown

>> No.76584727

meant obviously for >>76584679

>> No.76584752


>> No.76584806

I bet you when you go to strip clubs, you think the girls really like you when you tip them, and you try to ask them out.

>> No.76584845

>seething on cooldown

>> No.76584850

I don't go to strip clubs retard.

>> No.76584865

Problem: Any man who let that happen gets filtered from the gene pool and exterminated. The only men left today are the direct descendents of a long line of men who ALL managed to raise their own children by not letting their wives cheat on them. Caring about your girlfriend's fidelity is baked into every man at a genetic level, there's nothing 'incel' about it.

>> No.76584880

You can actually fuck like a solid 50% of strippers in exchange for big tips

>> No.76584884

You watch vtubers. It is the same thing

>> No.76584899

And that's why the popular vtubers are more like hostess club employees. Sure, you're not gonna ask them out, but they aren't there to just strip on a pole and shake their ass in your face. Just realize that there's multiple ways to bilk people for their money and that sometimes guys just want an emotional connection because they're lonely.

>> No.76584962

Sounds to me like we should encourage women to be honest instead of rewarding them for being deceitful.

>> No.76584986


>> No.76585044


>> No.76585075

If she's been kicked out of the cock carousel that means she's too undesirable (old and ugly) for the men she wants (chads) because those men can keep fucking women who are hotter and younger than her.
And nowadays not even the average guys want to settle with desperate roastbeefs with shit attitude, that's why they're all crying on tiktok now.

>> No.76585138

Someone watches Phaseconnect

>> No.76585156

>Unfalsifiable mind reading claim that puts yourself on a moral highground
>Thinking most civilizations throughout history were the way they were purely through insecurity
Many modern men will date non-virgins. Few prefer them.
>B-b-but you don't hold yourself to the same standard!
But I do, and I'm not even a unicorn. How many times must we do this dance?

>> No.76585169
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>> No.76585246

I only watch Tenma when she's streaming on Twitch.

>> No.76585285


>> No.76585544

fuwamoco's favorite word is 夜這い (yobai) for a reason. use machine translation on the JP wikipedia page if you're EOP, the english article is useless. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%9C%E9%80%99%E3%81%84
monogamy in general was forced on Japanese society by the Meiji government in the late 1800s to "modernize" and as part of their push to become capitalist.

>> No.76585553
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>checks thread
Unicorns win again. Cucks are literal ESL retards that think everyone is as bad with women as they are, surprise.

>> No.76585558

some literally who

>> No.76585562

If it was I'd spend all my time at strip clubs instead because that's more socially acceptable.

>> No.76585680

Why do vtubers feel the need to mix private and professional life? Is it a woman-thing? Just shut the fuck up and be entertaining, who gives a fuck if you have a boyfriend?

>> No.76585719

I'm not an unicorn though.

>> No.76585735

Incels care. They care a lot

>> No.76585753

I asked

>> No.76585805

Make sure to make this post every time a vtuber mentions going to the store or talking to their mom, as well.

>> No.76585840

It should be mandatory to disclose a boyfriend before establishing a career in attention-seeking behavior like streaming

>> No.76585854

OP really got this thread rolling by posting about a girl with 16 ccv huh. But it's interesting to see what kind of cope women and cucks come up with.

>> No.76585869

this is the answer. Incels are the weird mentally retarded fanbase they are appealing to, in the same way that sisters/fujos by virtue of how they spend their dollars warp maletubers into whatever weird fucked up shit the successful ones are doing

>> No.76585906

>apparently not an incel
>samefags himself talking about incels
Tell us how a fanny smells mate

>> No.76585913

They care if you let them know, which is exactly what this girl did.
What happened with the whole "don't expose personal information on the internet" thing?

If something is dear to you, keep it to yourself. The moment you make it public, you allowed others to give opinions and judge you based on that.

>> No.76585951

I don't pretend that the anime girl in my computer is my girlfriend

>> No.76585973

gonna need you to chill the fuck out mister schizo, im just replying to random posts.

>> No.76586000

So you don't know what it smells like

>> No.76586010

Case in point >>76585840

>> No.76586041

Oh I do. I was raped by a woman as a child, i'm unfortunately very familiar.

>> No.76586072
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>> No.76586126

make retarded samefag accusations, get uncomfortable replies.

>> No.76586163

>im not a retard you are
get a grip creep virgin cunt

>> No.76586305

>believes folklore as reality

>> No.76586430

Yes, anon. Men that are ugly, fat, smelly and autistic are going to be looking for a surrogate girlfriend as any contact with a woman in real life results in the police being called on them. Regular twitch thots used to be their primary breeding ground but now it's twitch thots (anime)

>> No.76586462
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>> No.76586620

>it doesn't fit my narrative so it just isn't true

>> No.76586660

It is common sense. It literally says repeatedly it didn't actually happen and was myth

>> No.76586741

Birth rates are dropping everywhere that women have to work while in a relationship. Japan was ahead of the curve.

>> No.76586916

It literally says the opposite.

>> No.76587034

You can't speak Japanese

>> No.76587091

Do you realize how many parasocial fucks are in the vtubing landscape?

>> No.76587135

You can't even speak English.

>> No.76587148

but at least he speaks english

>> No.76587208

>ESL seething because he believed folklore was real

>> No.76587236

It's barely any better. Any form of escapism implies the existence of something you're trying to escape instead of tackling it directly.

>> No.76587308

Not everyone likes hot weather or the feeling of worn out muscles

>> No.76587314

lmao no female over 14 is a virgin.
>Verification not required.

>> No.76587447

The best part is all these fags who whine about social constructs are just trying to resurrect the era of apes. Communal child-rearing is coming back hard with single moms relying on daddy government to pay the bills and feed the kids. They literally want to be raped by the 10% and be handed safety from the government in return.

>> No.76587598

its the forcing of the next stage of evolution. only the best genes will survive.

>> No.76587660

>best genes

>> No.76587700

You're using a lot of strong words for someone who's not smart enough to understand the difference between something being good and something being natural.

>> No.76587808

Oh me neither, I meant in regards to relationships and body count.

>> No.76587906

More like the resurrection of surfdom. You really think the kings of one era won't return to be the top dog controlling a majority of the idiots to do their work for them and create a lavish life for them? Sure, we'll have robots in the future that can do some of the manual labor, but a majority of toiling in the 'fields' will be done by low-class retards who're part of the middle class now and are being forced downward.
It's still just as much a social construct during those times as it is now, just a different one. There will always be a hierarchy, there will always be winners and losers. It's just women seem to really want to turn their lives into The Handmaids Tale even if they pretend to hate it so much.

>> No.76587917

>i want my chuubas to be in a relationship
>please put it in your description the world must know!
who the fuck are you people? what are you doing here?

>> No.76587933

>Communal child-rearing is coming back hard with single moms relying on daddy government to pay the bills and feed the kids.
Isn't that already the case?

>> No.76587968

I don't care about them announcing it. I do care about them bringing it on to the streams. Let me have my fantasy if I want, and it'll make you more money.

>> No.76588152

Its probably just because its was a sure eay to make sure your offspring was yours back in those days. Its not like they had DNA tests.

I think everyone here is out of their depth in this topic. There have been zero schoolar sources posted, also this is a vtuber board.

>> No.76588161

>i want my chuubas to be in a relationship
>please put it in your description the world must know!

>> No.76588270

Because its weird, most people are fonna have more than one person in their whole life. You have unreasonable expectations, im not even sure this was a thing back in the old days otherwise prostitution wouldn't have been as spread, nen cheating was a constant thing. Men and women cheating was a constant in some cultures too. If anything we have greater culture of monogamy today.

>> No.76588414

Guys wouldn't be watching endearing anime girls yap and badly play games daily for hours for solely platonic reasons. So yeah, vtubing is full of parasocial people who are both able to admit and try not to admit it. I remember a guy claiming he spent thousands MONTHLY but convinced himself he didn't have feelings for the chuuba. There certainly people who are just there for the "fun" as well, but they aren't gonna be showing up to every stream devotedly.

>> No.76588461

Considering there's no consistent tell at plain sight on whether a random woman is a virgin or not, you're full of shit.

>> No.76588471

People are simultaneously pessimistic about the future while thinking the past was worse than it was.
Maybe I'm too optimistic but things are great right now and will be great in the future.
What's really the issue? You can make a lot of money on the internet doing whorish things? Who cares? It's money.
I've had more pleasure out of life than all of my ancestors combined and that probably happened when I was 5 years old. I had no money.

>> No.76588535

Anyone who says this is a grifter

>> No.76588596

People like watching streamers they relate to. Wanting to watch a women who is a streamer specifically because they're single is stupid, but that being just one of the draws to watch that particular streamer is normal, and for some people, a big draw. Yes, some people are incels and the delusion of having a chance is also a draw, but that's just a stupider, more extreme version of a celebrity crush. Female streamers know this well and have been lying about it to leverage this phenomena since fucking forever.

People giving vtubers shit for being open about this will forever baffle me. I'm glad they're open about it, grifting is the far worse option and should be demonized instead of honesty. There are definitely people in the "don't ask don't tell" camp and I also understand that position, but still I'd prefer transparency. It's also less of a burden on the vtuber that way if they don't have to consciously scrub their next sentence for any untoward references.

>> No.76588719

>>76588596 (me)
That being said, I think this only really applies to vtubers who claim they're single/virgins. If they don't talk about it at all, I don't really give a shit what's going on behind the scenes.

>> No.76588745

Literally the only two reasons to not talk about your boyfriend on stream are

1) Because you'd make less money because of it
2) Your agency forbids it because they'd make less money because of it

That's it. It's what a grifter does.

>> No.76588802

But that doesnt seem to be what youre all asking for? You say you want a virgin but then you say "just not in the double digits" its really inconsistent. Do you want a virgin or not? Is it acceptable if she's slept with 5 people rather than 15?

>> No.76588808

just don't be a unicuck, weirdo

>> No.76588886
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I've never really understood this logic. Why does the idea get weighed more towards female streamers when everyone here knows that sisters and fujos, the people watching men primarily, are significantly more desperate than your average male viewer and significantly more influential due to their numbers and extreme autism?

Pekora and Gura are always going to be able to find a male audience who may or may not care about them being single, but I don't think you'd find a single woman who'd keep watching Kuzuha or Toya if they learned about their girlfriends basically.

>> No.76588984

They're vtubers. If you start thinking about the roommate it's just less fun.
Hag holos for example. When they are in their early 30s then maybe you can find fun pointing out their dying ovaries but it's a lot less fun 5 years into their career when they're clearly approaching 40.
The separation makes it easier.
You can joke around saying things like "I want to breed Mio" without having to concern yourself with the work required to do that with the rm and then to do that work within a short enough time frame for it to be a success.

>> No.76589120
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Damn, you guys are bumping this thread harder than when I was bumping uglies with your mom, dad, aunties and uncles.

>> No.76589150

No that's not right, what they want is an official certificate proving that the chuuba in question is single and/or a virgin to know if they can safely emotionally invest themselves in them and possibly groom them. (or just fantasize about it)

Also the chuuba in question must never bring up discussions about heterosexual relationships (pretending to be a lesbian is okay and even encouraged) and never EVER interact with men outside of the regular chat members (that means no replying to male streamers in the chat) and must never act more favorably toward their mods (might create suspicion of private discussions and grooming) unless the mods are women too.

Discussion about fashion and makeup must be kept strictly in the context of "dressing up for themselves" and never for getting attention from men, and of course they must pretend to only have females in their social circle although brothers can be tolerated.

>> No.76589186

Just fucking talk to a girl on a dating site instead of having a shizo parasocial relationship with a vtuber.

>> No.76589203

If having a boyfriend didn't matter at all for chuubas, then there wouldn't be a need to add it to a stream description. You don't add shit like what your birth sign is to your description because, guess what, it doesn't fucking matter. The fact that chuubas need to address having boyfriends means that clearly them being in a relationship is a deal breaker for some viewers, which is something chuubas know, hence the need to post about it in the first place.
QED having a boyfriend matters to a portion of the vtubing audience. And based on the relationship status of the most popular chuubas (or at least what they declare openly), being single is an advantage, meaning viewers enjoy when their chuubas are thought to be single.

>> No.76589234

8th fastest thread on the board right now.

>> No.76589246

Women have an extremely difficult time telling the truth once they get a taste of lonely men giving them money and all they have to do is pretend to be single. They're evil by nature, they need a man in their life to teach them how to be good which is why this one in the image said all that. If anything, her partner is the good person, she would be a piece of shit without him encouraging her to tell the truth. She sounds like a crazy bitch to begin with.

>> No.76589469

Living in first world countries 100% gives you a better lifestyle than all of your ancestors combined. People are just starting to feel the crunch and realize that for most, the middle-class days of the 50's-10's is slowly being torn apart and that average way-of-living is on a downward trend for most first-worlders. Hell, just a year and a half ago people in Germany and Austria were feeling the effects of insanely high gas bills meaning electric bills and home heating skyrocketed. It's something like that that has never really happened to people from ages 5-45 that's really got people freaking out.

>> No.76589548
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honestly being afraid of people knowing you are taken is cowardly
it just means admitting your entertainment appeal is limited by how much you can delude people into thinking they have a shot with you
so many top actors/actresses, musicians, other artists and streamers/content creators have shown or talked about their romantic lives or their spouses in public and people still salivate over them how is that stopping you
and yes honesty should be upheld more. you break your veneer of kayfabe when you cry to your viewers about how lonely you are, etc. but you actually have someone breaking your back on the regular. morally disgusting.

>> No.76589549
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So after all that discussion what consensus did this thread reach that we can all agree on?

>> No.76589614

isn't that ultimately because of getting involved with the Russia Ukraine thing

>> No.76589664

It's fine to be forward if you want, but you'll make more money hiding it properly.

>> No.76589709

Fine boss I'll stop taking my dick out during meetings

>> No.76589782

I want to talk to vtubers because they have a cute little avatar that wiggles around and we share a general similar interest: weebshit.
Women on dating sites are only here to be picked up and creampied by the top 20% of men on that site so they can brag about it to their friends who are as equally whorish as them.

>> No.76589824

all me btw

>> No.76589888

All woman are whores and I'm a lonely loser.

>> No.76589908

Who is this? I don't want to be following normie cunts and inadvertently paying for their condom money. Her bf should be taking care of her.

>> No.76590020


>> No.76590086

you should try speaking to real, legit whores. they're affable.

>> No.76590520

let me rephrase that:
I'm a lonely loser with standards

>> No.76590555

You're talking with me instead though

>> No.76590577
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(S)he is right, you know.

>> No.76590659

Well you see anon, while what this vtuber is doing is the right and honorable thing to do, most vtubers don't do this because they're not really trying to garner a complete no-strings-attatched, non-unicorn audience. Because if they were then they'd have to compete with videogames, movies/series, anime, real friends and other forms of entertainment purely on their own merits as entertainers.
That would be like most movies going back to being silent and monochrome. It would effectively kill vtubing.

>> No.76590846

Fun fact: Most people appreciate honesty more than anything. If you're up front and honest about your intentions most people will respect them even if they don't agree with them

>> No.76590908
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>Tom starts taking an interest in Sally after finding out she's single because now he finds her more relatable!
Absolute delusion. Second paragraph is spot on though

>> No.76590985

Not being forward with your real relationship status will inevitably cause some lonely men to desire you whether you want it or not, which will inevitably cause problems when even the vaguest possibility of you not being single is brought up.

If a vtuber doing GFE then she must clean up her act as much as possible because she is literally exploiting people's loneliness, this also goes for male vtubers doing BFE.

>> No.76591079
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This is unironically the logic that cucks use to continue being with a woman/man who cheats on them.
"Yeah they're having sex but I'm the one who (s)he really emotionally connects with. (S)he spends more time with me."

>> No.76591181

Brush your teeth bimbo feesh

>> No.76591247

Do you actually know anyone like this

>> No.76591317

You misunderstanding something, all you need to do is not mention it at all. Literally there's zero ways to know if you have an irl partner if you don't mention it unless you're a Holo with people doxxing you pre debut

>> No.76591336

>You don't have to be looking for a "surrogate girlfriend" to feel miffed by someone pretending to be single to get your money.
Yes, you do. Because if you aren't in that mindset then their relationship status literally does not matter to you.

>> No.76591502

I saw it on TV

>> No.76591547

Vtuber fans

>> No.76591806

Because a large amount of them do not want to be truthful Because a large amount of them purposefully target lonely men and woman with explicit dishonesty and intentionally selling them a fantasy they can never acheave in reality with the Vtuber while knowingly and wrongfully grifting money from the desperate individuals that take the bait a lot of Vtubers are no better than your average e-thot hana was right and always was right

>> No.76591843

If I had a gf whose a vtuber taking advantage of lonely men I would never get in her way. None of them will ever have her anyway and her income would make my life easier too. It's a win-win for everyone. Like several of the Hololive girls are married you know and it doesn't seem to bother anybody because they just don't talk about it. They still pretend they are 18-20 years old when they are actually like 40 and some are even fat and ugly.

But seriously, just think about it. Vtubing by nature is secretive. They hide their identities and can't and will never talk about certain topics. They are already not being honest with you from the start but revealing if they have bf or not is somehow important? Like why?

Also because of this semi-anonymity they are able to do things and behave in ways even normal streamers can't. They are still able to give you something special, so is not all so bad.

>> No.76591856

Wrong. Firstly its vtubers and on a fundamental level, its perceived the way people wanted to perceive it. In the grand scheme of entertainment, it's still a fresh idea.
Secondly and most importantly, it's more appealing to have the idea that a woman is taking care of themselves responsibly when independent. Not just for a girlfriend.
I don't want to hear about my cousins, aunties or whatever being an easy hole. I never hear such things, regardless of the fact they're not special.
For Holos, I "don't care" what they get up to in their personal lives because I trust them to be responsible. It's best that I don't hear relationship status' because I don't want to hear about breakups or bullshit either. Why does vtubing have to include that?

>> No.76591907

My favorite 3view is a happily married woman.

I don't know if being married makes women better or if better women just get married, but. No whore behavior, no talk about sensitive bodily functions, no long bouts of inactivity, is actually creative.... I wouldn't trade her for a fellow crazy autist who happens to be 'single' (they never actually are anyway)

>> No.76591993

Kill yourself. My mom is a virgin.

>> No.76592037

Based and the resurrection has come pilled

>> No.76592090
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>> No.76592223

>Firstly its vtubers and on a fundamental level, its perceived the way people wanted to perceive it.
This is a completely meaningless statement.
>it's more appealing to have the idea that a woman is taking care of themselves responsibly when independent
Do I even need to count the number of vtubers who are, in a word, "girlfailures?"
>I don't want to hear about my cousins, aunties or whatever being an easy hole.
Where the fuck is this even coming from? What does this have to do with anything?
>It's best that I don't hear relationship status' because I don't want to hear about breakups or bullshit either.
I don't know why that's such a big deal, but... OK?

>> No.76592380

>This is a completely meaningless statement.
No it isn't. What is Mio's name? Mio or her rm name?
>Do I even need to count the number of vtubers who are, in a word, "girlfailures?
That is a meaningless statement
>Where the fuck is this even coming from What does this have to do with anything?
Your post. It's not only about a surrogate girlfriend.
>I don't know why that's such a big deal, but... OK?
Why are you upset? It's okay to be wrong. You don't have to make yourself this publically angry.

>> No.76592407

A lie by omission is still a lie. Men will automatically assume that you are single whether you want it or not, and if you happily accept all of their flirting and compliments then they will even be more convinced that you are.

>> No.76592728

Was expecting cringe but thats a nicely put disclaimer

>> No.76592854

>What is Mio's name? Mio or her rm name?
Genuinely how is this in any way related to the phrase "it's perceived the way people want to perceive it?"
>It's not only about a surrogate girlfriend.
You have not demonstrated this in any way.
Please explain to me how "vtuber has a boyfriend" relates to "hearing about my family member being an easy hole."
And then explain to me how this is in no way related to wanting the vtuber to be your girlfriend.

>> No.76592867


don't really care about their personal life but writing something like sounds extremely narcissistic to me.

>> No.76592874

You just have autism

>> No.76593162

the internets is big and people will always look at everything from totally different perspectives, so it is an unwinnable battle. You just have to make your choice and live with it.

>> No.76593316

And avoiding male collabs will accentuate the idea that you are single even more.

>> No.76593545

... So that's it? You just gave up there?
Next time, just be honest about it. There's no point in trying to pretend you watch vtubers for other reasons, especially when you have no idea how to make it believable.

>> No.76593610

Based Jesus

>> No.76593736

>If I had a gf whose a vtuber taking advantage of lonely men I would never get in her way. None of them will ever have her anyway and her income would make my life easier too. It's a win-win for everyone.
The funniest part is that her unicorns would call other people cucks for not watching her.

>> No.76593921

>and they act like you're weird for thinking they're weird
It's because you're literally abnormal. You are definitionally weird. Most people lose their virginity in their teens, and most people don't end up marrying the person they had sex with first. It's much weirder to be a virgin in your 20s than it is to have sexual experience, for both men and women.
I realize this probably comes off as insulting and I'm sorry for that. Whether or not you fuck doesn't make you more or less valuable as a person, but your worldview is completely disconnected from society.

>> No.76593926

You're not wrong in your way of thinking and never let the dregs of society convince you otherwise. They are very vocal trying to spread their bullshit only because they themselves had sex with someone that they failed to start a family with and now can't undo their mistake. Just remember that you're not the only one who sees relationships and sex as something special and there are both men and women out there who think the same way as you do. You just have to find that type of partner for yourself.

>> No.76593953

>If I had a gf whose a vtuber taking advantage of lonely men I would never get in her way
To each his own. I definitely wouldn't feel good about it, knowing how the industry is and the risk it could unironically pose to her life due to idol psychos.

>> No.76594055

>risk it could unironically pose to her life due to idol psychos
lol good one

>> No.76594176

Girls should just do what AZKi did and reveal their relationship status on their RM. It's being honest while also keeping it separate from their vtuber stuff. Not only that, but everyone was super supportive of AZKi, and it didn't negatively affect her at all.

>> No.76594226

Sounds like a mega cuck.

>> No.76594327

The last line kills it, that literaly justify people wanting that attention to the chat and some retards will fall for it.

>> No.76594404

Japanese stalkers have NOTHING on American stalkers.
Imagine if one of the EN girls pulled a Rushia? Like genuinely doing full-blown GFE while married. They would unironically be murdered.

>> No.76594475

are those murderous idol psychos in the room with us right now?

>> No.76594540

care to provide the example on which you base your prognosis?

>> No.76594631

>Views decreases
>Money income decreases
>Vtuber: males are fucking misoginists losers incels!!!!! reeeeeeeeeee!

>> No.76594862

If you werent looking for a surrogate gf you would not give a single shit about the love life of your streamer.

>> No.76595128

Why do you think 99% of vtubers don't write these lines? Money

>> No.76595167

nta, but I think the issue is when they lie about being single. Most people don't like being lied to. I don't care if they're single or not, but I don't want them lying to me telling me they're single when they're not.

>> No.76595321

Sure, but let us not pretend anons hate the lie because it is a lie and not because the gfe is ruined. Streamers lie about stuff all the time and anons only get mad at the being single lie. Which clearly reveals what they are actually mad about.

>> No.76595637

Why would I support women who are already taken? That's the role of their partners.

>> No.76595647

What else do streamers lie about all the time? Pretty sure all streamers get hate when they get caught lying. Nothing to do with gfe. Of course there are anons who are watching for gfe and it makes sense they would get extra mad when they got lied to about one of the major (or main) reason they're watching the vtuber.

>> No.76595911

Streamers lie about their actual personalities, about their relationships with other streamers, about the things they do for clout, about how much money they make, about how they care for the community aspect of their fanbases, about their politics etc etc. None of these gets fans as irrationally angry as a female streamer lying about her dating life. Hell, some of the lies I pointed out often get praise from fans because they are part of the money making grindset in the internet. The point here is that anons tend to get a lot angrier over some lies than others even when the latter lies are objectively worse, and I think that reveals something about their expectations with streamers.

>> No.76595965

Well, ideally you would support an entertainer because you enjoy the entertainment they provide.

>> No.76596118

Women aren't entertaining. The only value they provide is from GFE

>> No.76596169

Maybe you are in the wrong hobby then, you should look into escorts.

>> No.76596380

>irrationally angry
You should learn the definition of the words you use.

>> No.76596468

The streamer doesn't care about you. They don't even know who you are. You are a number to them.

>> No.76596559

Huh? I think there is a way to get rationally angry; a measured response to whatever makes you angry,and there is a way to get irrationally angry; a completely unmeasured response.

>> No.76596605
File: 6 KB, 172x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol' up there cowboy

>> No.76596915

Who is this?

>> No.76597037

mentioning the first part was great.
mentioning the 2nd part was awful.

>> No.76597048

It seems like you can only think in black and white. Most fans understood they will never be their actual "girlfriend" or "boyfriend", but that does not mean they are open to being lied to and taking advantage of when the vtubers pretend they are one.

>> No.76597100

And yet they're so desperate to hide a fact that will affect their finances.
If they didn't care in any way, why go to the lengths of disguising a simple fact?

>> No.76597164

To take your money, you fucking idiot

>> No.76597276

How do you measure the response? Just because it's something you wouldn't personally do doesn't make it an unmeasured response btw.

>> No.76597302

I feel like I'm the perfect audience for vtubers since I'm a literal NTRfag. I wish HoloEN had an actual Rushia who was full GFE while also being married behind the scenes.
The girls with BFs are basically full "we aren't friends," and the girls who are a bit more GFE either dont or they're really good at hiding it.

>> No.76597317

>taking advantage of
How are they being taken advantage of? Vtuber does her thing, if viewers attach some sort of value to her being single is because they wanted the gfe in the first place. They can only be justifiably angry if vtuber promised gfe and then didnt deliver on it.

>> No.76597349

as long as you're a virgin too there's not really anything wrong with it, but you're probably going to have great difficulty finding a partner that meets that expectation as you age, and then lets say you find one, have sex then break up. Are you gonna keep those expectations and be a hypocrite or just not date ever again?

>> No.76597491

Depending on the severity of the offense. Sure, people react to things in different ways but I think we all have more or less a basic conception of what constitutes a proper response. If someone bumps into you on the street and you shoot him, I imagine most people would call that incommesurate or unmeasured. If you tell the person to be more careful next time or just shoot him an angry glare, I think most people would think that is more or less appropriate. I think the former is an example of irrational anger while the former is rational anger.

>> No.76597616

Some people are just genuinely autistic and while they don't believe the streamer is their gf, they genuinely believe that the BF not being disclosed to them counts as a lie and that's the problem.

Not them not being single, they just don't like being lied to and take that lie on the same level as a streamer lying about donating money to charity when in reality the pocketed it, they're just autistic and retarded about truth/lies/omission/etc.

>> No.76597620

Its not really a problem to want to date/marry a virgin. I think there is a problem if you think less of a person in general just for not being a virgin.

>> No.76597837

> BF not being disclosed to them counts as a lie
I think we need to make a distinction here though. If the streamer actively lies about being in a relationship there may be a moral issue there and viewers may actually be entitled to their anger, especially if said streamer either promised or was just acting out the gfe. However, if said streamer simply doesnt talk about it or avoids the issue; like most of them do. I dont really think there is a lie or a problem. Streamers dont have to disclose anything about their personal lives to you. Not even if they are doing gfe. The only issue is if they actively and intentionally lie about it.

>> No.76598083

>I think we need to make a distinction here though
We don't, because half of the people you're talking about are so autistic they genuinely believe not disclosing information is the same as denying true information

There is no reasoning with them
If a female vtuber never talks about romance/dates/bfs/husbands/etc. while they are in one, these spergs genuinely believe that counts as a lie since you're supposed to divulge basic information with your audience as a content creator.
Again, this isn't about thinking they're dating the streamer, they're just anal about their own self-imposed rules of what lying is that they project them onto the streamer

>> No.76598339

>they're just anal about their own self-imposed rules
That just seems like their problem then. I am sure there are streamers out there willing to cater to them. Ironically, the indie streamers of the Yuzu, Bao, Numi clique are amongst the most open about their personal lives out there, if they dont mind all the sex jokes and the myriad of bfs they probably have.
I just dont think its a good idea to try to find an actually virgin streamer to either live out your "authentic" gfe or to have full disclosure with. You will just spend all your time obsessing whethe she is lying to you or not and you will not enjoy the experience.

>> No.76598691

If they have no expectation thereof, then they cannot be taken advantage of based on the vtuber's perceived relationship status.
I am not watching her because she is single, therefore if she reveals she has a boyfriend, it makes no difference to me.

And how do you know they're pretending, anyway? The only way that happens is if they later reveal a boyfriend, and specify that she's had one the entire time you've watched her.
This is a very specific case, which you are stretching out into a broad generalization.

>> No.76598957

Yes you nigbrain that's my point. They care in the fact that people want to buy what they're selling. If people find out the product they're buying is false they won't fucking buy it now will they? Why is this so hard for a faggot like you to comprehend? Retard.

>> No.76599069

Aside from the certificate this is literally what I need, thank god for Hololive.

>> No.76599114

Hence why they don't tell you that they're getting railed by Tyrone, you stupid freak

>> No.76599290

>I'm taken and very much in love but I won't really bring it up
This is actually a nice gesture and I appreciate it. She's both honest and understands the culture of the space. Hope she does well.

>> No.76599490

How can you guys unironically say/think these things and somehow not feel any sense of shame nor embarrassment from being how/what you are? I mean this is 4chan so I guess I shouldn't expect normal humans, but still.

>> No.76599668

And you're screeching about people who might be angry that they buying something under false pretenses. Baffling behavior nog

>> No.76599753

>We don't, because half of the people you're talking about are so autistic they genuinely believe not disclosing information is the same as denying true information
You made up a person, made him evil and stupid, and then said this guys argument about the difference between keeping personal information private and lying to losers for money are one in the same because the made up person is evil and stupid.
I don't know why I keep being surprised by retards, but here I am.

>> No.76599797

Too bad EN is not funny.

>> No.76599853

not liking roasties or taken women, it's very common, it's self respect and common decency really that embarrassing to you?

>> No.76599927

lmao. buying what? female attention for 30 seconds? you are pathetic

>> No.76599935

I like my oshi's dumb little jokes and shenanigans.

>> No.76600041

>made up a person
They're literally in this thread, retardo

>> No.76600168

Watching women/a woman for the sole reason of fantasizing being with them, is by far the very last thing from self-respect and common decency. In-fact, it makes you a pathetic loser to 90+% of normal people. Being upset at said women for already being with someone not you is also actual psycho-subhuman tier too.

>> No.76600209

>Some people are just genuinely autistic and while they don't believe the streamer is their gf, they genuinely believe that the BF not being disclosed to them counts as a lie and that's the problem.
If they're GFE in any respect, or they pander to gachikoi, then its 100% a lie by omission, and there's no way you can really deny this. I'd also say it applies to the more idol minded chuubas as well since Idols are supposed to be all in on both their career and fans. Any time spent with a BF or husband would be considered dishonest and/or manipulative.

This doesn't apply to most chuubas cause most of them don't pander to people who are in love with them, and most aren't idols.

>> No.76600280

EVERY vtuber is gfe/bfe. It's just different flavors

>> No.76600563

>its 100% a lie by omission
Its not though. There is nothing in place stating that only single virgins can do gfe. Nor is the streamer obligated to disclose any information about herself whatsoever. It is up to the audience to be discerning enough. Most people would be intelligent enough to understand that gfe is just a fantasy and the streamer is neither their friend nor their potential gf. The only obligation the streamer has in that circumstance is to not lead the audience on further than the typical instances of gfe. That is, she shouldnt actively lie to the audience to rope them in to make money. But simply not choosing to disclose facts about herself is not lying and audiences should always come with the expectation that the streamer has an actual life beyond the stream which probably includes partners.

>> No.76600582

>Watching women/a woman for the sole reason of fantasizing being with them
when did I say that on my post, are you a woman?

>> No.76600633

This is a thread about gfe vtubers, please take your sexual preferences somewhere else if you want to talk about them.

>> No.76600655

It's the reason you watch vtubers, we've already established this

>> No.76600673
File: 431 KB, 506x727, 1709765964973534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERY vtuber is gfe/bfe

>> No.76600747

Yes, even her. Some poor unfortunate fools enjoy being screeched at. Reminds them of their mothers

>> No.76600796

>Its not though
But it is. Fans of GFE truly believe the girl loves them, even if it's as a collective. If they have a bf, it means that "love" is a lie and they are actively engaged in manipulation. Having a boyfriend while pandering to people who love you IS leading people on and means her focus is elsewhere.
If you think all GFE is inherently manipulative, then that's fine. You should be fighting against GFE on general instead of defending clear lies and manipulation.
Again, there's no denying this, so don't even respond.

>> No.76600821

I think the statement means that audiences will always catch feelings for the vtubers regardless of the vtuber's intent

>> No.76600919

>Most people would be intelligent enough to understand that gfe is just a fantasy and the streamer is neither their friend nor their potential gf.
The only issue with this is that literally all GFE streamers outright say it's real. THIS is where the issue comes from and THIS is why having a BF/Husband is considered lying.
If they say outright, it's fantasy, then yeah I'd agree with you. But all of them imply the opposite. You'd know this if you watched literally any GFE or GFE-adjacent vtuber

>> No.76600989

You're supposed to be intelligent enough to realize she's selling an illusion. Or be dumb enough to be sucked into it and give her money.

>> No.76600994

yeah no, I didn't vote for that, I just don't like roasties nor I'm interested in taken women. although it's funny that you have to put that label on me or your arguments fall apart lmao.

>> No.76601005

>that toxic dependency would be directed at you
Yeah thats what they want retard

>> No.76601057

Sure thing, sparky.

>> No.76601061

>Fans of GFE truly believe the girl loves them
They are actively retarded and or lying to themselves then.
I think gfe can be morally fine as long as the vtuber in question does not lie in order to gather more audience sympathy/money.
Not disclosing information is not lying because most not schizophrenic adults are able to grasp that the vtuber probably does have a partner. It is not the vtuber's job to disprove her audience's insecurities.
I think gfe is only ever inherently manipulative if the intended audience is so mentally retarded it is literally impossible to not take advantage of them in some way. And I dont think all people who enjoy gfe are that literally mentally stunted.

>> No.76601188

When the real life escort says she loves you and loves to spend time with you, you are meant to understand that they are selling you a fantasy and that they do not literally love you or love to spend time with you. They are selling you a woman SAYING those words to you. They are not selling you a woman MEANING those words to you. gfe vtubers are the same and the not scummy ones assume that the audience understands the difference.

>> No.76601350

you are losing it, Janet.

>> No.76601376

>They are actively retarded and or lying to themselves then.
It's easy to be retarded when a girl says "I love you this isn't fantasy it's real!" and constantly doubles down that her love is genuine(which is what most GFE vtubers literally do).
>I think gfe can be morally fine as long as the vtuber in question does not lie in order to gather more audience sympathy/money.
Agreed. If they do what I said previously while having an active real-life relationship, then that is literally lying, which is inherently immoral.
Lying by omission is lying. If they are selling a fantasy, they should say it's fantasy. Most girls who do GFE will constantly double down and say it isn't.
If you're against manipulation and lies, you should be against gfe vtubers having real life relationships, or you should be against GFE as a whole(unless theyre explicit about it being fantasy).
In my opinion, its just that simple.

>> No.76601417


>> No.76601492

If some fucking psychopath believes that the anime girl on the screen genuinely knows and loves them, that's a them problem, not the streamer.

>> No.76601654

It's 100% an issue with the streamer because THEY actively foster the audience they want, retard. If the girl wants people who genuinely love her, she'll pander to gachikoi or do GFE.
The girls know this and actively do it, so yes it IS 100% on them.
Unironically how fucking new are you?

>> No.76601698


>> No.76601799

Yeah, that doesn't change the fact that what I said is 100% correct? If you pander to a certain type of fan, that's the fan you'll get.
fostering an audience of "psychopaths who believe that the anime girl on the screen genuinely knows and loves them" is 100% on the girls in question because you get the audience you foster.

>> No.76601843

>a girl says "I love you this isn't fantasy it's real!" and constantly doubles down that her love is genuine
I dont think most GFE vtubers do this. Most of them simply go for the "i love you" and simply dont mention the fact that it is a fantasy to not break immersion. But it really is a fantasy, that is the whole point. If they tell you outright that it is a fantasy then they break the immersion. They just trust the audience to be mature enough to understand the implication. Now, I dont dispute that this fact is convenient in our lonely age to rope in desperate men. But these desperate men are still adults and should be treated like adults.
> If they do what I said previously while having an active real-life relationship, then that is literally lying
Like I said, the vtuber is not obligated to disclose personal stuff. The audience has to be mature enough to understand that whatever the person through the screen is telling them is make believe and not actually real. If someone has trouble understanding the difference then they should just not consume GFE.
>Lying by omission is lying
Anon, I am not lying to you just because I am not telling you my gender, the names of my parents, my exact address and the password to my online bank account.

>> No.76601848

No, it's on the people who give them money and allow them to do it. If it didn't make money, they wouldn't do it.

>> No.76601948

I am

>> No.76601952 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread
say hi to the camera, monkeys

>> No.76601974

cool opinion I guess but I'm not subscribed to it, again I do not like roasties nor I'm interested in taken women, why are you so allergic to that idea?

>> No.76602012


>> No.76602109

Where do you get that pedo information from? Source?

>> No.76602206

>I dont think most GFE vtubers do this
A majority literally do. Even if they aren't 100% gfe, sometimes they'll still say this(Like with FuwaMoco). I think you should actually take some time to look into GFE streamers cause they absolutely sell it as a real thing(one example is Kiki Pyon, who actively rejects the term GFE cause "her love is real and genuine)
>They just trust the audience to be mature enough to understand the implication.
Again, I disagree 100%. They all normally sell it as reality, which is EXACTLY my issue.
>The audience has to be mature enough to understand that whatever the person through the screen is telling them is make believe and not actually real.
This would be fine if these girls didn't actively try to tell each and every viewer that it explicitly ISNT fantasy while also having a BF in the background.
>Anon, I am not lying to you just because I am not telling you my gender, the names of my parents, my exact address and the password to my online bank account.
Alright, now I think you're personally being bad faith, which is sad cause I thought you and I at least were having a genuine argument. This doesn't apply, and you know that. Whether or not your post is genuine or not doesn't hinge on my knowledge of your personal life, finances, etc.
I think im done discussing this cause we're circling the drain

>> No.76602289

>at least were having a genuine argument
Agree on the going in circles but I wanted to say that I was simply trying to show that mere omissions are not lies. I was not trying to be sarcastic or argue in bad faith.

>> No.76602299

there are other reasons to watch them?

>> No.76602304

>If it didn't make money, they wouldn't do it.
When did I EVER deny this, you dumb nigger?. What I said is the audience GFE streamers getis the audience they purposfully try to foster. Getting a psycho fanbase thats in love with them is 100% on them because thats who they feed into lol
Stop being a retard for once

>> No.76602373


>> No.76602456

Vtubing is a fucking shithole. None of this shit is real and just a bunch of virgins want to be living in a reality that is completely false. very sa

>> No.76602494

And why do those stupid gachis watch those girls? I'll give you a minute to think about it, retard.
It's because the girls WANT them to
I'll reiterate one more time. If you want a specific type of fan, the. that's the type of fan youll get. It's 100% on the girls and you cannot deny this.

>> No.76602528


>> No.76602576

I see, your worldview falls apart if your opposition doesn't take the stances you want them to, quite sad.

>> No.76602614

Read it carefully this time

>> No.76602657


>> No.76602682


>> No.76602690

Youre pribably the biggest retard Ive ever spoken to. To get that money, they need to foster a certain type of audience. The only way to GET that audience is to pander to gachikoi.
If their audience is filled with Gachikoi, it's because they WANT GACHIKOI, WHICH MEANS THEY ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AUDIENCE THEY HAVE.
How the fuck are you incapable of understanding this KEK
You must be a SEAnigger

>> No.76602740


>> No.76602764

ok virgin.
