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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 544 KB, 1390x1806, JointPics_20240525_130754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76571615 No.76571615 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii just can't stop making people mad.

>> No.76571635

based kronii, i love her new dont take any shit arc
hope she does some femdom asmr where she degrades us

>> No.76571677
File: 303 KB, 1897x674, 1685438285221988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, shit stirring faggot. Already got exposed in the other thread for being an impersonating grifter. >>76566619

>> No.76571699
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 20210819_073226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, who do you think is behind all these falseflagging against Hololive this time? I see a lot of bait threads lately and actually glad holochads are actually more than a clip watcher now.

I've seen this tactic before, it can't be the chinese? can it?

>> No.76571715

The only bad thing here is that Kronii didn't shit on this guy hard enough, since he's an actual impersonator.

>> No.76571718

the sisters are mad that a genuine loli (which of course is a lolicon enjoyer) debuted in nijien

>> No.76571724

While i think AI art is chill, like black people. It is deserved to be discriminated against, also like black people.

>> No.76571727

Kronii is kinda based recently.

>> No.76571731

>got BTFO un last thread so he had to remake it

>> No.76571753

>Fake accoubt engaging fake account
>Somehow it make it here and jannies do nothing
There is an insult worse than nijisis, and that’s jannies.

>> No.76571806
File: 186 KB, 1442x2048, 1710044729088974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii... I kneel

>> No.76571813
File: 215 KB, 1224x1758, 1714414266431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers btfo lmao

>> No.76571862 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 1643x1324, 1658107980602535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate holofags so much, can't even shitpost about them now because they just shut it down after a single thread. where is the fun

>> No.76571866 [DELETED] 

Blacks are inherently violent.

>> No.76571899

In this case it's just an actual mentally ill chink.
My guess is he is trying to see how far he can't take it, and if it works out he will start to imitate other artists to scam people with ai art.

>> No.76571918

As always, I blame the zainichi.

>Park Ki-Tae, founder of VANK, has said "the project is aimed at isolating Japan"

>> No.76571923
File: 231 KB, 1306x2000, GOCLNGObYAAGdJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post-Hitler outfit Kronii
>Shits on stupid overdone jokes
>BTFO'd coomers
>Invades Poland
>Destroys falseflagging art stealing BITCH with one post
>All in a little over a week

>> No.76571974

Zhangs, they got btfo recently when the b2 account that's been pretending to be official Cover account basically admitted to being full of shit and Cover is never going back on b2 in any official capacity. They can't do anything to Cover so the next strat is to bait the girls and mald.

>> No.76571998

Mimicking someone's style is not same as "stealing art".

>> No.76572147

How about pretending to be the artist and trying to pass of fakes and genuine?

>> No.76572162

Holy spiel batman, just tag it. It let people know what it is. Its the same as tagging kronii in her own art so people don't think it's some else, like Meiya. Twitter can't be real

>> No.76572203

I assume this is some bilibili zhang who's mad at the fake announcement of Holo coming back to china

>> No.76572243

"unauthorized lora"
the absolute state of drawfags

>> No.76572283

> idealogy
> Demand apology
> Sending death threats
Hmm i think this is a chink

>> No.76572321

They'd probably be less defensive if you faggots didn't go so fucking far overboard with the sandwich thing.

>> No.76572328

Using a Lora of an artist, I don’t care.
But why go through the trouble of impersonating some artist with their name and pfp?
Are they hoping to scam some commission money before getting found out and disappearing?

>> No.76572347
File: 2.82 MB, 320x309, 1693442775553165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI art is chill, like black people
This idiot is gonna relax. lmao

>> No.76572346
File: 334 KB, 580x904, 1695848952812665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are just a schizo

>> No.76572392

AI art should really only be for personal use.

>> No.76572486

Thanks for linking homie, I didn't see the other thread.

>> No.76572514

who fucking cares. whiny korean vs whiny jap

>> No.76572516

> just a schizo
Oh okay no harm no foul then, is that it? What pisses me off is nothing would happen to the guy despite sending death threats to the person they're impersonating

>> No.76572555

>Oh okay no harm no foul then
no retard, it just means there no point in trying to explain what they are doing rationally

>> No.76572637


>> No.76572679

I don't doubt those bug since they astroturf hard a week before "bili2" debut stream and turned out it fake, which is funny because those angle instantly disappeared.

>> No.76572731

If it's Kiara, Kronii or Mori, then look no further than a neighbouring holo general.

>> No.76572836
File: 50 KB, 1137x902, skyrimgtx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to be REALLY careful with impersonator/theft schizos. They are absolutely unhinged and will go after people for years trying to make their life hell. Reminds me of that skyrimGTX guy who would steal everyone's skyrim mods and package them together and sell them as his own for hundreds of dollars and when people banned him from mod sites or tried to take him down he'd go full schizo on them and make gorillions of accounts to spam and harass.

>> No.76572928

If they really cared about Skyrim they would've hunted him down and cut off hid hands.

>> No.76573035
File: 1.45 MB, 1248x1824, 1693516903777740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the patreon sloppers are SEAcucks genning... cuckshit... with the most fried models possible
I just make it for coom

>> No.76573065

The OP is extremely misleading clickbait but the artist is right though.The talents are told never to use AI art and they simply enforce the rules they are given. So you can't really pin the blame on Kronii or anyone else except for Cover management.

>> No.76573171

As an american whose primary concern with canadians is that they are not human, and mexicans are too fat, I cannot empathize with the kind of visceral hatred for neighboring countries that people in countries like Korea have for Japan, or Moroccans for Algerians, or Serbs for literally everyone they border.

>> No.76573232

Success breeds jealousy.
Korea has only recently warmed up to Japan, coenciding with their recent economic success. Though you can bet if they ever return to being poverty-tier, they'll return to hatred.

>> No.76573255

>The talents are told never to use AI art
>Calli using AI background for her stream
>Ollie using AI background for her game
Uhh... about that...

>> No.76573445

>Please tag AI art thanks :)
>Wow, is Cover really okay with saying AI art has no value?
It really feels like something like that is eating him all the time, since he tried to respond to something she didn't say.

>> No.76573564

probably because they are countries with actual history with eachother.

>> No.76573831

Thanks for sharing, I forgot to report that impersonator on my other accounts.

>> No.76573865

There definitely is harm being done to the actual artist's reputation because the schizo is trying to sell AI art under his name.

>> No.76573897

It's a typical Zhang tactic, just pivot with nonsens to portray themselves as the victim since wealth and class dictated who's right or wrong in CN. Just because it works in mainland CN they think the rest of the world does the same thing.

>> No.76573990

My personal belief is that its a jpfag forcing english holofags to be more than slime-mold and actually do their reps.

>> No.76574091

Please tag your thread as AI for future reference.

>> No.76574288

>Korean history
>is a Chinese vassel state until the 1800s (ironically being liberated by Japan)

>Japan history
>on an island doing your own thing until 1800s

>> No.76574292

>hololive sucks, other fanbases cant shut down shitposts this fast
skill issue sister

>> No.76574619

Yes anon, they've had history since the 1800's. You're not really refuting anything here.

>> No.76574775
File: 893 KB, 1209x929, 1000002063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo having a meltdown cuz someone told him to tag his shit properly. Holy fucking kek.

>> No.76574899
File: 3.41 MB, 3742x2627, Burning_of_Washington_1814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America has had history with Canada and Mexico since 1800s too, you dolt.
Yet, as the American said, he doesn't hold any visceral hatred for them.

>The attack was in part a retaliation for prior American actions in British-held Upper Canada, in which U.S. forces had burned and looted York the previous year and had then burnt large portions of Port Dover.

>the Texians defeated the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836

>> No.76575122

Again, you're not refuting anything. Stay on topic of KR and JP

>> No.76575230

That american speaks for himself. The font of my hatred for canadians is unending. Each time i discover a new thing about them I grow to hate them more.

Did you know that some canadians are french? Scary enough to consider on its own, but consider it for a moment longer.
The rest of the canadians allow the french ones to live among them.

>> No.76575261

I literally just refuted you.

>> No.76575327

Did you know some Americans are French?


>> No.76575408

>Stay on topic of KR and JP
You mean like how it was Japan the liberated Korea from being a Chinese vassel state?

>> No.76575503

Homobeggars now want males posting AI art to get recognition... I'd say it's a new low, but it's just more of the same from them.

>> No.76575527

No you didn't, you went off topic. This is on topic >>76575408
Please work on reading comprehension

>> No.76576000

You must be an ESL.
The topic was WHY some countries have hatred and others don't.

>> No.76576330

They’re Cajun. They’re no longer french.

>> No.76576527

wtf I love Kronii now!??

>> No.76576574
File: 332 KB, 1098x2048, GOW4PDPbUAAS_gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes too much of a bitch for me but boobs big

>> No.76576904

Please learn to read

>> No.76577102

Yeah, that proves me right.
He mentioned other countries as examples; I mentioned other countries as examples. Examples as to the prediciment that is Korea.

>> No.76577284

kill yourself retard

>> No.76577830
File: 180 KB, 912x695, Screenshot_20240525_074313_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked retard. Community note was added to his pinned post

>> No.76577906

How does hololive get the most insane antis?

>> No.76577976

you know what? Maybe Kronii is actually based

>> No.76577986

Least mentally insane AIbro.

>> No.76578215

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.76578313

Americans will never hate Canadians for burning Washington because that means they would have to acknowledge that Canadians actually did it and that will never happen.

>> No.76578364

>The rest of the canadians allow the french ones to live among them.
Not by choice.
Anyways you aren't so hot, we all know where Louisiana came from.

>> No.76578375

Bigger net, more fish, higher chances of schizos.

>> No.76578394

Didn't you have to prove your identity to make a Twitter account nowadays? That was something I heard. So how do these schizos don't just get perma banned?

>> No.76578420

elon musk's twitter is kinda shit and full of bots

>> No.76578447

>AI schizo
OP, stop sucking cocks for a moment and take your meds.

>> No.76578765

Noht really. Nips must consider it similar to Vocaloid. For example, Kaf banned a KAFU version because it sounded too natural.

>> No.76579241


>> No.76580520

Kronii went to poland to voice stuff for 11B studios

>> No.76580670

Hopefully this troll just fucks off, because the really shitty thing that Kronii probably doesn't understand is that this does constitute slander in Japan.
Japanese law is absolutely fucking retarded in many instances.
Don't be surprised if Kronii gets a talking too behind the scenes and decides to seethe about it.

>> No.76580785
File: 329 KB, 604x568, FpPWbg2acAAQ7s1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad part about this is that some people have already digged out this guy's history with previous accounts showing the same signature "I am a technical artist" (whatever the hell that implies), and what will likely happen is that he'll create another sockpuppet to dump AIslop and the cycle repeats

>> No.76580816

Well the counterpoint is that it only was done because we torched York beforehand.
Sadly that became Toronto. Which I think we should apologize for letting them be stuck that city

>> No.76580843

Holy seethe
I don't watch your clock but she's based for this

>> No.76581141

honestly that's just schizophrenia, AI is just a convenient tool for that tard

>> No.76581155
File: 22 KB, 288x224, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this angry you can no longer target disobedient artists with psyops
>decentralization means no worthy targets, no pools of talent to routinely drain to control the process
cause Shad was definitely trans all along right

>> No.76581326

Despite being only 10% of the population, AI art commits 60% of violent crimes

>> No.76581432

Oh my god that is fucking hilarious.

>> No.76582327

Anyone have the JAV code?

>> No.76582371
File: 47 KB, 737x441, zhang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this proves that the guy has to be a zhangschizo, no sane person brings up taiwan or china in this discussion without cause

>> No.76582428

I told you

>> No.76582445

Man AI art is getting really fucking good. Artists, it's time for you fuckers to all get actual jobs.

>> No.76583061


>mangled hand
>wrist and cuff combined into one
>bow is good on the left side, but just vanishes on the right side
>her left arm is phasing into her hair
>top doesn't make any fucking sense

AI is good at 2 things only:
1. Faces because faces are very static and predictable and they are the most commonly drawn thing in the world
2. Hair because hair doesn't obey a lot of rules and so hair can just look like whatever and be okay
AI art fucking sucks at literally everything when you look beyond skin deep

>> No.76583064


>> No.76583406

>Kronii exposed a Zhang
Nijisisters keep handing Kronii all the dubs lmao

>> No.76583482

What's that saying about god and holofag?

>> No.76583596

she would call you a coomer faggot instead of doing that

>> No.76583670

You don't watch Kronster, do you

>> No.76583742
File: 1.72 MB, 1536x1824, 1714708624977069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI art fucking sucks at literally everything
enough for my penis

>> No.76583741

"Proving your identity" is extremely easy when there's 8 billion brown people outside of America and 300 million stupid people inside America.

>> No.76583768

Karl Marx hated art too.

>> No.76583837

ai art does not suck your penis
stop lying you slop shill

>> No.76583844

mimicking a shitpost is still a shitpost though

>> No.76583947
File: 2.27 MB, 1536x1824, 1705258472224153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks your penis, does the dishes and cleans your room

>> No.76583965

Except it's boring because I've literally seen this exact art just with a different character. AI cannot create anything new or unique.

>> No.76584114


professional shill defenders.

>> No.76584156
File: 1.81 MB, 1536x1824, 1711093969813347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've literally seen this exact art just with a different character
that artist only draws meaty ladies, anon...

>> No.76584182

oh no, anon is going blind

>> No.76584235


>> No.76584267
File: 262 KB, 1344x1728, 20240524_144200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to those other anons. AI art is good.

>> No.76584398
File: 1.74 MB, 1536x1824, 1707007289287131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post /vt/ slop at least

>> No.76584578

She's going to graduate this year, hope you enjoy it

>> No.76584755

I love Australian promising artist

>> No.76585237

Fuck you on about mate?

>> No.76585410
File: 42 KB, 661x661, 1552313510246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modern day anime style gets traced back to Osamu Tezuka with Astro boy
Tezuka's style was taken from Disney, Suiho Tagawa and more
Disney's style was taken from Max Fleischer and Winsor McCay and european art illustrations of the time
Max Fleisher and Winsor McCay took from the original political satires images and first comic strips ever made
The first comic strips ever made took from caricature work dating back to blah blah blah you get the point

All art is ultimately just copied upon and improved upon from a bunch of other people's work.
You don't care that art or styles are being stolen, otherwise you would be against almost all art, you just don't like the fact that the thin pretense of "originality/uniqueness" that artists pretend to use in order to skirt the line of outright plagiarism doesn't exist with AI

>So what if you copied 15 different styles and blended it all into one, at least you did it by hand!
Such a flimsy ideal

>> No.76585968
File: 633 KB, 1452x1000, hokusai-poem-Mb4333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least you did it by hand!
Yes. Effort was made.
AI doesn't even require that.

Besides, anime clearly comes from Ukiyo-e.

>> No.76586058

AI art fine for fun but if I pay for something I excepted to be made, like ordering a burger from a nice dinner and it's microwave like I could've just done this at home.

>> No.76586066

>AI in fanart
is the AI who drew the art a fan of the vtuber?

>> No.76586206

You know that argument doesn't hold for commissioned fan art either.

>> No.76587641

Art is supposed to be how we represent the world, or how we think of new ways to represent things. Yes artists could make something out of nonsense, or create an entirely new subject, but most people prefer subjects we understand and can identify in our own world. That's why so many of our pieces have human subjects, or familiar environments, and even then people are still finding new ways to represent these things. But of course, there is a history of art now that people can use to reference in new pieces for additional context. Art is constantly evolving, even if it looks like people are doing similar things / using the same style. Also there is so much more to a piece than just a "style" of art that you're referencing. What about the medium used? What about the canvas, and the quality of materials used? What is the art intended for? Someone can draw the same person and it'll look entirely different. Someone can take an existing concept or character and imagine them in a new context. Art will always reference other art, because that's how we understand what it means. Jesus Christ

>> No.76587721

that guy is an artist impersonator, fuck him hard

>> No.76587856

dude, this impersonator is still around what the fuck is twitter doing? the guy was reported way back in February yet hes still around and still trying
what a shitty platform

>> No.76588496

