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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 734 KB, 4096x1504, AnimeNorthAudience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76547188 No.76547188 [Reply] [Original]

Little did I fucking know...

>> No.76547273

I wish she was literally bigger than NijiEN as a whole.

>> No.76547306

That's about a good 200 ppl she sold out her panel. While niji still struggling to sell meet and greet tickets for miload.

>> No.76547632

How many are actual fans of doki and not just curious asmingold and dramafag onlookers? I'd say about half.

>> No.76547700


>> No.76547712

Try 600, not counting those not seated. Official numbers anon, the place sold out and it was just a 1 hour Q&A panel.

>> No.76547719

Insane cope. Normalfags stopped caring.

>> No.76547854

I say god in the middle is clearly not there for drama.
>God is a dragoon?
According to many JP games, always has been.

>> No.76547956

Not only God, but Jesus and the Holy Spirit are also dragoons

>> No.76548055
File: 2.58 MB, 640x464, impressive-very-nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice now let's see NijiEN's turnout

>> No.76548246

>a fucking 2d con appearance
>not even a meet and greet
>mogging all of NijiEN's attempts in the past 6 months

>> No.76548470

I didn't look at how many seat she sold just made a quick assessment by looking at the pic but if she sold this much tickets then niji are a bunch of retards for letting this goldmine slip through their fingers. Who else in that shithole company could compete with doki? Pomu? Oh she's also gone so yeah scratch everything I just said, Riku is indeed retarded just another retard with money like Elon musk.

>> No.76548758

no one actually gives a shit about Doki, retard. She's boring as fuck on her own, all she has is drama and collabs. You think she'd have any of this success without that? No.

>> No.76548870

I genuinely don't get their business strategy, they aim to fellate investors yet they have this crab bucket thing going on that killed ID before and will kill EN now

>> No.76548893

>dookie panel
holy fucking SNORE

>> No.76548976

>sister seething
>new nijis flopping
good day

>> No.76549106

I even forgot they were debuting new nijis lmao

>> No.76549220

she weighs more than nijien as a whole

>> No.76549363
File: 301 KB, 1061x1309, FqGETMoWIAEFXbG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be that bad--
>16k peak

>> No.76549477
File: 228 KB, 1200x600, kingvoxstillwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will donki reach 1.6m in supas ?

>> No.76549556
File: 271 KB, 1280x1707, 1713574994616328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76549612

I don't either. But the way Niji is run feels like a yakuza ponzi scheme if you really think about it lying to their investors and taking more money from them with no improvement or anything to show. I honestly don't know how investors are giving them money at this point unless they're money laundering.

>> No.76549624

She will get more from sponsorship and event organizing.

>> No.76549645

Is the new cope that NijiEN had more when they were popular to distract from the fact that this is no longer the case?

>> No.76549853

Why are you bringing up miload like he still making money lmao he ain't making shit anymore while doki still making money still growing her channel with no stop insight.

>> No.76549885
File: 297 KB, 1200x600, demoneatsshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most popular en holo cant even beat drama debuffed vox on her return birthday stream, cope faggoon.

>> No.76549996

How much is 1.6m in Nijibux? Like tree fiddy?

>> No.76550072

Sister, your period...

>> No.76550081

>less than half of last year
>less than half of fuwamoco's birthday
>sub 4k average viewership
grim. He really should've just left with Selen.

>> No.76550118

Elira's period peaked yesterday, she's probably fine by now.

>> No.76550359

>2023 vs 2024
Lmao is this the best argument sister can come up with? If gura was streaming during that same year miload would've been left in the dust like everyother time. Are you sister unironically retarded can't even numberfag properly.

>> No.76550487
File: 211 KB, 1324x735, 1715568992268713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More popular than ever
>All it took was shitting on the hard work of her former co-workers
The karma blowback on this fat piece of shit will be glorious, I just hope I'm around to see it. I want her to suffer.
But in the spirit of fairness, I can't just drop it all on her lap, people like YOU(the person reading this) and the western market in general also shares the blame, bunch of gullible easily manipulated, negative IQ retards, not thought process at all, nothing going in those empty heads, just latching on to rrats and pure emotional responses, which is honestly woman behavior so it makes the endless accusations of sisters even more hilarious.
Vtubing should have unironically stayed in Japan.

>> No.76550511

That's bait, anon. Some people get off on pretending to be women.

>> No.76550712
File: 7 KB, 347x123, Screenshot 2024-05-25 051536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76550792

KEK baiting inside a Doki thread bumping it
even more

>> No.76550834

So who's pretending to be a vox fan to shit on gura and doki. If is not a woman?

>> No.76550899

>coma instead of a period
Holotrannies really are fucking stupid

>> No.76550913

>Some people get off on pretending to be women.

>> No.76551226
File: 145 KB, 720x173, ACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura should thank her heavens it wasnt 2023 vox she was pitted up against, KEK.

>> No.76551227

>Sister afraid of reading the numbers so she has to deflect

>> No.76551350

Where are you from. I can tell you're not American straight out the bat let me guess you euros would write that as 32.087? The correct way is $32,087.

>> No.76551363

Hell, when will Vox hit those numbers again? Just biding his time, is he? Waiting for the right moment to strike? Little bit of 5d chess before his triumphal return? Come on and spill it, man. My jimmies are all a rustle with anticipation and my kool aid jammers are raring to go.

>> No.76551382

you used a coma instead of a period on your calculation you retard.

>> No.76551524

holy retard, you will never speak english, please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.76551553

I can’t believe Riku is the Loch Ness monster...

>> No.76551556

>straight out the bat
You sure I'm the ESL?

>> No.76551568

Preshow sisters. Our response?????

>> No.76551572
File: 350 KB, 1280x284, 1708089010711591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I can tell is women. No man is going to put vox dick in his mouth to do this.

>> No.76551597

Here's a fun fact muttsister, most of eu uses that system

>> No.76551643

Wait till you see Elira waddle around in 3d

>> No.76551694

Yes you are. Is not my fault you live in a thirdworld country.

>> No.76551759

it's "straight off the bat" you retard, fucking pagpag gang really batting for dookie.

>> No.76551791

Not even the biggest faggot in the world would type some of that shit in a live Youtube chat.

>> No.76551809

Didn't Selen have a larger fanbase, just that they weren't made up of the sisters who would generally check out all the Nijis.

>> No.76551904

Lol at euro coming out the woodworks as nijisisters I was told flips were the ones shitting up the board and white knighting for Nijisanji when it was in fact yuro sisters all along.

>> No.76551931

Yes, as she reached the furthest to a broader audience than any of the others combined.

>> No.76551949
File: 240 KB, 910x939, 1703109574045623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76551993
File: 15 KB, 889x235, firefox_PA5207kpPW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>views mysteriously missing
Are you forgetting something, sister?
Namely how Vox with all of his sisters manually viewbotting his videos still hasn't managed to catch up to Selen's viewership?

>> No.76552050

We do not claim them, we hate niji here as well

>> No.76552056

Now the sister want to larp as an American after being outted as a yuroslut lmao

>> No.76552090

>Shitting on the hard work
You of course have receipts right? Or are you living in a fantasy world?

>> No.76552137

It's "right off the bat," you ESL moron.
Have you ever even played Baseball?

>> No.76552174

>euro coming out the woodworks
euro's havent even woken up yet

>> No.76552231

Blurring the names is a crime against humanity. Imagine the bullying...

>> No.76552340

I dunno, ma'am. She seemed pretty successful alongside pomu in niji. Perhaps Elira Enna Millle couldn't handle their success and tried to shut them down every Avenue.

>> No.76552376

dookiefags really are fucking retarded lol

>> No.76552379

both these images are sad in their own way and both make me depressed

>> No.76552449

The guy ended up being nighttime audio anyway. The debuts are pre recorded and him and twisty have already commented on how 'fast' chat was moving

>> No.76552488

I’m pretty certain he’s mixing “straight out the gate” with “right off the bat”, a typical ESL thing to do.

>> No.76552527

>The guy ended up being nighttime audio anyway
ain't no way

>> No.76552563


>> No.76552603

>Pre-recorded debuts
Roru, rumao even

>> No.76552627

Straight off the boat, right off the bat.

>> No.76552671

Not a fan of Doki but massive respect to her for killing an entire branch just so she could retrain and grow her community.

>> No.76552771


>> No.76552804
File: 240 KB, 910x938, 1716607751069947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76552950

She regained her previous number of subs as well didn't she in record time, and that was a lot larger than the other female chuubas.
Honestly the only difference I can consider is that Doki made the entrance fee affordable compared to Nijisanji that is trying to scalp whoever is left. It's not even really a numbers thing in the end just business sense.

>> No.76552969

>pippigger in the front wearing sunglasses making him look like the second coming of terry davis

>> No.76552999

fresh off the boat is more like it, and rather topical to half this thread.

>> No.76553030

>most popular
Stop baiting and use numbers from the actual most popular holoen channel, fuwamoco nearly made that in their birthday countdown at 12k. Then had a two day birthday event where they made 37k. What was Vox's total for April?

>> No.76553051
File: 319 KB, 1053x509, firefox_YmLQHMIaO6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite yet, but we're getting there.
Goal is hopefully 805k by the end of the year, which was her old peak iirc.

>> No.76553075

Yeah, because asmongloid fans and drama whores are going to Anime North. Fucking retard.

>> No.76553144
File: 130 KB, 1080x732, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd have to stream to make money.

>> No.76553175
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, numbers55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76553187

if they weren't retarded they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.76553319

Kek so this why the sisters are resorting to use old ass pics from 2 years ago.

>> No.76553565

How are these niggers so fucking lazy? What is this vtuber disease that causes this? Turn on the stream for 2 hours and make more than 95% of the western world but they refuse.
Who cares if you need to do lewd ASMR for unlovable landwhales, just fucking stream holy fuck

>> No.76553872
File: 79 KB, 720x975, updatedinfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can lie too by posting old pics.

>> No.76554295
File: 56 KB, 1650x804, firefox_HTwWeoI8ue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is what the powerhouse of NijiEN's been reduced to?
Holy fucking grim. Imagine having the absolute best your branch has ever seen (except Mysta, because we all know Mysta completely obliterated Vox on all metrics) get not even half of some dogs with throat problems who can't stream without their manager bonking them.

>> No.76554456


>> No.76554563

Once again sisters btfo.

>> No.76554569

Call me ESL but wtf does "dimes" even mean here, like all her fans are 10s?

>> No.76554673

/pw/ lingo.

>> No.76554728
File: 153 KB, 640x640, dontworrybehappy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4jz7tt.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for her. Glad she's doing well.

>> No.76554959
File: 69 KB, 720x990, fuwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conglatulations on beating drama debuffed vox, now can you beat a non debuffed niji jp member in his prime who has more overall total superchats than vox ? why bring up mysta when he too, cant compete with vox. only kuzuha and fuwa can beat vox in nijisanji.

>> No.76555080

I'm sorry sisters, I thought I could save le retard de vox akuma if I throatfucked the dogs but he's still losing somehow

>> No.76555405
File: 31 KB, 460x1150, gura-sushiro-collab-numbers-update-v0-2ryqmq24g6rc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>running to JP and hiding behind concerts and a birthday
cute. Call me when NijiEN manages to break into 4view territory again.

>> No.76555446

Thanks, I honestly couldn't tell if I was being particularly more retarded than usual since I've never heard that before

>> No.76555487

>shitting on

All Doki did was an explosive departure. She even weighed the pros and cons of corpo in public for everyone to see, and she did it with as much fairness as anyone in her position could. Michi's word on taxes alone is more verbal disparaging of Niji than anything Doki has ever said lmao

Let's not bring up Mint's mention of her meet and greet gifts getting swiped under her nose by the corpo, hm? That might be too much.

>> No.76555542

No problems.

>> No.76555644

Forgive the sister. They are too stupid to know what they are doing.

>> No.76555674

Why is niji confiscating fan gift and fan mail? What the fuck? Why? Cucking the talent out of their play button wasn't enough? They also felt that gifts fans bought for pomu also belonged to riku?

>> No.76555873
File: 9 KB, 713x91, 4view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im confident that vox will remain as 4view, considering hes not going to be watching harry potter slops anytime soon.

>> No.76555909

For me it wasn't Doki but Pomu who did the most damage. She revealed her dreams were being crushed in Niji and she was a huge supporter. Niji knew they fucked up so bad they deleted that specific VOD out of all her memberships. Then when you had the discussion about unfair favoritism Selen raised and Elira getting way more merch deals / etc it all added up.
Your hard work doesn't pay off in Nijisanji being true to the accelerate business strat they are using you up till you are dry of passion before having no problems discarding you and using their disgusting fan base to crush any possible negativity to their 'family company'.

>> No.76555952

Other anons in threads within the past 48 hours have discussed this in some capacity. The likeliest answer is that the sheer volume of gifts plus lazy management resulted in fuckers deciding it was too much of a hassle for her specifically. Odd, since Selen received her gifts at the time.

>> No.76556092

They successfully did some streisand shit by deleting that one VOD, the absolute retardation of it all

>> No.76556100
File: 1.00 MB, 1320x2282, xhni2ls4sK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with graphs like this, I don't think you should be.

>> No.76556134

Nahh there was a rrat that mentioned at the start of the year that Elira was jealous of Pomu since she wanted to be the number 1 female representative of NijiEN. Standard bullying practices is to remove the support of the victim and isolate them as much as you can get away with. Real petty high school shit.

>> No.76556136


>> No.76556220

me too.

>> No.76556361

The dumbest part was they actually allowed it in the first place. She made all of her membership VODs public
and they STILL decided it was a genius idea to delete that one specific one just because it had a comment that blew up in it. It's absurdly stupid.

>> No.76556692

>>76556361 (me)
And I just looked it up, but the original clip that sparked it is still up! What the fuck was the point of this half-assed censorship effect?

>> No.76556795

Yeah, Doki's kept shittalking to a bare minimum, all she said was what she felt she needed to say in response to what Niji said in her termination letter and then the black box stream, aside from that she's taken the high road and moved on. It's pretty much everyone else who got out that have gone out of their way to take (absolutely deserved) shots at their former employer.

>> No.76556874
File: 59 KB, 191x163, nice3viewchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok, vox hasnt dropped as bad as this holokek jp.

>> No.76557236

Can you link it to me?

>> No.76557317

i like how no one here is able to point out all the nijisanji cosplayers

>> No.76557481

Kek I even forgot their debut was today

>> No.76557501
File: 885 KB, 1080x1568, MyLord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. He's worse.

>> No.76557572

A battle she will never win unless Fulgur graduates

>> No.76557886

Maybe Elira wasn't the main person behind it but yeah, it's abundantly clear that *someone* in charge had favorites among the girls (of which Elira and her closest friends were probably the most prominent) and resented Selen, Pomu, and Nina for being more popular than some or all of said favorites. Now all three of them are gone with various stories painting pictures of a management that at best didn't give a shit about keeping them and at worst actively hated them. If they even tried to *pretend* they liked those three as much as they liked Elira the branch would probably still be doing okay now!

>> No.76558014
File: 293 KB, 1200x600, muchworseindeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah hes worse, and evil for this humiliation.

>> No.76558074

I'm pretty sure it was some niji executive that had preference with luxiem would take them out to private dinner and parties.

>> No.76558541

Not defending haachama, but what did their ccv look like? Longer streams inherently have more views because there's more time for people to watch part of it then leave.

>> No.76558576

You don't want to go down this route, sister.
You REALLY don't want Vox to compare views with Haachama.
For fuck's sake, she's got more views in one month than the entirety of Luxiem, Vox included.

>> No.76559930

>sister can't stop seething
You love to see it

>> No.76559998


>> No.76561126
File: 8 KB, 835x285, 1686182434401641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, how the turntables

>> No.76563188
File: 94 KB, 1200x600, ohnyoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haachama has more views than luxiem bro trust me1111!!!
and other lies you tell yourself.

>> No.76563222

>The guy ended up being nighttime audio anyway
Nigga you bullshiting, no way he is, not that i care to check, but i doubt he is so retarded to say he is not asmr guy to ended up being him, like, what is the end game there, better not acknowledge the shit all together

>> No.76563547
File: 3 KB, 256x61, 4liFuKqhIa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Okay that's grim.
I knew Luxiem wasn't doing well, but holy shit. Wasn't that their birthday months, too? With all those events?

>> No.76563673

He's a part of the clique from the get go, see the NBA sponsors. They will just brute force him into popularity since their fans are the biggest hypocritical pieces of shits in all of vtubing fandom.

>> No.76564287

>their fans are the biggest hypocritical pieces of shits in all of vtubing fandom
That's why i said that is better to ignore the asmr drama like it never happened than being caught lying and confirming he is a scammer

>> No.76564343
File: 11 KB, 367x82, dokiapril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah dokifan, 16m is way too inflated and fake. social blade has her at 7.045m last month.

>> No.76564630
File: 23 KB, 894x571, firefox_88RVgeTbAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's what I thought. I have no idea what's going on with socialblade that it kept putting her at 16m instead of 7.045m like the other sites.
Grim either way, though. Man, Luxiem's really fallen off without Selen there to farm goodwill for the company.

>> No.76564723

I'd wager they'd prioritize clout over money.

>> No.76565645

luxiem still managed to get 15.024m total views for nijisanji en from january to april, they will be fine even if en got folded in the future, riku will just transfer lux to the main branch and turns it into another rof-mao.

>> No.76566061

Sorry, I was a little tipsy when I typed that.

>> No.76566705

also, wheres your NBA sponsorship ?

>> No.76566719
File: 9 KB, 406x262, firefox_lURfbV8Taq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>january to april
holy fucking shit
You know what Doki ALONE got from not even January, but February to april?

Your company is fucking worthless without her.

>> No.76567034
File: 178 KB, 1024x726, nijinba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, doki got 22.741m views around those four months period, kuzuha alone got 56.204m. sorry, but wheres your NBA sponsorship ?

>> No.76567164

>Black Sponsorships
>Black Company
>Black Fans

>> No.76567217
File: 655 KB, 1192x720, 1716620715066950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NBA sponsorship
You can have that one.

>> No.76567323
File: 9 KB, 334x261, firefox_oXFGwCJLEr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember when Kuzuha joined Nijisanji English. Actually, last I checked, his fucking concert has barely HALF of Selen's goddamn Q&A panel seats filled.
But if you want to talk japanese streamers, maybe you should sit down before you hurt yourself.

Also the NBA thing is fucking stupid. How on earth is that a good collab idea? Seriously, have you ever met a NBA fan? Who am I kidding, you've never stepped foot into America.

>> No.76567403

>wheres your NBA sponsorship ?

>> No.76567652

>paying them to use the logo and they'll never acknowledge you

>> No.76567777
File: 671 KB, 1063x497, nijiunity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive jp houshou marine and indie dokibird are not allied with each other, nijisanji jp kuzuha and nijisanji en vox are allied with each other. you say nijisanji is worthless without her, but riku is doing juuuuuust fine.

>> No.76567938

the fuck are you talking about? Allies? This is a business involving people's livelihoods, not some war game.
Vox's career is deathspiralling right now and all you can think about is "well at least if Vox fucking kills himself Kuzuha's making money... just not in the western market which is the entire fucking point of him having a concert there."

Jesus christ.

>> No.76568033


>> No.76568114
File: 559 KB, 100x125, 1715256504877395.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't going to matter and Niji would have paid the NBA for it. Not the NBA seeking them out to be a sponsor. But hey, continue to delude yourself that it was the other way around.

Now get back to watching Miload on BillyBilly so he can keep grinding his Social Credit.

>> No.76568206

vox is doing fine, hololive's mio is the one fighting for her life right now.

>> No.76568216
File: 606 KB, 1009x823, 0UGKarGXmE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now get back to watching Miload on BillyBilly so he can keep grinding his Social Credit.
Nobody's watching him on bilibili.
His sub count is dropping there too. I didn't even know bilibili LET your subs go down.

>> No.76568271

Sisters are subhumans more at 11

>> No.76568308

>unironic voxfag

>> No.76568564

This 100% from ID bro traitor...
We fans from ex-niji ID will find any ID people who kiss kurosanji ass after they close niji id...

>> No.76568646

>doki posts

>> No.76568770

>pre-recorded debut
nijisanji quality goes down the drain

>> No.76569014

nijisanji defenders are from SEA after all

>> No.76569140

I love the smell of nijicope in the morning

>> No.76569449

Can it even be called a sponsorship if Niji was the one who paid to use the NBA license?

>> No.76569707

So about that, with YouTube and nijisanji cut I'm sure vox doesn't get a lot out of it unlik doki who's getting sponsorships here and there

>> No.76569786

Honestly this is how I'm gonna see them not this year, probably next year or so EN getting foldee and those that matter are transferred to main branch

>> No.76570374

How come men always engage in so much woman behavior all of the time (more than women do), yet they're still cold rational thinkers? Explain the so-called logic to me.

>> No.76571897

Honestly, I've only ever seen women be so vicious this regularly. Men tend to be cutthroat, but women love to psychologically torment people.

>> No.76572314

>He has to pander to whores to get to 2k
How the fuck an human being can call this a W and at the same time have enough brain matter to remember to breathe will never be unfunny to me.

>> No.76572397

>Doki is getting compared to Kuzuha now, the only Niji that even remotely sees Pekora and Marine.
>NBA license buy celebrated as a collab.
Nijisis are so done they really need any possible goalpost to feel thry have an argument.

>> No.76572403
File: 38 KB, 120x161, 1716604606419335-jpg-4096×1504-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76572897

>brags about doki being bigger than all of nijisanji.
>gets angry when main branch nijisanji livers mogs her.
>brings on marine into the conversation who doesnt even know donkibird's existence to own kuzuha.
any associated livers with nijisanji is a fair game, you bringing on marine to the conversation who has nothing to do with donki is not.

>> No.76575302

>Actually, last I checked, his fucking concert has barely HALF of Selen's goddamn Q&A panel seats filled.
Check again

>> No.76575454

>brags about doki being bigger than all of nijisanji.
Who is actually saying this? It's been goons talking about her mogging nijien, you're a retard if you're somehow extrapolating that we're talking about the entirety of niji when this thread is dunking on these
and sisters immediately bring up hololive and nijijp

>> No.76575695

That's the thing no one is saying that. They need to make up arguments to have an excuse to fling shit

>> No.76576105
File: 367 KB, 640x897, faggoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76576264

>JP livers
oh cool, they're replying to a sister that brought up nijijp for some reason

>> No.76576621

He's ojimaxxing, leave that goon alone or he'll put you in his van...

>> No.76579667


>> No.76579929

>N-no, Y-you are moving the goalpost
Ok sis, letms play your absolutely retaded game. These were 600+ people for a Q&A, how’s the Chononoir 3D concert in LA selling again? Less than 400 tickets?
We are comparing EN, even /#/ is not so retarded to bring JP and EN toghether, doing thet is proof you are rope mateiral and nothing else, do the world a favor.

>> No.76579968

My rrat : Nijisanji is spending its own money to inflate NijiEN's donations for big streams to not look pathetic during the metting

>> No.76582100


>> No.76583697

I believe it.

>> No.76583918

So does Mumei get royalties from all this for saving Doki's life?

>> No.76584050
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>> No.76586116
File: 3.50 MB, 200x234, 1711072454087381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, everytime

>> No.76586680


>> No.76586849

>discordtards replying to each other for the sole purpose of trying to start another fanbase war: The Thread

>> No.76588045


>> No.76589799

