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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76434167 No.76434167 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread:>>76298231
(Where we discussed touching Pekora, our WIPs, reader-writer symbiosis, and spiraling Lamy.
/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.76434182
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Story Anchor
Deal em if you got em

>> No.76434222
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.76434267
File: 232 KB, 1240x1754, FvbWToRakAEAaAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:
A Mile In Their Shoes >>76314628
Tags: Botan, wedgie, self wedgie

>> No.76434390

thanks for fufilling my request, anon. And thanks for also fufilling >>76297504 as I'm sure he'll be VERY HAPPY to see Mio as the OP image.

>> No.76434393

Mio pleases old men for money

>> No.76434430
File: 71 KB, 678x743, chp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched Full Metal Jacket and I must say, I enjoyed it a lot. I got a lot more useable material from that story so any more recs are more than welcome.

That said, I revised that scene I showed previously and wanted to see if I got it right. How's it looking in so far as Noel's drill sergeant behavior?

>> No.76434507

I can't believe that there are people in existence these days that haven't seen Full Metal Jacket

>> No.76434619

Is FMJ that film where that crazy person sits on the toilet and blows the head off with a shotgun?

>> No.76434637

When I was younger, my mainline stories were romance fluff and some adventure here and there. I never really took much interest in military stories for much of my life until one story that inspired this very WIP.

>> No.76434802

Close, but that wasn't a shotgun. Guy ate his M14 after blasting his drill sergeant with it.

>> No.76434809

I'm terrible at starting movies.

>> No.76434942

>"Guy ate his M14 after blasting his drill sergeant with it."

Oh, no wonder I always kept seeing her face posted when I use to browse the Girls Frontline general, I thought the gun that was used was a shotgun and not an M14.

>> No.76435627
File: 3.79 MB, 2445x3400, 31e10888529b1b117fd2d1b9790cc71ac557afaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a wonderfully mature and sweet flavored bread.

>> No.76435813

it's so old though... and saggy... don't you think we should've gone with an um... more vibrant, lively bread?

>> No.76435860

Might be an unpopular opinion but I don't really like this Mio outfit.

>> No.76435917
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Her heart shines with a vibrancy that makes the stars feel dim. Even as time marches on, she is as lively as when she was in her prime, a gift of love.

>> No.76435966

that pussy bulge does things to me

>> No.76436029
File: 1.55 MB, 2002x2820, 1000002572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fool, this bread gets better with age! This is the wine of bread! Only those with a refined palette can appreciate such a deliciousy! I wouldn’t expect a peasant like you to understand such complexities.

>> No.76436099
File: 106 KB, 850x1200, F5E98wsasAAu-bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I like my bread with a little less sag and a lot less wrinkles... my preferred bread is perky, prime and smooth.

>> No.76436121

t. Alice

>> No.76436273

that bread's undercooked nigga you can't buy or sell that

>> No.76436317

what the other anon said! you may as well be chewing on dough like a retard!

>> No.76436410
File: 715 KB, 1122x1191, 1651521916494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haggots, I swear... truly a vile breed. Against nature and defying god's plan. You are meant to have a young, fertile wife, not a saggy, hairy, empty carton!

>> No.76436630
File: 169 KB, 850x1293, 1671333936622621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no purer love than that which makes you feel younger than you are, and that you do that in turn for your partner.

>> No.76436640
File: 286 KB, 850x1426, 1000001843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our lord and savior Jesus Christ shared his last supper with his apostles by breaking well cooked bread!
and as such, well aged women are the true way to the golden gates

>> No.76436719

Mio is younger than the average holomem, though.

>> No.76436824

I like when she looks cool like a gamer or cute like a lady. This makes her look like a prostitute.

>> No.76436867

The Queen of Hearts isn't a prostitute.

>> No.76436935

just because i'm not a pedophile doesn't make me a haggot
mio posters are all fucking annoying with how one-note they are - nobody every praises her for who she is or what she offers, it's all hag this and save the eggs that. fucking age fetishists

>> No.76437041

She looks like one

>> No.76437156

Nta but same

>> No.76437233
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1651352053355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could write an entire story about Mio's good points and how she supports me.
I will when she is introduced into the plot.

>> No.76437454
File: 250 KB, 1200x2500, 1716243955191806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedochads vs hagfags, a tale as old as time. As someone who has had both, I can tell you hags lose 9/10 times. I could barely even feel anything with some of them.

>> No.76437540
File: 29 KB, 456x456, wataconcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone who has had both


>> No.76437752

All this arguing about a decade or two in difference...I prefer my women to have a few centuries under their belt at least.

>> No.76437947

On one hand, it'd be nice to have a mature woman that doesn't visibly age in your lifetime. On the other hand, it'd be sad that you could only be in such a small part of her life.

>> No.76437959
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I like em dead

>> No.76438017
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the megahag is truly a creature of legend

>> No.76438052
File: 73 KB, 786x1199, 10BB6C8E-1B02-4225-9A93-075270807736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori gets mistaken at a management party for the gaijin hooker they hired

>> No.76438066

I'd like for Mumei to tell me about how she experienced the history of mankind, and how people (didn't) change.

>> No.76438229
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architectfags have tried to ruin Mio time and again. Sure she is a mature woman, but anyone who has ever seen her dance would agree that only the most defined and well formed body could emit such a terrifying sex appeal.

>> No.76438934

I don't know, she mainly stomps the ground.

>> No.76439442

It's only depressing if you make it so.
You might only be a chapter of her life, but she'll be your whole life.

>> No.76439942

But I feel for her too; it'd be better for her if we did something like that Ayame transformation idea so we could live together forever. Though I would enjoy the melancholy of lopsided loss in a story, too.

>> No.76440380

Suisei selling herself as a prostitute to old men she just likes to roleplay as a prostitute for her older boyfriend

>> No.76440637
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Back in the Stone Age when I still didn't really know my way around the eromanga/doujin scene, the flood of lolis and gigantic humongous titty monsters was so fucking annoying. Why aren't normal anime girls (=JKs) enough, why do you need to go to such extremes?

>> No.76440694

A fic about taking care of your sick wife Miosha while she's on the hospital

>> No.76441717

>that Ayame transformation idea so we could live together forever
But only after you've rock n' rolled through Hell and made the King of Hell himself kneel to you (everything I know about Buddhist Hell is based purely on Yu Yu Hakusho).
t. the anon who wrote that unfinished story

>> No.76442029

It's just like with drugs, man. Plain old JKs don't cut it anymore, so they up the dose with something more extreme. If you're not careful yourself, you'll be shooting up syringes of black market /ss/ and back-alley architecture fics in no time...

>> No.76442055

>\"it's all hag this and save the eggs that. fucking age fetishists\"

Can't that be said with every hag that gets mentioned here, anon?

>> No.76442075

Not for Pekora.

>> No.76442141

Pekora may be 30 but she sure as hell doesn't behave like what a proper hag does, anon!

>> No.76442152

thats hot

>> No.76442326

I don't know, she's getting there. There's also Koyori and Subaru.

>> No.76442457

>\"I don't know, she's getting there.\"

I give her a couple of years before she starts acting like a proper hag.

>\"There's also Koyori and Subaru.\"

They're also not proper hags in my opinion but my view of "hag" is different than what /hag/ views hag. To me they'd have to be mature / motherly to which I'm 100% certain that's not even a hag at all and just what a "Mother figure" is.

Am I gonna kick a massive stink when someone says something is a hag and I don't think that person is a hag? FUCK NO!

>> No.76442683

The hottest woman I've ever met was chubby with legs toned from dance practice.
I'm talking handfuls of soft belly, real squishable.
I like to imagine Mio looks like that too, with hips that simultaneously spill out of her clothes and that could me in a wheelchair after she rides me.

>> No.76443173

>cums inside her fertile body
Hehehehe duuuuuude....zooomers....lmaoo...chill out brooo

>> No.76443652

So, uh, are you working on anything?

>> No.76443850

>An Anon steps inside a crackhouse
>Shady black guy playing Madden with a skinny white dude, they both look at (You) for a split second and then return to the game
>You walk through the hall, scratching your itchy crotch
>Sounds of sex behind a door, and a very pleased woman getting her beef sucked
>You knock
>You go inside, the woman's image is hidden by the back of a couch
>A little boy with a collar begs her for approval and she pets his head
>The woman stands up and turns to you.
>It's Fubuki
>"Well well," She shrugs. "What? That loli abuse fic wasn't enough?"
>"I need more." You beg. "I only felt it the moment I came. I need something stronger."
>"Ahaha, okay." Fubuki steps over to the bed, where the little boy now lays. From under it, she pulls out a duffel bag. She opens it. Folders, copybooks, lose pages stitched together with staplers.
>"You're a decent guy, Anon. I only sell the good stuff to the right people." She stretches out a page which you take off her hands in a second and jerk off as you read it. It's a force-feeding wedgie fic that climaxes with the girl getting pulled from her gaming chair by her underwear because she can't stand, then she farts.
>You're about to cum, but the fic's ended.
>"That's it...?" You turn to Fubuki. "This... This is just a fucking prompt!"
>"And you owe me 5 (You)s for it, Anon."
>Five fucking (You)s?! Goddamit!
>JKs going out with decent oji san truly are the worst gateway drug.

>> No.76444510

I'm not addicted man...I just need one more hagfic bro...just to take the edge off. Just a greentext man....one more...

>> No.76444727

I quit hairy hag bushes three times this month just to prove how easy it is. You're all just weak.

>> No.76444950
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>> No.76445004

>"You got my fix?"
>"Yeah and no. Supplier made a mixup and we have something slighty stronger"
>"So you dont?"
>"Its still romance,loverboy. White girls pack quite the punch, but save it for a chill weekend. Smoking it all at once is dangerous"
>"Dude this white woman aint shit "

>> No.76445019

What is this JK Suityan embarrassed about? Did she lose a bet to go on a date with (you)?

>> No.76445128

Yes, with her brother

>> No.76445223

Oh yeah what happened to that incest fic with that focus on kissing. Was there ever a continuation?

>> No.76445505

Yeah can I get uhhhh a Suismell with a side of fluff but hold the Suicest

>> No.76446349

Mumei is the least represented white girl so give her a smell fic

>> No.76446365

you turned on her vibrator

>> No.76446692

What the Moom needs is an autistic incest fic.

>> No.76446785
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>> No.76446798

Not until you fuck ame inside the smol ame suit

>> No.76446834

I thought she was made for bestiality

>> No.76447438

I think Mumei would smell good.

>> No.76448119

I’m not really familiar with her, but she doesn’t seem to have a lot of natural setup outside of being autistic, living really long, or being creepy. Maybe the writers just don’t really know what to do with her or don’t really care much about her?

>> No.76448241

She shit herself

>> No.76448258
File: 440 KB, 1333x2417, __nanashi_mumei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_m_r_b__bf775a13a99253a479a0d13f6acd6027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your autistic friendless imouto Mumei clings to you, and needs you to be there for everything she does
>except until recently where she hides in her room for a few hours and gets really annoyed if anybody disturbs her

>> No.76448406

Fauna grows a horsecock and starts getting quite backed up as balls demand a mate.
Mumei learns about this and helps her take a load off with a very suspicious looking breeding mount

>> No.76449609

This being expanded on more

>> No.76450533

Fixing chuuba of your choice back to their peak after experiencing a severe event in their life/career.


>Suisei/Calli being unusually lethargic and submissive when they are the prime "take no shit" girls

>Pekora/Subaru not being her usually cheery self


>> No.76450805

Doujins are both drugs and subversive material now lol

I wanna take a crack at the anti-lesbian/superAbe dystopia fic but I dunno how

>> No.76450981
File: 3.08 MB, 1080x1080, filianLeap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn do coke off filian's toned stomach

>> No.76451187

Are you tryna make me gos for Filian?

>> No.76451835
File: 157 KB, 318x450, matthewkawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time no see. I'm done! Funny that I initially started asking the thread about a different story, only for the discussion to somehow inspire me to write 8k words for a fic I thought I had shelved for good.
Well, not much else to say other than: I brought 19k words of Hoshikawa fuckfest. Not all of it is smut, but a lot of it.
God, it's a lot.
I said at some point that I didn't think I would write smut again - funny how that turned out. Haha. I need a shower.
Anyways! Title! Synopsis!

Fruits Taste Sweeter when Forbidden

You are a moral bastion, the embodiment of integrity. A man free from desire – one that has long-since sworn off the temptations and vices of the mortal plain. So why is it that Sara Hoshikawa never seems to get the memo? Why is it that she always tempts you with her little glances and teasing touches? During the wedding of a good friend of yours, you finally decide to confront her. Seven longdrinks in, there surely is no way this could backfire…

Tags: Hoshikawa Sara, very NSFW, Fluff?, Drama, Drinking, Chuuba cheats with you

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5UJnCn5KDQ_ikvciclCdB_EC3Y1yh53hslDW4WzEIL474CBmtuYSTK9HCjGOfLiZayH8q5nEytF-M/pub

Feedback of all kind is highly appreciated! This took... some time. I think I first opened the document almost a year ago. Having finished the story now, I do have some kind of post-write-clarity... I'm curious if any of you see the same issues as me.

To the guys that drain their pipe to these things... uh, I hope it suits you! Sorry for making you wait!

>> No.76451924

Sounds like Our Cures for adults.

>> No.76452219

I promise to write an in depth review for anyone who writes a non-shit post Filian story.

>> No.76453215

What about a story where you're tied down on the floor and Filian does a stream while jumping and flipping around on top of you without telling her viewers.

>> No.76454878

That would be acceptable.

>> No.76455091
File: 198 KB, 495x450, 1702139791534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw two lesbian early teen cuties making out at the beach in their school uniforms, fics for this feel?

>> No.76455170

Don't say that Fubuki.

>> No.76456072
File: 2.18 MB, 3000x3500, __houshou_marine_and_usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_homura_hmr0222__ea4546de57c13446b5a0f93618f9df31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've occasionally contemplated writing a PekoMari fic based on Homura's art
But in the end I'd always choose the option to ravage the holos myself rather than write yuri

>> No.76456462

How about joining them and making them bisexual?

>> No.76456560
File: 17 KB, 279x279, 1705331567585049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this was pretty enjoyable. I got no real opinions on Hoshikawa, but you sure wrote her to be fun. The dynamics you set up felt pretty organic, which was probably one of my favorite aspects of this fic. The bits of comedy laced over the drama and inner conflict were also really nicely done. Your smut dialogue was really good in my opinion, and perfectly captures the essence of saying things during sex that would make your own head turn in the mirror when you recall them. I am prone to say some really nasty shit when I'm in the moment, and when I think about it 20 minutes after, I'm fucking red hot with embarrassment over it. For the smut itself I was surprised there weren't more positions used. The buildup kinda felt like no potential way to fuck would go unexplored, but the way you did it had a distinct feel of realism to it, so the trade offs work out. Also during that scene, there was a minor spelling mistake:
both of you as you glans pushes past her swollen curtain

I might say you can also focus a little more on the physical sensations during the smut, but you nailed the emotional and mental aspects. Also really loved your includes of other chuubas in this, it feels like a fun little world anon is in. The aftermath was probably the chef's kiss to this piece for me. It was the perfect reward and flow that kinda built up explosion of tension wants in the end.

>> No.76457260

Fubuki you're a menace, was your poor young nephew not enough?!?

>> No.76457731
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, 270148-duke_nukem_004_1_-1999684021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is a two-player game for me. Maybe if it was a comedic fic with a Duke Nukem tier protagonist I'd go for something like that.

>> No.76459434

You could make it so you fuck them separately despite the triangle relationship, I guess.

>> No.76459747
File: 198 KB, 1071x1514, HoshikawaShirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other anon already said a lot of what I would have, so I'll just second >>76456560 for the most part. One complement I do want to add though is just how good you are conveying the emotion you want the reader to feel. I often find both in my own experience as a writer and reading other fics that doing that is harder than it seems, but man you nailed every time with this. Nice stuff!

>> No.76460035

Dating is a two-player game too. Although... this made imagine a protagonist who is really bad at saying no and things somehow escalate to the point where he is dating the entire 3rd gen. And he desperately tries to keep it secret, not because he actually wants to have all of them, but because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. By the end the protagonist is an absolute wreck, the whole thing has drained all life out of him (and all his money too).

>> No.76460472

Also, it would be pure banter if Rushia is involved too. That alone would contribute 95% of the mental stress required for Anon's total breakdown.

>> No.76460876
File: 338 KB, 1000x1778, F7W7bwfaYAAGxvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, congratulations! finishing a fic that's been haunting you its always a treat.

I quite liked the setting, the idea and the characterization with HSKW while the smut was really good, specially the aftermath that had a nice comedy/romance/lust trifecta constantly spinning. Overall, its a good fic and i quite liked some of its parts.

HOWEVER! im quite ticked off at some of the aspects and i feel like i have to yap about them or ill go crazy.

>The moral code
i feel like this is the worst aspect of the fic. It rears it head once or twice, promising to cause friction... and then Anon folds like a house of cards in just one night and after one interaction. If there were more dialogues and tidbits of Anon slowly getting reeled in, or this being a thing that happens over the course of multiple parties where she just leaves him hanging then it would hit where he goes "damn i gotta bust a nut in her"
Also this is a CINEMASINS NO FUN ALLOWED thing but its weird that he drinks so much and prides in being a moral bastion.

>HSKW and the friend group/Matsuri

For the "acquaintances you cant fully stand" she sure is friendly and full of banter with you. It feels like you two are friends and lessens the impact of the idea that there is this weird mating dance going around in between two people that dont fully see eye to eye.
The friend group is fine, i would have suggested giving them a more active role or bringing them up less because they feel important but everyone that isnt takeshi or Matsuri just doesnt do anything.
Which leads to Matsuri. She's just a bump in the road, not putting any effort in stopping you and then just antagonizing you with the explanation being a throwaway line. The ending just comes out of nowhere too, and it feels awfully mean to this side character. I get its the dangers of menheras...but it doesnt feel earned or even in character for someone throwing a fit because her feelings went unanswered.

Again, i liked it, but those elements just tick me off in the wrong way. Apologies for behaving like a woman

>> No.76461955
File: 424 KB, 2502x3750, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do it Pussy, you wont" is like a mantra with your best friend Ame.
That time you broke your leg in 3 parts due to a skateboarding accident? Those words were uttered
That time Ame ate a fried gluten ball and shat herself ? Those words were present

Every scar and fucked up anecdote you two ever shared had that mantra in the background: and today is not the exception.

A conversation about exhibitionists and public sex ends with "Do it pussy, you wont" and your friendship is tested

Public naked degenerate mating with Ame in a public park in the middle of the night, getting way too into it, and maybe impregnating her

>> No.76462978
File: 1005 KB, 1582x1025, 1706868900280762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that author, but if in the name of more engagement, anon's moral code I feel like is meant to be a characterization given to himself and by him and his friend group, and the way he carries himself outside of weddings is likely a reflection of that. Weddings are good places to drink yourself stupid, and let that part of you go out the window. It's also slightly established that Hoshikawa brings out this more degraded side of anon, whether he likes it or not. A certain kind of woman can make a man whether in a moment of weakness or his strongest resolve, question what he thought he stood for. Also in anon's defense, he was planning to uphold his moral standard by staying out of the way and having enough of a buzz to enjoy himself. That is responsible in a sense.
I think Matsuri being a bump in the road is appropriate considering who she is to the involved parties. Given that this is an adult friend group that mostly stay in touch via group chats, you aren't going to treat her as more than that, she isn't worth the headache. She's also kinda a bitch, so I don't feel like she was done dirty or anything.

>> No.76464037
File: 180 KB, 624x960, hskw_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the review! Would you say the lack of position switches is a detriment? I wanted to make the scenes count, but if it was lacking in variety that would be a thing to note down.
>physical sensations during the smut
I guess you're thinking smell, taste, feeling of skin and the like? If so, noted.
Again, thanks for taking the time to read and review, hope you enjoyed, Polka-hime!

Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it!

Glad you liked it, as for your critique
>moral code
Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from. I could pretentiously argue that the picture he paints as being "morally superior" was meant as just a skewed image he has of himself, but the whole thing isn't fully fleshed out - especially since other people refer to him as such as well. I should have either made him more resilient then break hard, put the 'moral bastion' thing as a tongue-in-cheek title the friends use to refer to him while he acts as anything but, or cut the whole thing from being used by others and go all-in on deranged self-perception. The way it is now, it's not really one or the other. Noted!
probably a cultural thing. You'll have a hard time not drinking at a wedding here. And if you did, you'd be either labeled a dry alcoholic, a weird religious person or the designated driver - definitely not a "moral bastion"
>feels like you two are friends
well, you are in a way. By association. I kinda drew that synergy from my own experience - there are people in my friend group that I don't like, still banter with and probably would... you know? Maybe that's just me though. I'll think about how that could've been more impactful.
>friend group
yeah, I know there was potential there, but I felt like I would have to write another couple of thousand words to flesh a bunch of people out that would ultimately play no active role.
hm, that's weird. Admittedly, my knowledge about her comes mostly from rrats and threadreading, but I do think there were a few instances where she went ballistic over fairly minor "picking someone else over her" kind of situations. Pretty sure there was one with Hoshikawa in particular - that's why I chose her for the role after all. But I couldn't cobble all the details together at this point. Sure, she's even more over the top in the story, but that she'd feel mischaracterised was not my intention. Sorry.
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read, even if you didn't like everything - I'm just glad it evoked some feelings in you! Worst thing would've been for everyone to feel indifferent!

>> No.76464775

Oh, sweet! You can go ahead and have your menhera arc, I've just backed the fic up on google docs.

I'll read it in 12 hours when I'm tired and horny.

>> No.76466238
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>> No.76466291
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>> No.76466820
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I don't need it

>> No.76467193

Why do Mio's paintings only feature one of her daughters?

>> No.76467383
File: 34 KB, 434x750, 1703399074673656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't?
More for me, then.

>> No.76467452
File: 75 KB, 882x960, 4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yup. I'm happy for you man.

>> No.76467777

One of Mio's daughters is an adorable and innocent girl
The other is a filthy, annoying wench

>> No.76467948
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Not a detriment in the least, but it was more so just an expectation I had due to the build up of the lust. At that point you want to slam the object of your desires in every possible way you can muster, and the object in this case seems like she would want the same. Like it feels like it was a lot of subconscious fantasies of the two of them finally breaking to the surface, and it seems like there would be a ton to unpack. Just something to keep in mind down the road.
And yeah, the sensations of the skinship, the taste and the heavy air that comes with having sex when your sweat is more alcohol than moisture, it all kinda plays into how absolutely inflamed both parties' privates are. Also don't be afraid to go into how that hole can grip you like a vice in certain positions and especially at the height of orgasm. She also seems like the kinda girl who knows how to flex and massage you throughout, which is its own kind of eutrophic torture.
The read was fun, so thanks again for giving this one your all. And best of all, by the metric of one guy in the last thread, your fic is almost a success! Sorry my (You) is only worth half according to them.

>> No.76468080

I feel like your smut reviews are worth more than most because you actually have a good amount of experience with sex.

>> No.76468101

Lamy and polka should make out on stream

>> No.76468439
File: 859 KB, 2508x1771, 1673148326545068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I wouldn't put myself on that high horse. My smut is probably only serviceable at best and I still got a lot of improvement I can do. You can write amazing smut without a lot of hands on experience. I think my own experiences more so just help with the mental flow of it, and even then you need to mindful enough to remember it, since once boner turn on, thoughts mostly turn off.
They should fight on stream and the winner gets to make out with me first.

>> No.76468500

yeah im aware of the moral code being kind of a excuse but i cant feel but throw my tantrum because it eases you into an instance of "oh, he's going to be hard to break"
The banter, well yes, ill give you that. Im the type of person who is fine with "That person" but i will try to shake them off if they are around or simply steer the conversation into neutral ground rather than try and banter with them.

Final tidbit: Im not gonna pretend matsuri isnt a menhera, but id argue that she isnt exactly a destructive "scorched earth" one. Then again, the fic is just fiction and there is no need to butt heads over an interpretation.

Again i must insist i liked it, and my complains come from a place of "damn, it could have been so much better" and me just wanting to yap, so i apologize if it came off as confrontational

>> No.76468525

Don't worry, I'll take the loser.

>> No.76469466
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It didn't come off as confrontational, at least not to me. We're just talking about interpretations and opinions on the story. It's good to work through these things as the conversations can spark more ideas. One thing that might help to keep in mind, that anon's "breaking" has been a long time in the making. Countless previous interactions and banter that just built up sexual tension between the two of them, finally coming to a full overflow on this night.
Given Matsuri's past relationship in the story, it's very on brand that she would be a scorched earth kinda girl in this characterization.
She's also mine, she just goes second. No one goes home a loser.

>> No.76469893

But someone might go home looser.

>> No.76470018
File: 363 KB, 2000x1000, 1708012850378497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ship has sailed my friend

>> No.76470518

A threesome with Bijou and Mumei, but they just stare at you like :D the whole time without even making any noise

>> No.76470988
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>> No.76473599


>> No.76475749
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>> No.76475917

>Irys sucking off mumei again
please, she's already empty

>> No.76476782
File: 893 KB, 2220x2345, GHmTNSybsAAoDdP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCP fics will never happen and im fine with it

>> No.76477269
File: 39 KB, 369x369, 1704189843681676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making out with Mori! Frotting with futa Mori! Mori gets so excited and overwhelmed that she starts crying! Mori's cute cries filling your ears as you rub her cute tiny penis against yours! A very pent up Mori cums so hard she covers both yours and her tummy in white!

>> No.76477529
File: 1.80 MB, 1506x2189, 1702047107779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't pretend like I'm in the wrong here. 7-13 is the ideal.

>> No.76477812

Literally already has years ago with the Omelas guy's continuations

>> No.76478197

You write good. Your writing style is really, *really* good at immersing me in the world that you try to create.

Most of the dialogue has that real-life feeling, they don't talk like sitcom or dramatic characters, they talk like actual people, making sentences the way actual people talk. For the most part. (the 'sucking on nuts' thing could've been snipped, it goes over the cringe line for me personally, could do with a few less stutters too, but 95% of it feels right on the money)

The best part though, by far? Descriptive dialogue. You have the very rare trait of actually knowing how to do it properly. It's not robotic, it's not trope-ish, it has SOUL. You get the Anon's way of thinking absolutely on the mark.
It has variable sentence structure, it doesn't shy away from taking an extra clause or two to visualize stuff and pepper in small nuggets of interaction between people. You have the secret sauce in terms of making it feel like an honest human being making up a scene.

And that ability to make it feel like a layered piece, that feels like you just had a vivid dream and wrote it up play-by-play, no stone unturned instead of filling in a box of chubba trope checkmarks (Aqua's dialogue notwithstanding, I have a personal hatred for constant stuttering) is something I almost *never* see from anyone.

9.5/10, my good sir. I'm reading your Fubuki two-parter as I write this. I want more.

>> No.76479559

>Shirakami "If he's on the clock, he's ready for the fox" Fubuki

>> No.76482220


>> No.76483683

Would Gilgamesh accept Kotomine Shiori as his master?

>> No.76484219

Gilgamesh would find Shiori's interest in cannibalism funny

>> No.76485284
File: 10 KB, 456x676, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna gives a very reluctant footjob after you begged her

>> No.76487117

All of HoloEN grows cock except for Irys, who is more than happy to become the branch's stress relief

>> No.76487680
File: 273 KB, 799x951, 1716519967957219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76487982

they all grow cocks but they are regular cocks and not doujin stuff
>"Sooo, you guys feeling those nuts full yet? need me to drop to my knees in the center and suck my way out?"
>"What? what do you mean no? how else are you gonna function without dumping four loads in my throat?"

>> No.76488039


Its over...

>> No.76488157

Lewd chibi-sui makes me feel strange.

>> No.76488224

>irys sitting on the table, with a mug of coffee and a pissed off expression because they told her to have a normal breakfast instead of cum

>> No.76488631

Absolute succubus

>> No.76488653

i like the bit but it should be a side gag to another story.
something like you turn the corner and Irys is tied to the entrance of the bathroom because she was triying to make a gloryhole

>> No.76489204

>IRyS with a straight face proposing a 24 hour cumathon for a Youtube stream.
>The entire management staff in shock as she just keeps going over 100 page plan
What kind of fucking plot needs to have holoEN (except IRyS) be turned into futas?
A gag comedy fic about Cover trying to establish a successful male branch?

>> No.76489545

>When she finishes one intern claps and everyone else turns around to glare at her until she stops

I feel like it should be one of many gags in say, a fic where a lot of stuff gets changed by a shion spell or something. Kind of like cursed idol uniforms with irys prowling in the background.
It could also not be a "the entire branch" thing and just a few girls that keep getting stalked
>"Come back here mococo! Im just gonna suck your dick!"

>> No.76490573

>Mococo starts sleeping on the vents because irys AND fuwawa want her new dick

>> No.76490822

>where a lot of stuff gets changed by a shion spell or something.
Ah yes, the forbidden template
>Koyori's shady new chemical
>Ame is fooling around again
>It's a HoloX conspiracy

>> No.76492267
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>> No.76493395
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>> No.76493459
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Parallelanons doko?

>> No.76493584

It sounds eerie. Can't they laugh at least?

>> No.76493892

what the hell is a parallelanon

>> No.76493969

Matsuri would get that joke

>> No.76494112

We got an update from our seriesanons last time but what about our parallelanons?

>> No.76494227
File: 147 KB, 1416x1078, MV5BNDZiZjkxMzMtMGEwOS00ZDRjLThlNGYtZjEyMGY1NGQ1OTMwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg5MjUzNDE@._V1_-4129297068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combine extreme Japanese nationalism with a Shinzo Abeist slant (YOU VILL BREED) and obnoxious British bureaucracy and regulations ("Oi! You got a licence for that?").
>Hello, this is the breeding inspector
t. anon who came up with the idea

>> No.76494464

>You got a licence for that?
And this is making me imagine that hentai/doujinshi trope of the breeding license with ability to breed any woman at anytime ;and how that would fit in the concept. A lesbian couple being tracked and chased down by a licensed breeder?

>> No.76494489

>\"Why do Mio's paintings only feature one of her daughters?\"


>> No.76494655

That part is just an example of the general flavor of the setting, not necessarily something directly related to the core premise.

>> No.76494929

The original it's micover prompt: >>/vt/thread/75298716#p75354950

>> No.76494992

You could combine it with the yuri idea. A lesbian couple that's allowed to live together, as long as they have a man who breeds both of them. How well will they get along?
There will be too few men anyway because of life expectancy and prison sentences, so a few will have to take care of multiple women.

>> No.76495307

Meh, it'd become kinda lukewarm if you did that. Lesbian oppression is the beating heart of that story, it's the last thing you should water down.

>> No.76496578

Dear lord, man. This was way too hot. I don't think I can recover from that, like ever.

>> No.76497091
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Oh, your (you) is definitely worth a whole lot more than you think. Thanks again! Maybe I should finally give up on being a wizard - go on a little academic journey. There seems a bit to uncover.
Do you have any suggestions on fics that go into the details you mention? I'd love to check them out with that in mind specifically. Wouldn't even mind you pointing at your own works, filthy sex-haver that you are.

Don't worry about it! Again, you feeling so strongly makes me happy in its own way. So from what I understand you'd have liked Matsuri to be more confrontational in the moment while being less "scorched earth" in the aftermath?

Thanks, anon. I'm currently basking in your praise. It means a lot. Painting a proper picture for the reader seems like the hardest thing to do, since I do see the scene in front of me quite vividly as I'm writing. But to manage to bring that "vision" on paper... I'm glad it seems to have turned out alright.
>coconut scene
yeah, not happy with that one either. Rewrote it a ton, but I was too far into the setup to have the balls to cut it completely. Maybe should have reconsidered.
I'll keep in mind to go a bit easy on that in the future. I used it mostly to express the "drunken-ness" of the party, but I'm sure there are other ways around that.
>I want more.
Even more happy to hear that you're checking out the other works. Feel free to leave your opinion any time, I'm almost always lurking ITT. No pressure of course.

not planning on it, but who knows. We Ruffians are a fickle bunch of meheras. Have fun when you get around to it!

>> No.76497269
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sorry, didn't see you there. Hope you didn't pull a muscle! Thanks for reading, have a Hoshikawa all for yourself

>> No.76497375

I don't mind the political oppression, but I would like a nice man for them. I like the girls, after all.

>> No.76498447

Oge, whose POV? The chuuba or the anon?

State mandated man

>> No.76498898

I'm the state mandated wizard.

>> No.76499111
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Nice. I enjoyed a lot of this, especially Shion, strangely enough. She was cute throughout every scene she appeared in. Everything else has been covered by some other Anons so I'll mention a couple things that felt kinda off. The first was Hoshikawa's character. She felt condescending and snarky in this, which isn't really what she's like. You captured her playful and cheeky side pretty well but she's definitely nicer than this. I also didn't get the point of the moral code thing considering how fucking FAST Anon suddenly went from feeling annoyed by Hoshikawa to wanting to fuck her. It was also then revealed that he was doing stuff with Shiori, so it I feel as though it didn't add much to the fic. Especially the line,
>For the fraction of a second you reminisce how you, a former bastion of morality, could be reduced to such a lust-driven beast
felt meaningless since he showed no signs of ever being a bastion of morality.
That said, this is some real nitpicking I'm doing here. If this is all the fault I could find in this fic then you know you've done a great job. Sex was incredibly hot, dialogue was nice (aside from when it jumped from 0 to 100 at times) and all the characters felt very alive. Amazing work.

>> No.76499559

What if the state mandated man was gay? It'd be interesting if the sense of civic duty was the only thing driving the breeding.

>> No.76499610

On one hand, I do feel bad for Subaru. But ojou is just more enticing...

>> No.76500766

I'm currently archive diving for old discussions/feedback and something curious happened: I can't find Assurance Correction's original post, direct feedback to it or any mention of the fic in the "stories posted in the last thread" recaps.
Does anyone know how Assurance Correction came into the archive? Did the "r3ntry. c o" link nuke it somehow?

>> No.76500912
File: 721 KB, 897x561, mama-ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been getting hooked on Mary so I might be writing an infantilization fic at some point in the near future.

>> No.76501181

What if it wasn't just psychological, but Benjamin-Button-style?

>> No.76501679

That's because it was a thread posted fic and it was archived during the era when AA would pick up thread posted fics even if they weren't anchored and turn them into rentry entries for easier access >>39743831 This is the post of the fic, and the post it's replying to is the origin of the name.

>> No.76501754

That's a nostalgic name. I was listening to her ASMR over a year before I ever heard of Hololive or Nijisanji.

>> No.76501781

i feel like I've found heaven

>> No.76502070

Cuckfeather never got anchored - a shame for such a literary masterpiece. Here's the post:

>> No.76502638

Mary who?

>> No.76502772

Marry me.

>> No.76503010

WAv2, you still lurking?

>> No.76503209

I may be misremembering things but couldn't the possible reason why it wasn't anchoered is because its ripping the piss out of the original work? I remember something like that happening in the past and Balsa anon threw a massive fit when someone copied his work.

>> No.76503232

He's dead anon.
Or as dead as you can be for any inentity he has here given that I'm pretty sure he wiped out all of his accounts.

>> No.76503268

Saionji Mary. Premium mommy experience.

>> No.76503454

>because its ripping the piss out of the original work?
It's a full-on parody mirroring certain elements of the original for the purposes of satire. It's a scathing commentary hidden in a short one-shot and absolutely deserves its own place in the archive.
Spite's always been a powerful source of motivation.

>> No.76503586

Oh, so parody ones are okay then? No, I'm not defending the faggot but I was just curious because I thought "cuckfeather" was just a rip-off from "goldfeather".

Thanks for the clear up.

>> No.76503744

Thanks. I'll check her out

>> No.76503913
File: 179 KB, 709x935, HSWK_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man! Shion was really fun to write, I wish I could've given her more screen time. And I've reread the piece myself with all the feedback in mind by now.
Can definitely see how the "moral" aspect seems like a dead horse that keeps on getting beaten - to the point it makes me cringe just reading the word at this point. I must have developed a blind spot for how it actually appeared in reading over it so much.
Didn't even plan on it being such a big hangup, more like a twisted self-perception Anon has developed to cope with being horny for Hoshikawa. You know in the way of "that bitch keeps switching boyfriends but won't fuck me. Not that I even want to. I'm totally above that. Why? Morals and shit"
I thought about going back to those passages and change them up a little... maybe more "patch" than "fix" them, but that feels kinda cheap now that it's published. I'll have to think about it.
yea, that's a fine line to balance. If I'd made her "nicer" that would've made Anon's aversion all the more unreasonable and the premise would've not worked as good. But that's a bad excuse - my knowledge of her is very clip-based so I probably just don't know enough about her to hit the nail on the head.
Thanks for reading and glad you enjoyed!

>> No.76504328

Changing your fics is totally fine, that's a big part of how feedback can actually help you improve - it's much easier to learn when you apply lessons learned to the work being discussed, rather than your next one. You're an anonymous guy posting on a vtuber board, you're not changing the story to improve your reputation or something. You're just continuing to work on your niche smut artpiece.

>> No.76505185
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Well I would definitely recommend it since it's a wonderful thing, but everyone does these things at their own pace so you gotta do what's right for you.
For fics that have a nice detail to their smut, from what my just waking up brain remembers, I always enjoyed the scenes in To Be 17 Again, My Girlfriend Polka, and Marine's Victory of HoloFantasy. Those fics hold a specific place in my head since when I read those in my early days in the thread it made me go "I wanna write some sex as good as that."
For my own stuff, the smut within my own series; HoloJourneys is wayyyy into the progression of the story, and there's only 1 canon piece so far, but I've written a few smutty side pieces/oneshots if any sound like they strike your fancy.
>Miotastic Comfort
>From Housekeeping to dragon taming
>HoloJourneys Parallel Pages: Advent's Archiver (Just Shiori fingerblasting herself while she narrates her own smut scene)
The bard's tale stuff under the series directory is also just smut practice I did for a scene that couldn't leave my head at the time, and can pretty much be read on their own. The one with Nene has actual sex but too much unga bunga speak, and the other with Flare is just some making out and dry humping.

>> No.76505918
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> Anya's Zweinhander
Good stuff

>> No.76506848

Futanya is always a treat (as long as she keeps her dick away from me)

>> No.76507946
File: 600 KB, 2232x4087, 1714081555892783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've been thinking. Tomorrow it will be seventeen years to the day that I've been in the service. Seventeen years in peace and war. I don't suppose I've been at home more than four months in all that time. Still, it's been a good life. I love the sea. I wouldn't have had it any other way. But there are times when suddenly you realise you're nearer the end than the beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life represents, what difference your being there at any time made to anything, or if it made any difference at all really. Particularly in comparison with other people’s careers. I don't know whether that kind of thinking is very healthy, but I must admit I've had some thoughts on those lines from time to time. But tonight—tonight!"

>> No.76508150
File: 574 KB, 850x864, 1678172537533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie cockshock. (Reminder that she thinks 13cm is huge)

>> No.76509220

Hohoho, intriguing.

To further spice up the hypocritical fic, I probably wanna reference that doompost fic about StarsEN when it was just Tempus.

Perhaps they're the elite Task Force of hunting down all who oppose The Program (tm)? And then Armis maybe as the Black Ops arm.

>> No.76509597


>> No.76509660

>doompost fic about StarsEN when it was just Tempus.
I keep seeing that fic be referenced but I have never seen any links to it.
I know it probably comes from /here/ but I'm also sure it wasn't from us specifically.

>> No.76510061

Yes, it did not came from dub-g. It was from a catalog thread at the height of coed collabs in EN.

Its probably deep in the archives now tho...
The main gist is that its a dystopia ruled by Tempus and they have all but hunted down all Holos(for their purposes) save one (your oshi)

>> No.76510163

This feels like a truly vile Monkey's Paw situation. You get holos appointed as your wives, but you're also turned gay.

>> No.76510636

I'd put so you was once an elite hunter of dissidents, but someone jacked you with estrogen and hormone blockers in a failed raid. You were declared KIA.

>> No.76510714
File: 557 KB, 1440x1080, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking lately that Ayame's character design actually fits a futuristic setting better than any historical Japanese setting

>> No.76510914

How so?

>> No.76511323
File: 388 KB, 1440x1080, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My aesthetic sense told me so.
And that outfit would cause a scandal. Even prostitutes wouldn't have worn something that exposing in public.

>> No.76511982

I mean, she's an oni. They don't have to conform to human standards.

>> No.76512440
File: 498 KB, 1440x1080, mpv-shot0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Yeah, it's not worth losing your sleep over for anyone writing a historical Ayame story.

>> No.76512468

Where do you have the beautiful images from?

>> No.76512541

They are just my own quick and sloppy jobs. I combined Ayame fan art with Outlaw Star screenshots.

>> No.76512607

It feels like you could tell a touching story with them. I hope you'll share more

>> No.76512802

I might utilize stuff like that in a fic

>> No.76512829
File: 954 KB, 1255x683, eatmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio is an architect

>> No.76513137

I could see a Shadowrun-esque setting work well for Ayame, where some humans have turned into/birthed onis.

>> No.76513292
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>> No.76515297


>> No.76515735

I blame my obsession with kronii to the guy who wrote Your Time is Gonna Come.

He effectively gave me erectile dysfunction that only goes away with Kronii. Im going through withdrawals man.

>> No.76515785

Fat sweaty Moona pinning you under her huge ass for an entire stream

>> No.76516415
File: 275 KB, 1448x2048, 1650952269976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone could survive that, anon.

>> No.76516618

Thats why You write a baki style proologue to justify anon being able to survive the "architecture marvel of creation and destruction"

>> No.76516928

Use a thin, flexible snorkel

>> No.76517153

>Building the thigmabobit 3000 to survive Moona's facesitting

>> No.76517526
File: 917 KB, 812x549, 1667385639573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Moona's streaming chair didn't stand a chance against her fat ass.
This is a fool's errand.

>> No.76517539
File: 631 KB, 1105x1090, 1712447052995192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just go to town on moona and make her squirm off your face. Why do you want it to be a death inducing situation?

>> No.76517702

Moona feels a bit concious about her weight, so in order to reassure her that you like her (and also because fat ass) you tell her to sit on your face .
Of course she refuses so you go through a grueling shaolin training to survive it.

And then after the sex the fic ends with moona munching on a comically large salad bowl while you read the news with your neckbrace

>> No.76517954

Because giving is as fun as receiving.

Also i wouldnt die. I would simply handle it

>> No.76518008

There's the risk that Moona's too autistically focused on her stream to react to your tongue going crazy beneath her.

>> No.76518677
File: 461 KB, 480x360, 1716462978435982.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon and Marine both love Pekora
>Pekora isn't interested in either of them
>As a compromise, Anon and Marine start having sex dressed as rabbits

>> No.76518745

I am simply built different

>> No.76518868
File: 488 KB, 2026x2865, 1687840789889833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona says that she heard sex is a good way to lose weight, you two should try it out
>you pull out your nerd glasses and say that she'd have to have a lot of sex to lose weight, it might be better to try something else
>Moona just looks at you blankly until it finally clicks in your brain

>> No.76519350

>"Ollie help me crunch these numbers"
>"Okay so in order to burn this ammount of calories you would need to have sex nonstop with a male sporting at least X height, X dick Size that lasts Y ammount of time, while also keeping it at a rythm of... OOOOOOOOH

>> No.76521254
File: 732 KB, 2373x4000, GOVHDJ6asAAtqjH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa takes your "you are one of the guys" comment a bit too well and now she's constantly guard less against you when you hang out, which makes you realize how much of a girl she is.

The desire to do something about it stirrs.

>> No.76521600

A chair cover is weak to a heavy ass moving back and forth, dragging it with it. Your skin is more flexible and the uneven surface of your face means her butt won't really stick to it as much, she'll glide over you enough that your skin won't rip. And a very fat, soft ass will reduce pressure on your eyes and skull.

>> No.76521667

Is she joining the boys in the private sauna or what?

>> No.76523168

This would be very funny with a feminine, big-titted holo that just acts like one of the boys, confusing everyone who isn't part of the group.

>> No.76523255

That pic looks like a VN screenshot where Ayame brought some fastfood and is dtf.

>> No.76523458

I actually started writing this awhile ago but I'm not very confident in my ability to depict her character, even less so than most chuubas I only half watch, so I stalled

>> No.76523802

If you sit on her face for a change, she wouldn't have to talk much.

>> No.76523962

that could be the natural escalation of her getting hyper comfortable with you around until you pull out your cock.
dunno if there's personal saunas but it could be her getting in the shower with you because "you wont do anything"

>> No.76524050

I meant a sauna that belongs to a house, where the people living in the house can go - and maybe a few guests. It's not uncommon in some countries.

>> No.76524125

Well there you have it.
>Sweaty Taa going "chchchchhcchotto!" as you close into kiss her

>> No.76524238

I'd push it even further and have her be totally cool with you pulling out your cock. She'd be curious, asking to see what boys do with it so she can relate to the group better.

>> No.76525114

>Towa makes you show you how you do it
>Tell her to show you how she does it

>> No.76525158

Masturbating to porn with the boys (and Towa)!

>> No.76525749
File: 670 KB, 993x1200, b4c5ed349ba10088fa699a10b60e1ade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, sauna is the last place where you're gonna get horny. It's too hot.
>dunno if there's personal saunas
Well, in Finland everyone with their own house has a personal sauna, and apartment buildings (=commieblocks) generally have a common sauna.

>> No.76526082

i mean, you could get horny and continue afterwards.
OR just write yourself as a half demon or something so both you and towa feel like the sauna is toasty but not super hot

>> No.76526246

>It's too hot
I gotta second this. Even just big soak bathtubs it's hard to really want to get into some breeding. It's the fucking bane of my existence actually.

>> No.76526253

The coward's way out

>> No.76527816
File: 180 KB, 990x1400, GN1dttdXUAE65LS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After your girlfriend dumps you, Its up to your good friend Kronii to try and cheer you up (she's doing a terrible job).

Since she knows one of the reasons you got the boot is you are a horndog, she offers a pity fuck since her meds keep her libido under wraps and she will barely feel it while you get it out of your system

and turns out, she's very wrong about feeling it

>> No.76528163

I think the story would be more touching with romantic rather than a sexual attraction, anyway. You already got used to seeing Towa naked and talking about all kinds of lewd things, and so your dick treats her as one of the boys...but your heart doesn't anymore.

>> No.76528528

I thought romance was the default route here. I'm not sure why you would rob the story of its biggest buff to orchestrate some weird "just dick me as a friend, since we're bros" scene. That's just pretty gay.

>> No.76528657

Romance was the default route, I worded that wrong. I meant romantic-only (at first), rather than the usual combination of romantic and sexual attraction.

>> No.76530652
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I for the life of me can't figure out how you pursue someone romantically but don't find them sexually attractive or have some sort of draw to their physical attributes. Usually the object you are feeling romantic for will spur feelings of attraction no matter what they may look like to others.
Perhaps it would make more sense to accidentally keep getting in romantic situations and outings with Towa but you treat it more as you just enjoying her company and not really putting the pieces together that this is actually romance.
>This isn't smash bros
>This is my wedding night?!

>> No.76532874
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>> No.76533207

Ear-fucking Koyori

>> No.76533262

Tell me about kronii, I really only know secondhand rrat info

>> No.76533754
File: 886 KB, 808x1500, Zethigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all: All her "rrat" stuff is completely made up negro shit.

Like actual "it came to me in a dream" tier of fabrications. It all came when she "stopped cattering to unicorns" (She had a lot of popularity here because 16 y/os see tits and a girl who knows memes and is kind of parasocial with her chat and they explode in cum)

How true is this? There's still shit about her "being a homostar lover and being in love with them" when she's a confirmed carpet muncher.

So throw all that shit out the window and watch some streams because she's really funny in general.

She's low energy but she rose to fame because like gura is very witty and quick on references to pop culture. Unlike gura, she's actually a functioning human being and exercises,goes out with friends and takes her meds (which make it so she's kinda loopy sometimes).

She is parasocial with her chat in the sense that she treats them like close friends and confides a lot in them. This attracts a lot of schizos. There's also the rrat that she hates her model but in reality she kinda hates how that's the only thing horny shitposters look at.

TLDR: She's a good person with low energy and very witty. Can appreciate both shitposts and dry humor and has a low sex drive in general

>> No.76534076

>>76533754 (me)
Also forgot to say: Really good at joke flirting, which has lead to timerys and other ships to soar. She's also very quick to follow deranged tangents and tries to engage with them in earnest faith. Her most popular ship, Kromei is all about her listening to Mumei's unhinged shit and keeping up

>> No.76536505
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>> No.76536508

arise now, ye /wg/

>> No.76536540
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>> No.76538154

Late to this review so I'll try and give feedback that's hasn't already been said. On that note, I agree with what everyone is saying about the dialog, feels very organic and natural. I think you do a good job of capturing that "friend of a friend you don't really like but are chummy enough to not rock the boat," I have more I want to say about Sara and Anon's relationship later.Your descriptive language is also well done, it's very good at drawing you into the world you've written and how your characters are thinking/feeling as always. The prowl for Sara is one that stands out to me. That one Anon described it as layered and I think that's an apt description. You weave scenes together very well to the point it's a very lean fic.
I like the morning-after scene and the epilogue by extension. It's a well-executed open ending that doesn't quite reveal how Sara and Anon feel and what their relationship is now. Leaves the audience wondering and I'm a fan of that.

Alright, some real feedback:
First is that I want to say that I don't find the "sexual tension" between the two believable. It feels like Takeshi comments on this as a kind of in-universe justification but I don't think the actual prose cuts it. They just kind of banter in a non-flirty way. The tension on the dance floor works but the banter before then does not. You got feedback on the moral bastion stuff already so the only thing that I will say is that Anon fooling himself could have been set up better. It is obviously an excuse because they do have some chemistry (not necessarily romantic). Drunk words are sober thoughts after all, but there's a leap there that needs to be covered. Booze can only justify so much IMO. The smut is fine? Honestly, I don't really have insight into how to craft well-done smut. So the only thing I can say is that while I liked the scenes in theory (although I don't like choking) they didn't do anything for me and I was more invested in their relationship and by extension the friend group than the sex.

Overall, well done as always. for a fic that was iced for so long, in my opinion, this is your most consistent fic yet.

>> No.76538972


>> No.76540512

>Mio cooking big meals for you as you train to get strong and big just so you can mandhandle Mio and make her feel beautiful
>You've no idea Mio's been DIY'ing herself the perfect man

Oh fuck no, I have too many WIPS PLEASE.

>> No.76541966 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.76542947
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im honestly surprised there isnt a lactancy kronii fic

>> No.76543518
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>> No.76543651
File: 301 KB, 1872x2496, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay you got me, im ESL.
now feed me korean milk and pubes

>> No.76543793

Check clockgen, I'd be shocked if they didn't have one, if not multiple.

>> No.76544131

but i want one from you guys...you are my friends...and only just a few of you anti girls unlike that piece of shit thread

>> No.76545258

that reminds me of that one anon who had a hate boner for Suisei because she was too perfect.

>> No.76546265

Unrelated but hating suisei because she's too perfect does seem like the perfect fucking starting point for a rivalry turned romance with suisei.

>> No.76546633

we only anti authors round these parts.

>> No.76547256

Who's your least favorite author? Mine is myself.

>> No.76547649

The more I know about an author outside of their fics the less I like them.

>> No.76548293

Me of course. The writer of that fic.

>> No.76550649

man fuck myself. That guy never writes and when he does it's just to collect (you)s then he fucks off for months

>> No.76550882
File: 335 KB, 1166x744, creature fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still havent lost faith in the guy that was gonna write a lamy footjob but i now want another girl to give footjobs with stirrup stockings.

And im no longer asking! do it NOW! or else ill probably sulk

>> No.76551108

I've thought about one where (you) milk Sana, Fauna and Kronii, a smutty one-shot kind of thing

>> No.76551357

What kind of foot job? The sneaky kind your bratty little sister might give you under the table at dinner with your parents? The dominating, humiliating kind your older sister might give you as she pins you to the ground and dishes out "punishment"? The innocent and curious kind your twin sister might give you while you secretly get drunk on a confusing trip to the beach?

>> No.76551950
File: 212 KB, 1030x791, shiori rant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everything is about your sister but i like them all (not a footfag btw). Specially i like the kind where the girl is not sold on the idea so she kinda offers you the feet.
Then she gets weirded out and turned on at how hard you are.

But i also really like the under the table at a restaurant as an invitation to go to the bathrooms kind of deal.
In all honestly, as long as it has stirrup stockings im fine

>> No.76552069


>> No.76552829

He who shall not be named.

>> No.76552916

Oh, you know. (You)

>> No.76553394

I don't really have a hated author, even the ones who exclusively produce content that I hard pass on I like wedgiefag I respect for the grind.

I suppose if I had to name any single author it'd be the fag doing the nijinigger VN because he's blatantly manufacturing a false friendly depiction of characters that are basically super villains.

>> No.76553795
File: 140 KB, 850x1426, __kazama_iroha_and_pokobee_hololive_drawn_by_mogmog_megmog__sample-3ba4d17652aae6e5260089a3efd28035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any omorashi ideas? i liked the Miko greentext about miko peeing herself

>> No.76554485

Consensually or would they be like livestock on a titcows farm?

>> No.76555548

I mean even he showed disgust at what happened, and I don't blame him for still wanting to finish what he was working on before that happened.

>> No.76555676

Consensual titcows? They wake up in the morning needing to be milked before they go about their day.

>> No.76555806

Forcibly giving Chloe a bath. She tries to weasel her way out of it by begging or trying to make a deal with you but it doesn't work. Finally she resorts to seducing you but it seemingly has no effect and you give her a bath. Once you clean every nook and cranny you take out all of your pent up desires out on Chloe and make a mess of her ultimately leaving her in the bath to clean herself up again.

>> No.76555941

I like the idea of Kronii waiting for you with her arms crossed under her udders and leaking while being kind of annoyed at it but being relieved once you milk her

>> No.76557105

>basically super villains
Begone catalognigger, back into the abyss from whence you came.

>> No.76557828

>Super Villains
Okay completely unrelated, but the magical girl discussion from earlier this week and the idea of chuubas as super villains is making me imagine a smutty superhero comic parody with a bunch of chuubas as a lewd rogue's gallery...
Okay this is just making me imagine that HoloX vs Anon concept but with a superhero and modern day theme. They're just way too suited to be a villain group

>> No.76558633

Im on the other side. they dont feel villanous enough and would rather see other gens shine as a villain group even if you have to go ooc
yonseki for example, with corrupt noble luna, songstress watame, fallen angel kanata and imp towa

>> No.76559772

Kill yourself nijinigger.

>> No.76561584

She is a lesbian? Fuck.

>> No.76562018

Awww did someone's conscience get hort?

>> No.76562741

Too bad holofantasy black is kind of mirroring holofantasy Canon.
Black dragon Coco having evil gen IV as her elite four would be a perfect way to have them be a villain group.

>> No.76564331

I’m not going to say that I know everything there is about Kronii, but that does seem like a given at minimum from what I’ve seen in the stream where she and her married best friend talk about stuff. Not like this should be bothering any of the writers, fanfiction is fiction after all. Authors should be free to take their creative liberties with characters.

>> No.76564692
File: 130 KB, 990x947, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Through
>It's not actually incest
>It's incest
That was incredibly erotic.
I know this was made by the wedgieanon but damn, the details and build up are fucking amazing. With an inner monologue that just guides that buildup nicely till the landing of actual incest.
His wacky bullying fetish makes it in, but in like a strange way that builds up the incestous feeling between anon and kanata.
I really liked this. Hope to see more of his corruption into a normal smut writer.

>> No.76566164

Anon just has to cure her using his Mighty Sword of De-Lesbianization

>> No.76566866

Only until she meets the right guy

>> No.76566884
File: 591 KB, 2894x4093, Harvard Grad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shion is sitting on your lap
>You're pretty close but not quite dating yet
>She tells you she needs to get off
>You hold on tight as a joke, telling her you don't want to let her go
>She panics and tries to escape but you keep her in place
>You plan to let her go in a few seconds and give her a final squeeze
>She suddenly stops
>A damp sensation begins spreading across your thighs as the dam is broken
>Shion cries from embarrassment

>> No.76567032

Thank you anon, I really appreciate it. You might have to wait a bit for more corruption, though, because I’ve been spending my time drawing for the past few days. I did have something a bit back that’s not nsfw with polka, though

>> No.76567040
File: 242 KB, 709x1249, HSKW_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some really good stuff you recommended. I'll try to check them out more analytically next time I read them!

>You're just continuing to work on your niche smut artpiece.
thanks, satan! It's really just porn innit?

Glad you liked it - the ending, too. I usually go for more generic "good ends" where most of the loose strings get tied up, so I was unsure if I could make leaving it a bit ambiguous and not as fluffy work.
>I don't find the "sexual tension" between the two believable.
Yes, looking back at it now, the first act seems the weakest. I could and should have done a bit more with the setup, other than have the sexual tension "pre-established" by Takeshi with a few off-hand comments. Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.76567448
File: 174 KB, 850x1202, fantasticalkronii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mighty Sword of De-Lesbianization
Ah yes.
>Be part of a party of chuubas in a fantasy setting.
>Go dungeon crawling, dodging traps and fighting monsters.
>Pick up a sweet nee sword out of a heavily guarded chest.
>Can't tell what it does yet but you can feel the magic pour out of it stick to you.
>You've got to show this to the party
>"Hey anon you done lockpicking that chest yet?"
Oh hey kronii
>You wave at her-
>The sword was still stuck in your hands
>Magical energies converge into a sword beam aimed straight at her chest
>Rush to her side, careful to keep the cursed sword away from her.
>She was still breathing.
>Thank the gods
>You poke at her and she wakes up in a panic.
You okay there kronster?
>She looked fine at least from the outside, no damage to her clothes and she didn't act like she was hurt.
>Still you probably needed to report this to the rest of the party they-
>You feel a hand on your shoulder
>"Hey Anon, you look really cute today. You wanna go for a-"
>You definitely needed to get the rest of the party's help now.
>Absconding away from her would be a bit of problem but you've handled worse-
>"Anon! We heard magic, was that from you! "
>Oh it's Reine, you're saved!
>You raise your hand and shout to get her attention
Could use some help here Kronii's gotten-
>Another sword beam pierces Reine
>Oh right, cursed sword
Thus begins a comedy fantasy adventure about accidentally unlesbianing your chuuba adventure party.

>> No.76567464
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1714703515840802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've always had an extremely strong visual imagination. Marine falls in love with you when you show her that you only need the power of concentration to cum. Now she wants to see you do it all the time.

>> No.76567738

I wonder of there actually are woman out there who tell people she's lesbian so a guy will fuck the gay out of her unironically like some kinky orientationolay all orchestrated by her.

>> No.76568021

Women are nothing but hoes and tricks so yes, I’m sure this has happened at some point

>> No.76568071
File: 1.17 MB, 1823x3315, 8133c3ddbf55566f5ea507d9da2eb26c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could work as a test: she wants to find the ultimate alpha male who doesn't give up even when he hears that she's a lesbian. It shows his resolve and the confidence he has in the power of his dick.

>> No.76568478
File: 222 KB, 1052x2048, IMG_6517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God, you hate Calliope Mori
>You can’t fucking STAND her
>You can’t stand her dumb voice
>Or her bad attitude
>Or her stupid pink hair
>Or her thick, juicy thighs
>Or her fat, bouncy tits
>God, you just can’t get enough of hating her
>It’s like you want to see her every hour if the day, just to look at her while you hate her
>Fuck Calliope Mori

Mori hatesex between her and (You), predicated on your mutual hatred driving you both to want to blow off steam (into each other)

>> No.76568690

So, Ive been thinking, If I were to make a chuuba in a fic, I would want to make em "in character" but since they are not fictional characters, who, have events in their life that are laid bare to us, and thus could be analyzed and broken down to the point that we understand their urges, vices, virtues, other shizzwizz. But the chuubas are not so easily understood. They are real people which tends to make it a lot more muddy. And the events of their life that we have are oftentimes seen through a biased lens.

So I think there is a chasm between us and the chuuba that we will never cross, because their vices, virtues, and other stuff are all private unless surface level. This is good, this allows creative liberty.

But too much creative liberty is bad, and too much means that we make an OC with a chuuba skinsuit thats poorly stitched together.

Im having a hard time figuring out this limit, and quite frankly, ive been cracking at it morw than actually writing.

So what is it specifically? How do I make them feel 'in character' how do I make the chuuba skinsuit seamless? Is it the way that they talk?

>> No.76568840

>hate fuck mori.
>it's the best sex the both of you have
>the both of you get even more catty just to make the next hate sex session more intense.
>have so much hare sex it becomes a routine that the both of you plan ahead of time.
>weekly mindblowing sex.
>get her pregnant.
>hurry and buy a ring to appease both of your families.
>marry mori out of spite
>have a happy loving marriage out of spite
>raise 3 happy children (2 boys 1 girl) out of spite.
>"god, I hate that I love Mori'

>> No.76568868


>> No.76568982

Shion peeing on my lap is pretty hot ngl

>> No.76569198

Use her general personality as your guide and then insert yourself in her shoes to the best of your ability. Basically take the available building blocks of a chuuba and reconstruct her inside your head while filling the gaps with your intuition and imagination. Then run a simulation; how would she act in this situation or what she would say in that situation or how would she feel about that thing? You can also give her an original backstory so the chuuba can be approached from the angle of "since she experienced THIS, now she's like THAT".

>> No.76569237

No one cares, they're basically barbie dolls whose genitals we're mashing together. As long as it looks and sounds close enough it's fine no matter what outfit or dream house you shove her in. If you don't know something about her, I don't know it either, so just make it up.

>> No.76569378
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>Im having a hard time figuring out this limit, and quite frankly, ive been cracking at it morw than actually writing.
>So what is it specifically? How do I make them feel 'in character' how do I make the chuuba skinsuit seamless? Is it the way that they talk?
De facto, the limit between in character and ooc is invisible and due to the fact that chuubas will inherently be based on the personality of a real person means the border between IC and OOC will be different between person to person.
Still that "from person to person" border of what makes chuuba y, chuuba y tends to converge around a general area of traits and opinions.
Now as for how to actually use this for fics. You're not going to know what they were actually thinking ever but you can make educated guess off of what you do know about them, and from that construct a general area of "who they are".
From there you can throw that persona into the melting pot of your plot and see how they'll interact from there.
Or just don't overthink it.
If a chuuba has been on air for years then generally everyone tends to have a similar view of what that chuuba is, and chances are your image of them is close enough that it won't feel OOC for other people.
So just write what you want and make the metaphorical dolls play together and kiss.

>> No.76569636

>>76569198 (me)
And if you want to tryhard: before you start your fic, write the chuuba's character profile. Include everything you know about her and can find about her from streams, clips, wikis etc. And also write down any thoughts, theories, speculation you have about her.

>> No.76569674

Use the personality as a base, and then do whatever makes for the better chracterization.
Readers only get drawn oit when the chuuba does something out of character. So know your character and know what neutral aspects you can impose on them.
That's my strat, anyway.

>> No.76569714

To add onto that, note down the chuubas vocal tics and style of speech. It helps massively with dialogue

>> No.76569811

Could be hard for the JP chubbas

>> No.76570011
File: 315 KB, 536x684, foreigners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean, I daresay?

>> No.76570079

Steep learning curve. Either you have to learn japanese and somehow translate back the tics in english or you have to make wild guesses based on vibes

>> No.76570220

It's much easier and a lot less work actually. You can do pretty much whatever you want as long as you remember to add the obvious toppings. English-speaking chuubas are much more difficult to nail down since you're writing in the same language. Someone who watches that EN chuuba a lot can instantly tell if the dialog feels off, if her speaking patterns don't match the real thing. When you're reading a JP chuuba fic you don't even expect it to be 100% authentic since it's in English.

>> No.76570245
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, 1716120269914926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does sound difficult-peko.

>> No.76570738

I like the humiliation, but I don't want her to pee on me. I want to keep her on a leash while she insults me, only to start begging to be allowed to go when it gets worse while I tease her.

>> No.76570819

My secret is to write the non-human chuubas with a focus on their non-human traits. That way it's clearly a "lore" version focused on the character rather than the person behind it, which means you get almost AU-levels of freedom. It might alienate the one anon who actually watches the chuuba, but the non-watchers of that particular chuuba are the vast majority and you can't please everyone anyway.

>> No.76571135

Now that we had a Mio edition, can we have a Mio's daughters edition?

>> No.76572085

