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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76515702 No.76515702 [Reply] [Original]

Party member edition

Undert-, I mean Athenian Rhapsody!

>who is Nina?
Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.
She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>76446672

>> No.76515741
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Lads, I bloody love Nina!

>> No.76515748

Just going fucking wild with the new emotes

>> No.76515765
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>> No.76515768

boring _ _ _ _ _

>> No.76515808
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I love Nina so much, bros.

>> No.76515955

Go to _ _ _, Moriko.

>> No.76516116
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Shibe 4 ever love me nina

>> No.76516139

I love Nina so much I'd share my chugjug with her

>> No.76516261

I'll watch zatsu but this game is a skip

>> No.76516369

yeah at least undertale was sincere
this shit is just a poor imitation

>> No.76516392

Each to their own but I like her silly voices

>> No.76516519

Getting molested in the blue and white temple on Nina's island...

>> No.76516693

she makes it fun but being honest after this stream it will probably overextend its stay for me as well

>> No.76516739

Could be worse, could be MMR.

>> No.76516793

Starting to get the ones that replace normal words, kinda cancerous

>> No.76516863

Both are background yapping filler for me, but at least she enjoys MMR even if I hate the spergs who keep begging for it.

>> No.76517465

There's a bald eagle crying right now

>> No.76517516

>doesn't know where the big oceans are
My little big sister needs a tardwrangler.

>> No.76517536

She won't need to pass the test if I marry her.

>> No.76517692

her higher education coming into play lmao

>> No.76518054

It really is interesting seeing what someone who didn't have an English/American education knows about the US

>> No.76518278

I don't get the Mike joke.

>> No.76518299

>Laughed so hard her mouth broke for a moment

>> No.76518310

say "Mike Hawk" or "Mike Hunt" out loud

>> No.76518408
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...well I guess it's good to be so easily amused.

>> No.76518473

Lighten up shibe, it's Friday

>> No.76518574

plus the fact that his actual last name is "Johnson"

>> No.76518724

I can tell you from experience there's a ton of Dicks and Johnsons in Congress

>> No.76518831

>Fuck yeah America!
perfect transformation catchphrase

>> No.76518902

>Fuck yeah America!

>> No.76519063

we're slowly getting to the Subathon months and still no news on the merch or songs. Beautiful, especially considering there's events coming as well

>> No.76519173

Last word on the merch is that it's on snailship a couple of weeks ago, so going by customs another 2 weeks until it gets to Nina's

>> No.76519320

She got a lot on her plate, dont worry it will come

>> No.76519368

Did anyone do a tally on how many unique oiler songs she has to do?

>> No.76519431

Probably somewhere between 20 and 30.

>> No.76519437

I think about 20, but she did say the wait will be long this time around so I know it will come sooner than later - though if it goes past subathon months then she wont have subathon songs as a paid perk anymore (otherwise people will anti her for it I think)

>> No.76519727

Nina is totally the type of girl to allow (You) to indulge in your fetishes with her, right?

>> No.76519784

Time for pretentious game that sniffs its own farts, like it's tasting wine.

>> No.76519829

for sure, as long as you dont cum in her ass

>> No.76519862

Oh it's that game. Cool, guess I have the evening to do something else.

>> No.76519919
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>> No.76519941

As long as you do the same for her.

>> No.76520017

I won't be surprised if she doesn't do it again for this years subathon, but at least Nina puts a lot of the subathon money back into the stream.
Pretty sure it paid for hew new outfit, the animation and the 3d.

>> No.76520062

She's catholic, i'm sure she's into/tried anal

>> No.76520220

Yeah why wont she draw nina anymore? She hates her thats why. Case solved.

>> No.76520314

I'm kinda saddened by the fact Nina isn't more patriotic to her country

>> No.76520321

Alker HATES Nina

>> No.76520376

Also hasn't drawn bat in a hot minute, friendship must be over.

>> No.76520379

But she's fairly patriotic about her country. She can like her country and be proud of it and be open about its shortcomings.

>> No.76520628

thats for sure, most of money seems like it went to the channel. We have a summer 3d debut and classic nina in december for anniversary so yeah, plenty of stuff coming.

>> No.76520685

Is she though? She rarely says anything positive about it and often expresses her wish to live somewhere else.

>> No.76521171

She gave a few hints a while ago, and was quite vague about it, but i seriously think Nina commissioned a bespoke VRC world for the barbies with a space/room for each of them. Including the bed/stream room she has as a 2d background right now.

>> No.76521221

She's talked about how despite her criticisms of her country, she still loves it and doesn't imagine living in many other places. The talk about other countries is mostly wishful fantasizing.

>> No.76521328
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>> No.76521377
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Thats my oshi

>> No.76521385

Plus most of the negative she says is aimed at Amsterdam which isn't a unique thing, I've heard people say similar stuff about London etc

>> No.76521391
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>> No.76521403

I'm probably the only one, but this is my favorite song she's ever sung

>> No.76521436
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>> No.76521471

for me its the billy elish one

>> No.76521492

It's one of my favorites as well. I worried that she didn't like the song since she hadn't sung it in so long.

>> No.76521566
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for me its weight of the world

>> No.76521659

I don't know how she does it but her voice blows me away every time

>> No.76521693

She sang it at two very important moments in her early career, and both times it really seemed to capture her own feeling that vtubing was becoming something really special to her and that she was gonna make it.

>> No.76521733

Honestly she's gotten very lazy since she decided to stop doing regular karaokes. I support all the choices she makes and I'm sure she has her reasons, but her peak performances are all in the past at the moment.

>> No.76521739

I would love to see that if it's real, but I would hate if Soya's graduation would mean her room gets axed.

>> No.76521785
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>> No.76521808

>prepping for two conventions
>working on 20+ subathon songs with high production quality

>> No.76521814

You didn't like the last two karaokes? I thought they were excellent.

>> No.76521843

Barbies forever and all anon
Hopefully some of the positive news Shondo has been talking about is Soya related.

>> No.76521890

I've been fighting intrusive thoughts for the past 30 minutes.

>> No.76521905

I mean in terms of her singing technique on stream. She always works hard but her singing ability seems to have slipped.
They were okay. She always does better "on-stage" than off the cuff but I just feel there's something missing lately.

>> No.76521918

Likewise with Nina's news. I'm crossing my fingers.

>> No.76521945

did those intrusive thoughts involve sex with Nina? cause if so you're not the only one

>> No.76521975

Stay strong Shibe. Do it for the oshi.

People always think you can do your best performances without preperation and after a work day, kinda missed expectation honestly.

>> No.76522018

Nah. I bought a jar of pickles that I wanted to eat tommorrow, but this harlot sends mind attacks from my fridge.

>> No.76522021

I've been fighting intrusive thoughts about Nina for the past year.

>> No.76522074

>Nina is sending telepathic messages to make you eat pickles
sanest Shibe

>> No.76522261

Since when is Nina an architect?

>> No.76522306

Yes and it's been an increasingly tough battle as she's gotten hornier on stream

>> No.76522320

Pickles are like 95% water. What architect.

>> No.76522387

Leaning towards Nina's news being project related

>> No.76522464

Me too but let me hope a little, shibe.

>> No.76522517

I'm 100% sure we will see Soya again on Stream. Matter of time.

>> No.76522591

>6 person raid

>> No.76522651
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I want you to be right.

>> No.76522670

I could see Nina being the type to want to fatten her man up a little.

>> No.76522733

>Getting a dad belly as a result of Nina's cooking and wacky Dutch Chinese food
It's the end goal

>> No.76522769

Crap, i don't want to timeloop with theories.
I mostly just think of Inis saying she won't even show up to collabs for reasons.

>> No.76522818

Implying she won't feed you THAT for every dinner.

>> No.76522865

Unlike with any other streamers, Nina and Soya visited each other frequently and they shared the love for music and streaming together. We will see this again.

>> No.76522907

Circumstances can change, right? Just like how one day everything is fine and the next one she's making her graduation announcement...

>> No.76523029
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Be honest. We would all eat THAT if Nina fed it to us.

>> No.76523648

Inis is cute but she's a retard, don't take anything she says seriously

>> No.76523714

Nina consuming large amounts of cottage cheese

>> No.76523858
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>> No.76523954

I'd like to think eventually you'd grow to accept the taste

>> No.76524051

Despite everything, Nina still doesn't have a group to call her own, why is she like this bros

>> No.76524096

Reminder that artist is cucking us out of Nina ASMR (which she previously said she wanted to monthly) and her autistic refusal to just do it without the special screen/model

>> No.76524168
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I love Barbies!

>> No.76524175
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Are you retarded?

>> No.76524214

For me is Dak ok je mis
Even if it's sung in Dutch runes you can feel the song, and the meaning for her


>> No.76524268

Nah, Nina is very invested in the barbies at this point.

>> No.76524345


I dont see much buyin from the barbies themselves into nina

>> No.76524397

What dark rituals to I need to do to improve Nina's luck with artists? Outside of Xi Xeong they've pretty much all messed her around

>> No.76524526

Soya and Shondo love Nina very much, and Tanya and Inis are old friends of hers as well. The graduation and Shondo's schizo episode have put a wedge in their collabs but they treated each other well.

>> No.76524751

Vivi and Oli care a lot about Nina too, and i'm sure it goes the other way too.

>> No.76524780

>I didn't see it so it can't be happening
It's always interesting to see how many /vt/ posters struggle with object permanence

>> No.76525513

This game is insufferable. She should've played the next towelcat game instead if she wanted something with stunted grafix.

>> No.76525545

She already said she will (but I hope she cycles this out). The jokes REALLY are overstayed by now, even her excellent VA can't save it.

>> No.76525568

I'm multiasking pretty heavily, looks Nina's casual viewers are dropping out pretty heavily though

>> No.76525569

Nina feet

>> No.76525612

You think its on nina this one then or on the game?

>> No.76525663

Nina needs to reengage us by dropping hints about her masturbation habits

>> No.76525674

Game 100%

>> No.76525799

I'm enjoying it but if she wants to do that anyway

>> No.76525811

What are some open world games that Nina should play or continue playing? Hitman was pretty fun

>> No.76525884

the fallout community challenge run that was discussed in dicksword is gonna be fire if it happens. Next towelket maybe?

>> No.76526173
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>> No.76526341


>> No.76526350

if Mahou Shojo Nina never comes back, I'm going to riot at an unspecified time and place

>> No.76526371

If you were put before the council of Ninas would you be judged guilty or innocent?

>> No.76526384


>> No.76526389

what's my crime?

>> No.76526396

For me it's
Lolina (atelier) > Lolina (goth) > 1.0 > 2.0 > mahou > 2.1 > hag

>> No.76526419

Sent straight to the zinc mines

>> No.76526438

Same for me except 2.0 > 1.0.
Let's face it the real og model isn't that good.

>> No.76526666

You know what you did

>> No.76526985

quads of truth
I'm sorry Nina ;__;

>> No.76527073

When you thought the writing couldnt get any worse, here we are.

>> No.76527113

>writing so bad Nina gave up
Hopefully she'll switch to a different game next week.

>> No.76527204

>game so bad it made her end stream an hour earlier

>> No.76527233

I have no idea where the last few hours went, this entire game rubs me the wrong way

>> No.76527254

I just enjoyed the VA. She did excellent on the voices. 10/10 game 1/10

>> No.76527285
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A short stream today, but at least we got some nice singing. See you at tomorrow's watchalong, or Sunday if you're not a discord user.

>> No.76527379
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Zatsu goodge, singin goodge, game not so goodge/10

>> No.76527380
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video game/10

>> No.76527394

I want to avoid paying my taxes so Nina imprisons me/10. I know some of you didn’t like the game but I had a nice time

>> No.76527400

I usually like her VA, but the way this is written just pisses me off too much anytime I pay attention to what she's actually reading out

>> No.76527432

no no listen I had a great time with her and she was plenty entertaining but the core subject of the stream is uh

>> No.76527499

the game is dropped nina confirms immediately after the stream

>> No.76527525
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After all these time, I'm still not on Nina discord. I've missed that train, it's too late and the discord is probably full of groomers now.

>> No.76527567

nah dude we cool come join the shibes

>> No.76527631

Join. We gonna watch Fallout cringe tomorrow.

>> No.76527637

Who cares, new people join regularly and some of the more active people are new too.

>> No.76527739
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Thank god for that.

>> No.76527833

Oh no, wasn't a dev or something watching the stream last time?

>> No.76527893

The music composer was there last stream, and she clarified she liked the music but it was the writing that killed it.

>> No.76529247

Oh hey, the stoner chicken is playing best souls 2.

>> No.76529374

To be fair, she was hard carrying the humour with her dub, and resisted way farther than anyone would. Thankfully we'll have a better game next week

>> No.76529429

Thanks for letting us know Nina

>> No.76529547
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>reads our thirstposts
>plays into it more

>> No.76529552

You must be new here, if you think Nina would call DS2 best souls.

>> No.76533971


>> No.76534102

cute nina

>> No.76536311
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>> No.76536714

Cute wife Nina

>> No.76537680

Did Shibes like the collab? I couldn't catch it.
