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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 446 KB, 1080x1471, Screenshot_2024-05-24-14-31-48-14_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76493745 No.76493745 [Reply] [Original]

"Yahoo news writes negative articles and her"

I'm like "Bitch you are a walking scandal, whatcha gonna do do? Sue them?"

I'm so over with this woman, she is so Narcissistic and thinks she is the center of everyone's universe and also thinks people should shower her with praise and those who don't are Antis and she will sue them.

>> No.76493800

wild, crazy and euphoric sex with the menhera known as miguel gato

>> No.76493947

Listen faggot I don’t care, I just jerk off to be thighs.

>> No.76494043

She is a lolcow.

>> No.76494097

Tell her to read this thread. I'm sure she'll be filled with positive energy

>> No.76494158

> Doesn't everyone think Yahoo news is anti me ?
Look, I get her frustration. But... it's not their fault that her positive news are super rare to non-existent. Even fucking Nijisanji at least has some positive news for sisters to look forward to

>> No.76494313

Mikeneko's Noble Phantasm: Unlimited Yabai Works

>> No.76494369

Unironically literally
>Me Me Me Me

>> No.76494410

What did they write on Yahoo?

>> No.76494422

....i dont think the Celestials from above can even fix her...

>> No.76494443

NEEDS to get a strict husband, a child, and off the internet.

>> No.76494485

> I'm so over with this woman

Sure thing buddy. Also we only care about niji yabs on this board

>> No.76494495

even Niji's failures are pretty funny.
But with mike it's like...just stop. it's not even funny...please find help.
it's like watching a child with autism constantly say shit that gets him into trouble. He's wrong and he'll never understand why he is wrong because he mentally cannot understand.
it's sad.

>> No.76494555

Miguel Gato lets move to the countryside and live a calm happy life please...

>> No.76494572

She had a Husband, definitely won't get a child, Internet is where she lives and gets her Validation needs.

>> No.76494793

He will be back. He is a cuck and donates money to her.

>> No.76494851

One article was about her being kicked out of Pony Canyon. People were pointing out that at least the author seemed to have been watching her stream
She's delusional

>> No.76494892

She's at least stopped flirting with Komachi (publicly)

>> No.76494964

This woman requires protein enrichment only my frequently microwaved, cancerously bulging, tanuki-sized balls can provide.

>> No.76494965

>male collab

>> No.76495006

Miguel was the third Deva of the Mountain all along?

>> No.76495067

I refuse to believe she is actually this unaware of her situation
Is she even receptive to REAL HELP? Not from her Nekofami, but from professionals.

>> No.76495135

I can't believe she joined WACTOR

>> No.76495179

No, don't let children suffer from a miserable parent
t. Child of a Paranoid Schizo

>> No.76495229

I really just want her to get some help

>> No.76496046

if mike was my mother i would become oedipus gooner

>> No.76496824

She is actually unwell. If there was a way to force someone to stop for using the internet for their own health she is an example where it should be applied.

>> No.76497026

She lost the pony canyon contract????

>> No.76497222

I think she has a chance to heal if she changes her life that much, to be honest.

>> No.76497464

yet you didn't suffer enough to make you an hero yourself and not show up in this thread. curious.

>> No.76497673

man imagine if she fixes her self now
she will irrelevant anymore

>> No.76497796

You couldn't design a more perfect recipe for disaster if you tried

>> No.76497926

>Complete schizo whore
>Cheats on her husband with some rando
>Husband divorces her and becomes friends with the rando who apologized to him for this whole debacle
She is a psycho, hope Mafumafu is doing well.

>> No.76498033

>becomes friends with the rando
Her husband wanted the D too

>> No.76498118


>> No.76498662


>> No.76498780

nobody in these threads watches streams

>> No.76499241

mugilacuddy bread seabreams

>> No.76500018 [DELETED] 

>Completely fabricated story
Yeah, I can see why she says people slander her all the time

>> No.76500741

The twinky alien cuntboy wanted korekore's dick as well...

>> No.76500750

I'm here to laugh at her cuck fans

>> No.76500868

Yes. I'm honestly not surprised
They gain absolutely nothing from associating with her

>> No.76500975

Mafu claimed she tried to cheat on him with a mutual friend and provided receipts of their texts
Mikeneko claimed that the texts were just an injoke and that Mafu had in fact been cheating on her.
It's up to you what to believe

>> No.76501010

So many people in this thread write like women

>> No.76501053

There's a reason she's been called nip Amber Heard. Mafu probably wasn't blameless, but most people know who the crazy person is between the two.

>> No.76501068

>Trust the schizoid whore
>The guy who has zero experiences with relationships
Hard choice

>> No.76501077

I'm here to laugh at simps defending a grifter. Imagine defending a woman who was selling wedding rings to simps and pretebding to be virgin lesbian saint while married to a twing who she was cheating on. Hahahaahhaha

>> No.76501114 [DELETED] 

Mafu also claimed she abandoned her pets in which she didn't so why should I trust him?

>> No.76501115

She's like a child actor past their prime but instead of finding work they found drugs and homelessness.

>> No.76501149

That effeminate twink alien doesn't qualify as a man, let alone husband.

>> No.76501157

Good rule of thumb, if your girl is accusing you of cheating, she's taking the entire soccer team behind your back

>> No.76501219

Both sides were lying consistently. It is a fact though that she did leave her hamster's ashes urn in Mafu's house when she moved out
Also she falsely accused Mafu of killing her cat

>> No.76501292

Send her to Saudi Arabia!

>> No.76502084

Even the worst vtubers are better then journalist.

>> No.76502452

When you stare into the pussybyss, the pussybyss squelch spurts something back onto you.

>> No.76502503
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>> No.76502938

She should be grateful the Japanese are still talking about her
She's basically either ignored or reviled overseas

>> No.76503094

Miguel and Sayu should collab.

>> No.76503202

I can fix her

>> No.76503316

>I'm so over with this woman
You'll never be done with her. You make these pointless threads every single day and constantly bump them off page 10 when they're circling the toilet they belong in. Clearly she is the center of your universe.
Legit take your meds and move on or just KYS already and spare us your constant bullshit.

>> No.76503576

She doesn't collab with women because she's paranoid that they'll steal her fans

>> No.76503977

Her nickname is really funny to me, what is the lore behind that

>> No.76504054

who the fuck is this?

>> No.76504130

Jujutsu Kaisen reference

>> No.76504470

If you think it's the same person making all of these threads, you're nearly as delusional as Mikeneko

>> No.76504813

Stay the fuck away from girls with uncontrolled BPD. Don’t try arguing with them, they will not admit they’re wrong, even with actual evidence and manipulate the shit out of you. Even if you caught her playing "APEX" with man all night, she still will be able to convince your dumb ass to stay with her. She’s going to keep trying to manipulate you and get you to come back. Get ready for her to try and contact you every few months for the next several years. Chicks like that are absolute serial cheating psychos.

>> No.76504874


>> No.76505100

Mikeneko makes all these threads.

>> No.76505101

Her stream? Of course not anymore

>> No.76505134

Michaels corpo just shut down lmao
She is not just a walking scandal but a financial avalanche

>> No.76505211


>> No.76505297

Get woke, go broke X
Get Mikeneko, go broke √

>> No.76505390

This one is a hag skinwalking as a schoolgirl.

>> No.76505552

Anons don't ignore this advice, just break up with your girl immediately if you notice this shit. I had that exact experience with my ex-fiance. Her friends and the men she cheated on me with had to have a talk with me to get me to break up with her. Nowdays she has zero friends because she's an unapologetic psycho. I was a fucking moron. I wasted 8 years on her. Don't do the same.

>> No.76505560

BPD girls are like shitbulls, they need a very dominant and strict owner or else they go full retard.

>> No.76505909

You'd think that they would learn from vshojos mistake that the money she earned in hololive stays in hololive and they wont get a cent out of her

>> No.76505951

I only watch her camera streams to jerk off

>> No.76506129

>she's taking the entire soccer team behind your back
Except the goalkeeper because he's married.

>> No.76508066

As if that would stop her

>> No.76508095

When did she lock her sub account

>> No.76508152

He didn't get the joke. It's a reference to Aya Hirano fucked the entire band except the basist

>> No.76508297
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 20240524_161627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her new sub account profile pic. She wants to be put in her place.

>> No.76508360

Oh yeah and she married some actor this year, i'll give them like 2 months before she goes for the basist for unfinished business

>> No.76508514

most effeminate basedfags don't. the ripped asian 'man' is like the 'based jew.' a fucking mythical creature

>> No.76508676

Cuck shit aside, I honestly do not know how her "fans" humor shit like this.
It's like every other day. It was still frequent when she had a little more dignity.

>> No.76508901

Who did Mikeneko marry?

>> No.76508937

Not her, the Haruhi VA and singer

>> No.76509171

I see
I'm pretty sure there were rumours going around that Mikeneko had remarried too

>> No.76509239
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EOP thread

>> No.76509269

That's a dumb thing to say considering most of the Japanese already dropped her

>> No.76509968


>> No.76510021

No, I mean actual rumours. the usual one is the hairdresser but there was definitely something swirling

>> No.76510093

if she made these threads they would have toddler level eigo at best. she's too dumb and lazy to learn any other language
sub accounts are always locked, if her newest one wasn't she just forgot to do it

>> No.76510152

Google Translate or DeepL

>> No.76510703

Her sub has been unlocked for weeks before this. It's the other way around
She keeps it open most of the time and only locks it when necessary
She's hardly feeling too bad considering she's streaming as Ruki

>> No.76510805

here we unconditionally support queen mikeneko

>> No.76511076

Streaming as Ruki as well as on her BiliBili account.

>> No.76511156

Is there a reason she doesn't advertise her Bilibili streams on Twitter?

>> No.76511238

She went off at one point at not wanting her JP/EN fans watching it. She wants it to be Chinese mainly apparently.

>> No.76511317

even her chinese fans told her to stay away from b2

>> No.76511329

Mike is the embodiment of self-sabotage.

>> No.76511413

it'll all go away if she pretends it didn't happen though, this time for sure

>> No.76511478

So it's totally fine to have a thing for crazy women but cut your losses and pull out if she's insufferable or threatening your life or health, wakata

>> No.76511499

What a bitch
Although I've been assuming that Ruki is also her attempt at escaping her EN fans too

>> No.76511512

she is lucky she got some simps that would never drop her. She could kill babies, kick puppies, betray her fans over and over again and they would still defend her and keep paying for her livelihood. Kind of creepy when you think about it.

>> No.76511604

Good rule of thumb, this applies to any cheater regardless of gender.

>> No.76511696


>> No.76511717

I assume the same. Either that or a total fan wipe. Most of her EN fans haven't found out yet, and those that have either cope and say it's not her or acknowledge it and keep tabs.

>> No.76511839

What's there even to watch? "I'm sorry I love you guys" for the 100th time? Her existence is a cycle at this point.

>> No.76511888

I'm surprised it's possible to cope when Muramako wasn't subtle at all during their collab

>> No.76511902

This was my ex. I was verbally abused by her every day as well. I actually caught her cheating via hidden camera and then beat the shit out of the man she was fucking and left her for good.

>> No.76511918

Do people even still read yahoo news? Why does Mike cares.

>> No.76511947

Which one? The Rushia one or the Ru-Chan one?

>> No.76512007

Yeah learned the hard way that if you date someone like this, you'll become exactly what she projects onto you. I now have a lot of trust issues with people and it sucks as I wish I didn't.

>> No.76512059

Muramako was directly calling her Rushia-chan in their first collab several times

>> No.76512125

Oh shit really? Such a good friendo!

>> No.76512192

Don't say the word "friend" or else you'll trigger the schizo

>> No.76512224

Sounds like she really cannot get a break at all.

>> No.76512277

What's with this Chinese fans telling VTubers to stay away from B2 lol have they woken up and realized the wolf warriors are AIDS?

>> No.76512393

positive news for her would be consistently taking her meds and quietly streaming while everyone moves on to something new. it has been close to happening a few times before she schizod out for no reason

>> No.76512400

There's still no proof she's Ruki... or is there?

>> No.76512455


>> No.76512463
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Look at what you did anon

>> No.76512529
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>> No.76512690

she's a mentally ill retard who routinely ego searches and hard focuses on negative opinions. she would only interact with fans on special occasions but would talk/fight with antis almost daily

>> No.76512730

So she's the Darksydephil of VTubing?

>> No.76512743

Why is she talking to men on her current twitcast?

>> No.76512838

That's not how mental illness works.

>> No.76512953

Saitou-san is basically Japanese Omegle
Also she literally says why, she thinks she'll attract new fans doing it
She is extremely stupid

>> No.76513023

Oh. Thanks, I appreciate it. How has that gone for her so far?

>> No.76513273

You don't believe in any of they, both are sick

>> No.76513279

I don't watch her
Do you Think having one on one conversations with random people will actually turn them into fans. The answer is obvious
I suspect she's deliberately avoiding fan totsumachi because she's tired of her current fans

>> No.76513316

This is why you are a faggot

>> No.76513320

That's depressing. I feel bad for her remaining nekofam.

>> No.76513333

it hasn't worked any of the other times she tried it

>> No.76513400

I remember those days where cucks defended Mikeneko on this board, then they retreated to /jp/, then they retreated to their circlejerk discord, and then, there were none.

>> No.76513574

What does she say? Like hello im Mikeneko, watch my streams. Sounds like it can be awkward.

>> No.76513649

By the looks of it, they just awkwardly flirt. Her fans aren't even stopping her anymore, they're into it.

>> No.76513838

she chased away any who would say anything

>> No.76513913

I could have sworn that some of the people I have seen appear in her chat were super against men.

>> No.76514061

I'd imagine the cope is that it's not male streamers and is basically just a totsumachi
I doubt it's worth watching
She got someone to clip her last one so I think she's delusional enough to think that this will work to gather new fans

>> No.76514118

sounds like they've been beaten into submission. I wonder if she still complains about her chat being boring

>> No.76514132

Yahoo is actually one of the biggest news sources in Japan, a lot of people read it

>> No.76514206

Someone actually clipped this shit?

That's grim.

>> No.76514348

Her fans only complain in discord where she can't see it now. Quix called into her stream last time she was cucking them to beg her to stop and she just yelled at him and mocked him while he cried. The people left following her don't even pretend to have spines.

>> No.76514350


>> No.76514412

RIP in piss Mikeneko I will be looking forward to your AV debut

>> No.76514502

The fuck? She used to get her fans to get rid of that stuff didn't she? I thought she hated clippers?

The same Quix that I can see in her chat donating? What the fuck is his issue?

>> No.76514524

I feel like crying a bit

>> No.76514630

Quix is begging her to stop rn in chat
He is the biggest dono but he actually tries to stop her from doing this shit

>> No.76514714

I was under the impression he was neutral considering he keeps giving her money. That's low.

>> No.76514728

She did a stream flirting with male streamers a couple weeks ago specifically to hurt these people. One of the guests told her he had a big dick and she asked him to marry her. Anyone left watching her is completely devoid of self respect and will gladly accept the abuse.

>> No.76514803

I'm convinced she get off by doing this

>> No.76514831

She's following that clipper so she's obviously fine with him

>> No.76514873

They all are on /hlg/ regularly defending her and deflecting to others kek

>> No.76514913

Why do these people even follow her?

Really? The more you know.

>> No.76515117

HAHAHA nigga has a name? This is the guy calling my oshi a whore? KWAB

>> No.76515185

>fan totsumachi
she had voice call with her fans?

>> No.76515229


She has in the past. She also had a secret discord totsu.

>> No.76515261

A few times since the termination. Nobody, included her Unicorns, cared because it's fans. Of course, she was far more respectful in those times.
I'm not sure why she's warped into such a spiteful creatures nowadays

>> No.76515291

>secret discord totsu
only the fattest paypigs are allowed to get it?

>> No.76515390

>fan totsumachi

>> No.76515410

No, that was the time she summoned a council of EN fans to try to convince them to let her join the Apex Matsuri with Kirsch
She held a grudge against the one's who argued back

>> No.76515412

I assume that was the case. I know the guy has been mentioned here today, Quix, was involved.

>> No.76515465

I'm saying that the Saitou-san thing isn't a fan totsumachi. She's avoiding fan totsumachis

>> No.76515468

What did she do wrong specifically?
>hard mode: no rumours

>> No.76515535

Nah, some of the people there barely donated. It was supposed to be EN gachikoi because she wanted to convince them to let her male collab

>> No.76515615

>totsu with random males
fancucks used to defend her, they said she didn't know how to talk to men when the discord yab happened 2 years ago. she talked with mafu and kore, they are males. especially mafu since they were rumors about them living together.

>> No.76515636

It was actually real? I thought it was a rumor spread by an anti. Who was there?

>> No.76515677

>mocked him while he cried
any clips i can watch? roru rumao

>> No.76515727


>> No.76515770

she dominates him financially

>> No.76515771

I think that anon exaggerated
I don't remember anyone crying or mocking

>> No.76515841

I'm not naming names to protect them, not her

>> No.76515932

Are they in your secret discord server? Blink once for yes.

>> No.76515953

>I'm so over with this woman
90% of people were over her when she got axed from Holo. People just keep an eye out for some potential drama that could be entertaining.

>> No.76516005

The only ones I know of for sure are Akhevan, Quix, and Arigathanks. Quix is the only one that stuck around. She held a grudge against the other two for resisting male collabs too much, so they eventually got fed up and left.

>> No.76516010

I'm not in any Discords even tangentially related to Vtubers

>> No.76516124

Only dark feeling she has is the BBC being shoved into her old hag pussy

>> No.76516190

Akhevan is the one who privated his twitter right? He used to be the top donor? I remember Arigathanks, the menhera one.

>> No.76516448

Yes to both
Akhe dipped in Dec
Arigathanks dipped after the Mafu marriage reveal

>> No.76516529

They were the smart ones then. Why doesn't Quix leave? Also, is it true that one of her fans self-ended after the last few weeks?

>> No.76516758

Quix isn't a Unicorn, he's just a gachikoi. He is at least smart enough to know when she's acting maliciously or self-destructing unlike 90 percent of her current fans

>> No.76516828

My semen can save her soul from BPD

>> No.76516905

Is that so? I thought he was one to be honest.

>> No.76517039 [SPOILER] 
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*taps the sign*

>> No.76517157

Shut the fuck up Quix
He is and is in denial

>> No.76517174

That dude is as bad as Mike herself for suicide baiting. He does it every single time Miguel melts down and then comes crawling back the next day. The menhera faggot doesn't have any intention of actually going through with it.

>> No.76517187

There is just no occasion in which she can interact with men that isn't either fuelled by spite of isn't self destructive.
She isn't capable of acting with any sort of respect, unlike someone like Tokino Sora

>> No.76517251

I don't think that's Quix my guy

Does he? That's no good.

>> No.76517349

Don't invoke his autism he's going to spam /hlg/ again

>> No.76517846

Quix said he was supportive of her doing well in the Epematsuri. Not exactly a Unicorny response

>> No.76517919

Do you know this guy?

>> No.76517939

shut up quix.
if you aren't smart enough to get out after everything, i'd say vegeta is smarter than you even with his anti spams.

>> No.76517985

His dog died, you psychopathic fuck

>> No.76518133

She needs to be shipped to Afghanistan and be sold to an oppressive goat farmer in the middle of nowhere. That’s about the extent of what it would take to keep her in line.

>> No.76519302

Yeah, but it's like trying to stop your drug abuse.
It's hard as hell and you probably need support from other people.

>> No.76519484

>B-san cucks Mafumafu
>Mafumafu cucks Miguel with B-san

>> No.76519607

Bro before hoe

>> No.76519966

Frankly, I don't believe that excuse. He's pulled this same shit a dozen times already and always comes back with a new excuse for why he's publicly threatening suicide. It always coincidentally happens whenever Mike decides to cuck her fans again.

>> No.76520236

isn't it getting to about the point where a big
paypig could hope to marry her?

>> No.76520368

She will never settle for one of them. She always complains about how boring her chat is.

>> No.76520605

Maybe, but is likely it will simply end like how it did with Mafumafu

>> No.76520720


>> No.76520774

Honestly I think it is getting to a point she is fetishizing(?) her yabs. Like, she enjoy it deeply inside, because she is finally getting the attention she needed after her getting kicked from hololive.
She is not just being a menhara, she is THRIVING in being a menhara

>> No.76520992


>> No.76521110

>Why doesn't Quix leave?
He thinks he has a real chance with her if he stays as her top donor for long enough.

Quix is a unicorn or was one until very recently. He would always complain about her interacting with men and did so just two weeks ago.

>> No.76521191

Quix is so retarded that his way of "telling her to stop" is to give her more money.

>> No.76521325

I didn't see what has been going on today until now but it looks like he has not had a public meltdown over saito-san so he has probably learned that he can't control her.

>> No.76521476

By the looks of it, he's been venting in a private discord server with a few other gachikoi.

That's just sad.

>> No.76521581

>She always complains about how boring her chat is.
Chat reflects the streamer.

>> No.76521598

Are there even any of them left anymore to have a private discord?

>> No.76521660

As far as I am aware at least 8 of them.

>> No.76522523

Quix and the 3 or 4 fans left in the bunker made a new server back in January after the marriage reveal because they were outnumbered by former fans making fun of the situation and insulting Miguel.

>> No.76522693


>> No.76524873

She would marry them for their money, and divorce them for their money.

>> No.76524924

So she's literally me?

>> No.76525040

literally the faggiest twink motherfucker the planet has ever seen.
BWC with a strong hand could fix her life but nobody wants to bite that bullet

>> No.76525127

her paypigs are pathetic fags who'll simp no matter what and none of them are actually rich enough to provide her with the life she wants, they're just mentally ill losers who throw their whole paycheck at her

>> No.76525135

She's tweeting about her lawsuit currently apparently.

>> No.76525200


>> No.76525229

Someone should tell her that Yahoo of all publications shitting on her is the best publicity she could hope to get with her current reputation.

>> No.76526040

I want to mention this, black forest cake is delicious and a way better use of your money than throwing it away on mike or her boyfriends.

>> No.76526215

Yahoo=! Yahoo JP.

Is she winning or is she getting the deep fucking over she was craving so much?

>> No.76526462

She's continuing with the lawsuit I assume, I don't know japanese.
