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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76426045 No.76426045 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>76412220

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.76426067
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>in japanese this time

>> No.76426132
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They do such homework but they have less to show for it than someone like nerissa who has more covers and an orisong. I don't get it? Music is their number one thing, so you'd expect them to at least have an orisong or two by now, especially with all the HW they do.
What the fuck even is their homework and why are they unable to stream or even offcollab with the other girls?
The only explanation I can come up with is they're maybe taking extra dance lessons or voice lessons? It sucks that we'll never know, and we probably won't ever actually see the end result of all of this homework.

>> No.76426170
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try not to go too menhera

>> No.76426201

Fucking comical lol

>> No.76426213
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Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.76426228
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>> No.76426246

Part of their homework this time probably is an orisong. They mentioned they were doing a lot of singing

>> No.76426252

Either management or they themselves decided to put a stop to streams since their voices are weak and they only have a limited window to record 3D and 1 year with Advent in Japan. It sucks but that's their own fault for not taking care of themselves. Unfortunately, we as their fans suffer.

>> No.76426318

We'll do our best! It was so busy day but we did it! bau bau! Let's sleep! Tomorrow is big day!

God... It's so frustrating and exhausting. We just want to see their stream...

>> No.76426322

Whoever here played White Album, which girl did you go for?

>> No.76426432

Totally agree

>> No.76426454
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Rina Ogata. Played WA1 even before they streamed it and her route is just so much more interesting.

>> No.76426465
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i want to see how the next few weeks go. but from my own experience is that when someone don't give you their time of the day anymore is because they don't want to.
i want to be wrong...

>> No.76426500

>Either management or they themselves decided to put a stop to streams since their voices are weak and they only have a limited window to record 3D and 1 year with Advent in Japan. It sucks but that's their own fault for not taking care of themselves.
Strangely enough, this actually makes me feel a bit better.
I'm glad they're at least tweeting before and after they sleep and do HW and stuff...

>> No.76426531

Any bets on what the next tweet will say?

>> No.76426538

I started playing it after their first WA stream and tried going for Yuki(I'm NOT a cheater) but got bored. VNs are way more enjoyable when two cute dogs are barking nonstop

>> No.76426570

If someone is cracking now, I have no idea how you made it through the moving are assuming you didn't come to /baubau/ take a shit and leave. I say this as someone who likes streams more than events; my head is fully clear on this. They're having fun working hard to produce content for us while obtaining a dream. I'm happy for them.

>> No.76426597
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>> No.76426617

>moving are
moving arc**

>> No.76426681
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>> No.76426839

Yep, I fed ChatGPT their last 5 days of tweets (not including replies to other people) and this is what it gave me:

Good morning, Ruffians! We're up early and ready for another BIG day!! Let's give it our all and make today pawsome!

Thank you for all your support! We’ll keep working hard and making you proud!


>> No.76426841

moving arc was rushed and sudden but understandable, it came from out of necessity, but now? why can't we have a short twitter space of even a few minutes of pre recorded audio?
this time it feels likes beside homework it's a shift in fwmc priorities and the streaming is at the dead bottom.

now i'm a flithy vod watcher i can't watch fwmc live, i don't care for twitter likes or what not, i just want streams, understandably if this is temporary situation, yet who knows we will see if it really is.

>> No.76426927

Wonder how long they'll bother doing stuff like this, can you imagine this level of tweet for 3 fucking months?

>> No.76426999
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Here's a screenshot so I can show all the emojis it added

>> No.76427057

If they use 90% of this tweet, they're fucking with us lol.

>> No.76427066

The replies will just get shorter and shorter until it's nothing but "Good luck!" and "Good job today!".

>> No.76427078

Remove the dog emoji and add like 2 more fire ones and its fucking perfect. Jesus christ...

>> No.76427090

Reminder that they said "We’ll do our best to let you know what we’re up to while we work like dogs!!". They haven't told us anything\

>> No.76427109

I've already stopped replying, only thing I did today was like their reactions to the tummy and ear tweets since they were cute.

>> No.76427178

>pretends to act cute and care
Moids really are stupid

>> No.76427184
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>Know my wives are working hard to make nice things for us
>Reply to every tweet wishing them luck
>Know they'll be back when they're ready because they love me

>> No.76427191
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>> No.76427201

I made it through the moving arc, but something must have changed in me from then to now because this is crushing me really hard. I'm not gonna stop supporting them, and I'm not gonna start doomposting constantly because that isn't going to fix anything. Idk, I've been feeling like shit this week, and I really miss them. Just getting things out of my mind, sorry for the wall.
Anyway, gn ruffians

>> No.76427237

Close enough

>> No.76427239
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i feel the same

>> No.76427256
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Post it.

>> No.76427265

Shut up Aeon you never sleep.

>> No.76427309

I was excited during the moving, thinking about all the opportunities they'd get and how they'd sleep better, be more rested and be able to care for themselves better. Yeah.

>> No.76427388
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Things will get better. I believe in them to get things back to normal. Goodnight, and hope you can sleep okay

>> No.76427548

honestly I'm under the opinion that people have been on /baubau/ too much, so the brainworms from constant antis and shitposters have gotten into their minds to push negative impressions on it without them realizing it. It has certainly happened before.

>> No.76427626

Mococo isn't sexy

>> No.76427639

Nah, I'm just tired of all the breaks and the bad news. They haven't done anything wrong aside from not rest when they needed to. I'm just tired.

>> No.76427750

>We'll do our best! We're doing our best! We did our best!
It's never "We did great today ruffians! We're really happy with how it went!" Makes them seem never satisifed and always disappointed with their performance, using "we did our best" as a cope. I just want them to use a different line!

>> No.76427751

We thought things would get better after the moving arc. Instead things have gotten worse and just stretched into awful. We never recovered from the moving arc, since they've moved to Japan, we've barely had a week of good solid streams where they are healthy and we are happy.

>> No.76427784

Women with insane negative self image issues, pls understand.

>> No.76427789

Anyone who lets this place affect them is a weak minded retard. What's getting to me is the lack of content and the fact that we haven't heard a fully healed Mococo in a month. Also the karaoke that's been postponed 3 times now.

>> No.76427819

This, unfortunately the not resting when they needed to fucked up everything else so the one thing they did wrong made everything else worse.

>> No.76427820

3D I understand, but for fucking homework? How much are they taking on and fucking why? When is it enough?

>> No.76427868
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>> No.76427921
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>> No.76427934

They took on too much, simple as. We know voicepacks and shit are recorded months in advance. So now they are probably paying the price for stuff they agreed to even before they moved to Japan. As well as 3D, 1 year, and maybe Summer or Connect the World 2. Advent is here only for a limited time so any group performances will have to be done now. If you're asking why they aren't streaming now, as was said earlier in the thread, it's most likely that either they themselves or management has put a stop to everything that isn't recording because of the state of their voices. Which they did to themselves by overworking like screaming at Dorokei, FWMC Morning, the Taiwan karaoke, etc. They also should have canceled, postponed, or gone lighter on Golden Week.

>> No.76427939

I think for me it's cause I knew for a fact they couldn't stream or really interact much at all during the moving arc. This is different cause they can, but simply aren't for whatever reason even though the other girls seem to be able to(and are just as busy). I can't really come up with a good explanation as to why, and they aren't really saying anything at all about it.
I'll always support them and watch them whenever they stream, I just feel like I need to take a step back from being super gachi cause it doesn't feel too good at the moment. If streaming and spending time with us really is going to be a secondary or tertiary thing, then it doesn't seem like they want gachikoi.
It was incredible, but I think the time of the gachijoi is pretty much over.
I'm gonna attempt to make the transition into a casual idolfag.

>> No.76427981

>we've barely had a week of good solid streams
Golden wee-
>where they are healthy and we are happy.
Ah nevermind...

>> No.76428085

I haven't cracked yet, but this arc does hurt me more than the moving one. There was a good reason that was clear on why they couldn't stream, and yet there were still some streams and voice tweets during it, plus small freecat appearances. I think it's more that we didn't have any meaningful time to recover between the moving arc and this one. Overall it just seems like really bad timing as far as their availability goes, which sucks all around

>> No.76428094

It's a cascade failure of their own making. While they were moving to Japan, recording probably piled up because they weren't recording. So they assumed they would just do it when they got to Japan. In the meantime they kept accepting stuff, saying to themselves "Once we get to Japan everything will be easier!" Then Mococo got sick, they still forced themselves to stream with JP senpai despite the fact that they live in Japan now, still did Dorokei where Mococo screamed, Mococo screamed in FWMC morning and then they did Taiwan. Now all the stuff they were supposed to record during their move that they put off, the stuff they accepted during their move, 3D, 1 year, maybe Summer and CTW, and all the stuff they've been accepting nonstop probably since then is all coming down on them while they're still sick. They got too greedy and now we're the ones paying the price.

Inb4 Ambitionschizo comes in, I love that they are hungry, but they tried to eat too much all at once and now stuff is rotting.

>> No.76428111

GW sapped all the strength out of me, barely got any sleep, got so tired I couldn't really even focus on the translations and stuff. Granted, that's my fault for forcing it, but man, this whole mindset of 'do everything everywhere possible' is gonna make them miserable. Its definitely making not a tiny amount of us completely miserable.

>> No.76428134

I can't really speak for anyone else, but I haven't been in the threads for about 3 days.
I just came back for this thread cause I saw the Advent off collab earlier.
>Overall it just seems like really bad timing as far as their availability goes, which sucks all around
Bad timing is a pretty good descriptor for just about everything that's happened since they first decided to move

>> No.76428161

>and they aren't really saying anything at all about it.
I don't really know what else they can tell you other than they've been doing dance practice and are super busy, enough to the point they can't do much else outside of homework

>> No.76428175
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>> No.76428183

I think it's wise decision. Take a step back and take a break.

>> No.76428185

>We're the ones paying the price
Oh settle down, they're the ones who are working 16 hours a day to catch up. You're a big boy you'll deal without streams for a few weeks. Remember that they WANT to come back to us and they're doing their best to do that. It's not like they want to not stream, they just can't at the moment and there's a big chance that management is involved in that decision after the black out last week

>> No.76428203
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not like this, sempais

>> No.76428224

Hard to say for sure, all I can say for absolute certainty is we'll see when they're 'back' and how all that goes.

>> No.76428381

It's noticeable that Ruffians have been burned out lately. I do hope FWMC to get back from 3D prep and other homework. Seriously.

>> No.76428429

When a fuckin gachi like me who's been screaming in their corner since they showed up is like "yeah not really feeling like looking at their twitter or replying to them" Yeah safe to say that's correct.

>> No.76428497

have fwmc ever mention dance lessons specifically?

>> No.76428539

Working 16 hours a day is what got them here. And no streams for a "few weeks', I've been dealing with that since the move it feels like. I'm allowed to vent here, at least I'm not going schizo on Twitter or something.

>> No.76428542

Yes they told the story of Nerissa taking off her clothes and Fuwawa hanging her up clothes

>> No.76428544

Yes, if you watched their streams you'd know that they did.

>> No.76428561

All they really need to do is spice up their tweets. I've already responded all the different ways I can

>> No.76428569

Long as its not literal anti behavior I don't see the issue with venting some frustrations, they aren't fucking perfect, they have flaws.

>> No.76428592

Do you watch streams? It's not even that hard to do now sadly

>> No.76428632

Exactly. Also Fuwamoco would understand. I know fags don't watch streams but Mococo has talked about how she looked forward to the idol group that used to stream every week. And how she got bummed out when they did less and less and eventually dropped out. And she probably wasn't even in love with them full on like we are with them and we were used to tons of love on a frequent and consistent basis. They absolutely understand that this really hurts for us, but it can't be helped. I'm just whining here but every single one of my messages is supportive and happy.

>> No.76428724

Transparency would go a long way in these kinds of circumstances, but I'm at the point where I'm just accepting them for who they are. Hopefully one day they'll feel more comfortable with us. I'll be patient in the meantime.

>> No.76428770

From my perspective I'm borderline in love with them, doesn't mean that I can't see that they have issues, I love them despite that. I understand the why and how of this situation. It's just absolutely the worst timing and despite knowing that its genuine, the recent stream felt more like placating and them coping over all their work, I cannot express how much I dislike them constantly saying "homework doesn't stop" when they are directly responsible for it. Its like they want sympathy for things they have chosen to do. I love them to absolute pieces and that won't change, but they fucking frustrate me sometimes.

>> No.76428804

My wives are perfect and have no flaws

>> No.76428883

They're scared of losing everything they've built over these past...298 days at any moment. They get scared of homework not coming in because it would mean (to them) their career has stalled. Homework being non-stop is an affirmation of their existence.

>> No.76428897

>I cannot express how much I dislike them constantly saying "homework doesn't stop" when they are directly responsible for it. Its like they want sympathy for things they have chosen to do. I love them to absolute pieces and that won't change, but they fucking frustrate me sometimes.
That's natural. Fiction tends to present these idealized people who never get tired or frustrated with each other when that's just not possible in reality. That's also why I try to offer constructive criticism when I see fit, and don't hold back. Yesmen are a plague and will never help them grow or get better. The only thing that remains to be seen is if they learn from this. People like >>76428804 will always be around and although you can play it off as "undying support" you're really not helping them.

>> No.76428911
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Baused AND correct (I made this post)

>> No.76428966

I understand how they feel but that's wrong. And the fact that they see it like that is causing them tons of issues and problems. Again, I know why. It's frustrating regardless. They're rushing through everything and not breathing. And while they will accomplish tons of stuff they wanna do like 3d, a lot of it just eats into time they clearly wanna spend with us, but they swallowed the Hololive cope that bending over for management makes them give you shit on a silver platter.

>> No.76429047

That's a Japanese cope, and maybe just even a corporate cope. Remember these are probably the first real jobs they've ever had, in terms of an office. Maybe not Fuwawa but she probably wasn't on the same level of position she is now, she was just another cog in a machine as opposed to a star.

>> No.76429049

Whining here and tweeting "contructive criticism" like "take more breaks" isn't helping them either. They are who they are and they will work themselves hard, for better or worse and nothing you or I can say will change that. I'm not sure why you think your feedback will be heeded when Koyori and Marine both warned them.

>> No.76429061

i don't watch sc reading so maybe then

>> No.76429085
File: 47 KB, 465x397, 1714755669818277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you don't watch streams either.

>> No.76429090
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That's really what I felt when they talked about the homework stopping being scary. I really wish I could assure them somehow, but all I can really do is just stay by their side and hope they believe I'll keep doing that

>> No.76429097

If more people cared enough to offer them constructive criticism instead of sucking their clits over every little thing they do we might not even be in this scenario. Shrugging and giving up and refusing to be honest is not an improvement.

>> No.76429118

They said that we're important to them and that they listen to us so I choose to believe that. Also you don't know what I've said, guess what, take more breaks isn't part of it. In the end, if something I say helps them great, if it doesn't then they can ignore it. I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.76429206

Yeah like all the people in the battle plan comments who came out of it looking like morons

>> No.76429255

That I disagree with. I offered constructive criticism before but I was always aware they'd probably ignore it. I think this is the real litmus test, they needed an actual fuckup moment with actual consequences from their actions and this being unable to stream while Advent is in Japan is clearly it. Now we'll see if they learn from it or not. You can tell a child that the stove is hot a thousand times, but sometimes you need to let them touch it for them to learn.

>> No.76429305

Battle plan was blatant miscommunication surrounded by intense emotions. They did in fact make it worse by wording it the way they did, I will never back down from that fact, As someone who got caught up and didn't fucking listen the first time, thats on me, in this case, its repeatable action, everyone here KNOWS they overwork themselves, there is actual physical evidence in the GW streams and now all this.

>> No.76429340

I stand by what I said on the battleplan stream because I didn't overreact. I told them exactly what I felt at the time and it hasn't changed now

>> No.76429369

I get that, but I'm still gonna tell them its hot anyway, I don't feel like they'll learn at all personally. They're in too deep and so single minded on not falling apart they're blind to it. They didn't listen to Koyori, didn't listen to fucking marine, management had to STEP IN and tell them to stop, it took that to get them to relax, and now they're right back to it again and have even said they don't want the homework to stop. They haven't learned.

>> No.76429379

I wrote this post. I came out of the battleplan comments fine because I didn't overreact and I wasn't a yesman either.

>> No.76429394
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>> No.76429440

Well then that's where we differ. And yes I am going to still tell them it's hot, if nothing more than to say I told you later on to people saying their perfect hands will never get burned. I think they have the capacity for learning. And they're hardly unique, you don't become a Holo without one or a few big fuckups that serve as "Come to Jesus" moments. Marine herself, as seasoned as she was had many. Koyori...well she's just insane and so far everything seems to work out for her.

>> No.76429464

babying fwmc is retarded

>> No.76429475

Hope you're right genuinely, it would break my heart to see them continue to do this. So I hope I'm completely wrong.

>> No.76429503

No you don't understand they NEED me to give them advice! The yesmen won't give them the hard words they need to advance their career like an astute person like me who knows everything about what is going on behind the scenes and can give the perfect advice based on my insights like "they work too hard"

>> No.76429541

Okay Daniel, did they hire you as main clipper/secondary manager yet.

>> No.76429553

Keep plying that reductionist strawman, not gonna serve you any better, if you bothered to even fucking read what half the people have said here.

>> No.76429589

If Holos were able to be functioning members of society, none of them would actually BE Holos. You think "Yagoo's home for broken girls" is a meme? I'd give them all legal guardians if it were up to me. Britney Spears has got nothing on the average Holo

>> No.76429633

Are you sure he wasn't talking about yesmen like you? That's more babying them then criticizing them.

>> No.76429635

A pair of 30-year old hags who have been in the business for a decade aren't going to listen to bunch of faceless names on YT/Twitter for career advice kek.

>> No.76429639

This but unironically.

>> No.76429670

both you and the ass kissers are pointless, they will do what they want regardless of what anyone thinks

>> No.76429684

Is "try to get more than 4 hours of sleep so you don't suffer crippling health issues going into your 30s" career advice?

>> No.76429699

Don't care, listen or not I'm still gonna be honest, fuck your disingenuous shit. Honesty doesn't mean controlling you drooling moron.

>> No.76429807

It's just blackandwhiteschizo he can be safely ignored.

>> No.76429822
File: 457 KB, 836x375, Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 14-58-53 【SUPERCHAT READING】superchat reading super finale 💕🐾.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know FuwaMoco, we're hungry puppies.

>> No.76429871

Hungry is good, destructive behavior is not. I'm glad they have ambition, but they have comical levels of obsession over it.

>> No.76429874

You say this but then start having a fit when someone like Daniel makes his menhera complaints public and specifically towards them

>> No.76429887

>Same people who schizo'd out over their assumptions on the Battle Plan stream are schizoing out about their headcanon about why fwmc aren't streaming
Speaking of learning your lessons...

>> No.76429903

fat fucks

>> No.76429910

I have friends in McKinsey who powered through on 2-3 for a week straight. Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.76429912

Good morning
Not reading a single post ITT
I love Fuwamoco

>> No.76429921

I know why, most of what I've said has been critical of their behavior, not their stream amounts.

>> No.76429958


>> No.76429979

He's a fucking schizo who doesn't offer any constructive criticism, just grandstanding so he gets attention.
Good for them, maybe they're smart enough to tell you about the "availability heuristic" and "small sample size" you retard.
Sounds like you're the one making assumptions there friendo.

>> No.76430016

>"small sample size" you retard.
The irony here. kek.

>> No.76430059

>He's a fucking schizo who doesn't offer any constructive criticism
He was the first to openly call out Mococo for being a retard and straining her voice some more after the karaoke collab with Koyori and he was 100% right seeing as how you are all now doing the very same thing but behind anonymity like cowards

>> No.76430081

No you weren't you fucking roach.

>> No.76430108

What else did he do? Oh yeah call their pledge fake and whine and cry about it, he's not a fucking good example because he made one good point in a sea of menhera.

>> No.76430129

>Sounds like you're the one making assumptions there friendo.
I'm not. I don't know what work they're doing, I don't know who is responsible for that work and I don't know what management is discussing with them or has asked them to do. Therefore I am not informed enough to be in a position to give any kind of useful criticism. My only job is to enjoy and support, I don't have any role to play in "improving" them unless they explicitly ask for feedback.

>> No.76430146

opinion and existence discarded.

>> No.76430152

He was right on that too

>> No.76430203

Thinking about it now, maybe they actually meant this in a literal sense.

>> No.76430215

Remains to be seen. They also said they'd make mistakes. this is just pedantic. Just using any mistake they may have made for 'evidence' against it. All I need really to discard anything you might say.

>> No.76430220

Too bad for you FWMC always acknowledge his existence

>> No.76430253

>Remains to be seen
We are quite literally witnessing it firsthand as the days go by

>> No.76430267
File: 136 KB, 320x351, 042626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I want them to react to ghost trick's narrative, I'm starting to think they can't actually beat it after seeing it again. They're both really bad at adapting to rules bending, probably because of the massive bautism

>> No.76430298

Again, any slight or mistake they make is 'evidence' enough for you. This isn't worth discussing because the ground you're standing on is wobbly at best.

>> No.76430349

This is more than anything “slight”

>> No.76430354

I want them to play Halo 2 but they'd have to get through Halo 1 first.

>> No.76430357

They pity the Hungarian because all their streams are like at 3:00AM for him. 可哀想

>> No.76430376

Why? Because they're taking a streaming break to do some work behind the scenes? This isn't uncommon in Hololive.

>> No.76430392

Sure, if that cope helps you sleep at night

>> No.76430425

>When a fuckin gachi like me who's been screaming in their corner since they showed up is like "yeah not really feeling like looking at their twitter or replying to them" Yeah safe to say that's correct.
You are a shitty fan. You 'love' them if you have your way, but woe be on them if they dare to pour their heart and soul into things they are passionate about. You are the type of faggot who seethe if your partner decide to focus hard on their career.Thank god retards like you are getting filtered.

>> No.76430428

Would you let them play on easy modo so they can actually get through it?

>> No.76430439

It’s very common with the whores in hololive who don’t care about streaming or their fans, yes you’re right. FWMC were supposed to be different than that. They were supposed to break away from the mold

>> No.76430459

No, they'd be playing co-op so that's already easy mode due to the respawn nature of co-op, I think they should play Normal at least.

>> No.76430482

If the people remaining have your reading comprehension and emotional understanding, not sure thats a good thing. Me being tired and worn out from the fucking breaks has nothing to do with my devotion, you're a retard.

>> No.76430496

>FWMC were supposed to be different than that.
They warned you during the100 days to never take things for granted. To treasure the time spend together. And that they would be busy eventually and cut down on streaming. You decided to NOT listen to them.

>> No.76430499

Stupid esl faggot

>> No.76430528

I listened to them when they emphatic said “we love you! We really do love you!” but that was a lie

>> No.76430537

Normal might be manageable for them in co-op, and it'll give us some moments of Fuwawa panicking while Mococo tells her to stay alive so she can come back

>> No.76430544

Keep crying troon

>> No.76430559

I accept your concession that FWMC are liars

>> No.76430574

They told you in January they'd make sacrifices to do what's important to them. Why didn't you believe them? They poured their hearts out about how much it tore them up.

>> No.76430581

Smile status?

>> No.76430596

>They told you in January they'd make sacrifices to do what's important to them
So ruffians were never really important to them in the end, got it

>> No.76430600

Protected. They're making their dreams come true

>> No.76430606

Some holos regard off-stream work as a bigger expression of love than streams. Primary example being Marine.

>> No.76430614


>> No.76430630

what work does marine do offstream?
paying people to make things for you isnt work

>> No.76430636

Holy fucking disingenuous post

>> No.76430670

In case it wasn't obvious, I stopped arguing several posts ago and now I'm just being strawmanned by the Hungarian and sisters.

>> No.76430672
File: 169 KB, 369x362, 042637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging in there

>> No.76430683

Unprotected, but fine
My smile isn't the one doing all the homework

>> No.76430693

I have a stomach ache from eating like a fat fuck. I need them to protect my smile.

>> No.76430701

Okay anonymous thanks for the update

>> No.76430710

I am pretty happy. Looking forward to their growth in the next few months.

>> No.76430718

It's a shame
But the argument was reaching it's end either way

>> No.76430724

Same, I've come to accept that people on this board can't fucking read ironically.

>> No.76430734

They’re not lazy like other EN whores like fauna.

>> No.76430763
File: 560 KB, 3024x3632, GHmVKvEbQAAAhFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being protected atm, but they asked us to protect theirs. Staying busy and therefore happy.

>> No.76430787

Don't besmirch the sisyphus world record holder like that

>> No.76430814

The only real difference between Fuwamoco and Fauna is that Fauna was very blunt about the true relationship between her and her fans which was just that it’s strictly streamer/viewer
Fuwamoco fed into gachikoi’s cravings by seemingly crossing off all of the criteria for the perfect GFE chuuba strictly for the money that would come as a result of it and once they had that, they quickly moved to Japan, and the “love” they seemingly once had with the ruffians began to gradually wan with interactions with us becoming both repetitive, vague, and worst of all distant

>> No.76430844

Meh there is good discussion here sometimes. I'm sure the loop will happen again.

>> No.76430846

Can I interest you in some FF music

>> No.76430884

Haven’t really smiled since their last stream and this place isn’t making it any better but I’m a retard who has nothing else going on in his life at the moment and I am here forever

>> No.76430892

I'm pretty used to these hours being comfier with actual discussions, so I'm curious who's been staying up late to loop

>> No.76430910


>> No.76430926

Just do what I'm gonna do when I make this post, close out, take a break, get some good sleep and just forget they exist for a little while, look back into them when you feel ready.

>> No.76430963

how long do you wait before putting underwear on after a shower

>> No.76430971
File: 1.54 MB, 2048x1032, Oh Rean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just forget they exist for a little while
haha. easier said than done.

>> No.76430992

>they quickly moved to Japan
Watch streams. They said during their first week that they would move to Japan if given the chance.

>> No.76431007

when my balls are fully dry

>> No.76431020

how hard will you cum during the 3D reveal?

>> No.76431022
File: 105 KB, 255x288, fuwawaagape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to wait?

>> No.76431037
File: 238 KB, 802x647, FM 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took quite awhile, but I finally finished the main campaign and I've now started on Gilgamesh' bonus villain campaign.

>> No.76431046

Man, there's not even any decent FWMC art to RT on the tag. This sucks.

>> No.76431049

They got the money and made sure to run to Japan, that’s the truth of the matter
>They said
Meaningless nowadays

>> No.76431279

(っ- ‸ – ς)

>> No.76431504

Everyone talks about the Mococock but nobody talks about the Mococunt.

>> No.76431644
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, fuwapat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh caught the FF6 alternate map theme before it ended. I like that one.
Not sure if you're an anon or someone having a not so-good day. But, you'll be okay.

>> No.76431732

we lost them

>> No.76431738
File: 32 KB, 583x326, Screenshot 2024-05-23 033027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76431750


>> No.76431763
File: 307 KB, 1024x1024, 1714921792370759.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76431771

it's becoming more and more japanese...

>> No.76431792
File: 359 KB, 2048x1152, GIEaybvbUAAE7zE.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76431802

Thanks, Twitter changed something and I can't even view tweets now on Firefox incognito even if I have a the direct URL

>> No.76431804
File: 3.37 MB, 2730x4093, GOQb0N7aUAAvQ41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76431817

You're an idiot. We literally have heard Mococo's voice being bad. We know this is when they need to do their 3D debut and 3D advent stuff and you are whining that you can't figure out why they are streaming less? Streaming is not how Hololive makes its money. They have obligations to perform and protect their health for that. They're not going to be allowed to sacrifice 3D projects so they can stream dummy.

>> No.76431881

>another tweet prioritizing jp over en

>> No.76431916
File: 101 KB, 560x560, 1714822805967512.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why not more fluffy weeks? because Mococo

>> No.76431933

The rest of Advent probably love that they get to stay and enjoy being in Japan longer while FuwaMoco are still recovering

>> No.76431972

You would completely sperg out if they ever said anything like what Fauna said. Let's be real. A lot of "ruffians" complained when they did stream because they were risking Mococo's health, now they are taking care of Mococo and not streaming, you are bitching about that too. They can't win! They have no control over Mococo's health and they have obligations for big projects with a lot of people and money behind them that supercede streaming. Chill the fuck out and let them do what they need to do. Once things calm down and Mococo is healthy again they'll be back to what they were doing. For ruffians you act like such pussies.

>> No.76432027
File: 122 KB, 449x401, 1714888456664050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76432030

These read like parodies of themselves at this point.

>> No.76432033

Fuwawa sounded pretty rough towards the end of fluffy week.

>> No.76432049

It's sad that you guys aren't taking this free time to do and enjoy the things you couldn't when they were still streaming normally.

>> No.76432062

Remember when people did their JP reps instead of sperging about likes

>> No.76432068

The only thing I enjoyed was them.

>> No.76432081

That was a long time ago.

>> No.76432097
File: 396 KB, 535x669, 1694793293286284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm watching miko doing basic calculus

>> No.76432099

>thinking I'm not
Way to assume what I do day in day out
I'm banking on no streams next month so I can clear some back log

>> No.76432101

They are all literally in dance class and recording every day. The only reason they're not off-collabing is because they aren't staying near where Fuwamoco live and the stream hours are prohibitive for Fuwamoco being there and getting everything they need to get done done. I don't think you realize what an ordeal it would be for them to do that kind of stream right now, let alone every night. It's the same reason Irys didn't do a bunch of off collabs with promise.

>> No.76432117

I'm not married to them. If they don't stream i watch other vtubers

>> No.76432127
File: 168 KB, 1110x1500, 1716300405911594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting on Peko's watchalong

>> No.76432136

All they have to do is cry. When they come back, Mococo will cry and even Fuwawa will sound a bit teary. Did you know women's tears can reduce aggression in men by like 44%? It's evolutionary. All your gripes will melt away once you hear the wobble in their voices.

>> No.76432146

I never gave up my hobbies or hanging out with friends and family for streams. Still haven't. Doesn't make those couple of nights home alone any better though.

>> No.76432177 [SPOILER] 
File: 637 KB, 959x661, 1715860788495059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76432185

Eh all they need to do is appear on stream and shout "BAU BAU" and I'm once again all theirs

>> No.76432224

Men are easy, just BAU BAU at them.

>> No.76432229

Haha, they wish. I just turned off the stream during the battle plan when she started to cry and tell me she's ok with fans leaving.

>> No.76432296

I was going to watch it too but can't miss dog dunking on nerds with akuma
...or get dunked on since going from jp to akuma won't be easy

>> No.76432358
File: 999 KB, 3000x4000, 1714409138194899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.76432457

I just put a strip of toilet paper in there to catch remaining moisture

>> No.76432527

They had a moment at the end of the last stream that I was re-listening.
>subject: protecting Fuwamoco’s smiles
>M: Just this once, okay?
>F: It’s not supposed to be something extremely healthy, but…
>M: I don’t know for how long.
>M: Just this once.
>F: Un un un un
I remember saying they should have leaned on us more during the move. It seems like they hit that point and asked for support so I’ll keep sending my silly tweets even if they get generic as hell in a week. I don’t like that they’re not streaming at all but at this point I assume it’s a complete block from management and won’t hold it against them.

>> No.76432560
File: 3.46 MB, 2531x3555, GMu_oEgaUAAiIeO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M: Just this once.
No Mococo, I'm gonna keep protecting your smiles whether you give me permission to or not

>> No.76432574

That's kind of why no matter how generic it may seem, I want to keep just saying things of support in places they can see. I want them to know that leaning on us is okay and they should do it more often if they're feeling down

>> No.76432602

how are there still no casual outfits?
are they going to be revealing them when they are back from japan and then announce the 3D or something

>> No.76432610

I still do them, though I've dropped anki. Every time I watch a nip stream I do so with the dictionary open on a another tab.

>> No.76432635

how do you know what to look up in the dictionary

>> No.76432687
File: 479 KB, 1587x2048, 1711611293924903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best we can do is support them in these times. It did make me smile quite a bit hearing that from them though.

>> No.76432690

I can't even protect my own smile.

>> No.76432699
File: 889 KB, 2492x4096, @sasaki_ikuya 1793597756315193808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76432708

they will be joining miko's suika multiplayer versus for a round

>> No.76432761

The moving arc was a million times better than what we have now, at least then we were positive and we thought that they would only take a few weeks + they still tried to stream... But now? We know that thing won't go back to normal until September at best, ant they themselves told us that they wouldn't stream as much as during the moving arc. And not only that, this is all their fault for taking too much homework, if they keep prioritizing homework this situation will keep happening in the future.
This is just depressing...

>> No.76432782

Yeah, whatever...

>> No.76432789

How is this any different that the move? We were asked to wait then and they tweeted out things to get headpats from Ruffians the entire time.

>> No.76432811

They didn't ask for us to protect their smiles during that and the headpat shit was a "project" by the pillar of mental illness himself.

>> No.76432827

>They didn't ask for us to protect their smiles during that
You're right they asked for hugs

>> No.76432843

Bullshit. They asked plenty for support and to be cheered up, both on twitter and in freecat

>> No.76432853

Technically they said they were really close to asking Ruffians for hugs and immediately deleted the comment and then lurked for an hour or two

>> No.76432859

I write what I hear in hiragana and the context helps me to know which kind of word I'm looking for. If I hear a string of stuff I don't know and can't tell where a word starts and ends I feed it into deepl then cut it up.

>> No.76432898

ping me if they do i'm going to watch peko

>> No.76432927

If you can't tell the difference in escalation between that and them coming straight out and asking for us to protect their smiles, something they have ALWAYS rejected beforehand with a "No it's OUR job to protect YOUR smiles" then you're just retarded. This is different.

>> No.76432955

Anon they've given us permission to protect their smiles before

>> No.76432971

“We need you to protect our smiles and we don’t know for how long” is far beyond asking for headpats. They’re struggling and it hurts to see

>> No.76432978


>> No.76432986

Shut the fuck up lol

>> No.76433020

:^) Problem?

>> No.76433030

They gave it grudgingly in response to people SCing something like "Well I guess that's okay." It's like how Fuwawa said "I won't say things that make people upset anymore" in response to the sexy thing, that's a lot different than if she came out and said "Ruffians I need you to find me sexy" at which point hundreds of thousands of men would die from violent dehydration via ejaculation.

>> No.76433031
File: 45 KB, 473x611, GIU2c7BXwAAOCP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo too big

>> No.76433037
File: 572 KB, 804x959, 1709739948464225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76433040

Make way you overly-emotional wimps. I'm the only one fit to be the knight that will protect their smiles.

>> No.76433047

>even porn only gets whining in response
this thread is over

>> No.76433064

That's literally the only reason for me to try and endure this instead of pretending they don't exist anymore.

>> No.76433070

Together my brother, we will stand strong and protect their smiles while they fight for their dreams.

>> No.76433079

You're really overcomplicating this for some reason. Point is they're fine with us wanting to protect their smiles all the time, they just play up the whole "no no WE'RE supposed to protect YOURS!" just like they do whenever we claim we missed them more than they missed us

>> No.76433109

You're autistic and will never understand anything that requires reading between the lines, which is a majority of human emotion and interaction.

>> No.76433126
File: 485 KB, 1131x1600, GLTUBFyWgAAncPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a justified complaint though, why don't you love Mococo's small hills?

>> No.76433154
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x1000, 897896879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someday

>> No.76433157

And they're toi autistic to zatsu or make tweets that don't sound ai generated.
We're built for each other, me and them.

>> No.76433161
File: 60 KB, 601x440, 1714387164436391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay weirdo

>> No.76433164

Read-between-the-lines schizo...

>> No.76433168
File: 665 KB, 466x699, Silver Claw Knight Rider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what you want, just don't get in my way.

>> No.76433186

sound like you are exaggerating the whole thing

>> No.76433216

>Dicks and balls but no vagoo
This isn't futa it's just gay

>> No.76433227

I do not think they even learned their lesson about rest, it doesn't seem to be bothering them much to miss streams. After they start streaming again they will just destroy their voices again to try to make it to up to us

>> No.76433249

Where are you now? How are you protecting their smiles, haeh?

>> No.76433344

I am everywhere, I am nowhere. I am not the light of the stars I am the void behind them, the darkness that makes their iridescent brilliance shine all the brighter

>> No.76433395

>How are you protecting their smiles, haeh?
By protecting my own smile. I live out my everyday life just as I always have, while patiently waiting for my liege's return.

>> No.76433396
File: 71 KB, 724x1024, 1715688191083781m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came to the floofies one more time before bed. My love is never dying. 6 times today for my princess.

>> No.76433433
File: 558 KB, 2414x2465, @triam147 1793605674255167608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76433435

They have to first bring their smiles to us for us to protect it. I have not seen theirs in a week.

>> No.76433440

my semen will stick to the ceiling

>> No.76433447

Not canon.

>> No.76433446


>> No.76433463
File: 104 KB, 633x1024, 1715796611273620m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You surely can go one more time for her? She needs the extra love this week.

>> No.76433467


>> No.76433542

>man asking for semen again

>> No.76433545
File: 2.41 MB, 2377x3573, 118974273_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76433614
File: 93 KB, 850x1289, 63fc7f0440d0fde3b6d7fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This damn succubus

>> No.76433725

You good, Zannie?

>> No.76433732

Every time someone cums for fuwawa she becomes more powerful. Of course I want to see my oshi be as strong as she can be.

>> No.76433749

not a fan of grotesque stuff like this, but for whoever likes it

>> No.76433763
File: 107 KB, 850x1092, 917c47fcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76433829

I hated the ending. There will be no more Fuwawa Hitman.

>> No.76433915

Fuwawa Hitman was the last great hurrah before it all went to shit. A 5 hour stream of Fuwawa that's in my top 5 streams of all time. After this it was karaoke cancellations and doom. Can't believe it was already 2 weeks ago and we've gotten 1 stream since then.

>> No.76433922
File: 93 KB, 721x1024, 1711889332338343m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came 45 times for fuwawa during fluffy week including 11 times on the Saturday to make her feel better about delaying the stream.

>> No.76433944
File: 1.77 MB, 2074x3002, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76433987
File: 1.48 MB, 480x360, 1707430063739386.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's ready to go again

>> No.76434045

"Mechanic" was one of the funniest Fuwawa moments ever, I'll treasure it

>> No.76434060
File: 177 KB, 850x1275, __fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_honkivampy__sample-a60bb94338d485868b0ef18768b3c198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76434149
File: 392 KB, 559x585, 1715940619158263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my best

>> No.76434157
File: 1.64 MB, 3986x2593, GMbxIRXawAAQTR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicbros we are here

>> No.76434315

There has never been a good post with this image.

>> No.76434365

It's kinda funny to see their retweets of art and animation and their replies to art getting more likes and engagement than their 'We'll do our best!' posts.

>> No.76434454

forgot about this and I don't have the movies prepared
i'm going back to bed

>> No.76434473

What is there even to say with those tweets anymore? I'm out of ideas so I just stopped after yesterday. At least artists are still providing fuwamoco content to enjoy. If fuwamoco do something worth liking or replying to I'll start again

>> No.76434495

just means it's reaching casuals and they did the right thing by posting those replies.
their random ass one word tweets also get a lot more replies than when they talk to us. casuals don't give a shit, they just want memes.

>> No.76434524
File: 294 KB, 505x558, 1714929716732033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Au contraire >>73762988

>> No.76434540


>> No.76434592

I assume this is the game Moco-chan wanted to play, will check it out if I can

>> No.76434686

If they were anyone but fuwamoco I'd have muted them with the shit repeat tweets this week

>> No.76434748

This is normal, look at the difference between the likes Matsuri gets on her normal tweets and her QRT of the belly grab meme

>> No.76434763

Why did they let a man touch their hair and head that wasn't me

>> No.76434794

I didn't make the mistake of assuming that was a goodnight tweet this time!

>> No.76434804

>. Can't believe it was already 2 weeks ago

>> No.76434836

good night

>> No.76434840

I post good night on the hashtag, they'll like it whenever they go to bed and I can't be wrong

>> No.76434917

I don't follow any chuuba but FWMC, so understandable.

>> No.76434954

Robocosan is having a call in stream. Not sure if FWMC tweeted that from a train or something or already at home, if they weren't home yet, doubt they'll join, but I'll keep watching just in case and will let you know

>> No.76435007

Cute robutt

>> No.76435088

Stop insinuating that they'll possibly show up anywhere. They didn't show up to any advent off-collab, something they wouldn't want to miss, they aren't gonna call in to some totsu.

>> No.76435138

Stop biting my balls, just lick them

>> No.76435214

I have some on notifs and all I can say is that it isn't too bad.

>> No.76435276
File: 990 KB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20240523_073339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my typical feed and I love it.

>> No.76435280

It was kiss day in Japan btw

>> No.76435316

still is, they're kissing me lots here

>> No.76435392
File: 6 KB, 275x91, I disabled the like notifs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76435470

can't sleep
looks like migoboat's streaming the movies I guess I'll watch

>> No.76435749


>> No.76435801
File: 2 KB, 46x330, 1691691316349051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the JST evenings

>> No.76435953


>> No.76435970

So I want to apologize to the Ruffians and Fuwamoco last night...
I usually don't drink that much, but may of had one too many.
Anyways sweet dreams Fuwawa and Mococo you been working very hard.
...also I am sorry...

>> No.76435983

Is it true that FuwaMoco is stronger than pic related?

>> No.76436018

>Stronger than nothing

>> No.76436024

who is this from

>> No.76436054

SSJ3 is ugly as fuck shut up Pekora

>> No.76436066
File: 353 KB, 558x613, in a perfect world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76436070
File: 16 KB, 187x270, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic kek

>> No.76436074

He didn't even say anything that bad, I don't know why he felt the need to apologize

>> No.76436100

Anything past the cell arc is fake news. Get this trash out of here.

>> No.76436186

>twitter gossip again
when did you buy your first skirt

>> No.76436210

>trunks gets a sword
why does everyone hate goten

>> No.76436232
File: 169 KB, 693x952, 23bc8ab8c203d186d9bda6adab304970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Gozita and Janenba look so cool.

>> No.76436287

fusion reborn time get in here spics

>> No.76436298

toriyama forgot he exist

>> No.76436301

One of their paypigs. It wasn't anything super bad but it was very funny to see all the goodmorning tweets and then one retard tweeting in all caps about how fuzzy his drink is kek

>> No.76436315

i dont like dbz

>> No.76436328
File: 3.48 MB, 528x622, Fuwawa Ruffians, I'm gonna tell you something scary right now_ you're dying at this moment.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh5myt0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76436347
File: 227 KB, 566x761, 1700618574711809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76436357
File: 333 KB, 1585x2085, 1713661667034673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there

>> No.76436394

Watching this in the movie theater was so kino. Session was packed.

>> No.76436491

This guy gets more pathetic every time he opens his mouth. He really is a 21 year old trust fund frat kid huh? I'm glad he keeps tagging them to show how weird he is

>> No.76436619

>he doesn't show his oshi how weird he is

>> No.76436642

I'm so weird FWMC tells Advent all about me

>> No.76436694

There's weird and then there's lying about how rough your life is and drinking alcohol. Weird was the wrong word for me to use sorry

>> No.76436723
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1710566008189167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 year old

>> No.76436742

>random hitler in a DBZ movie

>> No.76436760
File: 97 KB, 1210x698, supportive gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheer up, crewcut, I'm just shitposting. I don't really care one way or another.

>> No.76436773


>> No.76436805

What is crewcut meaning? And that image

>> No.76436850

Stop shitposting deadweight

>> No.76436905
File: 466 KB, 626x898, 1715763249038166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means he should lurk 2000 more years.

>> No.76436923

I'll show you dead weight...

>> No.76436978

Fuwawa post your tummy on twitter please

>> No.76437002

wtf gohan is the great saiyaman

>> No.76437015


>> No.76437033


>> No.76437055

Yeah and Roshi is Jackie Chun right? kys schizo

>> No.76437063

If she didn't even listen to a gorilla I fear she won't listen to anyone. I've been trying to go through nerissa and shiori to get thr fluffy tummy in her mind.

>> No.76437149
File: 364 KB, 1440x1920, @fukuinu_daddy 1793618591247675682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76437163
File: 252 KB, 463x473, 1703815475188758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76437226

Fuwawa would love fat Janemba

>> No.76437251


>> No.76437307

she really would kek

>> No.76437330
File: 95 KB, 714x1024, 1715615444323349m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was everyone's day?

>> No.76437368

It's 8:30 am

>> No.76437416

My work day started 34 mins ago.
Already getting sweaty loading trucks. So it's ok so far. I hope your day is good.

>> No.76437468

I'm heading to bed soon, so good I think

>> No.76437531

Pretty good. Just started with work so far at the office so it's going to be a slow day.

>> No.76437547

If all you cliqueniggers are going to vaguepost on twitter all the time, the least you could do is leave the fucking threads alone. Do you really need to shit up both platforms?

>> No.76437565

It's 630 I just woke up. Nothing bad happened so far but work is starting so we'll see how long that lasts

>> No.76437580


>> No.76437619

My work is calling everyone back into the office in June for 3x a week. Considering telling them to fuck off but if I get let go for it I've heard the job market is rough. Idk.

>> No.76437620


>> No.76437627

just got up and still unemployed

>> No.76437629

Awful and getting worse.

>> No.76437654

Eat shit wfh faggot. Welcome back to the real world! No more watching streams at home all day when you should be working.

>> No.76437666

This is what working class solidarity looks like in 2024 I guess

>> No.76437685

Hoping for a cute reply to some art they like on twitter. Wondering if there'll be a stream this weekend because today or tomorrow would be the day they'd mention it.

>> No.76437695
File: 174 KB, 366x361, concernedmogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You doing okay, anon? No need to be so hostile

>> No.76437738


>> No.76437740

Fuck man what did I do to you? It's a fucking 2 hour commute each day to the office. I'm infinitely more productive at home even if I do watch streams at the same time

>> No.76437770

work has been slow this morning so you could say it's been alright. Better than the start of the week that's for sure

>> No.76437779

Fucking crying lmao

>> No.76437781

I-it's not like I want to merge with you or anything

>> No.76437782

Were all the parts of that clip from the same stream?

>> No.76437838

Unless you're IT, you job is worthless if you can do it from home. Get over yourselves, recognize you produce nothing for your fellow countrymen.

>> No.76437852

i wrote this post and i hate it so much
it's been a month of applying and no dice

>> No.76437889

>t. useless person

>> No.76437896

I get it. I'm a wagecuck who's friends all get to wfh. It's kinda tough mentally to keep up with work when you look at discord and see your friends all gaming while on the clock (and probably getting paid more than me since they're cs)

>> No.76437902

I don't give a fuck about doing something for my fellow countrymen I just want enough money to live and send thousands to fuwamoco each month.

>> No.76437919

>recognize you produce nothing for your fellow countrymen
This is true of 90% of non-trade jobs, quit getting pissy that you don't have one yourself

>> No.76437961

Sure bud. Come work a trade job. I put my hours in, build infastructure for people and businesses, and come home and watch my wives when they're live and I can.

>> No.76437963

Why are /jp/fags such whores. There are multiple places to live post about streams especially Pekora's streams. Why the fuck do you come to the FuwaMoco general to talk about OTHER peoples streams

>> No.76438009

I'd usually agree with you, but this thread has been so blatantly an anti thread for the past couple of days that might as well just use it as a general dumping ground. Talking about Gogeta is an improvement.

>> No.76438008

did you want to talk about twitter or complain about people working from home

>> No.76438012
File: 1.45 MB, 2471x2986, Fwmcsex-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the hololive general thread, bud

>> No.76438029

Good for you buddy. Sure is nice that a bunch of people who can or do all work from home coded the websites and software you use to watch your wives. I don't even respect programmers and you make them look good by comparison.

>> No.76438050

>anti posts
>twitter fags
>endless complaining
ye man

>> No.76438078

>build infastructure for people and businesses
You build stuff for the very same people you hate, and they're paying you for it. Learn your place.

>> No.76438096


>> No.76438123

Why is everyone in a competition to be the shittiest crab in the bucket all of a sudden? If he's not lying he probably builds infrastructure for everyone and construction/trade jobs ARE respectable. He's just an asshole.

>> No.76438149

I wouldn't call it endless. There were a few people, me included, who were happy about those cute replies to art and memes yesterday.

>> No.76438158

To make this ranting and raving complete we just need some commie to start spewing shit about capitalism and other bullshit.

>> No.76438171

I mean I'd be happy to but nobody's been retarded enough to say something good about capitalism yet

>> No.76438220

I just hate when work from home faggots act like they're going to die because they have to do what a solid majority of people have been doing since at least fall of 2020.

>> No.76438228

I'm not about to discuss pros and cons of capitalism in /baubau/ of all places, even if it would be better discussion than the same loops we always have

>> No.76438258

Who gives a fuck, you sound like a bitch lol

>> No.76438264

Asking tech workers to go into the office for mo reason would be the same as if you were required to suck off your foreman each day. Sure it improves morale of the team but what's the fucking point?

>> No.76438291

Well that was fun Peko, thanks for keeping me company in my wives' absence

>> No.76438299

I have 1 day to choose if I want to keep studying or just start working.
I also have to finish and make a presentation of a 4 months-long group project for next week, a project that we barely started yesterday.
And I'm also depressed about the lack FWMC streams for the next 3 months.

>> No.76438322

Doesn't it cost more for the company to have workers at the office instead of at their own homes using their own electricity? Blame your coworkers who spend too much time masturbating and haven't been productive enough, they're the ones dragging you back to the office even though you've been doing your part.

>> No.76438362

Good luck capstone bro. Hopefully your degree is in something useful!

>> No.76438391

As the history hitherto of class struggles and modern bourgeois society, class antagonisms and feudal stumping of oppression, serfdom, bourgeoisie, and victory for the proletariat. Power to the oligarchy.

>> No.76438397

>Blame your coworkers who spend too much time masturbating and haven't been productive enough
I didn't deserve to be called out here, man.
my productivity this year has nosedive. Every time I see fuwawa or think of fuwawa I have to go jerk to her for 30+ minutes. I count all of this as work time. I haven't been called out yet.

>> No.76438448

>gorillas are literally worthless
just as expected

>> No.76438475

you don't get how middle management works at all, they exist to supervise people and feel useless without people around them to watch over/tell what to do.
those people need that control over others and to show they are working or will be found to be unnecessary by higher ups.

>> No.76438480

Fucking gorillas are the reason I had to go away from wfh. I knew I hated you fags for a reason

>> No.76438531

But then the issue becomes that the higher ups need to start making people take accounatbility, and they're also lazy as fuck and would rather yell at everyone below them for poor perfomance.

>> No.76438575

worthless piece of shit cumbrained gorillas will be the death of society. Can't even work to support your family or country because you'll never have one and are too busy wasting your life jerking it to virtual demon guard dogs. PATHETIC.

>> No.76438598

If you haven't been called out yet your productivity is sufficient. Never do work you don't have to unless you're getting paid.

>> No.76438610
File: 91 KB, 289x299, 1710599176941278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76438623

It's always the Fuwawa fags
Mocochads never have this problem

>> No.76438635

Hey man it's not my fault Fuwawa is so hot.

>> No.76438672

Mostly because we're hard working men that wanna stay fit for our princess

>> No.76438673
File: 1.09 MB, 2050x2894, GMrM5_vWYAAEpCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women like Fuwawa are one of the biggest causes of the downfall of the modern man. No longer do men have to work hard to find happiness and the pride in raising a family is gone. Instead they just turn on youtube jerk it to some bitch's fat floofies and then lose all motivation to better themselves.

>> No.76438709
File: 1.04 MB, 1131x1600, GL227-ZWoAA0yjF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Fuwawa's fault and she should take responsibility

>> No.76438720

Where's the downside

>> No.76438772

Truth. I may get pissy at work from home faggots because they don't know how good they actually have it and it's annoying to see them whine that they can't sit at home and drink/jack off/do drugs on the clock, but never give more than the bare minimum.

>> No.76438774
File: 754 KB, 2348x3150, 1712374627190049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the complete collapse of society as men no longer work to create or innovate. Why work any harder than you need to when you know the perfect woman is always a click away?

>> No.76438835
File: 13 KB, 552x43, a sea cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76438851

Where's the downside

>> No.76438876
File: 297 KB, 1347x2000, 1716431951120921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the collective hard work of men accross history lead us to our peak, we finally have what ancient civilizations could only ever dream of. It's the time of leisure now, you should welcome it.
We're Homo Ludens.

>> No.76438887
File: 653 KB, 928x1026, 1709984995830135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76438939

Homo Lewdens

>> No.76438976

>giving up already
>cant have more than a tiny ass base on the moon
>humanity has yet to conquer the whole solar system

>> No.76438985 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, 1712593358252585.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We truly were blessed to be alive at the same time as their release from the Cell

>> No.76438990

Fuwawa has been responsible for the downfall of hundreds of ancient civilizations

>> No.76438999
File: 303 KB, 547x486, GOOtnk1XgAAzDea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got two moons right here

>> No.76439033

Dammit I want Fuwawa to call out my typos in an sc reading. She just has a knack for it, like in a weird flirty way that's also not demeaning.

>> No.76439057
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1704664983868743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my sun!

>> No.76439062

>The humans went to the moon.

>> No.76439080

Humanity's ultimate purpose is to fuck this dog

>> No.76439096
File: 113 KB, 850x892, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_savi_byakushimc__sample-2209b6899aea24a48246a09a0eaf0ba0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only moons I need to settle on

>> No.76439143
File: 19 KB, 130x101, 1695511515157688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cant have more than a tiny ass base on the moon

>> No.76439164
File: 271 KB, 700x788, Screenshot_20240404_102705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, she makes me feel so warm and fuzzy!

>> No.76439198

No Mococo kiss day tweet...

>> No.76439215
File: 101 KB, 850x1064, 738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sun is beautiful

>> No.76439254

she dmed me it

>> No.76439258

I need more Moco-chan side boob art

>> No.76439264

I don't need to explore space, all I want is here on Earth.

>> No.76439299

That artist does lewd versions? Can you share them?

>> No.76439301

I want to explore the space between their legs

>> No.76439303
File: 145 KB, 850x1202, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nezunayu__sample-b9289db117b44371945717b992b9aa0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs the stars when perfection is the demon dog next door?

>> No.76439329

This one was the preview he posted on twitter, it's paywalled

>> No.76439342 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 645x362, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass base
Got that too, right here

>> No.76439381
File: 24 KB, 346x357, Cakepinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found my foundation in life right here.

>> No.76439390 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 1536x2048, 1716248452242638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ruffians are getting silly

>> No.76439394

Shame, maybe a paygod will show up later
Don't think I saw the full of this one either, is it new?

>> No.76439417

>be me
>really busy this week so can't really watch any streams
>fuwamoco (especially fuwawa) love me so they don't do any for my sake

>> No.76439434

Careful gorilla I've been warned everytime I posted that one. Jannies hate Fuwawa's sexy body even when covered.

>> No.76439452
File: 1.71 MB, 1191x1684, F7sLH0xasAAeM1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76439485

I'm no connoisseur, I just looked at a booru until I found a usable ass.

>> No.76439496

When humanity has long died off it will be Fuwawa's role to repopulate the Earth with half-human half-beast children. This is the true prologue of Utawarerumono

>> No.76439534

Mogotyan... oh my dear Mogotyan...

>> No.76439547

Ohhh I remember this one now, thanks
Didn't really like it because Mococo tits too big

>> No.76439564
File: 210 KB, 850x1547, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rifufu__sample-40f29c808863a7c26900a3b92be479ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am training every day to fulfill this glorious purpose.

>> No.76439591
File: 520 KB, 586x586, gorilla_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76439600
File: 388 KB, 867x668, 1715272193581742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

......................................................................... Bros...

>> No.76439610
File: 745 KB, 727x1080, 1707776316459750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies are in the wrong, this is a blue board

>> No.76439613

Stop cumming for fuwawa and get back to work you retarded wfh gorillas

>> No.76439654

you're being a bitch again ryan

>> No.76439653 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 1416x2000, 1716386595426038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76439690

Mommy fuwawa squeeze the life of me as I fill your womb. God those fucking childbearing hips should be illegal.... aaaaaaaaq

>> No.76439707
File: 1.88 MB, 1500x1920, fuwabutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to set a personal record of 100 times a month, I'm gonna make her proud

>> No.76439719
File: 857 KB, 2208x2792, GDWBIVhbUAEcli4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get this woman pregnant even if I die in the attempt

>> No.76439731
File: 181 KB, 1280x1280, 1705905540122106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd keep it if you can if it's getting you money. Just lucky for me that I'm in IT as a tech so generally just needed for break/fix shit aka "essential staff". Not bad for me as I live within walking distance from work. At most I get Fridays WFH with 4x at the office. Hope it gets better for you or if you find something better anon.

>> No.76439736

Kys jannies

>> No.76439765

Gorilla posting is the best.

>> No.76439788
File: 1.38 MB, 354x200, jannie_clearing_thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76439798

Based jannies

>> No.76439814
File: 69 KB, 850x1152, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_meiwowowo__sample-9a350e0b123f18ee3e442f5bf69f3b6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just jealous I'm being paid to spill for fluffy

>> No.76439816
File: 235 KB, 1202x1202, GDypvOpasAA2nUd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76439842 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 1416x2000, 1716386595426038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t have me banned for this janny. It’s just art of Fuwawa. Worst you can do is delete it like the autist you are

>> No.76439859
File: 127 KB, 1079x768, gorillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76439879

>that waist and hip ratio
sexy but unrealistic.

>> No.76439912
File: 61 KB, 724x1024, 1712954562418848m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't keep reliving this nightmare over and over. Why did the world extinguish his beautiful light?

>> No.76439934
File: 635 KB, 2400x2037, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need them

>> No.76439935

I agree that banning and or deleting this is a step too far. It's not even a real indication of dox unless you seen the original pic that it's based off of.

>> No.76439937
File: 261 KB, 2000x2000, GK-9WXSbsAAj4It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPbros... don't follow me, I don't speak Japanese. That was just a simple tweet

>> No.76439994
File: 432 KB, 1904x2595, __mococo_abyssgard_fuwawa_abyssgard_and_mococo_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_keisea__d7141e78386d4f8371ef335687db0471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 7 day vacation for the clothed face sitting fuwawa. It's a dark period for gorillas.

>> No.76440027

>g-gorillas are not doxxfags!!!

>> No.76440042

>Fuwamoco are awesome for 6 months
>Now they are crying

>> No.76440045

I don’t see any doxxing in this thread

>> No.76440055
File: 210 KB, 1079x570, Screenshot_20230830_095958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck jacking off all day, I would watch so much more anime if I was wfh. I'd play VN's too, my wife Moco-chan would be so happy.

>> No.76440093
File: 117 KB, 850x1092, __fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tilt_shift_azalanz__sample-588311629f53c3e837d8a68f904d58d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dream is why I work so hard every day.

>> No.76440138

That is some bullshit through and through, I've seen worse things posted in other threads that stay up for hours and never get deleted.

>> No.76440140
File: 358 KB, 800x800, 005b6422-c76e-4665-9f47-4d6a1ba6ac2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a dark period for gorillas
