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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76427533 No.76427533 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the recent rise of concern from Reddit and many others about returning to bili made either the manager or Matsuri herself thought twice about it ?

>> No.76427558

It never was a thing in the first place

>> No.76427594

So their lie got caught out. Hilarious

>> No.76427619

is @hologlobal owned by cover?

>> No.76427660

It restreamed fes, which was linked by hololive Twitter account

>> No.76427675

oh yeah man totally i can see that

>> No.76427683

No it is a fan jap account ever since the Coco incident. He reports on Hololive news that he got in Japan, including this bili return news and now bili cancellation

>> No.76427706

No chinese account is owned by Cover.

>> No.76427723

So... it's real or no?
before it said a hoax(?), later (now) it said canceled debut on bilibili

>> No.76427742

Now, where're the retarded anons who claimed the fking bilibili accounts are not compromised?

>> No.76427756

It was probably real considering that billibilli account streamed holofes and was linked by the hololive twitter

>> No.76427786

I mean the people that anti'd hololive and their talents did not just magically dissapear. They'll only accept an apology or face their wrath all over again.

>> No.76427808

>accept apologies
Yeah fat fucking chance

>> No.76427837

Did any official account (so not b2) ever talked about that stream?
I know a superchat mentioned it to Aqua but she just said chinks can get fucked and didn't comment on the alleged Matsuri's stream at all..

>> No.76427847

The hoax is the schizo zhang spilling shit like "Cover is making talents studying Chinese rules" and "Cover is slowly making / forcing members to stream on bili" without any evidence

The bili Matsuri account announcing her return today is legit, and now it said she (or manager, who knows) cancelled it

>> No.76427858


>> No.76427882

So the answer is no.

>> No.76427920

It's yes

>> No.76427935

Either case, nice job for them to burn the bridge LMAO

>> No.76427958

So no then

>> No.76427994

No Hololive official accounts has mentioned bilibili or anything else aside from their Holo 4th fes re-stream for Hongkong-ers probably. And Matsuri has not made any tweets mentioning bili till this day

>> No.76428027

>The bili Matsuri account announcing her return today is legit, and now it said she (or manager, who knows) cancelled it
lol no that account is anything but legit since its the same account that teased about b2 exclusive stuff that went nowhere

>> No.76428131

prepare the wheelbarrows

>> No.76428136


>> No.76428458

People making it sound like "Matsuri pulled out" when it wasn't even a thing.
She herself didn't even utter or hint on being in bilibili at all

>> No.76428521

>Bugs making it sound like

>> No.76428532

Retards. Two different people. This account posts hologra the same time as youtube. How would an account without connection to cover do that? They'll wait and try again, cover is retarded.

>> No.76428678

Why do they have to wait ? Are the gaijins that influential ? I mean, ain't that also a good thing ?

>> No.76428684

People tried to connect Matsuri tweet saying she's looking forward to 24th to this rumor.
Of course they completely ignored that just under that tweet, she retweeted Gamers collab with some steakhouse that starts on exact same date.

>> No.76428711

I think it had more to do with the b2 comments being full of antis.

>> No.76428751
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>"temporarily suspended"

>> No.76428757

I'll believe that when I see an actual acknowledgement from the official channels again.
Seriously, a first time stream in 3 years and not a peep anywhere?

>> No.76428766


>> No.76428783

Who knew a bug schizo posting can be so powerful, if only vt post are like this.

>> No.76428802

You tell them brother

>> No.76428839

You retards actually deserve to be conquered by China

>> No.76428842

only Watamate can make lying chinese apologize
others will just put a new lie to cover their old lie

>> No.76428865
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because it takes about 5 seconds to download youtube video and upload it on another platform, and it can be 100% automated

I know fiber internet speeds might seem like black magic to most of the world but it's a real thing in Asia

>> No.76428869

Who has so much time ginning up some fake campaign with this low of a stakes? No actual official account(s) has said anything.

>> No.76428910

And the subs? It's funny you use a Coco image when you don't care about her legacy. Believe what you want.

>> No.76428968


>> No.76428988

yea, youtube version comes with chinese subs and you can download that file too

>> No.76429055

I hope one day they incidentally reupload only traditional chinese version

>> No.76429057

If it was a hoax, they'd use someone like Aqua. Plus aqua basically confirmed it was real.
This was inevitable after the IPO

>> No.76429100

its from a channel that restream fes that tweeted by official holo x account
it is official

>> No.76429138

post clip

>> No.76429144

with subs actually edited into the video with proper color coding and everything? you can somehow do that in the span of less than 5 minutes? there were hologra episodes uploaded on bilibili at the literal exact same time as the youtube one, how do you explain that?

>> No.76429155

Some retard asked about it last night

>> No.76429157

Show stream and timestamp of that

How come Matsuri doesn't promote her own bili stream but Aqua somehow knew about it ?

>> No.76429174

good, china and it's race is so toxic.

>> No.76429186
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doesn't really fucking matter does it.
you can ask a question "are English subtitles meant for Americans only?"

as far as Cover as business is concerned, they have multi-linguistic translators and they are utilizing them for maximum view coverage which leads to maximum profit.

It's only a childish delusion from bugs to think that they are somehow receiving special attention

>> No.76429230

She only talked about her own, nothing about Masturi. Talent may not know other talent's circumstance officially, but they may heard that rumour from Twitter.

>> No.76429272

the point isn't that they have subs at all, it's the fact that bilibili manages to get the videos quickly enough after the upload to not be physically possible for someone to download and edit and upload on there. and again, Cover officially restreamed fes on the account said hologra episodes were uploaded.

>> No.76429316

Literally some shit the chinks invented lmao

>> No.76429322
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anon need to make burner account, use this feature, and include link generated in post everytime they making a "x say this" statements

>> No.76429333
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what ever cope boat floats you, but in the end you are just +1 view and nothing more

>> No.76429383

you can't be at a point where you're trying to argue an almost year old argument that the bilibili account isn't somehow official when Cover themselves have officially restreamed events on there this year. At this point, if you somehow think the official bilibili account isn't official, you are just coping.

>> No.76429389

Hololive can license their videos to bilibili and take the portion of money. That doesn't mean bilibili account is 'official' because the accounts are not fully controlled by cover.
It just means they are business partner, nothing more.

>> No.76429391

You keep saying this "official" bullshit as if repeating it enough times makes it true. Cover dropped everything in China after the branch closed. The account is run by a former employee who had access to it beforehand. They don't work for Cover now.

>> No.76429393

Someone did it for me

>> No.76429453

literally this >>76429230

>> No.76429457

>cover did it
has NEVER been posted of this by the way
Not a single cover owned account has ever posted about bilibili
>but bil-
Owned by the chinese, the same account you claim is "cover" has been shilling trannies and shitting on hololive in the past

>> No.76429461

anon... i've never checked if they actually schedule hologra to be uploaded at a specific time, but if they do, it's piss easy to make a script that automatically downloads it and the subs, and uploads it to bilibili. Takes 10 seconds AT MOST, plus whatever time bilibili requires to process the video. I'm not saying they do this, but it's retarded to assume they can't.

>> No.76429507

Do you not remember the stink that was made when Cover put out the PR statement confirming they'd be restreaming holofes on bilibili? How new are you if you somehow forgot or didn't know about this?

>> No.76429515
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christ, i will never believe a single word came out of zhang mouth again, truly bunch of scammers that put pajeets to shame, i feel very bamboozled

>> No.76429556

Why did you believe them in the first place? Did the previous two dozen attempts to pretend that Cover is totally actually crawling back to the chinks this time not do it for you already?

>> No.76429557

and what happened with that? oh right it was never on bilibili
stick to nijizhangji you vermin you are desperately losing them over

>> No.76429575

it is from channel that xed by holo x offical
it is official

>> No.76429582

It was on billibilli

>> No.76429620

it literally was on bilibili, so was Capture the Moment

>> No.76429621

i still can't believe some people still fall for the chinks lies in 2024

>> No.76429654

This is some next level cope.

>> No.76429685

not really, I just find it pointless to try and explain your tiny brain that computer, in fact, does not have to "watch the video" for its whole duration, nor does it have to open a video editing tool to make changes to it

>> No.76429712

Ok but what about

>> No.76429767

genuinely can't believe people still think hololive hasn't been officially drip feeding content onto bilibili for the last year. like just because Cover doesn't advertise it on twitter, doesn't mean it isn't their doing. If anything, it just shows that Cover knows it's a controversial decision and that's why the only official mention of it was when they announced the holofes restreaming(which just casually mentions it alongside special showings in Korea and Taiwan as well as bilibil)

>> No.76429811


>> No.76429823

You're mentally retarded.

>> No.76429862
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Marine needs to talk to a western style psychologist / psychiatrist. Not really for therapy, but mostly to get all that stuff off her chest, in front of someone who is literally paid to not disclose this shit.

>> No.76429983

Nijizhangsisters seething. You love to see it.

>> No.76430024
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Chink retard who is a 3rd party agent connecting cover and bilibili has a big mouth and leaked too much stuff including holo b2 account stats to prove himself. Yesterday he posted apology for leaking holo participants for bilibili concert. My guess is cover and bilibili are not happy hence resulting in matsuri's b2 cancellation today. This 3rd party agent is like mythic handing account matters and 90% of jp vtubers on bilibili is under this 3rd party agent

>> No.76430086


>> No.76430154

Did you even read that..? It proves cover tried to return to billibilli.

>> No.76430266

Prove that holo b2 acc not fully controlled by cover itself.
>My guess is cover and bilibili are not happy
Anon, it's a guess. The dude controlling the account can make claims all they wanted.

>> No.76430283

You're actually retarded... COVER WANTS BACK IN CHINA

>> No.76430320

Chiggers btfo'd again
Maybe ask your shit ji ping to stop doxxing every talent

>> No.76430329


>> No.76430370

>bug still trying after getting btfo today

>> No.76430379

if cover want back to B2...
they will doing it for our TAIWAN BRO...
not BUGEATER SUBHUMAN from west taiwan...

>> No.76430418

Mask slipping off moment.
Go blame that dude for burning the bridge.

>> No.76430437
File: 750 KB, 1080x2400, aabe1f44d688d43fa867dcce3b1ed21b0ff43b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct, the guy is getting bonked because he is making stupid claims but it is also true that cover is selling merchs including 3rd party collab merch through china platforms starting from last year.

>> No.76430485

You’re to much of a bitch to even “retake” Taiwan

>> No.76430497

Cover wants nothing to do with China but agrees to doing official events there for absolutely no reason.

>> No.76430522


>> No.76430543

Then why didn’t the main account or Matsuri make any mention of it?

>> No.76430564


>> No.76430608

why would they need to advertise their bilibili activities on twitter, an audience that'd have no reason to use bilibili since they don't live in a country where twitter or youtube are banned? they didn't really do that shit back when they actually were more active there unless it was a specially sponsored one like fubuki's special costume reveal that bilibili paid for

>> No.76431012

>she forget that the whole Taiwan debacle is because zhangs use Taiwan IP to watch holos on youtube.

>> No.76431054

where would you want to move the goal next?

>> No.76431433

He claims they even handle mikeneko's bilibili activities.

>> No.76431755
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>> No.76431761

Every time i start to think that chinese people deserve respect, some retard comes and ruins everything. God, you are, may Allah forgive me, worse than Indians.

>> No.76431931

All in all I am glad that this isn't happening

>> No.76433777

Yes like i said, 90% of jp vtubers like kagura mea who streams on bilibili is under him because they are the only ones who is doing all the dirty work for account creations, modding and social media managing. I am not surprised cover thought they are safe because everyone is under him. To be fair, they do a decent job too with other jp vtubers and there is no yabs with others. But the guy just got cocky once he got holos under him and can't stop running his foul mouth.

>> No.76433983

Is this another episode of China Fakes Everything with David Zhang?

>> No.76434023

Literally nothing is safe in China. I play some chink games and the leaks are constant while the official accounts keep saying to stop talking about leaks and their main producer also keeps leaking.
There's always someone trying to get ahead or everyone else either in gaining clout or money.

>> No.76434056

yes it was

>> No.76434086 [DELETED] 

its run by a ksonfag that has a deep hatred for japan

>> No.76434133

its run by a vengeful ksonfag who has a grudge with china

>> No.76434264
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literally one post before
>inb4 you shoud not getting excited over your coworker event

>> No.76434410

it's fun to mess up with 2cent zhangs
see you again on the next lie anons

>> No.76434411

why would matsuri be excited specifically for the day a website for a corporate collab not involving her goes online

>> No.76434435

Hasn't China's rules about streamers gotten even more draconian since Cover left? Don't they still require vtubers in China to doxx themselves? Why would Cover want to return to that quagmire of fragile egos and delusional nationalists?

>> No.76434479

idk, maybe her butt hurt

>> No.76434543

There is a thing called "online persona". You are supposed to play into it, even if you are not THAT excited.

>> No.76434566

>Hasn't China's rules about streamers gotten even more draconian since Cover left?
>Don't they still require vtubers in China to doxx themselves?
moot point for corporate vtubers, they have managers to handle that.
>Why would Cover want to return to that quagmire of fragile egos and delusional nationalists?
1.5 billion customers.

>> No.76434569

That's why that 3rd party agent mentioned above is hired. The agent use other identities when registering accounts so even if they are required to reveal their identities, it's not the vtuber themselves.

>> No.76434673

Anon-chama, do some reps.

>> No.76434723

>1.5 billion customers.
Before Cover left China, those 1.5 billion customers only contributed to about 9% of Cover's revenue. And this was BEFORE HoloEN blew up and started bringing in international revenue. Honestly, the fact that Hololive has not only managed to survive, but actually prosper without the Chinese market is the thing that makes the Zhangs seethe the most.

>> No.76434762

the initial wave of doxxing leaks was real but the subsequent leaks were fake to try and discredit the 1st leaks since a number of them were mouthpieces and fake white monkeys

>> No.76434816

I don't know why the EN fanbase thinks so but the official Hololive Bilibili account (linked above) is owned by Cover and always has been. It was never hijacked and used to spam Take Over and shit like some of the other ones. It was not a fan account that Cover took over when they first went to Bilibili years ago. It was created by Cover's managers and nobody but them ever had the passwords. Everything posted on it is legit.

>> No.76434832

That sounds illegal.

>> No.76434843

so current Zhang Lie event is just bilibili agent groveling on dirt asking Yagoo to bring back holo to their streaming platform so they can get a cut from the revenue?

>> No.76434901

there's no such things called illegal in communism if you have the link

>> No.76434919

Retard chama, read the thread

>> No.76434931

>Before Cover left China, those 1.5 billion customers only contributed to about 9% of Cover's revenue
this was determined by anons comparing their superchat revenues. there's a reason why /#/ stopped tracking that shit years ago. it's pennies compared to merch and sponsorships. cover didn't release financial reports back then.

>> No.76434980

That has nothing to do with what I said.

>> No.76435000

need link place on holopro site
manager do work
no free lunch

>> No.76435024

Just go to archive.org and look up hololive.tv

>> No.76435057

>nobody but them ever had the passwords
And yet he has access to holo b2 acc statistic.
>Everything posted on it is legit
Admitted its a hoax and never confirmed by the company.

>> No.76435076

need now

>> No.76435096 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76435206
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>> No.76435217

in 4 days since Matsuri post that tweet, she never deny nor acknowledge the question from chinese fans on her twitter reply
it's official!

>> No.76435258

Link to his stream? If he was granted access to the official channel that only confirms that what he said was true.
Type "archive.org" into your browser and hit enter. Click on the textbox next to where it was "Wayback Machine" and type "hololive.tv" then hit enter again. Click a snapshot in 2020 and look around for a Bilibili icon.

>> No.76435307

manager need update current site
bilibili is official

>> No.76435405

You mean the same chink managers that went rogue when all shit went down?

>> No.76435457

That didn't happen. The people who went rogue were fan translators. They were able to do that because many of the official individual vtuber channels were originally their fan channels, so they had the login info and were able to change it and lock out Cover's staff. That was not the case with the official channel.

>> No.76435476

What is funny is that every talent and cover did their best to not rile up the chinks but they will still 100% get pissed and start harassing talents again just because their lie didn't stick
the attempts of deflection in this thread are a good example

>> No.76435501

wtf? it is not exclusive? YAGOO should do a naked dogeza!

>> No.76435514
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>> No.76435534

>>76435501 (you)
I'm not the brightest

>> No.76435550

The chinese seem to have a thing where they really want to ruin hololive and take it personally they're not allowed to. They're offended they can't punch you in the face again after doing it once before. It's wacky.

>> No.76435568

can you explain what matsuri's free chat has to do with anything

>> No.76435734

Jesus christ everyone in this thread are braindamaged subhuman retards.

>> No.76435833


>> No.76436116


>> No.76436192

We should bring back slavery and let the blacks own chinese.

>> No.76436234

it was real and it's only delayed because the manager they hired leaked stuff so they need a new one

>> No.76436499

Without question. Cover is known for listening to the fans if things get heated. They scrubbed HLZNTL for the exact same reason the B2 stuff was scrubbed.

>> No.76436721

let's say it was real (lmao) what makes you think Cover will actually continue for it NOW that it has been exposed and everyone is enraged by this? They're widely known to back down and stop if there's enough backlash (HLZNTL the most recent example). Hololive will never return to China WITHOUT having to sacrifice either the ID or EN side first. In fact that's what many of those chinkniggers want to happen in the first place: Hololive abandoning the EN side and re-embracing China.
Goodluck with that.

>> No.76436806

>it just shows that Cover knows it's a controversial decision and that's why the only official mention of it was when they announced the holofes restreaming(which just casually mentions it alongside special showings in Korea and Taiwan as well as bilibil)
That makes sense and the anon flipping out in this thread likely explains why Cover isn't making a bigger deal about biblibili. Hololive is here to earn money and they can do that in the Chinese market. Have no idea why anyone thinks they wouldn't eventually return.

>> No.76436938

Those are retards in denial. Cover wants chink money because why wouldn't they? EN market is dying anyway.

>> No.76437040

yeah, only Matsuri one is cancelled. Kobo is still going.

>> No.76437064

No one wants your pathetic money chink, kys.

>> No.76437408

Is there a kobo channel with a stream reservation?

>> No.76437682

>let's say it was real (lmao)
it was, see >>76434816
>it has been exposed and everyone is enraged by this?
by 'everyone' you mean maybe 100 twittoids
>muh EN and ID
they won't even know that it's happening. and if you tell them they will just deny it. just look at this thread. look at yourself even.

this next part will probably make you mad but you're greatly overestimating how easy it is to manipulate the vast majority of fans. maybe you're a free thinker who actually will be mad and drop holo if they go to china but you're an outlier. matsuri just needs to say "i want to do it because i love my chinese fans too! it's ok we are taking extra precautions to be safe" and 99% of them will relax. just a few months ago cover fucking deleted a talent completely with no explanation other than "she broke nda trust me bro" and everyone was like "yea that's fine you gotta do what you gotta do". nobody cares. and you think what will make them go ballistic is a stream on a website you don't like? get real.

also HLZNTL was cancelled because it was a stupid idea. most holos are almost too busy to stream let alone become esports pros.

>> No.76438347

she has a song cover coming out

>> No.76441342
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eh? chinabros our answer?

>> No.76442185

one of those is me and i'm not a chinabro. i want nothing more than for cover to cut them off forever. i'm just not delusional. that's not gonna happen now that they're public.

>> No.76442655

I have never and will never believe a single thing that comes from bilibili

>> No.76442784

that's how they're gonna get away with it. when she eventually streams you'll just say it's AI or an ancient rerun of a stream lost in the holocaust.

>> No.76443491

>3 years of chink bugmen disseminating the same "hololive is kneeling to china and will be crawling back to us" propaganda
>retard anon still fall for the propaganda

So we went from aqua will be cutting ties with holo and will be going back to china to now matsuri and even kobo will be streaming to some b2 event? . So next year what will be the propaganda that the chinks will use? Gura exiting youtube and will exclusively stream on bilibili? Kek

>> No.76443655

>So we went from aqua will be cutting ties with holo and will be going back to china
That's even more unbelievable than whatever this nothingburger was

>> No.76443677


>> No.76443853

You meant the Chink controlling the account who thought he'd have a laugh by making up shits

>> No.76443919

i have seen the zhangs who owned those channels crying about losing them with my own eyes. i have seen them begging cover's managers in dms for them to do shit for them and being denied. i listened to their group crying sessions where they lamented wasting years of their lives supporting someone who isn't completely schizo about an island. all you've done is read retarded shit a muhammed made up in /#/ and then act smug pretending that you have any idea what's going on. you're coping and you don't even know it.

>> No.76444275

>holofes restreaming
a fes that's a year out of date at that, chinkos don't get the fresh fes

>> No.76444356

>Lying zhangs
Makes sense, I suppose

>> No.76444373

Won't some schizo chinaman try to track him down now and give him some additional slits where his eyes are? Kinda dangerous game to make shit up like this when you're surrounded by psychos around every corner.

>> No.76444385

have you heard the fubuki story?

>> No.76444693

Nott really. Chinks are schizo but you are overestimating how bad they are off the Internet, even more so on some minor issues like this.

>> No.76444710
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the same pussies that when taiwan happened threw fuel to the fire giving communiqués of how angry they were and the separation as a group, all of them one by one throughout the day.
the same faggots that used the "official channels" to promote other vtubers out of spite.
do you think they deserve some pity? ha! you better go for the rope.

>> No.76444934

i'm not pitying them, illiterate retard. i'm saying they don't have the channels anymore. bilibili stole them and gave them back to cover and they cried a lot about it while calling the owner a bunch of slurs.

>> No.76446596

sure chinkchong.
you are all liars, no one trusts what you say.

>> No.76446639


>> No.76446685


>> No.76447170
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L for China again. go get your wheelbarrow, you continental liar.

>> No.76447429

how new r u

>> No.76447993

lol their lie got caught.

>> No.76448120

Why did people think cover was gonna return to China after they burned their bridges with them years ago?

>> No.76448427


>> No.76448472

Eh, if Bilibili and Chink kowtow, I'm sure Cover and Hololive wouldn't mind going back. They will never view China as fondly as they used to and the girls will be really wary against their Chinese "fans" - if they even bother interacting at all - for a long long time, though

>> No.76448514

>Eh, if Bilibili and Chink kowtow
what does that even mean

>> No.76448648

Given how Yagoo already told investors to fuck off at least thrice, I doubt Cover GAF.
As Cover said, they only went public to allow their original investors to cash in as a way to repay them. Now that it's done, they clearly don't let investors force them to do anything they don't want to - as long as Yagoo and his friends still keep the large majority of stocks, that is.

>> No.76448792

Contacting Cover first, apologizing, and giving them attractive deals - that sort of things. Basically
>That was our faults. Sorry, please come back. Here are a bunch of good deals - we are willing to bend over to some extents to get you back. We will try to behave as long as you don't do anything illegal this time

>> No.76448942

you're basing your view of a billion dollar business around retarded shit that teenagers wrote. yagoo never told investors to "fuck off". and no companies do not go public as a "thank you" to investors. that's fucking insane dude.

>> No.76449060

bilibili didn't even do anything except ban two channels that broke the law. all the harassment was from random dudes on another website. not sure what you want them to apologize for, other than conspiracies.

>> No.76449116

>Nijisisters were praying for this to be a yab
>Some random nobody in their black company graduates

It's beautiful to see.

>> No.76449218

It would be so fucking funny if cover actually does want back in on the chink money but they’ve locked themselves out of doing so not because of the seething chinks but because of the seething western and domestic audiences who’ve turned them into a political talking point.

>> No.76449304

>and no companies do not go public as a "thank you" to investors. that's fucking insane dude.
that's not what that post even suggested you disingenuous nig
allowing the original backers to finally cash out is a thing that's done because that's what cover did
where the fuck did your juvenile idea of a "thank you" even come from? fag

>> No.76449419

the myth of bug money is the most repeated cope. nevermind that you lose most of that money to bug laws that make it very hard to take money out of china. you also have to deal with bug companies that will try to steal as much as they can from you and fans that will turn on you the moment they think they can get something from it

>> No.76449694

Quite frankly if you’re not Chinese or have a subsidiary in China just give up on Chinese money. Even Niji didn’t set up in China directly and desu it’s worked fine for them so far. (Ironically it’s their western ventures that are complete imploding lmao)

>> No.76449781

Sub human from west taiwan can keep dreaming...
Cover will never back to B2 anymore after what they did to holomem because taiwan problem...


If west taiwan kick ccp and join back to taiwan side...

>> No.76449895

ironically all their seething didn't matter at all and the delay is due to a chinaman with a big mouth
you're just regurgitating fan-made PR that doesn't make any sense to anyone with more than an infantile understanding of business. all the china shit is all due to their game. they spent a fuckload of money on it and in the middle of development the entire foreign fanbase dropped off hard. at this point they either need to get lucky that it catches on with most fans or enter a new market. btw did you know that bilibili is also a video game publisher? crazy coincidence.

>> No.76449933
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>please be yab please be yab
>gets BTFO again
the absolute state of xisters, im kind of tired of winning at this point while doing nothing, and sisters is desperately scraping bottom of barrel like a monkey

>> No.76450247

You have to hand over 51% of your company to even operate in China if you're big enough
Tesla being the only exception IIRC

We have Xi openly talking about how they need to fatten up the capitalist class before "harvesting" them and somehow these retarded boomers are still so blinded by greed they willingly walk into China expecting to get rich

>> No.76450270

Chinky cope.

>> No.76450342

no you just have to partner with a chinese company and sell your product through them.
take a screenshot and post it when the game launches. bilibili will publish it in china. or maybe you'll just say it's a lie and the game doesn't exist because it was posted on the spooky china website.

>> No.76450346

I'm sure the game developer section is as well run as the rest of b2

>> No.76450345
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Zhangbros got bonked by Aqua

>> No.76450395

How long before Cover tries to get holoEN to stream on there?

>> No.76450403

>no you just have to partner with a chinese company and sell your product through them.
They demand a joint venture for any big company

>> No.76450438

yes that is what i said

>> No.76450491

Is that what that Suisei sub tweet is about her repeating the don’t automatically believe everything you read

>> No.76450574

Cope harder. Even chinese fans commenting better not to go back to bilibilil.

>> No.76450625

the chinese can cope too

>> No.76450629

>don’t automatically believe everything you read
Yes. Only believe the things that support schizo narratives.

>> No.76450797

I'd prefer if they got them to stream on youtube first

>> No.76451025
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>Not official holo announcement
Trashy rrat by filthy bugmen

>> No.76451659

>and sisters is desperately scraping bottom of barrel like a monkey
All that effort instead of them watching and supporting whoever the fuck that's left in that trainwreck that they claim to be so attached to.

>> No.76453665

Meh, china audience is worthless, but china companies/finance are not.

I mean, china boycott is a big problem for many of the game perms and sponsorship.
Likely maybe even the biggest reason we still lack real games/anime/big productions.

>> No.76454243

This anon >>76428766 is correct in linking this cross post. >>76428453

The Chinese do this kind of thing all the time, especially with foreign companies. They're conceited assholes that believe they're the most important people in the world. This manifests in several ways, but understanding their behavior requires you to understand how they do business with foreign companies.

China severely limits the amount of money that foreign companies are allowed to take out of the country. In order to operate a foreign business in China, you have to go through a chinese-owned middleman who is given 50% ownership of the operation there.
The majority of the foreign company's take is then prevented from leaving the country by chinese commerce laws and so they are forced to reinvest their own profit into the chinese controlled side. Eventually, the chinese side demands access to the foreign company's trade secrets and technology, after which, they expel the foreign company while justifying it through some kind of manufactured scandal while invoking nationalistic sentiments by accusing the foreign side of "hurting the feelings of the Chinese people".
The chinese middleman then continues selling the service or product under their name, now fully owned by them.
This exact process has happened countless times with countless businesses.
This should guve you a general idea about how they view their business with foreign-based companies.

Now back to this Matsuri stuff.
The Chinese try to use underhanded tactics and coercive methods like this to gain more control over companies than their position allows, which you might think is very odd for such a hierarchical society, but they don't view foreigners as equal to them, and so they'll unilaterally make decisions to try and force foreign companies to comply with their demands or gain power over them, at least in their business in china.
When the foreign partner refuses or disagrees, the Chinese side will then appeal to their Chinese customer base and explain that the foreign side has betrayed them and will try to rally nationalistic support against the foreigner-controlled side of the business until they acquiesce to their demands.

We saw this tactic attempted multiple times in the past including a similar incident to this one when one of the Cover-affiliated, Chinese-owned bilibili channels promised their subscribers that Pekora would do a stream on bilibili and when she didn't, they tried to paint her as a liar that betrayed the Chinese people.
And we saw it again when Chinese bilibili management tried to obtain Hololive CN's models by telling the CN members that Cover told them they could keep their models after the branch disbands. This was never true because that's not how Cover has ever done things, and instead it was an attempt by bilibili management to gain leverage in their exit negotiations and possible permanent access to Cover's tech, including the holoapp the talent use to stream. Their plan was to make Cover look extra evil to chinese fans by making it look as if they had reneged on their promise to let the talent keep their models, even though that was never discussed in the first place.

So this is just another act of coercion on the Chinese side in an attempt at a power grab in order to give the bilibili channel owner more influence over Cover and hololive by telling their chinese fans that Cover doesn't respect them and so they canceled Matsuri's stream.
This is how china does business.

>> No.76456541


>> No.76458077

Suisei tweet and Aqua's stream earlier debunked this.
>they won't even know that it's happening
anon, EVERYONE knows. Hence the increasing negative reaction from all sides.
>also HLZNTL was cancelled because it was a stupid idea
so is returning to China. Cover already learned their lesson the hard way, you think they are actually dumb to do it again?

>> No.76458168

well said.

>> No.76458362

Why is Cover doing official holofes screenings in China if they're totally against being in China?

>> No.76458867

why do you equate "official holofes screenings" in biribiri being Cover officially returning to China? The chink retard who spread that hoax about Hololive making a return to bugland and was caught already admitted he faked it and Cover is not making an official return there.

>> No.76458872

Bilibili, not China. And this is the first yab similar to >>76454243 since cover licensing their video to Bilibili.
Better hope cover not insulted and cut off the link the second time.

>> No.76459173

bilibili is china and them "licensing" there is them returning to bilibili/china
You're really just twisting and turning to argue semantics now.

>> No.76459371

The lack of mihoyo perms is a net positive (sorry sana)

>> No.76459467

Holy cope, you think all business has a connection to bilibili, it instantly become China Lmao.
You just mad the asshole got caught lying and cover found out, Zhangbro.

>> No.76459605

But you're the one equating bilibili to China and saying that all of the activity on bilibili must be fake because Cover is not returning to China.

>> No.76459823

I'm not this anon Zhangbro >>76458077
Please just go support your oshi instead of acting like bilibili shill.

>> No.76459931

It doesn't matter who you are. The entire discussion is about bilibili and you're acting like there's a difference between doing business on bilibili and doing business in China when there's not.
Cover is back in China.

>> No.76460215
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>> No.76460332

Exactly. Cover is spineless and disgusting.

>> No.76460626

that didn't happen, you have no idea what you're talking about. that's an old rrat by some rando.

>> No.76460932

she quits because she knows vox is going to mog her on the platform.

>> No.76460976

They have already returned. They have already streamed again. They streamed the 5th fest free part over there too BTW.

>> No.76461714

This. fuckers.

>> No.76462417

Both those claims will be easily verified. At this point there is no reason to believe anything bug accounts say. It never happened, it was bugs sperging out, matusri was never going to stream on b2, you got tricked and now you look like a retard desperately coping

>> No.76462893


>> No.76463187

So they are not actually returning, got it.
