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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76421193 No.76421193 [Reply] [Original]

yummy chocolate

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>76397071

>> No.76421236

ESL here
how come I can say have sex with shondo
but I cant say have rape with shondo

>> No.76421860
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>> No.76421906

Laying my head on her chest like a warm griddle. Thinking of the smell................................

>> No.76421943

shondo, this will be us

>> No.76421956
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>> No.76422109

Newfag to shondo but I am loving her a lot lately. Can someone give me a qrd on why her fans are so loyal? I do not mean this in a judgemental way its just you guys are known for being so loyal compared to other vtubers of her size and I want to know how it happened

>> No.76422318
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>> No.76422362

This is a competitive environment where we compete for her attention. The reason is that she nurtured this behavior for quite some time and made us think we're in an actual relationship. We're loyal because we're obsessed with her.

>> No.76422471

the list gets longer yet again

>> No.76422566

does she still stream? I haven't seen her in like 2 months

>> No.76422633

i wouldn't use the word loyal. most people here will turn against her at a moment's notice

>> No.76422733
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shondo be like

>> No.76422837

her latest likes made me smile
it do be that way sometimes

>> No.76422860

>"that's not normal"
It's very normal, the two genders are attracted to different things.

>> No.76422886

Honestly I was just joking about the list all the times I made that shitpost, you guys aren't actually keeping one, right?

>> No.76422905

She's had a tough life and shares a lot of it with her audience (she barely plays a character at all). It leads to strong attachment. I don't want to be with her, but I do want her to be ok.

>> No.76422927

i'm going to miss stalking her likes

>> No.76422970

It's because she's helpless and always in need of protection. Imoutowife indeed.

>> No.76422972

shondo it might be a bit of work, and i KNOW i said no more alts
but maybe just a little alt where you retweet funny memes only

>> No.76423011

i think i want to be with her but i dont really know
i only love her as much as i can love an internet person that i havent met

>> No.76423015

I would nuke it if she didn't link to it on her main.

>> No.76423047

I haven't watched her long enough to know what she has shared but I imagine for most vtubers that must be scary to open up. It's cool that you guys are protective about whatever she has said and not weird

>> No.76423117
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it's really cute when i like a tweet and then check her likes later on and see she also liked it

>> No.76423260

And you are part of the problem you pathological control freak.

>> No.76423305
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I can't speak for everyone but I always found it really endearing that despite all the rough shit she's been through in her life she still carries a child-like wonder to her. Stuff like this just makes me smile.

>> No.76423440
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i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!! i hope tomorrow is a good day and the day after it is even better!!!! every day can be a new dawn!!!!! lets go to the future together shonshon!!!!!

>> No.76423616

please you cant take this away from me its the only thing I have left

>> No.76423842

Elon is such a fag.

>> No.76423880
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musk why you do this

>> No.76424055

Maybe I wouldn't be such a pathological control freak if she wasn't such a pathological liar.

>> No.76424074

ok i thought about it a little more and what if there was just a channel in the discord where she posted things she thought was funny that she wanted to share

>> No.76424146

It would feel like a chore for her, asking Shondo to do anything more than the bare minimum is unironically taking it too far. Find a different oshi.

>> No.76424152

This could be good, right now shondo sees liking something as interacting with us, she's said many times she likes things she wants us to see, if she can't do that she'll have to interact more directly, like specificly linking tweets in discord (that's what everyone else I follow does) that she wants to show us, or retweeting/commenting on thibgs she wants to show us forcing her to interact more consciouslywith us

>> No.76424192

>she'll have to interact more directly
lol irl the copium

>> No.76424195

Hoping that Shondo is aware of the change and decides to just retweet her likes
She doesn't use the discord that much. The blatent homosexuality on the p2w channel scared her off.

>> No.76424246

I’d do shondo’s bare minimum, if you know what I mean.

>> No.76424282

What did he mean by this?

>> No.76424323

no idea

>> No.76424370

quack quack

>> No.76424372

>I base my trust towards someone based on my own levels of paranoia
Seek lead therapy to the skull.

>> No.76424416

idk what he meant but i would love her even at her worst probably
i would let her stab me in the eye with a smile on my face before i punched her 15 times

>> No.76424434
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>"m-maybe shondo could f-find a different way to show us her likes? wifey please uuuuuuu don't let meanie Elon take this away from me"
>meanwhile pic related
huscucks eternally BTFOd

>> No.76424457

stinky femcel

>> No.76424511

Same thing happened to oli

>> No.76424552

>oli too
lmao oh nonono husband bros...

>> No.76424579

uuuuuuuuuuuu wifey slap and grope her flat chest uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
i love her and miss her and want to kiss her all over uuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.76424600

american neet anti hours :(

>> No.76424604

bunch of cheaters

>> No.76424660


>> No.76424672

i want to play the fist drums on shondos chest and tummy while she sits on my lap

>> No.76424679

Im glad shondo doesnt have her DMs open anymore
I can only imagine the things people plan on sending her

>> No.76424694

I haven't stopped emailing.

>> No.76424707


>> No.76424743

We know Dewd.

>> No.76424904

i would shower her with endless praise and encouragement and she would leave me on read at best
then i could finally be free

>> No.76425189

Some shogger argued with me last week that chess isn't about memorizing the objectively best counter for every possible move, he unironically thought that chess requires strategical thinking rather than just regurgitating information.

This is how the Nr. 1 player in the world "thinks" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkBNgYmdjRw

He doesn't actually have a plan, an end game, he just memorized thousands of games like a computer.

>> No.76425292


>> No.76425474

It's not so much "memorization" as it is getting a feel for which positions are "good" and which are "bad" after playing a lot. Computers actually emulate this as well (using NNUEs, trained mostly by playing with themselves), and they are better at it than humans.

>> No.76425710

Hikaru plays smarter, but Magnus wins more often (mostly because he is a try-hard). Whoever is the best player is debatable.

>> No.76425905
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Luv me wife, simple as

>> No.76425963

thinkin about her poopin :’<

>> No.76426718
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>> No.76427185
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Each time I predict what she'll do, she does the opposite out of spite.
Therefore, she will not tweet today and will not give us a goodnight tweet telling us how much she loves her husbands.

>> No.76427424

Did she forgive Camila?

>> No.76427632

She's doing exactly as I expect her to act given her disdain for the retards she's surrounded herself with.
May 4th we got a "love you guys" on her discord. It's essentially all we've been given for 2 months of patience.
Don't expect much else for a while, the majority of you don't deserve it.

>> No.76427954

geez this hackett's quarry game is so fucking jank its ridiculous
did they spend the whole budget on graphics and celebrities and nothing on QA?
makes for a silly stream though, glad shes having fun with it

>> No.76428042

Also: look at today.
One guy was essentially weaponized against her husbands, who kept their comments rather tame as they usually do when she's given is fleshposts.
This will be the new "normal" from now on and I think today was the last chance we were getting, even if the deck was stacked from how polluted GGS has become.
This will "work for her" and then it will be her routine. If you think the lack of intimacy was bad before, just wait for her reworked and upcoming lore video where she explains why she won't be from now on.

>> No.76428375

that all sounds really gay

>> No.76428436
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Sadly, I'm inclined to agree. My mind reads on her have always been accurate, but I wouldn't lie about them to try and soften up the blows. This is just the trajectory we are on.

>> No.76428533

i just think she should stop getting oneguy'd
why worry what some dumb fag said who is clearing just baiting you
whyd she even bother responding to him?

>> No.76428610

>whyd she even bother responding to him?
We've been asking ourselves that for 2 years now.

>> No.76428720

Her art really improved in just the month she's been gone. Those recent drawings are near professional-level and have hit the twitter algorithm.
Almost feels they were drawn by a different person altogether.
With that much art grinding what could she have in mind?

>> No.76428755


>> No.76428800

>With that much art grinding what could she have in mind?
What I've been saying for a while now:
>significantly less gaming streams
>a return to more doing more art streams
All of this has been practice so she can efficiently do art again for us.

>> No.76428832

shitter critter is an actual piece of shit, like i knew she was a fucker but holy hell
i will correct her for hitting my wife, i dont care how many years after the fact it is
