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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 732x643, China-Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76394599 No.76394599 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think? Should Hololive reunite with their CN-fans?

>> No.76394664

nobody should reunite with CN anything ever

>> No.76394742

Cover should always do the opposite of what this guy says

>> No.76394762

No. Chinese are sensitive af. And they want to censor everything. It's only a matter of time before they get pissed at something ridiculous.

>> No.76394862

Are they still harassing Fubuki? How long did that last?

>> No.76394871

Anyone has the screencap of that "never learn mandarin" poster?
Because that's precisely one of the reasons you shouldn't even try to reason with these bugs.

This too.

>> No.76394953

i just don't see any benefits when even the biggest china cocksucker anykara failed expanding into this shithole market

>> No.76394997

Mf just wants more azur lane collabs to jerk off

>> No.76395045
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There is no reasoning with the Chinese because they don't operate off logic to begin with.

>> No.76395220

>riot and raid talent's channel for showing a map with taiwan on it
Yes, Chinese fans are worse. Now fuck off.

>> No.76395271

CN fans' mindset are too isolated. Second, platform issue. Mutlistreaming has proven to be an issue, talent basically need to do double the work in streaming on Youtube or bilibili to retain their fan on both sides.

>> No.76395471

Why should I care about his opinion?
China is a shit market, period.

>> No.76395488
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>> No.76395511

WW3 will start before chinks get over their sissy fit.
They will just have to accept Cover blasting their vtubers on their media during post war reconstruction, so there's no need for Cover to rush.

>> No.76395542

yeah and with that great firewall they are the rules, they put xitter war to shame, out here people can fling shit from both sides, only one convenient narrative that fits their nationalism is allowed in china

>> No.76395601

There is no such thing as a healthy relationship with the chinese market.

>> No.76395611

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.76395822

i want cover to go back reunite with chinks unironically so another coco taiwan yab happens, cover gets i told you so retard by everyone and never considers doing this shit again for eons

>> No.76396087

if xi jinpong gives a dogeza apology, brings kiryu coco and makes illegal talking bad about hololive then yes.

>> No.76396205

We should nuke China off the map

>> No.76396330

Y'all don't understand that Holostars are going full throttle on this market already? Make them have a Taiwan incident just to prove how incompetent they are and how much of a waste of resources they have been so that they will finaly be wiped from this green earth

>> No.76396526

8 years have passed and it's still exactly the same

>> No.76396728

wait but if they do this, then does that mean me a brown vtuber could never get into hololive? Oga-senpai help me, I hate this.

>> No.76396811

One of them needs to say "Taiwan" and it's over

>> No.76396851

Not even actual Chinese fans wants cover to come back because they know how bad it is.

>> No.76396960

fuck off bug
fix your attitude and apologize for the bullying.

>> No.76397022

Hololive is dominant without china so why should they bother? What is in it for them?

>> No.76397169

Never listen to someone with more than 2 marks in their name.

>> No.76397193

Wise advice

>> No.76397197
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>> No.76397238

>Yes I got 8 kamis DD LIFE
opinion discarded.

>> No.76398705

Nah. BiliBili can stay dead. Mainland chinks are fucking terrible.

>> No.76398808

It's up to the Chinese to stop being retarded.

>> No.76399103

Only if they bend the knee

-No more chimpouts about Taiwan
-Admit Coco did nothing wrong
-Disavow harrassment
-No Bilibili, you watch on YouTube like a civilized being

>> No.76399109

800 years can pass and China devolves into shitfarming barbarians with the USA around to to feed them and they will still be the same

>> No.76399313

a reminder that the reason the chinks threw a hissy fit was because of coco mentioning taiwan and some of the ones stoking the fire was one of their own chinktubers

>> No.76401725

>twitter screencap thread

>> No.76402006

There is nothing good about doing business with Chinks. Any short term profit isn't worth the long-term headache.

>> No.76402446

Holy shit, no wonder /pol/ calls them "chinksects", I'm feeling my blood pressure rising just from reading this.

>> No.76403519

This is why i can't trust them, Matsuri and kobo and the unknown third can try but it's still as volatile and billibilli will probably pull some stunt to fuck Cover over.

>> No.76404609


>> No.76404693
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>> No.76405370

CN fans never left they just broke the law to watch.
Since choina does not want them doing that Hololive has an in with Biblywibly

>> No.76405601

Immagine saying you dont like McDonalds and the american govenment gets involved to denounce you personally.
China is a world where this kind of thing is normal

>> No.76408440

It's a place where something like,
a government listens to twitter on whom to punish.

>> No.76409037

>I've been making more homobeggar posts on Reddit

I've seen those and Jesus Christ, I don't know who to say is more pathetic anymore.

Nijisisters continuously hit new lows, but there are genuine homobeggars who do almost the exact same shit, including trying to astroturf Reddit

>> No.76409111

No, Taiwan is a much better fit for Hololive.

>> No.76409229

They are about to get conquered by them in the next 5 years so they have no choice

>> No.76409310


>> No.76409333

>Healthy relationship
>Chinese market
Pick one. True for all the industry whether food, steel, real estate, automotive, etc

>> No.76409404

I hate people when this with no alternative, order is always a good thing you lawless freaks

>> No.76409863

The thing is if these chinks aren't so anal on taiwan being a country, then things wouldn't have happened like it did. Them shoving their beliefs down the throats of everyone is what makes them the retards that they are.

>> No.76410093

It's pretty much this. If you imagine the West are anal about 'sex' when they are hypocritical. Doing business with China is a whole other level of bullshit. Their country is too use to batering and greasing the wheels when it comes to deals. They are the ones who are bound to fuck up with normal behavioral shit making the process more tedious the further the business relationship moves on unless the right people are paid. Also when they see success they always getting greedy, just like Jews, wanting a part of the pie to always have a hand close enough to grab more.

>> No.76410162

Nah, too risky. Just drive a high roof van in the Three Gorges Dam filled with TNT and blow it. No nuclear fallout, no other country to blame, government official will get blamed, the world world will be clowning them for making a shitty dam.

>> No.76410334

When china inevitably conquers japan, would it be a reverse nanking?

>> No.76410448

How far will the flood reach? All the way to Shanghai?

>> No.76410486

Working in the Chinese market means means doing whatever the CCP wants, Yagoo knows better he learned the hard way to not do Buisness with the commies.

>> No.76411311

These were the shitheads trying to strong arm Cover to fire Coco. Fuck them.

>> No.76411609

Based antireddit chinks

>> No.76411961

How would Taiwanese fans react if Cover went back to China?

>> No.76412215

>CN fans

nice bait.

>> No.76412268

Totalitarian isn't good.

>> No.76412559

>Just a few bad apples
Nice revisionist history
It was wide spread enough for some of the CN talents to be bad apples and have a hand in organizing antis

>> No.76412717
File: 52 KB, 614x584, spammer zhang is curious about gojo's return.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally cancer

>> No.76412922

>if Cover can open a healthy relationship to China
No. It should be 'Can China open up a healthy relationship with Cover' and the answer is no.

>> No.76412985
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So..they already forgot everything already?
The way the CN staff did things?

>> No.76413455

>order is always a good thing you lawless freaks
Those who would shirk their liberty for comfort will deservedly end up with neither, which is why the sign says "feed and seed", you see...

>> No.76413477
File: 314 KB, 513x645, SEAV3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiflops debuting VTA rejects in their EN branch to cover for no applicants' deflection thread

>> No.76413531

China has more than enough state-approved chuubas already. They don't deserve Hololive after the fucking retarded shit they pulled.

>> No.76413892

The way I heard it is that if you bring a stranger into a hospital or anything like that, then you're the one being billed for the expenses.

And I don't know if anyone remembers the real bad earthquakes that hit China maybe 15-20 years ago that exposed a lot of bad construction to the point where there were tons of causalities, especially in rural areas where many families lost their child, those families tried to protest march against Beijing and hecklers kept telling them to put on a grateful face for the cameras despite their kids being dead. The Chinese have zero empathy and are the embodiment of the term 'cry-bully'

>> No.76413993
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No Yogurt and/or Unicorn = no deal

>> No.76414010
File: 158 KB, 1391x646, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a genuine fucking manwhore. If everyone is your oshi, no one is your oshi, and certainly no one can have 8 fucking kamioshis if you knew what the fuck it meant. This faggot is also Canadian, btw, so take that how you will. He's probably a chink living there.

I fucking hate that we have to suffer these newfags that have no idea what these fucking bugs have put the girls through. They literally drove some of them to tears. Haachama even considered graduating because she blamed herself for what happened to Coco. This faggot should be fed razor blades.

>> No.76414114

we have sisters and homobeggers here,
i hope they fight each other.
would be a fun

>> No.76414179

yeah no. Newfags don't remember those times before cover left china. They are the "EVIL BOOGEYMAN" for a reason. Before coco and haachama they mass harassed pekora with dead rabbits and choco straight up abandoned bilibili after they tried going after her.

The reason cover fully left cn the first time was because they went into a nationalistic fervor with the intent of destroying cover or making it kneel to their whims. chinese had control of their bilibili channels and went in and destroyed them as a threat. Since it's straight up policy to demand chinese control of any foreign business that wants to come in they get to hold your fate in their hands and will use it against you if you step out of line. and with the rules that china has made since to make it easier to doxx it's an even bigger risk.

>> No.76414462
File: 66 KB, 1151x167, 1614935748997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the Russians think China is far more toxic then they are.

>> No.76414702

Civia was not guiltless

>> No.76414830

Too bad they fucked all that up again.

>> No.76416014

Her biggest mistake was not being silent like Echo or Yogiri when the incident happened; also the fact that her mods were spamming Coco and she didn't tell them to stop (even though she BTFO'd ywwuyi) didn't help

I still miss her wet sloppy kisses

>> No.76416134

I mean, she was also involved with that watchalong of that super nationalistic Chinese propaganda movie.

>> No.76416188

Didn't she watch wolf warrior with artia?

>> No.76416516

That was Doris, the girl who tried scamming a US viewer out of a visa so she could get out of China

>> No.76417190
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>literal who tweet pic thread
so what is this a deflection from?

>> No.76417394

This board is racist but the real answer is yes. There’s so much potential with the Chinese people, most of whom are not crazy antis. It would definitely add to the meme culture and be based. Plus lucrative. Hololive knows this that’s why they sent Gura to Taiwan

>> No.76417500

Literally both the EN and JP fans don't want the chinks back and rightfully so because nothing good will come from it. Will cover will be that fucking dumb?

>> No.76417550

THIS. FUCKING THIS. If Kurosanji is "not doing as well as expected" in chinkland then what makes you think Cover who DENOUNCED them years ago will fare any better?

>> No.76417636
File: 251 KB, 616x608, 1711479646558653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo and Cover already vouch for China behind the scenes.

You'd have to be retarded to think they won't return

>> No.76417730

Goodluck forcing those bugmen to accept these terms

>> No.76417921

This will only ever happen if america 100% abandons Japan's defense which ain't gonna happen in the next 50 years at least.

>> No.76418924

As if this is anything different to how corporations in the west screw each other over.

>> No.76419153

Anyone who unironically uses the word "kamioshi" should drink bleach immediately. You can have one (1) oshi, the rest are just chuubas that you are an ordinary fan of.

>> No.76419269
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>> No.76419457

No that's retarded because the chinks will do the same thing again. Let them have their own China-approved chuubas in isolation, keep them away from everyone else.

>> No.76419876

Greed is the only reason they want to tap into that market again

>> No.76419900

Plausible, can't really tell. Want to find out?

>> No.76420335

Remember, it wasn't naming Taiwan that got Coco fired, but ranking them on a list above China. That's how fragile they are. They didn't know or care that it wasn't her own ranking but youtube's analytics, they just couldn't stand to be ranked below them and nationalists spread it among their normies. Actual Chinese holofans weren't really to blame although ironically them using taiwanese VPNs to bypass the firewall is probably why taiwan was ranked so high in the first place. The whole country is a hornet's nest waiting to be kicked, not worth it.

>> No.76422605

I always heard Yogiri was innocent since she was Taiwanese. Not sure about Echo

>> No.76422646

Above china? Does youtube even have china on the analytics?

>> No.76422674

Yeah they can reunite with their Chinese fans
via Taiwan

>> No.76423306
File: 1.90 MB, 1902x897, 1715479628825713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura just did a karaoke with the Chinese. They love her.
The Western ones have more to worry about. With their world collapsing, they'll target everything but themselves to be at fault. What they always do. They deserve to suffer, as much as they caused others to suffer. If they get on their knees and beg, and denounce pooh bear, Cover can take them back.

>> No.76423643

Cover leaving China was the best decision made by the company. Cemented in history.
Just think what those toxic fans would do in Hololive today? They are not human. They enjoy ruining others' lives or causing others to end themselves, all for social credit. No lower form of life.

>> No.76424253

I don't think they do but them not making the list implies Taiwan is above them (in the narrative they were pushing).

>> No.76424494

Nah, having multiple oshi or a kamioshi was well established in idol culture long before vtubing ever existed. The term doesn't work like waifu.
That guy definitely takes it beyond the point of reason though. He'd be much better off referring to himself as hakooshi instead - aka a fan of the group as a whole and everyone in it, not specific members.

>> No.76425686

order makes people sad an hateful, looks at twatter or reddit, compare them to 4chink or random forum 1 or 2 decades ago, the difference is palpable. now try to google images faces of mainland chinese and or north koreans, the hatred is so thick that if given justification they would rape your daughter to death in front of you and gloat happily abt it.

>> No.76427052

Yeah, while major companies are gradually pivoting away from china, Cover should move back in.

>> No.76427059

It’s impossible to have any kind of healthy relationship with CN.

>> No.76427299

Or anyone on Twitter if you ask me...

>> No.76428725

given China is no longer a significant chunk of the audience and no longer a major provider like in 2020(given many members at one point had more subs on bilibili than on youtube) i don't really care if they let them back on as long as they know they are always going to be 3rd rung to JP and ID(I would say US, but Cover doesn't care as much about them despite how big EN is)

>> No.76429449

NO. Mainlanders are oversensitive, psychotic, and completely unpredictable control freaks, you never know what will set them off and once they are triggered they will do everything they can to cancel, harass, and doxx you if you don't comply with their decrees.


It's a very good thing that they are mostly stuck in their own internet.

>> No.76430625


>> No.76432082

hard no

>> No.76432248

The Chinese are pretty weird when it comes to professional behavior. It's a bit hard to explain properly, but a lot of the Chinese counterparts of companies think they have more decision power than they really have. (But to an extent they get away with it)
So it can happen that they go rogue by announcing stuff in hopes the main company will follow in order to not risk losing the Chinese support.
Look for example how the Playism stream that was supposed to have kson in it went. The Chinese CEO went rogue, the main company followed what they said.
Similar with the Asus Hololive Collab, where the Chinese representative went first.

There was also something similar with AKB48's Chinese Counterpart, but I'm not too familiar with idols, but they did this tactic to enforce something.

In general there is a lot of pride in their economic success, but through nationalism and propaganda they also have a distorted picture of how strong they really are. (They are one of the important economic powers, but they see themselves as not just the most important power, but the only important economic power)

>> No.76432354

It gets even worse now.
I don't know why, but they're tricking people who want to work in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Australia and send them to China.

>> No.76432627

Who tf is this ccp shill. He won't be laughing when he realize that Chinese bastards are ultra racist imperialist.

>> No.76432844

You switched the flags by accident, anon.

>> No.76432869

China cannot into power projection.

>> No.76432914

>Healthy relationship
>Chinese market
I stopped reading after that, because the premise is already impossible

>> No.76433000

>Chinese bastards are ultra racist imperialist.

>> No.76433034
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>chinese audience beg YAGOO to let Holos stream to their shithole again

>> No.76433086

Taiwan is fine. CCP occupied territory can piss off and die.
>Verification not required.

>> No.76433188

coco left
fubuki still there

>> No.76433197

Not based. The nation-state equivalent of meddling Karens.

>> No.76433240

Taiwan is not a country

>> No.76433260

>different view is black company stuffs

>> No.76433276

Yeah it is. The commie bugmen claim otherwise, but fuck them. Every opinion they hold is retarded.

>> No.76433285

This isn't the first time cover had problems with 3rd party chink companies. The little witch nobeta taiwan company claimed to be hololive's official taiwan distributor when they got into a argument with a taiwan doujin circle. Cover had to step in and that company had to clarify they are not holo's taiwan distributor. It's all over taiwan news.


>> No.76433330

Bugmen are based they will conquer lands like based hitler

>> No.76433343

zhang lies, news at 11

>> No.76433365

Japan should get nukes, then nuke china.

>> No.76433466

>chinks are so sensitive heh taiwan lol

>> No.76433554

Bugmen can barely hold their shithole together, let alone project power. They won't conquer shit, and if they tried they'd end up as an utter failure and their nation would spend the next century or more as abused cucks. Just like Hitler's retardation did to the Germans.

>> No.76434342


>> No.76434680
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>> No.76436389

No. When hololive needed the chinks to stand with them, they backstabbed everyone.
Fuck em.

>> No.76436584
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>And what would make you think that?
Did this retard motherfucker not watch during the taiwan yab and see the utter SHIT the girls had to go through during that period?

>> No.76436904

The fuck? I thought "Nijisisters" were a cope/deflection.

They seem to hate holostars though. I thought they hated Hololive? Can somebody explain Nijisisters to me?

Are they all fans of Luxiem? What's their beef with Stars?

>> No.76437458

No. Fuck all chinks.

>> No.76440036


>> No.76440405

China must always be first place. Therefore anyone they watch must be the most popular, otherwise they'll become self-conscious that their choice in chuuba was "wrong." It's cognitive dissonance at its finest. The fact that Holostars are starting to become a threat to Luxiem in terms of viewership has them seething.
>But Holostars are failures!
True, but nowadays their average CCV is almost comparable to NijiCN males, meaning they're closing the gap quickly. Chinese sisters want to snuff them out when there's still time.

>> No.76440758

Like every day there's another "scandal" on chinese internet with their own chinese media, especially their gacha games. If that's what happens with chinese media, it will be even worse with media that doesn't cater to them. I don't see why anyone would want to cater to them unless they are extremely desperate because they will eventually turn on you?

>> No.76441527

Obviously Cover would be wise to remember why they had to graduate an entire branch and flee the market. I'm sure that's not a decision that was made lightly, but it's a situation that could very easily happen again. Is China somehow less volatile than it was 5 years ago? Of course not. The same set of events could happen today and everything would play out exactly the same or worse.
The Chinese don't align with modern first world sensibilities. The government they live under is too oppressive and totalitarian. Obviously this is not the fault of rank and file citizens (beyond their complicity in tolerating the Party) but the end result is the same. The Chinese are extremely volatile and will declare jihad on an entire company or group of people over something perfectly innocuous. It's an uncomfortable place to be in the entertainment business.
The Party also LOVES to drum up anti-Japanese sentiment whenever things aren't going well in China. I still remember stories of the Chinese destroying Japanese cars and sushi restaurants (i.e. shit owned by other Chinese people) over some perceived slight by Japan against China.
Cover is also not a private company anymore so it's not like they can just make a clean break from China with little to no ramifications like they did the first time. There would be a price to pay in their valuation if they have to do that again and that price is worth considering before the risk is taken.

>> No.76441628

Zhangs still to this day send death threats and harass Fubuki, Haachama and Coco and shit up their chat
You can hang for all I care I will never forget or forgive

>> No.76442006

Taiwan loves Hololive.

>> No.76442111

china should just burn as a whole

>> No.76442167

I want to reunite my US dick with some CN puzzay
