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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76378530 No.76378530 [Reply] [Original]

Is Fuwamoco the Gura of Advent? Why do they keep skipping these full Advent offcollabs?

>> No.76378608

>Why do they keep skipping these full Advent offcollabs?
I don't know but I like it that way. AdventEN is really fun together.

>> No.76379303

I don't know but I feel like since they're able to be more involved with the JP side of things they're busier

>> No.76379446
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I kinda... dont miss their loud asses.
This trio is pretty comfy as it is

>> No.76379464

they hate shiori.. they pretended to be sick as soon as she landed in japan

>> No.76379521


>> No.76379574

Gura never skipped full Myth collabs like ever. Are you mistaking her for Mori?

>> No.76379720
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>watched all of Advent on debut to see who I best liked
>Shiori had good taste in cartoons and books, but her streams were kinda boring, so I dipped
>Fuwamoco did a morning radio show and played fun team games and were overall pretty fun
>months later
>Fuwamoco transitioned to JP, started streaming separately, and never show up to Advent collabs
>Shiori shows up to collabs regularly and ends up being hella funny
Novelitechads, I'm kneeling so hard right now, I'm sorry for not believing.

>> No.76379770

Same, fuwamoco are hard for me to understand so I can barely follow their conversations (maybe bc I'm ESL)

>> No.76379849

they are suspended from streaming

>> No.76379853

They want to be japanese more than anything. Why should they associate with gaining?

>> No.76379986
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No one want to be related to the wanna be japanese dogs

>> No.76379999

They’ve been sick and they don’t necessarily leave near where their genmates are staying. This is literally a rerun of “why is IRyS ignoring Council” from January 2023.

>> No.76380072

>They’ve been sick and they don’t necessarily leave near where their genmates are staying. This is literally a rerun of “why is IRyS ignoring Council” from January 2023.
This. Thread over.

>> No.76380097

Shiori has been a big surprise for me.
She's funny, autistic, actually decent at games, plays interesting stuff, goes on tangents but also keeps track of what she's playing, she's really fun in collabs.
Nerissa is good in collabs and a great singer but her solo stuff for the most part doesn't really grab me.

>> No.76380227

To be completely fair, Fuwamoco are a two man act and it becomes more and more apparent that their appeal struggles to work in collabs.

>> No.76380352

>first arrive in japan after movie, talk about how they see all their friends and hang out and catch up while seeing the sights
>advent shows up, they are busy/sick/notinterested

Advent is over...

>> No.76380378

Tied up in hikakin's basement

>> No.76380782

Yeah I agree. They seem to throw off a lot of collabs with their turbo kayfabe autism. A few Holos can roll with it but it's awkward for the majority. Maybe they'll find a better balance with more experience, like the good JP kayfabers are able to do.

>> No.76380923

I like them but their character does not roll with the more easygoing girls in Advent. I feel like the other 3 generally run well on the rules of improv- always keep the joke rolling, even if it's ridiculous. Fuwamoco tend to roll back to the "we're bimbo demon dogs baubaubau" in collabs because they can't roll with the punches.
Their comedy bit really only works as a 2man thing, in intimate collabs it doesn't interact well.

>> No.76381025
File: 460 KB, 720x923, shiori - your tits distracted me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you guys months ago that Shiori's secretly one of the funniest. Plus she's secretly good at some games, too. I enjoy her weird creative streams as well, and she bounces off Nerissa and Biboo well.

>> No.76381034

As much as I love that shut in bimbo, her gaming streams are but frustrating.

>> No.76381040

You didn’t watch their collabs with koyori and marine. Now those were kino.

>> No.76381052

kinda reminds me of Sana with how her dedication to kayfabe made the council collabs awkward at times, except with Fuwamoco it's way worse because not only is the keyfabe autism up to 11, I cant even follow what they say half the time

>> No.76381130
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But I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.76381259

>Their comedy bit really only works as a 2man thing, in intimate collabs it doesn't interact well.
Then you can’t make this claim. They mesh very well with some of their JP senpais.

>> No.76381293

The truth is, FWMC dont like the advent thing..
They have so many goals and they speedrunning it.. advent is just a hindrance for them

>> No.76381496

I also underestimated Shiori from debut, her sense of comedy is great and she is a good +1 person in collabs

>> No.76381507


>> No.76381528

i still think they are great entertainers, but i unironically feel this.
Vtubing and Advent gave them a chance to chase their true dreams, and they took it, I am happy for them.

>> No.76381589
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nice try sisters

>> No.76381641

Diamond dogs is an overrated meme pairing carried by the universal love for MGS

>> No.76381654

>mesh very well
Not a single memorable bit in all of that JP pandering streams

>> No.76381765

>watch japanese vtuber company
>with a history of hiring english speaking turbo weebs
>oshi the duo who are bigger japanophiles than the entire western branch combined
>bitch about not knowing japanese when they do japanese streams
You had years to learn, it's your own fault faggot.

>> No.76381895

Woah now, don't put words in my mouth Ken-sama

>> No.76381908

They've been sent on a secret mission by Yagoo to find Gura and bring her to justice.
They saw Fuwawa's skills during the Hitman stream and were very impressed.

>> No.76381945

Watch streams. There’s a reason why koyo constantly mentions them. I am actually looking forward to them forming a unit.

>> No.76381972

>bitching about a vtuber you don't oshi doing content you don't care about
Ah, so you're a woman. Even worse.

>> No.76382021

>You can't watch a Vtuber unless they're your oshi
>Or even talk about them
Damn, you must be painfully autistic.

>> No.76382084

They have the coof, and being twins in the same household it lasts even longer than normal because the disease is constantly bouncing back and forth between the two of them. Try watching streams instead of shitposting.

>> No.76382088

Yagoo said ywnbj and Fuwawa broke his kneecap with a tiny hammer. Two weeks suspension.

>> No.76382228

Shiori has grown on me too, she’s a natural born yapper and she’s been great in every advent collab recently, which I considered a weakness of hers early on. I was wrong.

I guess she just needed some time to get comfort table? Or maybe I just needed some time to get used to her.

>> No.76382245

You'd need more than a single stream together for this post to hold water

>> No.76382324

She tended to clam up in early collabs which didn't let her showcase her strengths. She's gotten more comfortable both with streaming and her genmates so she's starting to flourish

>> No.76382352

There were three Diamond Dogs streams, not counting all the full Advent collabs

>> No.76382451

You don't really have a right to bitch about a vtuber who isn't your oshi doing exactly what they were going to be doing from the day they revealed they knew Japanese, so yeah. You don't have a leg to stand on, thus you're either retarded or a woman for continuing to cry about it. Or both? Let's say both.

>> No.76382541

i just checked twitter,
WTF? the twins are so active on twitter, but cant even care to participate in this?
They really dont care, huh?

>> No.76382593

Yeah, she seems to take a long time getting used to people, she's starting to branch out with collabs outside of Advent and they've been more chill ones.

>> No.76382652

They have throat issues dumbass. Management probably told them to prioritize homework over streams.

>> No.76382756

Just enjoy these while you can before FWMC come back and derail all the conversations with their autism

>> No.76382914

Yooo sounds like a fun stream. Thanks for the heads up OP.

>> No.76383004

>like the good JP kayfabers
Like who?

>> No.76383063

They took on too much homework, got sick, tried to stream, and got punished for fucking up deadlines because they couldn't preform their homework properly.
Now they're on a sort of house arrest, where they have to get the ok for management to stream. Mococo said they wouldn't really be back till September and that there'd probably be less streams during the downtime than when they moved. They both also made it sound like they aren't allowed to have long streams so gaming with something like DKC2 is out of the question leaving lots of their ongoing content in an even worse limbo state.

>> No.76383090

ShioRissa offcollab feel so good too. They make a really good pair. It's funny because i have a hard time watching both of their solo streams but not Biboo or the twins.

>> No.76383138

EN tards are BIG MAD
dogs have finally come home

>> No.76383232

Most of the people ITT seems very happy about the way things are, though?

>> No.76383394

i know japanese, but my autistic nature makes it so i can't overlook the injustice of my fellows being slighted. if an eop ruffian feels slighted, i side with them over fuwamoco

>> No.76383443

Suck my cock faggot.

>> No.76383597

because they are sick, retard

>> No.76383620

Sounds like them. They need a tard wrangler for sure.

>> No.76383815

I don't think it's as bad as catalog makes it but I do think something is there and it comes down to eastern vs western mindset:

FWMC adopted a more eastern mindset of being polite, knowing your place and the work office mindset. They see Nerissa and Bijou inserting themselves everywhere and even dropping in on everyone in Japan when they weren't scheduled to or a thrown together Palworld collab last second and they disagree with their genmates' approach. Marine's words about Nerissa not being genuine about her favorites or Bijou stalking people at 3am didn't help.

The rest of Advent has more a western mindset about freedoms and personal choices. They likely see FWMC pushing really hard with the numbers and going off too far away form the group when the feeling is to stick together. Nerissa made a point in the past to shout out Shoiri and ask people to sub to her to get her to 400k while FWMC were spamming the suika game to hit 700k. Bijou cares more about ID and Nerissa with the twitch/western v-tubers scene so they can't relate to FWMC in a lot of things.

The relationship with FWMC and the rest of Advent certainly changed after Holofest.

>> No.76383947

>Marine's words about Nerissa not being genuine about her favorites or Bijou stalking people at 3am didn't help.

>> No.76383982

kill yourself sister

>> No.76384024

>seething about Nerissa and Biboo
Is this what wuffians call "baused"?

>> No.76384049

google translate interpretation of how she responded to nerissa saying she liked marine

>> No.76384053

I believe it

>> No.76384111

Called Biboo Bijou so you can just ignore it

>> No.76384156

>like the good JP kayfabers
literally nobody in JP act like FuwaMoco

>> No.76384162

Everyone in Advent seems to be happiest they have ever been so I think things are good now.

>> No.76384260

anon ...

>> No.76384367

When was the last diamond dogs collab anyways?

>> No.76384399

I believe it.

Nerissa spent months of her debut to lick Kiara pussy even going to her home in Austria and fucking vacation with her at the start of her hololive career but now she is trying to push for a collab with Marine (Nerissa can't speak japanese so it's doomed) and Senchou just said live that Nerissa is licking way too many pussies to be genuine about Marine being her oshi.

>> No.76384446

OK, I'm glad I'm not the only person to think something changed during/after HoloFes and HoloExpo. Because I remember watching the Advent collab after the kimono relay and it was normal Advent shenanigans (to my memory). Then when Advent did their little segment during the HoloExpo programming (the silly advice stream), something felt off(?). Like Shiori, Bijou, and Nerissa were being normal goofy, but the twins were just...there? I don't know how to describe it, but the vibe felt awkward in a way that hadn't been there before in their collabs.

Maybe I'm nuts, I don't know....

>> No.76384471

Just admit you don't watch Marine because she teases people all the time like this.

>> No.76384501

>They have so many goals and they speedrunning it
And that ended up getting them stressed, sick and behind on work which cost them weeks of streaming time, maybe they should've taken their senpai advice and took it easy a bit

>> No.76384523

sure sister again

>> No.76384557

>Yeah, she seems to take a long time getting used to people
Gee it's almost like she warned us about this exact thing during her debut stream...

>> No.76384576

Marine is my most watch JP so you can go fuck yourself sister

>> No.76384640


>> No.76384727

I don't know... it's just... something feel off like... there's something dark behind the scenes

>> No.76384789

I kinda believe it, FWMC were full blown (albeit unsuccessful) idols while the other 3 came from different, more western approaches.

>> No.76384824

The dogs need to slow down with the kayfabe during gen collab and keep it for solo/duo streams, that's the key

>> No.76384852
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Reminder that these 3 are the only Fauna approved advent members

>> No.76384989
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Would you say it's...kuro?

>> No.76385077

Biboo and the dogs have good synergy in Advent collab

>> No.76385110
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Make as many threads as you like sister, is not gonna unfuck Nijisanji's reputation and concert

>> No.76385144

Yeah, fuwawa is making a voodoo doll with rissa's hair it's so over...

>> No.76385149

Because Biboo can fit with anyone, it's her strong point i mean even with ID and JP she fit so well so ofc she can keep up with the dogs kayfabe but that's not really the case for ShioRissa

>> No.76385160

Bibert has good synergy with everyone though

>> No.76385207

She talked about how cute Mococo is in one of her recent stream, i feel like Fauna could handle them on collab

>> No.76385242

While I don't know if this is all true, I imagine it would be kind of an annoyance that the most successful in your Gen are such self focused number monkeys. Like imagine if early myth gura would talk about wanting more subscribers and viewers while she was streaming. I could see it causing a little bit of a rift between them. Though not nearly as much as lots of anons like to say there is.

>> No.76385274

Wow, sorry, didn't know it was controversial to use her actual fucking name.

>> No.76385320

It's not. Don't listen to nijisister.

>> No.76385400

Holo vs Holo

They've been hanging out behind the scenes

>> No.76385483

I think they'd be better if they collabed separately so people could get to know them individually.

>> No.76385499

Anon... the dogs are JP basically. It's more fun when foreigners review Japanese snacks.

>> No.76385498

The people pointing out they said Bijou are sisters? What?

>> No.76385530

>pretends to know what's going on with Fuwamoco and Advent
>call Biboo Bijou
everytime sister

>> No.76385545

They have been hanging out behind the scenes though. Fuwawa literally took Nerissa to get her hair cut.

>> No.76385589

Because calling her Bijou and not Biboo make you a shitposter? Please kill yourself already

>> No.76385651

It will never happen. Twins autism is way too strong

>> No.76385652

Not a huge fan of Nerissa, but i honestly like these three together without Fuwamoco.

>> No.76385658

Yes it does

>> No.76385685

>call her Bijou
every fucking time sister

>> No.76385708

Say who? You just want to derail the thread nijisister

>> No.76385773

Nerissa only have eyes for Mococo tummy even though it's obvious that her affinity with Fuwawa work way better...

>> No.76385865

They don't live by where Advent are staying and they're just coming back from illness. They see Advent everyday in dance class.

>> No.76385945

because everytime someone shitpost on Advent this person use the name Bijou.

>> No.76385993

I think they get along better with their JP senpais because they have more experience with that kind of humor. The Koyori and Marine off-collabs were like the were with a third sister.

>> No.76386070

Only a woman could be this vindictive about something so petty.

>> No.76386077

This kind of behavior make /vt/ the worst fucking board of 4chan though, you do know we have many people posting here? Your "Bijou" shitposter is living in your head

>> No.76386175

>They don't live by where Advent are staying and they're just coming back from illness.
Are they all the way out in Kichijojo or Saitama city or something? How far out could they be that a 30m train across Tokyo couldn't get them there?

>> No.76386206


>> No.76386238

They work better with JP members because their whole kayfabe is aimed at JP viewers. I'm 100% sure that if they slow down a bit with the kayfabe by adaptating it they would fit so well with all ID and EN too and even a solo Fuwawa or solo Mococo could be a great collab partner for others holomems

>> No.76386265

It's pretty insane. I'll say something innocuous and someone will be like "So you came back, eh Croatian?" And I'm like ??????

>> No.76386425

Can't be a full collab if two people are missing retard.

>> No.76386465

Shiori, Nerissa, and Biboo are AdventEN
Fuwawa and Mococo are AdventJP

>> No.76386467

It's OK anon, I also prefer using Bijou. Biboo is cute, sure, but Bijou sounds prettier. Some anons are so brainrotted from hanging out on this board all day trying to block shitposters, that they end up becoming shitposters themselves.

>> No.76386512

FWMC are honestly even less appealing if you understand Japanese. There is literally no reason to watch them instead of actual JP if you speak nip.

>> No.76386518

Welcome to /vt/ i guess? Some regular visitor make this board a fucking pain in the ass to lurk because they see psyop everywhere and derail all threads

>> No.76386574

Split smells like shithole.

>> No.76386578

Pebbles just use it as a shibboleth, you know how people love their groups

>> No.76386638

Being french Bijou just feel so right for her, my little sparkling gem, but no i have to call her Biboo or else it mean i'm a sister, fuck this board

>> No.76386666

>Nerissa and Bijou inserting themselves everywhere
>Bijou cares more about ID
> Bijou stalking people at 3am didn't help
not a shitpost btw

>> No.76386704

Fuwamoco are the new Flintstones meme. They are basically the vesper of advent fucking sexpests trying fuck my jp oshi.

>> No.76386764


>> No.76386830

>the dogs

>> No.76387084

Try months.
They didn't mention their 1m sub goal at all while still talking about the future and honework in the last stream because management flat out told them they had extremely limited stream time as a result of them not being ready for homework that needed to be done.
As a fan, it sucks they won't have many streams coming up in the next couple of months and that they really do want to be there with Advent, but it'll just have to be relegated to small meetups for now.
If you wany proof management is punishing them, just look at the fact that Shiori tweeted a picture of a plushie of hers on their new pink couch or Advent talking about getting to see Moco-chan's throat pics today after she got them.

>> No.76387272

>If you wany proof management is punishing them, just look at the fact that Shiori tweeted a picture of a plushie of hers on their new pink couch or Advent talking about getting to see Moco-chan's throat pics today after she got them.
Explain your reasoning. I don't understand.

>> No.76387274

>because management flat out told them they had extremely limited stream time as a result of them not being ready for homework that needed to be done.
Who told you this, the voices in your head?

>> No.76387340

>something innocuous

>> No.76387429

How can two women with so much experience still be so retarded?

>> No.76387472

foetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.76387482
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>> No.76387547

English is my first and only language, and I'll say I can't understand a damn thing they're saying. It's like Drake's Toronto accent, but for weebs instead of wiggers.

>> No.76387832

I wish they speak french instead. I remember when they had a small talk in french with biboo during a simulwatch, pure fucking kino

>> No.76387918

>pretends to know what's going on with Fuwamoco and Advent
Point out where I did or said any of that (>>76384446). Or is saying the two collabs I watched having different vibes "pretending to know what's going on"?
>call Biboo Bijou
Again, wow, didn't know you can't call Bijou 'Bijou' anymore. Someone should tell Cover that because everything involving her has her name as "Bijou".
>everytime sister
I've never posted about her once, so congrats, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.76388009


>> No.76388013

>Take on a ton of homework.
>Everything is fine after move for a few weeks
>Cut down on stream time for those weeks to work on back end stuff
>Have Battle Plans meeting where they say streams will be hit pretty hard after GW, but they'll still try to stream fo us
>People freak out in the comments
>They have a slow, quiet week leading up to GW
>Cancel RnR because Moco-chan's throat
>Cancel Minecraft practice because of Moco-chan's throat.
>Moco-chan's voice fucked in the Doroki.
>Double up streams to keep EN streams during JP Golden Week
>Ruin Moco-chans throat.
>Fuwawa announces Fluffy week
>Moco-chan makes apperances for FWMC morning yelling and screaming because she feels bad for not being there.
>Fuwawa's voice starting to sound a little strained by FWMC Morning Friday
>Tai Pei karaoke, Moco-chan still sounds bad
>Fuwawa cancels solo RnR because she doesn't want to destroy her throat either
>No schedule posted
>They retweeet their tweet from earlier that day " We just want to protect your smile", pin it, and go radio silent for a week.
>Zero activity on twitter, not even a like, completely uncharacteristic of them (re:Soft suspension of forward facing activities)
>Come back exactly one week later
>Announce a stream for last Sat.
>Start doing stuff on twitter
>Stream comes
>They say sorry a lot, ask us to help them keep their smiles, something they've never done before
>Talk about how their streaming will be even less than during the move
>Talk about a LOT of homework coming up
>Talk about probably not being able to stream games
>Don't show up to any advent collabs dispite hanging out with them in person many times this week
I don't know what else you need to prove that management is limiting their streaming a huge amount. They want to stream for us, but they can't.

>> No.76388070

Getting pissy about it isn’t helping your case.

>> No.76388095

i dont fucking care when someone call her Bijou but like i said its always shitpost + Bijou.
like this >>76386666

>> No.76388266

I just don't understand what this has to do with Shiori's pink couch or Mococo's "throat pics."

>> No.76388396

That they were hanging out actively with advent yet didn't come on stream with them. They have some time to do shit like stream, but the big bosses aren't having any of that shit and are limiting them.

>> No.76388691


>> No.76389102

Why tho? It's a punishment from Cover?

>> No.76389107

You retarded? Rissa is a huge numberfag herself.

>> No.76389157

You can't be a numberfag and take a fucking holiday break with your austrian wife at the start of your career, try harder

>> No.76389318

She literally talk about music numbers all the time. Why do you think she is spamming vertical streams and putting a sub counter there? She want big subs too. She just doesn’t care about ccv.

>> No.76389461

>Be Shitori
>6+ years of experience in the industry
>Still end up a 3K shitter

>> No.76389618

Everyone is acting like it's a punishment, but a "You're no good to us dead," situation seems more likely.
And fact is, moving to an entire different country (especially Japan) is a huge deal. A big bureaucratic nightmare, not to mention the practical day-to-day issues that come up. It's entirely understandable to me that just dealing with background work and various related hassles are going to limit their freedom to schedule streams independent of any management directives.

>> No.76390238

>FWMC doing something for EN
>FWMC doing something for JP

>> No.76392100
File: 2.09 MB, 3000x3000, GNkkioGXIAEgvmT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you people have come around, I've liked her since the recorded content days. She didn't had the best transition to lives initially like most of the OGs, but I'm glad she found success again.

>> No.76392615

She's sweet but damaged.

>> No.76392622

>Ruffians throwing Nerissa and Biboo under the bus to deflect from their oshis catching heat
Devilishly devious

>> No.76392931

Mumei's manager had to make her not stream at one point for similar homework things, wasn't a "punishment" really

>> No.76393203

Fuwamoco are the IRyS of Advent. Even when their genmates fly to japan for a limited time they can never bother to physically collab.

>> No.76393544

>I can literally hear this pic

>> No.76394649
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I am starting to believe this ratt. They really wanted to hit 1mil before their anniversary. Mococo's voice was bad during the gw, but she still streamed, when she needed a rest. The next week Fuwawa had a heavy stream schedule while she did a vertical stream and had a counter, things that would gain them subs quickly. Which is was working. However, something happened the day of the live show. Fuwawa had scheduled her Rock-n-Rawr, but she cancelled without giving much of a explanation. Then a generic health break tweet pops up, then they went radio silent. This is something they don't do, and even on break they would tweet updates. However, this past Saturday, when they had a stream to give an update they said that they went out with Advent and they had dance classes. So being sick wasn't an issue. Also Fuwawa emphasized that she had her set ready for the Rock-n-Rawr stream, but they never explained why they cancelled it or the reason they went radio silent. They were really vague when they will stream again, but they were telling their fans over and over to trust them, that they want to stream, but the schedule would be fucked for a while.

With all that said, I believe that on the day of the live show, they wanted to have another full schedule and I believe cover/management was against it, in order to allow them to recover their voice. Also, they have a habit of staying up late tweeting. I wouldn't be surprised if they missed either a dance class or an important meeting. Regardless, I believe they argued with management about wanting to keep streaming. The argument must have gotten out of hand (autistic stubbornness), and cover/management decided to remove their access to twitter and suspended them from streaming in order for them to recover and to show them what happens if you go against the company. People forget, they are no longer an indie company, this is a corp with public trading. They will no longer let shit slide, and will make examples of people who go against company's interest. Insubordination is out of the question,

>> No.76394776

there's a reason they weren't very successful. they may need kanade level support from cover

>> No.76395958

Kind of sad they are like this despite acting so cute on screen.

>> No.76396377

It's a punishment in that it removes the ability for them to do something they want to do because they can't take care of things (themselves and homework in this case). It's not like a fine or going to jail, but more like a mom taking a toy away from her child when they do something they shouldn't.

>> No.76396600
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>> No.76397027

Based af.

>> No.76397490

You had a good point in the first part, but...
>The rest of Advent has more a western mindset about freedoms and personal choices. They likely see FWMC pushing really hard with the numbers and going off too far away form the group when the feeling is to stick together.
... this would make the 3 "Western"‐minded members Eastern and vice-versa for FWMC since they're choosing to do themselves rather than sticking with the group.
Anyway, this is yet another nothingburger.

>> No.76397992

They tweeted about going to the doctor for their throat issues. Management probably is not going to let them stream until the doctor gives them a tea.

>> No.76398018

What even is the homework that it's requiring them to spend so much time on it?

I'm guessing a bunch of it is rehearsals/recording/training but it still seems excessive if it's forcing them to miss collabs and restrict stream time.

>> No.76398188

Anya has mentioned she will only stream on weekends from now until august. Probably related.

>> No.76398515
File: 203 KB, 1077x1523, PoutingButReady[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fov0fhv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a combination of homework being a huge bulk of their time including but not limited to:
>Dancing training
>Singing training
>Voice recordings for various projects like VP's
>Recording mocap for various projects like 3d reveal, CTW, small meme videos, etc.
>Events like Holosummer
I'm sure there's other that we don't even know of that will pop up. Add in the fact that they pushed themselves to the point of exacerbating their (more mainly Mococo's) throat problems, something she was already going to the doctor for back in Canada, and you can easily see how it might mess up plans and schedules Cover had for bigger project that rely on many people.
Imagine if your employee came in to work on something singing related with her voice sounding like this webm because she decided she wanted to stream for a full, packed week of 29 hours worth of streams? What's the easiest way to keep her from doing it if she pushes back and wants to stream? Add in that Fuwawa was starting to get a little strained by her solo week, and you can see why some portion of management would hard cap their streaming hours.

>> No.76398706

A relatively small fraction of Cover's actual income comes from their stupid singing dancing bullshit. It still makes no sense that they always put so much emphasis on it.

>> No.76398752

I really wonder if them moving to Japan on a whim kneecapped their potential.

>> No.76398915

Is not about income. Some talents really like the non streaming activities. But if you sign up for it, you better deliver.

>> No.76399514

It's part of the package and truly sets the company apart from others. Whether you like it or not, it's a core piece to the yearly releases for Cover/Hololive as a whole and something many people look forward to. They also get to sell a ton of merch for the event for ALL of their talents, and everyone knows it's coming so they save their money for it.
As for why a talent might care/put emphasis on it, these two are perfect example of what the above draws in. Weeb women who have some attachment to idol culture. Not everyone on the team is like this, and it's fine. Fuwawa and Mococo were 100% pumped to be here because of this oppertunity, much like Kiara, Mori, Irys, and Bae on the EN side.
Why would these two specifically be willing to take on so much homework themselves comparative to other members? There's a few big reasons that work
>Money from taking contracted jobs and merch produced through jobs that can be spent on personal projects
>Proof of ability to handle tasks given to them so they get more opportunities
>Manager bootlicking so they can be recommended more for opportunities
>Possible influence to push for a sololive (their final big goal in Hololive)
I think if any of these is a true motivator for these two, it's the last one. Without management support, it would cost an exorbitant amount of money to try and push for your own solo live. I have many doubts that they would ever give a non-JP member a solo live. Mori got one because she helped score a contract with UMG, and Gura could get one any time she asked because she is popular EVERYWHERE. I think for these two and most of the other non-JP members, Cover sees potential issue in actually selling out a venue for a talent who's bulk of their fanbase is overseas and would require a lot more money than just buying a ticket and hopping on the JR-(insert district here) line, meaning more risk in not actually selling the venue out.

>> No.76400411

> Without management support, it would cost an exorbitant amount of money to try and push for your own solo live.
Management has never provided any monetary support for solo lives and I doubt they will be making an exception for the doggos no matter how much Holo works they are going to take.
Not saying that taking Holo works and staying in the management good book definitely won’t help any little bit with getting a solo live, but the cost isn’t it

>> No.76400492

What's up with Kanade?

>> No.76400556

ew no thanks

>> No.76400723

Mogotyan is still sick.

>> No.76400781

I said this months ago that they had the worst English in EN. But that was back when everyone loved them and now look who was right all along. Although I do agree that Kiara is a close 2nd.

>> No.76400829

Kiara is ESL while FWMC are not.

>> No.76401020

Agreed. Mandatory health break and shut them down until they get better. It is concerning how they were unable to say that though, either because thy are that stubborn or they fucked up with management. Compare that to Henya. She's been feeling sick and had to take days off due to hay fever but announced them (usually in the twitch chat but still) and this was with her recording her 3D stuff as well. I'm going with insubordination on wanting to stream through sickness and being shut down.

>> No.76401033

How sure of that are you? We've had full confirmation that they do give Holos budgets for covers and orisongs based on performance of previous covers/orisongs. You really think the talents front ALL of the cost every time they do something like that? I don't doubt a decent chunk is paid out of pocket.

>> No.76401076

Which means they have no excuse on being so hard to understand.

>> No.76401767

This. They are turbo weeb they prob know all Japanese snacks inside and out. It's like watching a movie with someone who already watched the movie and they keep spoiling the scenes.
