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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 861 KB, 1290x718, IMG_1854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76321311 No.76321311 [Reply] [Original]

How much money did the streamers whom Seth Weinstein allegedly slandered lose from cancelled deals, lost collaboration and networking, and destroyed reputations in their field?

How many cool streams never happened because Seth Weinstein allegedly decided to sabotage his competition?

A group of women struggled to improve their vtuber practice for many years, and Seth Weinstein allegedly wiped out that effort in months by blaming them for vile posts that were faked.

Everyone in vtubing should be concerned about MSM. It is allegedly a Ponzi scheme. More successful vtubers get paid on time with the money the company takes in from new talent.

>> No.76321654
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>> No.76321751
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>> No.76321761 [DELETED] 

His biggest mistake was putting a mark on false. Currently, false is the gateway for normies on news regarding vtubers. News of anyone badmouthing him would eventually reach to him. Seth should have a squeaky clean record and giving all his talents a comfortable life because the moment he make a mistake, they will just give false all the ammo he needs to take down seth.
tldr: don't forget to feed the rrats

>> No.76321921
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Tob must have been mistaken. Lots of performers hire representatives from different companies. I wonder where she got that idea from?

>> No.76322003
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>> No.76322159
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What could have been.

Remember how tight she was with meat and Coqui? Do you remember when Tobs was invited to the VShojo Minecraft server, And said she would have to decline if she couldn’t bring both of her friends, meat and Coqui.

Who got to Tobs? Could it be someone who apparently preys on mentally ill and neurodivergent people in the vtubing industry?

>> No.76322188
File: 119 KB, 389x202, 1709522684086474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder sociopaths aren't human beings, human beings can feel empathy.
They are demons, they evolved from monsters who cried help to attract their prey.
They only speak to deceive. Do not try to reason with them

>> No.76322324
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>> No.76322441
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>> No.76322556

All the friendships among chuubas are fake, aren't they?

No, that's psychopaths. Sociopaths are people adapted to acting like one because of a hostile environment.

Anyways. Redpill me on all this drama. Who is seth and why should I care?

>> No.76322637
File: 1.08 MB, 1290x2329, IMG_1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seth Weinstein lied about data security at 4chan.org. He told many people that he had a janitor on the inside and could match post to IP addresses, and he could match and IP addresses to posters identity.

Anonymous does not forgive. It does not forget. Expect us.

>> No.76322791
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Seth runs Mad Scientist Media. He is accused of slander and his victims have receipts. He’s probably cost them tens of thousands of dollars in opportunities, and Goodwill. Almost nobody in the tubing will collaborate with his victims. The victims, have at least six people involved who confirm that they were told the lies about the Southside vtuber group and 3AM talent.

>> No.76323037
File: 501 KB, 951x622, IMG_1888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat gave very sensitive and private personal identifying information to a person allegedly working for MSM and Seth Weinstein. She shared this information with no one else, not even her business partner and friend, Coqui. Sometime later, she found the information on the open web.

>> No.76323160
File: 1006 KB, 1290x1861, IMG_1875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coqui confirmed the “pocket janitor” theory, The lie that Seth Weinstein told people to assure them that his lies about the reputation of Coqui, meat, 3AM, and the southside.

>> No.76323315 [DELETED] 

>Redpill me
Check out /news/ write up on this

>> No.76323334
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Coqui said Seth’s associates confirmed that he squealed like a little girl with delight when his attacks on his competitors gained traction on /vt/. He fucked over the lives of struggling performers for the (You)s.

>> No.76323477
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Seth presented shitposts written by anonymous as being posted by Coqui and meat.

>> No.76323575
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>> No.76323710
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As Coqui streamed about the situation on Sunday, Someone posted her IRL in /vt/.


>> No.76323893
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Do something.

>> No.76327810

bout tree fiddy

>> No.76330510

MSM's well is already poisoned. Seth knows someone is leaking discord convos to Southside and being a sociopath that probably freaks him out more than anything.
Sponsorship deals are going to dry up and talent will probably just naturally leave. The problem is all those talents have now heard both sides and are complicit in Seth.
This just mimics cosplay circles of old and Seth will constantly try to start shit around here just to jork his peanits before being shipped off to the Farms to be milked for being a lolcow since he seems rusty on his 4chan history for these kind of things

>> No.76330920

>The problem is all those talents have now heard both sides and are complicit in Seth.
most are in a wait and see position I suppose
they will all drop him when the nukes are dropped, aka artists not getting paid

>> No.76331336

Nah, if the 3AM things, the non-binding contract, Seth's normal behavior which we can reasonably assume in unhinged isn't changing their minds the artists thing isn't going to do shit.
If they fear Seth they can just come out ahead of that, post convos and rag on him with Southside instead of trying to do it down the line. Talents have already left and there's been no repercussions there.
So Seth must be offering them some incentive to stay making them complicit.

>> No.76331650


We’ve been asked to stay away from the talent. I can accept that if Seth Weinstein is found guilty and punished. Someone ought to file to suspend his business operations because he’s operating illegally. He’ll have to dig deep into his trust fund to get an attorney.

>> No.76331884

Seth is also allegedly and apparently a tax scofflaw. He cannot restart his LLC, a simple process, requiring very little fees that takes no time. It’s reasonable to assume that the state of Maryland will not allow him to reincorporate because he owes them money.

If I found out one of my contractors cheated on their taxes, I would dump them immediately.

>> No.76331946

Talents aren't going to sue Seth. You can yell tortious interference from the rooftops, you can yell about how you were defrauded into signing a contract but it costs way too much money, time and effort to even make a go at that plus its a self-doxx. Plaintiffs names could get potentially brought up.

>> No.76331999

>file to suspend his business operations
He'll just operate illegally as he has been. He knows how to not pay and the feds clearly don't want to bother arresting him.

>> No.76332322


I don’t know who Mr. XLR is. I wonder if Seth knows who Mr. XLR. My understanding is that 3 AM was organized by the talents who hired managers to help them. Nobody has talked about the business filings which may l, or may not, have been made by 3AM when they set up the business, if it’s some sort of limited corporation, the talent don’t have to dox themselves. 3AM reputation collectively, and as a corporation, has been disparaged.

Seth’s insurers would settle, if he bought liability insurance. And if they overlook the fact that his actions were in tort.

>> No.76332704

You're partially right. The plaintiffs collectively would file as 3AM LLC but personal names might get brought up in discovery especially in relevance to something like Coqui and Meat getting doxxed.
Again, way too costly with way too little pay off. 3AM would have to prove damages with hard evidence not hearsay. So unless someone from Capcom, let's say, puts forward an affidavit saying that MSM told them not to work with 3AM, it's not going to work.

>> No.76332724

He needs to pay off the tens of thousands in taxes and court fees before he can get back his LLC or get any sort of insurance.

>> No.76333056

>this guy was right

>> No.76335107

Oh so this is why he's stalling. He's waiting for all this shit to die down. That explains the nothingburger in his statement.

>> No.76335255

>All the friendships among chuubas are fake, aren't they?

Not all, but many. This is an common but all-the-same disappointing norm in entertainment industries.
If there is even an ounce of fame/fortune to be found, there will be those that arrive with no qualms about stepping on their peers to reach the top.
You're seeing a mere sliver of the iceberg in this event, and it only ever gets bigger with time.

>t. person involved in basically every media industry at this point as both crew and talent - yes including here

>> No.76335594

"Is first person testimony hearsay?
>No. Eyewitness testimony is not hearsay. Hearsay relates to when a witness testifies about an out of court statement."

Eyewitness testimony is not hearsay and is admissable. Also there are exceptions to hearsay

>Present Sense Impression: A statement about what the declarant perceived when it describes or explains an event or condition and was made during the event or immediately after it. For example, when a bystander exclaims, "That car is driving pretty fast," shortly before a car crash.
Excited Utterance: This exception applies during or shortly after a startling event, and the declarant made the statement while under the excitement or stress of the event. For example, when a victim of a crime makes a statement to a police officer about a purse snatching in the grocery store.
Then-Existing Mental, Emotional, or Physical Condition: A statement that is not offered for its truth but instead to show the state of mind, emotion, or physical condition exhibited. For instance, testimony that there was a heated argument offered to show a person was angry and not for what was said.

>Medical: Statements made to a medical provider for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment
Reputation: Statements about the reputation of the person, their family, or land boundaries
Documents: These documents typically include business records and public records but can include learned treatises, family records, and church records


Basically hearsay can effect credibility, and if Seth's credibity can be weakened he would be introuble.

>> No.76335686

It's almost like we learned nothing from decades of cosplay circles despite most vtubers growing up in that environment

>> No.76335768

Nothing surprising coming from circles populated mostly by women.

>> No.76335838

Cool, this is a civil case not a criminal one.

>> No.76336058

Also there are about a billion exceptions to hearsay.

>> No.76336210

Nope! Not even a little bit! And we never will!

Allow me to assure you: neither gender, nor sexuality, nor any other demographic categorization affects this tendency.
All it takes is someone with greed and/or a lust for fame. Simple as.

>> No.76336297


Right but people hear the word "hearsay" and instantly disregaurd it but it's very applicable in a a lot of ways so it shouldn't be immediately discounted.

>> No.76336393

Are you trying to prove tortious interference? Then yes, you should disregard it.

>> No.76338584
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>> No.76338849
File: 108 KB, 298x411, one star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most 14 year old fake log I've seen in a long time.
You really couldn't do any better than this, Seth?

>> No.76338954

Prove it's a fake log then. You can't, which means it's real just like the one Coqui posted

>> No.76339047

kek, the mysta edit...

>> No.76339147


Seth is desperate to sell another lie for his talent and onlookers to swallow, but he has no tact or grace so he’s pretty obvious. The thing is if you keep lying to cover a lie, all it takes is 1 or 2 to unravel, so keep lying I say, it’s just more evidence for later.

>> No.76339181

Your juvenile edit doesn't invalidate all the other screenshots that have been made available. It just proves you're trying really hard to stir up shit.

>> No.76339285
File: 36 KB, 616x363, GOE-ZQ5W4AAM8A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no proof it's an edit, so it's just as legit as this

>> No.76339333

That's not how things work. This is the last (you) you're getting.

>> No.76339384

Seth the more you try to manipulate the birds the more you’re going to piss them off, fair warning.

>> No.76339491
File: 35 KB, 600x338, 1705706861985455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the most 14 year old fake log I've seen in a long time.
Well, based on Seth's own statement, it's 21 year old humor. It'd be a real shame if people knew you were still at it, Seth.

>> No.76339567

The language alone is a glaring tell for anyone with more than a single braincell, like even if the core implication of this were true (use of slurs, plots to jump Seth, etc.), that language is UNCHARACTERISTICALLY juvenile.
It sounds like edgy middleschoolers, plain and simple.

I don't even actually think this is Seth, I said it for the bit, this is clearly from a child.

>> No.76339750

The difference, Seth, is that a real living person leaked that. They are already willing to out themselves to you since you obviously know who you said this to. So if you deny it push may come to shove and they'll verify it making you look like even more of a psycho for trying to pass it off as fake.

>> No.76339842

No, because in court, you know that thing you keep ducking Seth?, you can whip out a laptop and show the message. It'd all get subpoenaed anyway during discovery but Seth is a retard and would try and destroy the evidence which every judge loves.

>> No.76339848

I honestly think he used this excuse to say a bunch of words he loves because he certainly can’t say it infront of his talent, so while it looks like childish jibberish this is his pent up silence coming out subconsciously while he fabricated something to make a poor point.

>> No.76339929

I'm going to anti grimmi for this

>> No.76339936

So who leaked this hypothetical screenshot?

>> No.76339971

Is his name really Weinstein? Holy fuck that is hilarious.

>> No.76340012

Don’t please.
All their talent deserve time to get out of this unscathed, and I’m very sure Grimmi really is just caught in the middle as we’re a lot of people.

>> No.76340099

I thought the confirmation was that he lied about having a "paid jannie" here and just made it all up that he was getting IPs from here, not that he actually had one

>> No.76340122

Yeah you can't expect to people to respond to this instantly they need to take it all in, maintain their current work schedule, investigate internally, and think hard about whats best for them. Give them a week at least.

>> No.76340173

I just wish there was some more tangible stuff. While I don't doubt Coqui and Krimbo believe what they're saying it's not like south side is squeaky clean, no one is. The most damming part is Meat's alleged unique information she only sent to MSM being leaked.

I hope Aethel or someone has a group of other talents he trusts inside msm who are working on corroborating claims and what's legit or not.

>> No.76340258

>While I don't doubt Coqui and Krimbo believe what they're saying it's not like south side is squeaky clean, no one is.
>le both sides are bad
You have to go back.

>> No.76340260

Not him but I don't expect anyone to say anything at all. There are already 2 or 3 people that left the agency after the news first broke out and obviously the rest are 100% aware of all this, anyone else that stays with MSM is doing it out of sheer free will despite all the shit about Seth that has come up, even if you choose to brush the blacklisting/badmouthing "allegations" aside

>> No.76340288

>it's not like south side is squeaky clean, no one is
What exactly have they done other being cringe or having some losers 0views in their group?

>> No.76340368

first off the spacing is wrong, second wrong pfps for coqui, krimbo, and meat. third you didn't account who the leaker would be; if this were a call between coqui, krimbo, and meat why would any of them post shit. fourth fake and gay

>> No.76340565

I'm with this anon. Some of these screenshots are years old, what do you think Seth's been like all this time when not trying to anti-3AM, a normal guy?

>> No.76340644

I don’t think it’s that simple, if you look at kabhaals statement, he felt like his safe space was being attacked by people he never liked in the first place. MSM is where all their friends and bonds are, it’s not just the opportunities and how well seth treats those he knows he has to placate, to a lot of them that’s their home and they’re not going to jump ship in a matter of days because people they absolutely hate who they have every reason to question are starting to line up the puzzle pieces.

>> No.76340737
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>he really thought this shit would work

>> No.76340817
File: 55 KB, 682x476, why seth hates 3AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, since you won't believe me, here's another screenshot

>> No.76340925


>> No.76341044

That’s clearly coqui and krimbos twitter icons and not their discord ones. You are desperate and rattled to spend so much effort into making this failure of a rebuttal . Seth you are out of your league now.

>> No.76341043

I'm not doubting the screenshot but why does the date have that format in the seth screenshot?

>> No.76341066

1. Who in MSM other than Kab not liking Krimbo is saying they hate the Southside? Even Sigrid at one point went to bat for Krimbo
2. Kill yourself Seth

>>Seth: Even a crime family is still technically family

>> No.76341132

I don’t know but if it was manipulated it would have looked more standard to pass the muster, there is probably a good reason it’s like that.

>> No.76341133
File: 2.15 MB, 480x360, vince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that meat message

>> No.76341151

Funniest thing here is seth liking women. The closest he'll ever get is trans women when he's the bottom.

>> No.76341179

I agree I'm just curious, like is it a european thing? Might it indicate who leaked it?

>> No.76341258

I mean seth has been telling people false and southside were bad people all along and now he can say “look how right I am” he’s manipulating them.

>> No.76341333

This is honestly the most pathetic thing I've seen on this board

>> No.76341375

Looked it up, it's based off the language set in Discord and neither English UK or US uses that format.

>> No.76341404

I would laugh my ass off but also be pissed if this were the quality level of edits those retards in MSM fell for when Seth was showing them "proof".

>> No.76341458

Warning to vtubers this is the kind of schizo level investigation you have to worry about to do op-sec correctly. Very small things can be combined to narrow down your identity a lot.

>> No.76341467

Why would they question the guy who’s delivering them sponsers and PCs. If you’re happy you wouldn’t look very hard either.

>> No.76341543

I guarantee you the fake South Side email calling Tob a cunt and the anon posts "I have a 4chan janny" is at least as retarded.

>> No.76341655

>to a lot of them that’s their home
Yet he's the only person who publicly defended Seth. Sounds more like he's just a retard who equates being in a talent agency with family

>> No.76341716

SigBird are silently supporting Seth, retweeting and liking his tweets

>> No.76341803

They can always oust Seth or make their own little team discord without Seth and still be friends with each other.

>> No.76341849

It’s not him they care about of course, in fact I bet a ton of them are scheming on how to remove just him and keep everything thing currently have, editors, managers, website, connections. Why give that up when Seth is the only problem? And Seth did like to hire ruthless people like himself he respects that cutthroat nature, so he really can’t trust anyone. He’s a dead man walking at this point.

>> No.76341883

They're in even deeper than Kabhaal, Bird didn't even retweet his apology despite retweeting his pro Seth post.

>> No.76341935

whose the co-owner of MSM again?

some titty streamer right?

where's she figure into all this mess?

>> No.76342048

It's not publicly traded so it's not clear how the ownership works? Seth is the CEO and Endra the titty streamer is the COO. But those are positions within the org, not the same thing as ownership (though I guess in private companies the CEO is probably the same thing as the owner, but it might not be). Seth founded it so he's definitely A owner and probably THE owner unless he decided to split it with titty monster for some reason.

>> No.76342206

It's a LLC, positions like CEO, etc./ don't really matter, even less so since the company doesn't exist

>> No.76342211

He’s clearly not business savvy based on how many huge mistakes he’s made and the wake of failure companies he’s left behind. He’s wide open to a hostile takeover of any of them have the guts to challenge him.

>> No.76342224
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>> No.76342242

has she made any statements on the matter? I find it hard to believe that she wouldn't be aware in some capacity of the shenanigans going on here. I vaguely remember her saying she was co-owner on that really dumb talent management podcast a few weeks ago

>> No.76342263


>> No.76342267
File: 549 KB, 1601x557, mega64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rocco, garrett, shawn, derrick

>> No.76342305

Kneel to Tobs our Queen

>> No.76342336

Truly a deep and profound statement

>> No.76342377

Coqui said she got last minute invites to 3 new conventions, I wonder if that happened because they were pitied by the con organizers given the drama? Or if they had Seth's hypnosis dispelled?

>> No.76342455

Mosobox is hosting/sheltering them so if Seth wants to pick a fight it'd have to be with Mosobox too. He's retarded, he could try it...

>> No.76342456

seth has their personal info and isn't afraid to doxx people

>> No.76342458

>to a lot of them that’s their home and they’re not going to jump ship in a matter of days because people they absolutely hate who they have every reason to question are starting to line up the puzzle pieces
the problem is that this is entirely irrelevant when it comes to all the legal issues surrounding not only Seth but the agency itself
even if for some reason they don't want to believe that the all the badmouthing that came from him was bullshit just to split friend groups apart, how can you ignore everything else?

>> No.76342503

Any vtubers over 1k average involved in this?

>> No.76342512

Wtf coqui is BASED?

>> No.76342553

just like her chat since they're all bots

>> No.76342588

Why is Bird faking these screenshots?

>> No.76342592

Worked out super well for him so far in /lig/. It's just a matter of time before he gets range banned if mods still do that

>> No.76342613

Hostile takeover of what bro?
the company in forfeiture?
please hostile takeover and pay my debts uwu

>> No.76342690

Tob status?
Did she apologize yet

>> No.76342782

That is correct, yes, other anon worded it weird - or didn't fully understand it themself

Now THIS is a good shitpost lmao
Way better than your first - still bullshit, but funny bullshit

Agreed. Praying that anon isn't actually Seth, 'cause if that email was on the same level as this, it'd be fucking pathetic to fall for that

>> No.76342813

Technically, there is nothing stopping them from forming MSM LLC in another state. They just have to take the steps to do that and none of them seem business minded enough too. Unless of course Seth is spoonfeeding those left and they're are actually worth being infantilized.

>> No.76342849

Given the time this was posted and the "today 12:40am" timestamps for the posts this was likely faked by someone near Iceland's timezone

>> No.76342920

To be clear this is assuming that the fabrication was made without messing with the timestamps and was produced sometime in the hour or two before it was posted here.

>> No.76343645

You really think Bird would do that? just go on 4chan and tell lies?

>> No.76343832

no idea, but she'd certainly go there and believe the lies being told, then get beat by Sigrid

>> No.76344135

is anyone talking about how funny this is. Retarded, but oddly hilarious.

>> No.76344241

krimbo doesnt sound that fat irl

>> No.76344382

You really think Sigrid would do that? just domestically abuse Bird and threaten to leak her nudes?

>> No.76344559

Seth dont shizo your own talents to make a point. Sigrid doesnt deserve it. I know you don't have empathy but you're gonna get found out for reveling in this kind of behaviour.

>> No.76344592

Bird is a flat-chested autistic in at least her mid 20s. Do you even want those nudes?

>> No.76344692

Hi this is Seth.
I've always struggled with sadistic fantasies. I just love imagining I have the power to ruin lives. The idea of a woman committing suicide because of something I said or did, even indirectly, it turns me on so much. Imagine having the power to end someone's existence, and not having to face any consequences

>> No.76344732

Bird is cute. She has a barrel shaped body, portly with no boobs.

>> No.76345037

You mean like that girl who was in that relationship with that boy where she texted him to kill himself and then went to jail?

>> No.76345163

yes, but that was a very rare and unlikely outcome!
also, didn't she win on appeal, because it's technically not a crime to tell someone to kys.

>> No.76345387

say no more retard, you had me at Bird

>> No.76345961
File: 1.21 MB, 1222x1217, IMG_1702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to OffKai. I hope to get the opportunity to tell Coqui I admire her and her success.

ViteRamen is an OffKai Sponsor.

>> No.76346193

She got involuntary manslaughter for encouraging him, so yes, it is apparently illegal to tell someone to kill themself if you're serious enough and she served her sentence which was unfortunately only 2 years.
If Seth told Coqui to kill herself, there is already enough evidence to say he did it maliciously. That's also a criminal case and not a civil one.

>> No.76346334


>> No.76346782


>> No.76346843

>I would laugh my ass off but also be pissed if this were the quality level of edits those retards in MSM fell for when Seth was showing them "proof".
they fell for even less than that

>> No.76347248

So far it literally sounds like "I heard Coqui is a elite hacker" and a fake email from an address that has the name south side in it.
