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File: 157 KB, 1184x1006, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76328379 No.76328379 [Reply] [Original]

my Atheist wives

>> No.76328734

>the two unhappiest ENs

>> No.76328908

They live godless and pointless existences

>> No.76329153

Sad that they will go to Hell if they don’t fix their ways. Will add them to my prayers.

>> No.76329226

>one is literally a time goddess

>> No.76329359

Kiara's atheist?
Kronii is practically unsavable.

>> No.76329418

>the only god here... is me!

>> No.76329513

The presence of christfags would explain so much about this board

>> No.76329515

your wives are going to hell sister

>> No.76329614

I would hang most whores here, although im a islamfag

>> No.76330108

Kiara is unsurprising considering she's European, but Kronii's North American, right? I thought they always were super religious there? Not sure if I ever spoke with one that wasn't religious.

>> No.76330246


>> No.76330561
File: 215 KB, 291x380, 1502464193484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is unsurprising considering she's European
What did anon mean by this

>> No.76330595

kiara is unironically happy rn

>> No.76330753

kek you're not even relevant retard

>> No.76330823
File: 423 KB, 4096x1442, faithstats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They meant this I imagine.

>> No.76330847

she's canadian, not some midwestern american inbred

>> No.76330898

>Conquered all of north africa
>Currently conquering europe through open borders
Seethe whore

>> No.76331305

Like the other anon has shown you, Atheism is pretty strong there. Religion is dying in Europe, with some countries having reached more than 60% atheists and rising.

>> No.76331441

Europeans are neo pagan faggots

>> No.76331521

Religion and politics should not be brought up in Hololive.

>> No.76331603

Tell that to cocoshart

>> No.76331722

Shouldn't you be getting blown up by the IDF or something kek

>> No.76332335
File: 94 KB, 1381x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, even though this is only from the EU and not all of Europe and it's honestly a pretty small sample atheism is still quite the minority.

>> No.76332400

This is wrong, muslim is already 50% of europe.

>> No.76332538

go gaslight someone else you irrelevant cuck

>> No.76332755

Catholic statistics from the church itself shouldn't be taken at face value, in a lot of countries (I.E. Ireland, Austria) They simply count you as Catholic on the census as long as you've been baptised/communed/confirmed irregardless of anything else.
A survey based on actual responses given by participants is a genuinely more accurate reading.

>> No.76332876

This survey was conducted like that, from what I can see at least.

>> No.76333019

There's a reason a high IQ is associated with depression, it's easy to be happy when you're delusional and your eyes are shut to the reality and cruelty of the world and how rigged the system is

>> No.76333260

No joke they slant the numbers by making sure they poll places that are atheist heavy. The power structure also loves to tell everyone that its intellectual to be a militant athiest and it gets a lot of converts from the middling "I duno I guess" types. Cant have gods with more power than the State after all

>> No.76333315

>intentionally expose yourself to a bunch of agitrop intended to make you feel miserable
>be consequently miserable
Not very high IQ of them, is it?

>> No.76333419 [DELETED] 

Don’t worry brother, we will conquer the white whore of europe and take them as captives while we cuck the white demon

>> No.76333805

>Korean Canadian
She's as Christian as westerners are "Buddhist"

>> No.76333875
File: 76 KB, 1154x860, 1709121286122758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it counts a lot of the Eastern European countries that joined the EU too. Picrel is from my own country in 2023 for example (NL). In 10 years atheism went from 46.2% on the left of the chart, to 57.2 on the right.

It's a bit more difficult to gather info on it too, 'cause a lot of the people here in my country still consider themselves culturally Catholic or Muslim for example, but are in practice atheist or at least irrelegious. So if you'd ask them, they'd still answer Catholic, Prottie, Muslim, etc.

>> No.76333914

Are you saying the church should have more power than the state?

>> No.76334398

Well hey, most low IQ inbreds today are also pretty miserable albeit for arbitrary reasons due to being told what to be mad at all their lives.

>> No.76334500

gotta larp better than that anon

>> No.76334541
File: 306 KB, 716x869, 9am shiorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem

>> No.76334602

Same, whores deserve to be hanged
>t. Athiest

>> No.76335468

They desperately need to hear the Good News of the gospel. I will show the the historical backing and archeological evidence behind them and I'm sure I can convince them, I can save them......

>> No.76337369


>> No.76342905

more like concept, not goddess

>> No.76344553

cute image

>> No.76344703
File: 598 KB, 924x1181, QKKjDyiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just joking, right? They wouldn't worship a false Idol, right?

>> No.76349447

Atheism is silly

>> No.76350549


>> No.76352882


>> No.76354351

Cute wives

>> No.76356100

I think so

>> No.76360099

