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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 156 KB, 1600x900, image_2024-05-21_224747161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76300465 No.76300465 [Reply] [Original]

Is upper management playing the long game for some goal I cannot fathom? For the life of me, I cannot think of an answer that makes sense. Every week, I think they couldn't possible make their own position worse and I am continuously proven wrong. Am I just too retarded to see the light at the end of this tunnel for them?

>> No.76300775

There is no long game plan. Quick boosts and looking for investor funding only. Anything beyond what happens today isn't a thought in anyone's mind.

>> No.76302166

>long-term plan

>> No.76302236

I was as confused as you until I realized there is no long-term plan, it's all ACCELERATE to capitalize off of short term gains. NijiEN is the vtuber equivalent of a pump and dump scheme, they just throw new meat into the grinder and try to drum up profit from debuts.

>> No.76302312

Their latest wave is a creep and two VTA dodgers, they have no fucking clue what they are doing

>> No.76302382
File: 29 KB, 400x400, fuck her gently[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpzfjrm.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent checked but it looks like all the new talents speak japanese. if they all live there i would bet money that they do that so they can actually enforce their contract now.

to answer you´re question i suspect its a casacade of stupidity and greed.

>> No.76302440

>EN branch
>Only hire JP to enforce their bs contract
It's the last hail mary

>> No.76302575

Indeed. Everything they do is orchestrated to pump and dump. Anyone who invests in that company is literally just gambling on the premise that there must be someone out there who's richer and dumber than they are.

>> No.76302755

Also living in Japan means they are less likely to be aware of the Selen situation than westerners. There's a chance that their awareness begins and ends with the Japanese version of the Feb 5 white paper.
And they are significantly more likely to be forced to pretend not to know any more than that as a condition of employment.

>> No.76303471

I think the new wave is also a litmus test for Anycolor to see how many fans are willing to give a new wave a chance after all that happened.

>> No.76303847

The dude who owns the company is a college dropout trust fund baby who abandoned the companies he founded before this one. He's the kind of parasite who would have been first in line for the choppy boi during the French Terror.

>> No.76303978

I heard of them just shutting out any EN viewers/clippers back in 2019 or something unlike Hololive

>> No.76304133

>long game
There was never a long-term plan for Niji because it was just meant to be a quick pump-and-dump like all of Riku's previous companirs (by Riku's own admission), unfortunately for him he was never able to tind a buyer for the company before it came crashing down, but since he doesn't know any other strategy besides ACCELERATE, he just keeps doing the same shit expecting a different result

>> No.76304219
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They're just plain stupid.

>> No.76304663

>VTA dodgers

>> No.76304872
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vtuber acadamy. you can only debut on the jp side after doing it. its like 4 month of unpaid internship. some jp people figured they can bypass it by debuting as EN and then later switch over to jp. or so the theory goes. i dont think there is a precedent for someone switching over yet. someone correct me if im wrong.

>> No.76304951

what the fuck is going on over at nijisanji

>> No.76305007

You forgot the part where 80% of VTA was fired and the replacement is 99% male. For a female getting hired, NijiEN is the best option.
Plus EN gets way more merch and opportunities than the main branch, and they have no restrictions on handcam or anything.

>> No.76305015

literally just ACCELERATE. Flood the market with Nijisanji organs

>> No.76305133

is this stuff gleaned from the jp sequencing of /asp/?

>> No.76305238

I guess if you are a JP that can at least speak passable english, you would want to be NijiEN rather than being normal Niji, especially if you are girls.

At least you won’t be another face in the crowd. Boys can still at least get to be a unit and get to be the girls-focused boy festival. Girls unit have too much competition in otaku market

>> No.76305421

There's no precedent at all.

The closest connection we have is Meloco saying that she planned to apply for NijiJP back when they were open audition but that option closed before VTA was launched. She's never said she applied for VTA, and Kotoka never said she applied for VTA at all either.

There's only ONE person in VTA who could speak English to a native level and she was let go and returned to her Indie account. The 'VTA Dodger' is entirely based on Meloco choosing to audition for EN but then you could have said the same for Yugo who debuted like a year before her.

>> No.76305514

>no restrictions on handcam or anything.
Recently, NijiEN has been imposing restrictions on handcams. Hex had his birthday celebration ruined because management told him the handcam segments had to be prerecorded and reviewed by management. Scarle also had a Mother's Day segment with her mom ruined because of the same restriction.

>> No.76305831

As other anons have said countless times in this thread, there is no grand plan and there never was. That's the mistake some people make, assuming that everything Anycolor does is all part of some overarching goal and not both the management and the talents acting impulsively. When you look at it from that angle, every single PR blunder starts to make sense.

>> No.76305963

someone should find a way to get the information to them just in case they don't know the full story (which they clearly don't or they wouldn't have applied)

>> No.76306768

If the allegations against the dude are even half true, then that would be a very clear reason why he's in Niji instead of anywhere else.
>Can't hack it as an indie because people will just hound him forever
>Won't pass background check on any legitimate corpo because of his past
>Niji will not only let him in, but will actively ignore his past because he can make them fujo money
>Niji fans don't care about his past because they're mindless drones that live in the moment and attack anything that even implies something might be wrong.
Nijisanji is unironically optimal for somebody that wants to be a corporate vtuber but has skeletons in their closet.
Anybody applying to Niji is either desperate or ignorant.

>> No.76307312

The foreign legion of vtubing

>> No.76307401

Enna is literally doing a handcam this week
Handcams are fine they just don't want family members appearing in non-scripted content

>> No.76307533

I'm not calling you a liar, because what you say makes sense, however I can't shake the feeling that Enna's stream will be prerecorded.
There's also the fact that she's the #1 female talent right now, AND Elira's friend, meaning favortism may be in play.

>> No.76307895

Scarle is making a giant Kinder Egg this week too, i'm almost certain it's the family thing
I'm actually surprised Hololive isn't more restrictive of that stuff but Nerissa's family seems to be well trained

>> No.76307931

You must be new to EVERY CORPORATION IN THE WORLD. Their leader are usually people who were born in the purple and grew with papa's money, so they have a parachute collection and no idea how to make long time plans.
They surround them by yes man and become absolutely retarded and deaf to bad ideas/corruption/abuse in their company, and then they are utterly unable to apply any kind of downward solution as their economic education is "red bad" and that's it, they hire yes man for the rest.

>> No.76308047

You are saying this on a board that makes a hobby out of deconstructing every possible action and statement any chuuba makes.

>> No.76309000
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They're full blown panic mode. This Q4 is literally THE most important quarter to not fuck up they've EVER HAD since they went on the market.
>predictions from last year (where luxiem was closer to pumping than doomping)
>predictions from last quarter (when nijifes's tactical delay bumped its numbers massively meaning profits are expected to also be relatively higher this quarter)
>proving to shareholders that their EN branch still has a market (despite being the first people to directly tell them there isn't one lol)
>proving to shareholders that their JP branch isn't stagnating (with no heavily marketable new debuts in the last quarter or even entire year)
>proving to shareholders that production quality and thus potential income will be going up with the JP branch (with a studio where they bragged about buying a single 2k dollar ASMR microphone)
>addressing countless controversial moves (such as margin trading which is a strictly bad thing for people actually invested in the company)
>explaining what happened to the third pillar of the company's growth VTA (which has only produced voltaction as an even remotely close to killer group assuming half of that 27% is theirs, and every attempt at following has led to worse and worse growth by nijisanjis own metrics)

Everything that could possibly be going wrong, is. The only way it could get worse is if a big group like Chronoir breaks up as they're at least a fifth if not a full quarter of everything they make. Also I feel terrible for Edengumi, they were the only debuts of that fiscal year and they only make 1% alltogether. No wonder why they got abandoned and their best gig was being announcers for a fucking boatclub.

>> No.76309146
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>> No.76309154

They attacked a suicide victim with nearly a million subscribers on the Internet in front of everyone, TWICE, and continue to defend that behavior. The company IS NOT SANE. It's useless to try to rationalize anything they might do.

But yes, this is what happens to any company that reaches such a critical mass of yes-men that they become completely blind to reality. It collapses into a cult, and suddenly acts that are clearly malicious and evil become just and true, so long as they are committed by the right people.

>> No.76309169

trips of truth

>> No.76309339
File: 89 KB, 1274x711, selen_retention_rate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll just lie their way out.

The claimed to have a 97% talent retention rate in their Q3 report. They did this by comparing their graduation number to all the vtubers working out of Japan, including all the indies and other companies, combined. ...and not one investor blinked an eye.

>> No.76309516

They lied about that because through wordplay they could: there is no way to lie about YoY.

>> No.76309656

There's lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics. Even on the off chance they fail to pull the wool over the eyes of the investors, Riku will get some of his billionaire friends to prop up the stock again.

>> No.76309743

No, I mean you literally cannot lie about YoY's. Do you understand what they are?

>> No.76309802

Selen never graduated.

>> No.76309915

Retention rate, mind. Granted that single termination is hardly a drop in the bucket, in terms of talents they've lost.

>> No.76310002

I know shit about stocks but why is Anycolor seemingly more dependent on investors than Cover?

>> No.76310044

They use the word "retention", but in the small print they explicitly refer only to "graduated" talents, of which Selen is not one. They're lying to shareholders but honestly most shareholders are too stupid to know better.

>> No.76310244

It also refers to "domestic" vtubers, so Selen wouldn't count in that number regardless.

>> No.76310395

Well that, and it's Q3.

>> No.76310417

>bought back tons of stocks with like 27 million dollars to inflate value
>split the stocks
>margin loan trading
>actively appeasing investors at every turn
People who say Cover doesn't care about stocks at all are retarded, but it is significantly less of an issue to them than Anycolor where they've put and continue to put actively massive amounts of money into it.

>> No.76310503

I'm not educated enough on the big picture, but Nijisanji basically refuses to invest in itself. Cover spent millions on a new studio to maximize the use for special events, promotions, and concerts/recordings. They can also theoretically rent out this studio if there is downtime in their schedules. Thus, the money that was generated from their IPO goes to processes that generate more money for the business. Theoretically, you'd invest in Cover as they will continue to grow.

Nijisanji spent nearly the same amount of cash... buying back stock, to raise the price. Thus the only gain was making shareholders happy and the CEO's net worth higher. Then the stock plummeted meaning it was basically burning $15M USD or whatever. Nijisanji doesn't invest its money and their managers don't seem to do shit either. I don't know if they get promotional deals or anything, but they certainly fail when it comes to concerts and special events. They basically exist as a company to float their stock price.

>> No.76310822
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>> No.76310956

>Then the stock plummeted meaning it was basically burning $15M USD or whatever.
Well specifically at the time they bought back they spent about 17million USD, and ignoring the lowering power of the Yen since then they'd have lost at least 5 million of that number's value from the drop.

>> No.76310966

they spend nothing on any streamer, theyll keep throwing more at the wall for no cost

>> No.76311001

Basically, AnyColor is Riku's fifth pump and dump, and entirely invested, while Cover's stock is Yagoo's side hustle. If AnyColor gets delisted the company either dies or gets bought out by someone else on the cheap. If Cover gets delisted, it'll cost Yagoo some potential cash, but the company will survive and still be his. This is also why Yagoo seems to have no issues telling his investors to fuck off while being recorded.

>> No.76311021

No idea.
You'd think one of your talents putting up $150k of her own money to make content for your brand would be a good thing.

>> No.76311067

Yagoosama... I kneel...

>> No.76311313
File: 390 KB, 2048x1486, __meloco_kyoran_kotoka_torahime_and_meloco_kyoran_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kano3__4a7d5069fcd43f8d1929e86f6b952566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meloco and Kotoka

>> No.76311394
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>> No.76311448

I can imagine the interview process
>So what can you bring
>Makes hacking blow job noises
>Great! The women will love this!

>> No.76311457

The vast majority of Cover is owned privately, and is not for sale. I believe it's something like 70~80% of the company is owned internally (either by Yagoo or other employees), but somebody more in the know might be able to correct me on that. External shareholders don't have enough pull to influence any actual decision-making, and Yagoo has no qualms with telling them (politely) to hit the bricks when they suggest something stupid and short-sighted.
Comparatively, Anycolor is completely on the market. Riku owns a 51% stake in the company, and the rest is owned by third party investors (again, somebody more knowledgable can feel free to correct me on the exact numbers). This means that investors have a lot more pull, and Riku is nowhere near as willing to openly tell them to screw off, mostly because his strategy is also their strategy.
Which leads me into the second point: Cover's strategy is long-term, while Anycolor's is short-term. Cover wants to be an institutional business that will withstand the test of time and become a household name globally, and they understand the steps to reach that goal. Anycolor's strategy is to make a bunch of money, as fast as possible, with as little investment as possible, then cash out when all the profits worth making have been made. Riku has done this with every other company he's ever been involved with, and it is a textbook investor strategy for short-term profiteering. From a purely business standpoint, neither strategy is better than the other, and they both have their merits. Where Anycolor has failed is in miscalculating the weight of the human element (both internally and externally), in an industry where the human element is very important to the success of the business. They tried to play in the big pond like big fish when really they were only moderately sized fish in a kiddie pool, and tried to play the global game like it was just a bigger version of the JP Corpo landscape (when they can't even play that game right). Meanwhile, Cover has done nothing but expand over the course of the past few years, always catching itself before it can truly stagnate, and has repeatedly tested the waters with new ideas and new tech. Cover is not appealing to short-term investors (which is one of the reasons its stock prices drop routinely), but it is very appealing to long-term investors that want to invest in a stable business with an interest in self-investment and good global prospects.

>> No.76311586

Same, man, same. I just wish she wasn't debut shipped with hex. I checked out her NSFW tag and some cosplay couple was doing hex x melo 18+ shit. Shame.

>> No.76311704

They're an international company that's maintaining Japanese standards and expectations of behavior. This does not work well when your employees have not been raised in Japanese society, because there is very little objective reason to operate on a "I am more respectable than you, so shut the fuck up and know your place" level. Basically
>nipon ichi!
Coming up against
>lmao no, it's not

>> No.76311734

Well said anon

>> No.76311991

>Riku owns a 51% stake in the company,
It's 45% I believe. Don't have the actual numbers but I know it's enough to be a "majority" but not enough to be an actual majority.

>> No.76312148


>> No.76312212

Didn't even know that was a term but that'd be it, yeah.

>> No.76312215

Couldn't all the investors get together and force him out?

>> No.76312299

Yagoo and the Costco CEO who told people he would murder them if they made the hotdog cost more are like the only based CEOs in existence

>> No.76312357

Would that make the current situation better or worse?

>> No.76312380

>...and not one investor blinked an eye.
To be fair, the stocks fucking sunk.

>> No.76312640

Yes, but somebody has to run the company, and it ain't gonna be any of them.
Second biggest shareholder is Sony. They have their own shit to deal with and just got rid of one of their own vtuber branches.

>> No.76312681

I think it would be about the same. The only difference is that those shareholders may actually be brazen enough to chase out the lower performing livers in favor of more consistently performing talents. It’s a bad outcome either way.

>> No.76312737

Nah, Riku would get a golden parachute before that happens.

>> No.76312929

No, because that requires a like a dozen different companies to band together explicitly for the purpose of throwing him out.

One of those is Sony with I believe 12 or 17%. Good luck being the company with a 1.3% stake and convincing them.

>> No.76313508
File: 300 KB, 1080x1160, 1716319228293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do you keep making numbers up when you can literally google "Anycolor Shareholders" and get te exact results

>> No.76313620

Thanks for looking up the exact numbers, anon.

>> No.76314009

>tokio marine asset management
>it's a fucking yacht company

>> No.76314220

Nobody does research on this Ethiopian boar-hunting site.

>> No.76314369

>foreign legion of vtubing

kek, true

>> No.76314812

They can't really do that, but they can sue the ever living shit out of him, more or less forcing him to liquidate. If the stock crashes badly enough, Riku will be more or less forced to liquidate or sell the company to another like minded investor.

>> No.76315054

In a world full of Rikus, the Costco CEO chose to be a Yagoo.
The world needs more Yagoos.

>> No.76315094
File: 40 KB, 780x622, Screenshot 2024-05-21 214743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can an anon with some knowledge of the stock market explain? It looks like they have 53% of the ownership of Cover tradable and Yagoo owns 39.49% of it?

>> No.76316255

>with a studio where they bragged about buying a single 2k dollar ASMR microphone
kek, what the fuck
if they only knew how much serious companies blow on ergonomic office shit

>> No.76317365

Only ~20% of the company is actually on the market, the rest is private.

>> No.76317628

It's not all for sale, and Yagoo owns almost 40% of the shares that are on sale.

>> No.76317713

just 200 more fodder until they hit gold with one of them reaching super popular status

>> No.76318270

panic mode implies that they realise that shit is on fire and should at least try to fix it not ignoring it or straight up adding fuel to the fire
if you think about it, fixing it enough to fool investors is not even that hard or expensive (in terms of firing talents)
pin the blame on a "rogue manager" - publicly apologise - fire some random faggot that didn't do his job anyway and toss some interns under the bus - order the talents to shill it as a brilliant move on stream and social media
It won't convince anyone seriously interested but will paint "we're actually fixing shit" picture to the investors
It legit looks like the only explanation is basically >>76309154 and anycolor has more yes-man than Hitlers bunker in 45

>> No.76318711

hi anon can you please explain how you are able to read 20% from that? Not saying in jest, I sincerely want to know how to read these things.

>> No.76319015

You can't get it from that, as that only pertains to the part of the company that is in the public sphere.

>> No.76319072

Incompetence is a perfectly reasonable explanation anon

>> No.76319135

Thanks. That's surprising to me why investors wouldn't be interested in how dependent a company would be on the stock market.

>> No.76319255

They generally are. There's a whole lot of information that investors would be seriously interested in that isn't contained in that chart.

>> No.76321058

That has to be a joke holy shit

>> No.76321068

nijisanji en is doing ok right now, they just need vox to return back from his medical break. phase and neo-porte are still miles behind niji en.

>> No.76321524

>Riku's sold shares since
Oh baby the fire rises

Nah snoy's amount is low and the niji stock is dead compared to when they probably bought in. At this point it's getting feasible that people could pool and buy a controlling stake after Q4 rapes it even lower. If Niji manages to get de-listed... huehuehuehuehue

>> No.76321719

It's funny cause Tazumi's Apolostream would have been a good damage control if Elira didn't go full retard after "review" with Anycolor's staff and lawyers hours prior lmao.

>> No.76321775

Anon, Anycolor knew what Elira was going to do.

>> No.76322043

Then why was Riku's message at odds at with the black screen? If there was no black screen and we just had Riku bowing to gaijins NijiEN would be in a much better place right now

>> No.76322057

NTA, but I really doubt Nijsanji's EN and JP branches talk to each other much, or that Riku himself ever hears from anyone at EN save the occasional exec's regular and disaster reports. He likely doesn't hear much more than that from JP either. The only thing he seemed to have heard about was the "negligible" comment from the rt department.

>> No.76322384

No shade but isn't hex actually gay/bi?
He immediately gave me the vibe that he was a literal faggot after the dildo incident. His other chat streams also didn't help to quell the idea.

>> No.76322423
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It wasn't at odds. Riku apologized to the investors for the "negligible" wording, because everyone knows that the organs are the ones making the money. Meanwhile, Elira, Vox and Ike justified Selen's termination and tried to get ahead of the narrative just in case Doki decided to attack them.

If Riku didn't approve the contents of the black frame stream, you can bet your ass that he wouldn't be shoving Elira and Vox down everyone's throats.

Nah, EN and JP clearly worked together this time. For example, everyone who quoted the stream tweet said the exact same shit, except Alban:
>It'd be appreciated to watch if you're able, thank you

He probably just copy pasted what the guy from NijiJP told them to say, without bothering to change it.

>> No.76322827

True, but why many corpos flourish while others are driven to the ground? It's because of those who have management skills and are willing to learn from their mistakes. So, it's not every corporation, but only those built on shaky foundation.

>> No.76322856

Sister, watch the black stream then watch Tazumi's again. I know it's hard for you to actually watch your company's streams but you need first-hand knowledge.

>> No.76323402

>Then why was Riku's message at odds at with the black screen?
Because they're retarded? You can watch Elira's stream right now and you can hear her say almost exactly
>We've talked with Anycolor and they're releasing a statement soon, please keep an eye out for that in the very near future
They had two completely conflicting reports with an admitted full acknowledgement of eachother, if this was a one-off thing you could pretend to be confused but again: Anycolor is retarded. Everything makes sense when you consider the fact that they're retarded.

>> No.76323593

NTA, but you really think Anycolor had no idea what the talents would do? The only thing they didn't know was how much this would fuck them in the ass.
Why is it so hard to believe they are just incompetent? This is no rogue bullshit. Everyone there just sucks.

>> No.76323655

JP management seems to have at least some indications that it knows what it is doing, EN however seems run by highscoolers getting paid $2 an hour who grew up in a rural village in India without plumbing, and being told they have to try to understand and work with Westerners doing Western things.

We know they hired an actual outed honest to God BFE scammer already for the new wave, short term profit is absolutely the only thing they are looking at i.e how many months can they try to ride Vox redo attempt #3 before he craps out. In this case with this reputation he is going to crap himself right out the gate but we will see.

>> No.76323731

Sister, watch the black stream for the first time. I'm sorry but it's time for you to find out.

>> No.76323788

Did folks from JP retweet the stream? Cuz otherwise that sounds very much like EN management at work.

>> No.76323842


>> No.76324089

Oh? So Elira didn't say they have discussed it with Niji's staff and legal team prior? When the messaging and overlapping Selen's first gaming stream runs entirely contrary to Tazumi just trying to put a lid on it and move on?

>> No.76324115

They're high school bullies. Thats all you need to understand.

>> No.76324809

>EN however seems run by highscoolers getting paid $2 an hour who grew up in a rural village in India without plumbing, and being told they have to try to understand and work with Westerners doing Western things
heh, it's funny because we know for a fact that the original NijiEN director fucked off to start an NFT company leaving Noor and thr remaining pajeets from NijiIN in charge of EN through most of 2022 until Harry took over

>> No.76324874

at least they weren't retarded enough to overlap the debuts with Doki's Wrestler Event

>> No.76324953

I don't pay attention to Niji, so I have no idea what any of you are talking about. But you're all doing great. Keep it up.

>> No.76325046

>leaving Noor and thr remaining pajeets from NijiIN in charge of EN through most of 2022 until Harry took over
to be fair 2022 was a good year for NijiEN and Noor understood what made the branch work more than whatever creature took over. It was when Noor fucked off the real spiral began.

>> No.76325058

Elira's comeback zatsu was exactly two months after the black stream. There is a not so low possibility she was stealth suspended

>> No.76325087

Nah, he's a straight groomer. Early on he was going through tweets of his fans and liking posts where underage girls were showing their photos.

>> No.76325176

His debut lore vid had Chinese subs, he was blatantly trying to be the next Vox

>> No.76325228

Yugo was caring about EN audience. Meloco doesn't give a shit about non-JP viewers.

>> No.76325357

Nah, it was absolutely at odds. JP side had no idea about black stream.

>> No.76325359

Don't her JP videos have more views than her EN videos? If the new girls do the same thing Riku can go to investors what a big success the new wave is

>> No.76325425

>If Riku didn't approve the contents of the black frame stream, you can bet your ass that he wouldn't be shoving Elira and Vox down everyone's throats.
Are you implying he makes decisions who goes on promo posters? LMAO he probably doesn't even know the names of the livers.

>> No.76325478

Weirdly enough, before this, no one in EN has ever been suspended for longer than one month and not get terminated as a result

>> No.76325495

Yeah, her viewership can jump tenfold when she's leeching JP senpai.

>> No.76325618

exactly, without the black stream proving the rats true, one might think its just a regular(if a bit black) corpo

Riku's the CEO so he has more urgent matters to deal with, like what sort of teak oil to use, he probably believes whatever the incompetent /nepo/ bottom-of-the-barrel clowns he hired tell him
Hiring them in the first place is solely on him though

>> No.76325685

People simply mentioned old numbers and didn't bother doublechecking if they changed.

>> No.76325723

Hey now, her asmr is mostly English first, alright? And that's good enough for me.

>> No.76325798


>> No.76325817


>> No.76325872
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>people think Anycolor didn't know about the Black Stream
>the stream that cost over 600 million in evaluation
They'd have taken down the video, then terminated Elira and fed her to the wolves.
>JP companies want to save face...
You didn't see how AKB48 treated their talent when she did an oopsie. They'd have saved face by presenting Elira as a rogue agent and a troublesome element.

>> No.76325931

Stop living in fifteen years old kotaku article.

>> No.76326005

I'm both glad that Sony picked Anycolor as their horse, and am continually frustrated that they did.

I would never want Sony within 1000 miles of Cover decisionmaking, but I hate that it results in so much of the perms fuckery we see happen to Cover.

>> No.76326042

This is a part more people need to pay attention to. Whether you think making Noor a manager for EN was a good idea or not, things got far worse after she left.

>> No.76326051
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That, and also if your oversea branch is not growing at all, how can you inflate their numbers?
Have to give Riku some credit here, it's a clever move.

>> No.76326120

Nigga, you're suggesting that the company is willing to protect an employee that their own internals consider "negligible" over the dignity of their CEO.

>> No.76326164

Noor was an absolite retard an NijiEN's early success was in spite of her rather than because of her, she let the clique fester under her nose, had some very blatant male favoritism (confirmed by Raziel's Lucaleaks) and had the first mixed-gender wave, just because Harry Igarashi is even worse and nosedived NijiEN it doesn't mean Noor was any good

>> No.76326199

I think its hard to know if everything went to shit because the new manager is even worse than Noor, or if the time bomb that had been armed years prior simply blew up now.

>> No.76326244

Nah it's great. Cover actually has the strength to help strangle snoy into the grave if people people would just fucking help. Just cancel subs and don't buy snoy for 2 years and all of this would have ended fucking 18 years ago in the womb.

>> No.76326550

I'm suggesting that Riku doesn't give a shit about what happens in EN.
He only apologized to his JP investors.
He had no idea about black stream. He probably doesn't even know who Ike is.

>> No.76326667
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I think Noor was heavily integral in trying to make the EN branch work with her knowledge and experience but they somehow fumbled it big time. Seeing it in hindsight however, Noor more than likely was the reason for Finana being hired which is reason enough for me to say she fucked up on that one.

>> No.76326724

You are grossly overestimating their competency.

>> No.76326797

>In the YouTube statement, Minegishi explained that she cut her hair in a state of shock induced by reading the Shukan Bunshun scoop, when she could not calm down.[7] However, in Japan, cutting one's hair is a way of showing contrition.
She joined THE AKB48 then spent the night with a boy band member. They know what they're getting into for the success it brings no one forced them into it. Furthermore they only busted her down to trainee as a pr stunt, reinstated her 7 months later, and she enjoyed a successful 16 year career despite it. It's a nothingburger.

Niji already knew Pomu was quitting at the time and Finana was a dead-end runt getting mogged by Phase and regular indies. They couldn't kill Lazulight like that. That's why Elira got the longest EN suspension in history that also destroyed her algo presence and a year of channel growth.

>> No.76326925

>Costs growing
>Branch plummeting
It's a wonderful time.

For what it's worth he did his 90-degree dicksuck in English.

>> No.76326991

What costs?

>> No.76327065

Everything? You'll see in the Q4 report.

>> No.76327309
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All the lawyers they are using to go after all those Youtubers for defamation can't be cheap.

>> No.76327364

These companies are always bloated abominations.

>> No.76327379

It hurts that they spent all that money yet still lost the cases anyway

>> No.76327498

The entire branch's algo presence is completely decimated.
The newbies might actually do better because they're not subject to the spiral of death.

>> No.76327659

Considering Niji failed to get TTT/Krisis out of the cuck shed I have no idea what the new gen's about.

>> No.76327764


They hire students for "lawyers", same minimum Tokyo wage of $8 per hour.

>> No.76327887

>trying to understand them
you dont,look at sister,then you should already know how shit is

>> No.76327966

accelerate and pray, trust the plan

>> No.76327981

>EN gets way more merch and opportunities

>> No.76328013

it should be obvious enough they don't care
as long the profit is good enough today, there are no backup or long plans

>> No.76328177

If Riku just sold his stock right now, would he get in legal trouble?
I have no clue how stocks work.

>> No.76328193

>Plus EN gets way more merch and opportunities than the main branch
I take it you don't read /news/ or the JP News thread.
A new NijiJP collab or major sponsorship gets announced like twice a week at least. And that's just the shit EOPs find out about.
NijiEN is lucky if it gets one sponsorship a month that isn't a fucking gacha game.

>> No.76328258

They are bad and/or toxic people and are seeking like-minded people to work for them so they don't complain about the management at some point.

>> No.76328322


>> No.76328429

can you be more retarded? "oh gura commit suicide,no way yagoo know that,jp definitely had no idea" what a stupid logic

>> No.76328485

NijiEN doesn't get more merch opportunities than JP, BUT Elira does get a disproportionate amount of merch as an individual liver across the branches. JP viewers were commenting on that table when it came out.

>> No.76328597

>The newbies might actually do better
>New member an actual scammer

>> No.76328641

He'd run out of buyers quickly, but yeah.

>> No.76328646

Hey, it's a small "might".
Like sub-2% chance.

>> No.76328690

2021? maybe, now? impossible

>> No.76328832
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If you had told me four years ago that NijiEN would end up as the fucking Vtuber Foreign Legion for sex pests I'd have laughed in your fucking face, but here we are

>> No.76328971

Is this the movie-worthy redemption arc Niji needs to recover?

>> No.76329024

I hope we get an Anime or Manga based on all this.

>> No.76329034
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A sad truth is many people may not care too, so they only see the big corpo advantage ignoring the fact this big corpo is having the quite negative pull in the EN side of the world

>> No.76329063

The only thing more movie worthy than the fall of NijiEN is a movie about Miguel Gato

>> No.76329169
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>Tokio Marine Asset Management

>> No.76329319

>Elira goes on a 2 month suspension
>5.025% Tokio Marine Asset Management the next update

>> No.76329906

retarded sister
that's THREE false equivalencies in one line

>> No.76330115

>They hire students for "lawyers"
Well all those filings can't be cheap.

On the other hand, since they are being backed by the government and defamation is a criminal offense in Japan, maybe the government's footing the bill.

It's sad to think on how many Japanese tax dollars must go to keeping them too afraid to speak out against their corporations.

>> No.76330660

I doub a LOT that they are gonna have some good ccv, maybe the male, but doubt it's gonna do better than the last wave.

>> No.76331007

>gov gives anycolor money for lawyers to chase defamation cases
>they use that money for ALL their lawyer needs by hiring10 students instead of one professional
i could see that

>> No.76331241

>31 starving livers
>Release 3(?) more

>> No.76331281

Why is the general public has better background checker than pajeetsanji?

>> No.76331518

Sony games are trash anyways.

>> No.76331644

Corpohire doesn't guarantee skill.

>> No.76331797

It's possible that their recruitment pool for new EN talents - that are not just clout chasing, shameless, disingenuous opportunists - has been completely decimated due to the recent controversy. The very real, very grim prospect going forward is that this will be best they can expect to hire.

>> No.76331831
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I mean this is nothing new, back in 2019 they let a self-admited serial rapist into NijiJP who had tweeted his master plan to become a famous streamer to Bill Cosby female streamers during offcolabs right before auditioning and it wasn't until after he debuted that viewers noticed

>> No.76332078

We were robbed of him being the one to get Bill Cosby'd

>> No.76332081

Compared to Anycolor staff, the general public has many more people willing to ask "what's the catch?"
Also asking that question won't get you "fired" from being a member of the general public, which means we also have more people able to ask that question.

>> No.76333023

they want to see how much interest there is left in a new wave after the shitshow that was their 2024 before stopping auditions completely like they did with KR and ID before that.

>> No.76333126

I think they transitioned to free auditions rather than a limited window but it's been months so I don't remember

>> No.76333254

they opened the constant audition process and I think it is for the same reason. Testing the waters. Also this is Nijisanji we are talking about. Shelf the AR Live 2 weeks after announcing it Nijisanji.

>> No.76333598
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Why the hell would you straight up admit that, even as an edgy joke.

>> No.76333965

Mental illness and not stoning children.

>> No.76334151

>how do we spend as little money as humanly possible on the business

>> No.76334156

He ran an offpaco account where he bragged about meeting girls online and tricking them into meeting him offline and having sex with him, and getting the less cooperative ones drunk first.

And yes, one of his posts was him saying he was planing to become a big streamer and using offcollabs as an excuse to do the same to female streamers

>> No.76336613

Who's the creep? What's their PL?

>> No.76338068

>who tweeted
Every time i see this story posted on /vt/ it gets dumber and dumber
>retard is a 2view streamer
>gets into niji
>someone on 2ch probably an old friend sees this
>posts a video of him lighting a cigarette
>leaning back in his chair
>essentially going "ah man, it'd be fucking awful to rape some dumb broads"
>"just slip 'em something, they're easy, especially the streamers wwwww"
>other dudes on call raugh with him too
>blows up on twitter
>niji hears this
>push him out the building

>> No.76339136

Yada yada, people will scream of his blood when the next thing related to the males happen that is not a termination anyway

>> No.76339328

Because that's Riku's goal. He doesn't care about the longevity of the company and has explicitly stated such to shareholders. He or other shareholders want to dump for cash and hope others will hold the bag long enough for them but that has crashed and burned.

>> No.76341265
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Yeah, the yacht wasn't a meme.

>> No.76341300

>less than 2%
I see what you did there

>> No.76341454

What a bizarre culture Japan has. Here in America, when footage of you saying shit like that gets leaked, you get elected president.

>> No.76342103


>> No.76342235

>Meloco doesn't give a shit about non-JP viewers.
Fucking liar

>> No.76342236

It's actually an old established insurance company, and I should've bought travel insurance through them when I visited Japan earlier this year since it is cheaper than buying it from my local one


>> No.76342497

Untrue, Yagoo also holds only like 40%.

>> No.76342773

riku answered this clearly and directly at the last investor meeting. anycolor is not a business based on long-term strategy. it is a business based on executing fast, cheap "sugar high" tactics in quick succession. there is no "long game". it's just what you see on the surface.

>> No.76342954

I can't imagine what the could possibly do to turn their image around now that their most popular early waves are tainted by the selen shit and losing subs every day.

>> No.76343035

He needs to announce it beforehand and as soon as he does the stocks would go freefall and he'd lose all the value. He'd be better off finding another investment firm to take the entire company off of him privately and not through the stock market

>> No.76343559

>The 'VTA Dodger' is entirely based on Meloco choosing to audition for EN but then you could have said the same for Yugo who debuted like a year before her.
The information that has been lost to time related to Yugo is that they got scouted in advance
>Blowing up on social media platforms in Asia, most notably Tiktok
>Is encouraged to apply for some corpos and does
>Niji catches wind and offers them a place to counter
>Decides to reject the first invite, which would have placed Yugo in fucking Ethyria
>There is a timeline in which Yugo is in that group instead of Nina
>Later down the line, opts to join Niji (likely seeing the positive growth at this point)
>Issues arise with JP's wanting Yugo to represent them better in the eyes of EN, communication issues and general menhera
>Despite all these hurdles, continues to make great progress and fans warm up to them
>Is not boy or girl but DJ
>Contract renew time and it is not extended due to conflict over music rights, something that has seen various other JP's leave since
>Nijisanji did not trust Yugo to have a formal graduation

>> No.76348043

who's a good nijisanji streamer?

>> No.76348193

Rosemi Lovelock, aka "Da Wose"

>> No.76348240

Scarle > Maria/Petra > Rosemi > Doppio > No

>> No.76349541

As time passes, any negative rrats will somehow turn into facts

>> No.76350423

Dude, has the last 5 years not thought you that people in positions of power can be retarded?

>> No.76351264

Yagoo himself only holds 40%, but shitloads of other cover managers and internal people own some as well, so Cover emplyees as a whole own the majority of cover with outsider stocks ownership being limited. It's not as dramatic as 80% like that anon said, though, closer to 50%

>> No.76351315

>>Contract renew time
bs, Yugo didn't even last a year before the "graduation"

>> No.76351565

Is it schizo to think NijiEN spends their own money to inflate the donations on the big streams ? Like sonny has next to no jp fans, but most of the donations for his birthday streams are in yen, that's weird

>> No.76351794

No? They already blew millions on the stock buyback then #negligible'd it into thin air

>> No.76351864
File: 157 KB, 390x381, mint ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but I think that timeline could potentially check out. Apparently the leaked contract states that if they want to not renew it, they need to do so at least three months BEFORE the contract ends.
Noctyx debuted in February 2022, so if their version of the contract had a 1-year duration (as opposed to the 2-year length of the leaked one) then the deadline to cancel the renewal would've fallen right around the time Yugo "graduated"...
At the very least, that anon's theory doesn't sound impossible.

>> No.76352462

i belive that story was a PR stunt and she was in on it

>> No.76353416

I think Nijisanji has reached a point where they can now no longer recover. The brand is tainted and there can be no more goodwill or trust gained in the west. Even if they slow the bleed they can’t turn it around. What could they possibly do to save it?

>> No.76353470

anon asked for good streamers, not people whose hands are presumably clean

>> No.76353484

It's joever.

They are good though? Why do you hate Scarle's cooking warcrimes?

>> No.76353519

i respect what she does don't get me wrong, but i just don't consider her or literally anyone else on that list a good streamer

>> No.76353591

They've been trying but all of their attempts are picked apart
>"lol no one attended the concert"
>"omg the AR Live looks HORRIBLE!!!!!! Literally the worst thing I've NEVER SEEN!"
>more 3D debuts? Talk about desperate!
>three new debuts after six months? Whoa SLOW DOWN PARTNER you can't just spam waves like that!

>> No.76354390

it's just powerplay by management. Gotta keep the talents under the boot to keep them in line and pliable. The content itself means nothing

>> No.76354484

The AR live objectively looked like shit no matter how you spin it. Even the concerts they did with the AR tech still obviously being a WIP looked better. To say nothing of the content of it being downright insulting.

>> No.76354550

They're fighting an uphill battle against Mount Everest desu. I can only give them respect if they proceed to tough this storm out for years, and I doubt Riku will commit the time and resources for that to happen.

>> No.76355803

It's been over a year since Zaion's lynching and they're still brain damaged so there ya go.

>> No.76356996

>possible last gasp at Anime Expo
>it's not selling very well at all

>> No.76358275

They have to be doing it on purpose at this point.

>> No.76358896

don't forget they missed out on all of the valentine's day revenue due to the livers being scared shitless of trolling

>> No.76359141

>three new debuts after six months? Whoa SLOW DOWN PARTNER you can't just spam waves like that!
I saw literally no-one saying this. Just talks about how one is a scammer, The others are VTA dodgers, and how ass their new song is.

>> No.76359710

Everyone sane enough left when Nijisanji and the organs went full mask off. The ones who left don't care about crappy and scuffed 3D events, they just don't want to support terrible people. It doesn't matter how many concerts Ninisanji spams, what everyone wants them to do is to explain what the fuck happened in the black frame stream.

>> No.76359793

I thought Scarle's warcrime was buying Starbucks.

>> No.76359964

How to fix everything without needing to apologize to anyone:
>Graduate Elira
>Graduate Vox
>Graduate the other guy
>Graduate Luca
>Graduate Finana
>Graduate Hex
>Graduate Kotoka
>Graduate Enna
>Graduate Millie
You are welcome

>> No.76360329

If they kick out Elira the rest of the clique will follow her

>> No.76360356

unless they use mark to market accounting (like enron)

>> No.76362516
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1080, Niji AR Live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76362576
File: 3.89 MB, 1920x1080, Niji AR live.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: vagt2
your vagina is second tier, sister

>> No.76363749

Good fucking riddance tbqh

>> No.76363791

This shit but unironically. They would never do it, though.

>> No.76367963

>If they kick out Elira the rest of the clique will follow her
not necessarily, cliques are often more a matter of conveniance than actual loyalty towards eachother
If elira gets tossed under the bus there's a solid chance the others wouldn't hesitate to black screen her if ordered so

>> No.76369890

There is a higher chance of Dokibird forgiving Elira, than of Enna or Millie leaving in solidarity. Finana will be talking about how she was gaslit and Vox will epxlain that in his opinion Elira wasn't that important to the team. Uki will be declaring how she was partially problematic, because she was partially white.

>> No.76370002

nothing to understand they are just stupid and corrupt

>> No.76370103

>than of Enna or Millie leaving in solidarity
More like
>Oh crap, a new guy would make us work for real. Better to graduate and redebut as indies.

>> No.76370177

Anon, they like their work.

>> No.76370202
File: 403 KB, 1268x414, 12534634634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of niji is losing to a coloumbian bird that made a living from scraping /vt/ bait posts
Nijisanji is OVER,

>> No.76370222

They like their CURRENT work.

>> No.76370379

>Hex had his birthday celebration ruined because management
kek it's the second time this happened. poor Hex. i almost feel bad

>> No.76374408
File: 413 KB, 1860x1857, 1712543692407355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji's issue can be summed up as "Californian start-up culture with a yellow tint".
They're trying to simply keep pumping out stuff until they have milked the trend dry.
You see that in the fanbase culture, even.
Whenever a lack of support is brought up you get hit with numbers about company profits as if that meant anything to the streamers you watch.

>> No.76375234

someone please save da wose

>> No.76375511
File: 17 KB, 176x176, stepping step [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhvyfjo.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76376070

I don't think they would. They know even if NijiEN is washed, they still have a better gig than outside of it. It would be interesting to watch who takes her place though. It be a power vacuum. My guess is on Millie.

>> No.76376761

id take a raincheck on that one. he said he was going to do boyfriend asmr soon.

>> No.76380132

>male vtubers
No need to care any further
