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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 916 KB, 1280x720, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76291725 No.76291725 [Reply] [Original]

is it over for short kings?


>> No.76291802
File: 63 KB, 245x208, 1684762144378806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pebbel remembering to actually clip
Probably one of the most useless dedicated EN clippers on the game.

>> No.76291806

i mean women with tits over B cup are basically subhuman to me too

>> No.76291882

why would you want to be with a woman that doesn't want to be touched?

>> No.76291881

"Short King"
if you're under 5'10 you don't even qualify as a short king. At that level of midgetry you're a pocket prince.

>> No.76291886

That's lower requirement than most women though

>> No.76291891

*under B cup

>> No.76291944

Mori likes em short at least

>> No.76291957

This is what being spoiled rotten by affluent Asian parents does to a mf.

>> No.76292059
File: 12 KB, 274x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most white women want men who are at least 6'0. Since Uruka's asian, 5'10 is probably a close analogue.

>> No.76292146

Mori's into horses. I think veibae once said she wouldn't mind if a guy was shorter than her but she's also a whore so take that as you will

>> No.76292262
File: 391 KB, 878x900, 1235345678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here is why men are choosing the sigma life what does her stank ass of average looking quality bring to the table aside from being a female fuck that noise

>> No.76292271

Even more amusing considering that 60% of vtuber fans are SEA bugpeople.

>> No.76292303

I'm sorry you were born short anon

>> No.76292329

Veibae only cares about whether or not the guy she's with can keep her from ever having to work a single day for the rest of her life

>> No.76292351

im good with it no need to be sorry about it

>> No.76292391

yeah, sounds like a real cunt

>> No.76292466

easy manlet (You)s ITT

>> No.76292533

men are stupid and lie when they say 6'0 it's actually 5'10 cause guys add 2 inches so subtract 2 inches to whatever women say they want
also same for benin :-DDD

>> No.76292608

Uruka should really just dykemaxx and never procreate whatsoever.

>> No.76292698

so true vaush

>> No.76292712

Is she ESL? I can't really put my finger on it, but there's something off about her speech.

>> No.76292781

korean canadian

>> No.76292791


>> No.76292811

West coast asian accent

>> No.76292869

Sounds like something a dyke would say. Get scissored, uruka, I’ll be cheering for you

>> No.76292980

>why would you want to be with a lesbian who'd cuck you in a heartbeat?
Some people are into that shit, anon

>> No.76293060

When will manlets learn that their self worth shouldn’t come from external approval

>> No.76293098


>> No.76293119

That's easy to say if you're not ridiculed your whole life by pretty much everybody

>> No.76293192

Worse yet is you need to play the female guessing game.
>"Do I want to be hugged? Or Do I Not Want to be touched? Pick correctly~"

>> No.76293200

Let's be real,a male being under 5'10 is actually sad
but at least you got an advantage on the gym, it's never too late too start, short king

>> No.76293247

I hate that I miss out on it by half an inch simply because my mother treated proper nutrition as an afterthought.

>> No.76293264

What's sad about it?

>> No.76293363

Plenty of benefits
>Great for receiving hugs
>Built for snuggles
>Can hear heartbeat when hugging someone
>Right at girls’s chest level
The hard part is finding someone to do it with (that’s not a pillow)

>> No.76293451

>>Right at girls’s chest level
Where are you living where women are Barghest level tall?

>> No.76293479

I'm 6'2 and I like how women are open about height preferences, because then they can't whine about me not liking women who have tattoos, septum piercings, or being under 5'8.

>> No.76293487

True. Most women literally only bring pussy into the equation and nothing else, while requiring a ton of maintenance. If a guy required a ton of work, most girls would probably leave him thinking that he is being a needy bitch. There you go, equality sisters. Bring something of quality into the relationship other than just being a hole for my dick, and I'll consider dating you seriously.

>> No.76293521

You should really be asking how short I am. I’m 5'4. Wore a sign that said "free hugs" at a giant convention one time and I don’t regret a single thing.

>> No.76293658

Is there even a single non-whore in phase?

>> No.76293776

What an oxymoron

>> No.76293832

No it’s not easy at all
That’s the hardest thing to do, to detach yourself from everyone’s opinion of you and make yourself a priority
But you’ll free yourself from this endless comparison cycle if you can do it

>> No.76293898

Women won't change. It's been like a fucking decade sine I remember seeing articles about women complaining men won't fucking marry them and women only got worse.
Modern women make marraige retarded. If you're 18 then 19, 20, 21, etc are all your future. But then women don't want to marry at these ages and only talk about muh future when they are mid 30s having wasted most of their youth. What fucking future is left when you spent almost half your life not investing in a relationship, especially when the half you wasted was your peak energy and health. Oh boy Chad got her in high school when she was young ans idealistic, but I'm the one who gets her during menopause, maybe when she has arthritis, etc. What a deal.

Relationships are like stocks, you take a risk and invest early and you get the benefits, you show up later when risks are gone and you need to pay more for less. A wasted youth isn't jsut about declining helath, it also means your potential partner had to build more shit without you, and therefore has less reason to share.

>> No.76293897

Yeah it's great when you can do it
But that doesn't stop women from doing it and you sadly got to play their game

>> No.76293946

It’s always sad seeing this stuff. She’s not even trying to be malicious or anything. She just genuinely thinks those standards are reasonable for her to have. Fuck me society is cooked.

>> No.76293981

Never go to Japan then. Also remember nature and architectural hates you while even textbook midgets can live long lives.

>> No.76293982

You always have the option not to play the game at all
If this is about getting validation from women, that’s all I have to say on the matter

>> No.76293993 [SPOILER] 

And then they barge into our hobbies thinking that's all it takes to suddenly get a guy at best, or completely destroy our hobbies to force us to interact with them at worst.

>> No.76294000

She is Chinese, not Korean. Taiwanese if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.76294002

Sure they can. Rules for thee, not for me. Teehee

>> No.76294026

I have a pregnancy fetish anon. If I don't play the game I've got as much chance as getting a 5* in FGO.

>> No.76294084

In her case she does at least bring a talent and some money to the table. more than some women who make these demands. also she gets an audience of simps as potential suitors

>> No.76294099

Shorties writing essays over a chuuba that doesn't want to have back problems kissing them

>> No.76294141

She's probably not even past 5'5

>> No.76294175

Completely ignore the height thing and she's still asking for a guy in his early twenties making the money of like a doctor or something who's also a househusband capable of perfectly reading her emotional state

>> No.76294203

Yes she's Taiwanese Leaf like Fishman.

>> No.76294210

same energy

>> No.76294219

Isn't she actually tall irl? I think I heard something like it on the little phase content I consumed

>> No.76294224

and having good chef skills.I could MAYBE make the Lamb, it won't be GOOD but I'd make it edible.

>> No.76294227

>Relationships are like stocks, you take a risk and invest early and you get the benefits
Dude most of my friends (I'm in my late 20's and some of my friends are a few years older than me) are already divorced. Now imagine investing years of your life into a relationship and a marriage and it all falls apart. I know people that are genuinely miserable about it. Especially if they had kids in the mix too. Like that is one of the worst things ever. From what I see, most marriages these days last less than 10 years.

>> No.76294242

it reads like the fantasies of a delusional virgin but you have to remember that she's Asian with Asian parents and an Asian brother who's probably also a doctor or some shit. anything less than what she's asking for and she's a disappointment to her family

>> No.76294252

Tall for a woman (especially Asian) is 5'7. Reminder that's Sailor Jupiter's height and she's considered Amazonian.

>> No.76294290

>caring what a w*man wants
Lol, lmao even

>> No.76294351

How the fuck is the dude even supposed to make her lunch and dinner while making that money?

>> No.76294369

>Uruka's asian
Another Asian in EN vtubing? Caucasoidbros, we are literally losing our home ground here.
At least Pippa's a proper wh*to*d, right?

>> No.76294410

As someone with Yellow Fever I approve

>> No.76294440

>My Comment calling out her delusion was deleted.
Should have guessed but still hate I wasted 10-20 minutes on it.

>> No.76294504

Another asian in the asian hobby? OMG

>> No.76294506

>under 30
>earning nearly 6 figures
She's gonna die alone

>> No.76294514

Weebs were always disproportionately Asian diaspora. Must be rebelling against their anti-Jap parents I guess.

>> No.76294701

she also dresses like a lesbian and her only skill is being decent at the violin (she got burnt out from orchestra shit and stopped playing for a bit)

>> No.76294784

she must come from a rich family or something

>> No.76294789

there's probably at least 1 Asian doctor that watches her

>> No.76294799

uruka would bird test you
ketchup test you
dance test you
meet another boy and cuck you

>> No.76294800

Phase is almost entirely Asian. Even Lia is an Asian/Hispanic mutt. Only like 4 members are Huwhite.

>> No.76294855

>Asian doctor
>date someone who doesnt have a prestigious but normie job
He's not going to bring seven generations of shame on his family

>> No.76294877

its fun that the most popular ones are whites or half whites
really makes you think

>> No.76294931

Are asians really anal about that? Cant she just study art history like all other rich (white) bitches and get some prestige from that

>> No.76294936

The only way someone is making 6 digits a year and has the free time to cook three meals for her is they're a multi millionaire who has a high yield savings account that gives them 7-10% annually and they have 1-3 million in it.

>> No.76294938

If she's using imperial then she's just being a dumb unthinking woman who wants 6 feet because 6 is a whole number.
She would be fine with a guy "175 centimetres tall" even though that's a full inch shorter than 5'10"

>> No.76294957

Shiina is full Chinese.

>> No.76295028
File: 842 KB, 2232x1574, Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 14.38.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets play a game, spot the whites and half whites

>> No.76295051
File: 60 KB, 720x478, Lia cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10" is literally 1" above average tho, why are you seething? It's not unreasonable

>> No.76295081

5'10" is below average
t. actual white country

>> No.76295103

Ignore women when they say stuff like this. I've seen plenty of women who claim this kind of stuff, end up pregnant with some fat loser retard's kid, and no man

>> No.76295110

I think you mean the whites, the Koreans and the jungle Asians.

>> No.76295121

You think later marriage won't divorce?
Atleast those guys had companionship during hard times and an uncertain future, now women talk about building a future, but the requirement is a guy already has his built with a house, car, job, etc. There is no incentive to form a relationship with anyone who hasn't been supportive with me when I have everything to lose.
>B-but maybe she could support you
I used to think Japanese Christmas cake theories were retarded, but if women reach a certain age and are single, it's for a reason either she chases trashy guys or she has issues comitting when times are hard, either way she's a liability and best avoided.

>> No.76295141

Isn't 5' 10" still like a foot taller than Uruka?

>> No.76295156

She's already being nice to manlets, what's the problem? For most women the cutoff is 6'0. This is pickme behavior.

>> No.76295166

>Taiwanese Leaf
Ah, so that's why Mainlanders scam him

>> No.76295190

>Even Lia is an Asian/Hispanic mutt.
Wait what? I thought she was white/latina? Does this mean she's half Filipino? I imagine due to the Catholic stuff and the link between them and LA it must be the case.

I still have no idea what the fuck Tenma actually is. I know she's asian thats about it.

>> No.76295207

Because having any height requirements is saying you don't want an actual person, you want a trophy.

>> No.76295233

Uruka is 5’9 or 5’10 she’s very tall for a woman.

>> No.76295238

Isn't the latina shit a meme like the canadian Tenma?

>> No.76295268

Being attracted to your partner is a requirement for any functional relationship and being shorter than 5'10 as a man is the equivalent of over 225 lbs for a woman when it comes to attractiveness and no amount of manlet whinging is going to change that

>> No.76295289 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 112x112, 1715541387110938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia has said on stream she is half Japanese and half Puerto Rican , Partial Rican if you will

>> No.76295335

I'm jealous of her dad

>> No.76295355

Nobody can even visually recognize a one inch height difference.

>> No.76295368

Again, it's entirely because 6 is an integer. The bitch would be fine if you asked her on the street if "170cm is tall enough" because that also ends in a zero

>> No.76295378


>> No.76295389

The manlets love using the argument that "if they want tall man I can choose to not want to date fat woman" like a gotcha. Yeah, normal women know this, the ones who deny are also the lard buckets, the same way normal men don't find the concept of women wanting a taller man so shocking

>> No.76295390

She is 164 you lying sack of shit.

>> No.76295460

If one inch in height is the barrier between attractive and hideous to you than you might need to legitimately see a psychiatrist.

>> No.76295461

Yeah at that point 170cm would be fine for her. Women who spout this bullshit don't want a super tall guy, they just want a guy tallER than them

>> No.76295478

You can see if somebody is shorter compared to other guys which is the most important thing

>> No.76295500

that’s her model’s height you retarded brown

>> No.76295526

Pippa, Lia, Lumi(not really sure, but she sounds white af), Panko, Dizzy, Runie and Hina? How close did I get?

>> No.76295533

You really don't get out much, do you.
The kind of guys women date aren't giga chads, they're dudes uglier and shorter than the average /vt/ poster

>> No.76295538

/yeah they have weird autism about having to have a "REAL JOB"
Even if you get paid 6 figures or more asian parents will hate you if your job isnt within a specific range of what they consider real respectable jobs

>> No.76295577

Is it just me or is this height obsession uniquely a NA thing?
Like who gives a fuck how tall you are as long as you fall in whats considered normal human proportions.

>> No.76295649

Pippa is white with a Mexican grandparent. Lia is half Japanese half Puerto rican. Panko is Italian. Dizzy is full Chinese, I forgot what kind but Hina is Asian and has been described as an Asian Baby Girl by the others.

>> No.76295656

I keep shouting into the void, because you're right. It's because 6' 0" is a clean whole number, none of them would say a guy needs to be 183cm if you asked them

>> No.76295667

>"Be respectful tee hee"
>"Oh you're 5'9 1/2? Gtf away from me you grotesque monster!"
>"Also agree with me politically~"

>> No.76295670

>23 to 30 making 90k or more
Woman's delusion about height once again overshadowing her delusion about income.

>> No.76295674

Talking openly about it is a NA thing, but it actually happening isn't, every close friend group has talks like this

>> No.76295724

Yeah, but on places using metric they say 1,80 is the mark, doesn't change anything

>> No.76295725 [DELETED] 

>Mexican grandparent.
She's part native. Her other grandparents are all European, (Spanish, German, french)

>> No.76295743

I mean, he did ask for half-breeds so what, that's 3 whites then? Out of the whole company, or did I miss any?

>> No.76295756

It's everywhere not because women really care but because social media made dating short men socially unacceptable. No girl wants to be laughed at by their friends

>> No.76295775
File: 62 KB, 554x554, 1716296312827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it just me or is this height obsession uniquely a NA thing?
That's because Burgers come in a lot more different shapes and sizes than homogeneous nations.

>> No.76295830

The jannie on this thread is wilding kek
Not even trying to hide the phase jannie allegations

>> No.76295850

You will always have Mori

>> No.76295859

Name the huwhite ones

Who else? Dizzy?

>> No.76295876

The height thing is by far the most negligible thing here.
>Asian but 5'10 minimum
>6 figure salary
>cook me all the food I like for every meal
>wake me up every morning
>hug me if I want to be but DON'T touch me if I don't want to be touched. It doesn't matter what you want
>share the same views as me
>same hobbies as me
>"wtf why are you guys saying this is unreasonable"
Uruka what the fuck do you have to offer to be worth all this as a wife?

>> No.76295913

A womb.
Sadly this works much better than it should

>> No.76295919

oh my bad

>> No.76295924

I've seen tons of attractive women date 5'6" men IRL. I'm not really inclined to believe their bullshit when they say they need a 6'0" tall guy

>> No.76295958

Any guy rich enough to meet these standards is rich enough for a surrogate mother and nanny

>> No.76295963

she's a small talent in a small agency in a niche hobby
what a fucking keeper

>> No.76296001

Tell me of these mythical creatures
Im 5'6" but im not seeing them in the wild

>> No.76296036

She is just coping.
She will accept she is les eventually

>> No.76296046


>> No.76296069

Im 5'9 which is 174cm. Is this on purpose?

>> No.76296077

It's not negligible because women will find guys who meet all their other requirements but if they don't meet height requirements they drop them.

>> No.76296087

probably some old people no young women would even consider that

>> No.76296096

How the fuck should I know? I'm posting on /vt/.
All I know is at 5'7" I'm still taller and faitter than most of the guys I see with girlfriends/wives in public

>> No.76296142

No, one of the hottest girls I've seen was dating a 5'5" abusive obese manlet. You guys are full on delulu and need to get out more to see what women actually date, and not just what they say they need

>> No.76296169

You are stretching credulity by suggesting a Taiwanese woman is that much taller than her model height.

>> No.76296178

She has pippa level self esteem
That is uncommon. Most women wont date manlets. I am one i should know

>> No.76296217

There are better women who also have wombs.

>> No.76296239
File: 231 KB, 500x427, 1700404004843238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Airi is pretty neat

>> No.76296256

>choco but shit
Christ almighty, women

>> No.76296326

Lumi, Runie

>> No.76296377

Men can be if not more desperate women.

>> No.76296442

it never began for short kings

>> No.76296458

Nah Choco is still worse for the separate houses deal.

>> No.76296486
File: 113 KB, 1080x423, Screenshot_20240521_081710_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are phasefags so fucking vile?
You'd never see us talk to/about Mori like this

>> No.76296495

*be just as if not more

>> No.76296531

70% of males are below that height. Only in a handful of countries like Germany and Scandinavian nations that is even the average.

>> No.76296568
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>> No.76296605

phasefags unironically only like Pippa and attack everything else, even on her own fucking chat, she never did nothing about it and never will

>> No.76296618

This entire thread is off topic /r9k/ bait.

>> No.76296634

Everyone hates Sakana

>> No.76296709

NTA but last time I went out I was only noticed by women twice over a three day period, one was because she was annoyed I was in a picture she took of her friends even though I had been sitting there before they showed up, and a landwhale saying I looked lonely while walking by.

>> No.76296711

zoomers are taller in general

>> No.76296779
File: 475 KB, 495x540, 0EE61DEE-C6E4-4E6E-B0E0-B2052EA0DA70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw i make more than 90k dollars a year even though im from eastern europe but she wouldnt like me anyways cuz i lack 4 cm
Bros… even since Eve a nigga cant trust a bitch eh?

>> No.76296787

What do you expect women throwing at you out of nowhere? That doesn't happen even if you look like Brad Pitt

>> No.76296802

height and weight differ in that you can do something about being fat, retard

>> No.76296914

Uruka is a 3/10 chinese mutt. Do your reps.
Go to your nearest chinese convenience store and the clerk will be more attractive than her.

>> No.76296927

I never knew women were so exacting with their standards. I scored easy to please on the male version of that test, but my standards are completely mismatched with what I can offer.
I'm not going to discount on race (except maybe blacks with strong features), or even weight if they carry it well. Height I'd take anyone from borderline child to a few inches shorter than me. They don't need to have an income.
It's just whatever they are they have to be considerably hot and have a pleasing enough personality in order to make me abandon life alone.

>> No.76296963

This. She has a horse face, bad skin, and an ugly voice.

>> No.76296967

It still is a visual appeal, retard, the not being able to change is just a cope, do you eat food you don't like the taste? Listen to songs you don't like?

>> No.76297021
File: 53 KB, 849x346, 5443585797354277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balkan countries are some of the talest ones. It's those Dinaric genes running through their veins.

>> No.76297032

I like it when men gather in threads like this and collectively agree between themselves that they do not have standards. Not surprising for this place, thoughbeit.

>> No.76297071


>> No.76297134

Lia is full of shit as always.
Her mom is puertorican, her dad's white.
She claims she's half brown half japanese because her mom is barely hispanic and her white dad likes gundam.

>> No.76297138

are you saying fat people are literally not able to do something about it
unlike height
like we're not even talking about small boobs right now

>> No.76297198
File: 161 KB, 1207x624, 42536779343243795743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>septum piercings
I once saw a girl on twitter saying "I got my septim pierced" (probably accidentally hit I instead of U), and someone responded with this image. I fell of my chair laughing.

>> No.76297204

Are you illiterate? Go read the chain.
Found the seething manlet

>> No.76297217


>> No.76297223

You're full of shit

>> No.76297258

I find the worst women have the highest standards
When I was a dumb woke college student I dated a 2/10 fat arab woman because I didnt want to be racist or shallow and she was still a demanding cunt
Afterwards I met a 7/10 cute asian who wanted nothing more than cuddling and hanging oiut from me

>> No.76297271

Ignoring the frighteningly fast growing trend of women calling any guy who approaches them a creep and plastering as such on TikTok, I do not handle rejection well (not violently just depressingly), nor do I want to make a move on a girl and her boyfriend ends up shanking me.
Also I'm sorry but if a Brad Pitt tier guy can walk around an anime con and not get hit on doesn't that sound like a problem?

>> No.76297272

female coded post, tits or gtfo

>> No.76297283

Anon, I...

>> No.76297294

Just don't bite my ankle okay?

>> No.76297310


>> No.76297313
File: 316 KB, 463x453, 1668750995280145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dated a 2/10 fat arab woman because I didnt want to be racist or shallow

>> No.76297323

The last girl i hit on quit her job

>> No.76297349

I have standards, but I also
A. Realize they're very high if not impossible
B. Try to improve myself to earn it.
Which is more than 99% of women.

>> No.76297356

All it takes to send SEAmonkeys into a depression spiral is an anime girl saying she likes tall men kek.

>> No.76297376

Yeah, for men you gotta subtract at least two inches and for women you gotta add at least two kilograms. Sometimes more cause I’ve seen 5’6 men claim to be 6’ and whales swear they’re just “chubby” before.
Why do we lie to eachother and make things difficult for ourselves?

>> No.76297461

You sound too autistic to even know what flirting looks like.

>> No.76297523
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>> No.76297535

So asian vtubers are pricing most guys out, most guys in their price range can't be seen dating a vtuber due to family?
>Most vtubers are Asian women
We are so back.

>> No.76297643

Yeah that's not even a woke thing that's just being retarded

>> No.76297664

Yeah, this thread is cope central, the mental gymnastic people are doing for a literal preference in looks is wild

>> No.76297691
File: 411 KB, 625x630, 5259DFFD-C4C1-4DE9-A5A1-5EE329671CC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> roastie mentality
> Phase Connect
Shocking news

>> No.76297728

Welcome to hell anon.
>Women who are still single and older than you have a ton of mental issues from failed relationships
>Women your age are striahgt up unlikable

If we were born just 10 years earlier...

>> No.76297747

I fit that bill, have my own house and 6 figures in savings/investments, and I wouldn't date some retarded gold digger. Wild how some people in here are acting like they would totally go for dumb whores if only they met their red flag descriptions. You people are poor because you're stupid like that.

>> No.76297771
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>> No.76297920

Literally saw people getting off to her suffering hospital post like yesterday, you people are fucking ghoulish

>> No.76297991

>I like it when [insane femcel ramblings]

>> No.76298053

Investments are something you can only do when young and already got enough capital. You were born lucky.

>> No.76298145

I just wanted to say that I FUCKING HATE Imperial System... oh and roman numbers.

>> No.76298174

My parents were poorfags and I'm literally helping them pay off their debts to this day. I did "above average" in school (not honors or anything), did a generic finance degree, first job was minimum wage, and worked my way up to a 6 figure salary before 30. You are stupid and poor and that's why you cope, which keeps you poor.

>> No.76298195

reminder that she also once said "an average dick size is like, 10 inches, right?" and then proceeded to ask how guys even live with dicks, so she might not be the best at visual estimation.

>> No.76298275

>Why are X like this?
>username cut off
Thank you for making your comment

>> No.76298280

Not everyone has the time left to wait on investments to give more than you spent.

>> No.76298317

more like she watches porn with big dicks, browses social media for (e)celebrity men, then decides that she's a kween who only deserves the best, like the average modern woman does

>> No.76298386

If you have costs which cause you to live paycheck to paycheck or whatever then you're either unlucky in life (i.e. worse than regular normal people, let alone people who are actually lucky in life) or a gigantic retarded faggot (many such cases).

>> No.76298433

>I have 6 figure savings
>I havent paid off debts I'm paying for
You're not coming across as smart as you think you are LARPer

>> No.76298475

It's less paycheck to paycheck and more "How the fuck can I find a way to turn 75k into 3.4 million legally in under 5 years"

>> No.76298489

Based retarded poorfag. Protip: if your savings earn more money than the interest of your debt, then you're better off leaving it there instead of bulk paying off the debt.

>> No.76298511

*Legally and morally
Forgot that legally does not automatically mean morally

>> No.76298525

kek at this thread

>> No.76298544
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Soda's only slightly taller than her. She's 5'6"

>> No.76298554

Dunno where you got "3.4 million" from, I only mentioned 6 figures, not 7. In any case, if you don't have enough spare money to put into investments then you're doing something seriously wrong.

>> No.76298613

That's where I got it from.

>> No.76298631
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>phase girls

>> No.76298712

>japanese hobby
there fixed that for you

>> No.76298742
File: 21 KB, 633x101, 1712073313644409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? Are you suggesting I didn't even get an education until I started earning money? And that the moment you have a kid it's a million upfront payment or something? That article is obviously talking about total costs over the long term. You'll probably spent $3.4m over the course of your entire life, it doesn't mean much without context.

>> No.76298766

Hes taller than that for sure, his nigger friend is around 5’8 and hes way shorter than soda

>> No.76298803

She's polish, barely counts

>> No.76298848

Is she actually unironically that much of a Vei clone?

>> No.76298932

>the two boldest whores in the company still hold on to the hope of having kids

This company.........

>> No.76298999

The kid won't but the house certainly will, that leaves 2.4 million that I need in a savings account so I can make the 6 digit yearly woman requirement

>> No.76299008
File: 183 KB, 598x662, evil women standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, another phase standards post has hit the Twitter.
actually not bad

>> No.76299039

>interest on savings
ahahahaha cool 1920s post bro

>> No.76299069

>upfront payment
...do you know what a mortgage is? And savings isn't the same as salary.

>> No.76299070

why does Phase Connect make brown creatures seethe so much?

>> No.76299129

check Clara's

>> No.76299159

>do you know what a mortgage is?
A pain in the ass.
>And savings isn't the same as salary.
If I'm not making 100k in interests rates I need more money then.

>> No.76299178

I bundled "savings/investments" in my original post for a reason, dimwit. Even so, there are other ways your "savings" can work for you besides bank interest or TDs, which you'd know if you weren't a stupid poorfag/NEET.

>> No.76299186


>> No.76299217
File: 308 KB, 598x726, necrophilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so in.

>> No.76299237

What the fuck was that. Is this the average phase stream? She seems like a huge bitch

>> No.76299249

Too many outspoken white girls
Hololive EN are mostly asian and kept on a tight leash and even then you get Kroniis

>> No.76299271

I don't even have to check anymore the time at which a seethe or bait thread is made, it's always the same time of day.

>> No.76299273

in a little over half a year so am I

>> No.76299307

I doubt most women know how tall 6' is

>> No.76299346

>self shilling clipnigger
>over 200 replies
chop chop jannies, you're getting ham and cheese hot pockets this week if it hits bump limit

>> No.76299361
File: 384 KB, 863x1009, 1700263891740101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uruka doesn’t even know how foreskin works

>> No.76299464

This implies that she thinks that the glans are the foreskin

>> No.76299499

Uruka is already skinny as fuck and she said that she wants to lose weight so she doesn't have that folding line on her stomach when she sits down at the beach. Then she said that she said one of the Marvel guys who was completely SHREDDED sit down toppless and even he had that line which finally convinced her that is perfectly normal.

>> No.76299540
File: 126 KB, 760x720, 20230408_101046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dude, I've got a secret for you.
If you're making $90,000 a year, and 179cm, you can get girls way better than Uruka.

>> No.76299548

>she said that she said
that she SAW

>> No.76299555

Her virgin kayfabe is so incredibly forced. Even if you've never allegedly seen one irl this is like claiming you've never even seen a biology textbook despite being a college student or seen any kind of porn.

>> No.76299567 [DELETED] 

You fuckers love shittalking Mori over the Connor shit that isn't even really relevant anymore but cry for janny when one of your girls gets the same treatment
Phasecucks are soft

>> No.76299617

It's somehow even worse than Airi's

>> No.76299630

Uruka SEX

>> No.76299645

The violin nerd is probably the most beliavable to be a virgin in phase

>> No.76299650

She’s like 5’9 I think

>> No.76299800

I went out on Saturday night with $5 and got absolutely wasted because girls kept buying me drinks, I'm 5'6.

>> No.76299812

She used to talk about masturbating and porn with chat early on. She tweeted about trying anal masturbation after chat convinced her to try it. The mega sheltered virgin who knows less than a middle schooler kayfabe is recent.

>> No.76299834

you're no better than the anti-mori chimps, or the other apes spamming twitter screencaps every time someone in niji says literally anything. This board needs a top down purge

>> No.76299865

Absolutely not, those orchestra people are complete degenerates. Just like olympic athletes.

>> No.76299872

What do you guys want? Vtubers saying that had one boyfriend makes them whores. Vtubers saying that are virgin makes them liars.
Incels are truly mentaly ill.

>> No.76299906

damn, just 3 centimeters away. i should get some platform shoes.

>> No.76299921

You would know, because you watched American pie, right? And let me guess, if she mentioned being in any other field, you would say "Oh yeah, all X girls fuck like crazy in that field".
Inceloid perma cucked mind is really something.

>> No.76299940

Even then it would be more beliavable, I think the only person who is actually open about this aspect of life is Tenma

>> No.76299944 [DELETED] 

Nah, Amanogawa "wontons" Shiina takes the cake in PC
But at least she was smart enough to lean into the I'm a le grandma territory

>> No.76299959

Women are stupid and after you treat them that way height doesn't matter if they like a few things about you and have their attention you got room to cook. Got to set the mood, be it voice, smell, looks, body language. Since everyone uses mobiles you have no idea how hunched peoples postures have become from reading them.

>> No.76300015

what is the last one supposed to be?

>> No.76300035

I remember some fitness models starting to show this was completely normal in there Instagram videos. Guess some of them are trying to unfuck the female youth.

>> No.76300039

nipple poking though shirt

>> No.76300057

The folly of unrealistic women
They all want this ideal and their dream guy would dump their ass due to the entire buffet available to them.

>> No.76300067
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This is going into the book of grudges

>> No.76300082

>nuh uh, she's a le p-p-p-p-pure virgin like in my animus
Sure sure, simpy

>> No.76300165

I remember I went fucking bulimic because I got same insecurity as a teenage boy taking swimming lessons and hating how fat I thought I looked.

>> No.76300203 [DELETED] 

Phasebros, why do you guys always get so defensive when the virginity of your talents is the topic? I thought you guys took pride in being the menhera company, you know that menheras usually lose their virginity at like 14 right?

>> No.76300205

>larping badly as a chad to whiteknight Phase Connect girls

>> No.76300248

I used to be a complete fucking asshole to the fat crybaby kid in my swimming classes
He grew up to be a chad, shows what I know

>> No.76300299 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 1290x1291, 1705432331316791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panko got found out for having a current boyfriend then nuked her socials. Long list of exes too. They're moving in together soon.

>> No.76300342

I came. Reminds me of the webcam msn days where you'd ask chicks to flash you and then say you missed it so they'd do it again.

>> No.76300365

Pippa, Lia, Lumi, Panko, Runie, and Saya?

>> No.76300373

damn and now you cant fuck him you big bender

>> No.76300376

Wontonposting always does the trick

>> No.76300381 [DELETED] 

You guys realise that every girl in phase has a bf right? They are entertainers not your partners

>> No.76300454

Tenma is half
The cream rises to the top in phase connect, well except Runie but she is paypig maxxing last I heard

>> No.76300492

>gifted memberships song

>> No.76300498
File: 100 KB, 512x512, EMOTE_KOBO_DEPRESSED.png-8635fb06e229fe4a89f0a88124569ab3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know that being tall doesn't ACTUALLY make it easier to get women, right?
t. 187cm and not overweight

>> No.76300504 [DELETED] 

so what's up with the GFE pandering then?

>> No.76300533 [DELETED] 

it’s the same with Hololive, I don’t know why anybody fights over the virginity and purity status of vtubers when a simple google search shows that they’ve all fucked before

>> No.76300536

squat heavy things

>> No.76300561

>seething now slowly leading into doxxposting

>> No.76300572

It's simple, the rankings go:
>Actual seiso = Believable kayfabe
>Wh*re but honest about it
>Shitty kayfabe

>> No.76300607 [DELETED] 

>it’s the same with Hololive
cope harder phasekek
hololive doesn’t hire trashy used goods whores

>> No.76300624 [DELETED] 

SPECIALLY Mori, jesus what a whore

>> No.76300629

fuck off riptoe, you will doom him to a t-rex physique

>> No.76300655


>> No.76300659 [DELETED] 

Nigger don't play fucking stupid, multiple girls in phase play into that GFE shit. Stop coping

>> No.76300662

holo watchers are people that love women, like love enough to listen to them all day every day.
We've all fucked before.

>> No.76300678

>instantly defensive

>> No.76300715

you shouldn't assign worth to other human beings based on their breast size

>> No.76300720 [DELETED] 

First rodeo? Phase might get easily baited but at least we engage each other with a bit of witt and variety in our replies. We also troll the fuck out of each other.
Also imagine being a virgin after 14.

>> No.76300721

Squatting won't help you get women, but it'll sure help when you need to pick them up.

>> No.76300722 [DELETED] 

>hololive out of nowhere
real classy phasekeks

>> No.76300730


>> No.76300738 [DELETED] 

Hello cuckbeats

>> No.76300764

Yeah I meet all these standards and never had a gf. Don't worry fellas it was over before it began

>> No.76300779 [DELETED] 

>American pie
You're at least 35+. Whiteknighting on 4ch's /veetee/ and trying to protect 20~ish year old asian girls from the mean incels. You need to leave as fast as your hairline is leaving you.

>> No.76300796

Yeah you can tell which ones are us because we're not seething about whatever height we are

>> No.76300795

The beta virgin unicorns have been summoned. Sound the trumpets.

>> No.76300820

hi Fauna

>> No.76300845 [DELETED] 

are phasekeks the new boogeyman now that nijisanji has so thoroughly discredited itself?

>> No.76300884 [DELETED] 

First priority of any /vt/ janny:

Protect Mori's honor

>> No.76300898

unicorn larpers*

>> No.76300904

Sorry you got called out when you were shitflinging yourself. It's amazing how they cry out when they strike you

>> No.76300925

Thanks, I wasn't feeling bad enough.

>> No.76300924

This woman sounds like she has downs syndrome.

>> No.76300977

I find it somewhat amusing that for how much shit women get /here/ on the regular, everyone takes unrealistic preferences seriously instead of just writing it off as women not actually knowing what the fuck they want. Not that women like this aren't out there swiping left on tinder bios for hookups based on pointless bullshit, but provided we're actually dealing with a real human being and not an instagram NPC, I would bet these preferences would have very little bearing in a real life situation.

>> No.76300996

Mori is a modbidly obese whore

>> No.76301060

>sounds like a literal 14 year old boy
People are really simping over this?

>> No.76301067
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>> No.76301129

Literally all you have to do is be nice to them and actually listen to the things they say.
I'm 5'6, glasses, very skinny, pale, I cut my own hair and wear exclusively tshirts and sweatpants and every woman I've ever met seemed to love me

>> No.76301141

Same BMI as Mori

>> No.76301156


>> No.76301166

This is true. Women can't directly access their own preferences in the way that men can.

>> No.76301168

It's literally exactly the same as when guys say they want Jennifer Lawrence type girls
In the dream scenario, everyone has specific tastes, but all you need to succeed IRL is some personality and social capacity

>> No.76301171

what are you doing to get so much money in ee?

>> No.76301211

>nose outside of mask
You might as well not wear it.

>> No.76301237

Me on the left

>> No.76301246

do they even make masks that fit the average phasefat?

>> No.76301264

me on the right

>> No.76301281

>over 5'10
That killed all her chances lol

>> No.76301286

If they masks that fit Mori then yes

>> No.76301309

Masks were required at that con iirc

>> No.76301324

It should. He's wearing it on his chin, not on his face. It'd fit if he wore it properly.

>> No.76301334

english, monkey. speak it.

>> No.76301372

Are you OK?

>> No.76301378 [DELETED] 

Racism outside /b/
Mori is morbidly obese btw

>> No.76301393

She wants a 5'10 tall ASIAN man?
Fucking hell, good luck with that.

>> No.76301409


>> No.76301423 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeats are soft

>> No.76301460

Koreans are fairly tall for asians, I think the average male over there is 5'9. Maybe she can look there

>> No.76301478 [DELETED] 

Wtf, the phase jannies are just deleting shit they don't like at this point

>> No.76301566

90k is doctor money now? 90k isn't unreasonable even in my rural state. In Cali I'd expect that as a starting salary for a business or stem degree.

>> No.76301582

I can't even get them to approach me to be nice or listen.

>> No.76301602

this is why you're a virgin

>> No.76301631 [DELETED] 

Unlike Mori

>> No.76301642

it's the same as me saying that i want a smart, blonde 6'5 tall chick with green eyes, thats fit but has big boobs
Not saying i woudn't take my shot if i found such an amazon but i know little that is applicable to real life

>> No.76301685

How do I cope with this

>> No.76301688

Thats an ironic post knowing what was deleted in this thread, lets see if the shit talked about Mori will be deleted too KEK

>> No.76301729

>admits to it

>> No.76301739

>thread hit bump limit
Oh well, fun over

>> No.76301779

>this thread hit limit
I never thought there were so many anons with a manlet complex

>> No.76301852

>new Elden Ring trailer
Time to jump to /v/ for a couple of hours

>> No.76301858

Might aswell become the Uruka general seeing how many manlets got upset about her not wanting them

>> No.76301905

There were more people arguing over the financials than height.

>> No.76302076

Because no one was willing to admit that the height part was what hurt them KEK

>> No.76302094

Kek trying to get them to approach you is something else. A challenge even.
There needs to be an excuse for a girl so it doesn't seem like they're approaching you specifically.
>Yo are those real straws instead of that paper crap? I want one
Is the only example I can think of from recent memory.

>> No.76302165
File: 5 KB, 512x512, 1000008238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purposely avoid and vtuber who is chinese in any form, glad to see I continue to be justified in this.
Fuck OP pic, chinks dont belong in this industry

>> No.76302407

Oh I know but I'd rather chance that then the high chance of various methods
of rejection from approaching them.

>> No.76302735

Women are really nice and I'm sure they aren't approached as much as they used to be, just introduce yourself in a way that actually makes sense for that situation.
Being drunk is almost a good enough reason, just need a little extra.

>> No.76302803

>Women are really nice

>> No.76302896

Nah I will never touch a drink out of fear that my bottled up anger will come out.

>> No.76302918

Obviously people are individuals but I've always thought assholes were the easiest to notice without having to get close

>> No.76302949

Any asian dude over 5'10 is probably going to be some kind of celebrity. Don Lee is famous for being the one manly non feminine korean male and he's 5'10

>> No.76303106

I understand not drinking but the avenues for meeting new people in an offline setting are way too small these days.

>> No.76303118

When she says asian, it is referring to the femboy looking asians (kpoop idols), not someone like Don Lee

>> No.76303283

>330 posts

manlets are cringe

>> No.76303364

femboy twinks arent going to be 5'10, most kpop dudes are like 5'5

>> No.76303385

some Japanese wrestlers are that height.

>> No.76303384

no one is even talking about that

>> No.76303404

Imagine making $300k a year as a guy but being 5'3".

>> No.76303513

gonna be me. no regrets.

>> No.76303741

I'm imagining too many tall women

>> No.76303953

height is the trait women find most attractive, but you don't have to be *that* tall, just noticeably taller than her.

>> No.76304022

The problem is she's asking for above average Asian height here and trying to equate it to standards that Cauasians have. Asian males are on average 5'6 or so. Asking for an extra 4 inches here for 5'10 is basically statistically speaking, excluding 99.9% of people almost in her country.
The rest isn't that unreasonable but you can't be working in trades and you better be working as some sort of engineer, finance, doctor or lawyer.
Surprisingly enough, her cooking requirement might be the 2nd most demanding thing because guys in those fields have to give it their 100% all and usually cooking wouldn't be something they would pick up as a hobby.
