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File: 235 KB, 517x382, 1121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76275598 No.76275598 [Reply] [Original]

So...it was a fucking lie...

>> No.76275779

shit bait

>> No.76275809
File: 440 KB, 800x903, 1716083156077342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76275847

She's a talentless hack who can't make money outside of dramashit and selling feet pics (unironically). Not surprising.

>> No.76275907
File: 497 KB, 597x757, ZwIhE79DdU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76276256
File: 103 KB, 796x888, firefox_CKjsf1hJor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76276292

>Shilling a dedicated clip channel for former livers where they keep talking about how horrible being in Niji was
And sisters support this?

>> No.76278117

Finana is awful
Sayu is awful
Both deserve what they got.

>> No.76279286

So true, sis.

>> No.76279415

Nyfco lost.

>> No.76279741

again? Same pic? Please let sayu, niji and all this boring drama to die.

>> No.76279766
File: 21 KB, 112x112, sayuwudum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screenshot old clip
>deliberately take it out of context
>seethe about it every other day
OP y u liek dis?

>> No.76279941
File: 333 KB, 1179x1068, sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu love!

>> No.76280287
File: 88 KB, 433x394, desperateforattention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really proud of this image you made the other day, huh?

>> No.76280658

>please stop making fun of sayu
So this tells me it really cuts deep huh

>> No.76280791


>> No.76280828
File: 130 KB, 657x864, firefox_KyEhfnmXde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just adding it to the collage of schizo sayu bait images.
Expecting to see this one another 8 or so times in the next week and seeing it btfo'd every single time, as usual.

>> No.76280896

There is none. They took a random reddit thread and put sayu's image on it.

>> No.76281053 [DELETED] 

It's not entirely random since Sayu has kids and is divorced

>> No.76281062

>SDF actually replying on cooldown
KEK she's not gonna fuck you bro
Roomate is already ahead of you

>> No.76281135

The roommate is not fucking Sayu. Hell, when she went to Hawaii, he was left behind to cat sit.
Sayu does not have children.

>> No.76281177

>sayufag is so mindbroken he tries to "debunk" a simple meme
I hate sisters but I can see why they pick on you and sayu

>> No.76281263

considering if you leave them alone long enough, they start trying to dox her again, forgive us if we get a little defensive.

>> No.76281322

didn't we have this thread already what happened with niji this time

>> No.76281358
File: 99 KB, 640x427, 1643044030757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The roommate is not fucking Sayu. Hell, when she went to Hawaii, he was left behind to cat sit.

>> No.76281489

Yeah. One of the cats she has is really high maintenance and has health problems. He'd die if left alone for too long.

Also if sayu was fucking somebody, she'd just... say it. It's not like she ever hid her marriage or anything, and her fanbase aren't unicorns.

>> No.76281581

>considering if you leave them alone long enough, they start trying to dox her again, forgive us if we get a little defensive.
Sayu is pro-doxxing but nice try

She said it herself you should expect to be doxxed if you get involved in drama all the time and bother people... Maybe she could just........ not advocate for doxxing?

>> No.76281788

>'s not like she ever hid her marriage or anything, and her fanbase aren't unicorns.
Sayu's fanbase are cuckolds then

>> No.76281962

>Sayu does not have children.
Then I will give her children

>> No.76282073

Sayu doesn't have kids, the fuck are you yapping about? She streams like 8+ hours a day, sometimes longer, when the fuck would she have time for raising kids?

>> No.76282231

Your oshi is a whore, OP

>> No.76282288

Another Nijisister thread trying to spread misinformation about someone. What happened, did the Kronii and FWMC bait threads not work?

>> No.76282418

lol the only threads she gets here besides her general are either drama threads or "sayu is my wife, post her thighs and feet hnngggg i want to have sex with and marry her"

so either you're all morons or literal cucks

>> No.76282829

That's better than anything anyone with a brain has to say about a Niji liver at least

>> No.76282889

Roastie hands typed this

>> No.76282895

>cuck acting like he's not a bottom of the barrel subhuman

>> No.76282957

>itt: sisters too autistic to recognize ritualposting

>> No.76282967

Being terminally obsessed with Nijisanji is all she has, she can't get views without talking about them. Reminder that she only worked at the company for 2 months but has spent over a year now constantly crying about them.

>> No.76283024

Nijisisters have spent over a year now constantly crying about Sayu

>> No.76283038

2 whores fighting, atleast sayu is entertaining for being a massive menhera I will say.

>> No.76283125

Unwashed, underage Paki hands typed this post.

>> No.76283177

>Can't refute
concession accepted

>> No.76283221

Nijisisters put more effort into streetshitting on 4chan than watching their streamers
Proof here

>> No.76283297
File: 711 KB, 1000x1000, 1716256291345876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76283526

imagine investing this much effort into schizoposting about a small indie.

>> No.76283584

refute what? you just said "no u"

>> No.76283660

>small indie
she's definitely /lig/ tier, some of them even tried to convince us to abandon /ss/ and join their spam rituals instead.

>> No.76283906
File: 129 KB, 998x1002, GC2j31Qb0AAMcju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i know most of you SEA faggots dont have basic literary skills but she never said she was pro-doxxing. she quite literally just said "what goes around comes around"

>> No.76284428

No one has said she was a good mother, just that she birthed some spawn. She says she’s paying the ex husband money, what for? perhaps because he has the kid(s).

>> No.76284665

>She says she’s paying the ex husband money, what for?
alimony. she massively out-earned her ex, therefore she is the one to pay.

>> No.76285039

She called that accusation "dox" not "misinfo" which is a confirmation that it's true.

>> No.76285380

The dox she was referring to was her full legal name being posted in Kenji's chat you retard.

>> No.76285422

>now he's just making shit up and too afraid to respond directly because he hopes I won't reply to call him out
sad cuck

>> No.76285434

What this guy >>76284665 said. California alimony laws are fucked up.

>> No.76285654

>woman pays for once
Mmmmm nyo.

>> No.76285656

alimony shouldn't even be a thing tbdesu, no matter which party is forced to pay

>> No.76285699

She would've been a no-name indie back then, how is that even possible?

>> No.76286061

as said on stream before a j-word gets trigger happy, she used to work for google (adsense tester), apple (siri tester) and mihoyo (genshin tester). all pay good but not something she could do forever, plus 'vid layoffs.

>> No.76286255

>good pay

>> No.76286273


>> No.76286455

it was good enough to be mandated to pay alimony despite the gynocentric family courts, anon.

>> No.76286533

You're operating on backwards logic here. If $40k is larger than $20k, that doesn't mean $40k is a high salary, it means the fag on $20k is a deadbeat loser. Or it's child support.

>> No.76286646

being the key word. women usually don't have to pay alimony even if they out-earn their exes, it only happens when the income disparity is ludicrously high.

>> No.76286681

Or the woman is objectively in the wrong and deserves it.

>> No.76286827

except she was cheated on again, said on stream, j-words, so would it have been fault divorce she'd have won... but it wasn't. just the classic no fault divorce case with the genders reversed... she got divorce raped if you will.

>> No.76286968

>gynocentric court made a woman pay alimony even though she got cheated on
That's too ridiculous to believe, you're blatantly getting scammed.

>> No.76287149

>getting scammed
no, I just can't say everything because of >>1 but I'm fully aware of her situation.

>> No.76287183

If your knowledge is based just on what she said and defies common sense because "trust me bro" then you're just a sucker.

>> No.76287185

That's a clipnigger OP

>> No.76287252

>just on what she said
nope, but I can't say any more without getting bonked and the info getting nuked anyway.

>> No.76287378

>trust me bro

>> No.76287499

take it up with the j-words.

>> No.76287510

She literally said she has no kids

>> No.76287513

>in desperation, the sister resorts to doxbaiting
Embarassing. You are a disgrace to whatever country you come from.

>> No.76287607

>woman forced to pay hard earned money to a jobless bum that cheated on her
It's unacceptable when it happens to a man and it's unacceptable here. Don't be a retard.

>> No.76287744

>woman marrying a jobless bum
Yeah sayu, don't be a retard.

>> No.76288016

You see "what goes around comes around" only works if the person was okay with her being doxxed and didn't just talk about her drama, retard

>> No.76289583

It also applies when someone basically uses stochastic terrorism to get you doxxed and harassed by labeling you as a pedophile. I know, a crazy concept!

>> No.76290576

Based Sayu

>> No.76290614

At least we can safely say you haven't moved on.

>> No.76290620

sisters are this desperate huh

>> No.76290656

>selen with the biggest loss
haha dookieshitters what's our response

>> No.76290704

>Kenji got Sayu doxxed!
She already got doxxed before he even said anything about her. You're mentally ill

>> No.76290738

>Kenji worsened the harassment and doxxing!

>> No.76290746

Why are sisters so unoriginal?

>> No.76290785

Their brain only serves to receive orders from their lord and savior Riku
They also came up with the incredibly original sayuseethe

>> No.76290814

>she's not gonna fuck you bro
how about I fuck you instead, sister?

>> No.76290820

So basically anyone who talks about drama deserves to be doxxed? Guess Sayu deserved to be doxxed then

>> No.76291464

Nice bad faith argument sis

>> No.76291612

At least it makes them easy to spot and call out. Imagine if they were actually intelligent.

>> No.76291731

You know, I thought there is no way it would happen, but maybe Luca WILL actually fall below 1M subs

>> No.76293001

nijinigger, we are the /ss/-Brigade. Get your facts right you subhuman

>> No.76294041


>> No.76294221
File: 72 KB, 850x513, Prophecy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the NDF really need to step up their game

>> No.76294557

Go to bed Finana

>> No.76294582
File: 81 KB, 803x711, 1712943585608117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76294593

>Nijisanji hiring a literal scam artist deflection thread

>> No.76294679

I think I’m experiencing drama fatigue or something, I don’t have the energy to care about any of these people anymore

>> No.76294719
File: 106 KB, 624x629, Insult Retort[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fn4by5a.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76294748

Sayufags and dokifags are now worser than /pol/ and /#/ are you guys not tired of shitting the catalog.

>> No.76294851

>now worser than /pol/ and /#/
This literally isn’t possible

>> No.76294919

I agree, It's fine to support them and want to help them out of these situations, but there doesn't have to be so many reruns and attempts to start more shit, just post like titties or some shit instead.

>> No.76294942

Ryoma deflection thread.

>> No.76295053

I love that they didn't even bother to crop the white background. It takes like 2 seconds but they were like "no. I want it to FEEL cheap. I want niji to know they're not even worth THAT." just perfect.

>> No.76295362


>> No.76295474

You shouldn't be celebrating about being worse than /pol/ and /#/. I hope the sisters pull an ameggedon on doki and sayu hangs herself somewhere in the suicide forest of Japan I'm sick of you fags shitting up board everytime.

>> No.76295473

So a years worth of sub growth was lost, and due to bad reputation Finana has no chance of going forward
What will be her best action now?

>> No.76295901

someone's seething alright

>> No.76296211
File: 140 KB, 640x822, they-deserve-better-duo-v0-3ttoa1ogv6hc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aren't those member only so your traitor then...

>> No.76296264

gift memberships were a mistake.

>> No.76296443

Remember, shitting on Finana is your moral obligation

>> No.76296485
File: 141 KB, 1022x994, dVUElrurzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, sisters just fucking LOVE spamming it as if it's some kind of gotcha that Sayu got betrayed and wish she didn't.

>> No.76296616

Honestly she should just stay in Niji until the ship finally sinks, going back to indie won't work since her reputiaton is basically destroyed, everyone except her paypigs hate her.

>> No.76298907

>everyone except her paypigs hate her
Her paypigs left a long time ago, its why she barely makes $50 on a stream. All she has left are idiots who still watch her due to sunk cost fallacy over the years. Look at her chat and its all 1-2 year members

>> No.76303081
File: 160 KB, 692x692, 1000008234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even humanly possible to mention this indie without a tribal war erupting?
I feel bad for the few fans she has who dont give a shit about vtweeter drama, seems like all she ever gets brought up and clipped for.

>> No.76303086


>> No.76303961

It's impossible to talk about her /here/ outside of /ss/ because of Nyfco refugees shitting up the board 24/7 and third party dramaniggers posting obvious bait threads. Like OP for example.

>> No.76303999

pretty much.

>> No.76306058

this will never cease to amuse me

>> No.76309180

Imagine being a streamer, streaming for 7-8 hours at the time. You have some obnoxious faggot in comments constantly talking about your previous job. You respond; only for that faggot to use it for literal clipbait.

>> No.76309993

Millie going below 500k would be the most deserved.

>> No.76310226

Nijisisters are mad because Sayu is sponsoring Offkai Cosplay Showcase kek

>> No.76310328

Sayu sex

>> No.76310442

i remember there was a link to a list of all finana sins, does anyone have that?

>> No.76310615

Sayu doesn't move on she's like the swarm of flies who circle drama like is dog shit. She will never let it go and she has her reasons I get that but nobody wants to burn bridges via association which is why most people ignore her.

>> No.76310676

sisters will never stop harassing her and her fans

>> No.76315407

You people are delusional. It's because anytime she ever gets brought up it's her n+1000th attempt to dredge up more drama and being a pityfarmer riding in doki's wake
If she was getting mentioned for new accomplishments or discussion unrelated to her dramafagging AGAIN, no one would care
Maybe actually read the criticism against her before chimping out over it

>> No.76315642

You mean every time a Nyfco sister with a gifted membership leaks her members posts to make 20 shitty "AIIIEEEE WHY WON'T SHE MOVE ON" baith threads

>> No.76315781

This would have actually been believable if sisters didn't start schizoposting every time a thread about her actual accomplishments gets made (play button, Offkai sponsor)

>> No.76316371

Mostly because it’s all pointless and dragged out with nothing happening. At least graduations spawn some rats

>> No.76316437

>sisters starting the 1000th Sayu drama
>"why can't she stay away from drama???"

>> No.76316574

Depends, if she somehow gets a competent tardwrangler, then she could try to make a comeback.
Shame her only circle of trust consists of morally bankrupt co-workers, groomers and a EBF.

>> No.76316634

Anon shes literally reacting to a vid about Zaion

>> No.76317966

Why would she move on? The streams she gets the most donos on is the streams she talks about her past.
Would you stop shittalking a former shit employer if you got money every time you did it?

>> No.76318428

Sayu has not once shown any problem with talking about niji in her streams, she almost enoucrages it kek.
