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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76279288 No.76279288 [Reply] [Original]

Why is vtubing fans full of unicorns? I don't think even real idol fans would be as mad if their oshi talks to a male on screen.

>> No.76279391

>enters fanbase catered to a specific group of people
>gets mad when people tell them to leave

>> No.76279494

It's an excuse to act like a shithead and get attention for doing so.

>> No.76279503

i will never forgive coco for ushering redditors into vtubing

>> No.76279728

I would hang my oshi for talking to men in my vicinity no matter how much i love her

>> No.76279844


>> No.76280032

>Hololive subreddit
>Posts holostars when there is a holostars subreddit

>> No.76280045

> You bunch of parasocial pedopile groomer nazi evil nasty unicorns
We are the sane ones here

>> No.76280799 [DELETED] 

This is gonna shock you but the VTuber fanbase, let alone the Hololive fanbase is huge, and unicorns, especially the ones that self-identify as ones here make up a VERY VERY tiny fraction of the broader fanbase. Few if any of these people actually love their oshis, which to me, takes away the purpose of something practiced amongst many fans as oshikatsu, which is something many unicorns look down upon and in my eyes, the fact that these unicorns don't take the time to love their oshis for who they are and what they give them is antithetical to what I think Hololive embodies. I get that the paying customer matters, but what's the point when you willingly chose your oshi in the first place?

>> No.76281076

Unicorns don't have an oshi. Their oshi is themselves because they could give one less of a damn if their oshi is feeling down nor will they ever really love their oshi as well. That's "being a simp" in their code of conduct.

>> No.76281138

There's a difference between an idol talking to a male interviewer or host and getting to know a male e-celeb, becoming close friends with him, playing games with him, and giving him her contact info.
Die, scum.

>> No.76281142

GFE antis are insane

>> No.76281186

Least obvious nijinigger.

>> No.76281259

Unicorns stick with their oshi through literally everything as long as she doesn't do one thing: get involved with men.
They're literally the opposite of what you're saying.

>> No.76281332
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Why is the Holostars fanbase full of nijitrash refugees?

>> No.76281403
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>> No.76281414

Whatever you say. Must be fun living in denial and ego

>> No.76281523
File: 239 KB, 2048x1131, IMG_9676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don’t stream with males

If you wanna deal with males in your offtime, that's none of our business

Just DON’T wave another man’s cock in our face, and we will literally pay you thousands of dollars a month for the privilege of it.

So LITTLE effort, for so MUCH reward, and yet so many women can’t follow such a goddamn simple rule


>> No.76281535

>Unicorns stick with their oshi through literally everything as long as she doesn't do one thing: get involved with men.
There's like three different ways Miguel proves you wrong, unless you're going to move goalposts and say she wasn't the definition of unicorn pandering and her fanbase wasn't the definition of unicorns.

>> No.76281544

Hard to like GFE when many people who do it are just pretending

>> No.76281560

>rushia image

>> No.76281569

>Die, scum.
says the scum

>> No.76281637

reddit screenshot threads are almost as bad as stockfagging threads

>> No.76281661

>whores prostitute themselves
>why is vtubing fans full of unicorns

>> No.76281729

gay thread but the term "unicorn" is one of many that's been bastardized to suit the EN vtuber scene's needs so who gives a fuck, really

>> No.76281740

I also came here to mention when the fuck did people start normalizing reddit screenshots unrelated to vtubers themselves here? This place is becoming more and more of a dramafag shithole

>> No.76281758

She was literally hiding her marriage, you fucking braindead idiot. What the hell is unicorn friendly about getting creampied by a male utaite ayylmao?
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.76281773

>implying interviewers and hosts aren't literally the biggest threats to any female streamer
Are you genuinely retarded or just pretending? Need to know if when you reply if I should treat you like I'm talking to a 9 year old or not.

>> No.76281843

Let him do it, unicorns are the biggest hypocrites in the fandom. All I see and hear from them are nothing but negativity, many of them don't even have an oshi, they just obsess over collabs. I used to get upset when Holos collab with males but I don't anymore, because I can not watch those streams if I choose not to watch.

>> No.76281857

>If you wanna deal with males in your offtime, that's none of our business
You aren't a unicorn. You're a cuck.
Unicorns want no involvement with males online or offline.
I'm really fucking tired of shitheads like you trying to make people think it's okay to be a cuck. Kill yourself.

>> No.76281895

Very interesting way of saying you can't take the L at all but OK

>> No.76281907

And there comes the larper.

>> No.76281956

This board is for the mentally ill. A literal cesspit.

>> No.76281986

They should bring back stoning for adulterers

>> No.76281994
File: 155 KB, 947x2048, IMG_3749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unicorns want no involvement with males online or offline.
Unicorns don’t have the power to stop a girl from talking with men offline. All they can do is hope she goes through the effort of hiding it. I’m not a cuck, I’m just being realistic.

>> No.76281999

Anyone wanna take bets on how long it's gonna take for the homobeggars to start dropping dox? These threads always end the same way.

>> No.76282016

Afraid to admit he's not larping. This is the /jp/ dogfucker way. This is why no one talks about Hololive JP seriously here anymore. This is why that board fucking died and now it's the gay 40 year old 2hu ERP diaperfest it used to be before /vyt/ took off

>> No.76282029

>What the hell is unicorn friendly about getting creampied by a male utaite ayylmao?
Pretty simple.
>She was literally hiding her marriage
If you don't see it, it doesn't exist. At least 50% of Japanese women over the age of 18 aren't virgins, and if (you) ever acknowledge that coinflips existence then you stop being a true unicorn.

>> No.76282038

If they're that desperate for viewers that they'll pander to mentally ill sisters, then let them. We already see them trying to cancel Astel for buying McDonald's lol

>> No.76282122

Right. I'm sure the 60 year old bald married comedian that goes through new guests every day or some journalist asking her a few questions for his article is a bigger threat than famous male sexpest streamers who're her own age, within her own profession, and are known for hooking up with other female streamers.
You're the retard here, anon. Holy shit you are fucking dumb.

>> No.76282203

Unicorns: actually watch streams, member, superchat, buy merch, don’t start drama, etc. Beggars/Homos: don’t watch streams, don’t buy merch, are Nijifaggots, only watch clips, instigate almost all the drama Hololive/Stars has been involved with. Tell me again why unicorns are supposedly the problem, when almost everything bad that had happened came from the homo faggots

>> No.76282237

>the only hosts are 60 year old comedians

>> No.76282244

This is why everyone laughs at your pathetic existence. You're nothing. You're not taken seriously. Your board and thread died because your crippling autism and rage made discourse unenjoyable. The self-fulfilling prophecy of the girls "not loving you" is true because you're nothing but a bitter and jaded old man who will die alone. That's a horrible example to set for your oshi and I do not blame her one bit. You are scum. Leave the fandom immediately.

>> No.76282278
File: 391 KB, 776x630, IMG_0292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homobeggars are in hololive to spread thier propoganda

>> No.76282381

Is this a copypaste or did you just misfire?

>> No.76282387

>Unicorns: Don't watch streams only clips, do not member, saying it's "cucked" and that YouTube are "Jewish," don't superchat for the same reason, don't buy merch because it's "cuck behavior," always start drama (as if this hellboard's catalog is any example) etc. (I've got all day with you faggots)

>> No.76282398

Unicorns took holosalt from us.
What a shame

>> No.76282438

I'm serious you fucking nigger. I'm tired of you posing faggots pretending you're fans of Hololive when the only two things you care about are stocks and who the girls collab with.

>> No.76282473

So you're having a schizophrenic meltdown and replying to a post that doesn't exist, gotcha.

>> No.76282477

Anon. I mean this sincerely. If you're emotionally invested in your oshi and you're okay with her having a boyfriend or dating guys that aren't you as long as you don't know about it, then that makes you a cuck.
Idols are not supposed to date because it's a betrayal to their fans who are mostly single men busting their asses to support them.
You aren't a unicorn. You don't even know what that term means. Originally, the term referred exclusively to virgin women idols and their fans. Modern women are whores however and so now it refers to ones that are single and not involved with men.
So stop speaking for unicorn fans. You aren't one.

>> No.76282553

>schizophrenic meltdown
Pot calling kettle black as this is you every day Cover's stock goes down or one girl collabs with someone NG per the Dogfucker Code of Conduct

>> No.76282562

>Modern women are whores however and so now it refers to ones that are single and not involved with men.
Then you can provide proof that your oshi has never fucked a man before and she's not part of that coinflip. But you can't, because that's simply just your hope, and that's what makes you a true unicorn.

>> No.76282615

So how many dicks are you okay with your homo streamer taking? 300?

>> No.76282624

Just because I don't want my oshi to fall victim to the homobeggars doesn't mean I'm a unicorn.
Don't get me wrong, I am a unicorn but all that means is that I don't want my oshi to talk to men because I know she'd 100% seduce them with her wits and character, the slut.

>> No.76282636

>I don't think even real idol fans would be as mad if their oshi talks to a male on screen.
"Real idol fans" would be even more pissed off if their oshi talks to a male outside of work / business activities, too

>> No.76282660

The girls are allowed to do whatever they want, that includes ignoring your useless leechbranch faggots and pretending they don't exist.

>> No.76282669

I said it in an earlier thread that got deleted:
Homobeggars are trying to astroturf over there precisely because nobody gives a shit about the Stars subreddit

>> No.76282699

At least you admit you don't have an oshi and only care about stocks and collabs
Concession accepted, I guess. Now march on back to your various idolfag threads on the dying board. You know which one I'm talking about. Hololive is not and will never be for you. You are the black sheep of the "cucks" you complain about. Continuous torture of yourself will only drive you further mad. Now off yourself you pathetic waste of human space.

>> No.76282763

That's correct.

>> No.76282824

>my oshi is a slut
Can you fuck off back to your board already?

>> No.76282830

>doesn't mean I'm a unicorn
>I'm a unicorn
/#/ and /jp/ aren't sending their best aren't they?

>> No.76282858

It's not just about keeping the stars away anymore. It's about keeping their fanbase away too. They literally harassed Astel into taking a week long break because he ate at McD's. I don't want to share a fanbase or a hobby with any of the fuckers who think this is normal.

>> No.76282896

His oshi is Mikeneko and he's in still stuck in the anger phase 4 months later LMAO

>> No.76282919

>Homobeggars create invinsible unicorn to fight with again
KEK, this is why people call you mentally ill

>> No.76282934

Take Kanata for example. She claims to be a virgin.
If you oshi her and believe her, I guess that makes you a "true unicorn" fan.
If you think she's not a virgin but is probably telling the truth about not getting involved with men while in hololive, then you'd be a unicorn.
If you oshi Kanata, but you only think in terms of "kayfabe", and you think that "Kanata" may be a virgin and not dating, but you think her roommate definitely is because you separate them, then you're a cuck, not a unicorn.

>> No.76282989

You sound conflicted. Did a viewer break your heart? :(

>> No.76282990

kys Tenks, the other Heimin laugh at your bullshit

>> No.76283020

Cool. Now do the Beggars/Homos.

>> No.76283043

Alright jeez, I'll get back to /n/

>> No.76283046

Unicorns also like to homobeg ironically too you know. And ironic shitposting is still shitposting faggot

>> No.76283064

>If you oshi her and believe her, I guess that makes you a "true unicorn" fan.
>If you think she's not a virgin but is probably telling the truth about not getting involved with men while in hololive, then you'd be a unicorn.
And that's exactly what I was saying in >>76282029. You have to believe your oshi that she's not part of that 50/50 at all, because if you don't then you're just a cuck who can even consider the possibility she can be with another man. Hence
>If you don't see it, it doesn't exist.

>> No.76283100


>> No.76283110

Exactly what that guy said they are. That doesn't stop me from thinking unicorns are another equally disgusting extreme of a "fan" as homobeggars are.

>> No.76283117

>homobeggars exploded themself over nothing
Another day another unicorn win

>> No.76283267

There's already a lot of overlap between the homos and the sisters. Since niji is dying, they're moving onto holo and trying to stir drama

>> No.76283285
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I like women's asses

>> No.76283334

>calling others cucks repeatedly is winning
Are we on /v/ or /pol/?

>> No.76283341

>itt: cucks seething at unicornchads

>> No.76283386
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anon i think you need to lie down

>> No.76283388

>got kicked out from nyfco
>got kicked out from hololive subreddit
>got kicked out from okbh
>come here instead

>> No.76283403

I do have an oshi and she says she's not dating, and I believe her. You can say I'm stupid for trusting her, that's fine. But I'm a univorn fan and you aren't. If I found out my oshi was lying and she had a boyfriend, I would drop her. I don't know why this is hard for you to understand.
Also, this hobby is obviously for unicorns. If it wasn't, then the members that lie and actually do have boyfriends would mention them on stream. I'm sure that some members are lying and some aren't, but no holo has openly talked about being in a current relationship on stream.

>> No.76283441


>> No.76283446


>> No.76283471

I would've believed you but unicorns do give money and buy merch though. As pathetic as they are, they at least put their money where their mouth is, which I can't say the same for collab beggars. Vtubers should pander to the people that at least give them money

>> No.76283537

I have no idea who you're talking about. I was only giving her as an example.
Personally, kanata is an idolfag and so I don't think she'd go against her word and betray her fans like that. She isn't my oshi, though.

>> No.76283577

Not an argument. Maybe explain the Pekora and JUN begging? Who's posting that every day? Definitely not Redditors for one!

>> No.76283611

So you believe vtubers who aren't hardcore idolfags could betray that expectation? Is that the retarded path you want to go down?

>> No.76283612

Everytime I've seen "We are the sane ones" it's always been on twitter from someone antagonizing others and just in general being an ass

>> No.76283629

This you???

>> No.76283666

>and I believe her
That's a lie
>then the members that lie and actually do have boyfriends would mention them on stream
>I'm sure that some members are lying
And there it is, you do not trust your oshi. You just refuse to admit it.

>> No.76283693

what a fucking hyprocrite

>> No.76283726

Apply this to /vt/ as well.

>> No.76283738

only on the holo side

>> No.76283770
File: 113 KB, 607x720, zzzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypocrite just like this dumb bitch, says she's seiso but then does this shit.. fucking slut

>> No.76283782

>got assblasted on twitter and subreddit
Come here instead KEK

>> No.76283787

No, leave.

>> No.76283807

No, you dumb idiot. When did I say that?
If I said I trust my parents because they're related to me by blood, does that mean I don't trust anyone that isn't?
Lmao, what the fuck?

>> No.76283844

You always say this but there's no direct proof of that. As far as I'm concerned, you fags don't spend a dime on merch because it'd be "funding Cover's homo projects." Whatever, tired of you fakes pretending to be fans, we all know /vt/ doesn't watch streams or will ever learn Japanese anyways because both are "not worth it" anyways. Why even try man?

>> No.76283891

>go into an insane asylum
>>wtf why is everyone here insane?

>> No.76283896

So then why did you even bring up the idolfag part of your post? You always trust your oshi if she says she isn't with a man, unless you're a cuck who secretly wants that to be true. No exceptions, no reasons needed beyond her word. Are you retarded or just really bad at larping?

>> No.76283898

I just showed you an example of you unicorns ironically homobegging and you deflected to le boogeyman. OK, I'm glad to hear unicorns are not only unaware but also retarded.

>> No.76283980

you're a fucking lunatic, we all know EVERY. SINGLE. CHUUBA. interacts with tons of men on a daily basis. that's life. all most sane fans want is to keep all of that off stream, out of sight, out of mind

>> No.76284053

It's saddening to see that people like this think they rule the Hololive fandom. I never see these fags in superchats or in member's only posts, why is that?

>> No.76284055
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>not denying it
Kill yourself, Koshi. Unironically. You're literally one of the most pathetic fucking idiots I've seen screengrabbed on this board yet. You're literally the stereotypical faggot that goes from unity to homobeggar to anti.

>> No.76284066

thank omegatranny for bringing tempus and completely ruining hololive.

>> No.76284099

Meds ENShart

>> No.76284120

Depends on where you are, if you’re talking corporate vtubing then it’s because it’s a more regulated format where unicorn behaviour is less likely to be called out due to an obligation to avoid controversy as much as possible. It’s better for chuubas to avoid all interactions with males because it causes controversy whether deserved or not, and the counter controversy from not collabing with males is much smaller by comparison. I wouldn’t consider myself a unicorn at all but the chuubas who interact with males are likely just doing it for fun since theres rarely anything to gain from it, even if you don’t always lose much either.

>> No.76284148

Uhhh... no?
I'm struggling to understand why you think I don't trust my oshi or Kanata.
Cover says their personal lives are not their concern and so whether they have relationships or not is up to them individually. However not a single one has ever talked about being in a relationship.
So either none of them are in relationships or some of them are and are lying through omission.
We know the second one is true because a couple of them have admitted they were in relationships on their roommate accounts.
But just because a couple of them are lying or hiding it, doesn't mean they all are, either.
And so whether you believe your oshi or not is up to you. Do your roommate reps and you'll get a better idea who to trust and who not to trust.

I can't break these simple concepts down any further, so I hope you understand and aren't completely retarded.

>> No.76284169

So that was really you???
Please take your med

>> No.76284206

nta but vtubers who aren't idolfags aren't vtubers. They're westerners appropriating Japanese culture, sweaty.

>> No.76284224

>or some of them are and are lying through omission
There it is, you can't deny you don't trust the girls here. Either shut up or walk away.

>> No.76284240

There's no reason to think Kanata is lying from everything I know about her.
But not every member is trustworthy. Do I need to remind you about Za hando?

>> No.76284242

Please take your med Koshi

>> No.76284275

So then how do you decide who is and isn't trustworthy? And more importantly, why do you think your stupid metric even matters, especially when you immediately jump to the worst case scenario?

>> No.76284286
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>trusting festival in the first place

>> No.76284326

>But not every member is trustworthy
There's your admission and concession that you'll eventually fall to your own lack of trust sooner or later with Kanata. Eventually your own delusions and displaced projections will roll over to your oshi when push comes to shove.

>> No.76284327

>But not every member is trustworthy.
name them larping faggot, knowledge check

>> No.76284363

By reading /vt/ threads and /jp/ reposts of suki-kira bullshit LMAO

>> No.76284379

You're making fun of anon but that's honestly what it sounds like at this point.

>> No.76284429
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 1712052229876532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to /jp/ if you wanna deal with your japnig whores, faggot. This board belongs to EN vtubing now.

>> No.76284439

Interacting with a grocery clerk is not the same thing as having a boyfriend.
"Getting involved with men" means dating, having sex, etc. Not avoiding the subway because there might be a guy on the car or not taking an uber because the driver might be a man.
Are you seriously so stupid that you don't understand the difference? You realize most of the people working at Cover in the sound department and 3D tech and motion capture department are men, correct?
It was never about wanting your oshi to avoid every interaction with any male under any circumstance. How are you this retarded and reductivist?

>> No.76284455

Fucker don't know the difference between work and personal life. Get your head off the gutter and face reality. Retard

>> No.76284519

>It was never about wanting your oshi to avoid every interaction with any male under any circumstance.
Please, continue to drag roleplay even further into the dirt. It amuses me.

>> No.76284533

Is it really too much to ask for my oshi to not be a whore?

>> No.76284552

I trust festival to drain my dick and make it limp everytime.

>> No.76284568

That's not what you said earlier bud, maybe take your meds before coming here from the dogfucker paradise

>> No.76284574

EVERYBODY that does it is pretending, by definition. She's talking to a thousand other men, all masturbating in that room along side you.

>> No.76284640

These two are the same person. This is amazing duplicity. I for one am astonished at how deranged unicorns actually are.

>> No.76284745

Being able to discern what is being a realistic fan and a mumbling creep is the first thing everyone here needs to do.

The talent doesn't know you, fuck does she care what you think she does on her off time.

Why would you care about it too? You watch for entertainment and the premise of consuming said industry. You don't know her personal life. Nor should you.

>> No.76284759

He's right, if you're not actively grooming your vtuber then you have no rights to complain when she talks to a man.

>> No.76284778

I think you're being purposefully retarded because there's no normal person that would think you either have to trust ALL of them or NONE of them.
The world doesn't work like that. Besides, what about the one current member that announced she was married? She was honest about it.
Obviously, it's up to each fan, but I wouldn't gachikoi or unicorn her and it would make sense she doesn't have such fans. But I admire her honesty and think it's fine to support such a person.

>> No.76284786

I think he knows that anon, he just wants an excuse to call all of Hololive whores because Rushia didn't act like a retard or something

>> No.76284819
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>We are the sane ones

>> No.76284820

>Besides, what about the one current member that announced she was married? She was honest about it.
Are you mixing up your cuckold fantasies with reality again, LARPer-kun?

>> No.76284836

What are you on about anon, only the second one is me. Just because someone replies to your shit take doesn't mean it's the same anon.

>> No.76284841

>didn't act like a retard
Acted like a retard*

>> No.76284844

You drop them the second they do or say something you don't like, you ask loyalty from women who don't even know you while you don't have any yourself.

>> No.76284853

>Besides, what about the one current member that announced she was married?
what the fuck are you talking about? not a single current member of hololive has ever announced a marriage, even rushia didn't do that technically

>> No.76284866
File: 300 KB, 379x454, 1597653747222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is vtubing fans full of unicorns?
Because the opposite is trash, it has been proved again and again

>> No.76284868

I just want mio and lui to get fucking married so they stop being all gloomy and sad whenever they're looking to baby pictures and childlike talents

>> No.76284892

Stop replying to yourself faggot

>> No.76284913

>Koshi is still fighting his invinsible unicorn
Are you run out of med?

>> No.76284925

Holy fuck you niggers are cringe. Especially the two trannies going back and forth having meltys.
Your "oshi's" would be so much more disappointed in you than they already are. Lmfao.

>> No.76284945
File: 336 KB, 1900x1800, 1693720138966230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably the most insulting thing I've ever been told on this board. Never compare me to a subhuman faggot like that one who simply pretends to actually love his vtuber ever again.

>> No.76284954

melties*, oshis*
nice try, but your ESL status makes your point invalid

>> No.76284969
File: 276 KB, 1125x702, BASED wata warrior .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your answer

>> No.76285031

Seethe more grammer cockboy lmao.
Your oshi is getting dicked down right now.

>> No.76285055

You can tell this fan is filled with Fancucks/Cuckfami coping that their oshi the self-proclaimed queen of unicorns lied to them and used them for years now they want everyone to go down with them KWAB

>> No.76285090

So let me get this straight, Unicorns are Bipolar Mercurial schizos who will fly off the handle at the slightest thing, even if it's fake AND Spineless cucks who let their whore oshi's walk all over them and deny reality to keep their delusions intact?
Something about that doesn't add up to me.

>> No.76285094

yea by me

>> No.76285112

>my oshi should only cater me and no other male even outside her work because I should be the only male she interacts with.

What kind of retardation is this??

>> No.76285126

It's not up to me. Like I said, whether to believe them or not is up each individual.
I generally default to trusting their word, but if there was a member that talked about their boyfriend all the time before joining or another member that tried to hide the fact they were playing hundreds of games alone with a male utaite off-stream, or an unknown person's hand appeared in the background of another member's stream, then I personally wouldn't really trust those specific members anymore.
We saw signs that Rushia was involved with the alien for years. You EOP just aren't aware of those events. I always had a difficult time believing her because of the discord friends list incident and the matching tablewear and furniture incident, both of which happened years before the notification that appeared in her GTA collab with Miko.

>> No.76285195


>> No.76285235

>but if there was a member that talked about their boyfriend all the time before joining
How the fuck did you start out with the most schizophrenic unrealistic example there's ever been? Name some current Holo's who've ever once talked about their exes.

>> No.76285242

Why are homobeggars always ESL?

>> No.76285289

Hard to use spellcheck with a cock in your mouth

>> No.76285330
File: 292 KB, 558x547, 1703020843864521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see a homobeggar post I imagine a fat, unwashed legbeard who, after totally owning the unichuds on /vt/, heads back to whatever new doxxsite she's on and starts chuckling at all the posts from all the dumb whores who think Milord loves them when in reality he only loves her.

>> No.76285357

I'll come to the defense of fancucks just this once to say that EOPs living in ignorance isn't any fault on their end. If anything it's a blessing as there also wasn't really any "signs", it was as explicit as it possibly gets prior to the message.

That being said, you should still kill yourself for all these retarded posts you've made pretending to actually be a unicorn and go back to your doxxsite already.

>> No.76285359

Correction for all the imbeciles posting in this thread.
Unicorn = Someone that wants his oshi to be a virgin
Western/Vtubing version of a unicorn = A girl can't talk to a male EVER no matter if it's vtubing or real life.

How did vtuber fans become so mentally ill when even real life idols watch their oshi's collab with males, record songs together and go on TV shows together. One of the biggest idol related shows in Japan is hosted by 2 (?) males.

And also, male vtuber fans shouldn't criticize anyone anyways. It's just a bunch of screeching trannies virtue signaling about inclusitivy and tranny shit and which products you can or cannot buy based on <insert current FOTM event in the world>

>> No.76285372

You're an ESL subhuman retard. I don't have to listen to you.
These aren't anime characters. These are women using anime avatars to stream. If they say they're single, then they better be single or else they're a liar.
If you're upset by that statement, it's probably because you think your oshi is a lying whore and so you're trying to invoke "kayfabe" in order to insist you aren't a cuck.

>> No.76285431

You can't expect a female streamer with thousands of viewers to save herself just for your selfish ass, if you want female attention then get a gf or buy an escort.

>> No.76285435

Absolutely delusional

You should rope yourself

>> No.76285443

KEK, what a fucking retard

>> No.76285446

Why do we care about Reddit shit? Just support the talents you want to support. If some guys just want to have the K-ON experience and you don't, you don't have to debate him or fucking whatever.

>> No.76285476

> vtubing fans
Only holokeks, who brought this shit from idol culture.

>> No.76285488

>reddit post
Something happen to homobeggars on subreddit again????

>> No.76285494
File: 844 KB, 750x742, unicorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76285518


>> No.76285531

I came for the entertainment, not drama. As long as they don't fucking tell that they're actively getting railed at night then why the fuck should I care?? I watch because I like the content a talent gives out. I ain't delusional enough to think that they're all saints and virgin mary. Who the fuck does that?? Are you alright in the head?

>> No.76285548

Ah yes. Let's assume your retarded and twisted version of what a unicorn is to be correct.d.
Then what about the engineers I talked about? What about the bus driver? What about their fathers and brothers?
Go ahead. Explain how you think any unicorn ever demanded their oshi remove all interaction with those kinds of people from their lives.
They didn't. It has ALWAYS been about them not having a boyfriend/sex or having guys on stream.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
But go ahead and explain why you think the contrary.

>> No.76285578
File: 59 KB, 835x264, 1692891959439589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're upset that they are being told to fuck off back to THEIR VERY OWN SUBREDDIT THAT EXISTS JUST FOR THEM instead of shitting up the Hololive one.

>> No.76285596

Point to where I said anything that contradicts that.

>> No.76285609

No, it's always been about keeping the male presence in your streams to zero unless you're literally forced to otherwise. No exceptions.

>> No.76285616

Holy fucking shizo, I kneel.

>> No.76285617


>> No.76285647

You're an actual schizo. The second one is not mine. I'm once again left wondering why you think me not trusting Matsuri or Shion or Laplus means I don't trust my oshi. You're being absurd.

>> No.76285659

Always remember that those are the people that are calling you "incel".

>> No.76285680


No male interaction nor mention on screen? All good.

Actively whoring yourself with a male on screen? Abandoned.

How is that hard to understand?

>> No.76285684

Which is pretty ironic when you know that investors, sponsors, and managers giving themselves the right to "sample" the talents is part of idol culture.

>> No.76285703

Fucking this, I don't understand how it's so hard for these subhumans to understand.

>> No.76285715

Tell me right now why it matters so much to YOU if the vtuber you are watching has a boyfriend or is having sex matters? How does that affect you in any way whatsoever?
I'm genuinely curious and eagerly awaiting your reply.

>> No.76285724


>> No.76285743

Obviously, that's how I can dick down my oshi after all

>> No.76285767


>>76284844 case in point

>> No.76285769

see >>76285494

>> No.76285812

It's called having integrity. If you claim to be single when you aren't, then you're an evil, manipulative bitch. There's no way around that and no invocation of "kayfabe" will save you. If you lie to your fans to maximize simp bucks and tell them or imply you aren't taking dick when you are, then you're a lying whore. End of story.
And you can't be upset when your fans that find out turn into antis and make you scared to leave your apartment.

>> No.76285816

That's them discarding my loyalty, not me.

>> No.76285835

Can I invest the bare minimum to get to sample ookami mio's brapps

>> No.76285863

...should we tell this guy?

>> No.76285873

>Mentally ill homobeggars got chase out from reddit
>come to post here instead

>> No.76285880

>entertainment industries have a problem with sexual favors
>this logically means 100% of vtubers
>people whose physical appearances literally do not matter
>whose interactions with people are kept to a minimum
>are as passed around as much as Aya Hirano
>(except for the bassist)
You should apply for your governments tendiesbux. You've got an easy argument for it.

>> No.76285904

>I will apply to Cover as a manager
>I will have non-consenting sex with your oshi(s)
>She whistleblows
>Everyone will believe her
>I go to jail
>The entirety of corporate vtubing falls in a day
Wait for it anons. I'm coming.

>> No.76285916

She announced it on roommate in 2020. It's so widely known that whenever there's a thread for her on this board. Anons say shit like "married woman sex!" and they don't get banned.
Lurk more, newfag.

>> No.76285934
File: 11 KB, 183x275, o7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed soldier. Take some pics of Mio's hairy cunt for me.

>> No.76285973

May uou be successful on your endeavors anon. We will watch your legacy unfolds.

>> No.76285977

>manager getting any punishment
Despite JP companies paying you in packing peanuts one constant thing in the entertainment business over there, especially for idol labels, is that you can pretty much get away with rape and years of abuse if you are a loyal company man. This has unfortunately happened before. It's like Weistein on cocaine.

>> No.76285988

actual narcissistic psycho post

>> No.76285999

This brings up a good point, choose an Oshi who's a bassist irl->no danger of getting cucked

>> No.76286034

LOL, why homobeggars love to write fanfic so much???
Also please take your med

>> No.76286074

>You drop them the second they do or say something you don't like
This is like saying your boyfriend is suffocating you because he said he doesn't want you fucking other men. Obviously not the same, but there are boundaries for everyone. For unicorns, it's literally just one thing: getting involved with men.
Besides that, they stick with their oshi through everything and that makes you seethe for some reason. My guess is it's because you're a woman who can only think of yourself and so you see unicorn fans as an attempt by them to control women or some other feminist bullshit.

>> No.76286116

>collab with male

>> No.76286117

There's a joke I could make about managers and wanting sexual favors, but frankly I don't wanna derail the thread away from mocking homobeggars, sisters, and that one faggot who keeps pretending to be a unicorn.

>> No.76286190

If you are not parasocial, you are even worse than the unicorns/gachis because this is THE worst form of entertainment ever and an absolute waste of your precious time.
These people offer poorly played FOTM games, and mediocre singing for the most part. You are actually BRAINDEAD if you are here just for "entertainment".
I follow good vsingers only and they are pretty rare considering how big the vsinger scene is.

>> No.76286202

Notice I said "before joining", moron.
I was saying that if one of their roommates constantly talked about a boyfriend and then suddenly stopped right before joining hololive, then I'd say that's a pretty good reason not to trust her.

>> No.76286259

NTA but isn't that how it's supposed to be with entertainers? They express political beliefs contrary to your own? Shady past? Doing illegal shit? Partnering up with people you don't like? Drop the show/musician/entertainer and move on with your life. There are so many other streamers, tv shows, podcast, movies, music, etc. etc. that you cannot possible consume it all in your lifetime. If some wary and tired Ojii-san just wants to have a specific experience when it comes to entertainment, and he stops getting it, what obligation, moral or legal does he have to stick around?
No support should be unconditional unless the other person is someone like you immediate family and even that should have limits. You cannot possible be this selfish if you don't understand that much.

>> No.76286290

Yes, hello tourist. You're finally learning what being an idol means.

>> No.76286330

Who the fuck cares about their PL?

as long as they don't mention anything that consist an xy chromosome on screen. I don't care what they do outside my entertainment.

>> No.76286351
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1691388309191720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chronic genshit player
>chronic star rail player
>chronic nikke player
>chronic shipper
>chronic otomege player

And somehow OP is implying that we're supposed to care about this random schmuck's opinion.

>> No.76286365

Unironically have sex. These girls playing with their virtual puppets online will not fuck you, nor ever be more than anything but an entertainer doing their job.
Unless you're me. I am making buttbabies with your oshi specifically to spite you.

>> No.76286402

Why all this seething? Unicorns run vtubing, simple fact. If all the virtue signalling twitter users watched streams then the Homos wouldn't be 3 views, they don't watch streams or buy merch. If they did then Kronii wouldn't have dropped from being #1 in Council to #4. The majority of paying customers don't like homo collabs and the majority of people who say the "love" homo collabs don't even watch streams.

>> No.76286404

If someone calls themselves a surgeon, then you'd expect them to have gone to medical school.
Likewise, if someone calls themselves an idol, you should expect that they aren't dating or in relationships.
I'm not sure what is so difficult for you.

>> No.76286407

see >>76285684

>> No.76286423

>Who the fuck cares about their PL?
Women. Nobody is more obsessed with doxxshit than them. And I guess the kishidan but I can forgive them because her tits are huge.

>> No.76286449

vtubers are not idols
vtubers are not made to be the enabler of your mental illness pretending to be your virtual wife
Idols are by design, because farming the brain damaged is the whole scheme

>> No.76286467

Room mate reps anon. There is at least 2.

>> No.76286468

How about you actually watch the streams of your precious homos instead of seething on here that we don't?

>> No.76286474


>> No.76286484

“Whoa pal, you’re actually attracted to a woman? Something’s wrong with you”
And they call US the incels…

>> No.76286486

And why the fuck would you care if you also believed she was getting railed off-stream instead? Either way, you're a cuck. The only way you aren't is if you believe your oshi isn't fucking some guy and don't want want her getting close to guys on stream.

>> No.76286493

You belong to a psychiatric ward.

>> No.76286567

God damn you're fucking mad. Over what? That people don't like male collabs. Maybe you're the mentally ill one if you're getting so irrationally angry that people have different preferences to you.

>> No.76286572
File: 320 KB, 420x420, Mio cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you do realize that hentai isn't real life, right?
Did you know that octopi typically don't try to rip women's clothes off and rape them as well?

>> No.76286626

What subreddit is that

>> No.76286635

NTA but there have been a lot of confirmed cases about this sort of abuse in the entertainment industry. Did people forget about Harvey Weistein already?

>> No.76286636

When did I say that I get mad over people not liking male collab?? Retard. I'm one of them. I don't need them on screen and especially any female talent that talks with them ON SCREEN.


Entertainment industry.

not your fucking girl friend.

>> No.76286655 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 480x480, 74Uy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck cares about their PL?
You do? You fags recognize literally all roommate shit because you look it up, otherwise you wouldn't know who is that random thot with Marcel (just one example out of many) and then you proceed to cry, report, deflect to other streamers while calling (ironically) everyone else a cuck. All this hardcore "no males on screen" shit is just cope, because you 'unicorns' actually do know that most of them have boyfriends. Anyway, you all are genuine cuckolds, even guys that slurp wife's bf's cum get more out of their lives, you are even below that, you know it, and it makes you insanely angry. You will report this post btw and prove me right

>> No.76286674

>posts "Mio cringe.png"
>stutters in his own post

>> No.76286677

No offense but any woman who deliberately solicits donations off lonely men without disclosing she's not single is an immoral grifter.

>> No.76286682

Kek, mentally broken

>> No.76286701

It means they aren't dedicated to their fans like an idol should be. It means they lie in order to farm donations and talk about how important your support is when they secretly already have another man supporting them IRL. I suppose it also makes them less relatable and they'll most likely stream less because their fans don't mean as much to them.
I mean, look no further than one blue shark.
Only a woman would think that men don't mind being lied to or betrayed.

>> No.76286704

>vtubers are not idols
They are. Whores with onlyfans and whale grooming secret discord channels aren't vtubers
>vtubers are not made to be the enabler of your mental illness pretending to be your virtual wife
They are
>Idols are by design, because farming the brain damaged is the whole scheme
So don't join the hobby, go watch flesh streamers or something.
In short, end your life

>> No.76286714

Welcome to entertainment/idol industries targeted for men I guess?

>> No.76286732

Nah bro you guys are just that crazy, he's one of yours

>> No.76286764

>Gets fucked on Reddit, comes here of all places to bitch and moan
Kill yourself tranny faggot, you are hated by everyone and everything.

>> No.76286773
File: 17 KB, 350x350, PEKORA FAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Parasocial
> Parasocial
> Parasocial
Unicorns are groomers

>> No.76286800

I'd rather be a normie than a slave to my delusions.
But you keep doing you. Keep doing nothing and keep using these virtual girls as a facade to the failure identified as your genetic dead end of a life. Surely it will fix things in the long run.

>> No.76286801
File: 1.07 MB, 1394x1356, 1680513202896829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pick your oshi wisely, it's not hard. Not every woman is a heartless monster who is taking advantage of lonely men, some are very dedicated to their fans and deserve all the support.

>> No.76286804

Nah you just a faggot then, don't watch any vtuber that doesn't disclose their relationship then, nyannerkek.

>> No.76286805


>> No.76286826
File: 379 KB, 474x354, 1707427702787451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are the sane ones

>> No.76286829

Grooming them to be perfect idols that is

>> No.76286840

Based migo poster

>> No.76286855

So I'm curious, am I a "cuck" if I jerk off to say a Hollywood actresses nude scenes even if she's married? Because plenty of guys have done that back in the day, and likely still do.

>> No.76286879

Trannies larping as unicorns says you are. No changing it.

>> No.76286880

Lmao janny blocked me on sight for pointing out the truth kek. Hurts doesn't it? Holocuckies do be like that. Also you fags cry about roommates because most of them are ugly or those posts paint them in an unfavorable light. You wouldn't care if they were pretty virgin lesbians. In fact, you'd be posting them proudly like jaypees do if they were just to show off. Lmao this thread is a blast.

>> No.76286884

I think it's about emotional investment or something like that

>> No.76286896
File: 326 KB, 1284x1528, I don&#039;t care what she does off-stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76286905

>Unicorns are groomers
No they are below that, they are too lazy to groom and still want vtubers to fall on their lap.

>> No.76286916

You're the only one who cares about pl retard. Stop larping and support your dying branch.

>> No.76286933
File: 2.66 MB, 357x498, miko-thumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76286943


>> No.76287002

It's not about thinking you have a chance to have sex with your oshi.
You sound like a very unprincipled person and are most likely from a low-moral background.

>> No.76287020

Why are anti unicorns so consistently proven to be Hololive antis? A lot of sweet words about how much they care about protecting the talent from the evil unicorns then they lose the argument and just show how hateful and spiteful they really are.

>> No.76287021

You deleted your own post, you fucking faggot. It got deleted the second after the 60 second post timer ran out. You're not slick at all.

>> No.76287029

see >>76286572

>> No.76287056

If you don't make your move you can't expect vtubers to suddenly talk to you in private and book dates to have sex with you.

>> No.76287063

It's most likely women desperately trying to convince themselves that taking donations off men premised on the fact you're available is fundamentally immoral. The anger makes a lot more sense when you realize they're fighting against what remains of their conscience, not you

>> No.76287072

Silly me. I forgot that exceptions prove the rule for women.
That's why all men are serial rapists and make six figure salaries.

>> No.76287076

God I can hear this Mexican creep's voice tingling up my spine

>> No.76287090

remember the golden rule:

if she does GFE
she's having sex with me (specifically, thanks for your money)

but yeah if you give an internet money slut for the illusion of the relationship you're already been scammed, whether she gets caught fucking some guy or not

>> No.76287095

You don't get it anon...they should give their bodies to me because I watch and donate to them.

>> No.76287146

Nobody said every male is a rapist your retard. But that kind of abuse is common and covered up very well in the entertainment industry, especially one that has vulnerable, impressionable young women. I'm not a commie feminist, I'm just a normal guy with the amazing power of "common sense". You can cry and pretend to be offended like a snowflake all you want, it doesn't make it less true.

>> No.76287155
File: 26 KB, 512x395, 1692849902038341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT obese women, trannies and gay men lusting over 2D anime guys' cocks, accusing people lusting over 2D anime girls' pussies of suffering from mental illnesses and telling them to touch grass. There is no greater irony.

>> No.76287163

The stutter was implied to be due to the incredulity caused by reading such inane bullshit from such a retarded individual.

>> No.76287192

Calm it with your fetishposting dude

>> No.76287203

>you're a cuck for having a parasocial crush on a minor celebrity
Absolutely correct. Being in love with an image on a screen is retarded.

>> No.76287214

Unicorn Hololive

Unicorn Luxiem

>> No.76287218

see >>76287002

>> No.76287222
File: 121 KB, 1366x768, EhOKctqWkAEXd1Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're late and some other dudes did it better legally

>> No.76287223


>> No.76287225

>one tranny make 80% of the post in this thead
You are really mentally ill, go touch some grass lol

>> No.76287227

If you want to roleplay i'm sure you can find better boards for it.

>> No.76287231

agreed, if you watch BFE i hope your parents force you into an arranged marriage

>> No.76287237

>sex sex sex sex sex
>coom pussy dick slut whore
This is why we call unicorns mindbroken. Unhealthy obsession.

>> No.76287247

But holo did not fall. So there's always another try.

>> No.76287260

Remind me how famed anti unicorn branch NijiEN is doing these days sister.

>> No.76287285

But also why don't these people have actual hobbies?

>> No.76287286
File: 195 KB, 500x395, 1715887901026299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy /vt/

>> No.76287293

>It's not about thinking you have a chance to have sex with your oshi.
lol, lmao

>> No.76287316


>> No.76287380

skimming through some of the replies. These anons are the definition of what a sad person is. Like holy shit, leave your basement for once.

>> No.76287398

Yeah. I'm also considering that might be the case. Why else would they get this upset? It's probay some form of projection. They want to exploit mens' loneliness for money, but they also don't want to feel bad about misleading them.
Their internal discrepancy between want they want and what they know is immoral leads to them lashing out at those they perceive to be responsible: the evil, lonely men that demand them to be single.
>Why can't these men just accept being lied to? >Why can't they just pretend to not care while giving me thousands of dollars?
>Their money belongs to me, so who are they to have standards or demands?

>> No.76287436

For every woman in the entertainment industry that is abused. There are hundreds that aren't.
Therefore assuming they all are is asinine.
That was my point.

>> No.76287466

You do realize that we shun and shame people like you in real life which is why real life idols don't have as many issues as people on the internet. You're all fat fucking nerds and had to go to the only place you have any source of power over women

>> No.76287474

It isn't. Maybe if you listened and understood instead of projecting what you think unicorns believe then you'd be less mad. Nobody thinks they're going to have sex with their oshi (unless you're watching some 2 view or small corpo vtuber). It's not about controlling them, or being upset if they ever talk to a male. Men just don't like feeling taken advantage of, that's literally it. And if you donate to someone who is clearly trying to form an emotional bond with their viewers for the purposes of getting donations and they're witholding that information then they're taking advantage of people.

It really is that simple.

>> No.76287496

You can delude yourselves as much as you want about what vtubers should be allowed to do or say but in the end you will never have that kind of decision power over them and you will never have sex with them either, male or female.

>> No.76287495

Will homobeggars ever answer why they wont watch the homos they homobeg for?

>> No.76287502


>> No.76287533

Yeah, i'm not reading that.

>> No.76287576

Basically yeah. There is no reason to be this angry at who people choose to watch or support unless you think you're entitled to it

>> No.76287585

What is there to mislead if you do not know who are the persons behind the avatars? Not saying what you said is wrong but as long as talents does not disclose their real life relationship nor they are actively talking about opposite gender, I feel like there is nothing wrong about enjoying their content and donate. Are people that really desperate that they hold those talents much closer than going out to socialize and maybe find a girl that would click with you?

>> No.76287623

keep coping and yelling into your tiny box on /v/ then
the world doesn't support your delusions, your retardation is not tolerated in the real world

>> No.76287683

Are there English-speaking unicorns outside this site? Are they down-low closet unicorns? Because I see twitterfags treating them like a boogeyman but I only see explicit unicorn sentiment here.

>> No.76287738

>I only see explicit unicorn sentiment here.
That's because it's not something you can proudly talk about without anonymity.

>> No.76287749

I mean I guess Nyfco would of had female unicorns logically, but that place is dead now so yeah

>> No.76287764

If you define unicorn as someone who doesn't want to support a vtuber with a boyfriend then they're everywhere. Even Veibae took a hit to her donations when she got one, Veibae, consider that even she had people who would only donate while she was single.

>> No.76287793

>as long as she doesn't do one thing
Conditional love is not real love. She is not your oshi and you do not support her. All you care about is your personal fantasy of her.

>> No.76287836

Why the fuck are you typing so much nigger? It's not that serious.
This is a Cambodian basket weaving forum, not your blog. Is this what you sisters did on that other site? Psychoanalyze everything? Or are you just an autistic retard?

>> No.76287839

Isn't that just like a breakup or divorce?

>> No.76287842

That's ok, you love that stuff so much you'll support her for us, right? Get that credit card out Kronii's sales are dwindling

>> No.76287846


>> No.76287854
File: 17 KB, 433x407, 1685628025114905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And men should never break up with or divorce women that cheat on them, right sister?

>> No.76287893

The simple act of interacting with another man is not cheating on you.

If you consider it so, that's abusive behavior and your oshi doesn't deserve a piece of shit like you.

>> No.76287931

>All you care about is your personal fantasy of her.
Yes, and?

>> No.76287942

because a lot of the Vtubing industry much like the idol industry preys on single lonely men with mental health issues

>> No.76287992

>You drop them the second they do or say something you don't like
This isn't actually true. I stuck with my oshi for a long time hoping she would course-correct, posting regular advice about how I thought she was making several small to large mistakes.
Over time, however, it became too painful to watch my oshi deliberately sabotage herself to "own the haters" and I had to move on. It was one of the hardest things I ever did, but she made it clear that things were never going to go back to the way that they had been.

>> No.76287993

If that's all you want, go back to /a/ and waifu some anime girl instead of pushing those unrealistic expectations on a human being

>> No.76288011

Teamate or deadbeat?

>> No.76288034

>retard thinks everyone is as retarded as him
nobody gives a shit about your projecting

>> No.76288037
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, woman_complaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell the yeast infection and the fucking acetone.

>> No.76288045

Teamate? Ame literally stopped streaming because of you crybabies trying to dictate everything she does, that's all on you.

>> No.76288107

I've already discussed this. You bore me.

>> No.76288111

No, she stopped streaming because she's lazy and spiteful

>> No.76288115

You really think people would watch vtubers if going out and finding a girl that likes you was that easy? Get out of here.

>> No.76288123

Not even just vtubers. Female streamers in general. There's plenty of them crying about having lost so much money after their boyfriend got revealed, willingly or not.

>> No.76288164

>"Getting involved with men" means dating, having sex, etc
Now tell me with a straight face you wouldn't chimp out if/when your oshi collabs with a male.

>> No.76288167

I blame EN2

>> No.76288235

Unconditional love does not exist. Get over yourself. Everybody has a limit for the amount of shit they wanna deal with, and for unicorns it's that. Simple as.

And homobeggars and nijitrannies like you don't get to take the high road either, if you truly believe love should be unconditional. Plenty of you fucks are leaving over them buying Starbucks, McD's or god knows what else you fucks usually are sensitive about.

>> No.76288249

I was dumb, sure, but I was blinded by love. Maybe you think I should have dropped her the moment she looked at a male, but I had more faith in her than that.

>dictate everything she does
That wasn't me. You can tell somebody that you think they are making mistakes without being some kind of domineering control freak.
For clarification, do you think Ame is in a better place now after antagonising her fans, or was she happier before that arc?

>> No.76288341

Define collab. Playing games, exchanging contact info, and becoming close friends with a male streamer is not a "professional" interaction. Why would I want to watch some sexpest male eceleb hit up my oshi for hours or just generally get closer to her than she is with me?
This is why things like interviews and going on a TV program have always been okay for idols. But spending time in private "practicing a dance routine" with a male idol isn't.
These were also my posts, btw.

>> No.76288464

She was already unhappy way before that when her fans pestered her over breaks (I get that one at least) and playing the games wrong. It didn't help that hordes of chumfucks were constantly pestering her over Gura.

>> No.76288511

because of faggots like the one in the picture and you

>> No.76288559
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>> No.76288646

How fucking socially stunted are you?? Maybe get out of your mom's basement and get a decent body while you're at it.

>> No.76288657

>Everybody has a limit for the amount of shit they wanna deal with
There is a common baseline that is universally understood. This is unconditional love in the practical sense. Stipulating further, arbitrary conditions beyond that ventures into the realm of fake, superficial, conditional love. If your affection is so easily reversed, it's not fucking real.

>homobeggars and nijitrannies
I am neither, and I have never left my oshis or even just other vtubers I like over mistakes or things I found disagreeable.

>Define collab
Being on-stream together
>becoming close friends with a male streamer is not a "professional" interaction
Who said anything about professional?
And what, exactly, is the problem with being friends?
>Why would I want to watch some sexpest
Why do you assume he's a sexpest?
>get closer to her than she is with me?
There it is. You're jealous and possessive. Even though she doesn't know who you are, you feel owed priority from her.
You're an abusive partner. Not that I'm surprised.

They're not. Men and women interact all the time, every day, under an endless variety of circumstances. Only a very small percentage of those interactions are flirtatious. And even fewer are successful.

>> No.76288881

You say jealous and possesive partner, but what kind of partner wants other guys to be closer and better friends with the person they love then they are themselves. In such a case, you aren't a partner. You're a cuck.
Open relationships are not real relationships, you dumb whore cunt. You don't get to use people like that. Sorry.
According to you, someone should be content to watch someone else fuck their partner when they never get to. It's beyond being cheated on. It's literal cuckoldry.
You deserve to die.

>> No.76288993

>In such a case, you aren't a partner.
You're right. I'm not.
None of us are.

I'm not saying you are your oshi's partner, I'm identifying you as someone who would be abusive in a relationship. And the more you talk the more confident I am in this assessment.

>According to you, someone should be content to watch someone else fuck their partner when they never get to.
I never said anything like that. You have a very selective perception of reality, seeing only things you want to see. Maybe to shield yourself somehow? You always have a reason to consider other people the problem, don't you?

>> No.76289081

It's not abusive to expect a bare minimum of consideration from someone.
You are a sociopath.

>> No.76289100

Actual maniac mindset.

>> No.76289126

>You're right. I'm not.
>None of us are.
Nope. You don't get to demand that fans have "unconditional love" or whatever and that they watch other men getting closer to their oshi in order to be good partners but then backtrack and say well you were actually never their partner and so she owes you nothing.
Which is it, you narcissistic projecting bitch?

>> No.76289187

You don't know what a sociopath is.

You can love and support someone without pretending they have anything to do with you on a personal or romantic level.
>narcissistic projecting bitch
You don't know what narcissism or projecting is.

>> No.76289203

Explain to me why men who get cheated on by their girlfriend or wife shouldn't break off the relationship and search for someone that actually loves them?
You aren't even being subtle with your insipid desire for your feminist dystopia anymore.
Kill yourself. I hope every partner you ever have cheats on you for the rest of your life.

>> No.76289294

You don't know what abuse is.

>> No.76289302

You aren't entitled to men's money. Sorry, cunt.
Men are allowed to have standards. If you don't meet those standards, then you don't get the money or affection of the men whose standards you don't meet.
It's really that simple.

>> No.76289453

The rates of being single in the US for people under 30 is 66% for men and 30% for women.
There are many lonely men who want the companionship of women who are like them and relatable.
If you aren't single, then be happy you aren't like them and move on. You are NOT entitled to their money nor is it moral for you to prey upon such people for your own personal benefit.

>> No.76289454

>Explain to me why men who get cheated on by their girlfriend or wife shouldn't break off the relationship and search for someone that actually loves them?
Vtubers are not your girlfriends or wives.

>> No.76289586

Because the chuubas and their mods allow these "people" to exist in the community instead of permabanning them

>> No.76289638

So I have no obligation to support them? What are you trying to say here?

>> No.76289744

Yes, they are. She said I could call her whatever I wanted, including wife.

>> No.76289765

Vtubers are not your girlfriends or wives and desperately throwing peanuts at them won't change that fact, and nobody is forcing you btw.

>> No.76289833

Asmongold recently explained how he lost a lot of fans when he got a girlfriend. She was even getting hate from them. They aren't in love with him; it's just parasocialism.

But, he can become AsmonPapa and stream with Emiru just fine. Why? Because it lacked the flirting. My belief is that any Holo girl can stream with males if they keep it professional. Hard to ask for some.

>> No.76289887

>nobody is forcing you
Right, exactly. I'm glad we're agreed that I can set my own criteria for who is entitled to my money and that streamers who flirt with men on stream don't deserve it.

>> No.76289907

I'm not a woman, sorry. I know it was exciting to think one actually gave you the time of day.
>Men are allowed to have standards.
We are talking about streamers.

Being a woman online is not "preying upon" single men.

>> No.76289937

>I'm not a woman
Admitting it is the first step to recovery, troon, so long as you haven't done irrevocable damage already.

>> No.76289941
File: 938 KB, 638x845, 1692348506517205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a man.

>> No.76289956

Real simple. Vtubing survives because streamers treat viewers like they're not even people. If I'm going to put up with that, you're not going to rub it in my face with another guy on stream.

>> No.76290045

I came from the idol world before vtubers. It's a similar situation there, but the idol world is a lot more predatory, things are much, much more relaxed in the vtubing world.

The unicorns are the ones with experience as a fan. The women who do collab with guys just aren't worth giving your money to if you like watching cute girls. Their stream content sucks after introducing guys because the girl you liked watching will be overshadowed by all the guys she invited who just want a piece of her popularity or who most likely want to fuck her. Viewers who watch vtubers just don't like watching male vtubers, having a girl in the picture doesn't make it better, it makes it worse.

Like, gatekeeping is a healthy measure to preserve good culture. Don't support female vtubers who get too close to guys on a personal level. No groomer-cords, no private DMs nothing that can be hidden. It is that simple. If you don't she will think this distortion is acceptable, and push for more until the girl you liked watching is unrecognisable or just stops streaming and hangs out with a small selection of guys instead. You don't even have to say anything against it like a sperg, just fucking leave and move for greener pastures. Professional contact which is never shown is fine, who cares? Personal contact is different.

>> No.76290065

Nope, not trans either.

Man, you'll just find any excuse to avoid self-reflection, huh. I guess it is hard to look at yourself when you don't like what you see.

>> No.76290103

Idol... Tsunderia... Wactor... Niji... Kawaii... Phase... Prism...

>> No.76290144

It's not our fault the mirror cracks when you look at it.

>> No.76290300

>no u

>> No.76290360

Nigger you've been projecting this whole time, it's the simplest thing in the world to infer that you're deeply insecure and unsatisfied with where you are in life and who you are as a person.
