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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 42 KB, 720x200, Screenshot_2024-05-21-13-54-11-16_8d34a3f5cd408bc7fb0e30dd00634bdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76281650 No.76281650 [Reply] [Original]

>bfe streamer
Damn he aint hiding the fact that he's going to milk the horny fujo sisters huh

>> No.76281730

A farting credit card, even

>> No.76281876

>actual BFR braptuber.
Sister....your chuuba...

>> No.76281949

Also the gays

>> No.76281991 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 712x1276, Screenshot_20240521_080421_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already a yab before even debuting

>> No.76282147

Holy rrat faggot really born to work for the black company


Black company have the talent to recruit faggots

>> No.76282152

Well, at least he's making it clear he still likes taking money. lmao

>> No.76282221

Bro getting ready for new prey already right after his black video

>> No.76282353

This is the type of chuuba sisters really wants. A retard who will abused and scam the heck out of them. Sisters really a bunch of subhuman scum
>Verification not required

>> No.76282380
File: 55 KB, 702x629, Screenshot_20240521_081219_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude even had a Blackscreen video for this. Cant make this shit up!

>> No.76282389

Holy kino
How do they manage to hire criminals every damn time?

>> No.76282432

They sound nothing alike.

>> No.76282507

Lmfao niji I kneel. You fuckers are something. This is comically funny I can't.

>> No.76282581

>Video israel
>Man already on his first yab and hasn't even debuted yet
What the actual fuck

>> No.76282654

Owari da

>> No.76282673

you are either deaf or this is the worst deflection attempt I have ever seen by a nijisister.

>> No.76282995

Kek already saved the video in case that fucker nukes the account

>> No.76283111

Probably for the best. I believe he already deleted his Twitter already.

>> No.76283161

Someone on kurosanji already making a whole damn document about this. Faggot really have a yab before he even debut. Totally a niji chuuba

>> No.76283223

>redditor is making a doc
on one hand, kys, on the other hand i'll still read it for the juicy rrats

>> No.76285071

At least use the terms correctly.

>> No.76285155

bro was training his whole prior life for nijisanji

>> No.76285191


>> No.76285272

so hes an even worse vox? lmao

>> No.76285337
File: 61 KB, 628x628, Holy kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he hasn't even fucking debuted yet and already he's exposed as a scammer
g to the fucking g, nijisisters

>> No.76285393

Niji truly attracts all the scumbags, don't they?

>> No.76285449

>they gave a literal scammer the "losing your money" oshi mark

>> No.76285461

Sisters don't care. They are willing to get fleeced for all their worth if it means they get to have their bfe asmr.

>> No.76285608

>before debut
>trust rrat anyway

>> No.76285641

>ever doubting a rrat

>> No.76285679

what can i say, ALLEGEDLY is my favorite game

>> No.76285719

Retard doesn't know bfe and fujo means. Oh wait sisters don't know how retarded and scum they are. Sorry sister

>> No.76285748
File: 30 KB, 481x445, 1708733201580017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76285805

Nijitranny janny's are out and on patrol, be careful lads

>> No.76285842
File: 115 KB, 168x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh
maybe if we say ALLEGEDLY, the nijisister janny will let it slide

>> No.76285895

How do you fuck up hiring so badly? Is the pool of applicants really so small that some guy with rrats will join in?

>> No.76285920

it's nijisanji post-selen termination, what do you think

>> No.76286043

Mods only delete things that are true, so we're on the right track here.

>> No.76286090
File: 501 KB, 712x1276, Screenshot_20240521_080421_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New talent ALLEGEDLY is a notorious scammer.

>> No.76286163
File: 275 KB, 1822x300, 1699311327713582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>credit card oshi mark
>dashing away oshi mark
>running away with your money and leaving you in the dust

>> No.76286170

He'll fit right in in Niji then

>> No.76286196

BFE means Boyfriend Experience, so a male VTuber doing BFE means he's acting as if he's the viewers/fans' boyfriend. A fujo is a woman who's a fan of yaoi/BL content and ships men with other men. So a BFE VTuber isn't pandering to fujos, since fujos don't want a male VTuber to pretend he's their boyfriend, they wanna see him shipped with other men. Shitpost all you like, but you're using those terms incorrectly and make yourself look a fool who doesn't know what he's talking about in the process.

>> No.76286268

>Is the pool of applicants really so small that
Yes. One glance at TTT and you'll see there's no hope, even ignoring every evil thing Kurokara's done since their debuts. There's not going to be a single even subjectively good person in that wave, and I hope it immediately dies off once this is brought to life. No Luca protection for a nobody afterall.

>> No.76286372

Do you have functioning ears?

>> No.76286476

saving this before nijisister jannies delete this

>> No.76286483

they probably just looked at his numbers and thought that was good enough.

>> No.76286540

It's so fucking over

>> No.76286553

If this is the VA gen that Grimmi and Cy Yu dodged, the rrat is basically 100 percent alleged

>> No.76286582

People were wondering very recently who in their right mind would STILL apply to NijiEN after all the shit they've dragged themselves through and feet they've shot themselves in.

Guess we have our answer, actual shameless grifters who don't have an ounce of sincerity or intent to do anything other than abuse peoples' feelings for every single penny they're worth. Like, why would it -not- be someone like this in this day and age? He's a perfect fit specifically for nijiEN. I'll just feel bad if either of the girls are Vivi 2.0 although I'm also starting to think "there is no way they didn't know what's coming for them now if they really-are nijiEN fans, they brought this on themselves by staying and debuting."

>> No.76286893

>Bfe isn't pondering to fujos
Oh wow look at that he actually google the term. Lmao
Retard 90% of bfe audiences are literally fujos and even yumes. If you want an example look at vox fans, they are literally bunches of fujos. There's a reason people memed nijisisters as an army of fujos you retard
>Use the term incorrectly
On what way did I misused it? Kek sister you hate being called for what you are huh.

>> No.76286942

Niji avoiding their weekly yab, challenge impossible is back!

>> No.76287039

I'm gonna take this with a grain of salt until more comes out, but if they hired an alleged criminal, he fits right in

>> No.76287042

I told you in what way you misused the terms. BFE means Boyfriend Experience, but fujos don't want male VTubers to be their boyfriend, they want them to have sex with other men. Yumes are the ones who imagine themselves as being in a relationship with their oshi, that's what BFE panders to. For comparison, it's as if a female VTuber did GFE, calling her chat "good boys" and saying how they'd make wonderful husbands, and then saying she panders to yuri enjoyers by doing GFE. I have no rat in this race, I have no opinion on the guy, I'm just clarifying this mistake that I see almost everywhere.

>> No.76287044

this is almost like if they hired that one scammer girl who keeps making a new identity every other week around here. hell maybe she's one of the girls in this new wave.

>> No.76287132

nah they’re right
yumes were his main audience for the asmr and were the ones who were bitching about their date night with muhload being ruined by reimu
fujos were more interested in collabs with shoto or whatever other faggot of the week they were into

>> No.76287167

God if they hired Mel that'd be so damn funny

>> No.76287294

Nah fujos are literally the majority of miload fans. Yumes are always there but fujos have the greater numbers in terms of audience sharing.

>> No.76287385

That's why that anon specified "for the asmr." The ASMRs pandered to yumes, as he was showing sexual attraction to them, not another man. In general, you would be right about his fans being fujos a majority of the time, and while fujos could've still tuned in to the ASMRs, they were primarily meant to be enjoyed by a yume audience.

>> No.76287581

>Failed in management
>Failed in public relations
>Failed in recruitment
Nijisanji is incredibly unprofessional

>> No.76287640

mfw preyab holy shit

>> No.76287672

Number 2 vtubing corpo btw

>> No.76288201

>be niji
>do literally anything
>fail spectacularly
can't make this shit up

>> No.76288314

Now imagine what it might be like in #3 or #4, or worse.

>> No.76288408

I hope they did, the fallout would be legendary.
