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File: 35 KB, 900x900, nijien-merchandise-distribution-v0-3s66b3cvih1d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76210714 No.76210714 [Reply] [Original]

NijiEN merchandise distribution

>> No.76211094

A visual representation of the favoritism is always appreciated. Now sisters who identify as visual learners can get btfo’d too

>> No.76211791

>Noooo! Why does the company prioritize the most popular members with the more widespread fanbase? This is favoritism

>> No.76211817

Are nijifags trying to argue that fucking Finana is more popular than Pomu?

>> No.76211891

Fuck off Vox

>> No.76212300

>most widespread fanbase
>shows Elira with a lion’s share of the distribution
>bro doesn’t know Pomu outsold her genmates by a shitton

You can argue every other point and we would end with neither side having a decisive edge in the discussion due to not knowing the finer details but months have passed without anyone being able to adequately explain how Elira has a wider distribution of merch compared every girl in her branch outside of some degree of favoritism.

>> No.76212566
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Could you gather up all of the graduated livers in the chart and put them into a separate category? I'm trying to see something.

>> No.76212783

>Why does the member who can actually communicate with the Japanese audience and Japanese companies have more Japanese merch? This is favoritism!

>> No.76212910

NijiEN merch is sold worldwide. The overall global sales should matter more than sales from only one region.

>> No.76212931

Where the fuck does it say it's talking about Japanese merch? This is a NijiEN merch graph. If what you said made even the smallest bit of sense why so Kotoka and Meloco get such a small share and Luxiem gets so much. Retard.

>> No.76212946

>Is unaware of Japanese company autism and how they prefer getting the Japanese audience
Be less of a retard

>> No.76212974

>Kotoka and Meloco
Not Gen 1
Learn to read

>> No.76212994

Why the fuck was Pomu the one with the lowest amount of merch in Lazulight by such a massive difference, anyways? Both her and Selen were by far the best sellers, and yet they got virtually no merch compared to Elira, Finana, and the boys?

>> No.76213037

That's not autism, that's retardation for a for-profit business.

>> No.76213093

So which is it, sisters? A "more widespread fanbase", or "Japanese fanbase"?

>> No.76213137

If they did that then Selen and Pomu would've been the female faces of the company instead of Elira.

>> No.76213193

Pomu left in january

>> No.76213274


>> No.76213280

And yet, Pomu is still more popular

>> No.76213573

>Niji supports their most popular members because that's what makes most sense, obviously!
> Niji supports Elira because she can speak a lot of Japanese and interact with the Japanese audience, and Niki cares the most about that, obviously!

Pick a cope, nijisis. You can't have both

>> No.76213620

I think Elira is much more popular in Japan. If it's the Japanese who are buying merch, it would explain why Elira is only behind Vox. No idea about Finana, though.

>> No.76213705

If she was more popular her merch wouldn't always be available while Pomu's sells out instantly.

>> No.76213807

It's not "only the Japanese" buying merch. The NijiEN store allows you to sort by Best Selling. Before Pomu was removed from the NijiEN store, you could sort by Best Selling and see that ALL of Pomu's merch would outsell Elira's equivalent merch. More merch sold = more money for the company. And yet, for some reason, they decided to release almost 2x more merch for Elira than they did Pomu. For a for-profit business, that makes very very little sense.

>> No.76213860

I knew Pomu sold more voice packs, but I didn't know it was all merch. I guess the $7/h highschooler in charge of merch is just retarded then.

>> No.76213894

Yeah, I lost the screencaps I used to take, but a fun thing you could always do is take a look at the lazulight merch. They'd have the green/yellow/red/grey for how much stock they have left. Pomu's was ALWAYS grey due to being sold out, while Elira's might be yellow or red (if not green) and Finana was always green.

>> No.76214091

>widespread fanbase
>appealing to Japanese audience and Japanese companies to sell Japanese merch to Japanese


>> No.76214116

I suspect this was a friction point internally

>> No.76214123

holy kek

>> No.76214191

>provides a one-word rebuttal, proceeding argument contradicts this statement
I accept your concession

>> No.76214256

Pretty sure that Nijisister closed the tab after they realized how fucking retarded she just made herself look by straight-up contradicting herself KEK

>> No.76214325

Whether it was truly a sister or someone larping as one, the only way to continue responding is to double down on such brainless faggotry. But they couldn't commit, much like they can't commit to actually watching their homos

>> No.76214342

Elira at the peak of her popularity was still just an accessory for Pomu, it never made any sense how much merch she was getting. Back then people only let jt slide because
>She is such a nice and wholesome girl
>Muh niji family

>> No.76214363

Allegedly, pomu and elira got into an argument about who the "face" of the english branch would be at some point

>> No.76214366

>More widespread fanbase
>Just fujos and ugly subhuman women
I swear you retardtachi ndf are really stuck at being monkeys instead of fully evolve into a decent human

>> No.76214480
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>niji family

>> No.76214533

You're a retarded faggot. There is no contradiction, the guys get more merch because they're the most popular. Elira gets the most merch because she's the sole member of Gen 1 that can speak Japanese. Learn to read

>> No.76214587

>Widespread fanbase means excluding Japan
Or it means it appeals to best the English speaking fans and Japanese fans. Dramafags are pathetic

>> No.76214635

>Miload gets more merch because he's the most popular
>Shu gets less merch even though he could speak japanese and his fanbase is mostly japanese
So how come Elira gets more merch even though she's less popular than Pomu and only barely as popular as Finana then?
Clearly it wasnt the case with Luxiem?
Dare I say

>> No.76214644

>Elira gets the most merch because she is the most popular member with the more widespread fanbase
>Elira gets the most merch because she's the sole member of Gen 1 that can speak Japanese
Well which one is it faggot?

>> No.76214656

>Elira gets the most merch because she's the sole member of Gen 1 that can speak Japanese.
Sister, that's fucking retarded. Anycolor has been shoving Elira down everyone's throats since lazulight's debut, and literally no one cared about her until she decided to kill her own career. There's literally no reason for Elira to have so much merch than Pomu.

>> No.76214687

whats the cut point for this?

>> No.76214721

At most 2%

>> No.76214733

What if Pomu didn't want merch? Have you dramafags thought about that?

>> No.76214747

Because Vox is the biggest EN Niji. Elira has more reach in Japan and she can actually communicate with Japanese people so they shill the bilingual gen 1 member for the brand image. This has already been said. Pick up a book

>> No.76214757

Ladies and gents, I present to you, the smartest sister.
Check out the brain power on this one.

>> No.76214767

Why didn't Pomu just FUCKING ASK for more merch?

>> No.76214786

Find where Elira was ever mentioned in the first post, faggot

>> No.76214788

I want to have sex with Elira as bee queen monster girl.

>> No.76214790

Jp fans dont give two fucks about Elira

>> No.76214799

Elira has LESS reach in Japan than fucking Shu retard.
How come Shu gets less Merch than Elira then, huh?

>> No.76214815

What a huge fucking cope, Petra, Meloco and Kotoka literaly streamed in japanese, no one gave a fuck about Elira

>> No.76214824

Of course the management has more reach and final say on matters such as this, you're correct sister.

>> No.76214832

Elirafags are easy to spot

>> No.76214858

>The jrpg retard is more popular than Shu, the valo addict that collabs frequently with nijijp
Holy copium

>> No.76214861

>pick up a book

You mean the Vox graphic novel no one's buying? I could use the emergency toilet paper.

>> No.76214869

Sister, japan doesn't care about Elira. If you are going to die in that hill, what about Petra? What about literally jp members like Kotoka and Meloco?

Unless you are trying to imply that Elira is special for some reason and that she gets... favoritism

>> No.76214893

Excuse me the what?Is vox becoming a wannabe author??

>> No.76214897

>Elira has LESS reach
Kek. Yeah right

>> No.76214935

>"Elira is more popular with japanese guise, trust me"
>Meanwhile she barely gets view and less yen SC than Shu
Am I in bizzarro /vt/ where less view and less sc means more popular?

>> No.76214938

>Sisters are still pretending that Elira was the face of NijiEN

>> No.76214945

1. Her being more popular in JP isn't exactly true. It's more accurate to say that Elira holds "mainstream appeal" and she clicks with bilingual sisters. In my opinion, I think it is easier to name her the unofficial "head of the first wave" because of her dragon status. Pomu may have sold more merch and the numbers there don't lie, but management probably thought of Elira as more marketable.
2. Finana is...Finana. There's threads and archives here if you want to "educate yourself, you parasocial fuck" about why she's lost most of her former fans.

>> No.76214964

>what about Petra?
You say as she has the second most merch of her wave
>Kotoka and Meloco
You say as they have the most merch in their wave despite not being as popular as the guys. You're really retarded, huh

>> No.76214980

>Mainstream appeal

>> No.76215003

No, I'm saying that they are nowhere close to Elira.

>> No.76215039

I'm talking about the niche she occupies, not necessarily how well she's doing. Elira occupies that niche of a "comfy streamer that's relatable to the fellow fujos and the typical anime watcher".

When I said "mainstream appeal", I mean the kind of demographic her presentation and her content tends to target. If Selen aims for gamers and Vox aims for fujos and lonely chinks seeking erotic BFE, then Elira is as I described.

>> No.76215056

It's almost like being the daisenpai wave means you're more marketable than the new guys. Do you know how businesses work?

>> No.76215059

We're talking about nijien in general sister, how come Elira comes only second behind Vox in terms of merch and sponsorship even though;
>she's not popular, not even in her own wave
>other members can also speak japanese

>> No.76215076
File: 164 KB, 1080x486, Screenshot_20240520_142807_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-trust me guys,Elira is very popular
Meanwhile in reality:

>> No.76215097

So it's not about knowing japanese or being popular, is about having a special title. Got it, thanks sister.

>> No.76215101

What niche sister, enlighten me
The JRPG niche?
The mean girls niche?

>> No.76215107

>Pulls up Finana stream
Didn't have the right numberfag image in your library? Kek

>> No.76215115

Kek,good one

>> No.76215118

All of the sisters copes fall apart when you realize Niji deemed fuckin Selen as unmarketable, and look at where she is now. They are allergic to money and have a fuck ton of favoritism.

>> No.76215131

>Do you know how businesses work?
Yeah, I'm sure Elira is selling tickets for the concerts. Holy shit.

>> No.76215155

Its the lazulight anniversary stream retard-chama,learn to read

>> No.76215165

Yeah, being somewhere longer makes it so more people associate you with that place and see you as the OG making you more marketable. As opposed to some new retard coming in and expecting to be getting as much money as the people who started 4 years ago. Work a job

>> No.76215184

>Recognizes that Elira is receiving special treatment
Sister... just close the tab...

>> No.76215185

>More marketable
Funny how despite being pushed hard, her merch sales is middling at best.

>> No.76215187
File: 142 KB, 1080x469, Screenshot_20240520_143151_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here faggot

>> No.76215211

So it's not based on merit but favoritsm based on an arbitrary made-up stat.

>> No.76215214

In other words, she got... what's the word?
Oh yeah

>> No.76215215


>> No.76215218

Yes, she's doing anywhere between 1k-2k ccv on some streams and she's a 3view on other days. I'm not supporting Nijisanji or Elira by describing her, you brainless misshapen underdeveloped sperm cell.

You're also correct, she played a lot of JRPGs because that's what she likes. Hence her playing Persona, Xenoblade, and other shit like that onstream. It clashes with Finana somewhat but Elira does what she wants regardless of whether it gets her big numbers or not, I guess.

>> No.76215234

>the most popular members
who? elira? LMAO

>> No.76215236

That would only make sense if you could actually justify the merch push. Elira has never been more popular than Pomu.

>> No.76215238

They were part of the same pool and only had a difference of a few months.
Hell, Elira could have been Selen, and Petra could've been Lazulight.
There's no seniority here worth giving a damn about.

>> No.76215265

So when you start a job, are you going to complain about favoritism when someone who was their longer than you and did more than you got a raise but you didn't?

>> No.76215293

Let me get this straight, she got the "niche" """"appeal''''', but management give her so much merch and sponsorship opportunities instead of giving it to more popular organ?
So she gets preferential treatment is what you say.

>> No.76215305

imagine being in Lazusydia and not Elira and seeing this

>> No.76215308

You are correct in principle but it's also worth mentioning while everyone else could've been swapped around for the most part, Selen was ONLY going to be in Obsydia.


>> No.76215311

>did more than you
Elira didnt do shit LMAOOOOO who are you trying to fool sister?

>> No.76215324

Sister, you said it first: it's a business. You need to push merch for the marketable talents, no matter when they debuted.

>> No.76215334

Yeah, she does get preferential treatment. I'm not denying that.

Do you know why? I'm not the sister trying to argue for Elira, you idiot.

>> No.76215341

I live in a developed country based on meritocracy, not in zhangland sister.

>> No.76215347

explain Rosemi

>> No.76215351

>"of course boss, the old farts that do nothing deserve more money than the rest who actually do the job because they were here longer"
Chinese mindset.

>> No.76215352

Yeah, fair I guess. She was always going to be the "dark wave" one since she had such a drastically different vibe.
Man, I remember all the "GASP WERE THEY THERE ALL ALONG?!" when people noticed obsydia was in the background of diamond city lights.

>> No.76215358

Is anyone else having a deja vu about Vox admitting to favoritism?

>> No.76215377

>anyone doing more than Selen in Nijisanji EN
>literally ANYBODY doing more than Selen in Nijisanji EN
What the fuck?

>> No.76215378

>Selen is unmarketable.
And Nijisanji was right. Good riddance.

>> No.76215388

No you're even dumber than sister because in one post you claimed she got a mainstream appeal then said she got the niche appeal next.

>> No.76215389

>And did more than you
Reading is hard

>> No.76215415

No, I read right. It's just Ewiwa didn't do more than Selen or Pomu.

>> No.76215431

Yeah management tends to do more than the talent, especially when you;re double dipping. you're finally getting it sister.

>> No.76215443

BPD menhera was a proven brand risk. Literally everyone in the first 20 did more than her

>> No.76215475

>brand risk
Is code for
>we don't like you so get fucked.
Jealousy kills, Elira.

>> No.76215480

Trying too hard, shitposterchama.

>> No.76215498

Yet Luca is still not fired for breaking NDA to his ex gf

>> No.76215507

As far as I'm concerned, Elira is kinda mainstream compared to the rest of her peers.

Pomu: cute girl that is into idols and Solid Snake
Finana: coomer girl that plays gacha games. mostly Hoyo games
Petra: in the background most of the time, helps support other talents by making assets for their streams and mixing for their covers
Rosemi: mysteriously tomboyish cute girl that also likes fighting games and plays a lot of FPS games
Selen: the brotuber with a more "male" sense of humor than most guys

If you compare Elira to the rest of the people she auditioned with, she's arguably the closest to a "typical anime watcher" which I equated with "mainstream". Feel free to call me a retard at this point if you still believe so, I've explained my point adequately enough.

>> No.76215545

>I've explained my point adequately enough
Your point is wrong, you should feel ashamed, you are a retard.

>> No.76215549

Nothing says brand risk like siccing your hound like Fagoons on your manager when you don't get your way

>> No.76215556

>Feel free to call me a retard

>> No.76215607

only women use this word

>> No.76215618

Trying too hard with the bait now.

>> No.76215633

>the first 20 did more than her
>the first 20
>synonymous with the term "golden 20" that was first seen on Twitter
>the golden 20 references Lazu, Obsydia, Ethyria, Luxiem, and Noctyx
>Selen was part of that golden 20
>Selen contributed the NijiExpress, several lo-fi covers for the first five branches' debut songs complete with simply animated MVs, and was one of the first three Niji ENs to push for the NijiHolo collabs among other things
>the first 20 did more than her

You should probably Finana's advice, retardchama

>> No.76215663

Anon, trying to justify Elira's special treatment because she was more "mainstream" would only work if they debuted recently and Anycolor was still throwing things at the wall to see what ends up sticking. They debuted 3 years ago, and to this day no one cares for Elira. What's more, she became (along with Vox) a toxic element for the brand. And they are still pushing her merch as hard as ever.

>> No.76215681

Fair. I'd rather this than you call me a sister, I want nothing to do with their ilk

>> No.76215770

Who cares?
>several lo-fi covers
Great. So did everyone else
>complete with simply animated MVs
Not impressive
>NijiHolo collabs
Which Alban got. So it's not even her accomplishment. She did less than Finana

>> No.76215798
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1080, justfuckingask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want more merch, you could always just FUCKING ASK

>> No.76215854

>she did less than Finana
Oh okay so you're just intentionally saying shit instead of being actually ignorant, gotcha

>> No.76215867
File: 69 KB, 666x666, 1708036277887896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave Nijisoldier fighting an unwinnable battle

>> No.76215899

Sister, even your homo knows to respect her more than you

>> No.76215905

Come back when Selen isn't too busy gargling Vox cock to sing

>> No.76215947

>The sister ran away after getting BTFO
Every fucking time.

>> No.76215968


>> No.76215999

Sisters always default to cuckshit after getting BTFO kek

>> No.76216004
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>pubes for a beard, proportions of legs to torso fucked beyond belief, waist almost slimmer than a single thigh

Fuck, maybe she'd do it if she wasn't too busy laughing at how LAM destroyed his most recent outfit

>> No.76216048

>Blaming LAM
It was 100% on vox

>> No.76216129

>Elira is kinda mainstream compared to the rest of her peers.
retarded sister
stealth game with kojima's autism alone has much more mainstream appeal than ANY j ar pee gis even FF7 and whatever spinoff it has. feel free to dig their ccv and vod views on average before nijidrama become biweekly content so you can see yourself how wrong you are

>> No.76216309

>getting this triggered over educate yourself
I'm not interested in unwritten parasocial codes or knee jerk culture politics anon. The shit with Zaion or the odd spread with the merch is way more damaging for Finana and at multiple PR levels.

>> No.76216313

I remember some people saying you could tell LAM was basically held at gunpoint to draw these.
You can tell she hates it.

>> No.76216384

You think I do? I just parrot it to trigger whoever decides to (you) me about it. Works like a charm. too.

>> No.76216445

>I was only pretending to be a retard

>> No.76216501

She LITERALLY did. Back when she organized & funded the Lazulight Virtual to Live cover (+entire branch joining in the chorus) to celebrate Lazu's + EN's 1-year anniversary (because management was too busy sucking off Luxiem's dick with their "half-anniversary" bullshit), she asked if they could also release one (1) [uno] {ichi} acrylic stand to go along with it - you know, the one she shot up into space. She already had the art completed and paid for, all they had to do was slap it onto some plastic and hit print. You know, something they pump out even more often that wave of livers. Management's answer? "No." She asked multiple times. "No."
Meanwhile, we have management producing a full-on 200+ page graphic novel for Vox's failure of a movie.
So yes, she did fucking ask, for one of THE most easy to produce and basic types of merch. Management still said no.

>> No.76216514

NTA, but that's lifetime merch, it makes sense when it considers 2021, 2022 and the first half of 2023 as well.

>> No.76216639

It doesn't make sense when you compare it to Pomu's lifetime merch. That's the thing, it doesn't matter what angle you try to use to justify Elira getting so much fucking merch, it's evident that she was getting special treatment.

>> No.76216744

Let's be honest, Pomu was always the most marketable worldwide lazulight member.

>> No.76216849
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I'm just defending the normie angle.
As far as I'm concerned Finana is the weird one - why did she get 27% more merch than Pomu?
The way I see it Pomu getting screwed is a bigger story, than Elira getting the merch. Why did they screw Pomu? Because this doesn't indicate a "once in a lifetime opportunity", but a continuous trend of her getting shafted.

>> No.76217026

Just to clarify, I took this of twitter. This isn't my hand.

>> No.76217113

>As far as I'm concerned Finana is the weird one - why did she get 27% more merch than Pomu?
To be fair, Finana didn't hesitate on throwing Zaion and Selen under the bus. I'm sure she is one of the biggest bootlickers of the company. I'm sure Pomu had her fair amount of fights with management.

>> No.76217258

Pretty sure Finana's idea of a "fight with management" is a mild disagreement

>> No.76217353

Fucking retard.

>> No.76217380

by how i look at this.
somehow illuna is most equal.
(aside kyo graduated, and aia have extra Bday merch)

>> No.76218369

It's been said (or at least hinted at) that Iluna has the best management out of all the groups in EN so them being close in merch makes sense.

>> No.76218474

Honestly niji merch management should kill themselves with this arrangement. Favouritism with the best selling more popular members is one thing, favouring members who dont move merch is actually costing them money. Giving more merch opportunities to elira and the ethyria members is proof of a needed lobotomy

>> No.76219634

that make sense.
with how capable they are already with outfit slot the talents have (scarle 6/7, aia with 5, aster i think 2 more, idk about maria and ren.)

>> No.76220884
File: 1.04 MB, 3037x2917, 1710301879588915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>146 posts
>Schizo diagram
>Based off my filter settings I can only see 24 posts
Holy SHIT.
This is it, pure peak schizo, I'm talking god levels here, we have peaked.

>> No.76221236

Bruh that sucks

>> No.76224631


>> No.76227853


>> No.76231944

Grim for TTT

>> No.76234769


>> No.76237362

of course
