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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76209420 No.76209420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are homobeggars so proud for not supporting the thing theyre defending?

>> No.76209634

They seem to be quite successful at being vtweeter. Look at those post views

>> No.76209665

If the homo fanbase was any way other than that, the homo themselves wouldn't be utter failure in the first place.
And by "like that" i mean both actually not interested in the homo and actually stupid.

>> No.76209724 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 1753x787, 1691832909904622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow they usually also watch Niji a whole lot. Kinda curious how that goes, huh?

>> No.76209787
File: 154 KB, 590x967, 1702992696240695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow they usually also watch Niji a whole lot. Kinda curious what that's about.

>> No.76209853

The fact that I see small corpos girls have a more thriving fanbase compared to Holostars says a lot

>> No.76209990

the simple fact that cover won't post the breakdown of hololive vs holosharts in their financial report means that they must make barely anything
definitely not enough to support their salaries and the salaries of all the support staff

everything they do is subsidized with money that the fans wanted to go to the girls

>> No.76210044

>supporting me does not equal money or how much u give
That is blatantly false.

>> No.76210112

What did niji do now?

>> No.76210225

>they must make barely anything
definitely not enough to support their salaries and the salaries of all the support staff
Exactly and then some of them have the fucking audacity to say that money isn’t everything but management literally threw so much money at them for their shows, lives, etc. Then they barely give a reason why fans should continue watching them when they do uninteresting streams afterwards, notice how their latest live has no sponsors? Hope that’s their last live ever

>> No.76210232

You know what would help with that collabing with the girls! Surely their audience which are mostly males would notice and watch them.

>> No.76210236

Flayon is banging all the 2view pussy he can handle so he doesn't need physical dollars.

If you want to understand why hololive's numbers in CCV dwarf other companies but smaller companies like idol and phase connect are very active on this board it's because most hololive viewers are casual redditors who tune in for a stream on their phone on thursday after work at the local government office ends for the day, then fuck off for a week or two because they wen on a daycation to buy funkopops from the last gamestop that sells them or wahtever shit normalfags into anime do. Meanwhile the small corpos have dedicated vtubing fans, who aggressively engage with the community. If 90% of PCucks engage and only 20% of holobronies do, then you get very similar numbers because most holofans simply aren't religious about it.

>> No.76210272
File: 380 KB, 604x886, IMG_20240511_122530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their so called 'fans' also complain about lack of support to bring hate and drama within hololive.

>> No.76210341

A lot of people seem to like the idea of having a Holostars EN branch, but don't actually want to watch it. Does this say more about the "homobeggars" as they're called, or the talents themselves? I think it's the latter, I think Holostars EN could've been good if they hadn't made so many poor hiring decisions with regards to the onstream talents. There's too much dead weight, Tempus 2 was lacklustre; Flayon is awful, Shinri is boring, and Hakka only has value as a singer, and then they added Armis, which should've just been called Holostars SEA. Armis landed with so little splash that even 6 months later there are still Hololive fans who don't even know they exist.

>> No.76210420

>he doesn't need physical dollars
wrong. he's coping because he knows he will never make enough money to get him and his little sister out of their abusive parental relationship, and reflecting that onto the audience.

>> No.76210433

I wasted so much time on them and for what? None of them even trying to grow anymore

>> No.76210458

because https://voca.ro/1ck7EYrwZKT7

>> No.76210516

Like we said subsidized by the girls fans. It's a comfortable amount of money

>> No.76210540

I would say the "latter" is impossible to fix. Let's not pretend that if you are guy and a streamer your first choice won't be to be a Vtuber, either it will be because something else (i know a male Vtuber who is a Vtuber because he have another contract where he can't bring is face publicly, so Vtubing is basicaly contourning that restriction) or have so little to offer that being a male Vtuber actually provide added value to your stream, in a market where male streamer are competing like crazy between each others, that already rank you as bellow mediocre.
Now once you already fall low enought to be a male Vtuber, what is the point of joining a company? Now that niji have fallen, at least everywhere but in japan, there is ZERO brand of male Vtuber that have a value.
So even if you fall as low as being a male Vtuber, now if you try to get into a company it mean that you will have to carry the weight of building the brand.
So result anyone who become an holostart require to be both untalented as a streamer and talented enought to build a brand, it's not gona to work ever.

>> No.76210543

Irys took more than a year for a redesign btw

>> No.76210647

You know about dramatubers right? Well I watched their streams specifically rima and doxxsagi. They claim to want more holostars x hololive collab but at the same time mentions they only watch clips and not even watch holostars streams in the first place. A bunch of virtue signallers just to present whatever sounds morally right. To say that viewers don't really know what they like to watch needing to have other people point out what is good or not, forgetting they also are one.

>> No.76210685

Not disregarding your point but why is pizza fag in the redesign section? Didn’t he have to wait 3 years for his redesign? I think Vesper and Magni is enough to prove that point

>> No.76210709

>Streams for 12 hours
>1 new subscriber
What the fuck

>> No.76210733

More of a way to counter the claims that hololive doesn't give any support to holostars.

>> No.76210834

Ironic since Aruran lost so much support from his long time fans after that. Hell, I think a JP starmin ranted on Twitter one time and made a petition to change it back

>> No.76210861

>Aruran lost so much support

>> No.76211015

They are called beggars because they don't work themselves.
What's so surprising about that?
I bet if you ask one of those beggars about holostars, people who actively hate holostar knows a lot more about them than homobeggars themselves.

>> No.76211016

You know he messed up when even /stars/ don’t want to even mention him much

>> No.76211042

Speaks volumes of homo quality. All of their subscribers are pity subs from mindless drones who subscribe to every Cover related channel. They would be a bunch of 2views if they weren't affiliated with HoloPro.
Roberu is the only exception. He should seriously consider leaving and going indie or something.

>> No.76211125

>Roberu is the only exception
I sometimes wonder what would’ve happened if he joined Niji instead but I feel like that probably wouldn’t turn out great either

>> No.76211135

The most subscribed homoEN is someone who can't stop leeching on a literal SEA toddler and not giving anything in return.
This fact should give you an idea of what the star branch is.

>> No.76211198

>They would be a bunch of 2views if they weren't affiliated with HoloPro
It's kind of interesting because the stars brand isn't exactly helping them a lot, but would they be worse off without it? What if the branch was still under Cover, but not a part of Holopro? We will never know

>> No.76211250

Honestly, I think it's weirder that you spend your time obsessively compiling posts made by random fans of male vtubers when you keep insisting you only want to watch girls. Seems like you've got some repressed feelings you need to deal with dude.

>> No.76211260

>What if the branch was still under Cover, but not a part of Holopro? We will never know
That’s what I’ve been thinking for so long but one could dream I guess

>> No.76211302

>They would be a bunch of 2views if they weren't affiliated with HoloPro.
Retard most of them were more popular before joining holostars

>> No.76211341

He could have easily joined the old men's drinking club and get to do soccer in 3D and collab with all the ecelebs he likes, instead of forcing flops like Miyabi and Shien to collab with people and save their dead dying branch

>> No.76211409
File: 621 KB, 512x768, I wanna watch the stars[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs21ybl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't watch stars
>But (you) should unicorn chud

>> No.76211970

Most of them weren't vtubers before joining. Just because you were popular before turning into a vtuber doesn't mean you're going to make it as a vtuber.

>> No.76212072

>Meanwhile the small corpos have dedicated vtubing fans
Aka useless neets that do nothing with their life, and that somehow are interested in watching soulless slop from corpo #876556 that is going to collapse in the next 6-12 months
>most holofans simply aren't religious about it
If this was true, then the number of holofans doesn't just dwarf everyone else, it would obliterate it considering how much engagement they get in comparison to everyone else (10x 2nd place company, if they have less engagement by a factor of 5 with small corpos, they unironically 100x them)

>> No.76212125

it wasn't very comfortable for at least two of them. They need more support

>> No.76213114

>He thinks that Youtube shadowbanned him
Can he just not accept the fact that people find Holostars utterly repulsive?

>> No.76213325

>a faggot blaming everything but himself
Are you really surprised? honnestly?

>> No.76213543

The power of pandering to women. I knew this shit would happen right after announcement because it always happens when women get into a hobby. Loud minority demanding everyone pay attention to them while not engaging with hobby beyond a superficial way. Plenty small corpo get by without acting this obnoxiously and it's not like they are any bigger than them.

>> No.76213623

They think supporting means pestering others to watch.

>> No.76214041

Hypocrisy. That's literally it

>> No.76214099
File: 100 KB, 316x241, 1716172025393382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive fans who don't even know they exist.
We do, on some level. From what I've seen every actual fan ignores their existence to watch and support the girls, the whole reason it's so popular in the first place. Six months later none of them have 100k subs. It's unprecedented flopping even for them and it will only get worse with more debuts. The fans have driven off others with their pushy virtue signaling and the mere fact male vtubers are just not made for the demographic of straight guys.

>> No.76214673

They'd probably be more popular if the fans weren't so weird about them collating with the girls. Allowing natural friendships to form among the sexes was the one thing Niji got right. Their guys were miles more popular than any of the Stars because they were exposed more to the core audience.

>> No.76214904

Axel really is the last straight male vtuber. It's over. Everyone's either gay or a massive fag which gayer than gay

>> No.76214909
File: 75 KB, 1024x733, 1709194569642434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homobeggar makes an appearance in the homobeggar thread

>> No.76214930


>> No.76215042

stars fans doing more damage than antis ever could

>> No.76215055

another very organic thread totally not done by Discord raiders

>> No.76215144

These aren't Homobeggars. Most of them are starsfags and those that don't care are casuals. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.76215152

>attacking hololive with race shit
>now with lgbt shit too
Thank God they don't pander to the west

>> No.76215169

the seats must be empty for that one concert I guess
Thread about homos is a regular Tuesday here in the catalog and it's obvious bait anyway since it devolves into falseflagging

>> No.76215195
File: 787 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-05-20-19-32-30-670_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retard. The only ones posting these are from your own fanbase.

>> No.76215201

what's the difference? they're all enemies of hololive

>> No.76215203
File: 440 KB, 800x903, ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Goku and Vegeta found another place to fight

>> No.76215204

wasn't the seaweed guy doing well with his fps collab group?

>> No.76215216

>Homotrannies are deflection to Nijinigger
all of homobeggars are parasite

>> No.76215217

Am I wrong? I never watched any Niji livers, let alone any males, yet they were the only ones constantly trending. Cover isn't going to encourage inter-sex collabs but Yagoo won't let them kill off his boys. The Stars were never gonna succeed and it's the one thing Niji did better.

>> No.76215227

If that's you're logic. You're no different than a Nijicorn.

>> No.76215239
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>> No.76215254


>> No.76215258

>t. the literal parasite

>> No.76215270

This is the funniest example
>self admitted to not watching streams
>promise anti
>Nerissa's favorite fan

>> No.76215288

Yeah good to know you reinforce my point faggot.

>> No.76215299

>it's the fans' fault holostars aren't popular
>it's the girls' fault they're not popular
Yes, utterly. It's no one's fault but their own. Just look at the OP, the red faggot isn't even trying to grow.

>> No.76215306

yes???, now show the clip of EN girls talking about LGBT

>> No.76215323

These days Nijimen barely scratch 4view and in their tickets vs. Holostars, the latter outsold them.

>> No.76215353

>I only watch clip
classic homobeggar

>> No.76215379

Thank you for admitting, dumbass.

>> No.76215412

>The unicorn admits to watching clips and then projects.

>> No.76215416

Anyone can say they're a hololive fan, you're a gullible retard

>> No.76215438
File: 2.37 MB, 2946x1303, 1708547422536490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive fans are predominantly straight males into other things that appeal to male otaku. Nijisanji fans are the opposite. Neither are popular thanks to intersex collabs. Holostars will never work if they don't do shit that appeals to fujos/yumejoshi, men are already satisfied watching anime girls.

>> No.76215448

Yeah just like what you're doing? Deflect harder numb nuts.

>> No.76215451

> one in a lifetime human being
> because the guy recited alphabet retard stupid sacret text
> like all the other as fake as possible virtue signalers did before him and all the one who will after him
> "once in a lifetime"
Honnestly if you don't hate that LGBT shit, this is the reason why you should. This is the MOST STUPID IDIOTIC RETARDED BRAINDEAD NPC shit you ever see. I refuse to believe that this retard is a human, hence i won't recognise him any human right either, and i'll go futher that kind of retardation would make plankton, the only species that can somehow relate to that retard, ashamed of themselves.

>> No.76215474

are nijisisters jealous we're allowed to clip holostars streams?

>> No.76215493

>men are already satisfied watching anime girls.
Don't lump me in with you retards. I prefer anime characters beating the shit out of each other over cute garbage.

>> No.76215519

That tranny is literally a homostar fan and nijifan, as expected. The OG clip is from a niji and homo fan. What exactly are you trying to prove?

>> No.76215520
File: 299 KB, 585x472, HomoStarFanareNDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is Niji fan though

>> No.76215533

>Allowing natural friendships to form among the sexes was the one thing Niji got right.
>All the females numbers started dying
>The fags were only popular because of the chinese fujos
>Now the fujos are gone

>> No.76215564
File: 676 KB, 776x630, HomoPolReddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homobeggar trannies taking over holostar subreddit

>> No.76215576
File: 73 KB, 720x282, 1713225293969837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority into vtubers are.

>> No.76215597

let them fight

>> No.76215671

>actively anti'd IRyS
>clipwatching vermin
>well known beggar
hey retard thanks for proving us right i guess?

>> No.76215677

It's where they belong in the first place anyways.

>> No.76215680

Vast majority of weebs and otakus. Those 200k aren't all men retard.

>> No.76215720

>piss and shit about homobeggars on /vt/ 24/7
>only examples they ever have are mentally ill fucks on twitter
unicucks are pathetic

>> No.76215722

>Well known beggar
>Most of them are holotweets with the occasional Holostar tweet about LGBT
>>Hey retard thanks for proving me right I guess?

>> No.76215774

Nigger that flip cunts been a beggar since the early tempiss days
This is your faggots' whole legacy you braindead fag
You're virtually the same as nijiniggers

>> No.76215783

Do you know what "majority" means retard? You're splitting hairs. Yeah hololive is more successful at gaining female fans as well, but the majority of the viewership is male and they are watching cute anime girls. They aren't watching homos. There's no amount of cope that can change that.

>> No.76215883

You know, the good side of this. The homoEN problem now is likely only gona survive only a few more months before the branch is folded into nothingness due to how much drama with how little result they will bring. Though gosh i don't want to see the drama that will happen... it's always ugly...

>> No.76215949

you've been saying this for months

>> No.76215970
File: 509 KB, 498x498, kekw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait you're talking about NijiEN right LOLOLOL

>> No.76216014

>entire thread seething about hololive and holofans
Just further proof allowing this shit in was a mistake.

>> No.76216059
File: 40 KB, 853x163, 1709969323040870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fully expecting this to be posted and ignored, afterall it does not help the narrative.
