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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7619115 [Reply] [Original]

Nene learning the hard way, most EOPs follow the saviourfag mentality of feeling validated for the attention of a chuuba, until they find another one to watch.

>> No.7619234

Take your meds its just a tweet Im sure many still watch her

>> No.7619271

No, there has been a noticeable drop in English comments in the chat.

>> No.7619385

Can't watch every chuuba. I like Nene, but I find a lot of her streams to be a bit boring compared to other streamers in her timeslots. Not sure if other people who used to watch her feel the same way, but that's my reason.

>> No.7619399

>imagine begging spics to come back to watch you
can we just keep botan and graduate the rest of gokishit

>> No.7619424

Why keep the slav magnet? graduate Botan to siberia

>> No.7619442

wtf nene
this is sad... why does she care

>> No.7619443

being accessible to people who don't speak Japanese is good business.

this is a good thing, they're all cringe anyway.

>> No.7619490

at least shes entertaining to watch

>> No.7619492

Maybe she should stop being a fake whore, that oughta help

>> No.7619607

that's really sad ;_;
she's a sweet girl, please watch her

>> No.7619761

Sorry I only make time for Polka.

>> No.7619766

>fake whore
ogey zhang

>> No.7619811


>> No.7619829

Her manager should probably explain that the fad is basically over in the West and she should expect the same numbers of EOP as before.

>> No.7619834


>> No.7620090

What a shitty take. EOPs watching JP tubers is a fad thats dying in the west.

EN Vtubers (outside of Hololive) are inclining hard and even vshoujo has seen massive boosts in numbers this year alone. COPE.

>> No.7620096

Why would you want EOPs watching you, other than validation. All they do is spam dead memes and other cringe in chat.

>> No.7620160

Their bread gets buttered by numbers and you are dim if you don't think streaming isn't an ego trip.

>> No.7620208

>Tweet un English
Santo niño de Jesucristo...
Aunque a pasado un buen tiempo desde que Nenechi apelo a los taco y burrito hablantes.

>> No.7620304

The "English" posters here are mostly from South America it's /v/ all over again

>> No.7620366

well, if you want numbers, that is the onlyway, major of hololive watcher are EOP after all

>> No.7620474

I will never forget Nene.

>> No.7620507
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Polka is very talented and have to stay in hololive because she wouldn't even be able to sell her body on the street if she was fired

>> No.7620578

no, YOU can't. I can. If i nihongomaxxing another 2 years i could perfectly larp as a jap and nobody would know, seeth harder

>> No.7620664

She's a big part of the reason I've been doing my reps. If she wants me to revert to EOP posting, I will, no problem.
Changed my youtube name to a japanese one because she had trouble reading mine multiple times before, guess I'll change it back.

>> No.7620685

Nah. Majority has always been and will always be Japanese unless its an overseas streamer.

>> No.7620712

>major of hololive watcher are EOP after all
The fuck? Even Gura can't manage the numbers Pekora gets and around 15% of Guras viewers are JP

>> No.7620742


>> No.7620779

Demographics is destiny

>> No.7620865

How did you know this, Alejandro ?

>> No.7620902
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>> No.7620979

JPs also do it but you don't see it since it's above your N5 Japanese

>> No.7621012

Uh, explain this deadbraps?

>> No.7621034

>Deadzone isn't literally 24 hours
Shit pic

>> No.7621046

LMAO how old is this

>> No.7621049

Timezones are a bitch. Please understand.

>> No.7621073

she's just been busy and unable to stream for a few days you schizo faggot

>> No.7621198
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there is no need to pander at all.

>> No.7621199

Hololive, and vtuber culture in general, always had a shelf life. The COVID boost was only going to last so long. The world is recovering, people are going back to work and school. The world is moving on.
No one will be left to watch the vtubers, and they will continue to stream to an empty, silent void.
Kiara was right to suggest that this fad won't last another 5 years. I hope your oshi has planned an exit strategy.

>> No.7621277
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>> No.7621309

Graduate the two useless bitches I barely remember they exist and keep only Botan and Polka.

>> No.7621313

>shark streaming to as few as 9k people
he's right you know

>> No.7621333
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itt: Ken-sama seething

>> No.7621438

My oshi isn't declining and she always keeps ginormous numbers every time she streams. Now HoloEN are the ones who needs to worry, because they are being left behind by fucking Vshoujo and the only thing they have to brag about is subscriber numbers.

>> No.7621455

I saw a ton of hololive posters on /sp/ and they all had south american flags

>> No.7621489

/sp/ always had a ton of spics, I saw an dude with a French flag posting Rushia on /pol/.

>> No.7621503

I might get hate from what am about to say but i really think Nene only works in clips, that's it.

>> No.7621515

>few as 9k people

>> No.7621540

>10 gorillion subs and less than vshojo viewers
that's a significant decline

>> No.7621578

Twitch bots. FOH.

>> No.7621580

Fucking go back and stay there

>> No.7621584


>> No.7621609

nice excuse.

>> No.7621622

so does all the JP holos because nobody in this thread can understand them

>> No.7621632

I'm not an /pol/tranny, I only go there for shitpost.

>> No.7621714

Why lie ESL the stats is public

>> No.7621779

It's well known that that shithole place has viewers using bots.

>> No.7621781
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>calls anon a ESL
>can't speak English

>> No.7621796

Not if you're one of the people interacting with her and prompting the fun stuff you see in clips. Don't be shy, talk to her, you'll have a blast.
All of the clips with a shitload of crap on screen? It feels nice when part of the crap added was because of your message.

>> No.7621815

OH nyoooooo she got bad viewership on one video. Can't wait until next week when you find something else to doom post about.

>> No.7621832

>less people going YABE HI HONEY
is this bad?

>> No.7621859

Op you know Nene take a break, right?
But you are right EOP or "x" only person is cancer. bilingual or polygrot they are more decent people

>> No.7621876

So it was you who apologised for cheating on her?

>> No.7621883


>> No.7621911
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I'm actually cheating on my oshi with her...

>> No.7621930

Nene's been on break for a few days. Japanese fans use Twitter far more regularly than EOPs so she's checking in her overseas husbands


>> No.7622021

Nene had like a 3 day break, so she made a joke that she didn't want people to forget her. Naturally, schizos took it too far.

>> No.7622072

You know is more about having more competence than just they leaving right? vshojo is inclining, NijiEN just started and other companies are releasing new english vtubers. I think this is more like a Hololive problem, in which they (especially EN) are being lazy. All of them are supposedly studying English but almost nobody is advancing in their reps. Regarding to the EN branch they need the 2nd gen urgently, no one is doing more than their usual streams, no interesting events at all, just when they do something creative (Like Ame with the vr streams) is where they can reach more live viewers but they are almost doing nothing, and IRyS was a failure in my opinion...

>> No.7622170

The old style vtubing needs to return, it's crystal clear that this streaming thing doesn't work for everyone and many vtubers still trying to stick with that. Maybe that's lack of creativity ?

>> No.7622198

She don't even speak english.

>> No.7622213

Good, that's you're homework

>> No.7622273


>> No.7622277

>All of them are supposedly studying English
no they arent

>> No.7622279

good. I'm done with this bitch after she doxed aloe

>> No.7622306

she doxxed everyone including herself kek

>> No.7622337

No sluts allowed in hololive.

>> No.7622355

Even a shit stream gets way more views than Kizuna Ai style content

>> No.7622358


>> No.7622369

You don't even watch her
Nene didn't doxx anyone idiot

>> No.7622370

what did she mean by this? did something happen?

>> No.7622508

she didn't stream for a short while I guess

>> No.7622541

Nah she was just trying to be cute on twitter. /vt/ as usual are schizos.

>> No.7622552

She's going on a break, it's a classic don't forget about me post, don't let retards in this thread fool you

>> No.7622688

Wait a minute Nene isn't a menhera.

>> No.7622697

I see, thanks

>> No.7622730
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Nene is a cute tard but I mostly watch her minecraft streams to witness her shennigans, or collabs she does with EN girls as my JP still sucks.

>> No.7622751


>> No.7622753

Have you idiots really just had an 80 post serious discussion about a joke tweet?

>> No.7622834

The autism spectrum is big and inclusive!

>> No.7622877

*cums on you*

>> No.7622933

She really goes out of her way to pander to the overseas fans these days. Which is great for her as it will hopefully boost her numbers a bit, and she has blast interacting with us. OP is just mildly succesful bait.

>> No.7622944

That's why I'm saying supposedly, some of them said that, but no one believe it at this point

>> No.7623050

What did she do to pander? Speak english the international language? Is that it?

>> No.7623139
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you think aloe hate nene from the bottom of heart?
although it wasn't nene’s fault, she's fuse of aloe graduate
she destroyed aloe's dream of becoming a virtual idol singer

>> No.7623205
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no I don't, now have sex

>> No.7623240

It's always a "joke"

>> No.7623342
File: 475 KB, 555x564, nenecar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious vtuber coming through!

>> No.7623345

Initially, it would seem that way. But I don't think that hate could last that long anyway. Even Aloe knew that Nene wasn't the reason she got into this mess. I don't know if remaining as Aloe would make her life any easier considering her roommate's personal matter.

All I can say is that I'm glad that life's starting to get better for her now after all the struggles she went through and the support she got from her fans and friends.

>> No.7623694


>> No.7624232

Do people post on linkedin when they're not bored at work? I thought that was its only function?

>> No.7624953

The novelty wore off. Now you either need to be a specialist who appeals to a niche, or an en speaker who can properly engage English viewers.

>> No.7625189

With what? Your being a faggot? No skin off my ass.

>> No.7626265

Anon take your meds this is actually cringe

>> No.7626366
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my bear wife needs me

>> No.7626410

you're talking as if nips don't do that

>> No.7626521

Gonna save this post for when HololiveES debuts next year.

>> No.7626691

Dafuq are you guys talking about, she's just making a joke about her break

>> No.7626840
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>fucking spics know more languages than I do

>> No.7626915
File: 10 KB, 173x173, ZiGyr6Bw_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on it!!

>> No.7626995

Vtubing in it's enterity as it is now will die when streaming dies.

>> No.7627034

People here are mentally ill

>> No.7627058

Welcome to /vt/! Enjoy your stay.

>> No.7627073

streaming dies when something replaces it. a form of entertainment doesn't go away unless it's forced or something better happens

>> No.7627296

Forms of entertainment don't die unless they're cancelled for political reasons.
You can still go to a theatre and watch a Greek tragedy.
You can't watch gladiators kill each other, it's banned.

>> No.7627305

We're all going to go into VR in 30 years. Drones will deliver our food and water to us and we'll all be hooked up to our VR orbs 16 hours a day. We'll all be vtubers and it will be glorious.

>> No.7627347

>gringos can't greentext

>> No.7627604

can someone explain to me what the problem is? Lots of japanese vtubers like to speak english or are learning it just to communicate with kaigainiki. Korone, Sora, Subaru, Nene, and more. why is this causing butthurt?

>> No.7627665

I stopped watching her when she started pandering to Latinx and half her chat was in Spanish. You get what you deserve.

>> No.7627668

Because OP decided he felt like shitposting by making a big deal out of nothing, and the timing of Nene's tweet was good enough for that, simple as.

>> No.7627673

This. I mean I shouldn't be surprised a schizo bait thread is filled with people that don't watch streams, but it's still disgusting.

>> No.7627708

deserve what? what happened to her?

>> No.7627718

There's no problem. You're just on /vt/, an absoloute cesspool of shit bait and (you) farming.

>> No.7627873

lol stay mad

>> No.7627895

You will never be Japanese, American.

>> No.7627953


>> No.7628032

>You will never blowjob

>> No.7628071


>> No.7628437
File: 277 KB, 1058x1114, nene cute replies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she is making a joke about her break that lasted a few days and just ended today. her tweet is just saying "overseas bros, i hope you didn't forget about me! I'd cry if you did!"

if you look at the tweet thread, lots of fans are replying jokingly with "i forgot who you are!" and Nene even replied to those randos.

>> No.7635110

So who's the flavor of the month on reddit

>> No.7635220

god dammit why did you have to bump this thread. it was already shown that OP is wrong and misinterpreted that Nene tweet.

>> No.7635234

Flare has been posting there a lot recently, and the response is very positive. Aruran is also on the rise, it was rare to see homos on the front page aside from milestone celebrations, but Aruran is constantly there with random memes.

lack family love

>> No.7638681
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>> No.7639171

You guys are getting more triggered by a tweet than actual Twitter, and that's saying something

>> No.7639411

OP doesn't understand the tweet. Nene just took a few days break, and upon her return she tweeted that to make sure nobody forgot about her during her several days absense. it's basically a joke. but OP and several others in the thread think the tweet means she's losing viewers, which is completely wrong and not even what the context of the tweet is.

>> No.7639629

Damn, that's cute.

>> No.7639942

Sorry to break it to you but nips do the same shit except you can't read it

>> No.7640044

jesus christ stop bumping this shitty thread, the OP already got proven wrong and exposed as not knowing the story behind the tweet. the tweet is just that Nene was checking in if her fans forgot about her after she took a break for only four days. it has nothing to do with EOP pandering and she's not losing viewers. OP doesn't understand the tweet and has a grudge against vtubers speaking english.

>> No.7643284


>> No.7644829

Pandering implies you do things to retain those reviewers, a few duolingo streams here and there is not pandering, Azki, Noel, hell even Sora did similar things, they did some duolingo shit and back to your regularly scheduled programming, which makes sense, JOPs are their primary fanbase.

The ONLY Holo you could accuse of pandering is Aki, and I see it less as pandering and more as just being appreciative of them saving her from obscurity, plus Aki has fans fucking everywhere, I've seen like 5 different translators of various languages sometimes.
