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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.48 MB, 3332x4096, 352_@koizumi_arata-1783689587862167657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76131090 No.76131090 [Reply] [Original]

For the 352nd time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First original song: Say My Name

▼ Next stream
Sun 05/19 7PM CT, unspecified vertical gaming stream
▼ Last streams
05/18, unarchived karaoke: >>76118009 https://mega.nz/file/MkZyTJpC#Fqbbzx_5gI4JoXQi2DXIpxGQnPpTR1KcNt_k5MzNp2U
05/17, zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXWGGdLhhAE
05/16, members-only zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-veHQREZK4
05/15, Cats Organized Neatly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqO5DGsLOmo
05/14, offcollab with Bijou and Shiori on Bijou's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0ZndoA_U7A

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>76099760
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.76131104
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template

>> No.76131110

2024 to date
Solo streams: 50
Collabs: 57
Twitch collabs: 4
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 8

>> No.76131116

I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world

>> No.76131174

How many hands does Nerissas ass measure?

>> No.76131289


>> No.76131963
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>> No.76132058

That Jailbird she’s holding? Me

>> No.76132146

Hi jailbirds. Is Nerissa's Jailbirds Ultra+ worth it? What kind of stuff does it have on top of what's in + and Ultra?

>> No.76132767

I missa da Rissa

>> No.76132857

Nothing? Higher tiers are just there if you want to give her more money.

>> No.76133001

Speedy threads we're inclining

>> No.76133049

>He doesn't know about the jailbirds ultra sex ASMR

>> No.76133539

Thanks for revealing the secret, retard.

>> No.76134753

We are but a horse climbing a mountain in Skyrim

>> No.76135048

Rengeanon is dead, there's no mega link for the karaoke.

>> No.76135635
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for a second the thumb looked like tenderly pondering orb

>> No.76136396


>> No.76136728

It's not his link
It's just not the same

>> No.76136767

Nobody is talking about how Say My Name reached 600k…

>> No.76137385

Rissa gave Fuwawa some of her hair from the haircut and Fuwawa keeps it in a baggy she carries around with her

>> No.76137677

There are so many great Nerissa stories in Fuwamocos stream why cant she talk about them in her own streams? Dance practice, the Fuwawa date, parfaits with Advent, I would know nothing about any of this if not for Fuwamoco.

>> No.76138120


>> No.76139648

Sex with Rissa's pits

>> No.76140064
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Good morning /ope/
Hope you're having a nice day/night

>> No.76140703
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>> No.76140875

!!! Shioraven!! Ooo la la~

>> No.76141502
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>> No.76142030
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>> No.76143051
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>> No.76143786
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>> No.76144288
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>> No.76144900

I liked it too, but I don't want to act like I'm farming for interaction and let her announce it. Also 203k on Spotify.

>> No.76145787
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Nerissa's armpits

>> No.76146218

Nerissa tells us stuff, the main thing is that despite appearances, she just gets stunlocked on what she should talk about thats outside of just herself sometimes, or just plain forgets to mention it. The girl is super awkward, but they all are in their own ways. She tells us the most intimate childhood stuff about her all the time, so making up a narrative of "she just doesn't want us to know anything" doesn't pass muster.

One of the top fembirds, gyattdamn.

>> No.76146231

Sex the fembird?

>> No.76147314

Yes, sex the fembird

>> No.76148188
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I don't think she knows they told the story about her hair...

>> No.76148344

>>76148188 (me)
Nevermind, she liked a clip about it.

>> No.76148540

She could just be saying she'll give her more, remember she combs out her hair constantly, we heard it on stream a few times. Plus, Fuwawa is fiending for Kabadon Part 2, she wants that tall girl love and got addicted after the first. Haven't you noticed Fuwawa is sounding just a little bit more bratty with Nerissa lately? She seems to want CORRECTION.

>> No.76148669

Fuwawa literally asked Rissa for permission while Rissa was streaming

>> No.76148705

sex with fembirds (but not our resident fembirds due to the illusion of moral boundaries)

>> No.76148742

Okay!!! ... fembird doko?

>> No.76149276

Thats the thrill, you never know who you're speaking to. Its like how that one Instagram model you see at your local coffee shop, she could also be that One Piece shitposter you saw that annoyed you 5 years ago. You just never know.

>> No.76149625
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sex with Nerissa Ravencroft at an indeterminate time after a yet to be decided game

>> No.76150056

Jailbirds still think Nerissa just forget about telling us things when she literally said rhe other day she's independent and see no reason to be telling someone everything she does all the time.

>> No.76150317

I didn't ask for your faggot opinion, sis

>> No.76150366

Obviously we ain't her mother and don't need to know every second of her day, but if one is going to make a topic about things you did, you would want to make it about something you know is fun. Its why I said she is just awkward and doesn't plan things rather than it being some seemingly concentrated effort to be enigmatic or whatever.

>> No.76150424

The context of that was not feeling the need to take pictures of everything. You're retarded.

>> No.76150813

Yeah, they don't need more ammo, they barely pay attention to streams as it is, they just want new red meat. They'd probably use that for the next bit of bait, with her reasoning for not wanting pictures being something nefarious.

>> No.76151543

True, i agree
it's definitely the appeal of 'anonymous' spaces like the chans

>> No.76152131


>> No.76152284

Sup screambird

>> No.76152890
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>> No.76153202

We need more hilarious Advent dormitory stories. With Shiori bringing the canned laugh track for this sitcom.

>> No.76154057
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>> No.76154209

I dont quite understand the anatomy but SEXXOO

>> No.76154239

I'm good bro
Hope all is good wit you too

>> No.76155015

Nerissa's armpit sweat finally cured my cough forever

>> No.76155671

Why's catalog so fast

>> No.76155803

It's because of anons dunking on on the niji concert and the sisters trying to clap back with holo bait threads

>> No.76156034

hope you guys like some KUSOGE tonight
I hate it but it makes sense for a phone-games

>> No.76156292

That's a choice alright. Tetris 99 would've been better but I guess she's craving it after that game full of ads she got the other day.

>> No.76156371

Oh my god she'll have a mental breakdown trying to do maths, I'm all in for it

>> No.76157462

A game she played already and didn't like, good choice

>> No.76157931


>> No.76157975

An unfocused tab on the 2nd monitor kind of stream. Surely we'll get some new stories today.

>> No.76158051
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>> No.76158136

She does need to raise her IQ a little...

>> No.76158211

I'll give her one thing (besides my cock), that's the perfect game to grab the zoomies attention. Even when she'll fail they'll stick around solely to backseat her. As long as she's realizes that this is a strat and doesn't cuss them out this might bring in more numbers than the karaoke did.

>> No.76158301

After we complained about how she doesn't take # fagging seriously, she somehow starts taking it VERY seriously. You can't tell me she isn't /here/ anymore

>> No.76158611

She'll spam shorts till 700k then take a break for a week.

>> No.76158771

Surely she won't spend 3/4 of the stream in the worst minigame this time, right? hahahahaha

>> No.76159006

>worst minigame
Don't diss the game, diss the player

>> No.76159096

At this point I think cover just told her that she would have more opportunities if she had more subs.
Initially I thought that she had a 1 million wish in mind and was getting impatient, but apparently she doesn't yet.

>> No.76159912
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>> No.76160139

Honestly, she just seems like she is trying things out, Bunny Garden was huge, and she didn't immediately go back to it, so it doesn't really feel like desperation. She has gotten an article written for one of her songs, with recognition from a game developer and VA she likes, so its not like she feels like she is fishing opportunities per say.

Her music is still doing the best of her gen by a landslide so its not feeling inferior to her comrades. Yeah, this just seems like her again just turning the dial and seeing how things go. Its like us trying psychoanalyze her actions, and the only thing in her head is the butts of cute girls. Well, at the very least, to counter the shitposters, we have the stories Advent is doing idol drills, and that got the "she's lazy" poster real quiet.

>> No.76161089
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>> No.76161478

My wife is so beautiful today

>> No.76162669

Sex with Nerissa's armpits

>> No.76163632

Nerissa's armpits, sweaty and smelly

>> No.76164873
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>> No.76165305

She should eat less

>> No.76165341

you're a faggot

>> No.76165398

Why are you gay?

>> No.76166956

Sex with a fembird, twice?

>> No.76167082
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>> No.76167420

They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.76169027

Sex with Rissa's voice

>> No.76170309

Gayest shit I've seen all day, and I jerked off to trap doujins earlier

>> No.76170498
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Nyanpasu Komari, nyanpasu!!
Please don't do the beeping car game again, for beeps sake, Rissa...

>> No.76171874
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>> No.76173485
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>> No.76173562
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Holotori collab next Saturday.

>> No.76173765

Poor mooms, stuck alone with the dykes

>> No.76173923

The four of them are in different countries right now, right? Hopefully that doesn't cause any issues because of lag.

>> No.76174121
File: 17 KB, 386x448, F8MtPDzXAAAkAXD[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftg8xbe.wav].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.76175183

Jailbirds, vote on a happi you'd want to get once it's avaiable for pre-order

>> No.76175450
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>> No.76176498

4bros, how could this happen to us…

>> No.76177056

>light and dark blue
but why

>> No.76177196
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Time to member Biboo

>> No.76177661

Huh, that's weird, the stream isn't on Holodex.

>> No.76178137

This could have been Rissa...Rissa please...

>> No.76178857

I went with 1 but 2 was a close choice

>> No.76179515

What? Jailbro, dont do that. Here go read the following numbers: 339912, 355390 & 374008. All three parts

>> No.76179652

1 and/or 2 are the onky correct choices

>> No.76179738

Saturday 8pm CET?? That's like 4am JST? Rissa bout to be even more eepy than usual

>> No.76180204

It's 14:00 JST. Literally says it right there.

>> No.76181889

/ope/ is extra dead today

>> No.76182245

watching Frieren with the gem child

>> No.76182785
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I still can’t get over this

>> No.76182970

Excuse my silliness. I thought it was pm instead of am

>> No.76183032
File: 1.55 MB, 1552x1552, 1706666418530284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried an energy drink for the first time so I can catch the stream live but I'm hella more sleepy now

>> No.76183171

You should eat a banana. It's way more effective

>> No.76183208

Maybe I should, I woke up with a bad leg cramp today

>> No.76183215


>> No.76183235
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>> No.76183292
File: 164 KB, 2000x2000, GMxLX4BbUAAp4xu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come here and let me eat you

>> No.76183316


>> No.76183430

Rissa scuff love

>> No.76183462

my wife is pon today

>> No.76183495

i wanted those other games though
the ones you could find on newgrounds in the early/late 2000s

>> No.76183499


>> No.76183562

>111 iq

>> No.76183564

>my iq is already very high, cuz i'm so smart

>> No.76183848

Did she tell this story already?

>> No.76183944

I have an IQ of 76. Pretty good to be in the double digits, huh?

>> No.76183955

Was napping. What I miss? She has a normie IQ?

>> No.76183968

Yes, anon. It sure is...

>> No.76183979

anonchama... i don't know what to tell you...

>> No.76184012

sasuga, genius anon!

>> No.76184022
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>> No.76184101

Jailbro...i hope you are good looking or good in sports

>> No.76184229

I don't think they'd be on /vt/ if either of those were the case...

>> No.76184237

I have an IQ of 146, but i have several other issues

>> No.76184323

I have no idea what my IQ is, how did you guys test yours?

>> No.76184336

Autism test

>> No.76184343
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>What if I blew myself for shits and giggles

>> No.76184486

So that's why Shiori isnt pregnant yet

>> No.76184538

Understandable i suppose

>> No.76184541

No, she specifically loves pulling pins.

>> No.76184611
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>> No.76184692

She is extra potty mouthed today

>> No.76184725


>> No.76184743

I'm going ballista

>> No.76184875

Is she retarded..

>> No.76185066

Her armpits are sweaty let's gooo

>> No.76185136

Sweet or salty?

>> No.76185273

Architect status?

>> No.76185276

That meat? Yeah, mine

>> No.76185345
File: 1.25 MB, 1078x1666, 3ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent news! Keep up the great work, Rissa

>> No.76185381

She's going to get fat

>> No.76185391

I call it from now on "the Shiori effect". As PDHbird i will write a thesis about it

>> No.76185390

Good story Rissa, you ate food. Guess we'll hear actual details from Biboo or Shiori.

>> No.76185852

Rissa zoomers won't sub for this one

>> No.76185857

>We have upped our IQ to 149
>it clearly states IQ147
Rissa... your birdbrain...

>> No.76185894

Rissa when your brain is getting tickled that means you're getting a lobotomy

>> No.76185971

>How'd you tickle my brain specifically

>> No.76186487

>Fuck her ear-holes
>Cum so hard it flows into the brain
>The sperm will now tickle her brain 24/7
There you go, thats how to mind-fuck Rissa

>> No.76187072

Those moans...more please...

>> No.76187077

I think I'm going to bed now. I hope to wake up to a nice schedule.

>> No.76187128

Take me with you, I can't keep my eyes open any longer

>> No.76187177

I'm just going to skip everything but karaokes in this Japan arc. I'll watch the other Advent VODs for Japan details since she can't even seem to give us the tiniest crumbs

>> No.76187289


>> No.76187454

I just opened the stream. Did I miss anything?

>> No.76187504


>> No.76187525

She ate a lot of meat yesterday. That's pretty much it.

>> No.76187594

She ate too much. Didn't even elaborate beyond that. Thats all.

>> No.76187627


>> No.76187804
File: 234 KB, 2160x3840, @PanPanMC4-1792363018371924390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76188184

sex with Rissa's leg in 4k

>> No.76188202

Time to BEEP bros

>> No.76188252

What the hell is that super

>> No.76188285

>Do you have experience with drugs?
Druggies are something else lol

>> No.76188313

the power of shorts

>> No.76188343

kek i just saw it
a shining example of a #shorts scrooler

>> No.76188348

>it's over
>goes hard

>> No.76188815

Kinda funny that she's only been reading greynames this whole time

>> No.76188992

she unironically hates membirds

>> No.76189246
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>> No.76189342

I hate to say it, but could it be that Rissa is the least smart ENmem?

>> No.76189494

is that just watame photoshopped on a jailbird

>> No.76189505

She swings wildly between functional retard and idiot savant with no in between.

>> No.76189527


>> No.76189526

She's doing alright
I'm not gonna mention the other holos who would do much worse than her at this game

>> No.76189552
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>> No.76189664

I tried to watch as much of her in the HC minecraft arc as I could, but she was kind of doing her own thing a lot.

>> No.76189674

Love Nerissa like you guys wouldn't believe but the subscriber counter on the screen is so tacky

>> No.76189726

our wife loves finding ways to make her streams worse

>> No.76189729

I blame that temptress fuwawa for teaching her how to do it

>> No.76189774

It's cringe and she's cringe. It's a perfect fit.

>> No.76189794
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, FuwaThumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76189842

She's going to ragequit again

>> No.76189864

it's somewhat cringey to do it when you're doing a milestone countdown stream. But Nerissa is nowhere near a milestone this is sheer numberfaggotry
can I get this but with a middle finger?

>> No.76189974

Sheep begone

>> No.76189982

I doubt they're even quality viewers/subs. How many join membership? How many will buy merch? It's just people randomly scrolling through shorts. It's sacrificing stream quality for what's probably worthless subs.

>> No.76190139

no need to worry about conversions, retention and community building as long as sub number go up

>> No.76190424

Actual learning or brute forcing it

>> No.76190627


>> No.76190669


>> No.76190856

I scout this lonely lot
The sole car park where everything will rot
Don't know when it sleeps
But it's home to me when I hear the beeps

>> No.76190886

It's over

>> No.76191044

I cant see shit. Everything is too small

>> No.76191181

Thank God I was waiting for the 690K plug

>> No.76191270

I have been in other streams tonight. Did she mention that Advent ate with Bae last night?

>> No.76191300


>> No.76191354


>> No.76191365
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>> No.76191368


>> No.76191466

She did two Japan zatsu streams in a row and all we heard was that she rode a train. Saying you rode a train in Tokyo is like saying you took a breath. No way she was going to actually divulge anything in a gaming stream.

>> No.76191726
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>Supposed to go out to eat but doesn't elaborate

>> No.76191790


>> No.76191834

Shiori unironically gave more details in her single twitter picture of her meal than Rissa did this entire livestream.

>> No.76191962

I think my retard wife actually got this minigame
Thank god the BEEPS stopped

>> No.76192207

They're never restocking those 40 Rissa folders are they

>> No.76192303

Japanese trains are REALLY cool though

>> No.76192345

She already said it, she's an independent woman and doesn't need to tell anyone what's she up to.

>> No.76192422

Apparently she's also a content creator that doesn't want anyone to consumer her content because it's pretty fucking boring to be in Japan and not talk about it at all.

>> No.76192494

this vertical shit is crap, I can't see the fucking game.

>> No.76192560
File: 2.05 MB, 1600x900, asfsadsada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the real winner was me after I bailed 30 mins into the stream. Nonetheless, I'm still happy she's streaming instead of ghosting, but I'm not watching this junk

>> No.76192715

Youtube needs to take a tip from Twitch and make it so that you can fullscreen while keeping the chat interface open. Would make these vertical streams not completely ass on desktop

>> No.76193024

Fuck twitch. Most horrid platform there is

>> No.76193087

fuwamoco's twitch was also banned

>> No.76193159

if you actually had ever used it you'd realize how retarded that statement is.
Better video quality, less resource intensive, better moderation, better chat features, better UI

>> No.76193298

Fucking greyfag asking when the live ends should rope

>> No.76193359

>she's having fun
I can't complain...but this has been something like her most boring stream all week...at least she's actually streaming in Japan instead of being completely quiet...

>> No.76193502

She could have spent so much time talking about what they've been up to in order to make the stream better. Biboo has been sharing a lot in her members stream.

>> No.76193523

Cool, dont care. Fuck twitch. Rissa should stay away from there. Twitch is full of fags and whores. Raids from grifters. Degenerate audience. Adsgalore (yes i have ublock). Shit UI. Not comments. Vods are shit to find or watch. There is no redeeming quality of twitch.

>> No.76193621

NTA but I've used twitch and it's a pain in the ass. I'd rather her stick to youtube

>> No.76193648

Great AI response. Back to the catalog with you.

>> No.76193699

yeah, not unexpected
introvert shy sheep rarely goes out of her way to be in a group

>> No.76193876

I believe her when she says she doesn't have the cognitive space to talk to chat and play the game at the same time, but so far it's just not really fun to watch for this game. I guess that streamer commentary ability is definitely something she needs to work on

>> No.76193942

Yeah totally not self written. AI's really call people degens, whores and fags nowadays. Fuck off twitchfag

>> No.76193984

That's not good for a streamer and if she hasn't learned how to do it in all her years streaming she never will.

>> No.76194027

the point is that if you trained an AI on how the catalog feels about Twitch, it would be exactly what you said. You have no original thoughts. You have not used Twitch. You are a complete fucking retard.

>> No.76194265

Man that would be a pretty based AI. I hope we can have that one day, an AI trained on the whole board(s)

>> No.76194473

Wild assumptions. Do you even know how retarded you sound calling me a catalogue fag, while you are the twitchfag? I quit twitch since 2017~2018. I refuse to go back. It was shit and it only gotten worse. I'm only ever in /ope/ and occationally when Rissa isnt streaming in /hlgg/, no where else. Twitch is not a good platform, especially for vtubers. Rissa should stay clear of twitch. That's why i'm glad her account got banned off twitch.

>> No.76194695

Fuck off with this shit

>> No.76194739

If I wanted all of those things, I'd recommend Mixer

>> No.76194777

>she is gonna feed Biboo

>> No.76194972

This was a pretty shit stream. Shit game, no zatsu.

>> No.76195022

One single detail shared, she ate too much meat. Not even what kind of meat lmao. Absolutely awful.

>> No.76195039

She showed us though! It was longer than 2 hours!

>> No.76195086

She's only going longer on these shorts streams because of the dopamine hit of the sub counter going up. Even in her zatsu stream where she had no other plans the rest of the day she killed the stream at the 2 hour mark.

>> No.76195255

My wife is properly numberfagging. I'm so proud of her

>> No.76195295

I don't get why she can't share stories. Sometimes I get she doesn't want to reveal stuff but Fuwamoco already talked about the date, the hairdresser, and other stuff so it'd be nice to hear her perspective.

>> No.76195316

This stream is my guilty pleasure. I just like when she makes an effort to complete a game, even if it's shitty. Could it have been better? Of course, but it just engages my monkey game.

>> No.76195375

No, she's really not. She's gaining subs but her streams are lower viewership and there's no evidence that the shorts subs translate into anything like merch, memberships, etc. Shorts views even pay less than normal VOD views. She would be a better numberfag if she focused on being a better streamer, by learning to properly zatsu and actually stream longer than two hours.

>> No.76195400

She's a bad streamer.

>> No.76195446

Perms and secrecy autismo

>> No.76195494

So true sis

>> No.76195520

It is.

>> No.76195571


>> No.76195632

Why are you so obsessed with her and being here then. Huh?

>> No.76195642

>terrible at games
>can't zatsu at all while playing games
>no streaming stamina and generally disinterested in most games she plays

>> No.76195826

feel free to keep watching!

>> No.76196015

Anyway, I love my wife Rissa with all my heart

>> No.76196071

I think she has a lot of things she needs to improve on but if you don't think she can improve on them, then you should move on.

>> No.76196207

I don't and I'm trying to but it's not that easy.

>> No.76196380

I missa da Rissa
She is by no mean flawless, but she is my wife and I love my wife. I believe in her, I stand by her and I will watch her improve

>> No.76196537

My sentiments exactly, jailbird

>> No.76197105

Keep coping, she MY wife.

>> No.76198140

She has improved. She had better streams overall in April. She's faltering in May because she can't handle many things at once, whether that's due to her bad genes and a mental disability of some kind (my hypothesis) or something else is immaterial. She'll be back on track when she gets home, until then don't watch the half-assed streams and you'll be a lot happier

>> No.76198610

>and a mental disability
That's a requirement to get into Hololive

>> No.76199774

Have a good night /ope/, may your dreams be filled with Rissa

>> No.76199903

good night nerigga

>> No.76203419
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>> No.76205222

Wife be cute

>> No.76205340

I'd rather lick Aradia's armpits

>> No.76206128

Why does Nerissa keep using ghettospeak when she is so White?

>> No.76207888
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>> No.76208243

Bro or frfr, a lot of verbal tic and phrases she uses are just a sign of her being on the Internet a lot, not ghettospeak.
People tried to even say that clapping to express emphasis on your words was a black woman thing when she does it often, and it isn't. Lots of people do that, let alone white women, just means they are animated or chuuni. Expressing yourself with your hands while talking was said when I was growing up to be an Italian thing, but I did it all the time.

>> No.76208361

She was saying "I got cooked" like 20 times today

>> No.76208700

Hearties doubters BTFO

>> No.76209390
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>> No.76210628

I want more wife per wife

>> No.76211726
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>> No.76212312
File: 145 KB, 1517x1080, 687gb87b54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Rissa sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g! ...but we have to put that on hold so we can sleep zzz

>> No.76213175

Sex with Rissa's armpits

>> No.76213605
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My chuuni wife...

>> No.76213934
File: 21 KB, 593x251, shiorissahorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horn is truly a versatile tool.

>> No.76214572
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>> No.76215318
File: 29 KB, 662x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's related but we'll never know from Nerissa anyway

>> No.76215612

I need to dick down Nerissa so bad, i would give her enough children to make a football team

>> No.76215856

>the ONE time I don’t comment and the hearties get dispersed the same day

>> No.76216218

Her spine sadly wouldnt survive the first childbirth

>> No.76217128
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>> No.76217883


>> No.76218312

My pov

>> No.76218565

It's just gonna be a guerilla week isn't it

>> No.76218843

I doubt it. She said she hadn't made a schedule yet because she didn't have anything planned at the time, so that means she is planning on making one but isn't sure what to do. She'll probably post it in a few hours, since it's 22h in Japan.

>> No.76218936
File: 1.19 MB, 4096x2663, @nerissa_en-1792544259641614794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here

>> No.76219176

Only 3 days off, I'm surprised.

>> No.76219181

Hah, I was right! Not a bad schedule, considering the circumstances. Looking forward to the collab the most.

>> No.76219230

She did mention shorter streams and potential cancellations but hopefully they don't happen.

>> No.76219261

>Rissa chose option 1 for the schedule image
>I chose option 1 yesterday in the poll

>> No.76219302

Is konbini clear out a game? Because I'm not finding it

>> No.76219338

Anon, they'll just buy a bunch of konbini stuff and eat on stream…

>> No.76219376

EVERY SINGLE TIME THAT SOMEONE SAYS SHE ISNT /HERE/ THEY GET BTFO'D. Just accept the fact Rissa is in fact /here/. Hi Rissa, i love you

>> No.76219421

Here's what she wrote on youtube:
>This week, there is a LOT of stuff going on behind the scenes, but I miss you guys so I'm gonna try my best! Streams may be slightly shorter so I can still make scheduled... things ;) we'll still get to hang out a bit though, so I hope you're excited <3

>> No.76219493

Vertical suika? I expect at least 20 boob size joker per minute, she better not disappoint.
Advent Offcollab? kino.
Indie horror? We always need at least one stinker…
Zatsu? Nice, always need one.

>> No.76219526

i'm stuff btw

>> No.76219544

She should stop doing chatting streams if she's not going to share anything. I don't give a shit about how her Dads a demon lord or whatever for the 100th time.

>> No.76219559

The scheduled thing she's making is my firstborn.

>> No.76219590

Die, nigger, die.

>> No.76219663

I was hoping it would be that
There's no real indication of when something is a game tho

>> No.76219830

Jailbird... you might have a birdbrain too...

>> No.76219845

She didn't even went through half the comments. She clearly is going on the path of dropping them.

>> No.76219935

690K tomorrow on vertical Suika "Nice"

>> No.76220102


>> No.76221051

Sex with my numberfag wife

>> No.76221070

Are you awake baker-dono?

>> No.76221104


>> No.76221136
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 1704086005178547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray for you to be in good health

>> No.76221176

Baking thread.

>> No.76221354



Thank you, friend.

>> No.76221357

Gracias Baker-sama
