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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 631 KB, 835x578, gibby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76177078 No.76177078 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive is a safe space for LGBT folks!

>> No.76177222

holostars were a mistake (still are)

>> No.76177266

And your Phase whores collab with the boys

>> No.76177284

He is not wrong, Hololive is pretty much a safe space for everyone.

>> No.76177348

I'm guessing this guy is Stars EN.
What a fucking mistake.

>> No.76177362
File: 232 KB, 947x1336, 1697964958112527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total nijification

>> No.76177371

Half of the Holostars are gay, and half of the Holo girls are lesbians so this seems pretty true.

>> No.76177378

Hogwarts legacy

>> No.76177411

I mean obviously

>> No.76177414

Hololive has always been a safe space for LGBTQ people. Lesbians and girl on girl shippers has been a thing for 4 years now.

And holomems have been going full gay since debut.

>> No.76177428

Why is it this always comes from males instead of the women. No matter if its Niji or Holo its the same thing.

>> No.76177436

He looks like someone from Luxiem

>> No.76177443

I hope you retards don't think the american and canadian women are against trans or something.

>> No.76177473

There's nothing wrong with this, but I hope this doesn't start a chain reaction of people asking other hololive members about LGBT.
Just don't be pushy, if they want to acknowledge you on their own accord then take it, don't bother other members.

>> No.76177497

>Why is it this always comes from males
to appeal to the female audience

>> No.76177510


>> No.76177516

Because all females hate each other

>> No.76177519

unicorns are lesbian advocates so....

>> No.76177545

>/pol/tards escaping containment: the thread

>> No.76177550

to bait and groom menhera xitter women

>> No.76177578

based bunny

>> No.76177581

I only have problems people like Keffals who use there Identity as a shield desu

>> No.76177601
File: 121 KB, 842x1024, 1711927038173745m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As all things should be, we should follow the game industry's lead in forming safe spaces for every minority and LGBTQIA+ community

>> No.76177602
File: 507 KB, 891x891, 1704067920390114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homos making pandering to twitter trannies their only selling point and talk about it non-stop
>B-but what about the girls who never mentioned that shit

>> No.76177611

Sister this is the third thread you've made today

>> No.76177627

Is he wrong?

>> No.76177629

kek, i remember only HoloJP and HoloID play that game

>> No.76177667

>I hope this doesn't start a chain reaction
this is kinda old news, if anything happens it's gonna be /vt/

>> No.76177697

Sadly that's just all Phase shills
Little do they know their grifting whores collab with the boys

>> No.76177713
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>> No.76177714

>BB-but what about the girls who never mentioned that shit
Anti them what else? Respect their choices? pfftt you're in 4chan surely you know how this crowd operates.

>> No.76177734
File: 3.91 MB, 4367x1350, oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sister that guys has been very blatant with the "I'm a flamming faggot" since day one
On the other hand look at this cute pic!

>> No.76177783

Groombullet's at it again? That's like the second time.

>> No.76177816

Nijisisters, you are loved no matter what if you join us StarsGODs

>> No.76177839

Holostars is not hololive faggot

>> No.76177853

nobody would give a shit, just stfu about it like the girls have done for years while also yuri baiting, fucking homos are gonna turn holo into nijishit and bring retards that want to cancel you for buying a fucking coffee

>> No.76177883
File: 137 KB, 799x415, 1716079859884406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably still mad at the stars for joining Doki's event.
Also picrel

>> No.76177909

Yeah? They always have been.
Aside from Hololive being a business, and a massive on at that, meaning they have a vested interest in capturing as many demographics as possible, vtubing as an industry is majority left-leaning and LGBT-positive.

If you have a problem with that, consider seeking a different hobby.

>> No.76177924

I mean is he wrong?

>> No.76177932

Because you're purposely forgetting all the times when women said the exact same thing and this board got mad about it.

>> No.76177950

Ok sister but you shouldn't say homophobic stuff while Uki is preforming in the next live.

>> No.76177986

Nigger I don't care. How many threads is this now? Every board is destined to just be destroyed by Twitter fags at this point I guess.

>> No.76178034

Hololive has always supported pedophilia, just look at how long they've kept Ui hired despite her kidnapping and raping a 9 year old girl.

>> No.76178054

>How many threads is this now?
They need to deflect attention from their live flopping please understand. >>76116597

>> No.76178089

those are the only people that watch the homos.

>> No.76178094

So does this mean Phase Connect is for uneducated Klanchuds like (You)?

>> No.76178116

another chud thread that will hit bump limit

>> No.76178205

dare I say, based?

>> No.76178207

troons and alphabet people aren't safe if they can't force everyone eles to acknowledge and validate their bullshit

>> No.76178262
File: 34 KB, 420x585, 1710872787680880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars delenda est.

>> No.76178287


>> No.76178309
File: 2.35 MB, 1649x931, 1686126658530817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, wrong

>> No.76178336

If you truly were bothered by this, whining on 4chinz will do nothing about it, all you transphobic and homophobic racist incels on /vt/ lost, we rule society and ARE THE FUTURE WHETHER YOU LAUGHABLE PATHETIC LOSERS SAY SO OR NOT, you will never do anything meaningful in your lives and i’m just so happy i live in a society that accepts me, so fuck off and go fuck yourselves.

>> No.76178337

holy based blue women

>> No.76178346


>> No.76178424

It literally says that in the title

>> No.76178439

>groomer piece of shit pandering to trannies
say it ain't true faggot

>> No.76178502

EN is also pozzed.

>> No.76178545

Someone sounds insecure

>> No.76178546

Didn’t this dude get caught grooming minors?

>> No.76178548

>buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.76178569

Imagine being weak enough to need a safe space on the internet.

>> No.76178625

Unsafe for children then.

>> No.76178637

>Why is it this always comes from males instead of the women.
Because that's not the case.

>> No.76178672


>> No.76178718

>Hololive is gay
Thanks for the confirmation

>> No.76178721

Chat really does take after the streamer. lol

>> No.76178751
File: 73 KB, 750x920, gibby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? I can see it. He's a real Gibby.

>> No.76178782

Always has been. Also, Stars isn't Hololive.

>> No.76178785


>> No.76178786

Show me one example of the Hologirls ever saying this shit nigger
God one woman says a joke isn't funny no more and she gets 300 anti threads
This groomnigger cocksuck trannies and get 2 threads total
Glad homotrash are contained and nobody cares or watch their shit
And keep deflecting on the sisters when sisters are literally their fucking audiences of lgbtq+++ and other faggotry

>> No.76178806


>> No.76178819
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>> No.76178856
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no u

>> No.76178899
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>> No.76178917
File: 366 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240519-234138_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking seriously calling hololive left leaning? When they are based from japan? The based land????homostars are not hololive, keep your pussy shit to homos

>> No.76178934
File: 76 KB, 450x763, 1714390123750762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male vtubers is a mistake

>> No.76178945

she did not say chop your tits or cock :)
girls winning :3

>> No.76178946

Okay, and?

>> No.76178953

buy an ad

>> No.76178980

Mental illness

>> No.76178986

ryushen naizuri

>> No.76178991

also she should have used he/him pronouns if she would be lbtqz++ inclusive heh

>> No.76178994

Because Western women are retarded enough to accept that shit. Even the cringiest holobrony knows that shit is cancer.

>> No.76178997

>>76178917 this
>>76177909 meant for this

>> No.76179008

none of those words are in the bible

>> No.76179012


>> No.76179022

Same woman also implied only people with XY chromosomes can have dicks, and XX chromosomes only vaginas.

>> No.76179026

At best it's just an overreaction, but only in response to other overreactions. When people act like bigoted clowns they get a clown world.

>> No.76179041
File: 708 KB, 600x706, 20240515_003001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really think Hololive was your based and redpilled faggot and tranny hating company? Several talents are LGBT themselves and the others are, at absolute worst, tolerant.

>> No.76179061
File: 1.09 MB, 1950x1181, 1691331537167936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad this is a phase raid

>> No.76179064

haven't watched hololive in 3 years. what the fuck happened to lamy?

>> No.76179074

At most, they are ignorant

>> No.76179077

Good. Keep them in the containment corpo.

>> No.76179095


>> No.76179109

Not even Phase Connect is a "redpilled corpo" kek

>> No.76179139

In modern days, weakness is strength, victimhood is victory. The more you can claim to be downtrodden, the more power and privilege you can demand from those who are superior to you, and the state will happily provide the manpower (and skim some off the top for themselves). Once everyone is weak and dependent, the next step is totalitarianism, and the plan is working.

>> No.76179142

Peru is more based as they just categorized troon shit as a mental illness under medical institutions

>> No.76179183

No, but somehow the girls are smart enough to know that no one wants to hear about tranny shit except mentally ill faggots like yourself.

>> No.76179187

>t. el peruANO from /pcg/

>> No.76179201
File: 111 KB, 994x428, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so much my fellow sisters
at the end of the day market and consoomer decides the winner and future, that is the reality

>> No.76179237

nijisisters deflect with phase lmao
reminder that idol en has a real troon called rin penrose and she is their mascot even

>> No.76179246

>Hololive is a safe space for LGBT folks!
I don't mind as long as they do not become annoying preachers who wants everybody else to follow their bullshit

>> No.76179248
File: 219 KB, 1170x905, 1710228839167993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How EN managed to have the worst hires possibly

>> No.76179264

The fuck does my country have to do with this?

Oh hell, there's a fucking traitor there? Don't call him peruANO again, he's fucking latinx-tier scum if he's on bed with those faggots.

>> No.76179270

Kiara has been queerbaiting for 4 years and you thought she was your Austrian Nazi GF LMAO

>> No.76179300

It's literally maladaptive to behave like you do. If you want to talk about weakness then look in the mirror.

>> No.76179306
File: 78 KB, 585x754, 1707676696707660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stars love Phase girls

>> No.76179314

Shut the fuck up nigger, they are not welcome, they stay watching homostars, give those freaks an inch and they start canceling hologirls for starbucks and McDonald's

>> No.76179341

There is no "Redpilled and Based" Corpo or Indie. You all are acting like a bunch of retards.

>> No.76179350
File: 190 KB, 573x521, 1705339851822447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76179368

kys ernoul

>> No.76179382

how can anyone believe in male supremacy after seeing holostars? yea the girls are lazy but none of them have done any of this shit

>> No.76179384
File: 1.46 MB, 360x360, man throws dog out of plane.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I home my emails reach cover corp about homos misconduct

>> No.76179383

yuritrannies were the only ones keeping Kiara relevant for her first two years, seething /pol/tards are the outliers.

>> No.76179387

It’s obvious that Pippa’s fanbase is a mistake.

>> No.76179399

I'm going to be totally honest. I didn't know this guy existed.

>> No.76179412
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>> No.76179414

Redpill people are also retards, but id I had to choose between then or troons, you already know

>> No.76179433
File: 938 KB, 638x845, 1696932934243207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>41%er doesn't know what website he's on.

>> No.76179447

In less than 2 years since their inception the EN homos did pretty much everything the /jp/ doomers thought HoloEN would do and it's honestly amazing how literally nothing good comes out of that mistake of a branch.

>> No.76179448

male ENVtubers are an SJW activists paradise, always has been. you can blame these fags and their fujo management for all the behind the scenes bullshit that have been going on in Holo

>> No.76179457


>> No.76179482

Except making the company lots of money.

>> No.76179496

Always has been

>> No.76179498
File: 41 KB, 739x415, images(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive (Production): This is a safe space
Meanwhile, at Vshojo...

>> No.76179516

lmao even

>> No.76179522
File: 239 KB, 432x768, You're a woman and you see this in the bathroom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orangutans have an alpha male that gets all the females but the other males maintain the appearance of 'female' and act docile towards every other monkey so they can fuck the females from the alphas harem without being noticed

>> No.76179525

hooman... she's never going to do your romeaboo /his/ streams...

>> No.76179533

Are you fucking retarded? Did you really compare yuri/bl stuff to western lgbtq? Please rope yourself already you smoothbrained dumbfuck, don't ever drag down yuri/bl to western lgbtq shit ever again

>> No.76179550

Frankly I'd pick the trannies. They just kill themselves and not shoot up a school in the process (usually)

>> No.76179559

>going along with the majority, the media and all government institutions is somehow based now

>> No.76179572

the website that made Bailey Jay famous?

>> No.76179583


>> No.76179586

wtf is that in his skirt?

>> No.76179612

No, if only they'd do that, they would jist cancel all lolicon shit and make holos stand for gaza and cancel anyone who uses Starbucks..

>> No.76179632

>They just kill themselves and not shoot up a school in the process
Kinda, it'd be great if they kept it to themselves, but lately they also target their own.

>> No.76179640

Raging and redpilling isn't changing the situation. If you were actually strong or had any skill you could change the world to fit your own ideals. Instead you're here screeching about other people like an impotent evolutionary dead end. That's weakness.

>> No.76179650

because women truly do not believe in anything but their own survival, they are incapable of holding to whatever ideology they are momentarily part of when properly challenge, it's nothing but another pair of clothes that they can dispose of at any moment for convenience's sake. If not mentioning political stuff is key part of the job they want, revolution can take a seat and wait.

>> No.76179653

So true nijisister

>> No.76179666

fucking irony

>> No.76179665
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>not lgbt
ok lol

>> No.76179668


>> No.76179703

kek sure, retardchama

>> No.76179754

Is anyone surprised? The Vtubing space just like Anime has always been "Left-leaning." Who cares about this bullshit.

>> No.76179775

roru. rumao even. Only the retarded clown made anything and he fell off hard. Advent is already making more money than all of those faggots and they're not even a year old yet.

>> No.76179800

>Japan recently opening up it’s borders to middle east migrants
>muh heckin’ based nipland

>> No.76179857


>> No.76179862

It's not, it made for the enjoyement of straight men, and maybe some gay japanese women, westoids are not a part of this equation, there is nothing wrong with gay/lesbians/ troons from the east, the only ones that are fucking horrible are the westoid lgbtq mentally ill ones

>> No.76179891


>> No.76179895

Not the homos, I meant the HoloEN branch as a whole.

>> No.76179954

I don't think the /jp/ doomers expected HoloEN to make any money.

>> No.76180031

hetero and normal people aren't safe if they can't force everyone eles to acknowledge and validate their bullshit

>> No.76180042

oh nononono holobronies I thought hololive liked us incels, our response?????

>> No.76180059

Its 2024, being a jew is worse than lgbtqiddiefuckers right now

>> No.76180065
File: 319 KB, 1080x1670, male powerlifter breaks womens record + context.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troons from the east
it used to be non existent because it was kinda of a sin to negate the reality and ultimate truth of the differences between male and female
nobody cares if you have a cock and dress up like a women as long you dont mess up with the truth
west is being fucked in the ass by destroying such pillar and hence why we are doomed

I'll enjoy Hololive while it last before the woke destroys it

>> No.76180166

Boy's Love is a genre that was developed by straight women for an audience of straight women. It was never meant to represent "gay men" at all. It was a fantasy space in which idealized desire and love could be expressed in an explicitly sexual way, without involving the women directly in a sexual act. In a sense, it was a safe homosexuality for straight women to share titillation without calling their own virtue into question.

Yuri is unique among all Japanese manga genres as it is completely heterogeneous, and reflects the needs of the audience. Yuri in a story for adult men might be explicit sex between women with a focus on unrealistic bodily fluids, or have a predatory lesbian, and in a story for young women be an idealized romance with barely a kiss. There is no one set of tropes for Yuri, as the various threads from which it came reflect different needs over time.LGBT westoid shit is not

>> No.76180176

He's right you know, western gays can't ever hope to commit anything except sodomy because they can't procreate, meanwhile based nipponese BL chads Futas can mpreg their boywives and do right unto god.

>> No.76180192

gura sold a pillow
le incels are retarded and should be ostracized

>> No.76180222

gays can be incels too, anon...

>> No.76180346

Homostars are not hololive, the will never be, nice try homosister

>> No.76180362

>Why is it this always comes from males instead of the women.
Hololive talents generally don't talk about feminism or LGBT issues since management tells them to avoid those subjects while Holostars have fewer restrictions. Cover has some awareness of the Hololive audience and know that a lecture on the male gaze would not go over well.

>> No.76180395
File: 40 KB, 853x163, how to blend in but not really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys aren't really subtle with this

>> No.76180469 [DELETED] 

nigger how the fuck is this any different if it was sent by a fucking niji zhang? he still invited the wokes into the homos space, now I will try harder to make them never feel welcome in hololive

>> No.76180527

Bettel went to McDonald’s and not a single person tried to cancel him over it. Nijisisters and stars fans are not the same.

>> No.76180545

doxsite is unironically the containment zone for the worst of sisters

>> No.76180588

they will be , now that he invited the lgbt women

>> No.76180632

why are you so scared of the gay holochads who've been here all along? whats wrong with doing the needful to your homies....

>> No.76180647


>> No.76180652

yuri is literally the first letter of lgbt

>> No.76180678

>gay/lesbians/ troons
Anon, do you even know what LGBT stands for?

>> No.76180699

What 2view did Flay bang this time?

>> No.76180749

Ever since the whole Selen debacle happened homosisters have been trying really hard to differentiate themselves from the nijisisters while using the opportunity to push their own pro-homo brand of tribalism as the only accepted one among Holofans. Every time some homo does something retarded like this they come out in drove to try to direct any discussion about it into your standard Niji vs Holo while acting like the homos are part of the Holo side.

>> No.76180830

>what's wrong with lgbt acceptance, they mean you no harm, just let them in
then they will take over and start cancel campaigns against anyone who says none politically correct terms, and will now try to change the whole space to fit their needs, I will never make that same mistake again, fuck them

>> No.76180862

Yuri is not lesbian

>> No.76180928
File: 2 KB, 84x125, 1657589578701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger you should be more worried about whoever cancelled your english classes

>> No.76180954

All I see in this threads is faggots that can't accept the fact they've been supporting rabid lesbians

>> No.76180976

Yuri is super lersbian

>> No.76180984

This isn’t even the first attempt at niji fans trying to integrate with stars. The same thing happened when Mysta graduated and he told everyone to check out Bettel, who told the chat to knock it off over expecting yumebait when a bunch of Mysta fans joined. The expectations are different and they’ll likely stay that way.

>> No.76180989


>> No.76180993

Oh look, another thread for creepy weirdos to shit on the concepts of common decency and human rights.

>> No.76181006

Lesbian is not yuri you fucking mongoloid retarded ass smooth brained cum munching baboon, it has two women in a relationship, but it is a fetishized version filled with male gaze to appeal to men, there are some aimed at women too, but those are rare as fuck

>> No.76181049

Retard is going to say yaoi isn't gay next

>> No.76181058

based and same

>> No.76181065

I am not esl you fucking brown monkey,maybe learn to read a bit?Fucking pagpag eaters these days ....

>> No.76181113

Only if you answer: is liking femboys gay?

>> No.76181136

Boy's Love is a genre that was developed by straight women for an audience of straight women. It was never meant to represent "gay men" at all. It was a fantasy space in which idealized desire and love could be expressed in an explicitly sexual way, without involving the women directly in a sexual act. In a sense, it was a safe homosexuality for straight women to share titillation without calling their own virtue into question.

>> No.76181156

Yes lmao it's a faggot in woman's clothing

>> No.76181170
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x1940, 1662745152998079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only tolerate L here.

>> No.76181200
File: 893 KB, 1080x1545, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fag

>> No.76181199
File: 841 KB, 1053x593, 1705535938040271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, chuds!

>> No.76181245

Shut the fuck up, I never actually hear any of the people you're bitching about be obnoxious off the internet, but offline you stupid mouthbreathing incels are the only ones I ever hear bring up gender politics or bitching about anyone else. Neck yourself you failure of a shitstain

>> No.76181264
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>> No.76181285
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>> No.76181313


>> No.76181387

it has lesbians acts being preformed, but it is in no way aimed at lesbians , it is 90% for dudes to jerk off to two women fucking, cope all you want

>> No.76181393

Nice to see a Hololive member coming out against hate speech and supporting inclusivity. The female members should follow suit.

>> No.76181407

technically bara is the one for gay men

>> No.76181462

Neither are though. They're extremely fetishized and romanticized depictions of it that only appeal to the fetishizers. Just have a look at what BL fans think of actual gay relationships in Japan.

>> No.76181466

nah bro why would gay men want to fap to fat fucks? gay men don't want none of that shit too

>> No.76181511

>we are the future
>chops off genitals
>kills self

>> No.76181528

They don't reply when you give them an answer, because they know they have nothing to refute you

>> No.76181533

anon, who do you think made bears a thing...

>> No.76181613

women, everything bad in society is because of women, gay men are not women

>> No.76181661

It is weird to me why Cover restrains the girls from being political when the only reason anyone even knows about the boys is because they are extremely political. It seems like such a bizarre reversal of policy between the two groups that it feels accidental. Like there's no oversight. I've never seen the JP Stars do this sorta shit.

>> No.76181724

BL authors and fans are the ones advocating for gay marriage in japan, same goes for troons.

>> No.76181745

We don't multiply biologically but with our control over social technologies such as public institutions and political movements. Your children will learn to express their gender identity in ways you won't acknowledge while you will keep seething anonymously in the internet.

>> No.76181771
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>it's ok when japanese vtubers do it

>> No.76181796

I think that they genuinely don't know what they are doing or saying most of the time, because the homos have actual far left managers that don't report that shit to the higher ups

>> No.76181799

Should've expected as much, I guess, but alas... I'm not sure how them pushing this narrative helps them in any way though, since if you look any further than just getting horny it's pretty easy to see they don't take gay love or relationships seriously at all.

It's exactly the same thing as women letting their bi boyfriends cheat with on them with men because they don't take it seriously. It's literally the exact opposite of what they should want.

>> No.76181813

>half of the Holo girls are lesbians
Holy cope

>> No.76181853

because the female talents have to cater to the sort of dude who seethes at the boys getting political. even if the girls were based and redpilled you'd still have the subset of guys who get mad at girls having an opinion at all.

>> No.76181878

so what? what does them advocating for gay marriage have to do with the bl itself? that's like saying my baker creates gay bread because he advocates for gay rights....

>> No.76181921

we already had the Niji compilation posted, find that clip where Noel talks about being LGBT and buying a special pride addition of some mixer.

>> No.76181926

>your children
Anon, this is 4chan.... /vt/ no less

>> No.76181939

I love how every single one of you sisters have the exact same opinion.

>> No.76181964

This is the only time I hear anything of note about the homos

>> No.76181969
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>> No.76181982

brother you take a look at kronii and kanata and it's obvious its a LGBT safespace

>> No.76181990

the girls should just be idols that entertain me, they can't have political opinions, their job is to sell me the dream, not bring me back to reality

>> No.76181997

this is a weird thing to say when I'm In Love With the Villainess is one of the biggest yuri series around and constantly preaches about real world LGBT issues

>> No.76182012

This manga is good

>> No.76182054

If the stars are treated as their own segregated company (which they are now in most ways) might as well let them do their own thing. This is only going to upset here and Twitter verified bots. The LGBT thing has been a thing with the boys for years at this point, and their viewers are the same or rising so clearly it's not a death nail.

>> No.76182094

>admits to preying on children

>> No.76182160

oh no there is one series, whatever shall I dooooooooo.....did you not read what I said?
> there are some aimed at women too, but those are rare as fuck

>> No.76182163

Women tend to be left leaning so it plays to their target demographic if stars is more openly pro gays and doesn't think all blacks should be shot in the streets
The girls have to play to a more hyper reactionary audience who will throw massive tantrums over mild, mostly imagined slights against their beliefs. See for example the meltdowns when Ina or Kronii asked politely for their viewers to tone down the hornyposting

>> No.76182167
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>> No.76182176

It's kind of amazing that the holostar recruiters found dudes that behave more like the average twitter woke woman than the actual women in the company. Before the first 5 debuted, I remember people being very optimistic about them. People expected 5 goofballs that were just gonna be total bros that did their own thing and were based. Realty hit hard and it turns out they're more drama magnets than the women.

>> No.76182228


>> No.76182275

Why I quit being a starmin, exhibit A

>> No.76182278

Case in point >>76182163

>> No.76182312

You were never a starmin

>> No.76182321

Yaoi is an outdated term.

>> No.76182327

If you're going to women or fags for your political opinions in the first place, you're a fucking retard. What people want is plausible deniability in the entertainment they consume, obviously when they actually go ahead and insert a whole bunch of political opinions into their headcanon they are being retarded but it goes both ways. Someone saying "trans rights" does not suddenly have thought-through political takes on relevant issues. Nor does someone snickering abou 41%. It's your job as an individual to study the subject matter for yourself and process either comment like a rational, functioning person. I don't watch [vtuber] because I believe they share my opinions, but because I don't have to listen to theirs on topics they should stay silent about.

>> No.76182335

The only reason there's drama at all is because men had their feelings hurt by some guy they don't watch being nice to a fan of his lol

>> No.76182375

Trannies have never been excluded, neither have gays of either gender - but we avoided this kind of cringe pandering until the homos came along.
Don't ask don't tell with holo livestreams being an implicitly welcoming space isn't enough for some people who love attention and want to make it about themselves though. That's why this fag and the other homos that do this stuff need to get a grip and realize the way the girls have been doing it for 3 years is the correct way and indulging the type of person who wants to tell the chuuba about their transition (nobody asked) is encouraging bad behaviour, just like clips plastered with the trans flag saying
>X talent says trans rights
is absolutely encouraging more attention seekers.

>> No.76182413

All the ones people actually give a shit about are shoujo or otherwise bring up actual lgbt shit. that sutff easily outnumbers the male fanservice stuff nowadays.

>> No.76182418

What a fag

>> No.76182427

you are a woman, just think about that, you had a 50/50 chance and you were born a woman, that's all I'm gonna say

>> No.76182441

>if multiple people can follow the obvious logic to the same conclusion that means it's wrong!!
Are you mentally retarded anon? Have you ever had yourself tested?

>> No.76182494


>> No.76182493

>anon says trans rights

>> No.76182505

You might want to update that image everyone in there has done some form of a male collab

>> No.76182514

>Unironic mental illness
Not everyone is mentally ill like you

>> No.76182537

who are these people? westoids? no one actually gives a shit about them, only japan matters

>> No.76182633

HomoEN is just a retarded branch all around, retarded management retarded homos

>> No.76182650

>there are some aimed at women too
You just invalidated your whole point, good job dumbass

>> No.76182675

>We don't multiply biologically

>> No.76182679

she loves girls , men are hard, she doesn't hate women, she likes women, she likes humans, she doesn't care she just likes humans , the ones she hates are the liars

>> No.76182693

Constantly begging for validation and protection is weakness.

>> No.76182704
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, GOD!? DK-8G9Yir8chArcI[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F62ldg2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76182730

>I've never seen the JP Stars do this sorta shit
They had an entire episode about exploring a LGBT area in one of their shows, honestly that was a red flag

>> No.76182746

Translate it, weebs.

>> No.76182748

>retarded logic that only serves to shit on Hololive's fans while making homo fans look superior
Yeah, I'm sure this "obvious" logic isn't just your heavily biased point of view. But sure, all the girls would be spouting your favorite flavor of political bullshit if their fans weren't a bunch of incels committing the grave crime of wanting a source of entertainment that didn't constantly told them how they are wrong for not thinking about "insert x issue here" 24/7. Also there's obviously not a single woman who also shares the same opinions with those incels and if there is she's a pick-me slut. Am I on the right track here, sister?

>> No.76182792

there are some subsaharan Africans born albinos, that doesn't make subsaharan Africans white, fucking retard, exceptions don't make the rules

>> No.76182842

I think the green manga is the only yuri that weterners like more than JP readers, the western fanbase doesn't mean shit in what gets popular.

>> No.76182848


>> No.76182879

>People expected 5 goofballs that were just gonna be total bros that did their own thing and were based
If the company did things based on what the actual customers wanted, this would have happened. Instead, they are, as we all know, retarded.

>> No.76182916

I didn't realize it was me forcing the Kronii fans to have emotional meltdowns over tit's and making them look bad. Are you sure it's not just their own behavior that looks bad?

>> No.76182921

what do you think all the retards crying about a literal who homostar are doing?

>> No.76182956

I think Hololive and Hostclubs are like Geisha's service

>> No.76183009

All of you can't exist without straight people retard

>> No.76183020

>being very optimistic about them
Nice revisionism

>> No.76183048

So a handful of schizos that likely overlap with the homo fans considering how this meltdown happened together with the whole subway meme discussion? What about them?

>> No.76183076

>Women tend to be left leaning
thats a lie, women are just dumb
and fall for retarded shit due maternal instincts that exacerbate the feeling of compassion to the point of forgiving even their own tormentor

>> No.76183084

retarded EN speaker knows nothing about visual novels, what a surprise... so, this was chinks master plan to destroy hololive, just stealth drop some woke bombs on the mixture to contaminate the entire thing, i hope japs are intelligent enough to at least keep their distance, but we all know they arent so i am just going to enjoy the holoimplosion kek.

>> No.76183113
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>> No.76183117

You're the one coping here my friend.

>> No.76183135

>complaining about clipfag
>in a clip thread
show your ticket purchase receipt

>> No.76183144

wow you mean you need a safe space where you can be free from judgement? what a fag

>> No.76183194

Why are you deflecting with random bullshit? If a series is classified as "Yuri" and women watch it, then it's Yuri unless you have some knowledge of what they call these "not Yuri but totally Yuri" series just for actual lesbians.

>> No.76183205
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Yeah fuck this guy. Magni was a literal faggot but he doesn't go around saying this shit when he was still a Holostar.

>> No.76183258

And this is just the third gen. Can you imagine what the next one would be like?

>> No.76183278
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>> No.76183294

Miko and Subaru did male collabs in the past when they were new and that was the way to get into the industry. Both of them very deliberately have avoided them for years (even though they get shit on for it) which is especially obvious when you see that a lot of the girls they associate with most love doing male collabs but they never join in.

Kanata had such a massive breakdown over being forced to collab with "males" in a celebrity event (where she stood in a corner and faced away from the males) that her spurned lover went on a rant about how Hololive was evil for coddling Kanata's preferences instead of forcing male collabs on everyone and removing the stigma.

Laplus was originally a troll character and said a lot of things that would make you think she "got it". Considering one of her early controversies was posting on one of Japan's 4chan equivalents about herself, she probably did "get it" to some extent but she was also playing a very exaggerated character and the actor behind the character is ultimately a woman. So she became one of the most hated Holos by the sort of people whose voice she was pretending to share early on because she did all the things she said were bad.

>> No.76183328

what? when did I say that yuri was not yuri? are you by any chance retarded?

>> No.76183335

Magni literally said happy pride month while he was still there, retard

>> No.76183360
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>> No.76183384

yuri is not lesbianism because lesbianism is real

>> No.76183386

you dont belong in this hobby if you cant shut the fuck up about your hatred for gays and niggers and just enjoy anime girls.

>> No.76183412

So did literally everybody in June.

>> No.76183413


>> No.76183482

This >>76183386 but unironically

>> No.76183510

Then you aren't just retarded, you're deaf. Clean out your ears with a .22 you faggot.

>> No.76183518

Goes both ways for straights and Yankees. We all just want to get away from American politics.

>> No.76183524 [DELETED] 

When will fuwamoco post about nigger genocide, I thought they were the baused chuubas.....

>> No.76183548
File: 1.28 MB, 900x506, Totally a woman - Rugby Player DESTROYS Women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't let you use my oshi's bathroom, sister

>> No.76183569

>i dont care if my hobby is overun with gat trannie shit
just consooooooooooom

>> No.76183567
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Blah blah blah, they all still did them, I don't care purity is purity and male collabs are forever.

Holo girls are like a tie dyed shirt, white and pure at first but once they do a male collab that shit is there forever, COPE

>> No.76183602

I'm not sure why anyone cares on either side like this guy is some politican deciding the laws or anything

>> No.76183612
File: 3.66 MB, 1920x1080, Girls are delicious [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Feshy2k.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76183637

>Lesbian is not yuri
>it has two women in a relationship
You immediately invalidated your own point, did you even read what you typed from your dirty fucking keyboard?

>> No.76183639


>> No.76183642

The problem is that Americans have made certain colors of person existing a political statement itself, like how /v/ is currently shitting itself because Assassin's Creed has a real guy who actually existed in it

>> No.76183663

How can it be overran if it was there from the beginning?

>> No.76183723

>my hobby is overun
are you anti lgbt because if so as other anons have stated it was "overun" from the get go with all the Yuri bait, just admit that your love lgbt when it's the "L"

>> No.76183775

Ah, yes, I'm deaf because I live outside of your stupid fucking stormfront echo chamber. Oh boy you name dropped a type of gun, I'd be afraid but I can just walk up the steps to get away from you in your mobility scooter.

Literally the only people I ever see get heated about this is right wing retards, and the only reason I can think is that you're worried that maybe if being gay is okay you'll realize you like sucking cocks. The fuck do you care what other people are doing? Angry you're not invited to the gay orgy? (Yes, I can see your rebuttal where I'm involved in said orgy, all I'll say is whatever at least I was invited somewhere)

>> No.76183778

Not even the strictest unicorns believe this, larper.

>> No.76183788

Exaclty, trans shit is just a political institution now and 90% of those in that are operating on bad faith discourse

>> No.76183807

But you aren't watching the homos anyway why does it matter to you even if it somehow magically changed the audience in his chat?

>> No.76183828

Average Groombullet performative bullshit moment.

>> No.76183846

because if let it be it becomes illegal to say that a male is a man and a female is a woman, like in the leaf land
btw I dont know why you guys aren't just indentifying yourselves as women and entering female restrooms and lockers just to see naked femlales everywhere

>> No.76183860

Where did the goalpost go? Did someone move it?

>> No.76183862

Meant for*

>> No.76183863

so is not about LGBT but an inferiority complex?
well, this is 4 chan, most people here are like that, they will be doing something else otherwise

>> No.76183878

>anime girls
That's a man in the OP, blindchama. Anybody watching him doesn't want to watch anime girls.

>> No.76183879

Did you have a stroke typing this?

>> No.76183903

If they don't believe it they're not "strict" unicorns, they're just cucks

>> No.76183909

dude really went from
>"I love my community for being ok with me being emotional, while people would call me a pussy boy for it"
>"Oh yeah, here it's a safe place for you the actual pussy boys"
lmao he immediately correlates man crying with the gays, he literally stereotyped the ones he wants in the "safe place"

>> No.76183935

he won't be a man when I'm done with him

>> No.76183960

Yeah it'd be awful if somebody tried to harass you for something super innocuous like say, telling them that everyone is welcome in your community.

>> No.76183965

>not denying being a larper.

>> No.76183974

That's kinda gay anon

>> No.76183996

are you a retard? I didn't say yuri doesn't have lesbians, I said lesbian isn't yuri, that's not the same thing,get another bait please

>> No.76184015

That sounded like a violent threat. Not a good look mr unicorn.

>> No.76184023

You can call me what you want cuck it won't make your whores clean again.

>> No.76184059

a 6 inch pussy ofcourse

>> No.76184082

Somehow it devolved into cuck and unicorn posting. Sisters are too obvious.

>> No.76184093

Reminder that shit like this invites a nijisister audience. Reminder that shit like this invites politics into vtubing.

>> No.76184113

You don't like the "trans safe space" thing because you don't like trans people.
I don't like him bringing in his ideology because "trans allies" have the most anti-trans belief system there is.

>> No.76184128

most self proclaimed unicorns here are just roleplaying as unicorns , they really don't actually give a shit, they just hate you and want to laugh at you

>> No.76184181
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>> No.76184188

You do realize by your logic nobody's a true unicorn unless they've personally inspected the hymen of the actor playing the vtuber, right? These are fictional characters, their actual purity can never be what decides if they are acceptable or not because there will always be examples where nobody has that information so if you ultimately have to make a call based on incomplete information, that information can't actually be relevant to your principles.

>> No.76184235

at this point I'm convinced around half of the posters in catalog are constantly pretending and false flagging for (you)'s, its the only reasonable explanation.

>> No.76184276

for men to be apprehensive about appearing weak is simply instinct, not society
all you cherish from ideals to people to yourself, all is in jeopardy if you do not project a semblence strength, it is the most basic building block to ensure an [existence is to persist]

by rejecting this very initial step, it's no surprise that his destination lies with invigorating that which cannot create or perpetuate, that which only seeks to twist and corrupt all that yet persists
so long anything exists, he will champion it's decay - whether or not he is conscious of it
he sealed his fate by rejecting the most simple truth in the beginning and any path he can tread from here on out is predetermined to shift the balance toward extinction

>> No.76184278

Holostars should have never existed, not even JP. Fuck Roberu, fuck Bettel, fuck every one of them.

>> No.76184296

what matters is the intent of the medium
Or you forgot which gender are the main consumers of Yaoi?
Yuri is the same, for every woman that read/watches Yuri there's 10 men jerking off to it

>> No.76184306

Wait what's the logic behind that? Genuinely interested

>> No.76184348

Notice how the sisters ignore this

>> No.76184361

>Fuck Roberu, fuck Bettel, fuck every one of them.

>> No.76184397

They just want a reason to hate some 2view homo. At least he honest about that

>> No.76184413

Let me rephrase that then. Kill Roberu, kill Bettel, kill every one of them

>> No.76184451

This, men who have emotions should be mass executed

>> No.76184479

LGBT people are fine but not LGBT allies.
If you actually examine what most LGBT allies believe, they end up having the most anti LGBT beliefs.

>> No.76184482

Cool it with the homo/transphobia nigger.

>> No.76184507

Damn this is actually a good clip, out of the boys I mostly watch Bettel but I'll give Goldbullet a look thanks.

>> No.76184663

>he doesn't know about 4tran
>he doesn't know what brainworms are
>he doesn't know what a pooner is
>he doesn't know what a hon/gigahono/youngshit/sneedhon is
>he doesn't know if you "x"pass (voicepass, shoulderpass...)
I envy you.

>> No.76184694

What the fuck are these words and yeah I'm glad I'm a normal person not obessed with this stuff

>> No.76184702
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Why do you all hate the LGBT community so much when you're all faggots?

>> No.76184710

>lesbians aren't lesbian if i jack off to them

>> No.76184779

I just hate the stars

>> No.76184790

true, they are only objects for me to get aroused

>> No.76184846
File: 28 KB, 607x506, images(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss that lil nigga

>> No.76184865

I don't, but it's just incredibly easy (you)s. Especially /here/.

>> No.76184895

An excuse for a /pol/ thread basically

>> No.76184902

>you all
Just spergs

>> No.76184908

Bringing up identity politics and safe space shit at all is a mistake, it doesn’t bring in fags that just want to watch vtubers it brings in the neon-colored hair 13 year old nonbinary twitterfags that will turn coat and cancel vtubers over buying McDonalds

>> No.76184923

300+ replies and not one of you even watch him so why do you care?

>> No.76184980

You are right and these fags have been found out.

>> No.76185056

having feelings is not the issue
but being proud to project weakness and vulnerability despite being male and encouraging others to do the same is inviting death, simply put
if inviting death is the core of your sub-conscious belief, then everything that flows from it will too

>> No.76185067

I care because he’s just a waste of space

>> No.76185070

Grr need to be outraged!!!

>> No.76185086

cant tell if youre the strongest unicorn or just a larping sister

>> No.76185098

he said hololive, he fucked up, he should have said holostars and shuck the fuck up

>> No.76185101

check the date on the tweet

>> No.76185122

I dunno, ask Kobo.

>> No.76185177

Oh. This was the first one? I thought the Tako one was the first one.

>> No.76185217

a really big clit

>> No.76185299

Because if politics like OP is okay from vtubers then so is politics from the opposing side, meaning vtubers like Kirsche despite all the recent threads made about her with anons crying about wanting politics out of vtubing.

You fags can’t have your cake and eat it too, either politics in vtubing is out entirely or you let it infect the hobby. If you want politics out then be CONSISTENT about it, FAGGOT.

>> No.76185361

nta but
> The fuck do you care what other people are doing?
hasn't been a relevant talking point for about 10 years since LGBT education is being forced into public schools

>> No.76185378

Saying everyone is welcome to watch streams isn't politics despite how hard you twist it to be

>> No.76185438

>everyone becomes trans and sterilises themselves

>> No.76185500

They say they are hololive, he literally said hololive, he is inviting them to hololive, fuck off with that shit , if he didn't mention hololive I woudn't give a shit

>> No.76185618

>repeat a talking point that has no relevancy outside of aligning yourself with the same people who repeat that talking point is NOT politics

Ah okay, Heil Hitler to you too

>> No.76185647

well, yeah. have you not seen Hololive fans on Twitter or in various Discords?

>> No.76185673

Nobody watches or likes Kiara you stupid faggot.

>> No.76185677

This is kind of hard to explain and put into words, so bare with me.
There's a group of people in academia who believe that all humans are born "blank slates". When I say blank slates, I don't mean "you can grow up to be whatever," I mean that they believe human are born with nothing inherent about their psychology. These blank slaters were the first people to be pro-trans because they saw then as a tool to be used. Then, everyone else in academia based their understanding of trans people off of the blank slaters.
Here's the problem, gender dysphoria is something that inherent to you because of how you're born.
One thing they believe is that all differences between male and females are because of how they are brought up in society. Another thing that they believe is that, since humans are born as blank slates, gender dysphoria must be given to people by society. The believe that if only trans people were smart enough or educated enough, then they wouldn't kill themselves.
There's a famous experiment were someone took two male twins from birth and raised them to be girls. He then used these two twins as an example that gender was just a social constructed. These two twin actual acted like boys when the "scientist" wasn't around but whatever. The scientist also rape them and the two twins eventual killed themselves. This experiment is used as the justification for everything trans allies say about trans people.
Ever here of the academic definition for gender? That gender is a social constructed, well what happens when you apply this definition to the term "gender dysphoria?" It would make gender dysphoria just a social construct. That's not a mistake in the ideology, that's the point. This is were the idea of abolishing gender comes from.
The end goal of trans allies is to erase the existence of trans people.

>> No.76185682

because they hate everybody else and do their best to fuck them, unironically i used to support them until they started to attack my shit, fuck them and their rights.

>> No.76185846

What's your shit they attacked?

>> No.76185856

Nobody said anything about judgement besides you. That it's the first thing you jump to proves you're just one of the repulsive creatures being talked about, because you know everyone's judging your hideous appearance every time you skulk out into the sunlight in a dress that'll never fit your disgusting, masculine frame.

>> No.76185878

So what are real trans people? I'm confused

>> No.76185919

It's the same idea that when people are asked "What is a woman?" they reply with "Someone who identifies as a woman". It's a circular definition that makes no logical sense but makes perfect sense within the LGBT academia because according to them gender is a social construct and has no meaning outside of those that identify with those constructs. They have already destroyed the idea of 'woman' in their mind.

>> No.76186019

Identity politics is indeed politics no matter how hard you try to bury your head in the sand and pretend it isn’t.

I’m a fag and I don’t want some retard vtuber to pander to me on the sole basis that I’m a fag, fuck off. The only reason content creators do that it is for political virtue signaling and you fucking know it.

>> No.76186056

these are some really retarded points.
really? you can't come up with any reasons people might be against it besides "actually, you're gay"?

>> No.76186118

Wanna know how someone is gay?
Don't worry, they'll tell you and make it their entire personality.

>> No.76186145

But they aren't taking any stance on it or trying to define it. Just they everyone is welcome regardless. Lots of fleshtubers others will say this. It's the most bland shit ever and it takes a reach to get angry or care about

>> No.76186161

Christ, that projection. You've got a truly bizarre image of the average RWer. May you get the AIDS you deserve and die in a ditch where you belong, raped to death by the faggots you so cherish.

>Arachnophobic, huh? I bet you just want to fuck spiders.

>> No.76186183

You guys are fucking idiots. As much as american politicians want you morons to believe not everything is politics. I can go on stream and say "japan is just so cold earlier than usual this year" and you pol morons would scream I'm throwing global warming in your face. Fuck off you thin skinned cunt. X's and O's for later when you realize you're just all alone.

>> No.76186244

>repeat political talking points
>>people are upset that you are bringing politics into something apolitical
>wtf why do you care?

Maybe don't repeat the political talking point, nobody needs to be told they have permission to watch a stream

>> No.76186248

Kanata's a male?

>> No.76186334

How are you retard still replying after the bump limit?

>> No.76186399

Doing my best to get the last reply in.

>> No.76186406

Again you're trying to make this nothingburger into some hardline stance when even people like Trump will larp to get that audience regardless of whether he actually believes it or not. It's better not to exclude anyone or appear like you don't

>> No.76186498

If the stance was truly neutral and his intent was “all are welcome” he would have said all are welcome without bringing up specific identities, retard. Did you not watch the clip? Because he specifically zones in on LGBT shit

>> No.76186526

Anon, please stop being intellectual dishonest. You, I and basically everybody knows the talking points of the LGBT crowd. It is a political phrase, just like Heil Hitler is a political phrase.
>I can go on stream and say "japan is just so cold earlier than usual this year" and you pol morons would scream I'm throwing global warming in your face.
That's a strawman. Find me one climate change activist that as used "japan is just so cold earlier than usual this year" as a reoccurring political talking point and I'll concede. Also, I'm not an anthropogenic climate change denier. You seem to group everybody who disagrees with you into one bucket and proscribe them as all having the same beliefs.

>> No.76186581

>It's better not to exclude anyone or appear like you don't
So this is a performative act then. Why do they feel the need to perform this act? Why would someone believe that they are excluded from a stream?

>> No.76186602

Where was your outrage when Kanata mentioned it? >>76179496
Oh wait there wasn't because no one fucking cares

>> No.76186609

only her arms

>> No.76186611

Here how to understand how real trans people work.
You are born with some inherent knowledge. There are two that matter for gender dysphoria.
The first is, you know that gender exist. One proof for this is your sexual attractions. This shows that your brain can distinguish between male and female.
The seconds is, you have a perception of yourself. When you look in the mirror, your brain knows it you.
So when you perceive yourself, your brain also perceives your gender. Some with gender dysphoria has a brain that perceives themself as the wrong gender.

This is were the blank slaters make at least more mistakes.
Trying to alleviate gender dysphoria means tricking your subconscious into perceiving your body as the gender your brain is telling you you are. Your not trying to convince the conscious.
The brain of someone with gender dysphoria can only perceive themself as the opposite gender. Everyone else can only perceive them as their correct, so you can't ask other people to perceive you as the opposite gender.

>> No.76186786

I don't know. It's probably chat who brought that shit up because they're annoying

>> No.76186789

Anons love Anti-LGBT threads
