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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.76170780


>> No.76170794
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>> No.76170805
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>> No.76170816

Good OP.
And yes, I am absolutely ready. I can hardly wait.

>> No.76170860

>Azura taught me the meaning of defeat

>> No.76170870

Reeflings. It would be based. Would she pull a doki?

>> No.76170893
File: 53 KB, 458x340, debutsched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76170934

Jackbox kino is on the menu boys.

>> No.76170954

I need Icey's butt on my face.

>> No.76171038
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, mercy_modiste[sound=files.catbox.moe%2f4jeiwt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon asked bottom left didn't he?

>> No.76171057

>Mercy's name misspelled

>> No.76171121

>mod site

>> No.76171180

Whos the biggest wh*re so far

>> No.76171213

>Do you want to taste my drool
...Yes Let it spill out into my mouth, my beloved...

>> No.76171216


>> No.76171267

Us anon.

>> No.76171333
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>> No.76171336

honestly this and it's not even close...

>> No.76171338

fuck fuck fuck
i swear Mercy I wasn't thinking of anyone else, it's a slip of the fingds9087sdcnfdlkdsl;.,ds

>> No.76171355

This but unironically

>> No.76171505

more like
>snip of the fingers
shes definitely taking one of yours off for that

>> No.76171517

>Someone keeps getting Mercy's name wrong
Practically asking to be tied down to a chair naked a rode until complete exhaustion.

>> No.76171526
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, 1716062300023836.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm a whore foe my mummeh.

>> No.76171577

Hi, I'm a schizo gachikoi who was excommunicated from my old community. I will behave myself this time and I will have one of these girls as my new oshi (not Mercy that's too dangerous).

>> No.76171597

Blunt bangs cute

>> No.76171709

Her design is growing on me. Wasn't fond of it at first.

>> No.76171731

Hear me out you WHORES, since I know you’re all lurking here. Special mention to Azura since that’s her niche as a fertility goddess and really she’s who this message is addressed to.

I don’t want just impregnation. I want pregnancy, not just one either, consecutive ones, with multiple children. I want x rays. I want lactation. I want birth! If it’s related to human reproduction it’s super fucking hot and it makes me so fucking hard, like goddamn. If your content isn’t AT MINIMUM as pregnancy-obsessed as the average Crowview doujin you are not going far enough.

>> No.76171765
File: 36 KB, 400x400, mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with me, senpai?
All you have to do is look at me, and me alone. Offer me everything and I can be anything you want.

>> No.76171782


>> No.76171792

Keep looking into her eyes and you will like her design even more.

>> No.76171845

I will be sorting through her real life garbage if I become a gachikoi for her.

>> No.76171870

I told a bad joke and it's never been the same since.

>> No.76171901

>Stronny debut just past midnight
Well thank fuck its saturday

>> No.76172002 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 323x215, notme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... what threads are you guys coming from?

>> No.76172030
File: 1.11 MB, 1311x844, 1701716354845295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little confused. I keep thinking of something in particular and it's not even my fetish, but I keep thinking of it... so... what the fuck?
I blame some other anon, I swear.
All he said was "Slappable face" to pic related and now I can't stop thinking about how hot that is.
Furthermore, now I'm thinking about bending her over my knee while I'm sitting down, pulling down her micro shorts, exposing her bare ass and slapping her cheeks raw until they're blushing red.

>> No.76172095

pretty much /corpo/ and any of its splits

>> No.76172126

I feel like this woman going to make my menhera tendency acting up uncontrollably

>> No.76172146
File: 65 KB, 208x228, 1697737335232372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/choc/, /lig/ and /corpo/.

>> No.76172149

/uoh/ since one of our chuubas joined the corpo

>> No.76172188

I'll be keeping a close eye on your lolis.

>> No.76172238

I like /hag/. Sometimes /ag/ but only in moderation. I like some softness on a woman but they are exaggerating it.

>> No.76172324

guess that makes sense
I always forget you guys exist. i tried dropping by a few times but the thread is very slow
surprising, imo
also based

>> No.76172339

/asmr/, I'm mostly here to see if EN can finally get some decent coom going

>> No.76172373

I pretty much just stay in /tsunX/, but I'm here because I been waiting for Riifu since the bad time. Ironically I'm not that interested in Azura. I think the journey is more fun than the destination. Maybe she can groom me though.

>> No.76172441

mostly /pcgen3k/, /hlgg/ and /morig/

>> No.76172501
File: 64 KB, 1080x360, 20240519_144803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76172502

based and checked

>> No.76172556

>it's not even my fetish
No, it *wasn't* your fetish

>> No.76172564 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 772x772, mercy_stubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's neither bushy nor bald, she's stubbly. Mostly because she can't be arsed to shave often enough, also shaving too much is unhealthy. The official pictures just don't have enough resolution to show it.

>> No.76172576

/lig/ and /shon/ but I barely use /vt/.

>> No.76172610

/lig/ and /eien/

>> No.76172628


>> No.76172660

It's pretty good if you listen to her bgm at the same time.

>> No.76172714
File: 1014 KB, 860x1037, punchable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until you start to think about twisting her little nipples, punching her in the womb or choking her.....
I don't know whether I should feel proud or sorry to have done this to you

>> No.76172745

/swarm/ and /tsun/

>> No.76173008


>> No.76173144

Haachama World

>> No.76173236

Immy's already shadowbanned on twitter.

>> No.76173406

what the fuck

>> No.76173596


>> No.76173636

Ohhhh, thats what happened. I was just going through to find this pic
and even though I SWORE I followed all the girls, twitter said I wasnt following Immy. Guess they must have forced my account to un-follow her

>> No.76173661

I hope so.

>> No.76173782
File: 119 KB, 588x783, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder (if you have a twitter) to go here and double check that elon didnt force you to un-follow any of the girls

>> No.76173814

Gabe ... we missed you, retard.

>> No.76173824

Is this legit or bullshit?
Because if it is legit, the fuck? Why have those kike niggers banned her? She hasn't even posted anything banworthy yet

Or am I just being bamboozled?

>> No.76173870

None. I've been here this whole time, from the start.

>> No.76173872

I hope all the girls have the same bodytype as their models irl. Especially Azura.

>> No.76173894

Actually don't know a whole lot about that guy but from what little I know I guess I'm not completely unlike him.

>> No.76173899

s-...stay away from all six of them...
I don't want to lose anyone.....

>> No.76174132

Eh it was bound to happen. A lot of lewd accounts get shadowbanned on trannyter. Or just straight up banned if enough people report it, especially when there's lolis involved.

>> No.76174172 [DELETED] 

all blacked!

>> No.76174183


>> No.76174245

None of them are kiwis though?

>> No.76174308
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially Azura.
Surely if she's not already she can fill into the role over time

>> No.76174513

Mummeh had collabed with Vividly before, and Brown cat had collabed with Depna before. Both are following all the VAllure girls on twitter. And are now both streaming together.
Sponsored watchalong chuubas I'm guessing?

>> No.76174597

VAllure sweep!

>> No.76174770

whores won. the west is saved

>> No.76174838

Whores won a long time ago, but now it's OUR whores

>> No.76175000

Seeing the VNU girls interact with the girls here gives me a good feeling that all the sluts will fit be able to collab and be around the rest of the small corpo circle

>> No.76175065

Stronny won't be hypno stuff only right? Love her design but hypnosis for me is kinda cringe

>> No.76175074


>> No.76175112

/corpo/, /vrex/, and /v4m/

>> No.76175137

hard doubt, her pl and rm have lots of different kinds of stuff

>> No.76175163

Of course she'll do a wide variety of things, not just hypno.

>> No.76175245
File: 243 KB, 834x914, 1711798393403846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immy be like

>> No.76175305

>It's nice to be back

>> No.76175335

At this point he's doing it on purpose

>> No.76175357

This fucking brat...

>> No.76175477

I believe they were friends before. But I'm hopeful we get a lot of small corpo collabs.

>> No.76175577

/pcg/ and /mint/
But I've been following this enterprise for months and I'm very excited for what's to come and who's to come

>> No.76175580

Some of Cerenity's genmates are also following all the girls, so it's a good sign

>> No.76175646

Can't wait for the Immy, Icey and Gura collab bros.

>> No.76175668
File: 991 KB, 1200x1672, mercy_smile_cutout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All according to keikaku.

>> No.76175697

good luck anon
wait, what
wait, WHAT

>> No.76175776

>I will behave myself this time

>> No.76175855
File: 305 KB, 750x638, Screenshot 2024-05-19 164932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76175859

I know she did ASMR but she genuinely didn't come across as the type for this...

>> No.76175939
File: 35 KB, 554x242, Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 23-32-12 Shibi Cottonbum 🪢🐇【VAllure】 (@ShibiCottonbum).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to write that script!

Title: [FF4A] Couples Therapy
Blurb: Shibi helps Mercy punishing a misbehaving senpai in Wonderland
Dramatis personae: Mercy, Shibi
- Act one: undressing, pillory -
Mercy brings senpai to Wonderland, for some reason the poor bastard is delivered in a drum barrel.
Shibi: "Welcome, welcome!"
Mercy: "Hellooo!"
Shibi: "Who's the lucky one in the barrel?"
Mercy: "It's senpai!"
Shibi: "Welcome to Wonderland, a fun and relaxing place that, among other things, helps women with certain difficult relationships."
Mercy: "Say hello to Madam Shibi, senpai."
Shibi: "Oh, are you afraid? Are you hiding in that barrel instead of coming out and play? Was it something about my social media depicting me as a strict and cruel dominatrix? Tonight I'm not a mistress, I'm just a teacher. In fact, I won't even touch you."
Mercy: "So, am I the mistress, then?"
Shibi: "Correct. Maybe your frightened little senpai is starting to realize that I don't even need physical contact to dominate people. My presence alone is more than enough. Ufufufu~."
Mercy: "How do we get started?"
Shibi: "By undressing senpai. Clothes are very important in BDSM, your slave needs none."
Mercy: "Move to that corner and strip for your mistress. Hurry up."
Shibi: "Very good. And why is it better if you give the order rather than disrobe senpai yourself?"
Mercy: "It's more humiliating that way?"
Shibi: "Close, my dear apprentice. Senpai longs for your touch, and this pleasure was denied."
Mercy: "Wow! I didn't think of that. That's so smart!"
Shibi: "Now it's time for your companion to be placed in a pillory."
Mercy: "What is that?"
Shibi: "A pillory: a late medieval wooden device that immobilizes the neck and wrists. You don't want senpai to escape~."
Mercy: "Get in there!"
Mercy locks senpai in the pillory.
Shibi: "And what do we do with an immobilized senpai?"
Mercy: "It's punishment time!"
- Act two: whipping -
Shibi: "Should we hit from the front, or the back?"
Mercy: "The front. I want to see senpai's face writhing in agony."
Shibi: "We attack from behind because we don't want the 'enemy' to see what we're doing."
Mercy: "Ooooh!"
Shibi: "Enter the riding crop. Popular with beginners because it's simplicity, a natural extension of your arm. Go on, try to hit the left butt cheek once. Do as you please, spontaneously."
Mercy is given the riding crop by Shibi, and then hits senpai with all her might.
Mercy: "Yaaaah!"
Shibi: "Ohohoho! You strike like a martial artist! Now move to the other side, and try tapping the right butt cheek. Don't swing your arm, just flick your wrist, gently. Tap tap tap..."
Mercy does as instructed.
Shibi: "Now a bit harder and faster. Whack! Whack! Whack! Like that."
Mercy keeps hitting senpai increasingly harder.
Shibi: "Very well. Now, what do you see?"
Mercy: "An... ass? Half of which is red?"
Shibi: "Ufufufu~ Now hit that half red ass with the same force as your first strike~."
Mercy: "Iyaaaah!"
A second loud crack echoes through Wonderland.
Mercy: "Gyahahahaha! Senpai can't even stand up anymore!"
Shibi: "Ohohoho! What do you think is the moral of the story here?"
Mercy: "Um... More hits... hurt more?"
Shibi: "Close. A skin that turns red becomes more sensitive to pain."
Mercy: "You know, Madam, this BDSM thing is so complicated, it's not calculus but I feel like it's turning my brain into mush."
Shibi: "While it's true that the world of BDSM is endless, and I keep learning more about it every single day, Mercy, believe me when I tell you you already are an excellent student, and you clearly seem to be having fun. Plus, 'mistress Mercy' has a nice ring to it! Now, are you just going to leave senpai like that? Did you not come here for the punishment?"
Mercy whips senpai brutally while laughing like a maniac.
- Epilogue -
Shibi: "Aaah~ How nostalgic, to be young and full of vigor again..."
Mercy: "That felt amazing, didn't it senpai?"
Shibi: "In the next session, I'll teach you a medieval solution to an ancient problem."
Mercy: "What problem?"
Shibi: "The problem of adultery. Like many women that sought my help, you want a slave *ahem* a companion that is faithful. As for the medieval solution..."
Mercy: "I know! Next time Madam Shibi will teach me how to put a chastity belt on you! You hear that senpai? Are you ready?"
Shibi shows senpai a chastity belt, dangling noises are heard
Shibi: "By the way, may I ask what did senpai do to deserve tonight's punishment?"
Shibi and Mercy do their most evil laugh.

>> No.76176154

Mashallah then, goon on brothers

>> No.76176714

>u fookin shite
beware the Scottification

>> No.76176837

she was notorious in her PL to do accents and it was quite cute

>> No.76176915
File: 47 KB, 400x357, me_right_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... they got Madam Shibi too...

>> No.76177178

You son of a bitch i respect the work you did

>> No.76177191

I need someone to call Stronny Mother Superior.

>> No.76177421

Vivis perfectly degenerate in all the right ways, she also did a watchalong of riifus debut. Shes my litmus test for streamers

>> No.76177687

Jannies didn't like my work tho.
Here: https://files.catbox.moe/043to1.png

>> No.76177778

>let us be harlots in peace
Our cute whores can't possibly be this wholesome bros...

>> No.76177798

>Reading through Shibi's twitter posts
>Talks about releasing her pent up frustration on us
>Calls us dogs
>Increasing start getting aroused
I'm genuinely so excited and happy just reading these knowing that for once in my life I'm not going to feel like I'm coping like I have with so many other Vtubers who tease at it, only to end up being subs or having a Vtuber who did one dom audio before, liking it enough to buy her merch assuming that this is going to be her content, only for her to release exclusive subby stuff from that point on. Like I'm scared of saying that this might finally be the one I've been looking for after all these years of search but man I might actually cry if she delivers

>> No.76178032

anon, i don’t want you to get your hopes up so early in the game. she probably has a lot of her content dictated by management.

>> No.76178135

One hopes if management didn't think she could pull off the role she wouldn't have been hired.

>> No.76178264

Mommeh handpicked the girls. Have faith. Praise Mommeh Superior.

>> No.76178293
File: 762 KB, 581x848, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She speaks.

>> No.76178360

it's such a weird dynamic having the boss also be one of the talents

>> No.76178415

anykara does it

>> No.76178482

and that went so well for them

>> No.76178488

it was a joke

>> No.76178616
File: 113 KB, 760x805, 1592500898109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said shes not the ceo that role will be taken up by one of her 8 other personas DTC(DudeThatCEO'S)

>> No.76178699

Cheers to you faggots if we possibly get a gen 2 with spanish, slavic and french accents and the company makes enough bank for 3d models for CB

>> No.76178713

she filters a lot of people, but you sound like you should give Amaya Whisper Ch. a try
VAllure is le talent freedom corpo thougheverbeit

>> No.76178773

I understand your feeling deeply, anon, I really do. I'm praying so hard there's no domloss jumpscare down the line. I'm also looking forward to how much the persona will be used in regular content too, because randomly being insulted will absolutely get me every time.

>> No.76178795
File: 20 KB, 400x400, dark elf hentai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expected the goat to be a bit darker, well prayers for a gen 2.

>> No.76179036

they still must have some limitations and guidelines otherwise there will be woman moments everywhere

>> No.76179534

>there will be woman moments everywhere
oh boy, where to start...

>> No.76179806
File: 404 KB, 1362x2048, 1713234757333995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immy, I want to see your slit.
Post it.

>> No.76179853
File: 74 KB, 278x418, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>domloss jumpscare
I agree it would be in poor taste towards that audience. Domination loss is hot, but not as a rug pull.
There is a reason images like this exist:

HOWEVER, you should check out her throne page and look at pic related. Look at her outfit again too. If you're not preparing yourself for the fact that she's going to play a switch role, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment. She's not going to stay on top of the viewers all the time. Even if I do agree with you that it would be cool, I don't think it's going to happen, and there is nothing wrong with that either. It is what it is.
>in regular content too, because randomly being insulted will absolutely get me every time.
Amaya Whisper Ch.

>> No.76179912

Being schizo sure has its advantages sometimes

>> No.76179939

kinda too specific and a reach but she reminds me of Shadman's apple pony girl if she were cute and funny

>> No.76180262

damn I miss that art...

>> No.76180426

I thought those guys hated our fucking guts

>> No.76180751

A retard schizo keeps bringing up VAllure there is all.

>> No.76180769

no we don't, fuck off Gabe or at least don't make yourself known you attention whore.

>> No.76180770

You know people do shock collar streams as a form of entertainment right

>> No.76180827

I'll welcome it if I am proven wrong fellow slave

>> No.76180931

Why do people keep shilling that chick here?

>> No.76180983

I am the only one

>> No.76180987

You werent there newfag, hes been good

>> No.76181017

It's where a lot of Riiflings moved to after Riifu died. I think the only reason they did is because she used a 3dio early after her debut, they're completely different personalities outside of that

>> No.76181027

ive seen it combined with heartbeat monitors for horror game streams its actually quite funny

>> No.76181071
File: 13 KB, 485x166, Shibi Cottonbum Ch. VAllure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I don't have a problem with her being switch, even if it's not what I'd prefer, I just hope it's signposted a bit better come debut. Her design and the throne all suggest it for sure, but then there's stuff like her youtube which seem to walk it back. Absolutely going to slave for her either way, so I'm excited regardless.

>> No.76181078


>> No.76181163

Riifu and Skye both got me back into this hobby so I'm interest in both of their futures. I dont really care about what happened bts at this point I just want more comfy streams to watch from people I know can do it. Hope the new girls are good too.

>> No.76181185

Her saying harlots and someone saying that we would be workers in her brothel got me thinking… Harelots? Eh? Eh

>> No.76181240

/vag/ threads already have more activity than nijisanji EN and /jidf/. We made it bros.

>> No.76181398


>> No.76181464

They'd have to be pretty strong magnets right?

>> No.76181476


>> No.76181484

You should be whipped for such terrible wordplay. I like it.

>> No.76181487

>holo advent was great
>nijis are leaving and improving their lives
>idol ES is fucking great
>vAllure has me hyped as fuck
Is this the great Chuuba Renaissance?

>> No.76181564

The New Age Chuubas

>> No.76181605

Might finally buy that new chastity cage if she follows through on what was once promised

>> No.76181736

That's perfection.

>> No.76181883

>there will be woman moments
That's why we watch them, anon-chama...

>> No.76181884

Is that Rana?

>> No.76181927

They better put those shock collars on their necks. None of that thigh or arm bullshit other vtubers do.

>> No.76181930

he's talking about the not good kinds

>> No.76181945


>> No.76181953

>Amaya Whisper Ch.
wait so is that chuuba where I go for my authentic femdom needs? Carrd doesn't have the usual suspects, no membership vods. Does she do it in the open?

>> No.76181963

"good" is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.76182019

Can we not talk about other chuubas? I don’t want Mercy to hurt me. Or Madam.

>> No.76182023

Leave the numberfaggotry and other corpos out in the catalog, we just wanna coom

>> No.76182047

Wow did everyone have these or play with them at some point as kids? I had like a hard flash back seeing the image and could hear the sound they'd make just from her trying to imitate it

>> No.76182100
File: 80 KB, 216x211, 1680710478054473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has happen to me so many fucking times lol. So many good doujins I've read ruined by domloss.

>> No.76182297

The tweet reactions seem to imply she made that drawing herself.
Did she really? That's impressive

>> No.76182309


>> No.76182311

Smiling like a big retard now. I am so unbelievably happy that we got two loli's in this 1st gen. There are so many possibilities open just because of that one simple thing.
Little interactions like this here and there and future deviancy together. It's all just chef's kiss.

>> No.76182353

fuck off, youre not real

>> No.76182417

She did, she drew herself all the time in her PL. She's honestly amazing at art

>> No.76182429

>tweet reactions
she replied to it herself saying she drew it

>> No.76182471


>> No.76182574

Based bi-slut

>> No.76182604

Immy's throne has added a drawing tablet.

>> No.76182725

>Checked her throne
>Seems likely
Well fuck. I guess the most I can hope for is that it's not as common of a play as her pure femdom ones? Also I'm not sure how hard she'll go into it because I also like the less femdom and more dominant feel of Mercy as well as Stronny but I'm now assuming everyone is a switch except the 2 clear loli subs (Although seeing Immy's crazy ass room makes me think she could possibly have some dom moments as well but maybe I'm reading too much into their themes and room designs).

>> No.76182729

>This Post is unavailable.
What is wrong with that website

>> No.76182762

haven't really kept up with their thrones, do they have whales donating already?

>> No.76182845

Every girl is a switch in their content because everyone prefers one or the other, or both. Kayfabe, who knows.

>> No.76182872

Honestly I don't think you should expect the girls to 100% stick to their role/fetish 100% of the time.That would be very limiting, both creativity wise and audience wise, and in my opinion it would get kind of boring after a while.

>> No.76182893

last I checked (which was sometime yesterday) Immy was the only one who had someone buy something for her already.
I think it was like $150 but I could be completely misremembering

>> No.76182895

I've only seen Immy get anything so far, a lovense wand.

>> No.76182941

Their thrones are as based as they are.
I love Mercy's, but the ice bear's is also unique.
I personally am not going to give a cent before I'm sure I like them on stream, after that I might.

>> No.76183034

MjwIf any of the lolis read this, please do lewd POMF streams.

>> No.76183085

is this the agency with the girls who jerk off on stream?

>> No.76183177

I love these girls. But I'll probably wait until I actually know them a little before donating.

>> No.76183203

She has no intention of making nsfw content at all. Let me say that right away. She's still a proper degenerate though, and will discuss such topics a lot. She roleplays various kinds of characters, so I'm afraid it's not constant, but a lot of the time she will act tsuntsun and cold towards her viewers. Even in regular streams you can expect to be called rude names a lot and generally talked down towards. asmr rp goes hard, but obviously I am biased too.
I apologize for this off topic post. I just have a very high opinion of her, so when I see anon crave this kind of content I have to shill her. I suggest visiting >>76149538 if you have any more interest. And I apologize again. Let's continue with our scheduled program now.

>> No.76183320

None of girls have debuted yet, but probably not. They are creating adult audio.

>> No.76183351

no, unless they can do streams somewhere else

>> No.76183358

I thought the entire point of this agency was "lewdtuber" shit like El_Xox, Mel, or cottontail

>> No.76183451

you just have to lurk more

>> No.76183460

The point of this agency eludes most tourists.
I recommend browsing these threads or waiting until their debuts.

>> No.76183489

The main focus is SFW streams and audio porn however.
It's possible.
I expect this to some degree later.
And no they won't be fucking some guy on fansly.

>> No.76183546

>they won't be fucking some guy on fansly
he doesn't knoI'm kidding

>> No.76183549
File: 22 KB, 635x179, 1694195834945406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immy mega shadowbanned
It's over... If you check any other post replying to her besides her own tweets you won't be able to see her

>> No.76183558
File: 3 KB, 194x259, goslingstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And no they won't be fucking some guy on fansly.

>> No.76183572

Yeah see I get that from a being broad to attract a large general audience but it just makes it hard for me to know how to act in any of their chats as a result? Then again I guess even if they do some streams that are opposite of what their themes or characters seem to be into, their rules are probably more set in stone for how you can behave in their chats... Ok I was going to use Immy's rules as an example but I swear she changed one of them from sounding extremely subby and calling her an idiot into now, "I ask that you don't spoil games for me. If I need your advice, I'll ask you! I'm a big girl after all. uwu" but I swear it said something about needing guidance as well as calling herself dumb? Was it someone else or did I imagine that?

>> No.76183607

Appreciate the reply, thanks

>> No.76183619


>> No.76183636

oh, that's why her twitter made no sense to me

>> No.76183655

mega high hopes for shibi

>> No.76183659

You're thinking of Stronny asking for backseat advice.

>> No.76183678

sucks but it should fix itself with time

>> No.76183688

how do all of these girls sound obese?

>> No.76183705

Ooooh thank you, I guess I just assumed it was the more obvious maso's one. My bad

>> No.76183757

I think this type of harsh shadowban can last for ages

>> No.76183774
File: 10 KB, 564x183, band.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b& from her own tweets
How do we save her?

>> No.76183781


Am bi-slut who applied and hopes to try again! I really believe in Stronny's dream and I'm already enamored with the girls designs, it's exciting.

>> No.76183798

>how to act in any of their chats as a result?
I recommend going with the flow. That is the flow of specifically the chuuba, not the chat.

>> No.76183799

Maybe management rewrote some of their descriptions

>> No.76183810

it's called projection, femanon

>> No.76183826

I think I recall most corpo chuubas run into twitter bullshit when they first make their accounts.

>> No.76183952

yeah man just be yourself and see who you vibe with

>> No.76183956

Good luck femanon! I am glad some of you are still around to watch your senpais. Don't give up please.

>> No.76183994

I really hope they provide more than audio, because otherwise it's not better than Eien and I get more from watching Jap avtubers or Melody.

>> No.76184043


>> No.76184168

Where is eien providing adult audio? they don’t have fansly or patreon and their one whore chuuba screams about boundaries and makes lewd jokes

>> No.76184271

Only one ever did audio porn there and she's not there now.
I believe they will do more later, the world is their oyster now.
And there's much fun to be had on other sites that youtube simply doesn't allow for.
As for JPAVchuubas, most EN viewers don't speak Japanese and can't form true bonds with them and that bond is vital for optimal cooming and fun.
If you speak fluent Japanese and can't form a bond with any of the six talents in vallure then maybe it's not for you. But perhaps you will.
The cooming is not the sole point as Riiflings will tell you. It rather enhanced the experience.

>> No.76184274

They can do like Riifu and post audios on twitter
as long as they don't get reported

>> No.76184525

There's a mic in the logo, the creator's main stick is audio. None of the girls hired did anything more then audio before joining, and none of them are expected to do more.
I think your waiting for disappointment if your watching this corpo for anything more. You're better off watching the countless amount of other avtubers out there, or just coming back in a few months to see if anyone has done anything more.
Also very sex.

>> No.76184542

it’s was a rhetorical question, anon. none of them do ACTUAL adult content besides the fox fake moaning on her acc.

>> No.76184585
File: 264 KB, 840x640, not even bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to ignore bait

>> No.76184622

So you are telling me they only promised audio? I was expecting them to do stuff like what Melody and Cottontail do, like masturbation streams with lovense.

>> No.76184983
File: 34 KB, 128x128, stronnycuttles-5af31a808c0bf8f7294323a66b33f01be3b21fc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should have a ritual post, where it explains they do audio porn.
So then if a retard does this for 50th time, we can just point them to the ritual post and move on.

>> No.76185027

/vsj+/ and it seems like we're a minority, maybe the coomer days are truly behind us.

>> No.76185160

Oh yeah, last time I checked Melody did less and less nsfw content. Is that still the case? Is the remaining content decent at least?

>> No.76185385

Though from what I remember Riifu saying, the girls are mostly free to do whatever content they want, so some might do more, assuming they can get their hands on 3d rigs or something

>> No.76185417

Yeah, maybe a small q&a style ritual post that answers frequently asked questions would be good

>> No.76185577

Many of them already put sex toys in their throne, so maybe they plan to use them.
They are free to do the kind of content they want though.

>> No.76185599

Praying to Allah we get "moms friend finds you sniffing her socks JOI"

>> No.76185623

Mel's doing her thing, she's still the best lewdtuber, and she's still really passionate, she's just been having a bunch of issues. She's moving to JP, she's been having some health issues, she got a new 3D model but it was kinda trash so she's been getting it fixed, and she's been going through a deep depression.

>> No.76185733

As someone who understand Japanese, it's not just the language barrier, there's also a cultural barrier to overcome before you can form bonds.

>> No.76185742

skittykat did a few of those. little bummed that she didnt join

>> No.76185760

I think she said 3D models would be the goal of their first birthday donothons?

>> No.76185789

I just realized: we don't have a tsundere?

>> No.76185937

Congrats drawanon

>> No.76185961

I was thinking Icey might fill that role

>> No.76186022

>holo advent sucks.
>nijis are moving to the vshojo retirement home.
>idol ES? people watch spics? Most that dude lews audio quit and only 2 rarely do it now. the funny part is I think the fans will segway to VAllure because of it.

>> No.76186158

Tsundere doesn't really work for streaming

>> No.76186558
File: 46 KB, 370x600, 439412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advent sucks
>the fans will segway
Please segway yourself into a wall.

>> No.76186591

Gen 2, surely. I think she probably didn't join because during the entire time she's been making audio content she's had a real job too, just in case the audio hustle falls apart

>> No.76186729

>she's had a real job too
oh I had no idea; i really thought she made more than enough from her audios, shes certainly popular enough

>> No.76186840

Maybe add a quick summary of what they do to the next OP

>> No.76187121

Holy shit taste
Take a shower and get a clue nerd

>> No.76187151

Same with this anon >>76182941, I had to hold back buying anything for anyone. I must meet them first before gifting them anything. I bet there's a lot of us thinking this way.
Now, if Stronny put something on her Throne, I'd buy it in a heartbeat since I know her already.

>> No.76187502

>i really thought she made more than enough from her audios
I'm pretty sure she does. She's just keeping a normal job so if Patreon/whatever decides to nuke her she has something to fall back on

>> No.76187501

Is that good?

>> No.76187561

For a small corpo it's pretty nice

>> No.76187706

based financially stable and responsible whore

>> No.76187731

decent for a new corpo, but to be fair they are being shilled by one of the biggest ASMR creators out there

>> No.76188036

I'm pretty ignorant about Riifu's ASMR past. I don't really care about ASMR and only looked into her PL for peace of mind while she was gone.

>> No.76188044

Alright, here you go you pieces of trash.


>> No.76188206

That fucking giggle at the end, my dick will not survive this rabbit

>> No.76188244

I will now pleasure myself

>> No.76188330

Jesus fucking christ I'm so horny for this woman already and can't wait for her to actually degrade the ever living fuck out of me while treating like her own personal garbage. No no I need to calm down, I'm not even sure what her personality is going to be like but oh lord I'm getting waaay too excited for her now

>> No.76188519

The big booba girls aren't for me but I'm glad they're finding fans already

>> No.76188566
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>> No.76188678
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>> No.76188758
File: 264 KB, 837x409, Erotic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Icey has a set of bear panties and a baby bottle in her Throne


>> No.76188826

how the hell is a pacifier 25 bucks

>> No.76188916

Lots of plastic

>> No.76188945

handmade with the beading/decoration it seems

>> No.76188985
File: 15 KB, 422x88, 1703422157999111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76189026

I like cunny but this stuff kinda weirds me out

>> No.76189070

I am trash. The only thing I'm good for is to be pressed under Madame Shibi's heel. Madame Shibi is the best mistress I could ever ask for.

>> No.76189173

>kiddy diddlers get pandered to too hard and realize they are kiddy diddlers
there's a certain comedy to this

>> No.76189260

Great ritualpost

>> No.76189258

is this general going to end up being /eien/ reborn? I miss that place, but I had to leave when my oshi died and Gen 2 never clicked for me

>> No.76189475
File: 8 KB, 310x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt even show up on suggestions
fuck you elon

>> No.76189602

Oh god please don't be into scat. Oh god please don't be into scat. Oh god please don't be into scat. Oh god please don't be into scat. Oh god please don't be into scat.


>> No.76189616

Free kiss from Immy

>> No.76189749

See ya fuckers. I got a kiss from my little sister.

>> No.76189823

fingers crossed it's peepeepoopoo humor cuz she's a brat

>> No.76189898

Maybe she's just bad at cleaning up after herself and needs an onii-chan to make sure she doesn't sit on fucking candy

>> No.76189938

fucking hell I hope not......

>> No.76189976

Are you retards for real. It's clearly a meme

>> No.76190111

I just like small flat women, doesn't mean I have to be into diapers and pacifiers, more power to you if you are I guess

>> No.76190121

I love how since these are AVtubers anything they say, no matter how seemingly minor, is going to hyper focused on as a possible a fetish they might have

>> No.76190347

I think it's based.
With the baby babbling tweet from before, I don't think it's unreasonable to get the idea she's an actual age player.
If it's true then the ball is in your court anon. This woman just opened her heart to you and showed you what she's genuinely into.
I suggest you accept her as she is and indulge her in return for treating you so well too. It's like Mommeh's architecture all over again.
Of course if it's not true then I am just a retard, but don't fucking fault me for this after she asks for baby bottles, pacifiers and baby onesies!
Either way, let's be happy degenerates together! Us and them. That's what I wish.

>> No.76190390

hard agree
im more of a "use you like an onahole" guy rather than a "please change my diaper" guy

>> No.76190583

Shes saying she got chocolate on my face
t.her chair

>> No.76190865

with these vtubers we can brag about them at /uoh/ and /choc/

>> No.76191355

cant wait for more artists to start giving us some good eats

>> No.76192040
File: 211 KB, 480x480, 16804091583600699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss mummeh

>> No.76192539

not the worst edit Ive seen I guess...

>> No.76192686

choco tits paizuri.

>> No.76192861 [DELETED] 

I dream of the day I get to jerk off to you feel going until you get in

>> No.76193709

This happens to regular vtubers too

>> No.76194048

This anon knows whats up.
Of all places, this community needs to be the more kink friendly. Be it ageplay, petplay, medical play, disciplinary spanking, tickling, vore, food play. Hell, even scat. Im not into half of this shit, no pun intended, but I do welcome the production of this kind of content, specially coming from a more "mainstream" place, giving a little more exposition to these already super niche fetishes.
Let these girls be as fucking degenerates as they want so we can all win.

>> No.76194309

You're gonna have to fire up skeb

>> No.76194397

idk man, Ive only ever comm'ed through twitter. skeb's rule of "no communication with the artist once they accept" seems so sketch to me

>> No.76194469

Well like with all things there has to be a balance, no kinkshaming is good but too much weird shit and it becomes a turnoff for a lot of their potential audience, and at the end of the day it's still a job

>> No.76194470

Yeah but the only difference is a regular Vtuber might just mention it on stream at most but in this situation people are more inclined to believe this may be brought up regularly and used during more... intimate, moments of asmr or audios produced, so they look deeper into it

>> No.76194609

it's a tradeoff, you get cheaper and faster art at the cost of no revisions, you shouldn't use it for very specific stuff like outfit or character designs but it's great for generic fanart

>> No.76194669
File: 29 KB, 592x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh for fucks sake

>> No.76194935

I havent looked up PL stuff but you guys seem to know your stuff. What are the lolis into?

>> No.76195207

Immy likes boomer games

>> No.76195308

Holy shit that just too... Hot

>> No.76195335

2D Sonic and Morrowind seem to be big ones

>> No.76195430

In another life Stronny gave me her feet, she let me call her Mommeh, and on request she even said really mean things about my penis that I don't think she ever would've wanted to say by herself. Architecture is a fetish I do not understand, but that time she asked to be happy weirdos together stuck with me. So when I learned about her architecture fetish it didn't matter to me that I do not understand it. It felt very rewarding to have her open up about it, and to humor her on it. Of course it's true that the most of us just want to plap Icey's cunny, but if she really turns out to be a serious age player I want to hear her out on it too. I have an inkling that if you allow these whores to express their degeneracy freely you'll thank yourselves for it later.

>> No.76195853

Ah fuck it's shit like this that's going to make choosing a few confusing for me, because her game choice sounds solid but I know I wouldn't be into most of her content like I'd be into Shibi's... I guess there's nothing wrong with just watching one like I would a normal Vtuber but just not getting too into her asmr or audios. Ah whatever, I'll think more deeply on that aspect once they actually debut I suppose since I literally have no solid grasp of their normal on stream personalities. This is going to be an interesting new first experience for me with this type of comapny

>> No.76195891

I agree. Like, vore and scat are too freaky for me, but I dont mind if they release this kind of content every now and then. Let your audience know that there might be that kind of content in the future so they stay for the long term investment.
I just want to spank the brat out of Immy. Like, i need it.

>> No.76196185

Just hope braindead mob don't give them shit for liking stuff like ageplay or hypnosis, let them be free

>> No.76197230

who is the vtuber artist for these models? and is it the same artist that did models for hololive, nijisanji, phase connect, EIEN project, Vshojo, Idol corps, etc? Because this artist outdid him/herself with VAllure that Exoelul got her moneys worth.

>> No.76197367

same artists as her thumbnails, and only one for everyone as well as rigger

>> No.76197718

if one of them really is a maso loli, I will actually kneel slightly.

>> No.76197913
File: 186 KB, 1385x353, Screenshot 2024-05-19 225215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw them above 1.5k subs, goes down to 1.1k subs.
fuck you youtube

>> No.76198075

I swear to fucking god youtube, every single goddamn time... Guess I'll have to go check to see if I'm still subbed or not

>> No.76199073

any hints where I can find this PL info? wanna do some research before the big day

>> No.76199350

She scrubbed them anon, save for 2 asmr videos.
Hint: Spider girl

>> No.76199715

patreons are finally live i’ve been refreshing obsessively

>> No.76199793


>> No.76199941

no you dumbass

>> No.76200021

kek made me chuckle

>> No.76200314

this. A huge opportunity would be wasted if they just spend their time doing audio porn instead of streaming on sites like fansly or CB occasionally.

>> No.76200387 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 342x891, patreonnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76200495


>> No.76200496

Am I the only one who finds good audio porn like a thousand times hotter than camwhoring?

>> No.76200557
File: 122 KB, 342x891, patreonnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who? MF deleted his post.

>> No.76200676

thanks anon my google skills are terrible but this is a start o7

>> No.76200748

fucking leaf got scared kek

>> No.76200826

Virtual camwhoring sucks since the tech is still super expensive and so hard to set up and control. It's gonna be better in like 6 years or so maybe.

>> No.76200864

Directly translating shit that tsunderes say never works and is always cringe
>not that I like you or anything, b-b-baka
Take culture and language into account and tsundere could be a very fun archetype
BriAtCookiebox is a great example of what I mean

>> No.76201094

It's 'SEGUE', you esl shitters.

>> No.76201319
File: 53 KB, 153x155, stronnylove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stronny emotes so far if you guys want to use it before we can yoink it off YT.
Only the waving and the headpat are not cropped from images with background.


If you want the others, you can grab them Patreon. Good ol' Inspect Element.

>> No.76201580

Huh? They're not on patreon

>> No.76201706

I find it weirdly wholesome that there will be people that watch these girls platonically. There is coom content, you are actively encouraged to lust after them, but nope, you are there to just hang out

>> No.76201763

Oh nice they built out their pages

>> No.76201784

I grabbed 3 from patreon: the profile picture, the 2 tiers can be cropped
The other one is from their maro profile pictures.

>> No.76201791


>> No.76201957

I do hope they can be entertaining enough even without relying too much on coombaiting. Not too worried about Stronny ofc but don't know about the others

>> No.76202124

Immy is good for that too

>> No.76202243

yeah its going to be weird for me to like someone's nsfw content but never wanting to see their youtube lets plays or something, but Im mentally preparing for it

>> No.76202341

You're going to watch Azura play League of Legends, right?

>> No.76202555 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 480x480, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck SHES the league player? damn it... idk, maybe I'll turn into a clip fag or something to try to keep up with her lore...

>> No.76202656

please tell me it ain't so

>> No.76202792

I would assume they're all pretty decent streamers. Prior streaming experience was a requirement for the application and the girls we got were hand selected by mommeh.

>> No.76202935
File: 1.42 MB, 2542x1059, bob hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76203387

wtf does she actually plan on using those or is it just there to be funny?

I don't like the game but I will take that over Apex or Valorant. I dunno, it just feels more varied than shooters and battle royales. As long as it's not everyday.

>> No.76203704


>> No.76204048



>> No.76204169

