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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76171964 No.76171964 [Reply] [Original]

do only men watch vtubers?

>> No.76172027

no this is a female hoby, every "male" on this board is a larping woman

>> No.76172063

this is like asking if only women read boys love manga

>> No.76172090

lol no

>> No.76172136

Maybe you all should stop watching them since you aren't valued at all. All female viewership is fucking hell on Earth.

>> No.76172150

Clearly the answer is that we need to change BL manga and doujins in order to better appeal to men, who have no interest in them.

>> No.76172287

Men and lesbians watch women
Women and gays watch men

>> No.76172306

There are no women on the internet.
All female vtubers are men with voice changers.

>> No.76172466

vtubing is a form of porn. expecting grown heterosexual women to want to watch 8 hours straight of filian flashing her panties or gura pretending to be a fuckable child is dumb af

>> No.76172534

>fuckable child

>> No.76172616

1,000 years old but still shops in the little girls section, don’t you know also gives mean ASMR sloppy toppy

>> No.76172622

An oxymoron.

>> No.76172757
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If they want more female viewers, they will have to lose straight male viewers. Women, as “mysterious” and retarded they are, they don't publicly say/talk about what they want. Men AND other women have to figure their bullshit. Women want to see things that remind them of what is being a woman. Which is girl/women lifestyle, clothing, travel/trips, crafting, women focused entertainment in TV/movies/anime that INCLUDES HOT MEN and HOT WOMEN (not going lesbian mode, just praising and saying they want/need to look like them but “it's so hard girl”) and highly valuable, gossiping about their family/life.

>> No.76172762

Is there any chuuba that likes her chat? Is like every EN chuuba is just a lesbian leaning bisexual man hating women who just wantes to around other similar women. Such a weird sentiment.

>> No.76172813

maybe some indies idk

>> No.76172857

indies like pillowdear and zenya

>> No.76173038

I'm pretty sure Marine has an audience that's over 1/3rd women, so yes they do.

>> No.76173260

That depends on the vtuber, there are vtubers who talk about skincare and cosmetics, they have a higher % of female viewers. It's about the content and how you present it. What does Panko bring to the table outside of innuendos.

>> No.76173291

I honestly find it pretty weird when vtubers feel the need to say how much they want female viewers, it's like they're reminding their (mostly) male audience they're worthless compared to women

>> No.76173304
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>> No.76173357

women only watch good vtubers.

>> No.76173451
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Absolutely this. And to any faggot that will reply to anon or me, no, they ARE being serious, this is not a subtle joke or "tee-hee", no, they truly mean it.

>> No.76173658

i met a cute SEA girl at a Miku concert who is really into Tempus and Millie.

>> No.76173681

>it's like they're reminding their (mostly) male audience they're worthless compared to women
How? They don't want women to replace the men, they want women in addition to the men.

>> No.76173700

it’s more like they feel like they “earned” the female viewers whereas men are retarded brainless coomers who will watch talentless broads all week long if the model and voice are good

>> No.76173720

I mean like 95% of them are either lesbian or bi women who prefer women, is it really that weird? People cope about yuribait, but think of this how many straight men would be confortable constantly flirting with other men and touching other men for an audience. Imagine if your buddy was all "yeah at work today i was touching this guys thights and kissing his cheeck for a 5 dollar superchat, its all yoai bait tho". Like its at least a little gay anon. This girls like women and often prefer women, other excuses are mostly cope.

>> No.76173721

Google metrics are junk. It never asks you if you're make or female, it just assumes 1 based on what you engage with, and then categorizes what you engage with based on the fact that it thinks you're male or female because of what you engage with. Google thinks I'm a woman between the ages of 18 and 24 and when I manually set it back to ojisan it switches it back automatically after a few weeks. I get very tired of seeing ads for makeup and Disney.

Almost all of Alphabets products are run by stupid and grossly misused algorithms that just beg the question in circles forever, but because laymen don't understand how it woks they never question any of it.

Long story short, google thinks everyone watching vtubers are male because it labels every vtuber viewer as male for watching vtubers. Google metrics are largely junk data

>> No.76173849
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women can just like, date and socialize in real life
they don't need vtubers

>> No.76173876

What's wrong with wanting more than a 1% female viewership?

>> No.76173895

For phase I think Pippa's existence is enough for women to feel turned off from watching any Phase vtuber since she doesn't leave a good impression to them, but I could be wrong.

>> No.76174100

men will watch literal garbage content as long as the model is cute. women will only watch a female chuuba if they're entertaining or at least have something going for them beyond the model. so yes, the male audience is worthless.

>> No.76174124

This is very untrue or it would show a huge male audience on male yume vtubers, which is not the case.

>> No.76174369

This aall would get fixed if they contracted a turbo lesbian chuuba with a sexy deep voice.

>> No.76174474

Not as worthless since a large majority of male watchers are the ones handing over their money to their oshis. Of course female gachikoi exist but they don't donate to female vtubers nearly as much as they do with certain male ones.
That reminds me. The Nijisanji JP viewer ratio chart gets thrown around every now and then but some of the top JP males for Niji still have a higher male viewership than females. It's not easy tapping into the money of yumejoshis.

>> No.76174477
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Mouse has a 17.4% female audience.

>> No.76174617

Because of Connor lol. Women will watch if it's relationship or love based stuff.

>> No.76174655

twitch "females"

>> No.76174674

sasuga pickme connect

>> No.76174776

Pippa has a very big female audience, a lot of hiki femcels that "literally me" her incredibly hard
one of them is known for masturbating to her screaming when she's angry

>> No.76175386

>over 1/3rd women
Marine fans are girls.

>> No.76175581
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>> No.76176600

this, it's like when they numberfag on stream, it's like bitch i'm seriously not good enough for you to stream to then why am i even here?

>> No.76177374
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You have a lesbo thread in your threadwatcher, don't you? You dirty coomer.

>> No.76177534

NTR company

>> No.76177598


>> No.76178224

The only women who watch women vtubers are other vtubers

>> No.76178703

I'm a girl that likes watching girls because I think they're cute? men are weird

>> No.76178949

women watch male vtubers

>> No.76179449

Because that's a foreign concept to straight men. Both men and women are more inclined to find women pleasing to look at. Humans find curves aesthetically pleasing. This extends to nature and even architecture. However, men being softer and "curvy" is generally viewed as unattractive in contrast to women. Men are expected to be more angular and blocky, but that's not as visually pleasing without an element of sexual attraction attached to it.

>> No.76179585

We should start asking anons to show their dicks or gtfo

>> No.76181483

Men generally like women. Women generally hate other women, especially those who are superior to them.

Also a simpler answer: a vast majority of the world is heterosexual (aka normal).

>> No.76182099
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>Women generally hate other women, especially those who are superior to them.

>> No.76182222

>fuckable child
found the pedo. you fucks aren't even hiding anymore, its digusting

>> No.76183389
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>> No.76184234

why do they hate us so much?

>> No.76184390

Right. Marine does have what is possibly the highest female audience among female Vtubers and I wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with her age? Also unlike the brainrotted coomers we got in the English speaking world Marine's approach seem somewhat more mature and she expresses genuine interest too. Is not just about getting a rise out of her audience but learning too.

>> No.76184458

Disgusting incel

>> No.76184470

I don’t even like gura, that’s just literally what her shtick is

>> No.76184612

why the fuck do you think, retard? 95% of women have their pick of countless men to choose from, only the most hideous and deformed might not. On the other hand, men have to be rich, handsome or hung like a stallion to get a decent girl. So a lot of guys simply watch chuubas to fill the gaping void in their life, whereas women have no need.

>> No.76184632

NijiEN must be the only place (in the EN sphere) that female vtubers have a female majority fanbase. Even 20+% is a fucking anomaly, but the shit in NijiEN is beyond repair

>> No.76184667

Why not just want more viewers in general?
bitches don't know what they want, they think getting more female viewers is like having more friends they can relate to

>> No.76184746
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>> No.76184811

Someone like Maria has majority because the males stopped watching nijiEN
most girls had 30~20% in the past

>> No.76185128

>Pickme /pol/nnect genuinely surprised females won't watch them

>> No.76185186

It depends. An aspect where Western and Asian women differ greatly is that Asian women prefer effeminate men. The more you look like a woman, like a tall dyke or something, the higher your chances to bag some Asian pussy.

But 1 trait women across all races find most attractive is height. If you are You are 6+ foot then you are golden. Even if you are ugly being tall alone is an abnormal advantage when it come to getting pussy.

>> No.76185215

it’s a joke stream

>> No.76186507

funny that you mention her considering she has a decent amount of female viewers compared to most vtubers (around 20% iirc)

>> No.76188618

boys like girls

>> No.76190909


>> No.76190941

i wouldn't complain

>> No.76191268

Everyone wants more female consumers in all industries because female consumers spend more money than male consumers do.

>> No.76195047
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Most male vtubers have primarily female viewers
Most female vtubers have primarily male viewers
There are a few rare brotubers out there though.

>> No.76198481


>> No.76199066

Panko wasn't even in this collab, theese bitches lid.

>> No.76199166

filian is actually pretty funny so I could see that. I guess I associate her streams with coomer brain stuff even though they really aren’t that insane

>> No.76199313

>it's like they're reminding their (mostly) male audience they're worthless compared to women
Note: men are what actually keeps society running, women are the useless gender, but men who post like this are definitely the bottom tier of men.

>> No.76199493

>Because that's a foreign concept to straight men. Both men and women are more inclined to find women pleasing to look at.
Women are empty vessels
Women see men liking women and women go with the flow because they want to echo -popular sentiment- to avoid angering the crowd.

>> No.76199545

they want more female fans so they can have more people supporting their female behavior
literally simple as

>> No.76199635

all human desire is imitative. regardless of gender.

>> No.76203159

I wonder how he's doing.
He definitely doesn't regret and should never regret leaving this place EVER.

>> No.76203448

Who that?

>> No.76204021

women watch tiktok dances and makeup tutorials

>> No.76204726

Lumi is a whore who fucks her mods

>> No.76204787

based. how do I become a mod

>> No.76205360

no she isn't she's the ultimate blueballer, fuck her

>> No.76205364

She ain't called the Zatsu Queen for nothing.
That's the type of woman men could start a conversation from behind a wall and fall in love with just her chatter and then never hear of her again.

>> No.76205541
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Sayu loves us and she's straight. She isn't that unicorn friendly, tho.

>> No.76205616

It's a hobby for single people with no friends. Guess what population that consists mostly of.

>> No.76206001

Anyone who believes Lumi is a Stacy or whore is retarded.
It's clear that she has the voice of a fucking power level hiding Succubus but all of her habits and the clothes pic (it's all grandma or library old woman tier stuff) point at her just being mean because she can be mean behind-the-screen and nothing else and her work ethic makes her look cool like that because of her stubborness.
She is not cool. She has never been even if she claims to be.
It's all a ruse, an engaging one, which is good for the audience as it makes the experience more personal, better connection even if it ends being parasocial and thus, unhealthy. But this hobby rarely isn't.
>Lumi Sex
Would tho, without hesitation, don't care if she's actually a Stacy or a bookworm

>> No.76206164

Ask Ichimi

>> No.76207263

60% of Niji's audience is women.

>> No.76208349

So the girls that are watched by girls are the funny ones like filian and marine? That’s a really small pool then kek

>> No.76209336


>> No.76209940

Absolutely. Female viewers are seen as more valuable even though they contribute less overall

>> No.76210093

Men are the leaders and women are the followers and men do not imitate except the losers who are into 'thicc' (obese) women.

>> No.76210111
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>> No.76210135


>> No.76210286

racism outside of /b/

>> No.76210339

Do you understand how percentages work?

>> No.76211103

A lot of women see her as a model.

Niji has a ton of chinese sisters originally attracted by the male vtubers.

>> No.76212100

holy based

>> No.76214602

he should have left sooner desu

>> No.76214856

reality is pretty clear about this. Women watch garbage and their favourites movies, shows, books and music is of a lower standard objectively when compared to what men like.
It's a meme metric regardless, anyone can check the female option on account

>> No.76214917
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You mean redundant?

>> No.76216105

All he did was for a woman who cucked him. At most he was just another one of her orbiters... The creator of 4chan Moot.

>> No.76216217

Third world thread

>> No.76216536

Men watch female vtubers
Women watch male vtubers
Women are less interested in videogames or watching streams in general, hence male vtubers aren't as popular. It's annoying when female vtubers complain about this. Who exactly do you expect to be into this hobby? Chads and women are outside socializing. Lonely dudes or weebs are the fanbase. Get a normal job if you dislike this reality.

>> No.76216713

>t. Tim Pool

>> No.76217095

post dick or gtfo

>> No.76217347

Kinda falls apart when we know straight guys also gaybait for money. See nijien and Luca actually hating lgbt shit.
