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76149247 No.76149247 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>76081457

Please listen to her latest covers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck 「Unknown Mother Goose」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c 「Ghost Rule」

Upcoming shows/events:
>(05/23) 20 KST hololive Campus Festival in Korea - Towa and Laplus Stage
>(05/25) hololive Gamers fes. Day 1
>(06/22) 14:30/18 JST hololive × Joypolis Fancy Party

Previous shows/events:
>New Costume Showcase
>4th Crazy Raccoon Cup Street Fighter 6
>hololive production x DreamHack Melbourne 2024: Down Under
>League of Legends The k4sen
>Latest Hologra
>Game Shop Maruyama

Channels and socials:
Official 3D Model:

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos/Manga archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Mail/Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact

>> No.76149262
File: 698 KB, 2480x3508, GNdR1iMbgAALzhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck Unknown Mother Goose (with Hoshimatic Project)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c Ghost Rule (with Shiranui Flare)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3F4QCb96A Inokori Sensei (with Tsunomaki Watame)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvQwQFA1Adg ANIMA (with Momosuzu Nene)

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>hololive Campus Festival in Korea
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Sololive "Break your ×××" Blu-ray
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Single "S.T.Y."
>Hoshimatic Project Supporter Merchandise
>"Lisani! Vol.55 hololive Music Encyclopedia" Limited Edition
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B

>> No.76149273

Towa isn't even real...

>> No.76149295

I love towa the most...!!

>> No.76149328

Towa was my therapy, it's because I wanted to support her that I worked hard to land a good job and better myself...

>> No.76149680

Well you know what they say anon, you have to leave your therapist at some point, that's the end goal...

>> No.76149700

im not addicted to towa i can stop whenever i want

>> No.76149782

my life has revolved around towa for three and a half years and i have no idea how to stop

>> No.76150019

You've been like this for 3 years now...

>> No.76150033

modern day kenzies could never handle 2020 towa…

>> No.76150086

As a kenzie I feel like I was raped in the cool autumn of 2020 Towa...

>> No.76150085

i could handle 2002 towa...

>> No.76150128

Anon, step away from the purple kid.

>> No.76150304

She should graduate so she can do nothing all day like she wants

>> No.76150348

she can do nothing all day now and get paid for it

>> No.76150361

She'd immediately crash and burn if she ever graduates.

>> No.76150396

Maybe towa should huff even more cats...

>> No.76150402

can you guys not respond to every person shitposting in the thread

>> No.76150538
File: 1.81 MB, 2039x2894, 117867756_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respond to this then...!

>> No.76150599


>> No.76150626


>> No.76150630

towa wishes…

>> No.76150749

The truth is Towa has better chemistry with Tachi than any woman yuricucks ship her with

>> No.76150799

I want tourists OUT, only kenzies can bitch about Towa

>> No.76150855

I want to type about Towa's fat ass growing fatter from all the snacks in peace...

>> No.76150864

2020 Towa loved and appreciated me, the new one doesn't...

>> No.76150889

2020 towa was incapable of love…

>> No.76150908
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If only Towa still can get pregnant... This thread and Towa would be for the better...

>> No.76150952
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What could have been...

>> No.76150966

Maybe Towa started going to the gym

>> No.76150990


>> No.76151000

>NTRd by Pekora

>> No.76151056

Only to empty their vending machine...

>> No.76151061


>> No.76151133

my poor poor towa baby…
i really think she needs to go see a doctor over this cough she’s been having… it really hasn’t cleared up in weeks…

>> No.76151184

she had the cough for months in 2022 and the doctors couldn't help because it was the fat fucks

>> No.76151199

Actually, Towa went to a breast alignment surgery for her breasts not to awfully sag when she gets old.

>> No.76151221

towa got the coof its joever

>> No.76151226

Doctors in Japan are useless. Half of them will recommend random chinese medicine cures and the other half will say you just need to sleep more.

>> No.76151260

i know its probably the fat fucks but it feels like there has to be something that can be done… like medication or fancy technology or dropping the voice…

>> No.76151354

she has internalized the voice at this point that's just the way she speaks now even though it makes her cough after she talks half the time
she will never drop it

>> No.76151362

She needs to go to the same doctor as Suisei...

>> No.76151397

i know but let me have hope…

>> No.76151699

Towa is anti-hope.

>> No.76151705

i hope her throat is so bad she has to cancel the korean event

>> No.76152354
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Unfortunately, it's simply impossible to know what is causing Towa's illness...doctors are stumped...

>> No.76152885

Huffing cats while having allergies is the cure to the purple disease.

>> No.76153496

towa can’t help herself around pussy… stupid twaggot…

>> No.76153579

Some Twas in that Peko Minecraft video... I hate Twa so much...

>> No.76153624

Towa drained my vital essence in hopes of staying young...

>> No.76154540

towa… not there…

>> No.76154677

Towa should sit on my face...naked...

>> No.76155561

towa’s fat ass…

>> No.76155971
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>> No.76156944

The Mafia boss and the Prince...

>> No.76157020

I 100% can see both Suisei and Towa being hitman reborn fujos...

>> No.76157132
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>> No.76157171

Imagine the sex...

>> No.76157255

based on real events

>> No.76157269

Violent without a shred of love...

>> No.76157362

i feel like homosexuality involving towa has been on an upturn...

>> No.76157366

Towa has no ass and no boobs
Shes fucking useless

>> No.76157601

they need to stream this...

>> No.76157789

She still has her mouth, kenzie.

>> No.76157815


>> No.76157896

Her rabbit teeth...

>> No.76157920

they're gone...

>> No.76158094

I can't believe Suichan would punch her that hard...

>> No.76158153

it's what she deserves...

>> No.76158245

But her throat...

>> No.76158289

why would any of those girls need her throat?

>> No.76158362

For a friendly, playful throat fingering.

>> No.76158387

are their fingers even long enough... only towa really has pointed out her long fingers to my knowledge...

>> No.76158460

Is she into vomit play...?

>> No.76158618

To speak... and sing I gues...

>> No.76158759

FUCK towa

>> No.76158836

That's the plan

>> No.76159207

*boots up valorant*

>> No.76159277

Smiling Towafriends...

>> No.76159637

sick btw.....

>> No.76159676
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>> No.76159934

*boots up microwave*

>> No.76159954

it's over...

>> No.76160792

Fucking towa

>> No.76160920

Sometimes I wonder how much towa knows...

>> No.76160949

towa knows nothing...

>> No.76161332

Towa know who killed hitomi chris

>> No.76161346

*boots up sf6*

>> No.76161402

*boots down anon*

>> No.76161431

*fingers subaru*

>> No.76161454

She's playing with tachikawa...

>> No.76161468

>invited him to her valo group

>> No.76161469

*deballs kotachi*

>> No.76161477

Shes playing with my heart

>> No.76161489


>> No.76161497

my fucking sides, holy shit.
I can't believe she actually did it.

>> No.76161511

She 100% watched the sf6 tournament with him

>> No.76161569

very sick btw

>> No.76161639

what happened in february...

>> No.76161647

I know that the shitposters here don't remember, but this is the same as m**** and it'll probably end the same way...

>> No.76161651

Tachikawa btw very conveniently started to play overwatch

>> No.76161666

sugoi anti sure kita

>> No.76161677

He already leaked that he was playing that with her too

>> No.76161706

do you happen to have a timestamp?

>> No.76161818

Leech completed, He's infiltrated the VALO group.

>> No.76161837


>> No.76161891

She invited him. All the rest are her friends.

>> No.76161916

lmao a lot of losers here, just go watch other girls

>> No.76161962

I'm aware but not many of her streamer friends actually play with that specific group, they usually play with others streamers like Amatsuki and Masanori.

>> No.76161999

I see

>> No.76162003

Exactly, he's closer than all her streamer friends already.

>> No.76162030

That was my point hence saying leech complete and infiltrated.
He's already reached a higher level than others.

>> No.76162067
File: 547 KB, 3000x3000, GNTSgbxbIAAHXTt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait you guys were actually this mentally ill? i thought it was literally only one guy that stalked to such an insane extent

>> No.76162109

We've been telling you for years that your schizo "it's all the same guy" theory was wrong.

>> No.76162138

Enjoy your no streams while she plays VALO with Tachi pretending to be sick.

>> No.76162217

Years of this thread pretending to be mentally ill, it started to become real

>> No.76162284

do you want her to stream valo with tachi is that it

>> No.76162291

forgive me for thinking multiple people spending their entire day every day tracking every movement of a person they hate on the internet for the purpose of making a single thread on 4chan hate her for 4 whole years was too sad to be true

>> No.76162323
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i mean i never doubted some mental illness of course but i just didn't think people were this obsessive over her, especially on an overseas forum. especially to the extent of clearly being unhappy and still following everything she does. and also this >>76162291
just post on her egosa and tags to 炎上 her once and all at this point, it's just weird to see you guys freak out to this extent and not actually do anything. it's weird to me that you care this much to shitting on her and not even having the balls to make a burner to just do something especially when you're dedicated this hard to following, and you're just in some basket weaving forum where no one but yourselves will ever hear your complaints.

>> No.76162331
File: 325 KB, 1402x2048, 1678218786992773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at me.
I am the the kenzie who takes it the easiest.

>> No.76162336

No I wanted her to join the final minecraft event instead of cancelling to spend all day and night with Tachi

>> No.76162339

This really shows how desperate she is for dick

>> No.76162351

That is the future you chose

>> No.76162409

don't forget the lying about being sick part

>> No.76162450

i wish she'd at least pretend to care about us

>> No.76162477
File: 23 KB, 499x472, 1632214160383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not even saying all kenzies are like this, just that i'm surprised there's more than one person here that are genuinely like this and still are around

>> No.76162480

She's done it so many times that no one would be surprised anymore, Just like Matsuri.

How many kenzies expected him to join the VALO group so quickly? I myself was surprised.

>> No.76162501

What are you, someone's mother telling them if they are sick they can't play games.
Some people would only be happy if she were placed in a fully surveyed room at all times.
At least you are bumping the thread I guess.

>> No.76162507

I just wish she was fucking honest with us. I don't care that she plays games off stream, i don't care if she hangs out with males off stream, but the fact that she lie about everything she does just hurts me.

>> No.76162521

I wasn't. The way she treated him in the CR Cup stream was crazy. Pretty obvious she's head over heels for him.

>> No.76162565

Then leave instead of spending your entire life obsessing over Towa?

>> No.76162613

She won't stop until she's punished for it

>> No.76162641

and she never will be

>> No.76162644

I think tachi looks like uncle roger.

>> No.76162660

too bad none of you complaining shitposters will do anything about it besides make this thread shit

>> No.76162702

I don't care about Tachi.
I only care about Korean guys, all the other ones should be discussed in the fps thread.

>> No.76162745
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i'm not even saying that people would be surprised about towa of all people going in 炎上 at this point, it's just weird to me that you clearly want her to change and be better and not even willing to put in the effort to try and force a change by fire. i just can't understand the rational of complaining here constantly when this is literally the furthest away you can get from towa and all the things you say will never have an impact except make a few more people miserable. i just can't understand the logic of being so miserable and wallowing in your misery.
i never even followed this valo group schizophrenia stuff so i can't even relate to anything you're saying to be quite frank.

>> No.76162874

I miss selly...

>> No.76162924

If the thread is always shit then why are you still here?

>> No.76162936

She's lying because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Ironically though, the lying itself is already hurting feelings. She's a woman, so she doesn't know that honesty is the best solution when dealing with men.

>> No.76162989

there is no way to force a change, it's been like this literally since she joined hololive
her core fanbase already knows about it and anyone who posts about it on twitter is brushed aside as an anti
the most they can accomplish is making this thread hate her, which, hey, they've finally done it, this is the culmination of the past several years of their life. try as they might they cannot accomplish any more than that.

>> No.76163006

because it's only shit when you try to rile up the thread

>> No.76163028

I mean, I think a large portion of her fanbase would be upset if they found out she cancelled the minecraft stream by lying about being sick to play with him

>> No.76163079

and she's been doing the same thing for years, and it's been posted in her egosa for years, and yet nothing changes.

>> No.76163087

Ah once again I'm all the same guy

>> No.76163118

sorry, it's only shit when you people try to rile up the thread. better?

>> No.76163121

Not really. The only thing that was ever really posted on her egosearch was the discord thing, and that actually did seem to cause some change, at least for awhile.

>> No.76163179

Can't wait for her to get pumped and dumped and see her menhera meltdown

>> No.76163249

A femzie sacrifice will save towa...

>> No.76163264

you guys are just women, complaining about things behind towa's back hoping she'll somehow figure out that you are unhappy and getting mad when she doesn't

>> No.76163291

then post her valorant logs if you think it'll change anything

>> No.76163314

Why would he ever dump her, his viewers have increased like 100x since he started leeching off her

>> No.76163336
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i just think it's very silly to complain about things not changing and not doing anything to try and get a change.
the stuff posted here has been anti level for so long that i just don't get what's even the point of them sitting here and complaining.
all in all it's weird that people seem to follow her so closely and have kept their efforts entirely localized here especially when they're this unhappy and yet still continue to do so. put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.76163421

ahh... suityan...

>> No.76163441

at least the mainy schizos had a spine

>> No.76163662

I don't want to do something that could potentially ruin her career...

>> No.76163686

You guys keep saying do something about it but doesn't she just block everyone who criticizes her?
And I don't know man, lying about being sick just to cancel a stream is pretty shitty no matter what how menhera you are or not. Then again I'm just going off on what you guys are saying because I don't watch Tachikawa or follow Towa's socials that closely.

>> No.76163762

then you don’t care

>> No.76163802

care about what? towa?

>> No.76163841

about her lying

>> No.76163917

wouldn't be the first time for her. if you're that unhappy with everything she is but don't want to ruin her career, then just leave and stop caring? i know there's always gonna be sunk cost fallacy, but it's just weird to make yourself this upset and unhappy and keep doing so.
she does block people who shits/criticizes her, but she still does read it, and it's not like the blocking makes it invisible to literally everyone else. it's what i don't get about it. burners exist for a reason. either do something about it if you're really that upset or just leave. it's weird to just sit in the middle spot and be miserable.

>> No.76163970

new twitter accounts are instantly shadowbanned so she wouldn't see it.

>> No.76164044
File: 40 KB, 588x409, very real twitter accounts that totally weren't made this month to spam on twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter sucks nowadays though.

>> No.76164097

The "touches kids" one or the other uncle roger?

>> No.76164131

I remember when Elon said he was going to get rid of bots on Twitter, good times...

>> No.76164174

Towa is a bot.

>> No.76164220

But Subaru clearly said she wanted to be the ネコ.

>> No.76164289

>same dictionary of words…
>usernames all start with A followed by numbers…
>generic profile pics…
great site Elon…

>> No.76164422

Given the sleep schedule of the average japanese person, much less vtuber, sleeping more is not terrible advice lmao.

>> No.76164649

Their livestyles are closer to neet's than average office drone so sleep shouldn't be an issue. Lack of exercise and god awful diets bring lots of problems

>> No.76164683

A diet full of cat fur and chocolate is healthy.

>> No.76164722

good morning, just woke up

>> No.76164746


>> No.76164789

how are the kenzies this fine morning

>> No.76164813

i've been watching some yuri anime

>> No.76164957

I think these kenzies should make out and stuff...

>> No.76164975

been jacking off to the sexy blue woman

>> No.76164986

What happened to dance practice... also, lack of sleep is bad no matter the lifestyle.

>> No.76165012

you should get that checked out

>> No.76165088

been thinking about towa and her dumb hat

>> No.76165121

honestly same, and i love her for it

>> No.76165163

I just watched a loli hentai.
And no, I didn't like it.

>> No.76165293

might go schizo

>> No.76165302

Bibi is the greatest hat ever… any time Towa mentions Bibi I get a raging erection…

>> No.76165501

you guys don't actually get horny because of bibi... right...?

>> No.76165539

imagine if bibi smelled like towa...

>> No.76165597
File: 3.84 MB, 1398x1080, 1692905744561409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76165712


>> No.76165801

bibi's perfectly manicured nails...

>> No.76165885

kenzies are legally required to manicure their nails like Bibi’s…

>> No.76165966

I bet bibi has cuter feet than towa...

>> No.76165998

bibi can't even see his feet... fatass...

>> No.76166143

I like when kenzies are bibi menhera and not schizo menhera...

>> No.76166254

At least Bibi doesn't lie to me about their 3 sizes...

>> No.76166306


>> No.76166349

towa doesn't even have feet...

>> No.76166404

remember when someone anti posted about towa on twitter and in retaliation she played monster hunter with members…

>> No.76166441

i dont have monhun... dumb bitch...

>> No.76166474

I hope someone does that again.
I got to play with Towa for a bit because of that

>> No.76166636

These days she won't respond at all...if anything she'll just cancel all her streams and go radio silent instead of doing extra streams..

>> No.76166731

remember that one guy she responded to that wasn't really even an anti but everyone said he was who said she didn't really like sf6 and wouldn't play it again after botan's tournament...

>> No.76166906

cat huffing…

>> No.76166941

Towa can win me back by continuing the nisemonogatari watchalong.

>> No.76166970

she won’t continue it…

>> No.76167012

That would require Tachikawa to pull a room temp iq move

>> No.76167069

towa should release a naked wallpaper...

>> No.76167256

You uh... didn't get yours?

>> No.76167267

no... where is it...

>> No.76167278

i don't think even that would make her get rid of him since they're both being pretty open about their relationship this time

>> No.76167312

Is 5ch having the same meltdown as this place?

>> No.76167360
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>> No.76167365

they don't even know

>> No.76167373

They were having a meltdown when she cancelled the stream but they don't know anything about her alt accounts

>> No.76167546
File: 199 KB, 1164x1754, GN9CPqjaEAATkIH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76167558


>> No.76167862

Lmao, they're falling behind

>> No.76167895

i want to unbutton towa's shirt...

>> No.76167897

It is also 4:30 am there so let's see what happens when they wake up

>> No.76167953

it's always been like that
our schizos are just more dedicated

>> No.76168007

less time learning japanese more time schizoing

>> No.76168113

When I say "don't know anything about" them, I mean they literally don't know they exist in the first place.

>> No.76168143

Also because another streamer entering another clique isn't that big of a deal

>> No.76168235
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>> No.76168316

To be fair, nobody here would probably know either if that one guy didn't just randomly drop links in the thread a year or two ago.

>> No.76168762


>> No.76168777


>> No.76169259

This girl is pretty cute and sexy...

>> No.76169365

when i feel bad i look at naked pictures of towa...

>> No.76169421

You should see a doctor, Towa exposure can only make you worse...

>> No.76169454

it feels so good though...

>> No.76169462

bokoyami bowa...

>> No.76169491
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>> No.76169519

So she picked him over us.....I see....

>> No.76169556
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>> No.76169600

momosuzu nene...

>> No.76169622

are you okay...

>> No.76169790

This is all because Femzies don't post nails...

>> No.76169821

Hallucinating a better girl...

>> No.76169843

nenene is a boy...

>> No.76169856

There is something off about this...

>> No.76169907

i don't really know what you're talking about...

>> No.76169930

yeah...she looks happy...and where is tachi...

>> No.76169939
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1622047037759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a lie to me...

>> No.76169964
File: 421 KB, 720x951, 1708438513767103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this...

>> No.76169966

That's the best bit...

>> No.76170000

Girls can love girls...

>> No.76170038

there's no way that's true...

>> No.76170121

*second dumbest post you've ever seen* elipsis

>> No.76170408

Never mind this didn't come out as funny as I thought it would be...

>> No.76170428

my poor poor kenzie...

>> No.76170480

glad to see she’s resting since she felt so bad that she was unable to stream

>> No.76170512

Still awake...

>> No.76170518

Still awake...probably switched to overewatch with him...

>> No.76170617

If there's no stream tomorrow after what she's pulled today I'll fly off the rails.

>> No.76170672

there wont be... she is so sick she cant sleep...

>> No.76170677

5/20 休暇...

>> No.76170733

mondays are for subaru…

>> No.76170765

that's gay...

>> No.76170801

No you won't...

>> No.76170826

Anon, I'm sorry to say but it's not worth getting this upset over her. And what are you gonna do anyway, getting blocked on twitter?

>> No.76170841

there used to be a time when she would try to do something to make up for it when she cancelled a stream but that towa is long gone...

>> No.76170863
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>> No.76170915

You might get one stream this week but is highly unlikely

>> No.76170961

It's Sunday.

>> No.76171011

me on the left...

>> No.76171073

you should play with towa again...

>> No.76171107

Monday, May 20, 2024 (GMT+9)
Time in Tokyo, Japan

>> No.76171141

what makes you think im not playing with her...right now...

>> No.76171172
File: 908 KB, 3499x2206, 1677086881216180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American planet.

>> No.76171174

why should i believe you...

>> No.76171353

eating watames ass...

>> No.76171368

why did she do it...

>> No.76172387
File: 2.14 MB, 2480x3508, GN8kySMbEAAipHZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76173591

based… American board… American site… American internet… American planet… chinks can only wish they could experience this…

>> No.76173713

American burgers...

>> No.76173785
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>> No.76173900

i miss pre sololive towa…

>> No.76174055

naked towa would solve everything...

>> No.76174089

picturing naked towa would fix...my erection...fat hag...

>> No.76174137

I love Friend...!

>> No.76174140

you shouldn't orgasm that fast...

>> No.76174390

Towa should collab with Mano Aloe… a debiru and a succubus would make a good tag team…

>> No.76174456

i don't want to be that horny...

>> No.76174516

The wrong timeline...

>> No.76174593

when will towa be good again...

>> No.76174612

what are u talking about kenzie… Aloe is a great part of hololive… she just hit 2 million subscribers last week…

>> No.76174767


>> No.76174846

timeline travelerchama...

>> No.76175028

do you think a kenzie from an alternative timeline could love a kenzie from this timeline...

>> No.76175077

i want towa from a different timeline...

>> No.76175099

The kenzie from another timeline probably has a Towa that loves them...

>> No.76175177

towas in every timeline only loves femzies...

>> No.76176010
File: 129 KB, 393x251, 1705074958660184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish towa was my barista and i was the femzie coming in everyday flirting with her...wheres that timeline...

>> No.76176072

imagine loving a kenzie...tenderly...

>> No.76176402

the drinks towa makes for me taste funny...

>> No.76176478

anon they've been spiked...she's going to drag you to her home and have her way with you...

>> No.76176635

Don't make me play Apex...

>> No.76176729

no towa please...I'll do anything...I'll even have sex with you...just please close apex...

>> No.76176782

towa won't let me sleep at night... nothing's even coming out anymore... it hurts...

>> No.76176868
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i miss u...

>> No.76177324

femzie, I...

>> No.76177429

what's the matter...

>> No.76177662

If Towa is near, you are in danger...

>> No.76177715

she seems really friendly after having the drink she made... it seems fine...

>> No.76177750

post nails before u pass out...

>> No.76177849

kenzies pretending to be femzies to bait other kenzies... kimoi...

>> No.76177872

be the femzie towa wants you to be...

>> No.76177885

you never know when nailzoku could be around...

>> No.76177893


>> No.76177962

post nails...

>> No.76178036

There's got to be at least one femzie who comes here regularly...

>> No.76178095

any femzie that comes here would be worse than towa...

>> No.76178107

With the thread in this state... the less people the better...

>> No.76178144

those menhera schizoposters... they were...

>> No.76178164

the schizos are femzies...

>> No.76178167

femzies are the suitowa posters...

>> No.76178334
File: 513 KB, 2899x1810, GNi3kfEbEAAEN99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76178347

if u are a femzie... give us a sign...

>> No.76178486

they interact regularly... in a different timeline...

>> No.76178500

why would a femzie ever reveal themselves here. it'd only lead to bad things.

>> No.76178530

femzie spotted...

>> No.76178566

post nails...

>> No.76178582

Like getting married to a cute kenzie...

>> No.76178601

i'm not a femzie.
a terrible fate.

>> No.76178613

I miss 36-hour threads...

>> No.76178644

u dont need to be a femzie to post nails...

>> No.76178667

surely they'll slow down after today...

>> No.76178741

That depends on Towa...

>> No.76178769

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.76178788

When will these shit AAA companies go bankrupt so they can stop making shit games like valorant apex and ow

>> No.76178796

towa's here...

>> No.76178844

the weak kenzies should've died now... and there will be no one left but me to love towa...

>> No.76178916

Towa should play my favorite game so I can go menhera when she chooses the route I didn't...

>> No.76178974

The problem is that if something happens this thread won't just have kenzies...

>> No.76179017


>> No.76179057

Towa should play factorio so that instead of hooking up with washed jap "esports pros" all she can think of is increasing her iron throughput

>> No.76179239

towa signalis onegai…

>> No.76180007

If a femzie was here and posted feet I'd be sooooooo happy...

>> No.76180134


>> No.76180370

a femzie would just be a worse towa…

>> No.76180531


>> No.76180551

i'm sure pure femzies exist... femzies capable of love...

>> No.76180901

Femzies are easy to identify, they are the ones that say the meanest things about kenzies

>> No.76181301

No such thing as EN femzies, the only femzies that exist are jp ones... the rat and owl don't count...

>> No.76181634

what if a femzie had big boobies...

>> No.76181898

I once met a femzie at a convention. Pretty nice
