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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.32 MB, 1800x3000, __mori_calliope_and_harley_quinn_hololive_and_4_more_drawn_by_okoge_lab__e8be77b67332844bf519f565784da6b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76068734 No.76068734 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, the Harlequin of Hololive

>> No.76068765
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Remember to love your Morp

>> No.76068998
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I think Mori and Lui should kiss

>> No.76069232

After Mori and Kronii

>> No.76069678

Mori should play bioshock.

>> No.76069911

This but the second game

>> No.76070444
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>> No.76070980
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>> No.76071496
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>> No.76071862
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>> No.76071870
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remember to love your Mori

>> No.76071919
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nighty noodles

>> No.76072404
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Always do

>> No.76072666

I'm watching Chloe's birthday and I forgot that Mori was at her birthday live last year.

>> No.76072760
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>> No.76072797

It was her anni

>> No.76072836

Oh right, I also remembered Mori was in a fuck ton on lives last year

>> No.76073392
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>> No.76073546
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But I just woke up

>> No.76073806

Rewatching One Piece Red with the English dub and yeah the songs are all still bangers.

>> No.76073855

It's a travesty that AmaLee's covers are not official. She fucking killed it.

>> No.76074870

That looks painful

>> No.76076005

She’s a big guy

>> No.76076061


>> No.76076605

mori tweeting

>> No.76076813

I thought Mori wasn't coming back until June. She wasn't really coming back after two weeks. I just hope she enjoys the extra rest.

>> No.76077137

The plan was always the end of this month

>> No.76077194
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>> No.76077301
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Mori... love

>> No.76077305
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>> No.76077329

poor Morp
I love you please get well soon

>> No.76077331

I blame Fauna for the Steam Deck

>> No.76077480

Rest well my sweet Morp. World domination can wait for a little longer.

>> No.76077492

Still laughing at that one anon that said she didn't need a steam deck and wanted her to setup a tablet.

>> No.76078068

Come back to us stronger than ever Moririn~

>> No.76078179

This is why people shouldn't eat more than they should

>> No.76078227

Your mother should have spat you out when she had the chance

>> No.76078484
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>> No.76078595
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It really sucks that she's still in pain. The biggest surgery I've had was a dental implant and that didn't hurt much. They must've really gutted that knee open or something.

>> No.76078601

I'm afraid she needs a bionic leg....

>> No.76078964

as I mentioned before knee joint is really anatomically complex and a lot of the ways in which it works are really counteractive to the healing process
there's also a price to delaying medical procedures for your skeleton since at dome point things just grow into a bad configuration
I basically lost the ability to lift my left arm forever when I broke my arm while unemployed

>> No.76079286

but then my reaper wife will be a cyborg and have some nice chrome

>> No.76079300

Bros I need to marry this woman and give her constant love, validation, and support.

>> No.76079365

I think a big part why she's feeling so shitty is also withdrawal. She has a genuine work addiction and without getting her shot for over a week now her endorphins are hitting an all time low - though on the upside, it might result in a healthier post-break schedule

>> No.76079426

I feel for her, was bedridden for months after I broke my femur. When I could finally start my rehab my leg had literally 0 strength inside it. At times I thought I’d nevel walk on it again. But apart from it being a bit more sensitive it’s pretty much 100% again.
I want to reassure her so bad.

>> No.76079649
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You can!

>> No.76079683

We know, Kronii, you don't have to tell us.

>> No.76079881

Hey Choom, now's not the time. So don't be a gonk. Gotta delta

>> No.76080125
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Did (you) recommend Mori a good Thriller or some fun games to play debbies?

>> No.76080172

Course I did

>> No.76080224
File: 86 KB, 492x232, 1684806506962927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this

>> No.76080239

I don't know if Sid Meier's Pirates! is good on steam deck...

>> No.76080275

she's got the Eddies she can do it

>> No.76080423

great news!

>> No.76080506

Just check protondb to see if a game runs well on the Steam Deck

>> No.76080714

>broke down crying over a sandwich choice
it's happen to the best of us

>> No.76080723
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>> No.76080908
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okay, I broke out the alt account to leave that recommendation so you guys won't doxx me

>> No.76080918

Damn. This really is one of the hardest things she's had to do (nothing).
Hopefully MamaMori and her pop(s) are doing what they can to keep her smiling. Like take the poor girl out for a walk (in a wheelchair) if it's nice out. Post-surgery emotional vulnerability is real but sitting inside for weeks on end really fucking sucks too, 2020 showed me that.
The worst for Mori is that for once, there is no cheat or bullheadedness to power through this. Just gotta wait...or get Watson or Kronii to speed up time.

>> No.76081053

>Cry into sandwich, it gets yucky and soggy.
>Cry into soup, you get more soup!

>> No.76081295

Are you a rapper?

>> No.76081481

Soup truly is the strongest food

>> No.76081996

She always had "hospitals" under her dislikes but I think we underestimated just how much she really hates the idea of surgery. Inactivity and pain are two things she really does not cope well with, so I could see how combining the two would have her mentally frazzled. Honestly it may sound selfish, but doing a Space or putting out any little thing she is able to at no stress may do wonders for relieving that stress

>> No.76082147

The "it took 2 hours longer than they thought" is a bit weird. What was the point of the prep work and multiple flights back beforehand if they ended up unprepared?

>> No.76082308
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I recommended Chrono Trigger, no clue if it runs well on Steam Deck or not though

>> No.76082346

You just reminded me that FF6 is probably steam deck compatible. She can finally come back to that now that she's forced to rest

>> No.76082424

>doing a Space
Maybe it really could cheer her up a little. Assuming she's mentally well enough and it doesn't backfire and make her break down or something of the sort...
She said it took twice as long, not 2 hours longer. Not that it changes anything in what you said, but I wanted to point it out to maybe prevent any misunderstandings. :}

>> No.76082542

Because they found shit as they started operating. Only thing that could have tipped them off on it was an exploratory surgery. But we all know considering how much she struggles with this that was not gonna happen.
It is what it is, they found it and made sure to rectify it. If they didn’t this might have not given the results she wanted.

>> No.76082548

I don't know how to check steam deck compatability but someone should recommend Arcanum

>> No.76082595

>She said it took twice as long, not 2 hours longer
You're completely right, I think my brain was just going back to when she was talking about anesthesia and she was estimating how long she would be out for

>> No.76082826

>doing a Space
>it's just her moaning in pain

>> No.76082845

google (game name) + steamdeck

>> No.76082879


>> No.76082966

But this is exactly what a preliminary MRI (which is basically the key factor in pre-surgery checks) would have prevented and why she did them. They would have seen the entire extent of what they would be dealing with and taking double the time expected points to either inexperience or some sort of mistake.

>> No.76083117

>goes back to America specifically for a better surgery experience
>still gets a subpar experience
She really cannot catch a break. Hopefully the long-term results at least work out

>> No.76083181

its better that they caught the issue and did something about it at least

>> No.76083228

Or, they were using judgement based on experience and making normal assumptions when looking at the MRI and when they actually opened her up, it wasn't what they expected. It happens, no interpretation of data is perfect. Humans have to fill in blanks. Sometimes their assumptions are wrong.

It's quite possible there was some sort of mistake made btw I'm not denying that, just saying there's alternate reasonable explanations. We don't know for sure so jumping to "hospital staff bad" doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.76083283

people often need something or someone to blame when bad things happen

>> No.76083394

Maybe. You could also consider how different things would have been if she had bit the bullet and gotten the surgery in Japan right after the lifting injury happened. Sounds like a lot of the problem came from putting it off and moving on it for so long

>> No.76083547

true but I don't think that's a medical location issue as much as it was bad judgement on her part thinking she could just walk it off

>> No.76083661

Eh, I was just really hoping (and she probably was too) that going through all these extra steps would have reduced complications. Instead she's apparently a mess mentally and in a lot of pain by her own words

>> No.76083808

The world, especially medical matters, don't care about what humans hope for. I've worked in the health industry and shit will go wrong in unexpected ways for no reason all the time, bodies are too complex to be fully in control with our current technology.

>> No.76083891

Yea, I feel terrible for her. I've gone through life altering injuries before too, it's tragic that someone I respect has to go through this. Blame doesn't help the situation, it might just make you feel better in the short term.

>> No.76084138

>the lifting injury
Mori was definitely injured in the U.S. last fall.
She did not go to see a doctor in Japan in the first place, and tried to get by with only first aid.

>> No.76084306

You are a retard twitchschizo. Also making it very clear you don't watch streams (or your ESL hurts your comprehension) and don't know what the different parts of the leg are

>> No.76084486
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>in a wheelchair

>> No.76084542

Genuinely begging people to stop giving twitchschizo (You)s because he's very clearly doing it for attention by this point

>> No.76084672 [DELETED] 

If you were a real deadbeat, you would know she had at least leg injuries 3 times.

>> No.76084930

Take a wild guess who's replying and why it's always one or two people at most. It's similar to faggots who reply to hours-old posts with no replies.

>> No.76085178

I don't think this foot injury is related to the previous ankle injuries.

>> No.76085559

I love Mori and her FAT BUTT

>> No.76085915

This was one of the weird rrats of which origins I still don't really understand kek. I was there when it happened but didn't get why it happened.

>> No.76085922

Nah, don't have either

>> No.76086298


>> No.76086437


>> No.76086608
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>> No.76086958

>Lex Luthor memes.
those were the times.

>> No.76087140

It's from the era when narratives were still fun and not >99% schizos circlejerking

>> No.76087335

It's one of those weird rrats people invented and ran with it purely for fun, without trying to turn it into a weapon against someone. Like "Suisei is Russian aristocracy" rrat from years ago which also has nothing to do with reality but it's just funny.

>> No.76087383

Speaking of narratives...usual catalogsisters shitting up the catalog and ofc there they are again with their "karma for being a bitch to Kiara"/"karma for ruining Kronii with Stars collabs"

Its all so tiresome

>> No.76087492
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Shoutout to IRyS being Avril Lavigne

>> No.76087715

Yeah, they are harmless and quite humorous at times (often because of how bizarre and unserious they are). I just didn't know what inspired someone to think of them. I still enjoy them though, they're definitely one of the better ones.

>> No.76088122

Oh yeah this one was great. I think it was also found that Avril indeed was also doing some kind of "hope"-related thing around that time which made it even funnier.

>> No.76088353
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I don't give a fuck

>> No.76088520
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>> No.76088628

It wasn't even just something that happened to have hope in the name, she was partnering with a group literally named Project HOPE.

>> No.76088650

Is Super Saiyan 2 Mori strong enough to stop Babidi and Dabura or would she screw up and let the evil Majin Buu be unsealed?

>> No.76088732

you know, I went back and read the chapter where Gohan fought Dabura while Pekora was playing Kakarot and he wasn't using SSJ2
Seems like his lack of training meant that he couldn't use that form at will and only during moments of intense anger like after Videl got her teeth kicked in

>> No.76088735

Speaking of, did you see those pics celebrating Complicated's anniversary?
That woman's aged like a fine wine.

>> No.76089061

Yeah, he was way outta shape after 5 years of nothing happening, even Goten who only really trained with Chichi was giving him a run for his money when they sparred. Meanwhile Future Trunks apparently manages to handle Babidi and Dabura with the only casualties being Shin and Kibito.

>> No.76089083

and beerus

>> No.76089172

He's fixed now, Toriyama apparently wrote in a "but ackshually he's been training in secret for years now after Pan was born"

>> No.76089225

Just another loss in the continuation of Trunk's No Good Very Bad life.
Looking her up it's kinda funny how it doesn't look like her style's changed at all in the past 2 decades.

>> No.76089278

And now Gohan can handle Goku, Vegeta, and Broly kek

>> No.76089416
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All he had to do is power up to just before the point of a mental break.

>> No.76089555

god, Super just reads like shitty fanfiction by this point, the "transform to full power for a training session" is something out of a dbz forum rp
well, considering Toyo's origins, it basically is a canonized fic

>> No.76089659


>> No.76089749

I say it in the most affectionate way possible that it's like that woman's music and style is like she's been preserved in amber for 20 years.
I'm happy she's still doing her thing because I can't get enough of it.

>> No.76089966

my favorite dragon ball content other than dragonball (kid) and dbz is the stupid multiverse comic https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/page-1.html

>> No.76090264

Yeah, while I'm not gonna pretend GT was good or that Super is all bad, I think I stand by the idea that I would have preferred short stories or OVA going over shenanigans or other character stuff happening in the post Buu saga time of peace.
I'm watching Sandland and read a handful of Toriyama's non DB manga stuff and Toriyama still had it, real shame he passed. Hope Daima is high quality like the Sandland anime since unless something else comes out I think that'll be the last thing he had a hand in past maybe a few new monsters for DQ12.

>> No.76090357

Good chance it's a weird translation. The idea of Gohan being stronger than all pure Saiyans has always been there, Toriyama just took too long in getting back to giving Gohan a reason to fight again because he got lost in the "Goku/Vegeta only matter" arc

>> No.76091188

Damn she really be squeebing. "End of May" only means an extra couple days since her last stream was on the 7th and assuming she had the surgery a couple days later, 2 weeks of recovery would of put her returning to stream of the 23-24th if everything went as planned.

>> No.76091277

pebble here, I don't know much about anything but I hope she's alright and you guys keep rocking on alright? <3

>> No.76091333

Same to you and your hime gem. Hope I see yall in the asphalt for VGTC.

>> No.76091530

I honestly kinda prefer it to the Toyofic since it feels like it actually builds on existing stories while still branching out
being one big tournament arc is slightly tiresome tho

>> No.76091562

Thanks, just her knee surgery was more involved than she thought and she misses streaming. She will only be gone for a few extra days past what she thought.

>> No.76091778

So other than a obvious zatsu stream, what do you want for the other 2 member streams streams she is going to shove into the end of the month?

>> No.76092128

oh shit calvin on the telly again http://vtleague.420699.xyz

>> No.76092198

>fighting 2b
It's over.

>> No.76092244

sponge bath ASMR
Mori’s Netflix watch history tier list

>> No.76092341

The way he walks semi-backwards is ridiculous.

>> No.76092364

For me it's DBH
Super just got really dumb, but DBH at least has an excuse

>> No.76092419
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>> No.76092425

I'd be fine with a watchalong.
But I get the feeling Mori's in the mood for more mentally stimulating streams.

>> No.76092448

You were saying?
got that booty stank

>> No.76092522

SpongeBob watchalong

>> No.76092574
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>Ci vs Lyrica
didn't expect that

>> No.76093348

ci thighs getting me to act up

>> No.76093968

Man I'm glad she and her family moved out of Texas now. They got absolutely fucked by weather again. Imagine if she had her surgery there with all that shit going on.

>> No.76094054

SEX with CI

>> No.76094767

>watching a YT documentary about how Ernest King rebuilt the US Navy, somewhat literally as a younger man into the strongest Navy in the world within his lifetime
>mentally make the connection to Myth and how they had to basically lay the foundation themselves in the early days for the branch according to Mori’s recounting
I feel Vtubers have slipped into every corner of my mind, even into the serious subjects. I fear what strange connections my mind will make when I revisit my Civil War books.

>> No.76095221

This goes hard as hell

>> No.76095268

Which Vtuber has King's temper? And which one is like John Fisher, because I want to follow their insanity.

>> No.76095985
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Cute little Takamori comic

>> No.76096228


>> No.76096445
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very cute
nice foot too

>> No.76096833

I don’t think anyone can match King’s temper, being war allies could barely contain his dislike of the British from the stories I’ve been hearing. I suppose Coco is the closest in parallel accomplishment though, joining before Hololive really blew up in popularity, and basically building a stable bridge to the international audience that really helped things go global before passing the baton to EN.

>> No.76097177
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>AI thread's rep is a knock-off version of Irys
>Vs Cheebs
>Literally a battle between real and fake

>> No.76097256

cheebs is kinda thick...

>> No.76097308

Cheebs is a FAT FUCK

>> No.76098110
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Hey Deadbros, I saw a shit bait thread on catalog with Your Boy's big long update post. I ain't posting there because it's full of niggers, so I came here to wish you all and especially your oshi the best. Seeing someone with such an evident love of what she does- whether that be streaming, music creation, performance, whatever- being stopped from doing so really tugs at my heartstrings. Plus my oshi loves yours and they're super cute together. So this is my positive energy to you all. May the workaholic business lady get her recovery done and come back to you happy and healthy soon.

>> No.76098183
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Thanks pebblebro, I love your rock too, appreciating the good wishes

>> No.76098431
File: 263 KB, 412x558, Screenshot 2024-04-04 224027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the well wishes pebblebro

>> No.76099040
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It's ok, it's all goes to her boobs

>> No.76099807

Based Pebble. You can ride on my head anytime you want to go somewhere but don't want to fly.

>> No.76100441

Nudity on the art-tag, wowzers

>> No.76100822

holy boobers

>> No.76101047

Steam Deck is great at emulation but I think she mentioned that she played Chrono Trigger before

>> No.76101537

I do wish artists gave her bit more of a waist, Yukisame draws her without that super exaggerated hourglass and it looks both natural and beautiful

>> No.76101834
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Yeah a lot of artist tend to give her the generic anime girl body (i.e tits on a stick)

>> No.76102259

I want to bit the Mori tiddy

>> No.76102306

I want to suc the Mori tiddy

>> No.76102339

I want to kis the Mori tiddy

>> No.76102616

I want to fug the Mori titty

>> No.76102705
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promotionbeats? are we back?

>> No.76102857
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It's a good think Morp has been on break for the past couple days, cause YT pushed that shitty UI update on me and it's been driving me fucking wild, but I finally found a script to change it back
Like, holy shit, what the fuck was google thinking this layout

>> No.76103221

The one with the video suggestions on the bottom? Yeah, someone had a script to change it back to the old layout in a few days after they rolled that out lmao.

>> No.76103220

This string of post reminded me of this kek

>> No.76103297

Yes, but also no. It's like if the POTUS is incapacitated, the VP takes over. Mori might be the GR but she's not performing duties now so it falls to her 2nd in command.

>> No.76103815

This is how the weird cat wins huh...

>> No.76104137
File: 8 KB, 512x512, Emote_Mococo_Hoeh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3twksz.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's genuinely so bad I'm not sure how they OK'd this
>Comments width way smaller, making it both harder to read and requiring to scroll longer to read wordier post
>Same logic also applies to the description area, even worse you can't expand the post to see the date the vid was upload anymore, have to hover it over it mouse
>Suggestion videos located the bottom and take up more space, ironically the videos shown aren't as tailored to your taste anymore; you get about 4 videos that actually make sense and everything is shit from local news stations (why the fuck am I being shown news for states located 5 states away from me?)
>If you're watching a stream, the live chat pushes the like and sub button screen, forcing you to close chat to like a stream
I could probably name more shit but I digress, it's really baffling the new UI unironically makes the site HARDER to use

>> No.76104167

>the weird cat
who you think manipulates the narrative in this thread

>> No.76104838
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I'd vote her tbqh

>> No.76104881
File: 1.82 MB, 286x592, Polish[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvhwnd6.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Ups!

>> No.76105045

>Mori's apprentice
>not Mumei

>> No.76105487
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Which EN would be best suited to be 2nd in command as the reaper?

>> No.76105686

Fuwamoco because they can work in shifts

>> No.76105833

I've always liked the idea of Mumei being Mori's first apprentice. I could see her convincing Mori by telling her that as the guardian of civilization, it would help her to better understand both humans and death.

>> No.76106046

There's also Mumei's demeanor.

>> No.76106497

Someone should outfit swap Moom and Morp imo

>> No.76106500


>> No.76106997

I also think deep down, Mumei could become a Reaper. Maybe Amelia too as a way to learn more about the world/underworld and add more knowledge to her arsenal.

>> No.76107266
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Mumei has already made jokes about cause the black plague on purpose, so it fits.

>> No.76107498

Mori should watch long Youtube videos about old theme park attractions

>> No.76107618

That is a rabbit hole she should stay away from unless she wants to watch a hour and a half long video about Disney Fastpass, and become upset afterward that Disney ruined it.

>> No.76107788

Imagine Mori coming out of the hospital with a hyperfixation on Action Park...

>> No.76107992

No, she should watch:

>> No.76108645

I unironically love those videos cause I grew up too poor to go to disneyland, so it's like living vicariously though some guy who's really pissed that they raised the price of the Micky-Mouse burger 10 dollars more than it was in 09'

>> No.76108929

same here lol

>> No.76109616

Mori should documentaries about sports teams/players from 1 to 2 decades ago that nobody outside of their core fanbase really have any strong opinions about

>> No.76110395

Taking a recovering Mori to Disney in a wheelchair to skip the lines!

>> No.76111155

Mori should finally watch some fate anime

>> No.76111250
File: 4 KB, 182x230, Smilebeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone liked my comment recommending some old thriller movies on Mori's community post.
Even if Mori never sees the post, I hope whoever liked the post watches those movies, they are a ton of fun and I always love it when I get people to try new things.

>> No.76111384

Mori should sideload FSN Realta Nua onto her steam deck

>> No.76111859

What movies?

>> No.76112072

>Realta Nua
>Tsukihime Remake
>Or just sidestep VNs and watch KnK

Which one would Mori like more?

>> No.76112199

KNK honestly

>> No.76112550

Nigga, she isn't gonna watch psycho 2 without seeing first one and that is way too old for her.

>> No.76112810

Realta Nua kind of requires you to watch the other routes to fully appreciate. the ending of it wraps up the full story of not only Shirou, but the good ending of the Counter Guardian EMIYA and Artoria as well. It really hits when you see them finally get their happy ending together

>> No.76113078

Now that you brought it up, what route would Mori like most. We have all joked about Mori and UBW before but I feel she might really like Fate route despite its flaws.

I think Sakura would actively break HF for Mori.

>> No.76113083


>> No.76113602

Doesn't the usual version of it on PC come with all 3 routes anyway? At least I remember using a version where they were all one exe

>> No.76113628
File: 85 KB, 916x520, Demonlover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doxxing myself, so instead I'm going to recommend 3 similar Thriller movies.

1.) Outland (1981) A cassette punk Sci-Fi Thriller starring Sean Connery. It's a tense, claustrophobic film with great action and incredible design.

2.) Demonlover (2002) An absolutely disturbing and fucked up French neo-noir film about the shady goings on of a hentai production company that's a front for something deeply sinister.

3.) Rising Sun (1993) an adaption of the Michael Crichton book of the same name, it's a crime thriller that time has not been kind to. It's incredible xenophobia towards Japan has been rendered humorous by the march of time and Japanese decades of economic and technological stagnation. But hey, it has Sean Connery as a weeaboo saying "senpai" and that's worth a watch,

>> No.76113656

Original Fate route is immensely improved/fixed when you add hollow ataraxia. Karen is an interesting character and they expand upon Rider and other characters a lot (the humor is also pretty great)

>> No.76113877

Fatefags tongue my anus

>> No.76114123

Mori should watch Dorohedoro and develop a crush on Nikaido and Noi

>> No.76114190

I would have said to sideload modded Umineko but I don't think it's first episode is especially welcoming if you're not already into VNs. Kind of a slow start.

>> No.76114201

They are actually adapting the rest of the manga even though its finished.

>> No.76114339

I know, I saw that and got so fucking hype. I was afraid Netflix was just going to let it die.

>> No.76114441

...She should just marathon all the gundam series from gundam.info

>> No.76114622

Eh I never expect anime to fully adapt manga since anime is commonly used to advertise the manga and nothing else. The fact the manga ended also ended my hope for more anime. I guess there was enough demand.

>> No.76114795

Mori is second in command as the reaper but if I wa chuunier I could probably think of a way to get fauna to be the reapers right hand woman

>> No.76114910

I should probably jump on that too actually. I watched all of Turn A for the first time while it was on there and one of the Reco in G movies but now it looks like they've taken them all down? I should go through Wing while it's still there and convenient.

>> No.76115126

Mori should try out that new wing place and get their hottest flavour

>> No.76115437

Fair enough. I just have a special fondness for Shin and Noi so I'm happy to see it continue. Luv my tryhard edgelord and his big dumb galoot platonic life partner, simple as.

>> No.76116042

A long time ago I read a Rainforest fic about Ame becoming a reaper, it was a fun read imo.

>> No.76116693

G-Reco movies are a must. They have better pacing than the series.

>> No.76116762

Oh that's easy without even getting particularly chuuni. People keep forgetting Fauna is *nature*, not life. Death is just death, a binary concept, but nature gets up to some fucked up shit.

>> No.76117649

>in a wheelchair to skip the lines!
I did this in 2019 when my sister broke her foot, it was fucking awesome lol

>> No.76117896

I'd even argue that nothing is more natural than death.

>> No.76118632

Didn't Fauna steal the job of the real Guardian of Nature through elicit means? I don't know if I'd trust her with more power.

>> No.76118949

Fauna's a good girl, it's that fucking bitch Anuaf you gotta watch out for.

>> No.76119284

What are you talking about? Mother Fauna loves all her children, including bacteria, and putrescence only serves to beget more of them. You trust Mother Fauna, right?

>> No.76119511

Mori should convince fauna to take up the scythe by kissing her neck, fondling her boobs, and lightly fingering her while whispering in her ear about the possibility of unlimited power if only she would don the robe

>> No.76119556

So what sandwich do you think she ended up getting

>> No.76119654

Gura should be given reaper training, assigned to hunt down the souls evading capture and putting up a fight.
All of EN working for Death-Sensei would be pretty cool (and probably humorous when they screw up.)

>> No.76119771

Turkey sub with a bag doritos

>> No.76119806

The Burnin' Love burger from Red Robin. She decided to skip the chips.

>> No.76119840

>Fauna was actually Nurgle the entire time

I knew it, Bae had stacked the Council with excess Chaos representatives!

>> No.76119853

I would love if Gura were the Grim Reaper. Then no one would ever die.

>> No.76119947

Turkey Club with a side of existential dread

>> No.76120074

>amelia gets you as a target
>she time travels to just after you are born
>she coughs in your mouth before you can get your whooping cough vaccine
Literally no counterplay

>> No.76120116
File: 2.63 MB, 2256x2204, great horned rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, good.

>> No.76120140

why the fuck is Ame a whooping cough carrier

>> No.76120214

genie+ is superior

>> No.76120231
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>> No.76120331

god bless the CFA sandwich

>> No.76121336

Some form of mayo and we goòd

>> No.76121583

>you will never play Totalwar warhammer with Mori
How to cope

>> No.76121669
File: 130 KB, 441x757, Screenshot 2023-11-20 172250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Fauna was actually Nurgle the entire time
Who's Khorne, Tzeentch and Slaanesh?

>> No.76121788

Either a BLT or a meatball hero, maybe also a bag of Lay's that she started to have second thoughts on

>> No.76121790

She's British

>> No.76121857

IRyS is Slaanesh, Kronii is Tzeentch, Mumei is Khorne

>> No.76122063

I might have heard wrong since I wasn't paying full attention but I think Shiori just said she already has plans to do stuff with Mori.

>> No.76122348

checks out

>> No.76122359

Shut the fuck up Nemu

>> No.76122847
File: 295 KB, 1622x2560, 816MnN0BIIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GUESS WHO I'M WATCHING, fellow deadbeats.

>> No.76122937

Idk what's worse
Knowing a holo you like will never play a game you like because their taste isn't the same as yours
Or knowing a holo will never play a game you like because it's stuck in perms purgatory

>> No.76122970


>> No.76122987


>> No.76123068
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, KYALLI[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjepg0e.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fact, time to moom

>> No.76124229


>> No.76124964
File: 517 KB, 2160x3840, GN50sjkaMAAHqRz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76125671


>> No.76125740
File: 179 KB, 640x468, 1716087301392260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think mori should take this chance to eat more

>> No.76126002

It was too stressful. She got soup instead

>> No.76126637

So what soup do you think she ended up getting

>> No.76126697

good ol chicken noodle

>> No.76126705

When did she mention getting a sandwich?

>> No.76126831

3rd paragraph >>76077194

>> No.76127630
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Anyone have the Mori edit of this?

>> No.76127706
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>> No.76127762

Chicken tortilla

>> No.76127901
File: 1.00 MB, 776x881, 1693654486216617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to watch Mori play more bloodborne

>> No.76127953

Blended Subway

>> No.76128034

Trick question, she got a sandwich and chips, but she puréed it into a soup

>> No.76128426

Thanks anon

>> No.76128816

okay, but what kind of chips?

>> No.76128932

>perms purgatory
It angers me that this happened because of certain factors we wont name itt.

>> No.76129220

Classic Lays

>> No.76129362

Are the Bloodborne perms for all of Hololive instead of just JP?

>> No.76129383

Holy fuck I hate summer, I hope Mori has lot of AC.

>> No.76129471

summer technically doesnt start for another month

>> No.76129528

Dunno, Biboo gave a weird answer when someone asked.
>If we have perms you will see me play it and if we don't you won't
It's like she can't say they don't have perms if they don't.

>> No.76129889

sometimes I feel like Cover should just publicly release their perms list for fans to see. For all we know this weird perms situation could've been happening two years ago when Mori first played it

>> No.76129922

but then they couldn't fuck with their talents and play favorites

>> No.76130065

Fooking Rising Suns, I bet those favorites are JP and on the no-male side.

>> No.76130250

I think Calli should play some Tetris. Tetris is the perfect sick game. Either that or Dragon Quest Builders 1 on Switch. I've been sick all of April and Builders 1 helped me get my focus back.

I know pain is a beast on its own. And summer heat doesn't help. Wish I could make Calli an old-fashioned root beer float. Though I hear she's going on a strict diet again. No-sugar added vanilla ice-cream is good stuff.

>> No.76130369
File: 80 KB, 810x790, 1701793791339949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think Mori's favorite barbeque is?
I'm willing to bet its not ribs since she doesn't like gnawing on bones, but I can't really see her being a big brisket fan either

>> No.76130406

I think Mori should play Rapelay

>> No.76130419
File: 15 KB, 387x227, Ej2B9nfUwAISkW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Suicide Squad anime director wanted to do Flash anime, but WB told them to do SS instead
Now I'm curious how a Flash-inspired Mori song would turn out

>> No.76130467

I'm guessing pulled pork? Can't go very wrong there

>> No.76130489

She'd probably fuck with a pulled-pork sandwich imo

>> No.76130583

would probably fit more with her current rock rap direction

>> No.76130673

Are we talking beef or pork? Beef might simply be steak like rib-eye. Pork can be country-style ribs. They have very little bone. Or pulled pork via shoulder roast is a classic.

>> No.76130675

After The Flash I don't know if I trust any Flash-centric media anymore..

>> No.76130757

Apparently Ina is moving to Japan for a year next month? I hope they get to do a bunch of stuff together.

>> No.76130766

any barbecue
she enjoys chicken in her sandwiches so maybe she like smoked chicken or turkey

>> No.76130813

She should karaoke the Flash Gordon song

>> No.76130835

I've had smoked bbq chicken exactly 1 time that wasn't dry and FUCK.

>> No.76130996

Imagine the power of Dork and Dope together for an extended period of time...

>> No.76131147

Birds are a little bony outside of the breast. Which is why I brought up beef and pork instead.

>> No.76131165

>Apparently Ina is moving to Japan for a year next month?
For real?
This is the first time I've heard anything about this, granted I'm behind of some Inner's HC minecraft VoDs

>> No.76131190

The boxer I wanted to win won his fight today, I’m having a good night Debbies
I think there’s potential with the Rogues being professionals robbers with gimmicks preserved from the Silver Age that get underestimated despite going toe to toe with the Flash. Flash doesn’t have too much female villains or heroes for Mori to try and embody.

>> No.76131213
File: 2.27 MB, 1200x1880, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_o22no__6a76ff6d659b5745e0a1a410da0e54c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ribs fall off the bone if you cook them properly?

>> No.76131336

When is Mike Tyson supposed to fuck up Jake Paul

>> No.76131407

Brisket has lots of collagen so it’s technically good for the skin. I’m wagering she’s not a fan of smoked meat though, in favor of charcoal grilled meat. Just a hunch based on Mori’s love of Japanese BBQ.

>> No.76131857

Ya if you slow cook them and get em nice and tender

>> No.76131964

Smoking usually needs a long slow burning wood to work. Mesquite and hickory are the gold standard of smoke wood. Apple wood is also a great smoke wood. That said nothing wrong with charcoal barbecue or propane.

>> No.76132415
File: 3.81 MB, 480x540, based bbq enjoyer [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fztivqo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76132865
File: 79 KB, 268x211, 1695084836622032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would enjoy smoked cheese

>> No.76132863

>charcoal barbecue or propane.
Sorry Hank, but the charcoal grill just taste a little better

>> No.76133163

Smoked mac n cheese is fucking fire

>> No.76133343

That's a terrible idea

>> No.76133385

That's why I said only sometimes since most times I recognize how bad that would be for pretty much everyone involved

>> No.76133445

god i wish i could bring Mori a massive barbecue platter now

>> No.76133870

We should make her some cornbread imo

>> No.76133969

she needs a honey BBQ chicken sandwhich

>> No.76134074

Are deadbeats a sweet cornbread or a savory cornbread fanbase?

>> No.76134110

sweet all the way

>> No.76134278

I don't think I've even heard of savory cornbread before

>> No.76134568

Plain cornbread for me

>> No.76134619

that's technically savory

>> No.76134662

I'm making a beer bread right now. I'm guessing that means I'm a savory one.

>> No.76134705

>beer bread right now
Damn that sounds cool, how does it taste?

>> No.76134725

It's baking right now, I don't know. My secret is to use an egg.

>> No.76134818
File: 877 KB, 855x872, 1677574685494790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll patiently await an update then

>> No.76134857

Might be tomorrow. I was making this for a party.

>> No.76135097


>> No.76135272


>> No.76135296

It is? I had no idea.

>> No.76135372

Cute! But also sexy.....

>> No.76135431

This Mori should go get some tentacle action

>> No.76136062

>Check artist media tab
>All this Mori art
>Not tagged
What the fug??

>> No.76136418
File: 3.02 MB, 3000x4800, 5629604_700022_boutsoftheblind_mori-calliope-day-649.dfcf30214e1a0dab9fad72bc0a3affe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night /morig/!

>> No.76136472
File: 435 KB, 220x327, Don&#039;t blame it on the deadbeat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4axbkj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G'nite debbie

>> No.76136746

Sleep tight debbie
The thighs are kinda crooked but this art is still good

>> No.76136782
File: 32 KB, 750x562, 1672902786449034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nighty noodles

>> No.76137083

nighty nighty
