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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76032016 No.76032016 [Reply] [Original]

I understand that content creators often like to create controversy to increase their popularity but does having a meltdown like this over a simple "holy boobers" comment really help her out? Wouldn't it be better to just ... I don't know ... Ignore it?

>> No.76032159

i haven't watch her aside a few clips since homo cock sucking.

>> No.76032162

She's frustrated with her audience and rather then talk about that she's exploding over non-issues.

>> No.76032205

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.76032225

She hates her fans and she's insane. I feel sad for Kronies to give their money to someone who clearly hates them and her job itself

>> No.76032294

>please stop talking about tits during super reading, it's hard to concentrate when I'm horny

>> No.76032558

The point is gatekeeping. She's building walls, not bridges, to keep out the clipwatchers, the reddittors, the tourists, the people who haven't been with her since the beginning and are thus useless. Not that I care, I secured my citizenship in Kroniiland on August 22nd, 2021. I have nothing to fear.

>> No.76032569

I'm honestly thinking Kronii might be on her way out soon

>> No.76032711

Why the fuck did she post it on twitter of all places to address her community. The last time she did a twitter post egging the official holoen account to do the same didn't end so good. Non hololive fans/antis would see her post openly and use it to drive drama within it even without watching the streams to understand the context. Alot of disgruntled people would gladly take advantage of any point they can use to bring them down.

>> No.76032722

she just hate you

>> No.76032732

2 more weeks

>> No.76032740

Have you seen Kronii fans? Anyone with a brain would hate such brainless coomers.

>> No.76032760

Simple Kronii has joined the efforts of her people to extinct themselves.
Kronii is a 4B feminist, all the sighs are there:
>Don't look at my boobs
>Don't talk to me about sandwiches, go make it yourself
>Is in love with her female friend
>And is super easy to get triggered

>> No.76032776

> address her community
It was a grey

>> No.76032873

is it a meltdown just her talking camly about how there is a time and place for those jokes?

>> No.76032902


>> No.76032973

Vtubers really don't know how to just ignore people do they

>> No.76032984

Even if it had been a green, it was just one guy. You don't go off on your fans because one guy triggered you.

>> No.76033021

Worse, a clip watcher that doesn't watch streams that much

>> No.76033046

She really doesn't seem like she enjoys her work.

>> No.76033103

>actual lesbian wants to milk money from vtuber fans with her coombait model
>le ebin girl power, so empowered
>gets mad when they bring up the unrealistic giant tits that she profits off of
she fucking sucks so much.

>> No.76033180

Why would anybody who's a prude or want to be a prude would even get into vtubing to begin with? Vtubing is only second to straight up porn when it comes to the amount of perverts and weird people in it.

>> No.76033190

>unrealistic giant tits
That's a fairly small amount of tits for an average-sized woman, I'd say?

>> No.76033210

Kronii has ignored thousands of boob jokes from coomers since debut. The holy boobers comment likely pushed her over the edge because of whatever is going on with management and that coomers were still making jokes even after getting her new outfit.

>> No.76033263

Medium is premium, purely non controversial compared to flat and big boobas

>> No.76033293

There were some posts she made recently with her PL account which hinted she was very pissed off and frustrated with management for some reason. /vt/ards at the time thought it was connected to the incident where HololiveEN's twitter account didn't promote her new outfit reveal whereas Hololive's main did, but it's probably something deeper than that.
Those recent mini-yabs is probably a result of that build up stress, and when humans are super stressed even small slights can cause meltdowns.

>> No.76033343

Vtuber fans are the most rude and whiny bitches in any medium. I respect any chuuba who puts faggots like OP in heir place.

>> No.76033418

When was the last time you've seen a real woman?

>> No.76033426

because she's not addressing her community, dumbass
she's addressing rando greys who pop into superchat readings to say "lol booba"

>> No.76033429

>creating all this sea seethe
yeah, I'm thinking she's based

>> No.76033486

you are genuinely brain damaged if you think kronii has normal proportions

>> No.76033492

The rando greys aren't going to care regardless though so what's the point?

>> No.76033511

In his mothers open casket funeral.

>> No.76033542

I agree she's fighting a losing war, but at least she's not fighting against her own fans

>> No.76033554

Did people forget hololive hiring antis or holostars 'fans' to make their twitter posts? Can't help but feel antagonism towards the female talents especially during mumei's 1 million sub celebration. Surely there isn't any feeling of hate towards talents that doesn't collab with the bois anymore.
> Frustrate the talent, divide the community and virtue signal the talent to do collab with holostars or males on main

>> No.76033565

Considering her rant about perms issues, it might be built out stress of stupid JP guidelines while being treated as inferior due to being in EN. Management is likely not that kind to her either due to her throwing her giant tits around top get stuff she wants.

>> No.76033616

Jesus this is the 10 thread on this.. is this the latest end of all holoyabs for the sisters or something? Pathetic.

>> No.76033649

Each case is its own case, so maybe it wouldn't work the same way, but Fuwawa had a joke she didn't like at the beginning, it was her own genmates that started it. What she did was talk to the people who are close to her and she can have a back and forth with, her genmates, about it. She asked them to not do it.
The masses who would not have the full context nor would care, she just ignored. Extremely high effort fanart using the joke? No like, no RT, ignored. Superchat bringing it up? Skipped. Comments in chat saying it? Ignored.
As it turns out, the people doing something for attention will stop doing it if they don't get attention.
It seems like Kronii is going at it the exact opposite way, lowers her head to colleagues using the same dumb joke, which sells the idea that it's ok to do it to retarded tourists who don't watch her, and tries to lash out on viewers who are just trying to get a reaction, giving them what they want.

>> No.76033652

More like 100

>> No.76033706

that sounds similar to DEI; Divide, Extremify, Incite

>> No.76033833

battered wife syndrome

>> No.76033835

Let's assume she was correct and the booba guy was just some "prepubescent boy" who randomly clicked her video. He was just passing by. He probably was never going to interact with her content or community again. What does it say about her mental that some random 12 year old boy can trigger her by making a comment about her imaginary anime body? Not even HER BODY her fucking Vtuber model. And her braindead fans are actually trying to defend this?

>> No.76033844

The song being held back for soo longg some retard probably thought it was better to make it be on the same schedule as bae. Sounding similar to early holoen now

>> No.76033851

Kronii doesn't hate the joke itself, though. She just doesn't want rando coomers to spam horny shit during superchat readings while she's trying to thank kronies.

>> No.76033870

>Surely there isn't any feeling of hate towards talents that doesn't collab with the bois anymore
Surely you haven't stopped taking your meds.

>> No.76033895

I saw someone make such a good point around her reaction. An actual good entertainer will be able to bring in new jokes/memes/etc, and not have to explicitly preach to their audience about not using the same joke because Kronii isn’t interesting or competent enough to give her fans new material. But I guess it shouldn’t be that surprising, given that she shit on her unicorns over the years and in return got the redditor/tourist audience. Like this is exactly why people like her and Kiara arnt popular, but people like Bijou and Mori are because they understand the dynamic and how to properly embrace shit

>> No.76033949

Why do you feel the need to write fantasies about horny preteen boys?

>> No.76033950

>"I saw someone make a good point"
>incoherent nonsense about unicorn shit again

>> No.76033957

I mean that's kind on understandable but I mean what does she expect to happen? The only way to stop that would be to make it to where you had to be subbed for a certain amount of time to chat

>> No.76033970

A Hololive yab finally. Not feeling so good now eh holokeks HaHahahaha

>> No.76033980

what was the joke?

>> No.76033998

This is kind of a continuation of the sandwich thing, though, right? She's going on a "addressing the issues I kept quiet about" arc, but I feel like she's doing a poor job. In part because of being too terminally online, I guess, which comes with the job, in a way.
Ignoring is not the only possible way of dealing with it, it's ok to call attention to bad behavior if you want, but do it on the spot, make the person with said bad behavior feel bad about it. Most of the times they'll even apologize. Don't invite literal thousands of people who have no clue what's going on into the discussion. Like myself, I shouldn't even have known about this, it shouldn't have been a twitter post, or in a random youtube channel's comment section, and so on.
But, again, each case is its own, maybe she tried and it didn't work, I wouldn't know.

>> No.76034018

"holy booba"
the highest echelon of greyfag humor

>> No.76034027

That's the thing anon. She has been ignoring it. It ain't up to you if she thinks that innaprppriate boobs jokes to her is uncool.

>> No.76034044

Kronii is the one who made the assertion, dumb fuck.

>> No.76034052
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>> No.76034056

I mean if the shoe fits then yeah?

>> No.76034057

Eh how'd you know I stopped taking my meds

>> No.76034068

That she doesn't exist, that she's a figment of Mococo's imagination after dying in a car accident. Lowest hanging fruit zoomer joke. Not a big deal, I was even surprised it upset her, but she did manage to completely eliminate the issue with no meltdown.

>> No.76034167

Can't she also add chat filters? There are only so many ways people can say boobs. Surely this is not the first time "boobers" comes up.

>> No.76034211

She shouldn't have to "ignore" a harmless comment because it's not something that should bother somebody who signed on to be in Hololive in the first place.

>> No.76034243

Has Kronii ever seen her other mama's characters like Passionlip?

>> No.76034289

yeah and kronii loves tits, that's not in question at all

>> No.76034374

im going to bring it back

>> No.76034384

>Kronii loves tits Me when I lie

>> No.76034454

Good luck

>> No.76034477
File: 176 KB, 531x648, kronii_loves_tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being so ignorant

>> No.76034651

Truth is, people don't hate her because of homo collabs but rather her personality

>> No.76034697

Imagine if you were a male vtuber and your fangirls sexualized you in your comments or SCs. How would you feel?

>> No.76034760

You already know the answer to that.

>> No.76034761

Depends. Are my fans hot?

>> No.76034839

i probably wouldn't care, as that's part and parcel of being recognized on the internet.

>> No.76034886

Notice it's the people who don't even view her content taking the potshots.

>> No.76034891

I still like her and watch her time to time, but this is why I dropped Kronii and also Ame. They are good but they always have a random woman moment and throw a shade at their males for some petty shit.

>> No.76034940
File: 454 KB, 1080x1851, F5C8-4XaUAAjExi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board seems to hate male vtuber fans sexualizing male vtubers, even when said male vtuber allows their fans to sexualize them. So I'm guessing the answer is you wouldn't like it? Just like Kronii doesn't seem to like it?

I'll let you be the judge of that.

>> No.76034977

I'd masturbate to that all the time. Wouldn't tell them, though, gotta play hard to get.

>> No.76035034

Yeah nobody here knows how much she's been repeating that none of her regulars are at fault and she's just annoyed by people who haven't been indoctrinated into her community yet
Funny how all these /vt/ fags are in favor of gatekeeping until they're the ones being gatekept

>> No.76035068

This is what happens when you delete their doxxsite.

>> No.76035081

why is she such a sassy whiny woman?

>> No.76035098

You're getting things confused. This board hates male vtubers AND also everyone who says anything good about them for any reason.

However, in the hypothetical scenario in which I were said male vtuber, I would absolutely luxuriate in the admiration and attention (while carefully keeping myself grounded in the understanding that they're actually only attracted to the character. Sad as it is).

>> No.76035149

Yes clockcuck, all the people are turn off by that behavior don't watch her anymore.
People seem to forget Kronii initially was the #1 council and by a wide power gap which she threw away intentionally.
I wonder if some numbermonkey has a graph of council's lifetime sub growth.

>> No.76035167

She hopes you die

>> No.76035173

>Imagine you're a vtuber and your fanbase gets filled with the typical vtuber fan

>> No.76035200

>Yes clockcuck, all the people are turn off by that behavior don't watch her anymore.
Learn english first, pag pag eater

>> No.76035233

gatekeeping is based, actually

>> No.76035296

holy boobers

>> No.76035441

If Kronii gets so upset about fantasy boobs; Imagine how hard it is for women with huge knockers irl

>> No.76035692

well if a woman with huge knockers was throwing a party for her crew and someone brought their autistic friend who was like "HEY NICE TITS" then I could see why she might be annoyed

>> No.76035739

i think they'd be fucking sick of it for a different reason...

>> No.76035790
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The main reason titcows grow so fast with such "broad" appeal is a combination of diet and genetics
I wouldn't want to walk around with tits that large, but I could pull it off. Easily.

>> No.76035815

>I could see why she might be annoyed
I can see that it might happen, but hell if I can understand why.

>> No.76035940

Exercise will fix that. When a woman's deadlifting 2pl8, I guarantee she won't be complaining about her boobs anymore. Also, she'll be able to move her own damn furniture.

>> No.76035948
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>Imagine how hard it is for women with huge knockers irl

>> No.76035965

We're trying to gatekeep you homo loving cucks from the community. We don't want you infiltrating and then trying to lock sections of our place off, retard.

>> No.76036069

okay anon you can hang out over there on your side of the line, along with the NEXT MEME redditors who constantly spam BOOBA and FLAT jokes, that's fine by me

>> No.76036087


>> No.76036408

>and then trying to lock sections of our place off
>never watch kronii
>actively hate her
>hey that's MY space

>> No.76036445

You are the one that doesn't belong in Kronii's fandom

>> No.76036447

Money. The answer is money.

>> No.76036497

>me me me

>> No.76036524
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>> No.76036539

everything is sexist
everything is racist
everything is homophobic
and you have to point it all out
to everyone
all the time

>> No.76036561

Men don't get as sexualized as women because to women most men are ugly. So men receiving compliments and pussy pics on social media would be nothing short of a blessing. A dream come true. Heaven.

>> No.76036672

That's a single tweet. And she was mostly shitting on clip fags and crap for being one note losers who can only monkey see monkey do everything. It's good to gatekeep those faggots.
Kronii is still a retarded moron, but at least she's doing something semi-competent here.

>> No.76036724
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>> No.76036863

We're talking about anime characters here. No one gives a shit about 3DPD

Why are you including me in your post you retarded monkey

>> No.76037004

She's not doing that?

>> No.76037052
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because you're a homosister

>> No.76037087

So at what point does Kronii self examine and realize that shes the only one in EN constantly making these retarded Twitter posts where she lectures grown men about "boundaries" or whatever other nonsense? In her mind is she the only EN that's brave enough to speak up?

>> No.76037255

That has to deal with nijisanji though you shit flinging baboon.

>> No.76037318

she should put subscriber mode on. also, viewers change day by day. the viewers watching today won't be the same ones watching her next month. it's a waste of time telling randos what to do.

>> No.76037566

She just got one guy'd it's a classic and happens even to veterans. Move on.

>> No.76037652

>everybody who hates kronii is a nijiretard
I don't know if this is a double or triple falseflag anymore

>> No.76037733

Worst HoloEn by far, she should have graduated instead of Sana

>> No.76037755

It's a wild monkey, it doesn't know what it's doing or even saying. Just repeating words and phrases it's heard others say.

>> No.76037779

And I want gift memberships to be abolished too. Look, I know, and you know, and she knows that she can't get rid of annoying greys completely, but saying something at least gives kronies something concrete to point to in fan communities which will help anchor the culture. You're still going to get bad actors but anyone who is serious about currying her favor will think twice about acting like a clown.

>> No.76037877

It seems clear to me that what happened was this:
>Be Kronii
>Be in a bad mood already thanks to the management dumbasses who seem to be out to get you personally
>Just finished up a modestly successful outfit stream, now time for the supas.
>"Holy Boobers"
>This fuckin guy right here!
"Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you, you little shit!? I'm busy here! We're being serious right now! Fuck! Cut the music. What's your name? 'Forrest?' Y'all little Tom Hanks lookin leg brace havin motherfucker, Forrest. Fuck. Gimme yo address I'll come down and beat yo little shrimp boat havin ass myself."
>Uh oh, dial it back, Kronii
"...hahaha, what? No, I mean...boobs are great. Yeah. Heh heh."
>Nailed it. Now, quick, gotta get to Twitter to do damage control.
>OH NO! I suck at damage control!
>Well, I'm sure it'll be fine if I explain everything, right?

And that brings us to today.

>> No.76038028

Nah, it makes more sense that Troonii just hates men and management happens to be that

>> No.76039010

More the like a manager forgot to ask.

>> No.76039085
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>Meanwhile, Kronii:

>> No.76039236

>dont do this
>dont do that
lmao, how about i dont watch
Fucking Canadians are absolutely insane, theres something in their bags of milk over there. Im telling you.

>> No.76040344

>We're talking about anime characters here. No one gives a shit about 3DPD
Then by that logic Kronii shouldn't care either because she's a fictional character and not an IRL person

>> No.76040836

>and that coomers were still making jokes even after getting her new outfit.
Next time she should get a less shitty outfit. Modest doesn't have to mean ugly

>> No.76040857
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>> No.76040922

yeah I'd get metoo'd for grooming her

>> No.76041074
File: 486 KB, 1630x2048, IMG_3138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently shes been complaining a about Hololive on her private TL

>> No.76041164

>two more weeks!

>> No.76041213

Someone link ber prvt TL

>> No.76041289

imagine seeing kronii go through the shit with tempus and thinking she's gonna ditch hololive now over some unfunny redditor jokes

>> No.76041325

Big if true

>> No.76041397

What a coincidence, we're also complaining about Hololive.

>> No.76041419

if youre going to drama post at least post a clip ffs

>> No.76041547

That guy sounds like a creep.

>> No.76041719

Horny. And I know that at the end of the day, they're sexualizing the avatar, not me. So I wouldn't be uncomfortable with it.

>> No.76041805

you're still completely missing the point
Kronii doesn't mind being sexualized, she just wants newfags to keep it in their pants while she's trying to connect with actual kronies.

>> No.76041837

Noel deals with shit alot worse than "holy boobers" and she just laughs it off. Kronii is mentally ill.

>> No.76042017

noel also actively targets coomers
kronii actually wants to build a relationship with her community

>> No.76042018
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>> No.76042315

>Kronii doesn't mind getting sexualized
>Getting triggered by a horny gray name

>> No.76042353

so she’s getting groomed?

>> No.76042492

yes anon, because horny gray names are fucking annoying, and she's fucking based for trying to gatekeep them

>> No.76042709

You do realize that stopping the stream to call someone out is not gatekeeping shit, it's just making everything worse for everyone else. It does nothing to prevent it from happening in the future, and in fact, only makes it more likely.

>> No.76042712
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Just don't read those SCs?

>> No.76042830

I remember that. It was stupid joke anyway so I'm glad she nipped it in the bud.

>> No.76042846

lol no? All of the kronies were very enthusiastic about her calling out that shit, and then afterward she told us how grateful she was to have a community that understands her boundaries. If you were offended by it, that means you're the one being gatekept.

>> No.76043044

I guarantee you there will be more gray names on the next stream posting "Holy Boobers" than there otherwise would have been. Not less.

>> No.76043093

Honestly who gives a shit though? Because Kronii has now told me that I'm superior to them and I love her for that.

>> No.76043099

Unless you actually hire mods to enforce against those things you call out, you're not gatekeeping shit, you just put your head on a bounty for trolls and ruin chat experience that is probably already bad to begin with. Either you ignore them and let the trolls feed you with money until they're bored or silently bans them

>> No.76043141

>Unless you actually hire mods to enforce against those things
apparently you have some things to learn about Kronii, then

>> No.76043226

"vtubers shouldn't call out cringe even when they're right!" says the /vt/ poster who constantly complains about vtubers encouraging the most cringe-ass fans for profit

>> No.76043289

>to keep out the clipwatchers, the reddittors, the tourists
she is friends with her clippers
her fans are redditors of the worst kind
she needs tourists to live
you are nothing special, mouthbreather simp.

>> No.76043313

Kronii's mods are too busy trying to get her attention with their shitty jokes

>> No.76043373

Just respect women. It's not that hard.

>> No.76043431

these sluts just need to show us their tits

>> No.76043441

No, they're also busy trying to enforce any rule she's vaguely alluded to for her attention, too. Kronii's mods are shit, but they're definitely not above banning people for booba jokes.

>> No.76043975

Ban for shitty jokes so mods get more attention. Kronii's community is a fucking joke lmao

>> No.76044049

as long as it's just grays that get banned I don't care
It would be great if all her streams were members-only

>> No.76044494

Honestly, I hope she allows them to go kristallnacht on these fools. Would fit the theme of the outfit.

>> No.76045033
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lol it wasn't even a SC that riled her up. Literally one guy'd during a supa reading:

>> No.76045476

I respect women; I just don't respect Kronii...

>> No.76045492

so basically she's building an echo chamber of yesmens and submissive losers, no wonder she's having such a meltdown when someone is not conforming with her shit

>> No.76045581

What has he been up to since?

>> No.76045583

She doesn’t know you lil bro

>> No.76045598

She doesn't even respect herself...

>> No.76045612

lol you're just jealous because your oshi doesn't have the guts to do the same thing

>> No.76045668

But I'm a day one kronie and she's called me out by name many times?

>> No.76045736
File: 76 KB, 1064x412, not part of my community.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>echo chamber
Pretty much.

>If the people still use it even after addressing it, then they are not part of the community because kronies respect my boundaries.

>> No.76045928
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x1440, Who Killed Kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76045993

oh nooooo...... not her reputation on /vt/... it was in such good condition before... she'll never recover from this....... what ever will she do..................

>> No.76046130

your comment is so fucking stupid i'm just going to choose to believe you're trolling and not being serious

>> No.76046242

Why should I care if she wants to keep reddit-tier clowns out? I'm already in the inner circle, this is only positive for me.

>> No.76046340

enjoy dealing with her weekly meltdowns i guess, i don't envy anyone having an oshi like that

>> No.76046347

>reddit-tier clowns
You're kidding right? If anything, she ONLY wants reddit-tier clowns around.
>I'm already in the inner circle, this is only positive for me
Heh, figures.

>> No.76046351

if I was a male vtuber, I'd be a massive attention whore and would enjoy it but because I'm just a regular male, I don't give a fuck

>> No.76046367

Yeah, and hey, if you can kick out enough people, it'll just be you and your oshi left, and then she'll finally be yours. There's literally no downside.

>> No.76046380
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Well, she did say she was starting a "villain arc". You've gotta give it to her, she's quite committed to the role.

>> No.76046423

>enjoy dealing with her weekly meltdowns
thank you I will, I will be the shoulder she needs to cry on

>> No.76046540

>reddit-tier clowns
Kek who are you kidding anon? Redditors are unironically singing praises for her over this move. You're not fucking special for this.

>> No.76046575

see thats exactly what i was talking about when i said yesmen and submissive losers

>> No.76046646

anon what's the point if you can't groom your oshi
like what even are you in this for

>> No.76046846

Any sane person watching this from the sidelines are rightfully thinking she's having a melty over a nothingburger. Go to any video discussing the Subwayshit and you'll find plenty commenting "first world problems" and pointing out how she's the one who made the joke in the first place and she's reaping what she sowed.

>> No.76046930

If she is damned whether she lets everyone in and damned if she doesn't, why shouldn't she go with the option to close herself off with her diehards rather than people who don't give a shit about her? I don't want people just joining chat to dunk on my Oshi. She enjoys reading her chat, I have even made her laugh a few times. I don't want it to become a cesspool of cancer she can't bear to look at anymore.

>> No.76046937

any sane person watching this from the sidelines is thinking "yeah forced memes are annoying" and going on with their day
unfortunately the sisters making these threads are anything but sane

>> No.76047122

I don't hate Kronii, but she's unironically getting bent out over nothing.
>making these threads
Yeah well I wasn't talking about threads.

>> No.76047173

The next second she streams I’m going in chat and posting about those tits

>> No.76047178

it's called being a popular streamer, any of the other EN girls don't seem to have a problem with this. they welcome everyone and just ignore the shitters.
if kronii wants to have a smaller community while being in a popular corpo she's fighting a losing battle, things are never going to go the way she wants as long as she's a public figure

>> No.76047291

Streamer makes the chat. She's getting what she asked for dedicating a whole stream about something so oddly bizarre. Not people's fault when she endorsed it even well after that stream and would still put sandwiches in her thumbnails.

>> No.76047342

if you think she's "bent out" then you haven't even seen the clip
she said some losers were unfunny and cringe, that's it

>> No.76047385

it's kind of a mutual grooming

>> No.76047421


>> No.76047554

>that's it
Anon I watch her streams. I know she hates that joke with a passion and she hasn't been very subtle about it. I said it back then even when she did the Subway stream, but "unfunny" and "cringe" is exactly what that stream was and she'll be reaping the rewards from it moving forward. Now look how that turned out.

>> No.76047643

The jokes weren’t funny but now they’re even funnier because I know how much they annoy her

>> No.76047781

Where is the melty?

>> No.76047788

and you're blowing her reaction out of proportion
she playfully shutdown a grayfag without becoming upset, then explained in a comment that she had no ill feelings toward kronies who might not have read her tone correctly
she's been completely reasonable despite the narrative that antis have been trying to spin

>> No.76048122

>she's been completely reasonable despite the narrative that antis have been trying to spin
Anon there's no fucking narrative if you actually bothered to read Kronii's comments. Do you really think Kronii gives a shit about this site to be actively engaging with antis? You need to get out of this hellhole more often if you somehow think she isn't just talking about some strays haplessly walking into the community.

>> No.76048202

Brother is in the ninth circle of cope

>> No.76048237

>Do you really think Kronii gives a shit about this site to be actively engaging with antis?
No? I didn't say anything that implies that at all. Kronii was completely reasonable, but antis on /vt/ are trying to spin it as something else. Nowhere did I say she was responding to /vt/.

>> No.76048425

Well I wasn't talking about antis at all so I don't why you're bringing that up. Antis are antis and Kronii's comments weren't even about that.

>> No.76048486

I'm saying you're buying into a narrative that antis are spinning because you have /vt/ brainrot and can't read tone.

>> No.76048488

Honestly the whole thing would naturally die down if she actually bothered to make new content that could give her better traction to actually bury it. Kronii has had way better memes in the past, and I remember lamenting the Subway stream because I knew it would only bite her in the ass in the long run but hey, hingsight and all that.

>> No.76048607

too bad her streams are like watching paint dry, no wonder everyone still know her from a meme that started 2 years ago

>> No.76048625

Kek, I almost forgot (the joke) existed

>> No.76048682

>buying into a narrative that antis are spinning because you have /vt/ brainrot and can't read tone
How ironic considering you're the one actively engaging antis like clockwork. Keep fighting the good fight or whatever helps you sleep at night. Don't let me stop you. Go nuts.

>> No.76048751

he's only been replying to you though? self-report?

>> No.76048839

It's true. I'd like to like Kronii, but she never seems to do anything entertaining.
The Subway thing was good because it made her seem at least somewhat interesting. It wasn't that funny, but it was at least a quirky part of her character that you could grab onto. What is she without it? She's like the lowfat unflavored ice-milk of Hololive.

>> No.76048945

Maybe he's bored. I don't know.

>> No.76049062

I only watch IRyS but I know she's poked Kronii about the Subway stuff a few times, so I'm surprised that she actually hated it all this time. It really goes to show that she needs to actually come up with new and interesting content if people are only able to bring up old shit even among her branch.

>> No.76049142

there's plenty of quirky shit about kronii but she's not interested in "playing a character" so she doesn't beat it into the ground. She just wants to chill with her fans and doesn't want to be known as the subway girl or the girl who says GWAK or the FLOWER girl or the "big ribbon" girl or whatever other forced meme redditors love.

>> No.76049341
File: 706 KB, 930x1200, 1709959522203886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she realize 9 out of 10 viewer doesn't care how she feels and would rape her if given the chance, no condom and everything?

>> No.76049339

IRyS clearly knows she hates it too though lol
she was annoying Kronii on purpose

>> No.76049483

>the FLOWER girl
I feel like I missed this one somehow. What was that about?

>> No.76049618

That was a very early meme just like the others, remember her saying FLOWER in text to speech voice to Mumei in Minecraft? It's like her most popular meme in HoloJP

>> No.76049807

Maybe she shouldnt have joined the most popular vtuber agency then... She's always going to get random commentary. Also didn't she sell an oppai mousepad before?!

>> No.76049832

Oh right. Honestly I'm surprised that was even a thing since she had a lot more memorable Minecraft moments.

>> No.76049947

>Also didn't she sell an oppai mousepad before?!
Yes. She doesn't care if people sexualize her, she just doesn't want them to be autistic coomers about it.

>> No.76050101

Do they give me money for playing video games? Bro I'll be whatever they need me to be.

>> No.76050157

This post is the equivalent of the british giving natives influenza

>> No.76050316

Why are the sisters picking kronii as their new sperg out target. Also does anyone have a link to that sisters song?

>> No.76050336

this is why you never pander to homobeggar, they are fucking cancer

>> No.76050421

I feel glad Sally got married now. Kronii is fucking mental.

>> No.76050448
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, Pacific Drive Thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might've helped if she didn't reference it herself just a few weeks ago.

>> No.76050469

best post

>> No.76050517

>Kronii is fucking mental.
Considering how she joked about getting NTR'd and maybe murdering Sally's husband? Yeah.

>> No.76050800
File: 145 KB, 492x291, IMG_1074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, IDK why the fuck she made this an issue when it isn’t?

It’s the easiest ignore or even the easiest fucking ‘unimportant, but yeah… Booba… anyways’.

This shit’s a massive nothingburger but she thinks it fucking isn’t one? Kronii I know you maybe lurking /here/ but here’s something:

People can talk about wtf they want, and whatever they talk about is in a Schrodinger state of existence. It’s up to you, the entertainer, to realize that existsence. The fact that you malded the fuck out of a simple Booba chat is quite of a yab because it indicates you’re getting mad at what could possibly be new viewers or fans to your channel.

>> No.76050901

thanks for your worthless opinion, freeloading grayfag

>> No.76051168

Kronies: allegedly support their oshi
In reality, would love nothing more than to see Kronii become a 2view.
Remember this, everyone.

>> No.76051261

if you're not paying and you're not being nice, why should she give a fuck what you think

>> No.76051394

Shut the fuck up you stupid cuckold.

Hololive was supposed to be a haven against niggers like you, and now you’re enabling this stupid wokist agenda.

Kill yourself.

Oh wait a minute, let me instead say:
Holy Boobers.

Oops, sorry that triggers you miss.

>> No.76051848

anon I can't clap back if you own yourself like this
you're fighting your own shadow and losing, it's very sad to watch

>> No.76052361

Anon those would looo ridiculous on a real women, that's like F size.

>> No.76052432

Those are at least K. Even more with her frame.

>> No.76052604

Nigger shes probably almost 30, let the women find some dude to build a life with damn. You think chat actually fulls her emotionally? No.

>shes a lesbo
Shes bi

>> No.76052693

Fauna was flavor of the week a few weeks ago, now they have something minor to latch onto from Kronii LMAO

>> No.76052782

I was a coomer for maybe a few weeks from debut how is anyone that cares about her tits sticking around

>> No.76052908

honestly they haven't
the vast majority of kronies basically don't even notice her tits anymore

>> No.76052975

Im not getting that vibe, i think its more emotional and parasocial. Shes not my type but i could see how chat could fall for her, her member streams probably get pretty personal. Kronii gives off like, friend you feel in love with vibe.

>> No.76053070

she used to be more parasocial but she still drops really emotional bombs every now and then

>> No.76053362

>Wokist agenda
>Being told to quit acting like children
This fake right-wing schtick Kronii antis have is annoying considering many Kronii viewers and defenders, if not the absolute majority, are against woke.

>> No.76053516

>hey please stop with the forced memes
>this is just like my POLITICS
why are you even here dude?

>> No.76053531

Uh, I don't know. Whenever I've heard her, she always gives me the feeling of "I'm being nice to you now, but I actually think you're pathetic and I'm laughing behind your back."

>> No.76053643

I thinks its more complex. She does have tat, for sure. But there is also something behind that. A "please dont leave, i wanna talk to you, let me insult you but dont go" feeling. Kronii is just a very hurt person it seems.

>> No.76053700

She does do that for some people, but it's more like that asian thing of "I don't like you but I don't want to make waves so I'll be polite." But she does get really, really earnest and emotional with her fans sometimes.

>> No.76053821

shes making the smarks (you) seethe

>> No.76053829

Definitely more playful than when she told the sandwich fucker to eat dirt.
Which was based.

>> No.76054394

My problem with how she handled it is that she went off so hard she starting insulting the dude. It just made her sound like the twitter mob going after Stellar Blade, for instance. Then to immediately run it back in a tone that sounded more like she was still mocking her viewers,

>> No.76054573

it was a bit
she's playing up the new outfit as her "villain arc" which means laying into people

>> No.76055376

I wish I could believe that. But you know how every once in a while you'll see someone in a group will get pissed off and go off on somebody, and everyone around feels really awkward, then they're like "Hey, everyone, lighten up. It was just a joke, you know?" But everyone knows what's up and the damage was already done. It felt like that.

I have a baaaad feeling this "villain arc" is just going to be that all over the place; Kronii gets pissed off about something and bitches everyone out, then acts like it's all part of the show and not just an excuse to go Christian Bale with impunity. It's just super uncomfortable and not a good time for anyone.

>> No.76056075

yeah, but your analysis is also exactly what a degenerate who craves drama would say, so pardon me if I don't buy into it all that much

>> No.76056151

I guess time will tell who's right.

>> No.76056248

No, just you

>> No.76056277

Holy Based

>> No.76056364

kek you can tell she's really mad

>> No.76056472

lol you can tell you're really retarded

>> No.76057046

>because to women most men are ugly.
If you were vtubing, you would have a hot model that girls like.

>> No.76057189

I agree anon. This whole "le villain arc" feels like a contrived excuse to fire off on her hangups with no consequences.

>> No.76057246

>you can tell you're
Sounds like you speak from experience.

>> No.76057752

She literally contradicts what she's saying retardanon.

>> No.76057770

what even happened? did some grey name just say "nice tits lol" and thats why shes making a fuzz over?

>> No.76057854

"Thanks guys, but please I'm trying to read superchats at the moment. There is a time and place for that, my ASMR stream next week, please look forward to it. Anyway, back on topic."

>> No.76057980

Yes anon, she was reading supas and some retard said nice tits unprompted and she told him to fuck off.

It must be tiring to get constant comments about tits with no provocation at all.
Wada really fucked her with the model.

>> No.76058018

>t. Sister
Found it.

>> No.76058250

I still can't get over the fact that the comment that got to her was "holy boobers" KEK

>> No.76058289

no way lol
how thin skinned is she

>> No.76058373

>An actual good entertainer will be able to bring in new jokes/memes/etc, and not have to explicitly preach to their audience about not using the same joke because Kronii isn’t interesting or competent enough to give her fans new material.
FACTS. Kronii is simply fucking dull. She is not entertaining and refuses to banter with her chat and make up new memes because she knows the majority are there because they are sexually attracted to her.

>> No.76058641

What "material" is it just catcalling her boobs?
It's not even a joke. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.76058686

>It's tiring that people comment on my virtual breasts
Never wonder why men laugh at women's "issues"

>> No.76058736

Desu there probably is some tension in holoen right now. Kiara's posts about her leaking felt more venting about something internal than complaining about posts here or on chat.

It's probably something on the lines of >>76033565
That or some lazy manager

>> No.76058826

Try to be less retarded. No one said "boobs lol" is content. The point is Kronii is uninteresting to the point that in her whole time in Hololive she has failed to distinguish herself beyond her massive rack. All the others have progressed past their initial memes and impressions except her.

>> No.76058851

not everything is about tits anon

>> No.76059077

Anon I have no idea what you're trying to say, what the fuck do you mean "the others have progressed"? Kronii hating le subway meme is no different than Kiara hating the bottom left meme. There's really no difference in how they "progressed" past that, it just sounds like you think one of them is entertaining and the other is not.

>> No.76059132

Doing a bit would be something temporary. Kronii is full time miserable whenever she streams now. There are some serious underlying issues that are not going to be fixed from people not repeating old jokes.

Also, yesterday only Bae was streaming in US prime time. I know Advent is busy but that is still surreal.

>> No.76059230

>Kronii is full time miserable whenever she streams now.
okay so we're just making stuff up now? Did you even watch her play Blasphemous for eight hours straight without eating?

>> No.76059277

You must be her paypig. Only someone intentionally covering their eyes while throwing her money would pretend that Kronii experienced the same community and personal growth as the other EN members

>> No.76059342

No I'm calling bullshit on you quantifying "personal growth" in some vague sense that you're unable to explain but somehow places Kronii in a different category than someone else. I think your definition of "personal growth" is "appeals to me, personally".

>> No.76059497

> one guy'd
> it must be tiring to get constant comments
You make no sence anon, we don't need to pretend she doesn't had a huge woman moment, AGAIN, and will regret it soon enought just like her homo arc. We aren't like nijisisters we don't have to pretend that the talent don't do stupid stuff from time to time.

>> No.76059511

that's fucking retarded logic i love kronii's fat titties but only the most autistic coomers would buy something like that

>> No.76059538

>We aren't like nijisisters
you certainly ESL like one

>> No.76059543

don't worry anon I'm not a retard and I laughed

>> No.76059579

Sure buddy. Make sure you don't go in the red with your supas

>> No.76059583

>doesn't understand the difference between enjoying lewds and being an annoying coomer
I don't know what I expected from this shithole

>> No.76059626

wrong, life is completely about breasts as they are the life giver and nurturer

>> No.76059648

still waiting for you to actually make a point other than "it's just a vibe, bro"

>> No.76059659

Nothing? like litteraly nothing at all? I've see the fanfic my best friend girlfriend writed about him and me and fell litteraly nothing. Neither the need to encourage or stop her or anything.

>> No.76059708

Yeah but if his girlfriend was constantly telling you how hot it would be if you two kissed while you were hanging out, you would get kind of annoyed by that, right

>> No.76059709

>An actual good entertainer will be able to bring in new jokes/memes/etc, and not have to explicitly preach to their audience about not using the same joke because Kronii isn’t interesting or competent enough to give her fans new material.
Seems like your answer was in the first response

>> No.76059767

no fuck off if you don't want to associate with coomers you don't sell an oppai mousepad and get mad when one of them says something as innocuous as "holy boobers" you fucking asked for it when you sold out your model's fat titties for profit

>> No.76059775

And how exactly is this different from Kiara saying "okay enough with the bottom left shit"? You're saying that didn't actually happen? She just came up with new jokes and it went away without her mentioning it at all?

>> No.76059805

Yes, because that was the first time anyone had ever said something about her tits unprompted in chat.

>> No.76059853

I mean it's her fault that she filtered anyone and everyone but coomers. That's pretty much only what she have left on her fanbase RN, and her groomers mods.

>> No.76059857

Kronii is mentally ill? Wow. I didn’t know this. You’re telling me for the first time.

>> No.76059902

Anon I know this is difficult for you to understand, but in the real world there are many degrees to which a person can express themself sexually, and once you reach a certain level open fetishization, most people will find it really fucking obnoxious. A booba mousepad is a novelty item like getting the penis-shaped cake for a bachelorette party. It's completely different from walking into a room and telling someone, "this is boring, let's talk about your tits instead."

>> No.76059921

Yeah it's real. All of it.

>> No.76059951

Because, and stay with me here, that happened years ago, Kiara moved on, and her fans did too. Meanwhile Kronii is still stuck on it to this very day.
Why? Because Kiara is interesting and has passion like dancing and collabing/being the leader, and her clips reflect that. Kronii however is the equivalent of a wet towel with boobs stapled on, which is why the general audience never moved on.

>> No.76059985

It's not different. It's host bvtm Twitter monkeys posted about it so the catalog is being raided by spam threads about it

>> No.76060007

Not that anon, but it's literally just one guy and a gray name at that. This isn't even like Ina's back taking over chat at every moment to the point that she can't even talk about anything else.

>> No.76060027

The only thing you've proven isn't that Kronii should let it die naturally, it's that she should have spoken up sooner.

>> No.76060036

You don't even make sense. It didn't die until Kiara said to drop it explicitly.

>> No.76060070

>in the real world
it's the internet you tard, nigger yapping about how I don't understand shit when he forgets this first and foremost. coomers on the internet are all the same no matter how restrained they may be in expressing their degeneracy, which is easier to do behind a monitor

>> No.76060103

Speaking up about it isn't going to magically make her more interesting. She'll revert right back to her boring self which is what makes people focus on her jiggly bits in the first place and she will be right back at debut

>> No.76060134
File: 72 KB, 400x400, 1704119120845792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched her new outfit debut stream but never saw her take her coat off. I then saw she was streaming the next day and tuned in to see her coat off and her fat tits. I typed in "holy boobers" thinking it'd go as usual when I type dumb shit and nobody would notice but I forgot Supa streams are usually mostly members and she saw it. She started getting mad at my comment so I left the stream and now all this stuff blew up over something so stupid. I don't regret though she has some fat fuckin boobers.

I can't prove it was me I don't think but I keep posting with Bae pics to be consistent.

>> No.76060148

Right. So it always about you, personally, not thinking she's entertaining. But she's got plenty of people willing to watch her streams for eight hours without talking about tits or sandwiches.

>> No.76060162

Yeah, I'm sure that topic is dead now.
Besides, you're getting things mixed up.
It's the Subway thing that's "been going on for years." (Because it was one of the only memorable pieces of Kronii content that's ever happened.)
The boobers thing was literally a one-off, single message out of thousands of lines of chat.

>> No.76060194

She said drop it...and what? Continued to prove herself to be more than horny, which in a shocking turn of events, caused people to appreciate her for other reasons.
Now Kronii has done what exactly to separate herself from debut?

>> No.76060212

it is more dead now. No your catalog monkey bvtm obsession doesn't count for shit

>> No.76060262

Thanks for proving you don't know the bottom left meme or Kiara or kronii as expected of a twitter shitter

>> No.76060276

It's been like, a day. Might as well hang up the "Mission Accomplished" banner.
Besides, to reiterate, boobers was not a long-term problem to begin with.

>> No.76060289

You don't know because you don't watch her, the same way that I don't know shit about about Bae or Mumei or Fauna. As far as I can tell, they haven't accomplished jackshit either. Does Mumei still do the serial killer bit? I don't know! She's fucking boring!

>> No.76060318

Thanks for admitting you're a paypig with zero perspective. How much have you given Kronii?

>> No.76060352

>can't give a single thing
>y-you don't watch her!!

>> No.76060357

fans are what matter and they listen. Not filthy clipfags like you since you keep repeating the second bit like one

>> No.76060400

See >>76060262

>> No.76060420

What do you want bro? Covers? Performances? Collabs she's organized? Things she's achieved in her personal life? Developments in her relationships with friends and family? I can give you whatever you want, bro, but I don't know what arbitrary criteria you count as "personal growth".

>> No.76060421

Based Anon speaking his mind. I get why Kronii would get mad at that type of statement, but it's as easy as banning anyone who mentions boobs, boobers or any variation of that. I'm pretty sure you could also just time people out for a long amount of time as well.

>> No.76060453

>it's as easy as banning anyone who mentions boobs, boobers or any variation of that
She should do that, too, but calling out unfunny shitters is based.

>> No.76060515

You did good anon

>> No.76060530

Fans listening won't stop the next gray name (who, remember, you already hate because he's not part of your secret elite club) from popping into a stream and typing Skibbidy Tiddies or something. If Kronii stopped the stream and called out every one of them, it would to absolutely nothing to prevent the next one too. Because that's how the medium works.

>> No.76060572

but it would be funny as hell and make me feel superior to those losers

>> No.76060573

Why are you talking about that like a clipfag instead of the subway which is what I'm talking about you mongoloid

>> No.76060607

Pretty simple question: List something that Kronii has done which has deviated from her initial first impression of: Nice voice and big tits.
She is not talented in any way. All she has is her God given voice. All of the other members have developed as comedians, idols, or gamers. Kronii has done nothing but coast on her initial impression which is why her chat is still stuck on LE BIG BOOBS from day 1

>> No.76060656

Grey shitter why are you obessed with someone you don't watch at all?

>> No.76060666

Concession accepted.

>> No.76060674

Anything I want? Then I pick her hilarious Sonic Adventure 2 streams where she became a true memelord, and also a terrifying matriarch.

>> No.76060709

>streams from 2+ years ago

>> No.76060723

Oh so that's why you're here. To osy/declare yourself the winner of arguments about someone you don't care about instead of spending time doing things you enjoy. Pretty sad

>> No.76060770

>moving the goalposts
You said it could be anything you want, retard. You want recent? Then I pick her performances at HoloFES. She danced like crazy, despite being so bad at dancing that she got kicked out of HIP HOP class before Hololive.

>> No.76060775

Oink oink

>> No.76060776

>literally refreshing the page to seethe and move goalposts
Mindbroken by the clock

>> No.76060849

Kroniis are truly the most pathetic fanbase. Actually Sanalites beat them by just a bit.

>> No.76060885

Reported for past life discussion

>> No.76060890

Here's another one: She got WAY too competitive in buckshot roulette and kept playing for hours even after she got the high score in all of hololive because she mistakenly thought that she still didn't have first place.

>> No.76060930

she told us that story on stream retard

>> No.76060960

Why are you bothering with him? It's clear he doesn't actually want to change his mind or do anything but be a twitter drama fag

>> No.76060984

Oh, I don't know, maybe because that's the topic of the fucking thread, you stupid shit? It's what everyone has been talking about up to now? Except you, apparently, for some reason?
It doesn't even matter, because it's still true - bitching about it doesn't solve the problem, because like it or not, the vast majority of viewers aren't going to be members, and they aren't going to follow some unwritten rule bullshit about what jokes are permitted and which aren't.

>> No.76060994

Hey look this retard announced a report. Typical catalog tourist

>> No.76061000

honestly at this point I'm just seizing on the opportunity to sing kronii's praises

Which, by the way, her singing? Her technique has improved 100x even though her voice was always amazing

>> No.76061039

why are you a retarded clipfag? What made you this way? At this point I'm pretty sure you're just a catalog drama tranny

>> No.76061297

why you seething tho
she won't fuck you

>> No.76061335
File: 67 KB, 1000x500, 1000_F_301278325_GA2i6LXtJcIKHlJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a grey

>> No.76061339

>responding to the post from 11 hours ago instead of the posts from 7 minutes ago because you know you're being steamrolled

>> No.76061373

She's gonna be sponsored by Frostpunk 2 too. That's gonna be exciting

>> No.76061406

Shit yeah dude
That's a kronie heritage game right there

>> No.76061410

sorr you got picked out in the retard lottery, kroniisister

>> No.76061451

The irony of this comment when you can't even type without looking like you had a seizure

>> No.76061536

kroniisister doesn't even work as an insult anon
you can't just take the context that makes nijisister sting and apply it to kronies, nijisister is a thing entirely because of nijisanji's predominantly female audience and their weird sociopathic commitment to the male talents

>> No.76061556

Holy booba

>> No.76061586
File: 143 KB, 335x335, 1715743936285152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the line the doctors said about you to your mom when you were born

>> No.76061961

Who she think she is? Fucking bitch

>> No.76063653

Biggest retard in the thread
