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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 271 KB, 1170x643, IMG_8624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75992891 No.75992891 [Reply] [Original]

>be kronii
>do something retarded
>everyone clowns on you for doing something retarded
>"uh acktually, it's your fault that I looked at some no name dipshit in the chat and decided to make a huge deal about it instead of ignoring it"
>this is your fault for bringing something up I could have very easily ignored with no issue

This woman is exhausting.

>> No.75993068

never watched her and never will
>Verification not required.

>> No.75993473

Sisters like OP wonders why her parents are glad they have siblings who can continue the bloodline because if it was up to them, it was already so over years ago.

>> No.75993474

>some no name dipshit in the chat
Who one guy-ed her?

>> No.75993503

She actually is triggered by her boobs. It wasn't a rrat after all

>> No.75993505

Why do you write the verification not required thing? And some people write the captcha. It’s meaningless

>> No.75993518

What did he say in the chat?

>> No.75993543

this guy

>> No.75993570

to trigger (you) specifically.
>Verification not required.

>> No.75993598

everything is meaningless, anon. might as well just lay down and die

>> No.75993620

VOD with timestamp?

>> No.75993642

lolno faggot

>> No.75993651

Shes getting there...shes breaking apart..just a little more...

>> No.75993837
File: 80 KB, 733x543, hysterics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go

>> No.75993927

Jesus Christ was she always like this or did the outfit reveal thing mindbreak her?

>> No.75993931

/VT/ complaint department, have you tried hiring cis women?

>> No.75994109

There were hints but some thought she was getting better. Backlash over the outfit likely broke her. Either she didn't want it and is "dealing" with it or is so stupid to thing it was good and got upset some fans told her it was trash.

>> No.75994213

Outfit doesnt matter to me at this point. I want her to break. Its time to play NeedyStreamerOverload featuring OuroKronii.

>> No.75994273

Well I more meant after the hololive twitter didn't tweet about it until super late it seems like she had a breakdown after that

>> No.75994363

>kronii tells people to stop spamming old memes
>a retard who doesn't even watch her melts the fuck down and spams dozens of threads about it for three days
Kronii isn't the exhausting one here.

>> No.75994453

To be fair she did say being nice didn't get shit done.
>Hey, if you guys have time do you think you could post about my outfit reveal please?
>Hey, just wanted to make sure but it's less than 3 days to my outfit reveal. I'd appreciate it if you got a post up on the HoloEN twitter account. Thanks.
I guarantee this is how she was messaging whoeverthefuck. Probably didn't even want to burden Kroma with the task.

>> No.75994809

I agree it’s her fault—until she tells you to fuck off with it. after that it’s your fault, which is fine because I don’t give a shit about this topic one way or another. but quit being a little bitch and just admit you want to clown on someone with some low hanging fruit. whether it’s because you think it’s legitimately funny or because it clearly irritates her and you want a reaction

everyone beating around the bush is either a delusional retard. it used to be people would just tell it straight: I wanna troll. I wanna be obnoxious. look at where you are. what’s really exhausting is this entire medium

>> No.75994910

that is it? that is the whole drama?
did this deserve a thread?

>> No.75995032

Please understand, sisters are working overtime

>> No.75995067

She already played that game, dumbass.

>> No.75995307

to defend Kronii that is

>> No.75995373

Typical woman moment

>> No.75995449
File: 76 KB, 1064x412, Kronii lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she manage to entangle herself with this kind of retarded back and forth? Commenting on a clip video no less? Didn't she learn already?

>> No.75995533

Another totally organic kronii seethe thread, feeling daring today are we?

>> No.75995610

Oh i know that. I want Kronii to be exactly like Ame-chan. Kronii should just go full blown menhera and it will be so much better. I want her to BREAK

>> No.75996740

I have seen 3 Kronii seethe threads active at once in the last like 10 minutes. Are the Nijisisters so enraged about their corp being in its death throes that they have to shit up the catalog with Kronii having a woman moment?

>> No.75996793

Are you a virgin?

>> No.75996810

>do something retarded
Shit on grays is based, shitting on sub 20 iq autists who cant drop a shitty meme is also based.

>> No.75996897

She hates you too. Also based.

>> No.75997007

>pretends to understand women
Are you a woman?

>> No.75997037

She will never love you and she will never fuck you either.

>> No.75998804

Men change because reality forces them to change or die off with no offspring. Women don't change because there's literally no real reason for them to change when there's an army of simps willing to fund their sociopathic tendencies. Fight me bitch.

>> No.75998992

Her model is wasted on her.

>> No.75999228
File: 240 KB, 738x511, 1691025796205701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the first time

>> No.75999233

>durrrr kronii is retarded kronii is retarded
You guys are the retards. Why do you keep watching vtubers who piss you off? You realize there are fucking thousands of other vtubers out there, right?

>> No.75999243
File: 1.59 MB, 994x1078, kro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>request the artist to make your character with massive, fat, bigger-than-a-cow's boobas on a model that has Brittle Bones disease
>get angry at the viewers to noticing them and constantly referencing them since they are the only outstanding thing about her entire fucking model

>share with chat a downright disgusting story about storing days-old subway sandwiches and then eating them
>agree to do a stream where you blend said sandwiches and drink them
>get mad a year later that some people still reference that time

>request a sports outfit from your artist for your model
>want a baggy t-shirt and waist shorts
>artist gets excited and wants to draw all of the attractive details, considering the requested clothing
>reject artist's inspirations. double-down on making them draw the outfit as non-erotic as possible
>get triggered when people dislike the outfit and compare it to slenderman

>request your artist to draw a new outfit around korean clothing
>artist is not that familiar with the instructions and informs you that it won't look that good
>double-down and tell them that this is modern korean fashion
>get mad when people get fun at your new outfit where you look like walking fashioned jeans sheet

I would never want to work with this woman

>> No.75999318

>disgusting story about days-old subway
>days old
Thanks for outing yourself as a huge faggot

>> No.75999359

I prefer not to eat worms, fag

>> No.75999538

A literal grey unironically

>> No.75999569

Some people were spamming nerfed in her chat during the reveal. I think that pissed her off.

>> No.75999734

I thought the talents had no input in what their avatar will look like.

>> No.75999737

>food starting getting worms after a couple days on the fridge
Holy fuck, a faggot and has an unclean fridge

>> No.75999771

Did anyone really expect any less from this flippant bitch after she pined on Vesper on Magni's every collab, then magically forgot they existed after they got graduated?

>> No.75999793

not the first time she see that joke. she has been very pissy since the outfit reveal for some reason

>> No.76000227

They don't but they do when it comes to new outfits

>> No.76000256

I unironically think she and randon still talk in private sometimes, the two of them seriously clicked on each other with their same brand of retardation

>> No.76000468

difference is, Kronii is the menhera (karen) and Vesper is the menhera (depresso)

>> No.76000798

Kronii, Ollie, and Laplus need to be pruned from Hololive. The worst of each branch.

>> No.76001046

I don't pay much attention to JP, what's wrong with Laplus?

>> No.76001246

>reddit spacing
>more fanfiction
You don't have to be trying this hard, sister.

>> No.76001376
File: 58 KB, 545x180, E_lEKZfUcAA_zxf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura, was also sent an unrelated SC to her bathtub stream.
didnt go menhara, turned it into iconic clip

if kronii recieved this:

>> No.76002025

>doesn't deny it
>unironically typing some long drivel
Nice larp but YWNBAW

>> No.76002069
File: 49 KB, 402x187, 1715940526682386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one guy'd
Yep. This will be my new catchphrase.

>> No.76002160

>SC reading
>wasn't even a SC >>76002069
She sounds even more deranged the more she talks about it.

>> No.76002215

you shouldn't assume her gender or sexual identity anon. being heteronormative in 2024 is just yikes.

>> No.76002220

and she will keep talking about it, for the rest of her time in Poland. it's not over yet

>> No.76002417

Does she know what the word "comfortable" means? How the fuck can someone not be "comfortable" with a joke? Any other word could describe how boring the joke is but comfortable? Seriously weak minded female, she is 1 inch from saying she needs a "safe space"

>> No.76002708

Joined hololive to suck eceleb dick, the holo audience didn't like that so she fucked off to twitch to rot in irrelevance

>> No.76002818

>le Streisand effect
What the fuck was she expecting? She decided to do a comedic stream about her nasty habits and she somehow expected it all to just go away? She even used sandwich thumbnails well after that stream so fans aren't wrong for thinking she was enjoying every bit of it.
>If people still use it even after addressing it, then they are not part of the community because kronies respect my boundaries
Good lord, how conceited do you have to be to decide which ones are your "true" fans? Between extending this drama to unnecessary lengths to even commenting on clip videos, this just reeks of a control freak.

>> No.76002836

>Watching and supporting EN
There's your problem

>> No.76002968

This is the correct attitude. They wanted a watered down HoloJP experience for dumb english masses and that's what they got, be careful what you wish for!

>> No.76003017

ayo KRONII! are you fuckin reading this?
you instantly got triggered by this?

What if this is just a NEW VIEWER?

>> No.76003260

She's one of those weird agender kind of people that would flip out over you looking at them in a sexual way at all

>> No.76003366

>you shouldn't complain about things ever!
I mean sure, but I think its autistic to expect people to not be annoyed when someone does something stupid.

>if you don't like how things are changing here just leave the country
>if you don't like the changes we made to food just stop eating here
>if you didn't want to be canceled just don't say anything
Sometimes if you don't make your opinion known you just get pushed out. I swear that people that say this just live online their entire lives, ofc people are going to have opinions on whatever happens, yes, in theory you should just fuck off, but try saying that sort of shit to anyone irl and you risk being punched
>its just a football match while are you annoyed that your team lost, just cheer for the team that wins

>> No.76003414

Lmao, dumbass
There's like a thousand clips about it on YouTube, you just need to search "kronii angry" on YouTube and it'll show up.
Stop begging to be spoonfed that hard holy shit

>> No.76003471

People who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality are fucking brain dead
The same goes for people who get mad at something of which is an obvious joke, get mad at a compliment, and think that literally everything in existence is a spoiler.

>> No.76003532

I really don't understand this shit, she transitioned to male but she hates males? Except vesper??

>> No.76003589

a outing yourself as a lazy fatass

>> No.76003721

Kek, up there with Ina's back comment.

>> No.76003780

Why do people still watch Kronii?

>> No.76003847

Don't even try to compare the two

>> No.76004009


>> No.76004080

nah they are different, as if anyone would shit on akasupas

>> No.76004181

She's finally realizing nobody really likes her bitchy feminist attitude and lack of entertaining streams and only like her for boobs. So instead of improving she chooses the typical feminist option of claiming we're the problem.

>> No.76004221

Don't forget she's apparently a high ranking staff member's daughter

>> No.76004277

I've seen anons mention that but I haven't seen any evidence

>> No.76004359

Given she does get said collabs despite her irrelevance I'd say odds are likely.

>> No.76004373

>Some people were spamming nerfed in her chat during the reveal
Heartily chuckled. Sometimes chat is alright.

>> No.76004525

Mori also gets collabs and she's an eceleb cocksucker too even if she's not nearly as egregious

>> No.76005150

Mori is also popular though, unlike Laplus.

>> No.76005185

I legitimately worry Kronii is going to fully meltdown, quit, and EN girls will blame the entire fanbase for it.

>> No.76005198

by what metric

>> No.76005254

You are such a fucking idiot holy shit

>> No.76005300

Sub count?

>> No.76005302

>entire fanbase
>random fags who don't even watch her posting in a mongolian cooking forum

>> No.76005372

As apposed to who?

>> No.76005419

I mean she needs to stop replying in youtube comments about it.
She's never been good about just leaving it alone and letting the internet sort itself out.

>> No.76005424

You think they would distinguish the entire English audience from what websites they use?

>> No.76005453

lmao EN won't give a single fuck, especially if she gets terminated, which has a high chance of actually happening, given how Kronii is acting lately

>> No.76005534

This isn't Nijisanji we don't terminate on a dime here.

>> No.76005562

Kronii for being completely unprofessional and immature all the time which is the main cause of all her issues? have you been paying attention to anything?

>> No.76005570

I feel really bad about her latching onto IRyS like a parasite, I hope the blowback doesn't affect her negatively

>> No.76005583

>Blame the entire fanbase
Of course they would.
Because it is the fanbases fault.

>> No.76005640

I don't think the other girls would comment on it either way

>> No.76005653

If Kronii leaves it will be because Kronii can't handle it.
But what she can't handle is the retarded fans.
So it would be completely right to also blame them.

>> No.76005677

the fanbase is the reason why she's relevant in the first place, she should stop being an ungrateful entitled bitch and just suck it up and enjoy the money she's making

>> No.76005702

She's a feminist anon, she wants her cake and to eat it too.

>> No.76005778
File: 397 KB, 1080x1248, 1715315871813815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijinyfco sisters are so mindbroken about eating so many Ls in the past 3 fucking weeks that they made this exact same thread 4 times already. KWABOTY what bunch of Dimeless shitters yes with capital D at that.

>> No.76005815

Don't pretend the few retards like gabe represent the entire fanbase.
They are in the vast minority, but they do exist.

>> No.76005825
File: 316 KB, 844x423, 1700185678685026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use Gura to defend whores sister

>> No.76005860

niji quarterly report is not good anon
please understand

>> No.76005870

Nijisisters subtly trying to pretend they're not on Kronii's side are funny

>> No.76005901
File: 3.52 MB, 498x280, 1713700092055485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Least obvious false flagger.
Point at the nyfco sis and laugh people

>> No.76005909

What are you even saying? its not like anybody is harassing her, she flips out for really innoffensive things. new people will find you through clips and thats all the references they have to interact with you, thats if they didnt just find your stream randomly, how can she not understand that? if she quit its because she cant handle being a popular streamer and she chooses to stay immature and refuse to grow. shes to blame for the decisions took that got us here

>> No.76005937

the fuck are you talking about and what does that have to do with my comment?

>> No.76005950
File: 89 KB, 1160x1012, 1687191191014239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao sis try harder

>> No.76005972

Gura and Kronii are both shit

>> No.76006041

>try harder
Isn't this what you're doing right now? Are you unironically retarded?

>> No.76006049

Don't drag Gura into this, timesister

>> No.76006079

The problem is not her not liking things, it's her posting about it instead of just ignoring it.
And then antis do end up harassing her over it, like they are doing right now.

>> No.76006108

try harder sis

>> No.76006133
File: 165 KB, 500x500, Thinkronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a pyramid made up of Kronii's harem?
What does it mean?

>> No.76006141

The fan base is the best and worst thing in hololive. They're a bunch of slobbering retards who are deep into otaku culture, want to simp for a girl and be "parasisocial"
Once they get burned by the current field, they start begging for new girls instead of watching other holos.
Hololive is basically a golden ticket for viewers, but we are seeing a situation where someone can't handle it.

>> No.76006221

More like people telling kronii to stop being such a fucking female Korean sperg

>> No.76006255

Nah, Kronii groomed her own audience, she kicked the unicorns, kicked the gachis and now she has the gall to complain about reaping what she sowed

>> No.76006278

Yes, antis.
Why would normal people care or even know?

>> No.76006297

you are a nijisister

>> No.76006314

The unicorns are the ones perpetually crying about it.

>> No.76006321


>> No.76006331

The unicorns and gachis aren't gone, they're always there. How do I know that? Because they're the ones making excuses for her.

>> No.76006347

unicorns don't even watch this bitch

>> No.76006350
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x592, 1697756450408215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76006354
File: 174 KB, 974x1024, 1715396967497885m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not over this? Kwab imagine needing the government of Japan to run a warning campaign due to one your dumbass talents encouraging teens to mix alcohol with energy drinks at a 1:1 ratio and also lose the fucking sponsorship like I said kurosanji had one job and they blew it and why is that because they're a bunch of DIMELESS SHITTERS.

>> No.76006393

if she can't handle it then she should just quit instead of being an entitled cunt and try to control how the fanbase should behave.
there are thens of thousands of chubas that would die to take her place and would take the bag with a smile if it meant getting teased by random viewers about nonsense

>> No.76006417
File: 224 KB, 1028x485, 1703528784138851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao sis i think you should buy more ticket. think about miload ok

>> No.76006433

All she has to do is shit the duck up. Instead she's making clips and shitting out blocks of paragraphs on those clip pages and giving everyone ammo to ridicule her.
Also this is like the third time she's bitching about her body. At this point I'm going to just believe the rrats.

>> No.76006462

but kronies told me Kronii loves her tits

>> No.76006472

Never pass up a chance to make threads about her though.

>> No.76006529

she cut hers off, irl too

>> No.76006558

Her problem was not tard wrangling in the very beginning like Altare did. He has that bitchy Korean attitude, but he's way better at managing it.

>> No.76006582
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, 1705871001145723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self owning herself while scratching her puss encrusted vag.
Thanks for proving me right about them being Dimeless shitters I accept your concession.

>> No.76006588

Are korean men actually women too?

>> No.76006612
File: 62 KB, 320x290, 1701223526479661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kronii having woman moments
She's so feminized...

>> No.76006705

You vastly overestimate the power the talents have. Ina disrespecting the fanbase made Mori shit her pants and she had to apologize soon after.

>> No.76006761

Unironically yes

>> No.76006840

>Ina disrespecting the fanbase
when did you hallucinate this

>> No.76006862 [DELETED] 

>blindly support their oshi
>labelling anyone criticizing their oshi as whatever convenient boogeyman of the day
>deflecting whataboutisms
Are Cuckronies really so oblivious to how similar they're acting to Nijisisters? The only thing missing is the corpo-dickriding.

>> No.76006920

Why is this non-drama bs here today again? Thought you schizos got it out of your system the other day..

>> No.76006980

Always. Remember the whole "I can collab with who I want" arc which she just kept pouring oil on the fire for weeks and weeks for some autistic reason.

>> No.76007009

>memory-holing the guilty gear stream

>> No.76007050
File: 722 KB, 3910x3495, 1412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about Kronii but her fans are the pathetic ones. Why do you as grown men who literally funded her lifestyle for bordering 3 years, allow this bitch to lecture you like a child? It's not my problem because I'll never watch her solo content but it's disgusting to see even from the outside.

>> No.76007051

are you seriously trying to drag Ina down to Kronii's level over a joke

>> No.76007057

>>blindly support their oshi
Do you not even know what having an oshi means?
You disgust me.

>> No.76007146

I'm glad the management that hired Kronii got fired.

>> No.76007193

>Ina disrespected the fans
>Yes she did, right there
>We need to go back to talking about how much we hate Kronii

Just admit you were wrong and then we can drop it

>> No.76007197

kronii probably farmed the most beta males for her fanbase than any other EN member, every time i see people commenting on her clips they sound like fedora wearing white knights

>> No.76007288

What happend at niji now ?

>> No.76007328

Are you autistic, genuinely

>> No.76007395

>lecture you like a child
It's very hot.
I never stopped chasing my fix of it after Ame lectured us in her superluminal stream.

>> No.76007487
File: 198 KB, 460x459, 1709705791384952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time this is posted, another Kronii thread will pop up.

>> No.76007489

Anon you claimed he was "hallucinating" when he told you about an event that clearly happened.
Are you allergic to evidence?

>> No.76007606

Autistic people usually cannot distinguish jokes

>> No.76007626

When it comes to stuff like this that people seem kind of divided on you can always look to the top of Hololive. Look at the talents everyone admires and respects. Pekora, Miko, Marine, Subaru, Korone, Fubuki, etc. Would any of them have a meltdown over a random booba comment? Probably not. If talents who are more experienced and have contributed far more than you wouldn't have a problem, what gives you the right to set new standards? What has Kronii contributed other than drama? That's my problem with this. If it were a Holo who had actually built up good will with the fans at some point pulling this, I'd be far more inclined to respect her wishes.

>> No.76007638

she doesnt wanna be the big tiddy/subway girl. cut her some slack.

>> No.76007650

Yes but never has a talent ever really quit over the fanbase baring MAYBE Sana. And women are known to be constantly affirming towards other women.
>"Oh you abused him while dating so he broke up with you? Don't worry sweetie he just wasn't man enough"
That kind of shit.

>> No.76007658

does she have any other qualities?

>> No.76007666
File: 43 KB, 860x636, 1633148356456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76007668

GreyGODS, we can't stop winning

>> No.76007685

You have to be softer than a twitter tranny to feel disrespected at anything Ina of all ppl say to the fanbase , holy schizo

>> No.76007711

Uhhh she plays yiik tier indie garbage?

>> No.76007726

>constantly affirming towards other women
Damn, sounds familiar.

>> No.76007784

Are you implying /vt/ affirms one another? Because fucking lol no. We will fling fucking shit at each other and call each other slurs because one person's oshi didn't kiss another person's oshi.

>> No.76007802

Can she just stfu instead of having a melty over a fucking booba comment?

>> No.76007811

Sana left because she realized she doesn't like streaming and idol reps, and that's way more work than she expected. She is happier just artfagging for gachas, and not like she is starving doing so. There was nothing about disliking her fanbase.

>> No.76007815

Or when people's oshi kiss, like Kiara and Enna

>> No.76007826

Until it comes to talking about women.

>> No.76007858

Why is she blocking people with holo oshi marks on sight

>> No.76007862

Congratulations on admitting you're on the same level as Kindreds and those Hex cutters.

>> No.76007911

I haven't heard about that guy in ages, didn't he graduate and move to vshojo?

>> No.76007935

Why is some non-oshi having faggot sharing my board?
This place has gone downhill.

>> No.76007943

Is this from their upcoming concert that will apparently according to them own hololive, believe me?

>> No.76007944

This was after she sent a bunch of eops to a JP holo's stream wasn't it?

>> No.76007945

What? Is there Sana info post-grad?

>> No.76007947

Yes they can Collab with whoever that want. It's only a problem if you're a cuck brained sub human who thinks you're constantly getting cheated on by someone you're not even in a romantic relationship with

>> No.76007966

She moved on, and people should move on from Sana instead of mixing her with Promise stuff 2 years later.

>> No.76008028

She didn't apologize to me you little bitch. She apologized to whatever pathetic piece of shit Takodachi she hurt that day once Mori dmed her that she was being retarded. I'm not stupid enough to become a fan of some socially maladjusted hag like Ina

>> No.76008050

I don't remember the cause but it was probably management mandated.
The relevant part is how hard it made me.

>> No.76008088

wow, I see people joking about it a lot but I never thought I'd see an actual schizophrenic

>> No.76008375

never watched the bitch but she's real for this
underaged chatfags who spam dead memes need to be lined up and shot

>> No.76008472

She's not though because she flipped out about it which makes it worse

>> No.76008481

It's just a bit of fun. You don't hate fun, do you?

>> No.76008684

>Makes it worse
nah this shit always works. No ones gonna say that shit in chat and risk getting dogpiled by her kronies or even worse yelled at by her.
And anyone ho does will get dogpiled like I said which will be worth it to see.

>> No.76008734


>> No.76008869

At this point is not people going"BOOBA" but them fishing for these reactions and she keeps bitting.

>> No.76008970

have you bought a ticket yet sis? don't let miload down

>> No.76009005

>be a zoomer
>someone does something they want to take back because it makes them uncomfortable
>refuse to allow them to live it down and keep bringing it up and making it awkward
>spend countless hours trying to justify your right to harass them and make it awkward
>blame them for their negative reaction towards your continued harassment
>blame them for your exhaustion because you won't stop
>still wonder why you don't have a gf and blame everyone but yourself
The plight of zoomers. You really can't make this up.

>> No.76009016

You forget how Pekora's own fanbase went out of their way to grief her in FF14 so hard she quit playing it.

>> No.76009144

Nice hyperbolism, cherrypicking and revisionism, you must be sooooooo proud

>> No.76009206

you described the average internet user

>> No.76009228

remember when Haachama ate a spider and puked noodles on stream? 3 years later she's still " I ate a spider and puked noodles haha."

>> No.76009324

And she isn't a feminist.
Huh, funny how that works.

>> No.76009359

I'm pissed off she's technically a cousin/sister to all the best Fate girls

>> No.76009417

Wada had nothing to do with Illya (forma de Stay Night)

>> No.76009421

How exactly does that work?
What are you even implying?
Haachama never stopped leaning into the "I eat bugs" persona.

>> No.76009660

Dude it is her job to read the chat; It is your fault for being constantly horny and not keeping it in your pants; OP is a entitled retard

>> No.76009700

Why not?

>> No.76009761

Feminists can't take jokes, especially ones that are at their expense.

>> No.76009893

But Kronii can take plenty of jokes?
Like her being a self absorbed narcissist, she plays into that all the time.

>> No.76009923

saar spends so much time writing java he thinks english takes semi colons in every sentence

>> No.76009934

Almost like it's not a joke.

>> No.76010005

I do get that autists have trouble telling this stuff apart but even so, this is a bit much anon.

>> No.76010010

It's actually really sad that she lurks here and has to publicly address the shitposts here because she's incapable of moving on.

>> No.76010012

Kronii also called her fans weirdos.
She said this after inviting Mumei to read kromei fanfics with her:

>> No.76010078

>Kronii also called her fans weirdos.
methinks shes just saying what they all think out loud

>> No.76010127

>self absorbed narcissist
that's on the same level of "i am not like the other girls", they secretly like being the quirky one

>> No.76010518

>Wada is good because UWAAAAAH tIAMat

>> No.76010543

Yes, but also Kronii takes shit WAY WAY to seriously, the shipping thing, i´ve never understood the point of shipping but still, it is just a mild-hearted FICTION and weird ass Kronii started to talk about their real life colleagues, wtf?

>> No.76010581

Based. Bitches need to be told they're being bitches.

>> No.76010623

Kronii and ruze are Twitter leftoids

>> No.76010720

Anon... no streamer reads EVERY single comment ever, not even AI like Neuro. Other (more sensible) streamers have no problems ignoring contentious comments even if they were superchats.

Menhera clock otoh got triggered by a grey comment that would have flashed by unnoticed if SHE DIDN'T DRAW ATTENTION TO IT.

>> No.76010752

>request the artist to make your character with massive, fat, bigger-than-a-cow's boobas
Anon that was 100% a Cover decision. Do you think Aruran wanted to be an old man, Flare wanted a skimpy outfit, Vesper wanted a scrawny model, Shinri wanted to be shirtless, or that Anya wanted huge jiggling boobs? They got stuck with those designs. If a talent is lucky they can eventually convince management to give them a model redesign. A huge part of why Kronii is so burnt out from coomers making jokes about the booba is since that wasn't her choice.

>> No.76010767
File: 27 KB, 739x415, 1715956361614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep mentioning the rm rant but nobody posts it
Just copy paste it for fucks sakes I dunno that shit. I am curious

>> No.76010774

>makes them uncomfortable
It's fucking Subway
>harass them
It's fucking Subway
The real problem with the world is that when someone asserts something that's fucking stupid "Talking about sandwiches makes me uncomfortable," "It's reasonable to pause the stream to bitch about one guy who said 'Holy boobers'" everyone is just expected to accept it. How about fucking no, stop being stupid?

>> No.76010776

After the sally thing and her weird obsession with her, I genuinely believe that Kronii thinks that identifying as a man will somehow get her. Too bad for her that Sally seems well adjusted.

>> No.76010874

she's overrated as fuck and her fans are obnoxious, she's a different kind of cancer but cancer regardless

>> No.76010964

Forrest, the man, the myth, the legend.

>> No.76011035

Yes anon, they just want to control what the "quirk" is.
Why are you so dense? "Eating too much questionable subway" is also quirky, she just doesn't like it.

>> No.76011101

>posting the shipping arc
How was anything said there out of line?

>> No.76011200


>> No.76011231

Ya, but this was ok.

>> No.76011251

Nobody has time to wade through an entire history, post the fucking rant

>> No.76011299

It's one of the most recent tweets you lazy fuck.

>> No.76011320
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>> No.76011330

First "you should do as I demand since i am the queen of the universe and everything revolves around me, so i decide what YOU should do and not do, okay?", then making such a huge deal about a fictional shipping of PNG:s and for some fucking reason bring in IRL colleagues into the argument. Kronii REALLY seem to have trouble understanding the difference between fiction and IRL, 10th time now

>> No.76011355

More than half the girls you listed have had their own moments where they’ve put their foot down against something their community does. Why on Earth would you pick Fubuki as an example?

>> No.76011356 [DELETED] 

The may 15th tweet?
That's the "rant"?
What the fuck?

>> No.76011387
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What about this is a rant?

>> No.76011433

Imagine begging to be spoonfed to try and defend her but being too lazy to even scroll down kek

>> No.76011472

This sort of stupid drama is the same reason why I stopped watching Niji vtubers.

>> No.76011484

>make a request
>pretend she held your family hostage with demands
Your retardation aside it's obvious that she doesn't give a shit about shipping herself.
She probably likes some of it and doesn't care for some of it, which she ignores like a well adjusted adult.
Her comment is entirely on the behalf of unicorns who get mad about fantasies they create in their heads.

>> No.76011521

>anon baited us into posting about a nothingburger so we will all get banned and the thread deleted
200IQ move

>> No.76011557

>pretending bans matter

>> No.76011570

Pretty much all the other EN's either have fun with the rare sexual jokes/remarks from fans or just ignore them if they are too creepy or they don't engage with that kind of stuff as a content choice.
Gura gets a kick out of people lusting over her, if you take it too far she is more likely to tease you publicly and make it funny than sperg out or ban you, because she is an entertainer. Like when she put the giantess artist in the hotseat and made them flee chat rather than explain their fetish.
When Kronii or Ina get all schoomarm prudish or genuinely irritated at viewers being horny for them it's a real turnoff because it reveals something deeper about how they feel about their fans IMO. These are mild comments, they are not dealing with voxsisters tier
degeneracy in a holo chat, ever.
It's extremely mild sexual attraction from their fans and they can barely hide their disdain, it's a red flag for me.

>> No.76011613

again, why are you trying to lump Ina with kronii, timesister?

>> No.76011643

>how they feel about their fans IMO
no, just some of them.
coomers btfo

>> No.76011685

Ina has done the same thing plenty of times in the past.
She just doesn't have a train of antis to blow this shit out of proportion each time.

>> No.76011704

And it worked.

>> No.76011712

The first acknowledgement Ina gave the explosion of back art after the myth offcollab came bundled with a tut tut taking it too far guys lecture.
She killed it the first stream she did, you don't do that if you don't hate it.

>> No.76011782

It is sooo weird that this is the sword Kronii choose to fall on, a nothingburger about a sandwich & some grey commenting about tits on a PNG. Do Kronii really think that her IRL persona and her PNG is the same thing? She can't separate those 2? She might actually be schitzo, and not like the schitzo flingers on /vt, an actual schitzo

>> No.76011792

There's no reasoning with retards who can't differentiate fantasy and reality. They're just going to sperg and make you out as the bad guy.

>> No.76011883

Are you talking about the people who sperg out at mixed collabs because their oshi is getting "fucked"?

>> No.76011884

Hmmm I wonder why someone would lump them together

>> No.76011888
File: 997 KB, 1080x2229, 1000164204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me, even the fans cant take a joke. kronii pulled a streisand effect

>> No.76011935
File: 316 KB, 1464x2048, 1688974672878249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a little bad that I literally just popped into her stream, saw her fat tits and typed "holy boobers" and all this happened. Sorry Kronii but your model is literally 90% tits and I didn't think you'd get so upset.

>> No.76011976

People pissed and shit over a nothing burger and ended up getting their nothing burger while their wading in their shit and piss.
Nothing improved.

>> No.76012040

I hate fun. When I cum to this board, I am here to only have extremely serious conversations about the vtubing community, industry, all of its major players, and how to improve it.

>> No.76012053

She's going full feminist.

>> No.76012075

It's clearly not a nothingburger when Kronii and whatever remains of her fans are the ones pissing and shitting themselves over this

>> No.76012076

It's for anyone who can't tell what is real and what isnt.

>> No.76012168

its always time for booba in Hololive. bitch acts like someone shouted it at a funeral or sumthin

>> No.76012227

it was a funeral, the funeral for her relevance, it's been going for a while now

>> No.76012230

The only one who is pissing and shitting is kronii. There was literally nothing going on until she decided that she was going to void her bowels.
Everyone else is complaining because theyre tired of her pissing and shitting everywhere and killing the fucking vibe.

>> No.76012275

>Anya wanted huge jiggling boobs
??? she is flat as fuck

>> No.76012298

Longest funeral in history.
2 more weeks?

>> No.76012377

Are you really the guy who typed that?

>> No.76012430
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That depends on what you plan to do with that information.

>> No.76012492

Nothing really, your comment was completely innocuous lol, I'm not gonna blame or fault you for the overreaction

>> No.76012793

>killing the fucking vibe.
You dont watch her, so why do you care?

>> No.76012879

I'm talking about Tiamat getting added to FGO

>> No.76012910

She's a burden on the other girls and I'd rather her not sully the brand with her shit, she can move to vshojo since she worked for them before, and be a bitch all she wants, they love that over there

>> No.76013006

>You don't watch her
>B-b-b-beacause I said!
Why are you conceding?

>> No.76013108

All I remember is FGO fags melting down on v because of FGO arcade and it made me hate them.

>> No.76013206

nta but if you are STILL watching her despite everything she has done that you dont like, then that's on you.

>> No.76013252

He said nothing changed despite the complaints. Complainers gonna complain.
Kronii complains.
People complain and hate on her because of her complaining.
Nothing changes even if she wises up.

>> No.76013318

We can't know until she actually wises up

>> No.76013440

Reminder that someone on Reddit threatened to burn down the fgo company building because of tiamat.

>> No.76013457

can someone give me the qrd on tiamat

>> No.76013730

Her dumb ass will never wise up because she is unironically part of the alphabet group, a female Korean, and suffers from me tal health issues as expected from someone part of the alpha group.
She will never wise up.
Coomers who wasted their money on pngs threw a temper tantrum because they wanted a png of a character on their version of the game and not the arcade.
Not sure if the fire threat is true, but I've heard about that.
Either way, anon got one thing wrong. Wadaarco did not design that character being referenced.

>> No.76013769
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>> No.76013785

>metal health issues

>> No.76013867
File: 120 KB, 750x849, 1693641203313857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, sis

>> No.76013995

I mostly only consume Holo content through clips because I hate Youtube's streaming layout compared to Twitch, so I may be off on this when I say this but does Kronii ever do anything special outside of streaming? Like, I can't remember the last time she announced she was going to be doing some big project like the other girls in her gen have done.

>> No.76014070

Nothing special, it's just typical gacha bullshit. It's rather tame compared to hoyoshitters.

>> No.76014189

It goes both ways anon, she needs to stop fucking referencing it on twitter, on her RM twitter, in the comments on her fav clip channel and in her own streams. She keeps bringing it up as an obvious sore point that bothers her, OF COURSE PEOPLE AREN'T GONNA LET UP IF SHE KEEPS MAKING IT OBVIOUS IT BOTHERS HER

>> No.76014214

Meanwhile, at Nijisanji...

>> No.76014225

I've played flash games with paper dolls that look more cohesive than that

>> No.76014233

>niji vs niji

>> No.76014310

Bae seems like the only Council member who actually does big projects and stuff but I'll admit I don't pay much attention to Fauna, Mumei or Irys.

>> No.76014363
File: 48 KB, 1254x207, kronster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76014439

Nobody but Bae does any big projects in Promise
Kronii does put out covers though.

>> No.76014455

the funny part is these are the only people still watching her

>> No.76014746

Not beeg projects but from memory:
- Mumei initiated the very first karaoke off collab back in 2021 and coordinated this gen cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-9M-BjFYMc
- Fauna was behind the EN holoween series back in 2022

Irys was super busy when she was a vsinger but don't know what she gets up to nowadays.

>> No.76014837

She did a 3D Concert on her birthday, if that counts:

>> No.76014941

Wada designed character that in FGO lore is the literal first Mommy that all life came from and became one of the Beasts of Humanity because she did not want her children to leave.

>> No.76015021

>You have to go back 2 years to see the last time Council did anything noteworthy together
Yep, story checks out.

>> No.76015149

Fauna is a pure streamer, with the best stream charisma, but almost zero projects.
Kronii and Mumei have some small projects sometimes. IRyS has some more JP side appearances and such because she knows the language.
Bae has the most projects.

>> No.76015194

Kronii sucks
Niji sucks

>> No.76015208

I'm also tired of JDON shit yet no one stops using that
Tough luck, Kronii
I'll make some alts and spam booba jokes for your next stream

>> No.76015215

Why did Hololive even allow half of EN to live in Japan anyway

>> No.76015227

I feel so bad for her putting up with such a mentally ill and socially unaware coomer audience. No wonder they're all societal rejects

>> No.76015270

Hi kronii

>> No.76015279
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Promise except for Bae never do anything of note in terms of holo wide projects, events, tournaments hosted by them or otherwise
Sorry but it's true. The others just exist doing default stuff.

>> No.76015327

How do they even notice grays?

>> No.76015334

They live closer to work. Why would work object to that?

>> No.76015341

Christ, the JDON shit is unbearable

>> No.76015363
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This is probably the reason why Bae is everywhere now I'd imagine.

>> No.76015386

Inb4 she starts unironically replying to low effort trolls bringing it up in her replies like the mori Connor cuckbeat shitshow

>> No.76015421

If you haven't noticed yet Kronii is the type of person to seek out stuff to annoy her with, like how she got unreasonable upset that some random ladies on an airplane wasn't up to date on greek, norse and roman gods lore

>> No.76015427

the council girls flew a few times back and forth to JP last year for fes and shit which is why I get the absence of side projects.

Also might end up being a waste of time since how quickly people forget and move on.

>> No.76015442

It's less allow, and more forced, since the only way to get any opportunities is to live near the studio like you are JP. Unless you like flying to Japan 10 times a year, of course.

>> No.76015478

Ironically when everyone who spends the most time in chat are subscribers, the green really starts to blend together and this makes things that are not green stand out more.

>> No.76015562
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>> No.76015581

I'm sorry your oshi is not close enough to her audience and doesn't feel comfortable venting about stupid shit on stream.
But how is this Kronii's fault?

>> No.76015634

I don't know how to best describe it, but you can just tell that Kronii is the kind of woman who's absolutely obnoxious to be around. She'd notice something miniscule that she finds sexist or offensive or whatever else and would go off about it for hours ruining the evening for everyone.

>> No.76015636

What is even this thread?
Nit enoufh drama you guys are talking about promise instead?

>> No.76015653

>Kronii: it's my villain arc, guys

>> No.76015676

Maybe because she alienated all of the people who liked her with her homo arc?

>> No.76015677


>> No.76015699

Anon, remind me who is friendless and posts on a vietnamese pictographic image board and which one has lots of friends and a social life?

>> No.76015731

>Korean woman is a melodramatic prude
Stop the presses.

>> No.76015733

Do you have friends and a social life then?

>> No.76015746

Kronii alienating her audience caused your oshi to close up and not share on stream?
What the fuck are you saying anon? You don't make any sense.

>> No.76015772

Kronii has her one friend she's uncomfortably obsessed with and that's it though

>> No.76015866

I'm not Kronii anon.

>> No.76015949

He is not me (i really with 4chan atleast had an anonymous uuid so imposters like these...)

>> No.76015975
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Ao Kun continues to be the superior blue girlfailure

>> No.76015992

This thread seems like one guy ultra obsessed with anting her.

>> No.76015999

I kneel

>> No.76016001
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>> No.76016186

Exactly, acting an aloof and narcissistic persona plays nicely into her inflated self-image.
Being known as the pagpag-sandwich girl rankles her ego.

>> No.76016207

God I want to domesticate Ao

>> No.76016216

It's her stream so it's her decision on if she wants to kill overused jokes or reign in the horny posting. At the same time she doesn't have to feed every low effort troll that brings it up like when Mori replied to the cuckbeat comic

>> No.76016294

Kronii seems to me like the kind of girl who's a girlfailure but instead of accepting it or denying it she just gets mad and bitter about it.

>> No.76016330

>inflated self-image
Please tell us more about Kronii's psychology threadreader.
I'm sure you have some nice insights based on a recent clip you saw.

>> No.76016388

Please don't compare anything anyone has ever done in hololive to that dumpster fire of a post.

>> No.76016395

>It's her stream so it's her decision on if she wants to kill overused jokes or reign in the horny posting.
Why is so many like you so confused about what the issue is? People are not "upset" that she wanted to kill a joke, people are "upset" about the way she handeld it, she was a complete moron, an absolute PR disaster like BP oil, if she would have just said: "Okay, subway jokes is kinda getting stale now, lets come up with some new funny jokes pal", no one would have given a shit, but she had to be a karen about it

>> No.76016450

Don't forget condom money

>> No.76016511

>"Okay, subway jokes is kinda getting stale now, lets come up with some new funny jokes pal"

That's what she said though.
You are just blowing it up out of proportion now.

>> No.76016520

>get over it is been 2 years.
There is nithing wring with that.

>> No.76016524

Everyone from that group is some kind of failure of a human being, it's kidna amazing

>> No.76016574

That's just Kronii for you.

Remember how she could have simply said "yes I might occasionally collab with stars too, don't worry, I'll still be your Kronii" or something and it would have been fine?
But no instead she went full retard about it, then hid away at Mori's and came back with some idiotic "I'll do what I want now!!" statement.

>> No.76016645

translation for esl
he meant to say
"At times like these I wish 4chan had userID's so you couldn't mistake one bot for another"

>> No.76016665


>> No.76016714

>getting stale

>> No.76016792

If you want to handle silencing idiots in chat you do it quietly like the Mafia, you don't fucking call attention to it like a fucking retard like Kronii does.

>> No.76017122

That's funny, because that looks like a one line greentext, not two full paragraphs including "my real fans respect my boundaries," said boundaries being Subway sandwiches, apparently.
As everyone has pointed out, repeatedly, the big problem isn't sandwiches or boobers specifically, it's that she takes things way, waaaaaaaaaay too seriously and kills the fun for everybody. And remember, delivering fun is supposed to be a huge part of her job.

>> No.76017254

I swear Kronii and Kiara are in a competition to be the most retarded holo in EN.

>> No.76017374

>"yes I might occasionally collab with stars too, don't worry, I'll still be your Kronii"
That's exactly what she said, and then the worms roster was announced and people lost their fucking shit.

>> No.76017621

No she made it so much worse by first promising members one thing, then writing a menhera post about it, then going "on mental break" for a while and hiding at Mori and coming back with such a hostile tone

>> No.76019006

No, that's your schizo rrat
She laid down rules in her member stream, went on break and the unicorns immediately shit all over when the worms roster was announced.
So she realized that compromising with them was useless as they just push and push for more no matter what you give them so she just said she will not bother and do what she feels right.

And coincidently she has followed the original rules she proposed in the members stream almost to a T, with just two minor exceptions in over a year now.

She just knew schizo unicorns would nitpick and move goal posts no matter what and having some sort of established rules would just be used against her by them.

>> No.76019214
File: 100 KB, 260x319, 1714346360635268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see FuwaMoco have been relatively tame for threadshitters to move on

>> No.76019430

Anya hated the jiggling boobs on her default outfit and even after Cover toned it down she prefers using her new outfits. Kronii isn't the first Hololive talent that got tired of dealing with coomers.

>> No.76019551

Hell, even Choco has told her chat to tone shit down a few times
