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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 321 KB, 921x931, 1715943932331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76002008 No.76002008 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>75986357

>> No.76002481
File: 82 KB, 1162x112, 1713048820276535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.76002808

I don't have a good feeling of this thread based off of op. Nothing against the guy but I don't know who that is and the only thing that stands out is his neck and the fact that he shortened it kek

>> No.76002884

100% Orange Juice is free on Steam right now. Pick it up for potential collab suffering.

>> No.76002908

Can people praise me more. :3c

>> No.76002974
File: 20 KB, 236x353, IMG_6827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76003131

Robot vtubers, this is your fate

>> No.76003157

You are a almost 40 year old man acting like a teenager

>> No.76003433

Kuku, Rinna, Nova and Denpa commissioned Mond's mama for a model. Any bets on who is next?

>> No.76003489
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>> No.76003559

I'm in my early 20s

>> No.76003596

How much is that artist's live2d model?

>> No.76003686

i was gonna comm her for a model but i decided against it, her art is really good though

>> No.76003705
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>> No.76003725

450 euro for no expressions

>> No.76003749

they are cute

>> No.76003760

I like my men how I like my coffee

I don't like coffee

>> No.76003803

That's acceptable

>> No.76003837

Back the fuck off all the cute shotas are MINE. I will be their only oneesan

>> No.76004082

How many lies did you tell as letania then

>> No.76004094

can't tell if its mama or gobb...

>> No.76004174


>> No.76004205

Neck not long enough

>> No.76004563

>boring as fuck when I stream
>post funny shit that gets a lot of keks when shitposting on random 4chan boards
I don’t get it. How do I channel my shitposting humor into my streams. Why am I only funny on 4chan dammit.

>> No.76004571
File: 157 KB, 1226x912, 1713304645767885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question, but does Twitch enforce the same rules as YouTube for movie and karaoke streams? As in:
>Any song is fine during a karaoke stream, as long as the video isn't archived
>Movie streams are allowed as long you're not streaming the actual movie but just your real time reaction to it. It can be archived.

Last time I used Twitch it was like.... 8 years ago, so I don't really know.

>> No.76004578

I love Haru.

>> No.76004731

For music the tos states you aren't supposed to play copyrighted music at all, however they only enforce it currently on vods. Twitch will start enforcing it live and banning people during the stream at some point

>> No.76004872

What if you’re playing a rhythm game?

>> No.76004886

Hanabi's really leaving Twitter this time

>> No.76005109

do you love me?

>> No.76005209

I don't know.

>> No.76005218
File: 25 KB, 680x382, noimold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kids have fun, it's too zooming for my liking.

>> No.76005226

Now say it back

>> No.76005276


>> No.76005282

As a friend?

>> No.76005313

Astral Party is always free and is a clone for those who are gonna forget to buy it.

>> No.76005367

>astral party
Isn't that game hot garbage?

>> No.76005806

If you don't reply to DM's you're a bitch and a pussy

>> No.76005820
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>> No.76005935

Anyone streaming?

>> No.76005978
File: 39 KB, 293x329, lmfaonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are yopu all having fun vtubing

>> No.76006030

Post another selfie.

>> No.76006123
File: 132 KB, 600x853, robonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's me as a robot

>> No.76006362

Thanks anon

>> No.76006385
File: 166 KB, 1876x1876, 1713720655651138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mama Ubume!

>> No.76006391

I've been practicing singing every day for a good 6 months now, and boy, the difference is incredible.

>> No.76006419 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 1500x1300, b570c79e-0747-4f9e-a3e9-297fc761e86b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I post nsfw if I don't want my twitter nuked
ok ty bye

>> No.76006444

have you thought about making sfw art instead of smut

>> No.76006455

Now with her titties out!

>> No.76006481

I feel people only watch me as a gesture of support for having supported them before and not because I entertain them, it stings a bit but I can't complain when I end up feeling less lonely

>> No.76006485


>> No.76006509

excellent work

>> No.76006550

sorry then, I'm out of ideas

>> No.76006764

I get sad when I think about how much I support others when they don't support me

>> No.76007190

did you try not making shit streams

>> No.76007207
File: 347 KB, 1300x1300, 1218021e-9d92-49ff-b7a1-3f0c34a23210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76007293

draw feet art again

>> No.76007367

I post as vtubers here to make people think they’re self posting. I’ve already soured the thread on a former thread darling and I’m getting closer to a second

>> No.76007404

annoyed that I must smoke reefer to become peaceful and enlightened. when sober I am too "in the moment" and become easily agitated by the most trivial things. too easy to lose sight of the big picture, being that most things in life don't really matter at all, at least not enough to get worked up over.

interesting feeling like you're 2 different people depending on the chemicals you put in your body. guess I should get some kind of meds, but probably won't. gotta just keep trying to train the sober self to be more calm in the brief moments it exists

>> No.76007466
File: 151 KB, 490x204, repent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76007553

it's ok Shania. I'm kinda the same way except I'm riddled with anxiety and can't really focus through all of my racing thoughts.

>> No.76007713

Draw a male

>> No.76007835

They don't really even enforce it. They remove vods not as a punishment but to protect streamers from copywrite holders. Twitch profits way too much from copywrite abuse to actually want to do anything about it. All of their top streamers abuse copywrite heavily almost every stream, and rely on it to make remotely watchable content.

>> No.76007855
File: 43 KB, 564x567, 60577521_10215820088109998_3671371077214273536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god for creating the ganja so people like us can self medicate when the healthcare system inevitably fails us

>> No.76008215

Rinna’s graduated but her model mama was Swallkoi… it sucks she graduated before we could even see the finished model…

>> No.76008650 [SPOILER] 
File: 435 KB, 1300x1300, 13fa70c8-1c06-46fc-8454-e07b56f276db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76008776

I promised her I was capable of not catching feelings, but I'm catching feelings.

>> No.76008781

Nice. As for the question in the deleted post you can always try pixiv for your nsfw work.

>> No.76008793
File: 140 KB, 902x902, 1710808181260068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are they now?

>> No.76008887

Blame her, sis!

>> No.76008932 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 620x826, fnho3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76008939

Chained up in my basement

>> No.76008946

only the leech totora is still alive

>> No.76009010

All of this because I made one shitpost. Arigatou gozaimazu cheenis weenis

>> No.76009094

I’m rooting for a certain viewer’s crush with a chuuba to be reciprocated. I want all the chuubas that are on hiatus or are taking a break to be well and healthy.

>> No.76009118

Very nice!

>> No.76009250

Sir, this is a vtuber thread.

>> No.76009267

>I’m rooting for a certain viewer’s crush with a chuuba to be reciprocated
who? give some hints sis!

>> No.76009280


>> No.76009300

brown cat in vallure mark my words

>> No.76009330

>all dead (except toto)

>> No.76009550

How is toto the only one alive yet she is doing better than almost none

>> No.76009683

Who was the artist for the png beryl who shilled himself here?

>> No.76009717

There was a mimic aspie 2 years ago what happened to them

>> No.76009990

If you have to ask, they have probability stopped vtubing.

>> No.76009994


>> No.76010318

I want to see their history, I can't remember the name

>> No.76010488

isn't that our duende shota?

>> No.76010687

Same guy

>> No.76010992

>kliffoth unfollowed every /asp/ie
>even the cute girls

Wow, unfollowing me was one thing but turning your back on the cuties
You really think you know a guy

>> No.76011199

ah the usual "use 4chan as a launchpad and once you gain enough velocity you disavow and claim 4chan is the devil" strat.

>> No.76011331
File: 225 KB, 560x577, 2f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then get caught with your pants down posting on 4chan

>> No.76011450

>notice Gimmi still following me
She's really kind

>> No.76011471


>> No.76011509

she unfollowed me though in the past few weeks and I dont want to ask her why.

>> No.76011523

gimmi gimmi gimmi a man after midnight

>> No.76011603

Grimmi followed me but I don't like her and removed her

>> No.76011646

grimmi never followed me, but to be fair I never followed her or watched any of her streams either

>> No.76011675


>> No.76011680

Post progress, I love it when people are into singing

>> No.76011750

Lately I've been contemplating going back to school to maybe move up at work so that I can support myself better. I don't think I'd be able to do everything at once, school, work, and vtubing, it's too much, and if I can't do any of my hobbies I'd rather blow my brains out than go back to school. I hate the idea of having to pay thousands for the chance of getting a better wage, waste months of my time to maybe afford to finally move out to a place for myself and rent my whole life away. It's an attractive idea, but I can't stomach the time and money investment, it's too much. I don't know what to do. School seems like the smart choice, but I don't think it guarantees anything.

>> No.76011840


Mahjong and art. Gonna be a longer stream today!

>> No.76012012

I'm scared that I'll do something stupid and ruin something good because I can't control myself

>> No.76012024

there is thi one chuuba i follow who is looking for a partner, i wont drop links nor more hints, but you will find her if you look through my follows list.

>> No.76012389

This is more retarded than most vagueposts.

>> No.76012494
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>> No.76012756


>> No.76013237

So who does he follow? Did he unfollow everyone associated with 4chan?

>> No.76013264

Who fucking cares

>> No.76013303

I do

>> No.76013305
File: 8 KB, 318x120, 1713786249481753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny to see people debuff themselves by not using 4chan as a place to launch their vtuber careers.

>> No.76013343

My friends urged me to do BFE. I don't think I have the capacity to do that but I'm seriously considering it nowadays

>> No.76013401

Denii_vt I want to fuck you selfpost here so we can groom you with our sisters

>> No.76013406

He didn't unfollow me, I removed him when he was revealed as the self shillibg schizo he is

>> No.76013535

The problem is a conceptualization issue. The typical newfag just thinks that 4chan is a bunch of underage cave troll NEETs calling eachother fags all day. What they don't realize is that 4chan has always been a huge cross-section of online humanity being both the best and worst of humanity at total random. The site has also become a lot more known to "normies" since 2016 migration phases and that's never going back. Summer is eternal after all.

>> No.76013833

But we DO call each other fags all day...

>> No.76013934

Yes, it filters the pearl clutchers very efficiently.

>> No.76014119

Is it because of the Krimbo/South Side drama?

>> No.76014277

I need a kissy right now!

>> No.76014326


>> No.76014607

My family is very poor so one time I sucked an old white man’s cock for a bucket of Jollibee Chickenjoy. Not my proudest moment, but my family was able to eat because of my sacrifice.

>> No.76014631
File: 31 KB, 472x291, GB-3bMQXYAAJho4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Are there any confirmed Jewish aspies?
Because, when I debut as a Nazi-themed aspie, I wanna be friends with them.

>> No.76014767

Kliffoth is just doing that thing where he uses people for likes and retweets, and when he finally has a hit tweet and gains followers, he unfollows everyone that helped him to look good with a lot of followers and with small follows.
He is a snake just like his friend Renata.

>> No.76014913

damn gumpai I didn't realize it was like that but it explains a lot I guess

>> No.76014973

so true sis

>> No.76015108

I need a banger tweet...

>> No.76015303

Now let me tell you a little something about the Jews

>> No.76015372

I saw Beryl's tweet on my regular twitter feed

>> No.76015449

Call out Krimbo and he'll probably boost your tweet

>> No.76015659
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, AI Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to give everyone's favorite SUCCubus a makeover... and likely crash my PC because I'm gonna be using high-resolution images on gimp...
Today's AI Art is focused on improving Gremory, using the same techniques that I used to make my own model: inpainting upscaling.

Watch me waifusmith live here:

>> No.76015769

Gauging how aspiring you all are

>> No.76015805

When I go to China and visit my cousin at 16yo, I always wear his father's police coat to go outside so nobody can touch me

>> No.76015974

gobb. mama is only into ojiis

>> No.76015986

It didn’t do shit for Cody besides blacklisting him from other chuubas

>> No.76016227

Had 2 seperate dreams about having trans gfs...

>> No.76016249

>Gumpai shitting up QB's stream now
It was nice whilst it lasted

>> No.76016278

It's crazy how almost all of them are dead. Males are GMI for the simple reason that they don't kill themselves midway through compared to girls

>> No.76016409
File: 19 KB, 436x77, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based yumitomato

>> No.76016426

You guys realize Kliff lost his original account and is on his second one now, right? He got a lot a lot of support which is why his follow numbers are high again and probably only selectively follows people to control twitter algorithm a bit. He's still a twat and already uses twitter in a way that he promised he wouldn't do any ore again but still, I can't blame him too much for this one

>> No.76016565


>> No.76016614


>> No.76016654

Surprised I'm the only one who believes in actually making it, what are you all aspiring for?

>> No.76016723

What tweet?

>> No.76016724

I need to add the option: perdue worldwide fame and achieve the realization of my goal

>> No.76016742
File: 88 KB, 400x400, F2Zg_JobQAAL2VY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored, so please enjoy this

>> No.76016806

Perdue doesn't make sense in the context you're using it and doing this full time is the same as worldwide fame you dingus

>> No.76016812

Another one of his Nikke tweets went viral

>> No.76016846

I have a real job that pays a stable wage, I'm not willing to throw that away to go full time where you have to rely on people choosing to give you money and being beholden to your viewers.

>> No.76016891

I've put aside multiple paychecks for mond's return

>> No.76016896

I mean I think I'm asking the same thing as "do you want to do something else than your day job"

>> No.76016932

Thought it's something special, oh well I keep expecting him too high

>> No.76016997

There is too much risk and instability in streaming full time, I also don't care to chase trends just to keep up views and such

>> No.76016998

I can’t see it since he blocked me, what’s it say? Screenshot?

>> No.76017007
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>> No.76017067

cheen drew me months ago and im a guy

>> No.76017103
File: 85 KB, 1038x817, F88365C9-484B-41E7-B245-AA04E245528E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue he drew me (he called me fat but I love him anyways<3)

>> No.76017109

>I can’t blame him for being a snake and cutting everyone out
KEK at the “but it’s his second account!” excuse
The same people who retweeted his shit when he got banned and helped him find followers again are the ones that now got unfollowed.

>> No.76017147

Why did he block you

>> No.76017418

QB playing OSRS

>> No.76017490

Don’t wanna be rude because it’s a cute doodle, but compare it to >>76008793
The effort he puts on drawing guys and girls is night and day.
Girls get a fully colored and shaded piece, and guys are lucky to just get a doodle.
I know Cheen says he isn’t good at drawing guys (even tho he draws himself a lot too) but he is never gonna improve if he only keeps drawing girls.
Unless he only wants to be good at drawing girls, which is fine, but a bit shitty for his mostly male supporters.

>> No.76017505

he still follows me

>> No.76017563

hi renata

>> No.76017634

no but are you looking for insider information on kliff or something

>> No.76017643

that one was a commission lmao

>> No.76017748

Most of his male supporters are artists or have female OCs

>> No.76017786

All the female art he does, commissioned or for fun, is this high quality.
I haven’t seen him draw a single male (that is not himself or a “female looking guy”) in high quality before.

>> No.76017803

sit in stream, save points, redeem sketch say "me". Ez

>> No.76017991

momo commed him months ago, and there has been a couple others. He does plenty of sketches of his friends and people who hang around. most artists do this naturally because they enjoy people company and feel inspired to draw them. Have you considered trying to befriend the man instead of begging?

>> No.76018035
File: 99 KB, 512x512, 63e9794d88ad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheen once came into my stream and said he'd kill me!... I was fighting a robot guy in Baldur's gate so maybe it was simple allegiances.

>> No.76018038

Have you considered sucking my dick?

>> No.76018082
File: 723 KB, 2845x4096, F-oGFIzXEAAMSh-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76018104

I have drawn you eating my dick cheese but I will never post it because its obvious who I am...

>> No.76018134

... I could have gone without knowing that.

>> No.76018166
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x1674, IMG_9762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to become the norm?

>> No.76018220

just pick up on social cues like any person

>> No.76018276

I have only drawed myself eating him hehe :3c
He will never know who I am tho :3

>> No.76018319

kill yourself

>> No.76018350

Regulus or Nikola...

>> No.76018397

Ace voring comet

>> No.76018413

>Vita will never want to eat me
why I am even here?

>> No.76019011

asp up against mint on ogey calibur btw >>76010208

>> No.76019066
File: 1 KB, 185x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people generally like drawing girls more by default

>> No.76019077

Remembering when these failed to take hold in the ttrpg space because either
A) You know the people already and have general expectations of how everyone behaves
B) You don't know them and you're not going to memorize a fucking checklist for what will be a one time thing if you don't vibe with them

>> No.76019204

These anons already summarized it. This shit exists for twitter vtweeters and normie indies that inhabit those creepy grooming discords. They collab with total strangers they met on a tweet asking for collab "friends" and they know literally nothing about and then act surprised that they're getting weirdos and literal (not the kind asp calls eachother) sexpests. If you know your collab partner(s) so little that you need a personal boundaries checklist you shouldn't be collabing.

>> No.76019235

Kuromaru is a known and proud Jew who frequently refers to himself as one of the chosen

>> No.76019327
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyPlotting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even am I at this point?
A cat? A computer? An AI cat? God?

>> No.76019365

los peruanos señoras y señores

>> No.76019474

just make one for ineda to show he is gonna do nothing but rape and scat jokes

>> No.76019577

all wrong

>> No.76019602

Cállate chileno asqueroso

>> No.76019633

Most anime is:
-all or mostly all female cast
-male protag and mostly female support cast
-male protag but a number of stand out female support characters who are popular with fans and fan artists

So that's really not surprising.

>> No.76019663

why didn’t he at least draw someone who actually streams at least

>> No.76019773

Someone was begging for ubume to get drawn last thread, that's probably why

>> No.76019786

name chuuba

>> No.76019801


>> No.76019852


>> No.76019861

i streamed to my sister today one of these days i will gain the confidence to post myself :3

>> No.76019951

Gscha :D

>> No.76020066


>> No.76020068


>> No.76020165
File: 15 KB, 597x137, iouwefg9uqGB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76020214 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 1080x954, Tumblr_l_2692014858106028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooouughh I want to have a stream open on my phone while I'm at work but it'll eat my phone battery. I wouldn't even be watching but every view counts

>> No.76020377


>> No.76020433
File: 243 KB, 478x364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to mix drinks and change lives! Oh wait wrong game. We're making coffee this time.
Coffee Talk

>> No.76020471

>or have female OCs
yknow what i was gonna comm him for art of myself but now that you mention it...

>> No.76020472

>social cues
Most vtubers are on the autism spectrum

>> No.76020488


>> No.76020540

ineda silver

>> No.76020539
File: 258 KB, 404x528, bunnydeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to stream...

>> No.76020552

Wait until you learn what "spectrum" means

>> No.76020616

lmfao purrson you are now officially always welcome on my stream.

>> No.76020629

I don’t know I can’t asked im blocked

>> No.76020828

It was just the one time damn it

>> No.76020847

Path of Exile.

>> No.76020901

Maybe when PoE 2 comes out.

>> No.76020957

But none of us will be alive by then..

>> No.76021094

I think you should play Inazuma Eleven

>> No.76021299

Vanquish or YIIK, your choice

>> No.76021370

You got any socials I can follow, this is actually pretty good! owo

>> No.76021392

I hope Poppy's ok

>> No.76021442

I don't! Hope she kills herself!

>> No.76021498

We know Patchey

>> No.76021540

What's the QRD on this? ANd I mean QUICK rundown, keep the information lean.

>> No.76021603

During P/C discussion stream, Poppy sounded like she was going to cry and Chrii was talking on her behalf
Chrii has streamed since and Poppy has been mia

>> No.76021618


>> No.76021695

hopefully kia

>> No.76021742

yeah AND?
oh boo hoo the artist only wants to draw CUTE GIRLS waaaa

Fuck off. Smoke a pole asshole

>> No.76021797

She's been MIA since her failed attempt at canceling Patchey, likely due to the blowback the other conspirators have received.

>> No.76021805

That wasn’t me, but yeah I would say some shit like that. I’m on my shota bullshit again, I’m gonna kidnap them all and turn them into shortstacks with fat thighs. I already drew pantsu

>> No.76021811

Rura has Covid, Mond is on extended leave.

I don't watch the others so idk.

>> No.76021873

who else do you want to make into a shota

>> No.76021899

I miss mond I miss mond I miss mond I miss mond I miss mond

>> No.76021942

Based and then have a full one insane bloodfeud with the soviet themed aspie

>> No.76021947

She's chatting in camuicord so she's probably ok

>> No.76021965


>> No.76021994

I hope Rura gets long COVID and is unable to stream ever again

>> No.76022032

I like my men like I like my coffee

Not black

>> No.76022059

I think gscha would look cute with chunky thighs. Basil too, boy shorts are super cute!
That reminds me, which asp is most like Venti? Asking for a friend(me)

>> No.76022080

I like my women like I like my coffee

With a penis

>> No.76022131


the thread is spicy today

>> No.76022174
File: 80 KB, 360x360, 1704954534670684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is actually talking in this btw

>> No.76022211

I want everyone to be afraid of posting their link and I want everyone to be distrusting of each other

>> No.76022255

Not gonna work! I have plenty of friends (or close acquaintances) that I met through this place and I am a good judge of character. I trust them.~

>> No.76022512


>> No.76022539


>> No.76022677
File: 43 KB, 549x391, E7Em4mQWYAUCGvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76022683

yall walk into this thread and get chummy with randos when we are all fighting over the same breadline of twitch bit crumbs.

Remember. Everyone in this thread is your co-worker. Its nice to be friendly but fame chasing crabulons will stab you up the dick given the slightest incentive.

>> No.76022816

literally who cares? it doesn’t mean he can’t, he just prefers to draw women

>> No.76022881

gscha is already a shota?

>> No.76022977

pretty much, yeah, but what I want is to practice the squished in proportions of shortstack and give him some wiiiide hips
because I’m a degenerate

>> No.76023099

Babis are an abomination

>> No.76023321

1 viewer raid hate

>> No.76024179

You are allowed to view, promote, draw or raid whoever you want. You are not obligated to support everyone.

>> No.76024209

Poly stopped watching her weeks before she left so I claim her now. That my wife.

>> No.76024235

Except me. Everyone needs to watch and draw me.

>> No.76024457
File: 24 KB, 631x283, 1709138003108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 viewer raid LOVE
They have enough faith in me to react positively to a small kindness and not shame them for not having more to give.
You can change the default raid amount and deny raids with less than a certain number of viewers if it bothers you that much.

>> No.76024475

>1 view raid
>You welcome them in
>They don't say hi back
>Viewer count goes down by 1 after 30 seconds

>> No.76024510
File: 10 KB, 242x170, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 viewer raid love!

>> No.76024540


>> No.76024782

>Sukadrii (1 view) raiding into the woman of the week
I've lost all respect for this guy

>> No.76024993

He never said he wasnt a sexpest

>> No.76025033

That tracts, since no one respects you either

>> No.76025400

You don't even know who I am

>> No.76025468

no I did not. it was 3 days. I was quiet. rope btw

>> No.76025587

I missed it. :( I was looking into playing this game one day. How was it???

>> No.76025720
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Ehhhh to be fair, she's playing some funny fan games, not exactly offensive
she is live right now btw https://www.twitch.tv/yumitomomi

>> No.76025965

She sounds like she has autism

>> No.76025978

He could have raided literally anyone but chose the woman who is /here/ and didn't even have a single viewer to bring over, she isn't to blame for being a woman but Sukadrii is just another brain dead male to add to the pile

>> No.76026077

What accent is this, australian?

>> No.76026125

>Thread is called /asp/
>People are called /asp/ies
>Most chuubas are autistic or on the spectrum or have tendencies
Next you'll be saying grass is green and the sky is blue!
She's a bong, like khubie but replace mahjong with sonic.

>> No.76026150


>> No.76026209

Can't work out what kind of british

>> No.76026432

daily reminder to block ubume from your channel. she wont stfu abt yumi’s throne.

>> No.76026453
File: 3 KB, 136x109, chrome_zMT2WQzvQM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All-star lineup here.

>> No.76026474

no I don't think I will

>> No.76026526

Who's kazadorable

>> No.76026548

She never even followed me

>> No.76026560

sorry I don't judge people by which schizos watch them (even if the only schizo I know is the top one)

>> No.76026631

Shes never been in my stream either

>> No.76026644
File: 417 KB, 580x655, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ubume ever get a Throne? Or is she mad that Yumi just started and people keep gifting her stuff?

>> No.76026645

Gael is an asshole
Jignx is a groomer

>> No.76026725

the fact that you have announce it speaks volumes. more so than sukadeeznuts

>> No.76026760
File: 4 KB, 2000x1455, norweee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy constitution day to Mawg and Tornkite! Also, Albert can remove his cat from the stream today

>> No.76026774

I mean he does collab with The Danger Crew

>> No.76026811

ubume got an asmr mic and then never delivered on the sloppy bj asmr

>> No.76026939
File: 3.33 MB, 1045x1477, Tokyo_NOVA_Classes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm LIVE with some TOKYO NOVA!
While this is a Cyberpunk-style tabletop game, you wouldn't think it looking at the classes! After all, when was the last time you played an alien fighter fighter with secret martial arts techniques?


>> No.76027099

rachel love

>> No.76027269

She keeps doing this in streams

>> No.76027281


>> No.76027287

I can't tell from all the shitposting, is wip a girl or not?

>> No.76027367

introduced themselves as a male when designing character, went with female, acted more and more like female. we don't know and they seem not interested in clarifying (probably because wiplash knows to avoid drama)

>> No.76027531

It's a guy, babi.

>> No.76027612

>wiplash knows to avoid drama
naw he/she doesn't :]

>> No.76027714

Really? The design and voice are feminine

>> No.76027716

dont skinwalk my friend

>> No.76027766

ubume he wont fuck you

>> No.76027782

wtf is the danger crew?

>> No.76027847

>hey hey Oni-Chuds, Kuromaru here
>*Hava Nagila plays*

>> No.76027867

You are replying to a retarded schizo who thinks all female aspies are trannies.

>> No.76027901

i hope Chrii gets to steam more so i can remind her in the thread how much of a worthless piece of shit she is in the thread while she's gone so when she comes back she would be scared of streaming again

>> No.76027904

found it, >>63369932, has it even worse than coco with the voice, but allegedly female.

>> No.76028042
File: 25 KB, 341x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Layla raided Yumi...

>> No.76028076

I always treated wiplash as one of the bros, she cant be female. I DECIDE TO IGNORE THIS REALITY

>> No.76028134

it should be a general PSA to allow raids so all the new aspies can raid you

>> No.76028158

She sounds much more normal and sane that I was expecting from how she acts in camui's chat

>> No.76028197


>> No.76028204

even new aspies have more to offer than sukadrii

>> No.76028258

Where do I find these settings?

>> No.76028255

Did Layla fall off?

>> No.76028304

Under stream settings in your creator dashboard

>> No.76028510

I am feeling quite demotivated, how did you keep up going when you felt like all of this was going nowhere? How can one hope to succeed when it seems so impossible to obtain such a thing? Why should I keep trying if all that I do seems to not get anywhere? Today, with certainty, I say that I wanna give up.

>> No.76028665

His jackbox stream was good, when is he doing another one? Seems to be stronger in group settings rather than on his own.

>> No.76028848

b b b b b b bb bbbb based
i will now post gay shit in purrson's chat next time i see him go live

>> No.76028855

Ther is literally zero certainty with any of this, so all you can do is your best. Do what you can to improve, seize upon opportunites when they come, form and strengthen what bonds you can and just keep moving forward. The ultimate judgement call is yours, of course, so you can always bow out if you truly believe that you should, but there's always a chance for a chance to present itself if you keep going.

>> No.76028861

it was good because of the people who joined, he took backseat to a collab he planned. i would've forgotten he was even in the collab if it wasnt hosted on his channel

>> No.76028909

ring fit
twitch chat controlled vibrator zatsu

>> No.76028975

Patchey Ineda Pafu Cody Pantsu

>> No.76029021

Pantsu is good...

>> No.76029136

tired of the people who chat when I'm live being essayers

>> No.76029186

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.76029203


>> No.76029231

the fuck are essayers

>> No.76029241

Yeah I don't think they're being extreme enough. She needs to be scared of the internet in general.

>> No.76029312

The fastest way to sap all joy out of something is to record yourself doing it

>> No.76029318

shut up bitch

>> No.76029397

>He's a better streamer when he isn't the one talking
Oh no no no no no

>> No.76029462

People who type more than a person could say in one breath in each message

>> No.76029524
File: 302 KB, 639x444, werefrensnowokuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing that keeps me up is defining success for myself
so I ask you, what is success for this project of yours? How do you measure it?

Ultimately I would enjoy to live off my passion, but I know such is a chance, if you forgive my rudeness, and that is why for me, my idea of success is having a stable pool of people to interact and entertain with my hobbies.
I keep going because I know the closest checkpoint in my idea of success is attainable, but that does not mean that I do not dream of the stars, and I do aim for them, but for the time being I'm happy I get to fuel and maintain my rocket, for the day it launches to the vast sky.
Even if you feel like your backpack is empty, you bring a gram of knowledge home, and after a while you'll look back and notice that even that small gram was needed
I apologize if it sounds cheesy or prewritten, but these are the laws I abide to, and the reality I chose to believe in, and I trust you will reach your goal, one speck of dust at a time.

Captcha related: pypxy

>> No.76029527

T. Faggot with no breath support

>> No.76029553

somehow never managed to sap the joy out of fapping for me

>> No.76029580

>I communicate exclusively in run on sentences because I'm schizophrenic

>> No.76029701

i skip over those chatters and purposefully ignore them and let it be known by reading every other commet

>> No.76029811

nta but thank you

>> No.76029898


>> No.76029908

I don't mind sometimes, but i hate people who can't read the room. i don't need 5 paragraphs on how some obscure 2000s fps was coded when I'm playing a horror game

>> No.76029935

I'm still in the stage where I'm not getting regular chatters I guess that's what I attract dear lord I hope it changes

>> No.76030317
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x1280, 00003-502179226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worry that as a schizoid I lack the basic humanity required to get anywhere with this
But then I just don't care and continue

>> No.76030519

>how did you keep up going when you felt like all of this was going nowhere?
I always try to see the advancements I made every day, the tiny goals I fulfilled and the moments of enjoyment I found in my life on this, a new opportunity to live. Sometimes the negative things happening around me or to me because of my own bad choices might drag me down, but I believe the best is always to not be so negative, you already suffer by just existing, so you might have a better time if you chose to not think so deeply about the problems that plague our lives.

>How can one hope to succeed when it seems so impossible to obtain such a thing?
I recommend re-evaluating what is your success, what is it that you are trying to for, and if it's really possible to obtain it. Did you set your goal on getting numbers? Did you set your goal on getting views? Did you set it on subs or follows, or any other measure that is completely out of your control? Or are you aiming towards making something that feels good? Are you trying to go for those experiences that were worth it, or are you punishing yourself with things that you dislike just to get those forementioned "goals" that are completely out of your hands? Try to go for things that you know you can achieve. Try to have a good stream, try to make a video you would like to watch, try to play something that you enjoy, try all of those things that bring you joy and all of those that you already picture as useful, entertaining, and realistically achievable. If you depend on chances, odds, random moments of luck, encounters with the unknown, or whatever else it is that you can't ever directly control instead of focusing on what really is in your hands, you will end up sad, angry at life for not being capable of modifying what wasn't ever meant for you to change at will, and you will ultimately see yourself as someone uncapable of much more than what you might really be, all just because you focused on what is, by itself, impossible to obtain.

>Why should I keep trying if all that I do seems to not get anywhere?
How much are you really not going anywhere? How much have you tried? Is the present the result of your best efforts, or have you perhaps decided to neglect your responsibilities, and you are now complaining about not getting to a place which NEEDS much more than what you have done? If you have done every single thing here, maybe it's time to take a step back and reassess how you will get to the place you so desire to be in. If you haven't, then there are already some answers and insights into what can be done, and why you should keep trying. It's incredibly easy to complain and throw it all off the window in a fit, but don't neglect what you have already done just because of a moment of anger or sadness.
This, too, shall pass. Brother.

>> No.76031083

I have seen this post several times now. I don't think you're doing him any favors by making it. Saying that people liked a collab where he was present but the majority (by far) of the entertaining was done by his guests and where he talked only when prompted or forced by the guests is not a stream I would point to as a success.

>> No.76032017

Thanks, both of you. I sometimes forget to watch how much I have done and how good I have it...

>> No.76032126

I looked at the viewer list for that vod and the numbers were from him and a small handful of viewers from each channel
He shouldn't do another one honestly
