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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75993359 No.75993359 [Reply] [Original]

False Released his Video on MSM talent, a talent management company that has major twitch vtubers like Vshojo's Geega, Nihmune, Vienna, Tob, Yuzu, Lord Aethelstan, and more and confirmed the 4chan /lig/ anon's investigation into it's owner Seth Weinstein.

[YouTube] Agency Lied To Their VTubers? Court Records Show Agency Contracts Invalid, Owner Being Sued For Debt (embed)

>False confirms that with the support of his own lawyers and lawyers in the state of Maryland that MSM talent is signing people under LLCs that do not exist and are not legally enforceable, and is also legally dubious to claim you are a company to sponsors who are operating under good faith that you are an established company.
>False and his team investigated all possible variations of MSM Talent and none are currently active, he also confirmed the closure is due to non payment of taxes.
>False confirms debts Seth owes in the thousands, as well as running from his court dates
>False goes over at least 3 other companies owned by Seth, also in forfeiture due to debts.
>False confirms Seth engaging in disparagement of other vtubers and talents in other companies, including himself, and that his lawyers had to intervene. This Enforces the credibility of Coqui and Krimbo's Claims of disparagement and blacklisting.
>False goes over Seth's racist alternate twitter account
>False goes over Grimmi's Hot Sauce Company also not being an LLC, and also being a white label hot sauce redistribution without being honest to consumer that they are not her company's flavors specifically, as well as the fact all payments go to Seth's personal paypal account.
>False reveals MSM and Seth also own a Vtuber design guild named Spite Engine, who apparently has been stiffing models and riggers and will be included in its own future video after additional investigation is concluded.

Krimbo does live stream discussing MSM blacklisting himself, the Southside, 3am, and takahata 101

>Krimbo says that a bunch of people approached Sigrid and bird to split the channel after Sigrid and Bird were having nasty fights on air, somehow Meat got involved and it lead to Sigrid refusing to be around Meat anymore and an eventual distancing from the southside as a whole because they sided with Meat over Sigrid.
>Sigrid had a Melty over not going to the Ironmouse collab Coqui had
>After Sigrid got in MSM, she let Krimbo know there were people who started rumor mongering about people being sexpests from a MSM discord channel, including Krimbo.
>Eventually, Sigrid believes the rumors, deletes all of her DM logs with Krimbo and Coqui.
>Froggyloch randomly starts unfollowing people in the southside, messages krimbo later and says its because he made jokes that made her uncomfortable, he apologized to her privately but asked her why she unfollowed unrelated people and got defensive about it due the the rumor mongering to Coqui and Meat.
>Seth probably doxxed coqui. Coqui's dox was posted 3 days before 3am, Coqui's new vtuber agency, debuted.
>Told Vshojo that Coqui and Meat are serial doxxers in lig, despite the fact that Coqui herself was doxxed.
>Seth also told Tob and Grimmi Coqui and Meat doxxed them, however when asked for proof all they had were out of context /lig/ anti posts.
>Seth told his talents that he had a /vt/ Janny on the payroll to track post IPs, which if you know anything about this site is tremendous horse shit, but was apparently enough to convince his talents and Vshojo members.
>Krimbo talks about how Takahata 101's old improv crew of vtubers all bailed on him and spread rumors about Taka being bad to work with until people refused to come on his shows anymore, essentially running him out of vtubing.
>Seth dupes talents with promises of Hollywood related things like animated series that will never happen.

Previous thread >>75974847

>> No.75993471

Taka's coming back btw. Announced he'd be back this month actually.

>> No.75993504

That's great news, I hope all of this stuff coming out helps him

>> No.75993509
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wasn't that the dude that had a massive melty because of Filian's vtuber awards?

>> No.75993622

Also forgot to mention that krimbo said several artists he knows personally, over 5 of them, have not been paid for MSM related stuff, probably related to Spite Engine

>> No.75993673
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for those to be asking

>> No.75993756

EN vtubing is such an embarassment holy shit

>> No.75993802

Why? I mean no offense to him, but if I were in his position I'd never come back to the place where people just used me only to backstab me repeatedly until my corpse had enough holes in it to make even Whitebeard blush. I also doubt he's going to openly shit on and detail explicitly how it happened since he seems to have some kind of a decent head on his shoulders (by virtue of bailing in the first place) and also doesn't have a pussy so any outright scathing criticism of people will be met with a kneejerk YOU'RE WRONG AND STUPID reaction like a good chunk of those things.

>> No.75993825
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Krimbo has finished his stream, vote now on your afterthoughts

>> No.75993859

>we've gone from every single small corp being black to every single small corp being an outright money laundering front
What the fuck is going on???

>> No.75993872

Yeah... as we all know, the JP vtubing scene is completely void of bad actors and controversy

>> No.75993884
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>> No.75993928

is that vtuber dox in the comments of that poal?

>> No.75993945

updated to 1 pixel what the fuck anon

yes, seth is amongus.

>> No.75993958

Did heavenlyfather abandon takahata too?

>> No.75993971

>its an image for fucking ants
Zoom in first when you're grabbing caps you dumb retard.

>> No.75993992
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I did not predict that!

>> No.75994042

If anything it makes Seth and MSM look worse

>> No.75994055

I don't think he bailed because of this is the thing. Maybe it contributed, but I know that some of the last streams he did before going on break were his DBA retrospectives and he wonud up flying down to Texas to be with the rest of Team Four Star and continue that series with them for a couple of months. Then over the past several months he'd been talking about wanting to get a new model and stuff (he's been using the same one since 2021) so yeah I doubt that it was the ONLY thing that put him on hiatus.

>> No.75994146
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>> No.75994218

Some of you people are really dumb you know that. It's manipulation that caused people to turn away from Coqui and Meat, not some story about them being hackers. You say the right words, you show them the right bits of info, you back it up with claims that you have someone who can verify that info, and someone who doesn't know better is good to go. I don't even know where this claim that they're hackers came from and I watched the stream.

>> No.75994494

nah he's a realer nigga than that

>> No.75994532

I doubt it, you just can't collab with someone if they disappear for months

>> No.75994561

But did he speak up about people calling him out?

>> No.75994606

Wait till you guys see the other side come out. Meat, Coqui, and Krimbo aren't as innocent as they make themselves out to be. Seth is still a scumbag, but Meat especially knows what she did.

>> No.75994621


>> No.75994645

Finally someone actually posts something like this. This I know for a fact. It really is just a shit show all around and I personally would avoid almost everyone involved.

>> No.75994664

oh my fucking god he's actually here.

>> No.75994681

>ITT: seth finding out you can post from a phone

>> No.75994689

Wait till you guys see the OTHER other side come out. Haruka Karibu cancelled her subathon after debuting in VShojo and she never delivered on her promises. When you see the full details you'll forget all about this little drama.

>> No.75994729

>Less than a minute apart
Either post what you got or stop trying to deflect

>> No.75994734

she's too busy molesting henya. understandable

>> No.75994750

The one thing that I can't stop thinking about is how MSM people are heavy collabers with Vshojo lately. I wonder if Seth's plan was to worm as many MSMs into Vshojo as possible and try to get some of their cashflow/investment to bail himself out?

>> No.75994776

I don't really know much about Haruka but I have to say it's a crying shame there's no art of her with used condoms tied to her horns. Also it'll be very interesting to see if the IRS stuff goes anywhere

>> No.75994824

Not seth. Just a bystander. I cant post what I got its word of mouth. I'll say one thing. It's not like it seems. Seth is a piece of shit, but the reasons for the falling out amongs members, and friendships breaking? Not related to MSM.

>> No.75994834

or to turn it into JShojo
I hope you notice what I did there.

>> No.75994842

You guys aren't prepared for the THIRD side of this coin to come out. Projekt Melody is actually secretly a camwhore.

>> No.75994879

My purple cinnamon bun? impossible.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean I saw someone post it last thread and I assumed it was a typo but now I think it's something retarded.

>> No.75994894

Literally nobody who knows Meat at all would believe this

>> No.75994901

WAIT!? Mel doing special yoga was a lie!

>> No.75994943

If you take bad actors and controversy out of the EN scene, nothing remains

>> No.75994945

It's probably someone trying to pivot the discussion to Coqui/Meat. That's a favorite tactic of MSM is to bring up Coqui/Meat/3am unsolicited whenever they get caught doing something.

>> No.75994951

Literally nobody who knows the people meat has hurt at all would believe this? That's not a "gotcha" anon. There is lying on both sides. Its a shitshow.

>> No.75994952

Seth's plan more seems to be to setup carpet pull schemes that lay liability onto the talents, but have the money go through his personal paypal. He was most likely going to try to pitch one of these to vshojo to use them to launder cash.

>> No.75994974

Wrong, Ela still exists
>inb4 ID
Streams in english 80% of the time now, she's EN.

>> No.75994981

Ze /3am/ schizo....

>> No.75994985

I feel like the ending to this will be rather boring. MSM will dissolve, indies will switch to other talent management companies like Mythic instead, and broken relationships will remain broken.

>> No.75995014

Nobody's buying it. Even before all this, the routine anti posts about Coqui, Meat and 3AM were fishy as hell. Now we know.


>> No.75995027
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Guys I don't know how to tell you this, but the OTHER other other other other side of this story is genuinely abhorrent.

Moriko is, in fact, NOT a Christian and she HATES Jesus Christ.

>> No.75995041

>>Seth told his talents that he had a /vt/ Janny on the payroll to track post IPs, which if you know anything about this site is tremendous horse shit, but was apparently enough to convince his talents and Vshojo members.
What if by janny he means mod and he's actually giving money to Hiroshimoot to have a guy of his own?

>> No.75995055

if it were true the MSM threads would be getting nuked

>> No.75995073

barbara streisand effect would activate, dumbest move possible would be to nuke the threads.

>> No.75995087

I'd like to believe that at least some of these friendships can be mended, but as long as Seth is pushed out of the scene so he can't hurt any more people, that's good enough.

>> No.75995099

and yet that doesn't stop the Niji Mods

>> No.75995107

Go a step further and you'll probably find the most likely answer. Hiroshimoot's a known data-seller. Jannies and mods aren't even a part of the equation: dude probably just found his contact information and paid 10k for a threads IP addresses.

>> No.75995130

Proof next thread?

>> No.75995138

qrd on this whole drama. Seems daunting

>> No.75995148

1. Nuking threads would just further confirm janny interference.
2. Hey can use it as a honeypot for unfriendly IPs.

>> No.75995149
File: 3.42 MB, 2679x2509, 1703626378151057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the deal with Bat and spaget?

>> No.75995158

niji mods are unironic basement dwellers with an IQ below 80.

>> No.75995204

When it comes to long standing memetic imagery, there's only two answers. Gay porn or 2hu. Sometimes both!

>> No.75995354

>he's actually giving money to Hiroshimoot to have a guy of his own?

What money?

>> No.75995377

There's 2 sides to this. The business side and the personal side. tl;dr for each:
Business - MSM doesn't fucking exist. That means the contracts aren't real, and the guy behind it, Seth, is apparently a lifelong con artist.
Personal - Seth has apparently been whispering shit in MSM talent member's ears, breaking up friend groups, trying to position himself better for more clout, and sabotaging people against him. Lots of people are potentially involved in this and Seth seems very manipulative.

In both sides Seth comes out on bottom and seems like a real piece of shit.

>> No.75995424

There's also the part where he's putting his debt onto his grandmother, isn't paying speeding tickets (with an expensive car he apparently recently bought?) and various other things that make him a total slimeball.

>> No.75995476

>and broken relationships will remain broken
Man, I just want Tob to start streaming with Coqui and Meat again.

>> No.75995580

The sauce money.

>> No.75995581
File: 7 KB, 207x253, nut up or shut up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related, talking big game with nothing to show for it. I'll give you a full day for something - anything - to come out that definitely reveals something discrediting towards them. Ball is in the MSM's court, shoot your shot or take your licks.

>I cant post what I got its word of mouth
>word of mouth

Damn, I take it all back! Did they also claim their uncle works at Nintendo too???

>> No.75995658


>> No.75995917

Go look at Batrick and tell me she hasn’t raised a good Christian son

>> No.75995947
File: 225 KB, 605x987, 1702413450579815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're still in the calm before the storm as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure all the /lig/fags are extremely invested right now, but MSM as a business probably places a good deal more stock onto its bigger talents and with F1NN5TER gone that leaves the likes of Numi, Buff, Aethel, and Geega as basically carrying the org on their backs at the moment. And I wouldn't be surprised if Geega was already on her way out. Grape publicly made a show of leaving, and Geega's extremely Grape-pilled. Aethel also isn't afraid to be public and loud about shit he's dealing with picrel his response to Selen's termination lol, and unless Buff's a piece of shit I find it difficult to believe she or the rest of VChiban are privy to all this.

Geega I can see leaving quietly. She's too professional to do otherwise. Numi's probably too timid to make a show of it too. Buff and Aethel though? I mean I just hope they choose to go out big lmao.

>> No.75995964

it wasnt funny the first time

>> No.75996105

The point was that Seth lied about having his own janny/mod giving out info because no one else could actually verify if it's true or not.
This is all just a schizo theory from Krimbo to explain how people connected to Seth are being made to believe that Krimbo and his friends post dox on 4chan.

>> No.75996225

Now that the False video is out, there's basically no keeping this quiet anymore. People are going to start talking. Possibly more victims, like the artists Seth's apparently not paying, will speak out. And we still haven't heard Coqui's experience.

Aethel's in a bit of an interesting position as he was the first "big" vtuber to sign with MSM. He's been there longer than almost anyone else. I honestly don't know what he's gonna do about it.

>> No.75996419

Yeah the only reason, and I mean ONLY reason I could see him not making a big deal about leaving is because he's too close to Seth. I find it unlikely that he'd have been a target for the shit Seth's pulling Krimbo talked about this and I was honestly on the same page as him. He keeps the biggest talents far away from the drama so they don't have to even consider leaving while the smaller ones get trapped by thinking that this is their only safe space but he's talked up Seth a lot over the years and even hosted that MSM panel at some con in I think 2023. Would suck for him to find all this out, but Aethel's always liked the likes of Coqui and that group, and Nyan has as well. Zero doubt in my mind that they would dump Seth as soon as they find this out.

>> No.75996423

He will just vague tweet and dance around the subject

>> No.75996521

he's not gonna "right whats wrong"?
that would be rather hypocritical, no?

>> No.75996577

The thing I'm realizing is that Seth used to be pretty common in Aethel's chat. But he hardly shows up at all anymore, hasn't for probably most of this year so far.

And when you watch him talk about not getting the P3R sponsor, he sounds pretty upset about it. So I don't think his relationship with Seth is quite the same as it used to be

>> No.75997053

Yeah i think it's pretty apparent things were starting to sour with some of the talents in recent months anyways, the false vid is probably going to be the final straw for some people

>> No.75997168

A few weeks back I think Heavenly was even complaining during a collab with Mouse that MSM doesn't really do anything for him

>> No.75997201

kek https://clips.twitch.tv/SleepyOddSashimiRickroll-_pFKgn-EJexXLaiw

>> No.75997229

So here's a fun thing I noticed following this drama from the start of it hitting lig: For a brief period of time, Heavenly was removed from the MSM talent Roster page for about 2-3 days when f1nn5ter left, then after a bit he was added back on. I wonder if he was initially was going to bolt but was sweet talked into coming back by seth.

>> No.75997265

dude Heavenly has to work two fuckin' jobs to save up for shit despite being a 800-1k CCV vtuber, so yeah MSM is clearly not working out

>> No.75997341

>vshoijo are retards that fell for obvious unsubstantiated lies,
You really can't make up how fucking stupid these whores are.

>> No.75997366

what is blud waffling about

>> No.75997413

So why is vshojo backing them up and supporting them?

>> No.75997453

Because Geega's in it, unaware of a lot of this junk, and took shit seth said at face value

>> No.75997492

He wasn't really complaining so much as stating he was barely part of MSM. Like he didn't even have someone acting as his manager, no sponsors, he's just a name on the website. He basically said Seth just asked him to join to pad it out originally. That really should've been a red flag.

>> No.75997505

>You can't can't talk to layna she's a bad person!- said a serial liar and demon.
>Getting bullied by your dm is actually totally normal and let me be on all your community calls addressing it so I can tell the REAL story- known adulterer and abuser
>Guys you CAN'T trust meat or coqui, they are hackers- some dude that doesn't even pay taxes
Vshojo ask for a single shred of evidence challenge, impossible.

>> No.75997510

kek wtf

>> No.75997536

Heavenlyfather was the token black all along...

>> No.75997562

How is Vshojo backing them up or supporting MSM?
It doesn't seem to be the case.

>> No.75997600

Well, Vshojo apparently believe Seth's rumors about Coqui, Meat and Krimbo being doxxers, and then after they dropped the three of them almost all non-flesh stream collab partners for people like Mouse have been MSM affiliated. That should speak volutmes

>> No.75997735

But layna was in vshojo collabs all the time before and after the bunny shit went down. Was even in the minecraft server as far back as 2021 while bunny was persona non grata.

>> No.75997776

Nobody dropped krimbo. Nobody had him or wanted him in the first place.

>> No.75997862

That's not backing them up at all. Mouse wasn't even collabing with Meat or Krimbo beforehand. And even if it's true, taking precautions when it comes to rumors isn't a bad move or suggests that she supports another agency she isn't even contracted to.

>> No.75997876

anon they literally said they had been distancing themselves from her till silver asked bunny for any proof and went to layna asking about the allegations.

>> No.75997894

Man, lig posters are getting dumber by the minute

>> No.75997928

For what it's worth Krimbo himself said during the stream he thinks Geega doesn't have any idea about this shit and is in the dark. If Mouse/Vshojo heard it from someone, it was probably either seth telling Vshojo staff after they appeared on Mouse's subathon or another one of their vshojo orbiters that's in MSM like BuffPup/AICandii

>> No.75997986

Clip or bullshit. Silver collabed with Layna more than anyone and never stopped, even bringing her to family collabs with her mom and brother. Bunny collabs disappeared as soon as vshojo launched.

>> No.75998040

Are liggers trying to drag vshojo into their 2-3 views drama ?

>> No.75998068

Yes anon, it was literally silver that called bunny's bullshit while the others didn't. Are you even reading my post?

>> No.75998093

So what I'm taking away from all this is that this krimbo guy is a seething conspiracy nutjob 2view dramafaggot that nobody wants to collab with.
Fair enough.

>> No.75998124

Vshojo antis are starving, please understand.

>> No.75998139

>and never stopped
I mean...

>> No.75998161

Jakarta hours plus no new nijisanji yabs to tee off on

>> No.75998167

pay debts

>> No.75998209

The latest office gossip about somebody's ex seems more substantial than this.

>> No.75998257

I'm asking for a clip of anyone in vshojo saying they'd been distancing themselves from layna on the word of bunny who they had nothing to do with.

>> No.75998282

Its funny cuz Vshojo is in it platinum era enjoying life.

>> No.75998318

honestly when their worst current yab doesn't even involve them directly, just a talent company they sometimes do stuff with, they're doing alright

>> No.75998336

Now, sure. But before and after bunnygate it felt like it was every other week.

>> No.75998361

nigga that was 2 years ago and well known drama if you want to deny reality it's on you

>> No.75998431

Right, so you have nothing to back up what you say, cool.

>> No.75998438

Taka is too much of an OG to have to deal with dramafag shit

>> No.75998503
File: 2.86 MB, 1536x1152, 1712308313571749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>platinum era
take me back...

>> No.75998512

>nothing to back up what you say
Except the entirety of the bunny drama?

>> No.75998564

>Corpo figureheads have jannies on their payroll
It's all starting to make sense

>> No.75998572

Yeah, bunny's undoubtedly an asshole but >>75998257

>> No.75998600

See >>75998361

>> No.75998674

So we're back to you having absolutely nothing. Layna was welcome on vshojo servers, Bunny wasn't.

>> No.75998678

did he also get a hot sauce company

>> No.75998693

>3 views drama
Bedge time for me

>> No.75998700


>> No.75998701


>> No.75998738

It's worse. Krimbo's a low 2view. He doesn't even meet the low standards of /lig/

>> No.75998742

I literally don't recognize any of those names.

>> No.75998787

Understandable, they are mostly irrelevant.

>> No.75998814

That was golden era.

>> No.75998816

/lig/ is weirdly obsessed with the vtubers in 3AM, to the point where they warped their own rules to allow a corpo like 3AM to still be on topic in their thread. No one seems to care about all the 4view vtubers Vshojo vtubers almost never interact with, yet VShojo not collabing with 3views like Meat and Coqui is supposed to be a big deal?

>> No.75998839

I want vshojo to stay far away from my 3views, I don't want their stink on em

>> No.75998852

Now now now. We can still rely on Holo drama lets see uh Cali has a fat ass.

>> No.75998891

Sauce or gay

>> No.75999000

As someone that actually watched VShojo at the time, the Layna and Bunny drama was more involved elsewhere and they had already cut Bunny out of collabs long before all that came to light. Some other bullshit had probably happened with her behind the scenes amidst their group. Layna was actively collabing with them well before all that shit came out.

>> No.75999044
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>> No.75999104

I mean probably what happened based on layna's google doc was bunny tried smearing layna to silvervale and it set off silver's bullshit detector

>> No.75999113

yeah good thing my beautiful hologram waifu Arielle is unknown and uninvolved with those whores.

>> No.75999205

Nux is probably cackling on his chair right now

>> No.75999275

3am vtubers came from /wvt/ all the members would self post there. They constantly shelled and astroturfed themselves. They had a hand in the threads creation itself.

>> No.75999344


>> No.75999372

And yet most of them outdraw most nijisanji members in viewership

>> No.75999418

And even if that were true, somehow they're still less famous kek

>> No.75999464

>Sigrid and Bird were having nasty fights on air
When did this happen?

>> No.75999465

YouTube clip numbers and vod views say otherwise

>> No.75999471
File: 67 KB, 598x351, NuxTaku - long-term Twitch stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75999475


>> No.75999490

Anon, that's not a big accomplishment.

>> No.75999539

>The youtube vtubers have bigger youtube numbers than people who don't use youtube.

>> No.75999540

I like how far off the rails we are from "company is ran by scam artist and legally doesn't exist"

>> No.75999579

those metrics are both completely useless for Twitch chuubas, nobody watches vods on Twitch and YouTube presence is completely optional for them

>> No.75999591

>twitch stat
I hate N*x but even I'll admit twitch is not his primary audience, he's a youtube drama kiddie.

>> No.75999688

Yeah but seeing those numbers go down is still funny.

>> No.75999695


>> No.76000188

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that we're only hearing one side of the story here. /wvt/ is a shithole, and when 3 out of 4 of the members come from it, it means that they're probably terrible people.

>> No.76000355

I still think the dumbest shit in all of this is dude claiming he has a pocket janitor on 4chan and people didn't laugh his ass out of the room

>> No.76000474

holy samefag

>> No.76000571

They willingly interact and collab with a racist transphobe like allbonesjones. Just search krimbo jones in the archives. It says a lot about their judge of character and he was another /wvt/ selfposter and krimbo has praised him just like he was doing with all his south side members.

>> No.76000772

MSM being bad news doesn't mean that /wvt/trash are completely innocent. /wvt/ has some of the worst posters in this board.

>> No.76001030

Only Meat self-posted there and that was 3 years ago which might as well be centuries in the chuuba world, /wvt/ has been Ship of Theseus'd multiple times since

>> No.76001148

Coqui Callie Nelson and Reda were selfposters too why lie?

>> No.76001160

funny seeing a ligger talk about the Ship of Theseus.

>> No.76001200

Isn't Meat the person who stepped into the Bird drama?

>> No.76001311

anon specifically mentioned 3AM try to keep up big guy >>75999275

>> No.76001627

Coqui and Callie are also 3am members.

>> No.76001731

Callie was one of the biggest self posters…

>> No.76001828

If Callie used to self-post that's news to me, as for Coqui I'm pretty sure her thanking /lig/ for the birthday card last year was her first time posting on /vt/

>> No.76001868

no way. i dont belive it. thats gotta be some kind of ai fake.

>> No.76001990

Callie was /asp/ before that

>> No.76003885

I mean the people that bought into it are mentally ill on reddit, tumblr, and twitter/x and would believe it because they’ve been raised thinking 4chan is the original sin (Sigrid, Grimmi, Froggy) or are so high off their asses all the time they’ve developed paranoid delusions (also Sigrid, Tobs, etc.)

>> No.76004162

Give us an actual example faggot. You seem to know it like the back of your hand so you should have no trouble finding proof, right?

>> No.76004920

a handful of these people came from early days /asp/ and even posted on the trash thread

>> No.76005094
File: 330 KB, 648x836, fuck around and find out [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpl94ni.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76005110

>no corpos in lig
>this man doesnt know about the vienna accords
holy newfag

>> No.76005535

Can someone explain why there are apparently dozens of people still affiliated with MSM over a week after it was exposed that they're not a real company?

>> No.76005628

Cult of personality + the chance that there's a misunderstanding somewhere. Some might even have already known.

>> No.76005694

bro, chuubas are well known for being retarded

>> No.76005777

how does it feel knowing seth borrowed your posts about schizo reda anti posts and else as evidence of southsiders being le evil hackers?
You are now part of history

>> No.76005857

It wasn't exposed "properly" back then.

>> No.76005962
File: 157 KB, 600x315, 1697933287898703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Told Vshojo that Coqui and Meat are serial doxxers in lig
>Seth told his talents that he had a /vt/ Janny on the payroll to track post IPs, which if you know anything about this site is tremendous horse shit,

Funny enough i know of several big vtubers who also do this to everyone involved with the chins, using equally retarded arguments that do not understand how this place works and accuse random posters of being the vtuber they are trying to slander
If Seth falls because of this , others might follow

>> No.76006088

i only watch mumei these days, can someone tl;dr what all this is about?

>> No.76006379

That westaboo will never be a English member, she is an Indog at heart

>> No.76006420

small talent agency for giving out sponsors turns out to be run by a con artist who doesn't pay his taxes or something and seems to be a gossipy weirdo trying to isolate his talents

>> No.76006796

thank you anon. unfortunate for the talents i guess hope if any of them are good people they can get away from all of that.

>> No.76007040
File: 98 KB, 900x900, cant touch this[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffnd8q9.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76007852

Now THERE'S some old drama I haven't thought about in a while.

>> No.76008162

Imagine ending a friendship because of some anonymous posts on the internet. Women are fucking stupid

>> No.76008263

Pretty much

>> No.76008768

Watching this guys vod
He got way too personal and some of the shit he was mad about seems way too petty
Like the froggy one he's pissed at her and other people but he zero in on her for some reason lol
Also Froggy is one of the most autistic vtuber out there she probably got told they are bad unfollow them and that's it kek

>> No.76008861

for those asking the link between seth and vshojo, seth and mowtendoo are friends and seth butters him up by inviting him to room parties that he forces his talents to host at cons. i got invited to one of them and seth followed mowtendoo handing him drink after drink

>> No.76010238

They're not very smart

>> No.76010292

Moments like this make me wish I was petty enough to save clips and VODS of examples like the Minecraft incident

>> No.76010477

I got invited to one and saw Mowtendoo and Seth in a deep French kiss, Seth clearly groping his crotch in plain sight. It's kind of disturbing how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.76010499

The reason Krimbo gave was that Seth plays on the less mentally stable of the member's fears and paranoia and does things like tell them about all the connections he has and lets them put two and two together in their head that if they leave or try to expose Seth he'll ruin them and release their dox, etc.

>> No.76010721

I just can't bring myself to care about this at all, and I grew up watching the Police Academy movies.

>> No.76010742

anon Geega is besties with Seth you don't need to make up some other rrat to have Vshojo connection

>> No.76010781


>> No.76010801

You'd be surprised to learn how many vtubers in the west got their start here on /vt/.

>> No.76010841

Speaking of Grimmi I wonder if any of this is related to her about a month back going on a rant about how people keep saying she's a good person and then insisting over and over again she isn't a good person

>> No.76010934

See I've heard of the minecraft incident and I even went back to watch the vod for that one but it also seems to be the only example anons ever give. Sigird acts like a bitch but I've never seen anything that actually looks abusive, it's all just rumors

>> No.76010943

A lot of major streamers started out on 4chan, the popular thing to do is get popular on 4chan and then after you make it, sell out completely, disavow 4chan as a boogieman full of evil people and talk about current thing

>> No.76011054

Grimmi's feeling the guilt of everything weighing down on her. She's probably Seth's biggest supporter.

>> No.76011173

From personal experience all I know of anything that suggested a rift with Sigrid and Bird was how their mods used to censor people in chat and discord if you came across too approvingly of Bird, like saying how you enjoyed her solo stream content, or if you disagreed with Sigrid on...well a lot of things

>> No.76011318

It goes beyond rumors if multiple people close to them suggested that they should split the channel

>> No.76011449

>multiple people close to them suggested that they should split the channel
all those people are vtubers. This is like a girl happily dating a guy she likes and all her female friends starting to goad her into dumping him because she deserves better.

>> No.76011590

She should feel bad at making it seem like her hot sauce wasnt just repackaged white label crap.

>> No.76011633

Yeah, I bought some before I found out and now it makes sense why shit was mid

>> No.76012231

You're fucking idiots if you think any v-tuber (hell any "entertainer") produces any of their own food products or has any hand in making them past approving them and slapping a new label on them.

>> No.76012391

Too lazy, went with the wait and see approach

>> No.76012460

I thought she was trying out hot sauce recipes before releasing something she liked and not just repackaged white label shit.
The whole company thing turned out to be fake too.

>> No.76012496

Are any of the people you're mentioning close to them anymore ? Are they the ones talking about this or is it all second hand or worse third hand information ?

>> No.76012555

>I thought she was trying out hot sauce recipes before releasing something she liked and not just repackaged white label shit.
The fuck do you think trying out ment, trying out which premade sauce she liked to approve having her label put on. You can't be that fucking retarded.

>> No.76012625

Ya, see that shit is weird and I totally believe it's possible that some weird shit is going on in their relationship but that's different from "having nasty fights on air" that no one mentions, or clips.

>> No.76012881
File: 47 KB, 1019x786, lamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(hell any "entertainer") produces any of their own food products or has any hand in making them past approving them and slapping a new label on them
Hey retard, Lamy's sake literally won an award from the International Wine Challenge, it isnt just repacked walmart boxed wine.

>> No.76012882

>grimmi hot sauce
So people were paying premium for dog standard hot sauce sold on walmart or whatever?
>t. third worlder

>> No.76012950

>it isnt just repacked walmart boxed wine.
Yes it is

>> No.76012968

Great argument

>> No.76012980

Whoever said he's looking forward to hearing bad things about Meat, you're going to have your expectations satisfied.

>> No.76012993

>dog standard hot sauce
not even. It is a five dollar hot sauce you would see in Dollar Stores.

>> No.76013138

The company comes to an agency wanting a sponsor for a thing they created, because they don't think it will sell well (or in rare occasions someone in the company is a big fan of a talent). The talent has no actual input in the product. They got lucky that people actually liked it and it sold well. If something like that happens the talent may have input on a new product, but it's input on something thats already mostly created.

>> No.76013202

Lamy opened up her own brewery? Wow.

>> No.76013295

Hot sauce is one of the easiest food products to produce. Imagine being so lazy that you can't even make your own.

>> No.76013347

I didn't make an argument. I simply rejected your nonsense claim that any e-celeb food product isn't just repackaged stuff.

>> No.76013361

Sammy's Cabo Wabo has won awards, too
Do you think he made it?

>> No.76013375

It's less the making and more the bottling, sealing, and safety procedures required to sell it. Lest we forget Pink Sauce so soon.

>> No.76013405

More vague posting? When is this happening anon?

>> No.76013434

any day now...

>> No.76013449

Lamy spent weeks visiting breweries (talked about on stream many times) tasting various types then weeks more giving input along brewing process (also talking about the whole process on stream). You could argue that this was just a total lie or exaggeration, but I dont see why it's so ridiculous that she could have a small degree of actual input.

>> No.76013487

It can't be that hard
Everyone and their mother sells small batch hot sauce for 10+ USD per 4oz

>> No.76013492

I always thought it would be Krimbo's various retardations that would kill 3am. I never thought Meat would be such a bitch behind the scenes...

>> No.76013502

She sure loved pretending she was heavily involved in making it though. Anything to pay Seths court fees i guess

>> No.76013529

All you need to do is take a 3 hour food safety course online to get certified. Hot sauce is naturally preservative because it's mostly vinegar anyway, and like >>76013487 said, EVERYONE does it

>> No.76013528

I know everyone thinks Grimmi is a pure angel but her closeness to Seth and knowing everything scummy he did is just too suspicious.

>> No.76013602

You think she really knows anything about "owning" a company. She was probably told, "This is how things are done." and believed it cause she's a neurotic, anxiety ridden, former cult member listening to an authority figure like a god.

>> No.76013685

You mean she said she did that but actually didn't.

>> No.76013780

krimbo isn't even on 3am kek

>> No.76014075

Yes, anon there literally said that was a possibility but that it's also possible that she did actually have a degree of input

>> No.76014224

He's listed as artist on 3ams credit page

>> No.76014268

still not a member

>> No.76014688

I'm really interested in how Aethel is gonna defend this
He is probably the biggest Seth dick rider out there

>> No.76014901

>He is probably the biggest Seth dick rider out there
that's Geega

>> No.76015028

I thought it was her own recipe at least but holy shit. Even bubba selling his shit on the side of the road has more credibility.

>> No.76015071

or her its just that Aethel was the OG dick rider and he started to tell people about MSM back when they started

>> No.76015082

I forgot she was in there for a sec. What was that about her leaving?

>> No.76015207

Bubba grows his own peppers

>> No.76015209

Ah yes people selling their shit on the side of the road is clearly at the same level as a company with distribution over all of NA. Clearly they have FDA inspections all in order. There is way more that goes into being able bottle and label things as well. Granted one of those things is usually a LLC...

>> No.76015263

same, I thought it was a small batch and something she's been working on for a while but it seems she's been blindsided just like everyone else.

>> No.76015379

From what I've seen Geega was just happy with their services but I don't think she talked much about Seth.

>> No.76015454


>> No.76015463

The one I get from legit does all this, although only locally I will give you that. The only few things that work in my third world country are bootleg casinos and sanitary regulations, surprisingly enough.

>> No.76015657
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, geega msm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.76015700

Turns out /lig/ is even bigger of a shithole holy shit fuck that place

>> No.76015704

Its not Geegas channel tho
but big for that geega fan to unlist the video

>> No.76015820

Have a catbox link: https://files.catbox.moe/3sxarc.mp4

>> No.76015886


>> No.76015941

clippers running damage control for their queen

>> No.76016190

Wow makes me glad I'm an /asp/ie
On the rare occasion we get drama its fucking nothing

>> No.76016250
File: 419 KB, 1407x1037, 1714249496778389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget he got Lil B to curse Nijisanji too

>> No.76016376

lol I'd assume he unlisted it himself since he mostly does Geega stuff but recent comments on that were already pointing out that some stuff was forming with MSM.

>> No.76016752

Krimbo said it last night and he's probably 100% right. The biggest names were almost certainly, by design, kept far away from Seth's manipulative side. He can't jeopardize the clout they're giving him by being part of his org and if an attempt at manipulation with one of them backfired then they would be big enough to actually cause damage to him by speaking up. The smaller talents are easier to bully through intimidation and there primarily to bolster the group's numbers + increase their attachment and loyalty to him. And even then some of the smaller talent that are connected to BIG names like Heavenly with Badger, or Mike with Vinny were probably also kept completely out of it to keep those potential future bigger connections safely intact.

>> No.76016808

Part of the reason Seth's smear campaign worked was because Meat is so painfully /here/ that a normally outrageous claim that 3AM comes here to shittalk other vtubers may seem trustworthy to some of them that are more gullible

>> No.76017044

Most likely true. Didn't Mike say to not bring it up and that he is satisfied with MSM when things started coming out initially? I know Mike is a hard drug ruined retard but even he would not say that if he wasn't kept in the dark.

>> No.76017175

Considering the effort he puts in, should he be considered an actual vtuber journalist or still just a dramatuber?

>> No.76017196

he only covers drama so what do you think

>> No.76017240

What else even is there to cover

>> No.76017293

well there you go. if there's no vtuber news then there's not much of a point in being a vtuber journalist. dramatuber is literally all he can be no matter how hard he roleplays.

>> No.76017340
File: 98 KB, 828x1067, false shady[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcdz4np.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76017894

Aren't those terms kind of synonymous anyway? A lot of IRL "journalism" is about the IRL equivalent of drama, too. Sure, there's positive news mixed in too, but that's the same with False's videos.

>> No.76017989

With this in mind, I wonder when the MSM boat is going to start sinking rapidly. I've been watching their team page and it keeps steady at 41 members. Or is there a better place to follow to see when people start bailing? Because I honestly wanna see the mass exodus in real time.

>> No.76018014

Over half of that video is non-drama related.

>> No.76018114

he's probably dropping another one today or tomorrow on the Spite Engine shit with all new info

>> No.76018148

he has more integrity than mainstream news.

half his shit is shilling debuts, new models, merch, special collabs and whatnot.

>> No.76018176

You really think Seth is going to remove people from his scam?

>> No.76018224
File: 106 KB, 680x750, 1710792298411101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has more integrity than mainstream news.
keep working on that video, false

>> No.76018306

>he has more integrity than mainstream news.
That's a pretty low bar

>> No.76018345

you should get around to paying your taxes instead of trying to dmgcontrol on 4chinz, seth. wont do you any good anyway. your shit is going down.

>> No.76018415

and yet there is very few that reach it.

>> No.76018424

It's probably coming in waves. False isn't directly involved with this so he wants the people who are to say it in their own words, and then he'll report on them after. He starts with the business side of things because that part is the most factually devastating and lists off some of the shit that Seth's been up to in order to get him in a bad light, as well as being something that even an outsider can 100% confidently report on. Then Krimbo, Coqui, and possibly anyone else speaks up and False includes their testimonies in the followup video. Hopefully by that point some of the artists might be more willing to open up, and a third video about the Spite Engine stuff can be made. But if the artists still keep quiet after that then there's not a lot that can be reported on that.
The site as far as I know has to be updated manually, and unless he receives threats from a talent to remove them immediately like I'm sure Geega can 100% leverage VShojo to do then I doubt we'll be seeing a funny mass exodus on the site. It'll just go from being there to not being there over the course of a day.

>> No.76018425

>Hollywood connections
what if it turns out he was Harvey’s nephew or something wouldn’t that be crazy haha

>> No.76018531

Yeah she believes in Allah like a good Albanian Muslim. May her and her wives achieve prosperity.

>> No.76018535

every fucking time. i bet he's booking his flight to israel right now.

>> No.76018616

What if the mod he’s talking about is the vshojo mod that only sits in vshojo threads ngl I just want an excuse to get that guy fired, they’re way too cocky about having a pocket janny

>> No.76018781

it wasn't meant to be a joke.

>> No.76018800

vsj+ here. Nigga we wish we had a mod. Try not casually doxing people if you don't want your posts to get deleted.

>> No.76018820

the fuck are you smoking, doxxfag

>> No.76018825

Erm actually she's Brazilipino now

>> No.76018879

why don't you just collab with your friends instead wasting time on people that aren't? should be obvious who you can trust.

>> No.76018979

>False isn't directly involved
didnt he say he laywerd up cause the dude is slandering him?

>> No.76019010

Muslims love Jesus tho, they just don't think he is the Son of God.

>> No.76019047

The funniest shit about this is that girl getting mad at coqui for not inviting her to a collab that Ironmouse planned lol

>> No.76019094

Wrong, she's a Harkinian-nite now. MM corrupted her virtues and turned her into one.

>> No.76019170

absolute retard, vsj+ doesn't even get doxx deleted

>> No.76019177

Seth is just another scam artist on a list of many. But this one saw streamers as a way to get a quick buck. Usually that kind of trash can't stand being on the spotlight, which shows with this thread's meltdown and damage control that is totally not him at all.
I already said this before, he'll try to make as much money as possible before being pushed to leave by the community, fuck off for a few years and then come back to try to scam someone else. That's their usual MO.
For most streamers and staff in that agency it'll mean nothing but just some time wasted. For people, like Grimmi, that did businesses with him, things might be not so simple though.

>> No.76019305
File: 233 KB, 527x540, migo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people are still talking about a pocket mod in the first place. He doesn't HAVE a pocket mod. He at best paid Hiromoot for the IPs of specific posters.

You know, the guy who FLED FROM FUCKING JAPANESE AUTHORITIES and the country itself specifically because he was selling extreme amounts of data illegally? Are all you retards actually buying into Seth's rrat when the answer is sitting there right in your face?

>> No.76019342

Bruh I wish we had a mod
The thread gets raided all the time trying to stir up shit and none of it gets deleted
And even if you report it you actually get a warning lol
Doxxing shit stays up for hours or doesn't even get deleted

>> No.76019362

>pocket janny
Anon, stop doing drugs. If anything vsj+ has been struggling with some SEA jannies that couldn't stop being tribalfgs and kept getting the threads deleted and having to shelter on /lig/ until his meltdown stops.
t. browses /vsj+/ and /lig/

>> No.76019609

>>76019305 (me)
Also trying to buy meth apparently, I didn't know that part of the story. Point is that if you've managed to find the dudes contact and wiggle a couple grand in his face he'll absolutely give you someone's or multiple someones information. And even then we're assuming he actually does have... who is it, Meat and Coqui's or whoever the fuck else's IP's, when that could just be a bluff too. Faggot managed to get people to sign into a corporation that doesn't legally exist, what makes you think he didn't also get them to sign a contract with their name and address on it too?

>> No.76019742
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, 1703403115238455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda get it, if you're trying to make it in this space an ironmouse collab would be a great shot, but holding a grudge over it when your friends are already in a tenuous position it's kinda shitty. Like there's only so many people you can cram into a collab before it gets too crowded and it seems too desperate, hell, mouse got spooked out of picrel last minute for whatever reason even though she invited herself to it to begin with

>> No.76019784

I meant he's not involved in the getting friendships broken up and Seth shittalking people aspect of this. That's the Krimbo/Meat/Coqui side of things which is why Krimbo streamed about it last night and Coqui will do so on Sunday.

>> No.76019827

Was this the collab?
Mouse didn't even make it she got really sick that day kek

>> No.76019830

She got sick. She misses a lot of things thanks to being sick.

>> No.76019899

I mean that could just be a convenient excuse, they did a bunch of these collabs after that and mouse never showed to any of them, whether that's because they never reached out or she never said yes I guess we'll never know

>> No.76019983

Then why not delay the collab? It's happened before for collabs Mouse was a part of.

>> No.76019999
File: 29 KB, 400x400, fuck her gently[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpzfjrm.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76020008

What's funny is if this is true is that people believe the IP would say much. It's so easy to change your IP these days.

>> No.76020137

Do you want me to explain how retarded you are, or would you like to just be simply mocked for being an idiot without further explanation?

>> No.76020283

man i thought the hot sauce was at least curated by grimmi

>> No.76020318

I just realized. I'm gonna go and put a bullet in my head.

>> No.76020440

Keep the lead for someone else, since you've at least managed to deduct your way through to the end of that thought, which 99% of people on this website cannot do as they're incapable of this wonderful thing we call "thoughts".

>> No.76020633

imagine if grimmi was scammed out of graduating to join EN4 by seth kek

>> No.76020652

>thinking she'd have ever gone to Holo
Catalognigger go home.

>> No.76020703

this is the catalog not /lig/

>> No.76020730

Why are you are so defensive?

>> No.76020907

This is the fourth or fifth thread about something that a good chunk of the 'log got bored of but I get your point.

>> No.76021077

Damn, imagine tricking grimmi out of a chance of a lifetime just to get shackled with a shitty hot sauce company.

>> No.76021646

I think silvervales account of mouse not being a good friend and going months without talking, and saying things backstage is carrying more weight with how she treated coqui and the south side. I don't know if mouse is shit talking, but it is apparent she's like a spoiled child. The kind you'd play a game they wanted with you, but after you'd be like that was fun now can we play my game, and they'd go home instead to play with other toys. Mouse doesn't care about people below her. She doesn't even raid out 99% of the time because there is nothing she can gain from the vtubing community she is at the top. Sharing her community with others is like sharing her toys, how can that benefit her? The few times she will even raid out anymore is to flesh cam streamers who have a higher ccv. She is the opposite of all ships rise with the tide. She is the mentality of if I'm doing well then vtubing is doing well and that is all that matters, another ship sinking just means the ocean will raise higher.

>> No.76021765

So true anon. By the way here's a clip Michi just tweeted of Mouse from last night with Sushidog, who averages 200ccv https://twitter.com/MichiMochievee/status/1791533635650359767

>> No.76021971

I'm not going to say Silver isn't, or thinks she is when she's not, a silver-tongued bitch, but there's a dozen better examples of "people part of Ironmouse's Precious Famoly getting ditched" you could think of than a noted menhera.

>> No.76022177

you are talking about Silver the person who tweeted out of jealousy during Mouse original birthday concert
BTW till this day every time Mouse has talked about Silver since she left has been good things

>> No.76022341

proof next thread?

>> No.76022377

Blocking out grimmis face and name says otherwise

>> No.76022474

Download the video now

>> No.76022696

>don't even know where this claim that they're hackers came from
Krimbo said that is what he was told that coqui and meat are hackers that leak vtuber doxx info. If that were the case then I think Sigrid, Tob, and the others would have been doxxed to hell and back for the number of times Coqui has been doxxed. It really makes zero sense aside from people just want to believe or spread the belief that coqui and meat are like this.

>> No.76022723

sushidog is an artfag for vshojo merch, she's part of la familia

>> No.76022748

maybe she asked for it because she got scammed into the hotsauce thing. or because its a voilent img. try harder faggot.

>> No.76022774

It's nothing special anon. She just talks about MSM and how good they've been to her. And it seems like he probably was going out of his way to be good to her and the other big names. Geega's probably not going to make a huge scene out of leaving. That's not her style.
Also in the clip is Meicha, who also averages 200 views and Mouse didn't know until about a week ago.

>> No.76022789

or censoring weinstein...

>> No.76022946

it's especially nonsensical because tob doxx doesn't exist, the closest thing /lig/ could think of was the time roopy's viewer tailed them at a convention and zuma said something about it in her takedown of roopy

>> No.76023063

I remember the kokonuts thing with roopy, Where Roopy was saying tob and zum were doxxers, but posted doxx info of kokonuts in the process.

>> No.76023310

classic case of no u

>> No.76023890

Mouse doesn't usually raid anyone outside of vshojo/connor because she raided some ligger who got butthurt about it. I forget the whole story, use archives if you care.
