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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 680 KB, 1080x1401, 1715876144583574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75947935 No.75947935 [Reply] [Original]

>Anime Expo chose Nijisanji over Connect the World 2
Oof, that's gotta burn.

>> No.75948188

Dont worry,Nijisanji will bail anyways once they find out that doki will be there too

>> No.75948225

Surely us NYC bros will get it instead this time r-right...?

>> No.75948404

I'm afraid connect the world 2 is cancelled.

>> No.75948603
File: 56 KB, 850x513, 1714448295994397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing burning is your company

>> No.75948641

>now it will be empty
Oof, that's gotta burn.

>> No.75949639

The real question is who is getting Stalin'd from this image between now and then.

I put money on Finana.

>> No.75949741
File: 21 KB, 479x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No refunds

>> No.75949759

I put money on hololive since they are banned from anime expo LOL

>> No.75949837

>inb4 "It doesn't count"

>> No.75949842

Petra desperately wants out, multiple ex-Nijis are working hard to try and extract Rosemi, Millie and Elira are gone in an instant if Anycolor decides to start cleaning up after the inevitably disastrous Q4 report, and Luca and Uki are genuine brand risks. There's a world where only 2 people in this image survive to the expo.

>> No.75949880

>since they are banned from anime expo LOL
>source: it came to me in a dream

>> No.75949926

>I’ll be joining the Suicide Squad Isekai panel
reading is hard retardchama

>> No.75950002

>says Hololive is banned from Anime Expo
>Hololive talent is in fact going to be part of a panel at Anime Expo and doing a mini-performance as well
>"That doesn't count"
Like fucking clockwork

>> No.75950018

>source Riku putrid asshole.
Narhudo forget it then

>> No.75950068

You expect honesty from the NDF?

>> No.75950098 [DELETED] 

>company is banned
>not the talent
>knows that her RM has even done concerts sponsored by AX

>> No.75950134

Where did this stupid "Holo is banned from AX" meme start

>> No.75950150

No but is is kind of funny pretzeling themselves into a Gordian knot over it, see >>75950098

>> No.75950222

you are a lost cause

>> No.75950266
File: 121 KB, 294x258, 1706820074652923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see you guys there~

>> No.75950271

The same groups that are trying to spamming the catalog over a nothingburger in someone saying an outdated joke isn't funny anymore as if it was on the same tier as the black screen stream when their purple dragon peaced out.

>> No.75950413

Holosisters love to give but seems they can't take it lmao. We'll enjoy our concert I guess you guys can go watch streams... oh wait they don't stream LOL.

>> No.75950423

I accept your concession.

>> No.75950456 [DELETED] 

We all know you can't afford to fly there, pagpag.

>> No.75950466


>> No.75950561


>> No.75950603

Nice projecting sis

>> No.75950606

Tell your doctor to switch you onto Clozapine, your current schizophrenia meds clearly aren't working out for you.

>> No.75950766

like 2 months ago everyone was calling niji a black company for not supporting their talents, then when they finally do you complain anyway.

>> No.75950784
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1708008640418016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75950786

>we'll enjoy our concert
who's "we"? every time niji puts out a concert i see a bunch of pictures of empty seats. at this point i'm convinced this whole thing is some sort of dead internet theory bullshit where the only "people" left supporting niji are a network of bots they set up a while ago for good pr. not a single remaining nijifan who stayed a nijifan after the selen incident has conclusively proven they are a living, breathing human being. show me evidence that you even fucking exist. that ANY of your kind even fucking exist. because as of right now i do not believe there is a single living nijifan

>> No.75950811

Ah yes, reply #3 in the Holosister algorithm. Man you guys need some updating your replies are getting boring.

>> No.75950826

NijiGODs always win after all

>> No.75950966

It's just easier to bully tribal holofags
>insecure despite being the number 1 company
>talent hate them
>can't engage the "true" sisters on twitter cause they dogpile and harass the fuck out of them
>flip out over any small little thing
>fragmented and tribal as fuck even among themselves
>have to pick on other corps to get any joy
such is the sad life of a tribal holofag

>> No.75950982

>Fuck I'm so boring and unoriginal. Gotta project it on other people soon so they won't notice.

>> No.75950990

So this is basically Anime Expo admitting they don't have the funds for a proper Hololive concert and had to settle for the low budget option.

>> No.75951008

Attempting to appease naysayers in your twilight hours — especially with a halcyon glimmer like the AR “live” or missing 3Ds — reads as desperation. You’ll get a whole lot more skepticism before you see any kind of alleviation on that matter, given that so much pent up frustration existed for over two years straight. Unlike the women that are easily sated like a magpie being led to a mock silver spoon (note: fujoshi), the broader perception of NijiEN is still in the shitter.

>> No.75951050
File: 35 KB, 678x452, 1715879697944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you step outside 4chan and actually look instead of just sucking down fake drama huh? Now I'll wait to see people saying this pic is AI, or it doesn't count because of some mental gymnastics bullshit.

>> No.75951092


>> No.75951133

>no u
You have to be over 18 to use this site.

>> No.75951138

Didn't connect the world 2 get cancelled?

>> No.75951157

'fraid so

>> No.75951177

>Last year
Sisters are dwelling in the past glory now, grim...

>> No.75951197

Holy cope

>> No.75951226

Smoke and mirrors. That room is actually smaller than my bathroom.

>> No.75951318

That picture is real, but it’s also ancient history.

>> No.75951343

blind sister?

>> No.75951368

I'm about convinced that most of the Sisterposting is coming from Twitter creatures who just "like" Nijisanji because it serves as a platform to attack Hololive with, and not because they actually watch streams. There is a huge contingent of basement dwellers whose reason for existing is to post thousands of times a day to "own the chuds."

>> No.75951374

And you just proved my point lmao. You really can't help yourselves huh? It's like a compulsion to regurgitate the same 4 talking points over and over again. Say something new, something original, have an individual thought for once in your life. I dare you to try.

>> No.75951387

wow! it's almost like you're running on some sort of algorithm that was tripped by the first two sentences of my post and automatically generated a reply without bothering to scan the rest of it. but that couldn't possibly be the case, right?

i wonder if your parsing is programmed poorly enough that this will break you (<<";';{

>> No.75951396

Cant wait for empty venue shitposting.
but this time with chronoir edition kek

>> No.75951417

>>company is banned
>>not the talent
can be even more retarded than this sister? KEK

>> No.75951467

Damn you really made the 'cord seethe with this one kek
Piggies in the fucking mud, they're oinking and squealing, keep these coming

>> No.75951476
File: 672 KB, 2143x1270, Anime-Impulse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea wth that's kinda small, the size of the most recent Risu-Reine meet

>> No.75951492

So doki fans are shitting the catalog?

>> No.75951501
File: 841 KB, 2322x1640, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-R4VccB40Gz4c1oI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets overshadowed by Mori
Sorry, Nijibros

>> No.75951522

Sister? Did you have a stroke?

>> No.75951537


>> No.75951552

>gets overshadowed
so will the entire con center cause she's such a fat ass

>> No.75951589

Rosemi will be the 1st, but not the last

>> No.75951590

kek it do be like that

>> No.75951598
File: 712 KB, 750x807, 1714415926225187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now post a recent pic like this one for example sister.

>> No.75951619

i thought holo are banned? sister lying again?

>> No.75951628

it's the easiest fucking thing in the world to prove you're not a bot. just give me some sort of evidence that you're a real person that isn't just text

>> No.75951706

>t's like a compulsion to regurgitate the same 4 talking points over and over again.
And it's somehow still way better than whatever the fuck you just came up with, "this pic is AI" seriosly?!

>> No.75951710

>Oof, that's gotta burn
oh yeah, i cant wait to see nijisister got burned by everyone there shitting on them, you lucky niji is out from offkai, now i cant wait for them to be called bully and driving their co worker to suicide, it will be fuckng hillarious LMAO

>> No.75951758

the entire country of the Philippines had to use all 100% of their power to make this

>> No.75951805

You're literally just flipping my argument on me lmao, you're not clever just give up kid.
That was obviously a joke you moron lmao. I swear Holosisters can't understand sarcasm, it goes over your programming.

>> No.75951806

Takes one to know one huh

>> No.75951842

speak for yourself fag

>> No.75951845

This is like that one video of the guy trying to get a robocaller to say "I'm not a robot" but it keeps refusing to say it

>> No.75951858
File: 118 KB, 910x1080, 1713121161512982.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I'll wait to see people saying this pic is AI
The projection here is palpable since sisters would default to screaming FAKE whenever embarrassing or damning screenshots of anything Nijisanji-related were offered. This reached a fever pitch when the AR Lives photos first leaked.

>> No.75951870

>Out of comebacks
>I.. it's just a prank bro
Go to sleep Krito!

>> No.75951997

>reading is hard retardchama
I'm happy to know you at least admit you can't read

>> No.75952048

I don't see cover corp anywhere in that picture retard

>> No.75952055

see this, everyone? no evidence at all. it would be so easy for a human to just take a picture of their hands with a timestamp or something, ai can't even properly generate that yet. that would shut me up entirely. but this is a bot, so it can't do that. blow this up, get this on /news/, twitter, reddit, everywhere: there are no nijifans left. they're all bots, every single one

>> No.75952273

I cant be flip. I'm not a nijisister. But the fact you're seething and projecting tells me that you're a flip.

>> No.75952277

Reminder about where quite a lot of those screenshots came from by the way, from /NijiEN/ during the day of the AR Live, from a sister who got upset that they escaped their general:

>> No.75952404

I know holosisters like to expose themselves and do weird sexual shit on Discord but I'm not one of you and I'm not as desperate as you guys seem to be to show myself lmao. Good try though, go watch some porn or something if you want to get off.

>> No.75952483

atleast try to look smarter sister,like seriously

>> No.75952488

none of this has anything to do with what i said. your algorithm must be falling apart

>> No.75952634

It saw "timestamp", associated that with the large number of posts saying "post tits with timestamp" or something similar, and made the conclusion that you were looking for titty pics. Holy shit. This is actually an AI.

>> No.75953393

Says who? You?

>> No.75953546

Why are nobody in Iluna or the gens after ever in these things?

>> No.75953563

>Teaser announced at Holofes last year
>No announcement this year
Don't forget it flopped hard last year to the point where they had to give out an entire concert for free. Why would they do it again?

>> No.75953606

AI, it doesn't count.

>> No.75953706

>/jp/ kensama disguising itself as the NDF to shitpost about CtW and HoloEN

>> No.75953723

>Being retarded to the point that claiming that Cover actually refunded the money for the first day of the summer concerts because the streaming partner they picked for it shit the bed hard last year and made it free to watch on YT is because "it flopped"

>> No.75953987

Holotards btfo

>> No.75954045

This I'd both funny and depressing at the same time. Is this just some desperate Nijifag who's paid for the bot or is it Niji itself? Because it seems to be a bit better at interacting than most bots.

>> No.75954159

I just realized Shu's the only man in the group that hasn't been involved in a controversy.

>> No.75954328


>> No.75954404

This is in 3D

>> No.75954438

>before the whole fiasco
See, niji had it and they blew it. Hell, they were the top corpo some years ago, and they blew that too. Now even the coffee corpo and the jews are catching up.
Stop sucking Riku's and tell him to stop shooting themselves in the foot every 5 minutes.

>> No.75954456 [DELETED] 

You know what?
I'll show up to both of these concerts in full Holo garb
And I'll fight every Nijichud here. I've got Crip connections too so try me

>> No.75954463

He really was the only genuinely decent professional talent they decided to hire besides Pomu. Everyone else treated this shit like they're in a frat.

>> No.75954597

You may not be the only one, and it might not even be intentional. Which Niji concert was it that had to bring in people from the nearby Holo concert to make the venue look full?

>> No.75954729

>company is banned
>not the talent

>> No.75954802

>company is banned
>not the talent
What sort of 39IQ logic is this? She would have to appear as her RM and not as Mori, you retard

>> No.75954828

>weird sexual shit on discord

>> No.75954895

There are Caucasians fans of Nijisanji?I swear I was told only flip and sea watch them by /vt/

>> No.75954928

It's a bot, you won't get a proper answer.

>> No.75955042

holobots now botting 4chan threads

>> No.75955103

weirdest ndf meltdown in a while
must be a nyfco sis
>thinking that using an old pic with nina and pomu proves you right

>> No.75955146

>company is banned
>not the talent

>> No.75955228

Connect the World 2 would be to big to hold as part of an anime convention.

>> No.75955285

AX had nothing to do with Connect the World beyond being in the same city in the same week.
You have to announce something in order to cancel it, retards. Either they never planned on doing another one this year or they haven’t announced it yet.

>> No.75955288

It's been two fucking years... Where's their 3Ds? I thought Niji was spamming them and that they totally didn't have the golden 16's 3Ds for over a year ready to release at any time.

>> No.75955311

>Holo everytime
Rent free

>> No.75955359

The sisters like to use capitulation nowadays

>> No.75955498

connect the slop is cancelled I'm afraid.

>> No.75955546

>Claiming something that didn't exist and saying it got cancelled just to get a win.
Sisters are actually mental eh?

>> No.75955812

Do you have links to the announcement and the cancellation?

>> No.75955818

>Post something obtuse about holos
>get (you)s
>Continue by acting dumb
>get even more (you)s
It really is that easy.

>> No.75955868

probably the company. niji has been known to be viewbotting and subbotting for quite a while, salome being the most prominent example (right before their ipo, what a coincidence!), and i'd wager they've been doing it at least since holo started hitting it big. it would make sense for them to start sinking a lot of money into 4chan reply bots, reddit bots, and twitter bots around the time when the "all out war" started and their pr began taking a turn for the worse

>> No.75955928
File: 157 KB, 677x484, 1698704569177908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just say anything slightly negative about hololive and these retards jump down your throat, like flies to shit it's pretty great. worst part is that they behave like this on public and on twitter as well

>> No.75956355

You're asking a nijisis to provide proof and a bare modicum of work, and god forbid critical thinking. Think you'd have more like finding a winning lottery ticket in that regard.

>> No.75956665

Did you mean to reply to >>75955812, but accidentally click on the wrong post?

>> No.75956680

>concession posting already
If you're quitting, you don't have to inform anyone, you can just leave.

>> No.75956778

The rest of 4ch thinks /vt/ is a normie board for a reason

>> No.75956889

I remember that experiment they had with Salome? Botting her out the ass to make it seem like she was competing with Gura?

>> No.75956897

..Why on earth would hololive be banned from a con lol? Unless it's in china kek. What a weird angle

>> No.75957559

Anycolor has a record of threatening to pull out of cons and blacklist them among anime VAs if someone they don’t like is also going to be there. The issue here is that the person is assuming that an American con organizer actually thinks they have the clout to make good on their threats outside of Japan.

>> No.75957863

CtW did not have to piggyback on a con. Why did you even think think that CtW2 will piggyback on a con? Cover can do it on their own.

>> No.75957924

Oh that sounds really bad anon I wonder what's the sour-
Lol lmao.

>> No.75958158

I mean, I ain't even mad, just hope they don't fuck it up again because shit's getting old even for a holofag like me. I actually wish them success; you guys really need it.

>> No.75958252

Nijisis, you know the con would call it out if it were untrue, right?

>> No.75958490

>entertaining drama channels
Not everyone is as stupid as Kronii anon.

>> No.75958816

He posted receipts, which is more than the sisters here claiming that Connect the World 2 is cancelled can do.

>> No.75959332

Half of those people were only there pomu btw
