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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 138 KB, 386x259, Elira_Pendora_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75931670 No.75931670 [Reply] [Original]

I am out of the loop. Was it management or the talents? The former seems more probable. Is there proof?

>> No.75931725

>it has to be one or the other, it can't be both!

>> No.75931727

You overlooked the missing link. Talent is management

>> No.75931741

Whatever happened falls squarely under legal NDA protection. Our best chance of even getting a hint of what actually happened is for Elira to graduate and start hinting things.
Whatever Elira would want to graduate or not is a different topic all together.

>> No.75931827

Elira is a manager

>> No.75931867
File: 130 KB, 1248x461, selendiscord3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most likely thing I've heard is that the managers were the ones who primarily hated Selen, and it was full on lord of the flies in the EN branch due to the lack of any actual direction or work being done by the management outside of random rugpulls, though they would occasionally organize projects for LuxNoc and only LuxNoc. The organs themselves though were known to be catty and hammer down people who stuck out too much, IE Selen who just wanted to do her damn projects that she paid for and organized herself, but management was pissed at her for prideful shit and instead hindered her at every turn they could, likely causing noise and irritation that rippled down to the other organs.

>> No.75932078
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>Was it management or the talents?

>> No.75932171

I think that's more probable than not, although if livers were involved I don't think it was anything too major. If it was, an ex-liver would have spilled the beans already, considering how often they hint about their previous workplace.
Also you've had Millie and Rosemi talk about how management fucked with their projects, before both threw in the towel. I think what happened with Selen - in the long term - is that unlike Rosemi and Millie she didn't quit on trying to do bigger things and it reached a boiling point with management.

>> No.75932491

yeah, but the tipping point wasn't just the video, but also the little organ "pep talk" she got afterwards that Vox said was simply them trying to convince her she was wrong, but the leaked discord DM instead paints as them trying to tell her to get the fuck out and stop causing trouble for people.

>> No.75932644

>simply them trying to convince her she was wrong
Imagine being locked in a vc with a dozen or more Millies all going “omg thats crazy! didnt you check with management? did you get approval??”. Everybody you’ve known for years and years agreeing and hammering down on you like this.

>> No.75932764

Some version of this probably happened and I assume she vented to vGumiho about it. Although I don't think she personally blames the livers, especially going by Nijisanji's statement of "harassments by livers due to mismanagement".
Makes me wonder what could have compelled the livers to do something like this, if we assume it's true, because Selen doing her stuff in her own little corner shouldn't impact them enough for anyone to gangpile on her like this.

>> No.75932817
File: 6 KB, 249x249, 1677734877585921s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I see it there are two kinds of people in this world. Those for Elira's clique and those who are agianst it.

>> No.75932841

There's no proof and likely it will never be, but there really is no reason to think that the organs didn't agree with the content of the black screen (all the opposite, in fact).

>> No.75932866

The best I can figure is that somehow Selen rocking the boat caused management to crack down harder on everyone, or make them moody or less likely to respond to the whole branch. Maybe they even took digs at Selen behind the scenes too. Or maybe Selen was making them look bad by constantly pumping out projects like her birthday original song or birthday 3D concert. It could've been anything at this point. Selen was clearly depressed for months, if not years before it all went down.

>> No.75933593

I am not too sure about an ex-Liver spilling the beans necessarily. After what happened to Doki and Sayu, all of them know that telling all the juicy details would get the Sisters after then. Plus, the clique still has some influence (they will until Niji EN is wound down) and it could potentially sabotage job opportunities. Anyone who talks runs the risk of ending up like Sayu.

>> No.75934037

elira IS the management

>> No.75934247

elira is or at least was the en management

>> No.75934279

>would get the Sisters after then
Have you seen the numbers Nijisanji is pulling? Sisters left, the only thing remaining are a few twitter schizos and a boogieman /vt/ created for itself.
Also hard disagree, if there are beans to be spilled anyone who does it will get 6view on redebut and 5view for at least the first few streams. Right now there is more to be gained by betraying Nijisanji, then it is by being loyal to them. Especially with Riku pulling the "Don't do jack shit" maneuver.

>> No.75934601


>> No.75934997

It would help their numbers, sure, but it would get a rabid anti army after them too. There's not a lot of Sisters left but there are enough to make someone's life miserable.

And again, the problem is many of these people are correctly afraid they won't get the call back from vShojo if they annoy Nijisanji too much.

>> No.75935192

>won't get the call back from vShojo
Call me a schizo, but I think Matara's little "Only Rosemi is a real friend, everyone else is a work friend" speech was there to suggest that VShojo was done hiring ex-Nijis. Gunrun drew the line.
>There's not a lot of Sisters left but there are enough to make someone's life miserable
I don't think there are. Currently there are small sub-10k views drama channels that run victory laps around Niji and "sisters" haven't done anything about them. There really is no one left to defend Nijisanji. Also anyone who backstab Niji will secure themselves (at least for a few months) people that'd defend them and go after the haters.

>> No.75935201
File: 192 KB, 1200x630, 7083294_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the drama, the lack of doujin of Elira getting railed concern me more.

>> No.75935273

They are already mostly disliked by the entire internet for being niji drones, they genuinely have nothing to lose and would be more aware of it if not for yesmen like you.

The only ones who are genuinely fucked forever are the black stream idiots. Their only "fans" are nijifans only. If they leave they are going to be lower 3views forever at best and everyone will despise them

>> No.75935317

talent WAS management

>> No.75935423

>Their only "fans" are nijifans only
I'm pretty certain Elira's remaining fanbase despises Nijisanji. Also people will get off their ass if they at least acknowledge what happened and apologize. >>75858351 kind of showed that a good PR statement can go a long way if they managed to make one.

>> No.75935480

sauce? The only elira doujin I know of is that naokomama general nijien one

>> No.75935627

I don't think so.
Isn't the majority of her members nips? They're as bad as nyfco sisters in terms of corporate bootlicking.

>> No.75935705 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 903 KB, 948x513, 7083294_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the whole piece, I saved from booru recently, idk the artist.

>> No.75935863

I've seen superchats charts posted, her supas are mostly USD, some Canadian and some British.

>> No.75936225

A lot of the analysis of this on /vt/ sucks and you can tell who doesn't work or go outside much because they imagine Niji like some high school like Mean Girls, rather than a poorly managed workplace with all the cross pressures/warped incentives and non-linear hierarchies that involves.

Management would have asked around for people to read a script, or incentivised them to do so. and the resulting video would likely be a collaboration of managers and lawyers and likely talents to some extent (to help personalise it). It doesn't mean it was a good response but the idea it was some rogue venture by Elira and/or a few rogue managers is retarded and if you believe this, you're not working hard enough to place yourself in the head space of a Niji employee in that moment

Likewise, I think it's fine to blame Elira for being the queen bee in a clique that obviously created division in the branch but imagining her to be the be-all and end-all of EN management or some machiavellian schemer, rather than a jumped up runner is again overimagination or an overeagerness to place blame on her for things that aren't strictly her fault alone. But blaming a faceless HR department or talent manager isn't as fun

>> No.75936594

I generally agree, but the content of the black stream felt way too personal.
It was clearly reviewed and approved by management, but I firmly believe that the script was written and agreed upon primarily by the organs themselves, not just slighlty 'personalised' from a management-handed outline.

>> No.75936709
File: 9 KB, 400x300, IMG_6711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. We need more people calling specifically for Riku's head.

>> No.75936790

They could have been given detailed bulletpoints to go over. Script don't have to be written word-for-word.

>> No.75937070

Something that bothers me about the "black stream was all written by Niji themselves and the streamers had nothing to do with it besides reading the script" theory is that, don't other streamers keep defending management impromptu, like with Claude "just fucking ask" Clawmark? If it was just tweets or something sure, Niji could force them or write the tweets themselves, but they can't really enforce randomly bringing up how hard management works in the middle of a stream. If they forced your coworkers to, against their will, slander your other coworker who came out of the hospital not long ago, wouldn't most people be fucking revolted and at least not go out of their way to say good things about the company?

>> No.75937274

Considering doing artists only seem to care about niji jp. I doubt there's much

>> No.75939761

>Was it management or the talents?
the world may never know

>> No.75939912

I think it's because managers don't actually have to work if people just stream games that they already have perms for. Asking for perms and doing projects makes them actually have to do work. That's why they hated her.

>> No.75940516
File: 2.74 MB, 1080x2312, Withered Bloodlines[sound=files.catbox.moe2%F3hwqnh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75941183

'As long as we have goldenboys luxiem we dont have to do shit 'is probably the managers attitude. The result is most of the organs have given up, with some accepting things and just phoning shit in with the coasting on streaming things that you dont need management to get involved in to do, and others getting too depressed and quitting then being built back up in the sunlit uplands outside.
Selen basically made the phone it in crowd angry on two fronts. Making the company look bad hurts their plan of sitting back and coasting while when stuff actually managed to get pushed through it would make them look incredibly lazy in comparison.
Like imagine watching selens birthday concert and knowing people will be mentally comparing it to what your going to do, especially as one of the girls.

>> No.75941300

In Elira's case it is both since she is also management.

>> No.75941407

>end up like Sayu

Sayu has better numbers than 80 percent of current nijiEN.

>> No.75941425

artist is 病ん太廊

>> No.75941447


>> No.75941530

nijiniggers are finally entering the acceptance stage and you're gonna ask dumb shit like this?

>> No.75942128

>acceptance stage
Blaming all on "Donki" and accusing her of betraying her friends

>> No.75942475

Manager or not the rrat was designed to paint her as the most logical perpetrator. Since we knew NDF would defend Nijisanji as capable of no wrongs we gave a digestible answer which pinned Elira down by NDF stupidity. Your literal response was 'nuh uh' instead of alternatives.
In the end thougj Elira ends up being culpable for volunteering her own stream when it should have been on an official channel. Kind of telling already that she holds some sway.

>> No.75943502 [DELETED] 

Auntie early telly

>> No.75943728

Did this really need a new thread? Look at the archives during that time and come to your own conclusion.

>> No.75944121

>Was it management or the talents?

>> No.75946305

We don’t know anything for certain, due to NDAs, but we can make educated guesses.
Management was certainly involved and it’s likely that certain talents were, as well, because there is no way that the black stream would have happened without management approval, unless there just isn’t any management for EN.
