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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 76 KB, 850x1045, Mori holding back Kronii .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75905217 No.75905217 [Reply] [Original]

So Kronii is confirmed thinner skin than even Mori?

>> No.75905326

That or Mori....is into that...

>> No.75905601

She hates poorniggers and subways remind her of her poor years

>> No.75905712

Jesus christ another fucking thread about kronii and sandwiches do we need more of these shit threads?

>> No.75906050

let the sisters enjoy the "biggest EN drama of the year" while the people they watch are making others suicidal and losing subs by the thousands

>> No.75907757

she bit the bait, now this is the price to pay. I bet Kronma tried to say something and she just flipped him off

>> No.75907913

Only zoomer retards still bring up the horse ai shit

>> No.75908059

good work sister
reminder that mori did acknowledged the horse shit
which is fucking worse

>> No.75908627


for the life of me I'll never undersand why ESL put that extra N, same with Kromei, krofau etc

>> No.75908878

Mori at least joked about the horse thing. Kronii we were told by Kronies had relaxed a lot since her uptight early days and was "really feminized now" but apparently she has been in full no fun allowed cunt mode for the last few days,

>> No.75908896

Kronii is in her bad bitch clap back "villain arc" unfortunately she's directing it all on chat no matter what she says about "not real fans"

>> No.75909122

I thought she already had it when she collabed with the Homos and was on a healing process after the the 2 ungrateful homos left

>> No.75909323

>healing process
Kronie headcanon.

>> No.75909337

Wish it were subways nowadays, now chat can't even mention her boobs because she gets mad.

>> No.75909533

She got one guyed.

>> No.75909879

Blue women really do rule this board when fucking idiots like you people decided to sperg out and spam the catalog because she said she didn't care for an outdated joke.

>> No.75910030

Oh, are we pretending Kronii isn't pissy about everything these days? If it helps you feel better, let's go with your story then Kronie.

>> No.75910181

honest question, do you watch her?

>> No.75910254

she's improved

>> No.75910356

Do you? She went overtime looking at outfit predictions only because she was pissed at management, Irys even had to delay her stream.

>> No.75910526

>beating a dead horse for over a year is bait

>> No.75910626

IRyS politely told you to fuck off, Babski.

>> No.75910695

overtime? they don't have a set timer, what happened after, did they tweet something about the outfit? no. Did they tweet about the merch? no, theres no merch, so what's the timer here?

>> No.75910783

>Irys even had to delay her stream.
So much for TimeRyS.

>> No.75910787

You mean unicuck headcannon when her numbers go up.
This is just the "she's backsliding" arc.
Soon we will get the "she's reformed and feminine" arc.

>> No.75910815

It's probably the fuckwit that sent a supa to IRyS complaining about her delaying the start of her stream because she had the utter GALL to want to watch Kronii's outfit reveal.

>> No.75911345

oh fuck babski? that dude is mental kek, he painted his tighty whities with a kronii face and @ her like it was some sort of cute fanart

>> No.75911653 [DELETED] 

mori is a size queen I don't think she cares much about the horse stuff outside of management acting like retards.

>> No.75911768

>Kimono reveal 28 mins
>Casual 1:25 mins, (PREDICTIONS, OUTFIT revealed at the half hour mark, MERCH)
>This one takes 1:10 mins to even reveal the outfit, doesn't even announce any merch at all

>> No.75911794
File: 111 KB, 291x299, 1708816613306441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She went overtime looking at outfit predictions only because she was pissed at management
This is what your brain looks like when you allow parasocialism to break it

>> No.75912091

Wait, I'm confused.
Is her going overtime mean she's pissed at management?
In what fucking world?
There is not even any merch to shill

>> No.75912181

>irys trying to catch funnels is kronii's fault

>> No.75912277

So when someone tells YOU to fuck off, then its a problem?

>> No.75912494

It's not actually. Owning up to it defeats the purpose. It's like trying a riddle everyone knows the answer to.

>> No.75912758

It's your duty to help your oshi to build up thicker skin! Post more of the subway meme, Kronies, so she could grow stronger!

>> No.75916366

please hold my hand here, she's taking more time to piss of managers that are? are they watching are they waiting for her to end? seems like you're missing the big part of why taking more time is bad for management

>> No.75916611

Just imagine if Kronii were a typical white collar office worker and acted the way she did. No doubt her coworkers would be quite uncomfortable with her behavior, likely her manager would pull her aside for a talk and perhaps even HR would get involved. For regular people they are expected to be professional in the workplace, these divas are completely out of touch with the average folk

>> No.75917498

Juwst imagine if kwonii wewe a typicaw white cowwaw office wowkew awnd acted the way she did. No doubt hew cowowkews wouwd be quite uncomfowtabwe with hew behaviow, wikewy hew managew wouwd puww hew aside fow a tawk awnd pewhaps even hw wouwd get invowved. Fow weguwaw peopwe they awe expected tuwu be pwofessionaw in the wowkpwace, these divas awe compwetewy out of touch with the avewage fowk

>> No.75917636

Hi Kronii

>> No.75917684

Hi kwonii uwu

>> No.75917908

Mori just said she couldn’t have a horse during her cowboy outfit reveal because some people are messed up. She didn’t really acknowledge it more than that. Also honestly the horse thing was way worse because it wasn’t ever a bit Mori did, some rando just made the ai audio…

>> No.75919172

Mori handled the horse thing perfectly. Acknowledge it in a lighthearted way. The people will think you’re cool, and the meme will naturally die off as all memes do. Kronii has yet to learn this lesson

>> No.75919559

Do you think Kronii or any holo for that matter sees all the tagged @ posts on twitter?

>> No.75919698


>> No.75920287

I don't understand this drama at all. What's wrong with the subway memes and why does Kronii seem to dislike it so much?

>> No.75920558

>straight up saying the horse meme is impacting her content

>> No.75920673

Is Mori the biggest hololive member? I think she might be.

>> No.75920704

Literally after the cowboy stream the horse meme died. Plus she clearly thought it was amusing and was not seething, at least she didn’t show it if she were. Kronii on the other hand made her remarks in a non-humorous way that made her anger and displeasure clear, souring the mood, turning people against her and reviving a meme that was on the downward trajectory.

>> No.75920775

Kronii generally comes to dislike anything her fans do for an extended period of time. Probably some weird self-esteem issues or something getting in the way of her just enjoying the typical e-celeb fandom meme shit. She should just let it rock, it's good for her brand.

>> No.75920780


>> No.75920819

Kronii is well known to have anger issues. She's just the kind of person that bottles it for a while then goes nuclear

>> No.75920902

This anon is why we need all these threads >>75920780

>> No.75921181

This is a thinly veiled attempt to trick me into looking up horse porn to see if it really stopped or not?

>> No.75921530

You can’t expect it to stop to 0% but it’s about as dead as pekora monkey and haachama peppeloni.

>> No.75921972

Peppeloni? The 'no' one?

>> No.75922558
File: 691 KB, 3332x4096, GKw1s9NWIAAKMkU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least use the funnier second panel for your bait thread.

>> No.75922688

The fact that he's still not on a company-wide THANK FOR THE SUPA BUT DO NOT READ list is baffling.

>> No.75922909

Mori did look down on those making the horse porn but she didn't tell them to stop making it but to have better taste. Kronii getting somewhat mad about it now invites those who'll make subway jokes maliciously rather than just making the joke because they don't know anything else about her.

>> No.75923316


>> No.75923841
File: 62 KB, 320x290, 1714245492531104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75924029

I wouldn't be surprised at her being the type to bottle up her emotions, I remembered how long it took before she finally started saying she would collab with males and pissed off the unicorns

>> No.75925631

She’s letting it loose on her other account

>> No.75925739


>> No.75925852

I didn't expect there to be so many Kronii defenders here.

>> No.75925871

actual retard

>> No.75925873

Nothing. OP made this nonsensical post that has no bearing on any recent events regarding Kronii or Subway. Move along now

>> No.75925901

Huh? Theres a new defender after Dragon and Avernic? Ffs jagex.

>> No.75925927
File: 4 KB, 843x94, 1715840535365395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab with homo
>homobeggar only knew you from homo relate joke
Those people who sperg out on Kronii right now were homobeggars all along

>> No.75926075

I haven't followed either of them in years but with how overboard this shitposting has been, I would like to clarify if I've got the right idea.

Some shitposter made AI audio about Mori sucking off horses and she acknowledged it and moved on but Kronii talked about eating Subway in some degenerate manner years ago (I vaguely remember this one being posted about but was never sure I "got it") and is annoyed people still mention it now that she's "better"? Or are people joking about her sucking off horses but calling them subs? (I don't get how these two things are related otherwise).

>> No.75926155

Your first description is more accurate. Though the degenerate manner in which Kronii ate the subs was simply blended, not sexually deviant. Which makes her anger toward the subway jokes all the more contrasting with Mori’s relatively chill response to the horse audio and art which was incredibly vulgar in comparison

>> No.75926217

Apparently Kronii just unbottled her feelings lately and pretty much told people spamming the subway jokes to stop, even going into yt comments to talk about it.

>> No.75926526

I'm not sure why she's surprised that vtuber fans would run a meme into the ground.

>> No.75926625

kronii was seething at a joke

>> No.75926651

Based. I hope this stresses her out.

>> No.75926685

I think somethings been building up inside her lately that she decided to let loose recently, like when unicorns gave her shit for collabing with males and she told them she'd collab with whoever she wanted.

>> No.75926847

okay, tranny.

>> No.75926947

both of those just suggest she's not very familiar with vtuber fandom.

>> No.75927250

Sister keep taking L so anything is consider a win even on something that every holo have said, the fubuki cat meme, bottom left kiara.

>> No.75927597

Kronii and subways name a better combo

>> No.75927769
File: 1.19 MB, 850x1200, moribased[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr0v8n6.mp3].webm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now she's about that bbc

>> No.75927889

I'm not sure why vtuber fans are surprised that she would speak up about a dead joke that she's tired of seeing

>> No.75928076

/vt/ beats old jokes into the ground every single day, it's no surprise nobody here can grasp why she's mad and bored of it

>> No.75928797

its brilliantly ironic coming from mori "adam sandler, shrek, chowboy voice" calliope

>> No.75928873

Kronii and her tits

>> No.75928968

Not that Anon but no one with a spine or a pair of balls actually still watches her since August/September 2022. So no. I dropped her a long time ago. This is not the win you think it is, asking if someone watches her. I don't for very clear and specific reasons. I'd rather see horrible things happen to her than ever watch hr again. And that's bittersweet and painful because I did love her at one point. But now I have to grit my teeth and hope only for the worst for her. And anti her forever. I have to see her suffer and fail.

>> No.75929087

>like when unicorns gave her shit for collabing with males and she told them she'd collab with whoever she wanted
Not even an actual true accounting of what happened you fucking revisionist faggot retard. Her long time paypig fans stated in very reasonable not even unicorn sounding terms that they'd prefer if she didn't, she addressed these concerns making them feel heard and agreed she would not seek out collabs or interact with them going forward, went on a week long break and 14-20 hours into that break was talking to them on twitter about their IRL underwear pictures. Then came back and said she'd collab with anyone she wanted.

Fucking disingenuous/ignorant faggot liar.

After pulling that shit I hope Kronii gets what she fucking deserves in excess.

>> No.75929297

>Then came back and said she'd collab with anyone she wanted.
You can thank mori for that one

>> No.75929420

>went on a week long break and 14-20 hours into that break was talking to them on twitter about their IRL underwear pictures.
Kek I remember that.

>> No.75929759
File: 165 KB, 1877x550, IMG_0578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my turn to post this
