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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75898969 No.75898969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.75899054

>he doesn't know

>> No.75899220

she is shork

>> No.75899908

If she is then why does 4chan love her?

>> No.75902262
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>4chan love her

>> No.75903298

pregnant with my child? yes!

>> No.75907135


>> No.75907514

No, Greek.

>> No.75907629
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Go back

>> No.75910605

Greek, Turk or Israeli? I’m getting conflicted info

>> No.75913128


>> No.75913329

mint, matara and quinn are tho

>> No.75919786

A cutie? Of course!

>> No.75919876

Why does 4chan love Jew-loving Trump?

>> No.75922150

4chan unironically loves Jewish girls

>> No.75925742


>> No.75925782

Imagine not liking tight jewress pussy

>> No.75926327
File: 34 KB, 610x610, my source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proof

>> No.75926582

Mint absolutely is not.

>> No.75926925

I don't think Zion Don is meant to be an affectionate nickname.

>> No.75927338

not worth it.

>> No.75927524

Pregnant? Yes.
With a baby? Also, yes.
That baby? Me.

>> No.75927551

As opposed to pregnant without a baby?

>> No.75927657

I would post way more but after seeing the cover ninjas murder that poor artist who drew that one Gura “fan art” (THAT one) I’m not saying any more

>> No.75927687

What one?

>> No.75927783

The doxx fanart

>> No.75928043

do you mean the one that was gura but with her roommate's facial features sort of overlayed?

>> No.75928089


>> No.75928093

Yeah. Artist was hunted down and strung up. Wonder if he’s still alive

>> No.75928179


>> No.75928209

As a native of Atlantis, myself, I know.

>> No.75928213

And so is Mumei. Not sure about Fauna.
If you need proof, do your submarine captain and Attack on Titan tweet reps

>> No.75928419

She's not a real Atlantean. Atlantis was destroyed 11,500 years ago, Gura is only 9,000+ yrs old.

>> No.75928558

>pol tourist trying to invade the hobby again
Go cry about whatever culture war bullshit you idiots are being distracted with in your board, your fucking mongloids.

>> No.75928566

/pol/ belongs here, you don't

>> No.75928612

No you don't. You are a fucking tourist. Fuck off.

>> No.75928720
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This is retarded. Everything I've heard and learned about Gura and Mumei is peak white American girl shit not echo shit whatsoever. Fauna also doesn't have a (((phenotype))) at all.

>> No.75929456

because we got invaded around 2016 and the retards never left.

>> No.75929655

Is there art of Panko licking Gura's Wanko?

>> No.75929743

>no greek
what, does she charge extra for that then?

>> No.75929885

That's because you're a retard that thinks all jews are brown hook-nosed goblin arabs.
European jews are largely white looking and like I said:
subamarine captain relative.
Attack on titan holocaust allegory discussion.
Both have been confirmed. Do your fucking reps.

>> No.75929910

If you take her lore, which she added to because cover's talent creation section doesn't go into any depth, it makes sense. The girls have added shit to their lore and models. You think it was a coincidence that the vegan is the mother nature avatar? Doubt Nachoneko had any clue wtf atlantis even is nor would she have made the ancient greek connection. That came from goorag.
You take from what you know. The rootless non WASP generic american will default to wherever it is their ancestors came from:

>> No.75929943

>That's because you're a retard that thinks all jews are brown hook-nosed goblin arabs
shut the fuck up you fucking subhuman faggot you know nothing about me

and if the reps are so fucking important just post them outright, what your router can't be reset you fucking cuck? I'm not going on a fucking odyssey

>> No.75929988

This, despite i myself using /pol/ daily it is retarded to try to bring polshit through a doxbait thread, also gura cute, hope to see she stop having a billion breaks

>> No.75930118 [DELETED] 

I'll spoon feed you half. I've given a good enough clue for the other, although you'll have to look "way back" in time.

>> No.75930155

The nose is basically always present, hence why rhinoplasty is the most common plastic surgery in ny. Don't think that's applicable in this case.

>> No.75930504

1) jews in NY make up 18% of the population. No where near the largest ethnic group
2) rhinoplasty is not the most common medical procedure done in New York. You made that up.
3 no jew I've ever met has had the hook nose. That's an arab thing and is more common with the jews in isreal than in the States, who are mostly european descendents whose families fled europe in the 20th century. Einstein didn't have a hook nose and he certainly never had a nose job.
You're just a fucking idiot, mate.

>> No.75930510

stop responding to phasecucks, they've got nothing so have to deflect from yet another FlayGOD cucking.

>> No.75930543

Waiting for your apology, faggot.

>> No.75930711
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>> No.75930814

I'm literally a rainbow trident. I just don't give a shit what Gura's background is and I enjoy seeing fags like you squirm and seethe after you find out you've been supporting my gefilte fish wife.

>> No.75930849

you'll have to speak up bro i can't hear you over your plappa and runie vod from last night with big T

>> No.75930856

I am on your side but could you post it

>> No.75930896


>> No.75930956

I seriously don't give a shit about your knights of the round camelot gangbanged whore, dude.

>> No.75930976

nta, no proof it's biologically related, you being so adamant on this is cute

>> No.75930998

now say that without crying and shitting your pants cuck

>> No.75931017

Are you delusional? You think she converted? Do you not know what birthright means, retard?

>> No.75931130

All jew threads derail into
>jews are white
>no they are not

>> No.75931132

I'm not apologizing. I'll thank you for providing the evidence however and go forward with this knowledge.

>> No.75931188

Your phase whores aren't even important enough for me to know their names. I know some of the yabs like the furry bf or the wontons, but I couldn't even tell you which is which.

>> No.75931249

you're really not very good at this
phasecucks are always funny to watch squirm like this

>> No.75931313

She is half polish, quarter German, quarter Irish, so basically amerimutt

>> No.75931379

he is trolling or retarded, replying to it would be a waste of time, instead go rewatch gura best moments, songs or whatever

>> No.75931513

It's not gonna work, dude. I already proved I knew what I was talking about.
The only thing I don't know is Fauna. The only reason I brought her up is because some saplings say they think she is.

Gura's most recent members comment on her most recent member's VOD is from 2 days ago and is:
"guraaaaa :_GuYum::_Sometimes:"

>> No.75931544

