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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75885155 No.75885155 [Reply] [Original]

>saplings need to ask Kiara for help because Fauna's manager is useless
Is Hololive a black company? What are their managers doing?

>> No.75885342

Why are holobronnies like this?

>> No.75885380

Yep I find it odd.
Fauna. Only EN that still consistently plays Minecraft. not invited.

>> No.75885436

Is this fake?
Saplings don't watch kiara

>> No.75885450
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They just don't want all of their other talents to get mogged when Fauner makes them all look bad.

>> No.75885583

meanwhile in real world, Fauna is too cowardly that her fans have to beg for help.

>> No.75885597

This stereotype is simply untrue, no matter what shitposters try to make you believe.

>> No.75885600
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>Sapplings don't watch Kiara

>> No.75885638

Hmmm, I remember this style of supas. Do you really having nothing better to spend money on anon.

>> No.75885771

*Forced to watch Kiara
Better for ya?

>> No.75885772

I can't tell you everything I know but I can tell you the manager in charge of Promise is not very well liked due to being very lazy.

>> No.75885816

Look at the viewers
>kiara 4k
>Fauna 10k
Fake as fuck

>> No.75885835

i think is fake

>> No.75885904

It's real >>75884797

>> No.75885939

>Saplings don't watch kiara
You mean to tell me that out of Fauna's several hundred thousand fans, there is not a single one who also watches Kiara?

>> No.75886062

Saplings love kiara because she is their friend.

>> No.75886072
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Saplings what the fuck?

>> No.75886095

There clearly are some issues with either Fauna or her manager given that no other EN or ID had any problem getting whitelisted so far, even Ina just played recently

>> No.75886233

man, i hate this shit

>> No.75886318

Kiara is DMing Fauna right now to help her, this too, is unity

>> No.75886408

yeah fuck saplings

>> No.75886512

I told you fuckers about sappos

>> No.75886532
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>straight up skipped the manager proxies and invited Fauna directly
>DM's pekora "btw i invited fauna lol"

>> No.75886588

Why are saplings full of numberfags? There are lots of them in /#/ too

>> No.75886617

>Kiara risking a suspension by inviting Fauna directly to the server live on stream

>> No.75886628

Thanks for posting this.

>> No.75886632
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>> No.75886821

She's one of the extremely rare cases of actually growing in numbers without weird meme explosions (aka luck) so the numberfags latched onto her

>> No.75886927

Did she really? good, fuck shit managers.

>> No.75887065

Sana, that's bread...

>> No.75887363

Kiara actually loves Fauna wtf cute

>> No.75887556
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>They have plastic in their money

>> No.75887689

this is sad

>> No.75887803

mentally disabled children have better social awareness than this.
permaban autistic people

>> No.75887820

Is the SC even true?

>> No.75887908

>Is Hololive a black company?
>What are their managers doing?
Good question. I feel like half of them should be fired and replaced, because even a fucking monkey would do better job.

>> No.75887952

Hey, it worked. Kiara got Fauna into the server.

>> No.75887958

KFP here, i can confirm this SC is true and Kiara did her best to help Fauna, she got her into discord group and notified Pekora about it

>> No.75888206

Partially, Fauna did say she was waiting to be added, but that was yesterday and they're just assuming today's Forklist stream meant she still wasn't added.

>> No.75888454

that's my fellow sapGOD, I kneel

>> No.75888498

not sapling

>> No.75888577

Don't waste your time bro, saplings on /vt/ hate Kiara no matter what she does.

>> No.75888628

She wasn't, Kiara just illegally invited her into the server herself, risking everything she worked hard for just to help out Fauna.

>> No.75888873

What nijiyab happened now

>> No.75888924

>Is this fake
Holobronies are dependent on grifter women who don't stream.
t. took the 1 view pill and now have someone to consistently watch

>> No.75888932

What law was broken?

>> No.75889073

this is the proof.

>> No.75889100

but your 1 view is a lazy whore that doesn't stream, just like Fauna that isn't streaming but is streaming, retard

>> No.75889102

She explained it has to go:
>request pekora to join
>pekora tells her manager ok/no
>pekoras manager send an invite link to the requesting girls manager
>the girls manager sends the invite link to her
Kiara just send a link without asking pekora or going through any managers, so she might get suspended now.

>> No.75889181

Sisters are really shitting up the catalog today aren't they but at least it's not another Kronii subway thread I guess

>> No.75889209

then Pekora's fault
she should kill herself

>> No.75889217

>getting suspened for inviting a Hololive talent into a Hololive-only Discord server
Sister, you need to rethink this angle.

>> No.75889311

I know this is a sister post but how do you know she didn't just message Pekora about it?

>> No.75889330

>Kiara just send a link without asking pekora or going through any managers, so she might get suspended now.
lmao, maybe if she sent it to someone that isn't a holo streamer, the only person that might get into trouble for this is Fauna's manager

>> No.75889416

holy shit fuck saplings

>> No.75889471

>Sister thinks that every vtuber company is Kurosanji
This is just sad...

>> No.75889501

I wish, but I really don't think that's how that works

>> No.75889566

brownfeet thread, fauna did nothing wrong

>> No.75889936

i saw bae with 6k. kiara is fucked

>> No.75890028

She also messaged Pekora explaining that she sent it and why

>> No.75890074

He's right you know

>> No.75890090

how the fuck did I get here from /hc/?

>> No.75890329

she literally explained it on her members stream 30 minutes ago, thats exactly how it works for some reason.

>> No.75890833
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>Why are holobronnies like this?
Oh look everzbody, a classic Nijinigger move

>> No.75890910

This doesn't really make sense given the fact this is a thread specifically about a Holo talent.

>> No.75891033

Fucking hate cunts like that, crawling to other Vtubers to ask them shit about another one and put them on the spot, just because they supa'd.

>> No.75891103

Saplings are kind of based

>> No.75891290

That anon probably was shitposting about the suspension part, now the invitation part. Since this was Pekora’s personal project, the invitation part makes sense

>> No.75891389

saplings are parasites

>> No.75891435

Pekora hates vegans. There was a reason why it took so long for Fauna to get an invite despite other EN and ID had no problem getting into the server.
Down with leaf munchers!

>> No.75891440
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>> No.75891452

Fixed that for you.
Fauna ain't the one with a sub 4k average ccv kek

>> No.75891496

>muh numbers
>still has to beg to be let on the JP server

>> No.75891537

/#/ is literally the sapling general at this point, it shouldn't be suprising.

>> No.75891553

who broke brownfeet today?
why is he falseflagging as both KFP and saplings having some pretend fight while nobody else engages
did another phase talent get cucked or something?

>> No.75891907

/bfg/ stop biting his bait you fucking retards

>> No.75892111

What do you mean even Ina?
Has one non-JP speaking holo got in?
It would be dumb to have voice be a big part of it and then have a language barrier.

>> No.75892238

Fauna knows she isn't getting invited, because she doesn't know Japanese. Saplings need to move on.

>> No.75892270

no, Pekora hates westerners

>> No.75892334

always cracks me

>> No.75892550

Kiara is on par with the other managers, she did a lot of stuff behind the scenes before Cover realised how big EN was since she was fluent in ENG/JPN
Never wondered why she has so many sponsorships and stuff like Holotalk (even got a Yagoo interview) despite her numbers?
Jap companies are all about seniority, people often mistakenly think that means age but in actuality it's about who has been doing something the longest, new management automatically treated her more like a manager causing her in turn to basically become one

>> No.75892838

Fauna is streaming right now with 7k lol
Sappos are traitors

>> No.75892865

Ina is in the server tho

>> No.75893014

>Already 8.4k
That's more than a Kiara karaoke kek

>> No.75893168

>he activated the bots

>> No.75893269

what is this pointless manager overhead shit? Pekora could have just made discord or google form where the girls could sign up if they were interested.

>> No.75893298


>> No.75893318

Pekora didn't invite Fauna

>> No.75893333

Kaela does not know nipponese either, but still got in for she is world devourer

>> No.75893423

anon made that up, but it is still pekoras private server not cover

>> No.75893538
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I hope one day they give her a chance. She's not a bad vtuber.

Maybe is the timezone?

>> No.75893711

Thank God this wasn't an American writing shit like this. Do anybody else feel any shame when you see stuff like this?

>> No.75893906

Ironically the last time Kiara got 10k was during the Watame HoloTalk which was botted lol

>> No.75893938

There are no other letters next to the dollar symbol. It was an American.

>> No.75893974

"holomembers aren't children, if they don't understand something, they should ask. if they don't understand something I can help"
Quote from peggor when she was asked about overseas members two days ago. Not her fault if EN girls are retards.

>> No.75894055

What a fucking bitch

>> No.75894092

Fuck Fdnund? Who is Fdund??

>> No.75894171

Did she really? what was the question? that quote is a bit vague.

>> No.75894177

But unlike fauna kaela doesn't need to speak nippon to give girls what they need since they just ask her for shit then fuck right off.

>> No.75894236

Grammar implies otherwise and I will die on that hill.

>> No.75894263


>> No.75894264


>> No.75894268
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>> No.75894283

God forbid EN does its own fun things. Lazy bitches

>> No.75894460

How the fuck does gook = Westerner? He went out of his way to not say she hates gaijin.

>> No.75894489

Ungrateful sappos

>> No.75894524

I'm actually shocked they would even want to join something like this, they are infamous for never participating in any of these things until management gets involved, mandates they be the majority presence and ruins all the fun.

>> No.75894566

Specifically it was when she was talking about setting up daily tasks, but I would assume it applies to anything really. It's her server, and she feels responsible for everyone having a good time.

>> No.75895081

ina never confirmed her ethnicity, doxbro

>> No.75895192 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you talking about? She can be a white-skinned Korean if that's important to you but she has never pretended she's not Korean.

>> No.75895223

Kaela is Godess she gets pass

>> No.75895304

enjoy your 3 day vacation

>> No.75895380

Have you genuinely never watched Ina in your life? As in the Hololive streamer?

>> No.75895382


>> No.75895416

bye bye

>> No.75895472

she's talked about her mother making Korean food at home several times. Unless you're claiming her family are just massive gookboo white people I don't see how that doesn't mean she's Korean.

>> No.75895487

KFSisters have been really uppity since Kiara's woman moment, sit the fuck down before you embarrass yourself further

>> No.75895566

She knows enough to get invited by Pekora. If you know less than her then you have no chance at getting in.

>> No.75895593

At least pretend you understand the retarded rules here if you want to troll.

>> No.75895625

kfp and saplings are not friends. same shit with hoomans

>> No.75895715

I understand that people have been banned before for saying ina's race.

>> No.75895719

how does one know less than her when she knows less than anime weebs. pekora respects her grind

>> No.75895800

mario kart

>> No.75895848

You're the only one who brought her race into anything, I don't know why you need her to be white but I said you can have that if it makes you feel better.

>> No.75896018

>You're the only one who brought her race into anything
nuh uh

>> No.75896161

East and West aren't races, they are geographic locations.

>> No.75896271

Anon, you may stop replying to me now.

>> No.75896311
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If she had ignored the superchat there'd also be a 300 post rage thread.

>> No.75896420

>I can spam nonsense but don't you dare reply to me!

>> No.75896704

Q4 report draws ever closer, expect more and more bait threads about literally nothing

>> No.75897598

>because Fauna's manager is useless
How do you know that it's fauna's manager and not JP management? Get the fuck out of here with this drama bait

>> No.75898094

Oh you're so tough, aren't ya?

>> No.75898267

Holomembers ARE children. If they don't understand something, they won't ask. If they don't understand something, they can't be helped.

>> No.75898409

>getting invited to a discord for an open invite event is a yab
Okay sisters

>> No.75898712

Sisters, you should start working on your next """yab"""
When pego wakes up and this is not even mentioned because no one cares you'll probably have another graduation to cover up.

>> No.75898899
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Kiara didn't risk anything, all holomen are already invited by default

>> No.75899055

Pekora is number one because she is the complete opposite of Kiara. If there was drama, she wouldn't bring it up. A very rare example of her bringing up drama was to protect the one Holo she cares about (Marine) and she was totally in the wrong for defending that, so it's better when she doesn't get involved.

>> No.75899277

The managers still have to send the link to the server because japs are autistic about bureaucracy.

>> No.75899537

She wasn't in the wrong for defending Marine, at most she was in the wrong for not correctly evaluating the skill gap between Marine and the rest of the participants.
I guess so, but it has nothing to do with invitations. Kiara didn't risk anything since Fauna was always meant to be able to join.

>> No.75901203

Orange girl is a good senpai

>> No.75901483

I could agree that in truth her defending Marine was deflecting from the fact that she should have been the one being blamed. But I think she would have been better off saying nothing than admitting she was an extremely biased judge with her thumb on the scale.

>> No.75901504

She had to wait 2 days for a manager to do something?
Let's hope for no attempt.

>> No.75902459

There was no bias whatsoever, she just didn't have the heart to aprioristically disqualify Marine just because she was too skilled compared to the others. To be fair it was also the first time a holomen dominated a competition the way Marine did with Puyoteto, so I don't think anyone really expected that scenario.

>> No.75903259

I guess I'm suggesting she did that because it was Marine and you're saying she would have done it for anyone, but regardless she was biased in terms of what the point of the competition was because she had to reframe the whole thing to justify her friend without admitting any mistakes were made.

Suisei not participating suggested some members were adult enough to act appropriately and due to her role alone it can't be implied nobody saw the problem, people were pointing it out in regards to Marine already during the training arc.

>> No.75903496
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>ITT: sisters still seething about the Q4 report

>> No.75904937
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Seriously sisters?
This is what you're mad about?

>> No.75905734

Its because she's unicorn friendly

>> No.75905991

A little ambitious there arent we, Peko?

>> No.75906008

she should go straight to the source, pekomama

>> No.75906273

Kiara 10k when? lol

>> No.75906472
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>the mass samefagging at this and this thread in general

>> No.75906702
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Based chicken

>> No.75907092


>> No.75907368

>KFP latching onto Fauna
disgusting, stay away from her and stick to your orange nijiwhore

>> No.75907973

>people were pointing it out in regards to Marine already during the training arc
Yeah but at that point what were they supposed to do? Marine would have seemed arrogant to retire because she was too good, and Pekora would have looked like an asshole disqualifying her for that reason. Nobody was expecting that skill gap before things were already in motion, and at that point it was too late.
Suisei didn't participate because she was the one who proposed the tourney to Pekora, she was never meant to in the first place.
It didn't turn out a good competition, but for all intents and purposes, Pekora did the right thing.
Eh, she isn't even the least likely to join.

>> No.75908813

Someone post the fauna niji interactions list

>> No.75909007

but what will happen to the monke

>> No.75909196

Pekora (the friend) did the right thing. Pekora (the event host) did not.

>> No.75909232

Custody will rotate around each nousagi - one day each.

>> No.75909744

Great. Now tell Kiara to invite Bae, Mumei, and Kronii. I miss the old Minecraft collabs.

>> No.75913108

it's probably both given their track record. two idiots trying to communicate is going to lead to dumb stuff

>> No.75913451

What the fuck do the managers even get paid for if the talents always have to fix their mistakes?

>> No.75914036

Her manager and the holostaff maintaining the technical side of the server are retards who can't communicate effectively. Let's leave it at that. (because what else could the issue be?)

>> No.75914715

I guess so, but keeping their friendship intact was way more valuable than balancing the tourney. All in all, she made the right call.

>> No.75915176 [DELETED] 
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>KFP was Nijinigger all along

>> No.75915236
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most of KFP are SEA, please understand

>> No.75915595

Nooo what have you done? Now Fauna is indebted to Kiara, she'll have to spend an entire week living between her legs.

>> No.75916652
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nice try faggots but the OP got hijacked
so KFP and other people spammed it to bump limit and made a new one afterwards since the janny was deleting all new thread bakes

>> No.75916816
File: 740 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2024-05-16-05-45-57-795_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of made up stuff in this thread, Fauna's journal has been in the server since at least day 2

>> No.75916867

She still didn't have access though. In fact on today's stream she thanks Kiara for giving her access since she didn't have it before.

>> No.75917163

Blame it on staff

>> No.75917247

tourist spotted

>> No.75917353

Absolutely brutal

>> No.75917707

I blame Towa

>> No.75918666


>> No.75918877

>maxCCV 9810

>> No.75919142

Holy fuck
